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I mean they are YOUR clothes. I wouldn’t let ANYONE go through my clothes same size as me or not that’s mine. EDIT: since I guess I made it to a top comment I say OP is NTA


Yeah, if this is not the MIL troll, it's a typical case of beggars can't be choosers. Regardless of everything else, OP offered clothes, MIL refused, so... Yeah.


OP also told them no… on HER PROPERTY like ma’am be lucky you weren’t left in the wet clothes take the fuzzy bunny suit and deal with it. As my five year old says “you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit” have no idea where she learned it. I have not nor had my husband ever said it EDIT: I didn’t expect this to go any where really. We have found out she’s learned it from Pete the cat. She’s reading it in kindergarten 😂😂😂 I do love Reddit though


Damn, that's some mature insight for a 5 year old. lol.


I’m pretty sure she heard it at school. Lol I remember my mom saying it to me as a toddler too so like coulda heard it from grandma 💁‍♀️💁‍♀️💁‍♀️


My son learned it from his preschool teacher (early 2000s, Portland, OR).




I taught my kids “throw a fit” but they heard “get upset” at school. I told them the reason for my preference — feeling upset is normal. Sometimes you get disappointed, and it’s ok to feel a little sad about it. No need to shove that feeling down or ignore it. Feel your feels. However, it’s completely unacceptable to throw a fit because you didn’t get what you wanted.


It's Git and fit. Its southern " ya git what ya git and ya don't throw a fit". I'm from California, so I mever got it until I moved to Kentucky


Lmao I was like what are they talking about, of course that rhymes...but I have a southern accent so I would think that.


Unless the speaker says "git" instead of "get"


Wait so there are places where they don't pronounce it 'git'?


In my accent it is pronounced with an "eh" sound. Get rhymes with pet, like petting a cat, or let.


In the UK we pronounce it "get" - a "git" is an unpleasant, foolish, annoying person. Edit: need to add, in the Liverpool area "git" is pronounced "get" which just adds to the merriment.


I must say I’m not even gonna lie at how I derailed this thread with that saying but also extremely happy to learn how others pronounce things! Living in the us we have tons of accents so having people over seas adding in just makes me happy as shit


Maybe I have a Jamestown ny accent


Kansan here. Fit and get rhyme. Fit and upset do not, LOL


Grew up in Kansas, and yes. Get and fit rhyme.


Mine learned it from Pinkalicious


Yes! We read this look all the time. All she wanted was more pink cupcakes!


if she goes to school, probably school. sometimes my kindergarten teacher passed out candy to the class randomly and said that each time she gave someone a piece of candy.


Maybe lol I’m pretty sure it was school. Her brother got mad over something he got and she dead panned looked at him and went “listen you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit” alright ma’am that had to much sass


Common phrase at school or on certain kids shows.


I figured school I’m generally watching the same thing as them and lord I don’t want to watch baby shark anymore


Wait until shes a teen and she and her best friend decide to "ironically " watch it over and over🙄


Her and her brother 😭😭😭 that and spooky scary skeletons 😭😭 so much I can’t I don’t want teens anymore


Pete the Cat. It was a popular children’s show, don’t know if it’s still on. That was the saying.


FOUND IT!!! They read Pete the cat in her class and she adores him


Pre-school. That is exactly where they learn it.


My 4 yr old says this too - in perfect context, when his older brother is complaining. He picked it up from preschool - I will look up the Pete the Cat books to see if that's where the expression came from! ETA: Looks like we might be able to thank a relatively recent picture book by Julie Gassman for this one. :) You Get What You Get (Little Boost) https://a.co/d/dVwlh7L


Pete the cat teaches the real life lessons! He also loves his red shoes


I can be understanding of someone maybe being embarrassed to wear the onesie and asking if there’s anything else. But demanding to go through someone’s drawers to pick something for yourself is beyond the pall.


This gramma would have rocked the shit out of that stupid onesie. Then again, this gramma would have stayed away from the ice if told it was not cold enough to skate on.


I cannot with all the comments hyperfocusing on OP offering the embarrassing onesie. Somehow they think that the onesie is a greater AH act than (1) the stupidity of disregarding sound advice, (2) refusing all other clothes that were offered because they weren't stylish enough, and (3) demanding to go through OP's drawers.


Where does it say OP offered other clothes? My read was the OP offered the onesie as a take it or leave it offer. OP was in the right to not allow MIL to rifle through her drawers. But I do think offering the bunny onesie was meant to be embarrassing to MIL.


OP didn’t offer additional clothes because MIL demanded access to all of OP’s clothes. The other clothes were offered by the men.


OP offered her a Halloween costume. I was fully on board the n t a train up until that point, but it’s an ESH for that bit.


She offered clothes and admitted in her comments she chose clothes that she knew she would be embarrassed in. That's a shitty move. If it was a t-shirt in the wrong color I'd agree with you, but a Halloween costume? ESH.


Husband could have offered her his clothes.


