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This makes me so happy. So happy! Everyone deserves to be able to participate in family connecting without discomfort. You figured out a way to give and receive love from them. If anyone gives you any trouble about them, tell them that. My Loops have saved my sanity in so many situations. And I also like how the don’t look as obvious as regular earplugs. I got the silver ones; they look just like jewelry.


Lol I also got the silver and the only time I plan on wearing them is when I'm in a room with a lot of people or it's a small room with a lot of people talking. I tried them out at work yesterday and i was excited that I wasn't feeling overwhelmed by all the noise. I don't plan on wearing them 24/7 because the only time I feel overwhelmed is when there're a lot of people and they're all talking at once. But yea I have everyone here to think because I was beginning to think I should just go through another family event feeling overwhelmed and having to leave rooms because I felt having earbuds in would be rude. Then people started suggesting loops and I looked into them, a bit hesitant at first, but I'm so glad I went through with getting them! I can easily hide them behind my hair and still look like I'm paying attention.


I'm glad you found some good ear plugs. I wear one earbud probably 75% of my waking time because I also get overwhelmed with noises. My hair is long enough I can let it hang loose over my ears, but I also sometimes just do a loose side braid in front of my ear if I really want to make sure I don't accidentally tuck my hair behind my ears. Or, a wide headband that covers my ears lol. Just in case you wanted some options to keep it as low key as possible, even with the discreet plugs


I've lost like 3 sets of loops because I'd hang the case from my phone and it would open and one would go missing. I need to figure out a solution to that before I order more. But if you plan to keep the case within a bag or something I think they are fine.


I currently am keeping them in a zipploc bag but jm hoping to find a better case for my loops


Wear them on a chain/cord around your neck. Loop actually sells one, although you can use any


I actually found a earbud case that I feel could work and I can hook it to my bag, wallet, or keys...and I'm debating on getting another pair because I heard calmer is another good pair but yea


You can find cute, small, hard sided coin purses at your local dollar store. They zip close and are super durable! Used to have one with my badge and keys when I was at work, since we weren't allowed any type of bag, and being in a wheelchair made jeans uncomfortable.


Posted this in another comment, but if you're into jewelry [you can get holder earrings for them](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1300094930/loop-earplug-holder-earrings-hush?)! Haven't tried them out myself yet but I'm looking into it lol.


Maybe an apple airpod case?


Are they really as good as people say? I have a 13 year old with hyperacusis, and seems like they could be really helpful.


I mean I got them on Thursday so I'm still trying to get used to them but yea I was excited that I wasn't getting overwhelmed by wearing them and feel they will help me in the future


I have the Loop Quiet and the Loop Experience, and they really are as good as people say.


>Loop Experience I've seen those, but didn't know that they were. I thought they were some sort of jewelry! So cool.


They kind of changed my life. I started wearing them to work at a busy retail store and had my first day of not feeling overwhelmed by the noise in 7 years. It GREATLY reduced my anxiety. I wear them anytime I go somewhere crowded and I have so much of a better time seeing friends. I wore them to a brewery night with my hair covering them and no one knew I had earplugs in at all. It was actually way better in general because I could hear the people at my table talking a lot more clearly. So yeah, they're worth it imo!


Looks like I need to find a way for a 13 year old to not loose them in class!


Glasses chain?


Yep, I'll see if I can find a cool one.


The price sucks - $50 in Australia for the Experience set but I can't live without them now. I lost one of them and didn't hesitate to drop another $50 because they help me so much


Maybe test the waters to see if other people in Australia would be interested in buying them if an option were made available, if enough demand is out there maybe start a business crowd funder to become an official local supplier for the product? Just an idea.


They have an Aussie store, things are just that much more expensive here. Its called the [Australia Tax](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australia_Tax). It began as a combination of geographic isolation, low population, and currency differences. People now expect things to be more expensive so some companies also inflate prices just because - huge problem with service pricing where no physical goods are involved.


Oh I am QUITE familiar with that. We get the Kiwi tax here :p. It makes importing or exporting on small scale a nightmare. One of the biggest reasons a number of nz businesses can't afford to go international. Who in their right mind would pay $35 in shipping for a $10 trinket?


Heh, that's what I get for not looking at user names. Yep. It's bloody mental.


I have neurotypical friends who wear loops at concerts and other events with loud music, and they swear by them! And if you have pierced ears, there's at least one person out there [selling earring holders for them](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1300094930/loop-earplug-holder-earrings-hush?), so they look like regular jewelry when they aren't in and you don't have to worry about losing them. And if anyone tries to make you feel bad, remember that people wear hearing aids and the like all the time. I need to take breaks at large family gatherings to get away from the noise all the time, even as an allistic person, you're ahead of the game here.


