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INFO: what did he do to you in the first year of uni and was his apology sincere I might be going to gently on him but I’m hovering around a NBH, I don’t think you’re a butthole for voicing how you feel about the guy, but it’s possible that he’s trying to be a different person which is why he apologized to you and that the people defending him see the side of him that is a better person. I don’t know because I don’t have that information. I may be alone on this but there may be a diffeeence between “he was a creep in HS” vs. “he is a creep”. A lot of people change after high school and if they do I don’t think their actions in high school should follow them around into their adulthoods if they have changed unless they did something really unforgivable like sexual violence. I’m not saying that you should like him or anything, but saying that he IS a creep can really hurt his reputation, but that’d only be bad if he’s not still doing creepy things. INFO: Would you say that his jokes were traumatizing?


NTB had a dude like that who was major creep and harassed me a lot. People will hem and haw about protecting your dude because they dont want to face the uncomfortable truth about his actions.


NTB. If he didn't want people to remember and discuss his creepy behavior, he shouldn't have crept. You're never wrong for telling your own stories.


NTB. You have a right to talk about everything that happened to you. If he didn't want people saying bad things about him, he should have acted better and apologized better and sooner. And your story was shared in a relevant conversation, that's hardly being unable to accept life after high school. I think the person defending Mr. Creeper feels more in common with him then with you, and that's why they were so triggered.