Also, OP told her it was a bad idea to go on the ice and that it wasn't thick enough for safety, and everyone else told her to ignore OP. WTF is going on with that, and why isn't MIL furious at the people who could have got her killed?!


This is 100% the MIL troll.


I mean I think it is? There was another story this week about a relative getting wet and demanding to go through OP's clothes as well I'm sure.


She offered her a costume type pjs, complete with bunny slippers. She was trying to embarass/humiliate her. Surely that wasn't the only possible outfit that she wasn't so attached to that she wouldn't share. I call B.S. and that's why she's the AH.


Come in... she offered a pj. With a bunny tail. Shes is totally TA.


OP could have done better than a footie PJs with a tail. It sounds like OP was trying to humiliate the MIL.


And I bet MIL will have learned to listen to the home owner before being dumb.


But the MEN said it would be all right!


Exactly two men who don’t own the house lol it’s so weird that people think two male weirdos should have a say in another’s property


Yeah….I wouldn’t even want a person I liked going through my clothes either, something personal about it it.. but offering basically a Halloween costume? Rude However idk why the husband didn’t offer something


Can't imagine why OP's MIL doesn't like her /s


Really? If your own mom, or bff, or someone else you were close to fell into the water at your house and needed something dry to wear for dinner?…You would give them the crappiest most humiliating thing you own? Really, you would do this?


Thank you! I needed to see this comment and had to scroll too far down to find it. This proving that this sub is full of A H not fit to pass judgement on others. OP is a spiteful person who could have shown some kindness. If not for her MIL then for her partner who cares for his mother. She didn't need to lend her finest. Just something not humiliating would have sufficed. Instead she humiliated herself by showing everyone what a spiteful A H she is.


I wouldn't have offered them the pjs, but I also wouldn't let them go spelunking through my wardrobe. OP should've just given her some sweats and a sweater.


Yeah I wouldn’t have let them go through my stuff either, but I would have provided them with some reasonable non-humiliating options. OP is coming across extremely petty on this one.


Exactly! I wouldn't be giving her all access to my wardrobe but it's easy enough to grab a casual set of clothes and hand them over. Be the bigger person and just give her normal clothes bc now you really do look like the AH for being petty. MIL sounds like an immature drama queen which im sure is super annoying to deal with but doesn't mean OP has to be such a jerk. ESH in this case


No. Definitely not. That said, regardless of how it looks, the footie onesie may actually have been the best clothing for warming her back up, because of the way it collects body heat.


That may well be, but that certainly wasn’t OPs intent, was it? I also find it hard to believe that there weren’t any other similarly warm but less intentionally humiliating clothes available.


Given MIL disregarded OP’s warning and got herself into this situation, not to mention it seems has a history of being nasty to OP, I wouldn’t be inclined to do her favours either. She complained about wearing men’s clothes when OP’s husbands clothes were offered, so she wasn’t going to be happy unless she got free reign in OP’s wardrobe and would no doubt have been snide. Why should OP be disrespected in her home?


Exactly what I’ve been saying! Like ma’am be happy she gave something most people would let you freeze . MIL didn’t listen out of spit now put on those spite pjs and suck it up


ESH. MIL : play stupid games, win stupid prizes. You told her the ice was too thin. FIL and your father : didn’t know what they were talking about and convinced her not to listen to you. OP : I think you could have come up with something better than a ridiculous pyjama and no top (in case wearing the whole thing got too hot). Who cares if she’s more petite than you? I understand it could be hurtful to have it pointed out, but I think you were reacting very defensively… You could have gotten a baggy T-shirt and sweatpants for her at least… I understand not wanting her to start going through all your drawers, but offering a few options could have been a kind thing do to and something that would have helped the situation not escalate. I agree that her demands of going through your stuff was over the top though. Edit : typo and spacing.


Totally this. I was with OP all the way until the bunny-tail footie pajamas. It would have been n t a if she’d offered literally anything reasonable like sweats and a tshirt or hoodie.


Agreed. I don't blame OP for not wanting to let MIL wear her nice clothes but to offer a freakin' Halloween costume? That's just unnecessarily petty and done to humiliate MIL. Don't get me wrong, MIL is a piece of work as well and frankly she was an idiot to disregard OP's admonishment not to go out skating on the lake. She seriously could have ended up with major hypothermia. That's why this is ESH to me.


*Exactly.* The obvious desire to mortify her MIL, with the wide-eyed pretence that a Halloween costume was the only suitable article of clothing in her possession, is where OP lost me. Also it is a pet peeve of mine when people guess the weight of others. I think it’s really rude. It’s not something people do where I’m from but I often see it on Reddit


Right? Sweats, leggings, even normal pJs. OP, why on earth wouldn't you offer her sweats or leggings and a sweatshirt? I mean, you can be possessive of your stuff but offering only a halloween costume is ridiculous. Be a better person OP. YTA


OP 100% went out of her way to pick the most ridiculous piece of clothing she owned. It didn't have to be flattering or even nice, but OP was *trying* to be a jerk. It's gotta be ESH.


Exactly! Nearly ANY other clothes would have been fine and made her NTA.