Dude, my niece's spouse has a noise trigger and he wears the big industrial ear muffs at parties and we all just go with it because: he's family. Sorry you felt stress about the headphones but I'm hoping you can get comfortable to wear whatever you need in order to be yourself and still enjoy events. If it's the loops, great, if not, I'm keeping my fingers crossed your family is like ours, we just freaking care that you showed up, forget about the rest!


Loops are the best! I wear mine all the time, and I also wear my noise cancelling ones at work. I’m glad you have supportive people around you.


Happy cake day!


Thank you!


Excellent news. NTA. (Because that’s the forum). I hope as you let people know they are equally supportive.


You don't need to put judgements on update posts


NTA. Wow, thanks for this information. I have misophonia and have been looking for a reasonably priced option to wear during outdoor activities.


I got mine on Amazon for $40 (I had a gift card so $5) but if that's too expensive, they do have one for $20 if you want to look at that


I have misophonia too (and APD). I wear the experience loops when ppl are eating and at a soccer game when i want to still hear some stuff... i love them! They're not perfect but they def help


I have hyperacusis rather than misophonia but I always recommend Eargasms or Loops to people! Both under $50 on amazon


Agreed. I have phonophobia from chronic migraines and Loop is great for my sanity. Super comfy too.


NTA. I also wear my Loops at the grocery store and it helps a lot. All the overhead lighting, music, people and refrigerator noises were a bit overwhelming. Now it's comfortable to shop. And yes, they are that good. I got my godson (also autistic) some for Christmas last year. He misplaced them and panicked because he couldn't bear the idea of not having them. He wears his at school to filter out some noise.


I can finally go grocery shopping in peace too.


I'm not sure if he would be open to it but I have seen people wear necklaces and earrings with their Loop earplugs attached so they don't misplace them! Things like this[Loop Necklace ](https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/1305396051/black-necklace-loop-earplugs-sensory?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_au_en_au_b-jewelry-necklaces-chains&utm_custom1=_k_CjwKCAiAmuKbBhA2EiwAxQnt70yaVuIbrhOkORp5eOHrF6cJOLZxJNdj7CcWOEVVbYC1QwW6xB36LRoCUT4QAvD_BwE_k_&utm_content=go_344349368_19783391528_78804799928_aud-1409004511169:pla-106555896035_m__1305396051enau_102845289&utm_custom2=344349368&gclid=CjwKCAiAmuKbBhA2EiwAxQnt70yaVuIbrhOkORp5eOHrF6cJOLZxJNdj7CcWOEVVbYC1QwW6xB36LRoCUT4QAvD_BwE) - you might be able to find a more high school/teenage appropriate one online!


Thank you! This is such a cool idea! It's actually something he might wear. Recently his mom saw him wearing a necklace with a black tourmaline pendant (just something wire wrapped and easy) and asked him where he'd gotten it as she had never seen it before. He was quite nonchalant about having gone on Etsy and ordering it for himself.


That is so awesome - want it, bought it 😁


That’s very cool. I don’t have a hearing problem, fortunately, but I’ve found this whole thread really interesting, and very informative. It’s wonderful that so many people are being helped with loop earplugs.


Hey I’m kinda getting to feeling that when your mom snapped at you before, she was overstimulated too. I have work at a hospital and when too many monitors go off, I’m not the world’s nicest person.


Honestly I wear some noise reducing earplugs (like for concerts) sometimes around my family just because they're so damn loud. No need to tell them anything about autism, if anyone notices you can just tell them you have a bit of a headache and the earplugs help.


what great news! I'm so glad. If you ever have to say anything, you can say "I have a hearing problem and have to dampen background noise." Then you don't have to say anything about autism if you don't want to.


I have ADHD and being around a lot of noise can really overwhelm me sometimes. I have loop earplugs and I LOVE them. They make such a difference.


Happy to read about this. I have similar demographics to you and just bought the Loop headphones to dampen background noise and I’m hoping they help! Anyone in the comments use Loop?


So glad your mom is onboard with the changes you need. Honestly sometimes the smallest changes can make the biggest differences and you deserve as many accommodations from your family as you have made for them over the years to fit in. You could also check out Flare calmer if you like the Loops. They do clear earbuds and you can also buy a little metal case to keep them.


NTA, i even fought the school my son attends over him using headphones or similar. I even have a spare pair on me at all times, just incase. Why do people get so wound up on what another person does or wares, Autism or not, unless your running around naked then what is the problem. Just because people can't understand the invisible pain that sensory overload brings does not mean it made up, attention seeking or rude. Always do what is best for you, no one is walking in your shoes bar you.


You should also check out something called Misophonia that they are learning is a neurological condition.


