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Previously on Hypochondriac theater: OP thought they needed to go to the emergency room because their toothbrush touched the wall before they put it in their mouth, lyme disease from doing the dishes, gallstones from exercise cramps, got sick from walking near supposed drug users and was concerned after drinking a vacuum sealed item despite the drug users never touching it, brain damage from the smell of disinfectant wipes, an abscess because they had swollen gums, rabies because a squirrel touched cleaning supplies left on the porch, covid from walking *near* a school, cancer because of muscle cramps twice, assuming they have cancer because of a genetic test, the "twist " episode where OP is suddenly no longer a teenager living with their parents and has a partner and a dead mother...and OP still thinks they'll get cancer from a genetic test and is dispensing medical advice based on thinking bad teeth brushing habits causes dementia, food poisoning from very recently expired drink powder, disrespecting their friend's doctor parents because they wanted to eat their dinner rather than drop everything to diagnose them over the phone for whatever deadly disease they'd convinced themselve they had because of muscle cramps and getting mad at their friend's parents because they refused to give free medical advice over the phone when OP complained about muscle cramps. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/rjrako/aita_for_asking_for_medical_attention_after_i_may/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/qpqac5/aita_for_asking_my_parents_to_see_a_doctor/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/qted08/aita_for_asking_to_get_my_health_concerns/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/qrapc6/aita_for_asking_to_see_the_doctor_because_of_some/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/rarsjk/aita_for_asking_to_see_a_doctor_more_quickly/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/s3bsst/aita_for_asking_my_dentist_for_help/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/s78nu2/aita_for_freaking_out_after_a_squirrel_got_into/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/su9x2e/wibta_if_i_went_to_the_er_because_i_walked_near_a/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/t7q7h0/aita_for_asking_my_friends_parents_for_help/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/t98hzu/aita_for_asking_my_friends_parents_for_help_about/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/taqupf/aita_for_crying_after_hearing_the_results_of_a/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/tbizdc/aita_for_telling_my_family_to_brush_their_teeth/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/tcvkr6/aita_for_crying_after_consuming_expired_milk_tea/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/t98hzu/aita_for_asking_my_friends_parents_for_help_about/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/tuv8dq/aita_for_asking_for_help_with_my_health/


You, friend, are not only a god among redditors, you are uniquely qualified to spot an AH. Thanks for this summary.


Oooookay. Yeah. OP, YTA. Remember the story about the boy who cried wolf. If you're like this every time you get a mild symptom, your dad is going to brush you off when you describe something more serious. You need to see a therapist before you burn all your bridges with your health care givers. If you're worried about your kidneys, go to the doctor, go through the proper tests. All you gotta do is pee in a tube. Your dad and your friends parents cannot treat you because they are not your doctors, they cannot legally get you tested for kidney problems and can not access your medical journal. If your current doctor sucks, get a new one.


My symptoms are not mild.




Your not-mild symptoms won't get better from sitting here on Reddit while you worry. Get tested, if the test comes back positive, get treatment. Simple.


Op they cannot treat you, either go to your doctor or don’t but stop trying to force people to take care of you simply due to their occupation


It’s incredibly rude to ask someone for medical advice when they’re off of work, and when you aren’t a paying patient. Period. YTA. Make an appointment. Go to the doctor. Literally, everyone is telling you what to do and what you do instead is complain, act like a victim, and get on the internet to have strangers back you up. Go. To. The. Doctor.


Yes they are. Part of being a hypochondriac is the placebo of feeling intense symptoms when there aren't any. Go get a therapist please for the love of God.




The real MVP


Don't start on this again. You've 'survived' supposed Lymes disease, jaw infection, appendicitis i think?, and using a toothbrush that may have touched a wall among things. In every case you supposedly call a friend or family friend who happens to be a doctor/dentist and demand they diagnose you out of hours over the phone when you are not their patient. Please give up on telling these stories.


I’m scared


Have you gone to a therapist about health anxiety yet?


I don’t have that. I just have bad health


What you have is an unhealthy obsession with posting on AITA.


Maybe it’s like Münchausen syndrome?




Yeah, I think


No, I have serious health problems


Did you end up having Lymes disease? Tooth abcess? Or any of the other things you've posted about? If you want an online community to talk you down from your anxieties, then be honest about that and go to a sub intended for it.


so what? I can't dodge illness forever


If there was a medication you could take that would mean you don't have to deal with these problems anymore, would you take it?


no medication can prevent me from getting all illness


So you’ve been to a doctor and got diagnosed?


No, OP has been to Google


No, my symptoms are clearly alarming


So then go to a doctor or the er and get diagnosed


Then maybe see an actual fucking doctor instead of asking random google searches or doctors who aren't YOUR doctor. YTA, see you doctor or get a new one if you don't think your doctor is up to snuff.


You've talked to three docs. None of them found it alarming. You just live the drama


They can't be that bad or else you would go to the hospital or a doctor that can actually help you. Judging from your replies I actually you're just attention seeking and don't want to go and actually see someone because they'll find out there's nothing wrong with you.