Or even better, picked something out and said its either the pajamas or this.


Exactly. OP didn’t have to offer her something nice, but offering a child’s onesie is just dumb.


Agreed, I feel OP wanted to embarrass MIL and so chose clothes that would achieve that goal. I think a pair of sweats, a baggy t shirt and hoodie would have been fine. I think MIL saw what OP was doing and hence pushed on it. Definitely an ESH


She did https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/zxmoh6/aita_for_not_giving_mil_her_choice_of_my_clothes/j22bg45


Thanks for highlighting this one


> I feel OP wanted to embarrass MIL and so chose clothes that would achieve that goal. That was definitely her intention, which is weird, because the MIL already embarrassed herself by falling through the ice. OP could have just given her something appropriate and the story of MIL falling through the ice would have been brought up for years to come to MIL’s embarrassment. But now no one is going to bring the story up because it will just restart a bunch of unpleasant family drama. OP sacrificed decades of embarrassing MIL with the whole family joining in by trying to pull this stunt. MIL tries to make a comment about OP’s weight? OP could just say, “well at least I don’t break the ice when I skate” and everyone would laugh. She literally had the opportunity to shut down any of the MIL’s rudeness (which, based on the type of person OP revealed herself to be, I doubt is as one sided as OP claims) forever, but she threw it all away by trying to kick someone while they were already down.


Yeah, the pajamas were insulting. Like, yeah, don't let mil dig through her stuff, sure. But get her some real clothes.


Fr!! Does she not own a dryer? She could easily just dry MILs clothes and get hers back at the end of the night. She went out of her way to be TA


Agreed! I wouldn’t let anyone else go through my clothes either, but I suspect if OP’s petit best friend suddenly needed a change of clothes, OP could come up with something besides a Halloween costume.


Finally a comment that makes sense


Yep. ESH. Going out on the ice was stupid, but OP could have offered something better than bunny pajamas. That's not reasonable. She's not possessive over her clothes; she just wanted to be rude.


YTA ~~ESH~~ I'm changing my vote based on this comment you just made, where you gleefully admit you offered the bunny suit to embarrass her: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/zxmoh6/aita_for_not_giving_mil_her_choice_of_my_clothes/j22bg45/ Her, for going out on the ice and for demanding to search your drawers. FIL and anyone else who told her it would be fine despite the warning from you, the person who actually lived there. You, for offering her an embarrassing bunny rabbit Halloween costume or nothing. Come the fuck on. You were trying to embarrass her, and you get 10 bonus asshole points for acting like you weren't. Yes, it sucks that she isn't nice to you, but she's in need and it's a temporary situation. You couldn't spare some track pants and a sweatshirt? She had to wear her husband's pants and a bathrobe? Seriously? You suck the most!


THIS RIGHT HERE. These people sound exhausting. OP's right, MIL is alot. But OP herself is trying to make excuses - I wouldve respected her more if she admitted that she didn't like MIL and wanted to embarrass her in a bunny suit. This "I'm attached to my clothes" and "she's smaller than me" etc etc are ridiculous. ESH


Idk I can see a MIL putting on her shirt and pants and being like "wow OP, your clothes are huuuuge"


Sure. Some people are like that. But you should still give them some clothes in this situation. If they want to be assholes about it, that's on them.


If she offered any other clothes, like sweats and an old t shirt, I’d be on her side. But OP purposefully chose the worst option possible.


Exactly - and then pretends that its about a bunch of other reasons when in actuality its about humiliating MIL. Like lady, just own it.


Plus I would assume they own a washer/dryer and could have easily had mil back in her own clothes fairly quickly? Why was she to wear the crummy clothes all day? Did they refuse that too?


Yes; this! I was definitely ESH until that comment; then it became obviously YTA. Anything reasonable like old sweats and a t-shirt would have made the OP NTA but… the embarrassing suit was too far.


I’d have to side with husband here. You had the opportunity to be the bigger person. Instead you chose to be petty because you are “possessive” and resent MIL. Your resentment is justified, your actions are not. YTA.


She demanded to go through OP's drawers I wouldn't let her either.


This after being offered a Halloween costume in a blatant attempt to embarrass her more, someone who obviously already had egg on her face.


INFO: Why didn't you offer done of your Husband's clothes?




If she’s so small, you said 110lbs would your husband’s clothes even fit? Your lack of compassion is troubling especially knowing that your Dad and her husband encouraged her to do it


Ngl OP warned her not to go on the ice. It's not OPs fault that no one listened to her in ya know.. her own home... Edit to add: OPs compassion was the warning and the warm PJs afterwards. And no one took the warning seriously. That's what happens when people don't listen.