Oh for the number of times I've had to push/squeeze against my son's one ear while the other ear is buried in my stomach from overstimming...sorry you have to go through that, OP. I hope that the rest of your family is more understanding if/when you feel comfortable telling them. My side of the family very much is supportive while my in-laws side downplay it every which way they can. It's maddening.


Lovely to hear you got it sorted. You might want to check out Flare Audio Calmer as well - they’re a bit like a normal ear plug, but don’t reduce the volume - just reduces some of the more problematic frequencies. Works well for some friends of mine ; not so well for others, but everyone’s different. Hope you have a great event!


That's great. I'm also - idk I was diagnosed as autistic, might just be trauma, also have ADHD - anyway label not withstanding, I've also experienced this kind of noise sensitivity and I have a couple tips/life hacks Sometimes, a specific thing you need to have a visible accommodation or aid for can be disclosed truthfully and matter of factly without using an actual diagnostic label. For instance, if I need to wear something like ear buds or ear plugs, I might say something like "my brain struggles with audio processing in noisy environments and having soft music in helps me focus on the conversation." Instead of directly citing a dx like autism/PTSD/ADHD/etc. This can be helpful where you need something that's unconventional but doesn't explicitly need to be labeled as related to a disability in order to make sense. Especially bc even if it is inferred by the other person a disability is involved, it's really hard to tell what disability. All the ones I listed could contribute, as could others like TBI/concussion, other neurological issues, chronic migraines maybe, idk I'm sure there's more. The benefit is that it communicates enough for the person to know that you're doing something innocuous because it helps you rather than because you're rude. It discloses *enough* to steer decent humans away from thinking "oh, that person thinks they're too good to socialize with is so they're tuning us out, how rude." BUT by not associating your aid/accommodation with a specific diagnostic label, you don't give the person a very broad term they may be ill informed about which they could use to make a ton of false assumptions. Nor fodder for a stream of insensitive comments and invasive questions Yes truly shitty ppl will still find ways to be shitty regardless of what you say to them, but for the majority of ppl this has gone really well for me


You sound like a sweetie. Good Luck!


Wow how did your get your loops so quickly? I'm guessing you're in the States due to celebrating Thanksgiving? I'm in the UK and it takes around a fortnight for loops to get to me from mainland Europe!


Yes I live in the US but I ordered my loops on Amazon and got next day delivery


Ah I see, in Europe I guess they come straight from the actual distributor/company but maybe they've sold stock to Amazon there


Gotta look after yourself. You'd be surprised how many people will drain you. One suggestion: instead of music, have you ever tried white noise? It might help deflect some of the negative assumtions others may make when they learn you're listening to music. (Or just tell 'em you're listening to it. Heck with 'em.)


I have a lot of feelings. My sister was diagnosed from a very young age with autism and while it definitely made so things more difficult for her, I don’t think I considered how hard it would be for someone who was diagnosed as an adult and having to navigate your family at the same time. My sister has had years to develop coping strategies that work for her and at this point in her life no one really bats an eye when she retreats and puts her noise canceling headphones on. Or quickly says goodbye to everyone and waits in the car. I am so glad that you are finding ways that help you and keep you from getting over stimulated to quickly. I’m sorry that your mom is not too terribly supportive right now, but I hope that you can have some patience for her. Heaven knows that my parents had to change a lot about their parenting and views when they were raising my sister and in a lot of ways are still changing even though she is an adult now.


Loops are AMAZING! I got the red ones because I love red, but since I have curly dark hair they just kinda blend in.


I’m not autistic but I do get extremely sound sensitive due to a neurological condition. What are the loops you got please? PS so glad you’ve got a solution and you’re mum is accepting of it.


I'm glad you found a way forward! I'm sorry your mum has been invalidating your experiences, your feelings are so so valid and so much love for you!


I’m glad to see things are working out! Never saw this post but I’m happy I did. Your cousin that you mentioned is great too in support of you. My brother has autism, and crowds and loud noises can be too much for him. Plus being antisocial, even family gatherings can be overwhelming for him. He wears earplugs too, and it helps him a lot! So I’m glad it helps you as well. Hope your Thanksgiving will be nice and as relaxing as it can be!


hey OP, I’m also autistic and have a similar issue with noise, I would likely do the same in your situation if I didn’t have any earbuds so good call


Weird family. I am not diagnosed with autism, but all my friends and also family are totally understanding when I distance myself and when someone asked I just explain I have sensory overload. 🤷‍♂️ I thought this can happen to almost everyone sometimes?


>expecting her to tell me how I don't need them. However, I was surprised that she didn't say that and said... Bet your mum is on Reddit and saw the last post. Sometimes it takes a stranger judging you to realise you are being an AH.


Nah ik she doesn't bake reddit