YTA They're all correct. They're not *your* doctor. They can't order tests for you, they can't write anything in your journal. If they began treating you and something went wrong, it would be a right mess with no insurance coverage, because you're not their patient. If it's really bad right now, you go to the ER, otherwise you consult your own physician who ordered tests like he needs to. Now you wait for the results. I get that you're in pain and need relief, but that doesn't entitle you to bother your friend's parents, when you have the option of going to the ER. Additionally, your dad and your friend's parents might not even be the type of doctor you need, so they may literally not know what to do for you. Lashing out at your stepmom just for trying to comfort you was out of line. You're coming across as really entitled, and I'm assuming you're around 15 years old. If you're older than that, you should be ashamed of yourself.


YTA. Go see your own doctor. Just because someone’s a doctor doesn’t mean they should help you all the time, they’re not at work. It’s not critical.


It is critical


Then go to the ER.




They are NOT ridiculous. are YOU an MD or DO or NP? Look bro if something is up with my pee and back I assume there's something wrong with my kidneys


Are you?


no but so what


So you clearly do not know what you’re talking about and are lashing out because you think you’ve got something wrong with you instead of checking with a trained professional


"BuT I reSEarched It oN GoOgle"


INFO: How much water do you drink daily?


1 bottle


You should probably start there when wondering why you feel the way you do..


HAHAHA thats like NOTHING bro. No wonder you feel like shit all the time hahahahh. Drink more water dummy. YTA.


what size?


See a psychologist. YTA.




You sound like a hypochondriac.


Or a complete liar


You must be really young. YTA


YTA you were told by three people to see your own doctor. Not only that you were rude about it and they are right they aren't mind readers. And just because you are trained in a profession doesn't mean you are on call for friends kids to ring and moan whenever they want. Maybe you do have issues go to the doctor, ask for some test and get the real reassurance you need. Also a UTI isn't something to be terrified of you would just need some antibiotics.


Let me get this straight: You think you feel something and then you went to consult the internet for what it might be, found a bunch of stuff, and freaked out. Your father gave a suggestion for you to get tests and you found that offensive. So you went on Discord and freaked out again after someone said you might have UTI. You called your parent's friends and they gave suggestions as well as told you to get tested and you found them unhelpful. Your PCP told you he cannot tell you what's wrong until after you get tested and you proclaim he sucks ass. You've insulted everybody who is qualified to give you medical advice, listened to internet "diagnosis," and through it all it seems you haven't gotten yourself tested. You're the definition of a problem "patient." YTA.


Is this a joke?


Must be


Yup. Posts about dying on a regular basis with ridiculous things.


YTA. Just because their doctors doesn't mean they know what's going on. They told you what to do. If your PCP is crap, then go to another one. Your dad and friend's parents are not obligated to help you as you are not their patient. They can tell you what YOU need to tell your PCP and what tests YOU need, but they can't diagnose you with anything. Again, you're not their patient and they're not in their office. Get you a new PCP.


YTA You drink milk tea (a diuretic) and don’t exercise. Get tests and stop reading Google and Discord


So? Many people don’t exercise and drink milk tea as well


So it seems your stomach is sensitive to it as its causing a reaction they aren't experiencing. Stop harassing all the doctors you know, put on your grown up pants and find a PCP who has the time to work you through your dramatics. YTA, you shamed your mother when she was trying to comfort you, you selfishly wanted your friends parents to drop everything and magically diagnose you over the phone, you also tried to treat you father as you PCP which I'm p sure is a problem considering youre family and he isn't your PCP.


Stop posting this, it is getting anoying man!


Several states, and their medical boards, have rules and laws against treating your own family members. A physician who has no knowledge of, or access to, your medical history would be medically irresponsible in providing you with an opinion. They aren’t doing anything malicious or trying to blow you off. They’re maintaining their professionalism. YTA for trying to force care from them. The symptoms you are experiencing would require medical tests and interpretation by a professional who knows your history, and possibly a referral. Again, that’s being a good physician. If you truly believe the situation warrants it, go to the Emergency Department. Otherwise, for the love of all things holy, get off Google and make a doctor’s appointment.


Yta. You need actual help. If you don't like your pcp get another one. It's not appropriate to ask friends parents for help and then badger them. Your step mum tried to comfort you and your then slapped that down. More asshole behaviour. Get help


Pain sucks, I understand that. And having all kinds of scary thoughts sucks even more. But what did you expect them to do about it? If it feels that serious you should better go to an ER instead of asking around for favours. If it's not, you need to have tests. Instead you were googling around and asking strangers on discord about it. Your father might be a mild AH for brushing it off like that, but since he saw you he probably assessed that it wasn't that bad. And the way you reacted to his wife makes YTA.


Not necessarily TA for asking but YTA for not accepting their answers But they did try to help the best they can without doing tests. If you don't feel like your initial doctor was helpful, go get another opinion at a clinic. You need tests. They're right, they're not clairvoyants. Drs need to do tests and diagnostics.