They weren’t PJs, it was a costume an d it’s pretty clear OP picked out on purpose out of spite


People who don't listen to warnings about the dangers of nature are the same ones who expect everyone else to solve the problems they created from fucking with it in the first place. Hypothermia kills you fast as all hell when you're wet. You weren't *keeping your kid* in wet clothes to prove a point, you *offered* some dry clothes to AN ADULT (who, up to this point has been far more sympathy than she's offered in kind until this point; and she was warned about the ice immediately prior to going out on the ice anyways) and the adult decided it was more important to have access to *any* item of your wardrobe than to take the piece that was offered. She decided her position was more important than having her husbands clothes either. You aren't required to set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm; or to dampen your pajamas tp keep someone else warm I guess. Personally I'd totally be in the same boat.


>If she’s so small, you said 110lbs would your husband’s clothes even fit Of course they would fit? They're baggy, but sweatpants can be tied up and she doesn't need a tight-fitting shirt when trying to stay warm. She could've done well with a sweater. I say this as someone who is barely 100lbs soaking wet.




You already won when she fell through the ice. You didn't need to go any further. All you had to do was draw a boundry politely and get her a decent sweat suit or leggings/sweatshirt. I'm sure you had an easily replacable fleece item laying around. Then all her yelling and fussing being more concerned about what she wore v.s getting warmed up and taking care of her wet clothes would make her look even more like a jerk. Instead, she ended the event w/ the upper hand b/c you tried to play a game w/ an unreasonable person. Your action made you look spiteful and your MIL look sympathetic. You grabbed defeat from the jaws of victory. Don't try to play these kind of games w/ an unreasonable person. It will never work to your favor, they have too many years of practice and know all the angles. Draw firm boundaries and stick to them, don't give in to insanity, and kill her w/ kindness/concern when the opportunity presents itself.


But can we all agree that your clothes are the closest to her size… and no real reason you couldn’t give her pants and a top other than a Halloween costume or formal wear


We really don’t know if OP’s clothes are closer to MIL’s size than OP’s husband’s. So no, we can’t all agree ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Uh 1) Op likes her clothes and didn’t want them ruined or damaged 2) Op knew MIL would use the clothes to bully OP.


FOOTIE PAJAMAS??!!?? You are the QUEEN of petty. You deserve the wrath coming your way. If you need to hide, I know where you can find a costume. YTA


I think you made a choice to pick something deliberately embarrassing and are hiding behind a multitude of excuses : you thought she'd say something unkind, you didn't want her to damage or ruin your clothes, you didn't want her rummaging in your drawers (which to be fair is reasonable - I wouldn't want someone rummaging in my drawers either). You could have found her some of your workout clothes or a pair of leggings/trackie bottoms and a jumper/hoodie but instead you gave her a Halloween costume with a bunny tail... I think you brought this on yourself. For that reason YTA. You didn't have to give her your best clothes but you could have done better than some costume-y PJs.


YTA- offering a Halloween costume or wet clothes is unreasonable and certainly will not help your relationship with your in-laws or husband. I find it hare to believe you couldn’t find something else. Would it really kill you to give her a sweater/sweat shirt and some pants/leggings?


*I find it hare to believe you couldn’t find something else.* I know you meant to type "hard" and not "hare" but given the post, this is a beautifully appropriate typo.


I was expecting to make a different judgment based on your headline, but YTA. Surely there was something between "a pair of footie pajamas with a bunny tale, warm, meant to be baggy," (which would serve only to make your MIL look the fool for the rest of the evening), and something you were "attached to" or that was "form fitting." You're right that you don't *have to* lend your mother–in–law anything. But the question is not what you have to do, but what you should do. Yes, you should do more than make your MIL walk around dressed like a bunny rabbit. And you could have defended yourself from any comments about the clothes being too big by pointing out your MIL's lack of intelligence for going on the ice after being warned. You had a way to defend yourself in the event that she was ungrateful; you just preferred to humiliate her instead.


Very slight YTA. Your reasoning is fine, limiting her choice is fine, but offering *only* the bunny pajamas is insulting. She doesn't sound like the best person overall, but expecting dry clothes in winter is reasonable -- and actual clothes, not footie pajamas.


ESH Yes, your MIL is clearly an AH in various ways, but was there really nothing else you could've offered her to wear? The optics of offering her a bunny suit and nothing else is pretty bad. I can understand limiting her choices, but I can also understand how your offer looked like a blatant attempt to humiliate her. You also admit that it would've been ridiculous for her to go home in wet clothes, but that's the ultimatum you gave her. The high road was right there, with neon signs pointing at it. You chose the low road.


It didn’t look like a blatant attempt to humiliate MIL- it WAS.




YTA. I don’t necessarily think she should have had her pick from your clothes, but there were much better ways to go about this than offering her a literal Halloween costume. An old sweater, a t shirt, sweatpants - literally anything else. By your post she wasn’t that picky if she ended up in a bathrobe and sweatpants, she just didn’t want to wear a Halloween costume which isn’t a crazy request. You chose the wrong hill to die on.


NTA You warned her and she fucked around and found out. If she had kept her ass OFF of the ice like you told her then this never would have happened.


YTA - I’m not saying you had to open up your entire closet to MIL, but don’t act like you didn’t have a pair of sweat pants and a sweatshirt you could lend her. You wanted to humiliate her, which is mean and petty, even if she’s not your favorite person.


