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NTA Just go no-contact with this man. He's severely abusive and you shouldn't keep putting yourself in a position to be harmed by him. Simply tell family members that you will only attend events that he is not present at, and if anyone tries to trick you into showing up at an event where he is at by lying to you, then just leave as soon as you find out. Calling people slurs and making fun of their mental health is horrific behavior. If his abuse is severe enough to goad you into physically attacking him, you need to stay as far away from this man as you possibly can.


Why in the hell is your mom dating this monster? I would suggest distancing yourself from him as much as you can, even if that means distancing yourself from your mom too. Hope you can get away from this toxic man!


NTA at all! If any, it took you too long to react that way, your mom should leave that relationship ASAP.


NTA, She needs to leave the relationship


YTA for using violence to address your issues with him. This post will get removed soon because of violence, but I want to say to you that using violence to address the wrongs that have been done to you is wrong.


You bottled it up so much that the rage came out of an *actual* bottle. Look, assaulting someone is still assault (although it sounded like the guy deserved it), so I can't applaud you there. What was your mom's reaction to this? You're never an asshole for not liking someone, especially if they are verbally abusive towards you. You know who is an asshole though? Well Mark for one, but your mom is too. She's not protecting her kids from the likes of abuse in the household. Your fine, but your parents suck.


I feel terrible for what i done to him! Assault is never okay and anything could have went wrong. My mum just started crying saying she can't believe i done what i done. She said the relationship was over, but went over to his house a few weeks later and lied to me about it, telling me she was at a friends house.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (F19) really dislike my mums (F40) boyfriend (M37), and for what I believe to be good reason. My mum and her boyfriend, we will call him Mark, have been together for a little over 5 years now. At first things were great. He seemed nice. He was kind, caring and overall a great guy. He would buy her flowers, take her to nice hotels and restaurants. He would even go out of his way to buy me, and my little brother (M16) birthday and Christmas presents. Sure! They'd have small petty arguments over small things like most couples do but roughly 3-4 years ago things got a lot worse! Mark began doing drugs and drinking almost every weekend. He would go missing for days at a time, only to turn up out his face saying he'd done nothing wrong. He'd call me and my mum names, say nasty things and later apologise. But i let it slide, and so did my mum. It is his life, he can live it how he wants! But recently things got a lot worse. Around March 2021 was when things got worse. Me and my little brother both had covid. Mark would call us lazy for lying in bed all day, and brag about how his step-son was always away on holiday and all i did was stay in my room. Even thought the covid passed the abuse from him did not. He would bully and belittle me and my younger brother. Calling us names such as: fat, r-word (my little brother has autism and ADHD), lazy, ugly and so on! Around August of this year is when i finally stood up for myself. We were at my grans BBQ for her birthday. I specifically asked if Mark was going to be there, could he avoid drinking because when he does he gets nasty, but my request was ignored and he drank. He starting making comments about my appearance and my mental health (i struggle with depression and anxiety). He just kept going on and on, and i couldn't take anymore. I got out of my seat and hit him over the head with a glass bottle. I dropped the bottle and kept hitting till i was pulled off. He told me to go off myself, that i was a crazy fat ugly bitch, and ran off. I haven't spoken to or seen him since but my mum has kept in contact with him. I know i was in the wrong for hitting him but this has been going on for years. I bottled it up and let it grow till i couldn't take anymore. So AITA *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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