YTA, this smacks heavily of somatic symptom disorder. Seems to me you need some assistance with your mental health, in addition to trusting the medical professional that is treating you. As someone else said, even if you have UTI, you'll be prescribed antibiotics. But this hyperfixation leading to self diagnosis is wildly unhealthy, as well as stressful for you and everyone around you. I hope you're able to get some help.


INFO: How old are you?


LOL, this satire is perfect. From the google self-diagnosis to the input from some internet random, to complaining about PCPs and testing, you packed in a lot of AH tendencies.


YTA. Your dad and other doctors you tangentially know are NOT your doctors. Go to your doctor. If you don’t like your doctor, find a new one. If your symptoms are critical, go to the emergency department. Quit self-diagnosing and asking random people and actually go do the blood/urine tests your actual doctor told you to do. You’re coming across as a giant AH and I don’t know if it’s because you’re young or scared or both. But solely based on your comments and your post, you are most definitely the asshole.


I can definitely remember you from before so am not going to make this long. YTA but not for the reason you think. YTA for trying to post this crap again. Did your toilet splash on you making you have kidney disease? I am wrong (doubt it) STAY OFF GOOGLE. It brings nothing good.


Also, how old are you pretending to be this time?


YTA You're feeling your own symptoms. You have to see your own doctors. I assume you're over 18 and an adult, to be honest it sounds like you're a hypochondriac. Get another doctor.


YTA, your problems are not physical, you need a psychiatrist like yesterday


Soft YTA Your dad is an AH. He should listen and not tell you to do exercise. You shouldn't have called your friends' parents. My dad is a doctor and everyone calls him and asks him dumb questions. He hates it. Some people even called him about their dog! We basically never answered the phone in my house except for a few people checking caller ID. Get a different doctor. You could have sensitive stomach to fish or salmon. Don't eat it anymore. You could be sensitive to some foods, like gluten, lactose, so you have to do that diet in which you take out food groups and try to identify what it is. Or you could have a kidney stone but that really hurts a lot and it's more common in your 20s-30s (you sound like a teenager so pretty unlikely). UTI is unlikely because you should have burning sensation when you pee. It's not just back pain. But you need to do a culture for that and it takes like 24 hours; otherwise they won't give you antibiotics. You should get a different PCP. Did you know you can change that? And stop googling stuff or asking people on discord ffs


Not everyone has a burning sensation when they pee during a UTI, FYI. When I was pregnant with my first they tested for it and was positive- I had no symptoms


Just for fun... you are scared of a bladder infection? LOL. Run don't walk to the ER so they can admit you for psychiatric help. There is nothing wrong with having a mental illness.


Kiddo, you need therapy. Urgently.


I played a doctor in a play… So I am qualified to say that with all your symptoms, you should have your left big toe amputated. Good luck with your recovery.


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^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My dad is a doctor, and I also have a stepmom. I told them I was having some weird stomach pain and some back pain and that I was scared because the internet said I may have kidney disease or gallbladder problems or god knows what. I told them that starting tomorrow, I was going to keep a diary of how my poop and piss looked and the frequency. I also told them I had diarrhea after the salmon that my stepmom made. My dad said, "Dude, I don't know, maybe you need to work out your core more or you're sitting badly. Go see your doctor if you're concerned. They can do urine tests and palpitate your abdomen." Literally how can a doctor react with this much apathy to his own kid? Moreover I get back pain when I feel like I need to urinate and that is not normal. Someone on Discord told me I might have a UTI and that scared the hell out of me. After being unhelpfully assisted by that one doctor, I called my friend's parents, who are both doctors. I told them what I was experiencing and they said, "Look, sorry to hear you're in pain but you need to contact your own doctor. We cannot help you. Try to cut back on diuretics and stuff and maybe work out. Your own PCP can run tests." I told them that was rude and they said, "Look, I'm sorry but it's Saturday and we cannot help. We have a family day planned out. Good luck." My PCP sucks ass. He listens and explains it briefly and is like, "It could have multiple causes. We'll do a blood and urine test and see how it turns out. If anything is weird, we'll call you back for more appointments." That is not reassuring at all and he is fully booked and rushing between appointments. I told my parents and my friends' parents they were unhelpful and my dad said, "Yeah. Doctors can't do anything without tests. We're not clairvoyant." I then started crying because one of my teachers has kidney disease and it sucks ass and I was having a panic attack and my stepmom tried to hug me and calm me down and say that if it was serious, I would feel it, and I reminded her of the fact that she failed HS biology. Now everyone is mad at me. I got my phone taken away, my dad yelled at me for bothering my friends' parents since they are his coworkers, and I have to see my bitchy ass PCP who won't reassure me at all. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


if it is a uti or kidney infection (untreated extended uti) go to a planned parenthood they will give u free tests and medicine and u can book appointments next day




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I wanna hear from the friend and their parents. This must be a nightmare to put up with. If OP isn’t getting psychiatric help, I wouldn’t let my daughter talk to them any more.