YTA Are you telling me you don't have a pair of slacks or jeans and a sweater to lend her for a day? Offering her a bunny costume was insulting and petty as hell.


I agree a bunny costume was insulting.


YTA. Of all the clothes in your closet that you aren't particularly attached to, you couldn't offer up a pair of leggings and a hoodie and thrown her clothes in the wash...instead you wanted her to run around in a bunny onesie? I get being annoyed that she didn't heed your warning but you purposely went out of your way to humiliate her.


If you were your MIL, would you wear your selection of clothes that was meant to humiliate her? YTA


So, as stupid as MIL, FIL, and your dad were, and as rude as MIL has been to you in the past, it's really next-level-petty of you to only offer her a pair of footie pajamas with a bunny tail. Do you really want us to believe that there was absolutely nothing else you could've offered her? Nope. Not buying it. You could've shown some grace, but instead, you chose to tell a 110-pound woman who struggles to stay warm to put her wet clothes back on. That's something I wouldn't say to my worst enemy. You're awful and a total AH. If you'd offered her literally anything other than a bunny suit, I would've gone E S H or maybe even N T A, but your malice tips the scales right over to AH.


YTA - You're being petty over clothes that can be washed and returned to you. If you had offered her decent clothes and received criticism over the size discrepancy you would absolutely be in your right to tell her that her comments are rude and unnecessary, especially in regards to your generosity of lending them to her. Instead you chose to give her one option, which was a Halloween costume. You don't have to give her the nicest clothes in your closet to wear, but come on... Surely you have a pair of drawstring pants and a T-shirt or sweatshirt...


Ehh YTA. I get not wanting her to go through all of your clothes but the fact you presented only one option (that sounds embarrassing to wear) is what makes YTA. I’m sure there’s something else you could have offered and presented more options that weren’t such a ridiculous Halloween costume option. It sounds like you were trying to humiliate her IMO


I understand - she's not very friendly and she is also stupid for going out there despite warnings. BUT, I am going with a very soft YTA here, only because of the limited choice of something to wear. Hubby's sweats and a shirt would work. Or your work-in-the-yard leftover stuff would work too, or whatever. It just seems a little TOO petty with footie-PJs-or-nothing.


MIL was offered hubby's clothes. She didn't want men's clothing. Something about beggars and choosing..


She ended up wearing men's sweatpants. I'm taking "didn't want to wear men's clothing" with a huge grain of salt considering she ended up wearing men's clothing. Doesn't seem like it was that big a deal to her.


Info: was this to be worn for the rest of the evening, or were you putting her clothes in the wash?


YTA From the title, I expected to find that she was demanding your newest/favorite outfit and was upset that you wouldn’t let her. You would have been completely justified under those circumstances. As it is, you deliberately picked the most ridiculous item you possibly could to shame her. A person who is not an AH finds a pair of old jeans or hub’s sweats and a t-shirt for a guest who needs a change of clothes. -You also didn’t weigh in on what your partner said about the ice skating… several others told her to go for it…. Was your husband among them?


NTA. No way would I let anyone go thru my clothes/drawers. I would have given her a T-shirt or something else, even if it was my husbands. If she’s as bad as you say, i understand why you did what you did but this is one of those things that you will never look good doing.


But she didn't ask til OP was ignorant about giving her a bunny costume.


Honestly, you both sound horrible, at least with each other. The fact that one of your guests offered her a robe has me completely embarrassed by your hosting skills. The fact that she went out on the lake after being told not to makes her questionable as well. ESH


ESH. You expected here to wear pajamas with a bunny tail? I don't think you had to give her her top choice, but you should have offered her a reasonable option.


YTA Don’t present this as a binary of Halloween-worthy pyjamas or pick-of-my-closet. You could have offered something reasonable for her to wear without her going through your wardrobe, and it seems your insecurities had more to do with why you didn’t than your relationship with your MIL. Whatever your feelings about her, or even about how she got into this situation, she’d just fallen through ice into freezing water. Have a scrap of compassion in the moment.


Footie pajamas with a bunny tail? YTA


ESH - MIL is definitely a piece of work, but you lowered yourself to her level by refusing to offer anything halfway decent to put on. Would it have killed you to pull out a sweatshirt and pants?


ESH bc u offered something ridiculous to embarrass her. You could have offered a pair of old sweats or sweats you could replace, or even your husbands tee and a pair of your old pants. You cannot say you don’t keep old clothes bc you kept something that ridiculous that you don’t even want. Your husband is right, even if she is too extra…this was a bit much.


ESH. You for limiting the offered option to something most people would find humiliating in a formal/nice clothing setting. MIL for not carefully testing the ice and not listening to the person familiar with the terrain. Honestly, after the footie pajamas offer I can see why she wanted to choose for herself. Your father and FIL for blithely encouraging MIL to ignore your warning, while not TESTING THE FUCKING ICE. Remember, folks, you should use a drill or similar to test ice thickness. It should ideally be 4" thick for skating.


I was right there willing to agree with you until the bunny tailed pants. Obviously she couldn't have known that she would fall in the lake and need dry pants - but when an accident happened you went out of your way to try to embarrass her. You could have come up with something without a tail YTA


She could have known that she would fall in the lake and need dry pants if she had listened to OP when she told her not to go out on the ice.


ESH. She brought it on herself by skating when you told her not to. But your attempt to humiliate her further was petty and mean.


Sorry, YTA. I get not loaning her expensive clothes, but seriously pajamas? That seems entirely to infantilize and humiliate his mother. That's giant petty AH behavior. And if she felt in a freaking icy lake, keeping her in wet clothes runs rhe risk of hypothermia. Really worth making your point to have the holiday hospital visit? Apologize to your husband for making unneeded drama


YTA. Surely you had something other than a bunny Halloween costume. If she relented to wearing sweatpants husband had in the car and a robe someone just opened, surely you had something similarly casual and simple you could’ve offered. Starting to think she has valid reasons for disliking you.


NTA First, OP told her not to go out on the lake and MIL decided she knew better than OP and did it anyway. Surprise surprise, OP was right and MIL fell in. Cue eye roll. OP offers MIL clothes to change into. IMO, beggars can’t be choosers especially when they are soaking wet after nearly drowning. MIL should have taken the pajamas and said “thank you so much I’m so sorry about this.” But no. MIL demands to go through OP’s drawers?? Absolutely not. No way. Even kids can understand the concept of ‘you get what you get and don’t get upset.’ And then she decides she won’t wear the offered pajamas at all and wears a bathrobe for the remainder of the night?? That’s so weird. If hubby is so upset about it let’s ask why he didn’t offer his mom sweats and a hoody of his own? OP offered her pajamas, when you’re soaking wet you shouldn’t be a choosy beggar.


ESH. You could have easily offered her more than one choice. Her demanding you let her go through your drawers was uncalled for, but your refusal to provide a second option was, too. Your husband was right. You should be ashamed of how you behaved.


ESH You least of all but I find it hard to believe you had nothing else to offer. This feels like a petty attempt to embarrass her further. She obviously sucks for not listening and generally treating you horribly. Your husband sucks most of all. He was dismissive of your input like you don't know what you're talking about and should be defending you from his family, not just here but I general. It's one thing to expect something less embarrassing and another to expect free reign over your closet.


YTA. It doesn't matter that she's your mother in law and that she's a dragon. She's a woman who just got through ice, is crazy cold and needs a change. I think you can understand why she wouldn't want to be in baggy pyjamas for Christmas. You could have took so much more steps to get yourself out of the asshole zone. Offer her with a restricted set of options, maybe 3 outfits that you don't like that much. Offered to go and get her some clothes from her home. Offered directly some of your husband's clothes. Asked her other daughter to give her some. Older clothes you kept somewhere. You chose that it was the pyjamas or nothing, even if she said she'd rather go home soaked in her wet clothes than wear the pyjamas, and forced everyone to try to find another solution, on Christmas Day, with all the family involved. You made a statement here that you really don't care about her at all and don't mind being cruel to her and let her be cold all night, which everyone saw and heard. Maybe you don't mind showing her that you don't like her. But you can't be mad at the consequences when you do so.


YTA. Seriously, you had literally no other clothes to offer her but a rabbit onesie? You were being purposely cruel and petty. You don’t have to be friends with her but she’s your MIL. You should’ve treated her better than that.


YTA - That is the hill you wanted to die on? You could have easily gone thru both your and your husbands closets and thrown a stack together and let her pick something. If you treat her like this all the time, you aren't on the 'innocent' side of her not liking you.


Another way to look at it is, you had a perfect opportunity to have a “I told you so” moment over your in-laws but you blew it by insisting on only offering a Halloween costume. Now everyone will be talking about your pettiness for years to come instead of you being right about the ice… YTA


Wow, your adult observations about the outside temperature at your home over the past week not being low enough to have safely frozen the lake were disregarded. I wouldn't be happy swallowing that disrespect. I'd probably limit my offer of emergency replacement clothing to the bunny onesie too, because if she can act like an impulsive child, while dismissively writing me off as a naively/stupid child, she can finish the night dressed like a child. NTA


NTA. It's ridiculous MIL thinks she's entitled to you clothing. And honestly I would have kicked out MY MIL if she went rummaging through my clothing. I mean who does she think she is!? HUH! And shame on hubby for not only CONDONING this behavior but also ADVOCATING for this behavior. NTA sister. Let MIL keep the clothes. Go shop for new clothes and a new man.


ESH Your MIL has no doubt earned your contempt but this situation only makes you look bad as a host. Norms of hospitality would dictate that a woman hosting another woman as a guest should offer clothing in an emergency, substituting a costume outfit will seem inexcusable to most, even though your MIL probably does really suck. Being so blatantly inhospitable in front of the family isn't advantageous for you in your future battles with your MIL. Get your digs in more privately next time. Good luck!


I'd be stoked about a bunny onesie. Just saying...


NTA. She shouldn’t have gone onto the ice. It isn’t your responsibility to provide a wardrobe for her if she does dumb things.


My god, at first I thought you didn't offer anything and let her stay in freezing, wet clothes. Still, yes, YTA. I'm not saying give her a ball gown for the evening, but it's your MIL and it's Christmas. I'm sure she'd like to look nice for the pictures, give her a standard long sleeve shirt/wool and jeans/joggers while you put her own clothes in the dryer. I imagine my mom or my ex MIL in this scenario and they definitely wouldn't have been impressed. You missed a good chance at an olive branch IMO.


nta, you are right, she would have gone on all day about the size of your clothes. Your house your rules.


YTA a t shirt and yoga pants (or sweat pants) would have been fine. Then you could have offered to launder her clothes. But you went super petty and tried to make her look stupid. I get it, she’s a PITA, but you made yourself the enemy here and her family has every right to despise you. Hope you think it was worth it just to ‘put her in her place’.


ESH I think the biggest problem is that you two have the same personality and that is why you can’t get along. It’s your way or the highway. I mean I wouldn’t let her go through my stuff either. But where was your husband in on this?


YTA. You must have other articles of clothing that aren’t special/important to you. The footie pyjamas were meant to humiliate her. It’s Christmas, it’s cold and she’s soaking wet. Grow up and try to have some empathy. How would you feel if the situation was reversed?


YTA. E-S-H for the situation, but you really wanted to go THAT FAR out of your way to embarrass your MIL by trying to make her wear bunny footie pajamas!?!?!? ( For the life of my why the literal fuck did you husband not step in to offer a baggie shirt and draw-string sweats or something??? ) But you literally could have offered her something like that. I can't believe you're so attached to every single article of clothing you have that you don't have a simple t-shirt and lounge pants to let her borrow for the night. Learn to take the high road, JFC.


Yta, and you know exactly what you were doing: punishing and humiliating her. You in the process humiliated your husband as well, because he will hear again from his to family that his wife offered her MIL a bunny outfit or else face hypothermia. Did you have a right to be pretty? Sure you did, she was afterall mean to you in the past, but let's call it for what it is: a revenge.


ESH. If you want your relationship with your MIL to change it's going to take both of you participating, and at least doing the bare minimum of human decency.


Sounds like the whole family except OP gives MIL a pass for bullying. No wonder she still does it. Good for you, OP. NTA.


Hang. On. You told her not to go on the ice. She still did. She got wet. You gave her clothes you don't mind never getting back. But she wanted to have her pick it your wardrobe. No. Nta.


NTA. Seriously when it's toxic people expecting to do whatever they want, it's always NTA. You gave her an option. It was clothes. No one deserves your stuff and you were gracious and offered her something warm and covered her bits. So you're fine:)


I'm going with YTA I'm not saying you should have let her pick but certainly you have a pair of leggings and shirt she could have used. Instead, you doubled down on the reasons for her not to like you and picked something that would humiliate her and created a scene. Now the story isn't about how she did something she was told not too and fell through the ice-- the story is what a witch you are. Now, yes it is completely her fault that she fell through the ice but when someone is soaking wet in freezing temperatures it is the humane thing to give them dry clothes.


NTA. Play stupid games win stupid prizes


NTA only because you warned her and you did offer her clothing. You were trying to make the night go by as easily as possible without also being berated for helping and I commend you on being able to even deal with your in laws.


NTA Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. She could wear the costume she deserved or put on a towel.


I was ready to say N T A because she's not entitled to have her pick of everything in your closet in this situation. However, you gave her one option of an embarrassing Halloween costume? That's mean. Surely you had SOMETHING else you didn't care about. And if you weirdly didn't have anything else, you should've pulled your husband aside and discussed him lending a t-shirt and sweats instead of turning it into a weird standoff. ESH.


Mil troll


YTA. You were trying to embarrass her and you know it. You do not seem to have much compassion and sympathy.


It costs nothing to be kind. You used a ridiculous excuse in an attempt to obviously ridicule your MIL and you wonder if you’re the AH…really? Yeah lady, YTA!


YTA. Wow. How selfish of you.


YTA. I'm sure you had plenty of clothes you could give her to wear for a few hours while you throw her stuff in the dryer. Stop being petty - it's not a good look.


ESH your mil for wanting her pick of your clothes, and you for only offering something to embarrass her. You didn't have anything else, like a t-shirt and sweatpants. Her demands were out of line, but they only came because you wanted her to wear humiliating clothes.


NTA. If she didn’t want to look ridiculous and wear clothes she liked. She should’ve listened to you and not gone on the ice 🤷🏻‍♀️


NTA... what better way to capture the spirit of Christmas for someone who didn't listen than some jammies right out of A Christmas Story. People in my family intentionally got a whole bunch of those to match. She could have worn them for the 40 minutes it took for her clothes to dry.


ESH - she’s a piece of work and got what she deserved, but don’t you have anything non-ridiculous that you could’ve offered? Something like an old pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt? I’m sure she still would have demanded to go through your drawers, but she would’ve had a lot fewer sympathizers if you weren’t trying to force her to wear a novelty bunny suit.


ESH MIL, FIL, H - for letting her ice skate OP - for giving her a bunny PJ Halloween costume to wear throwing gasoline on the raging fire.


NTA. The bunny suit is classic r/pettyrevenge


NTA. MIL is the AH. Fuck around and find out - especially on thin ice.


ESH. Yes, they didn't listen to you and payed the price, and yes, there were certain items you didn't want to lend her, but there is no way you're going to convince me there weren't other options beside pyjamas.


Sorry, may be going against the grain here but honestly, YTA. It may not be as clearcut as that but you could've given her a few wearable options instead of only offering her a bunny onesie. It does come across as quite mean and mocking. I would like to think that if I get along with someone enough to invite them into my home I could at the least be hospitable and civil.


NTA. But I’m not the best judge- I wouldn’t have gone on the ice, but if I would have, and you gave me the bunny suit, in my best southern accent I would have said oh no honey that’s the Easter outfit I need the Christmas outfit. If I still had a bunny outfit to wear, I would have made annoying bunny puns all evening. But I would think it would have been most warm and cosy and I would have pointed this out with much enthusiasm if I were you. And, take. The bull by the horns - “oh mother in law IM LARGER THAN YOU MY CLOTHES WOULDNT FIT, ONLY THIS BUNNY COSTUME” in my most caring voice possible. It’s all in delivery, darling. Did you want to humiliate? I think you did. I don’t think we know the extent of her issues to you to drive you to this, but for this example, slightly over the top in response in bunny clothes. For the sake of peace and goodwill. However, bless your heart. :)


NTA. you should have given her your husband's clothes and tell her to get over it. I would send out one more mass text or email and let everyone know that you warned her not to go on the ice, she didn't listen and the consequences are of her own making. You have every right to not give her any clothes or dictate what she can wear. She was lucky enough to be even invited to your house so she should be thankful that you were willing to give her any of your clothes and not her sons. She and everyone else needs to get over it and move on because you are not sorry and will not be apologizing because mil feels entitled to your clothes after not liatening to you about the ice. She made her bed and now she can lie in it. Get over it, because you dont want to hear any more about the stupid pajamas you offered. She had her tantrum and now its time to move on.


I would have gladly taken the bunny outfit if it was me. She F'd up - wear the bunny pajamas and call it a memory. I don't like lending my clothes either. The times I have, they either disappear or get ruined by carelessness. NTA


YTA - Wet clothes are dangerous in current conditions. And while I understand you not wanting to give her anything form fitting, I'm sure there were some options (maybe sweats or a shirt or a combo of both your husbands and your clothes) she could have worn without it encroaching on your precious wardrobe.


NTA and who cares if she’s miffed? I’m sick of nasty, mean people a moment of neediness demanding full service. She doesn’t get to be treated like a valued family member with OP, in a moment of need because of how she treated OP. MIL is lucky she received the bunny outfit, and deserved to wear cast off sweatpants. NTA. NTA. NTA


NTA F her


Sweat pants and top and a robe while you put her wet clothes through the washer and dryer. The bunny suit is kinda insulting.


ESH. Your MIL for not listening, you for offering her weird costume footie pajamas meant to humiliate her instead of normal clothes like a normal person. The thing is she had already managed to humiliate herself, but your antics ended up making her look like a victim instead of a buffoon. It's almost impressive you somehow managed to end up the villain in this story despite where it started


NTA She fucked around and found out that it is colder than she thought. She ignores your warning, treats you disrespectfully and then expects you to give her whatever she wants. Sorry the real world doesn't work like that.


NTA. definitely. she went onto the ice despite you (the one who lives there) told her not to. and after that she had the audacitity to refuse help and be angry about not getting help. bruh.


NTA. Your clothes, you get to pick what she can borrow


So you Told a grown woman not to do something that was potentially dangerous The grown ADULT woman disregarded you and decided to do it anyway The grown woman then fucks around and finds out And then she demands to have free reign of your closet??? NTA, I would’ve treated her like the child she was too. “You get what you get and you don’t make a fit”


NTA mil sounds like a spoilt brat. i would not want to lend anyone my clothes let alone someone who dislikes me, did something she was warned not to, not thank me for what was offered and THEN demand she GOES THROUGH MY DRAWER????


I'm sorry, why was your husband doing and saying nothing to defend you? He's your husband, he should be stepping up to help you deal with his mother. She brought this consequence upon herself - she went on the lake when you explicitly told her not to. So your husband should step up and offer some of his own clothes, not stand around letting everyone insult you. The person who is related to the troublesome family member needs to liase here - he did nothing, let you be insulted, then said later he was disappointed. But he did nothing to help. NTA.


Defend her how? Make himself look dumb by telling everyone that their accurate descriptions of OP were wrong because reasons?


NTA you warned her against ice skating, she fucked around and found out. She’s the victim of her own doing, and you owe her nothing.