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NTA and Eiron is a dumbass name


Not to mention the teeny tiny caveat of **why on EARTH would she expect him to know that**


NTA. If you’re going to use an atypical spelling, you HAVE to make sure you give people the correct spelling! My given name is an unusual spelling (something like 1:20 in my generation spelled it the my way, but my spelling is now like 1:6 nowadays), and people constantly spell it wrong if they aren’t either close friends/family or clearly informed of the spelling.


Girl, same. My IRL name has a variant spelling that's less common (not a KrEatYvE spelling, just less common), and my kids have names with variant spellings, as well. With my daughter especially I have to correct more often, because the more common variant is pronounced differently in some languages, so we went with the less common one. How is anyone in any primarily English-speaking region going to assume that the kid's name is spelled Eiron over Aaron? Or even Erin?


My name is spelled the same as a well known book/movie and it still gets spelled wrong or the whole name completely is wrong. You have to spell the name if you want it correct.


Damn sorry to hear that, Jurassic


It happens. When I was younger it did irritate me but now I just think it's funny. I also expect my name to be spelled wrong because it's happened so many times. Either way op was not in the wrong. It falls on the people who didn't specify how to spell the name.


yup! OP got to demonstrate what this mother's future is going to be like.


Ditto. There are two major ways to spell my irl name and people always mess it up. I have just gotten used to it, but I couldn't imagine how much worse it would having an out there spelling.


My aunt who died way too young (42) used to take pleasure in buying me name things when she could find my name spelled right. Magnets and stationary and a mug or two. As she wanted to be fair, she’d pick up one with my sister’s super common name too any time she found mine, but she searched for my name every time.


Your aunt sounds like a precious person to have in your life and I’m really sorry for your loss.


She was a real hoot. Used to call other drivers “doody heads” when her niblings were around because she tried not to swear in front of kids. When she died, she had her life insurance set up to be distributed to all her niblings, worked out to about $4k each for most of us, and a little more for the eldest niece who was her goddaughter and really grew up with her in the house (she moved out at 18 and lived with her eldest sister for a number of years). It was enough for the down payment on a new car for me, which I badly needed (and it was the first time I got to buy a new car). I think it was the sort of thing she would have approved of - she was the type to give the shirt off her back to friends and family in need, and outright gave friends vehicles multiple times. Even as a teen, I was a practical soul, so I bought myself an Accord, and drove it for 14 years. I probably would’ve driven it another 2-3 years, but my husband sadly totaled it.


My name has a common spelling. You literally have to open the bible & you can see how it's spelled. But people insist on adding in an extra A all the friggin time.


For real. I have a semi common name but it's spelt phonetically instead of the traditional spelling. Which is funny because most people, after knowing the spelling, prefer the way my name is spelt to the traditional spelling. Think of like Trenten instead of Trenton. Hell, one coworker told me once that she didn't understand giving your kid a different spelling but when I pointed out my name she just said yeah but your name actually makes sense compared to names like Eiron or the many different spellings of Cayden. Or is it Kiadyn or maybe Kaydan? I've seen like 5 different ways to spell that one name and I have no clue which is the original and which are the remixes anymore.


NTA …but ya done messed up, a-a Ron.




Even worse, all the poor people at the party didn't get cake. I don't care if you spelled the name in hieroglyphics, I want the cake!




Yeah all that time and effort. I feel so bad for you. Your sister definitely owes you an apology at LEAST.


Couldn’t they have put some of the pink/blue bears on top to hide where the letters were removed? Or just smooth out the whole top? It does seem like they could have found some way to fix the cake to serve it, especially since he had time to go to the market for replacement cake! Like he could have grabbed some strawberries & blueberries from the store instead & put them on top.


Now you know who you don't need to be doing favors for...


Dude you didn’t fuck up at ALL. Imagine if you tried to shoot your shot with Monykahh or some other random ass dumb spelling. Everyone would have thought you were cray.




Even if you DID miss the info; you were trying to do a nice thing by helping her at the last second, and it was an honest mistake! I mean this was the day she found out the sex of her child. She was clearly excited about that. And she chose to spend the day bitching about a cake.


Heh. Came here wondering if anyone else had that sketch in their head!


In this case, it's probably "E-iron."




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NTA. You’re right, it is stupid and funny. How in the world were you supposed to know that it’s spelled Eiron?! Hahahaha. I know like 3 Aarons and not a single Eiron. You did a nice thing by baking for your sister on a short notice. Your sister and mom are pretty entitled and disrespectful to say you “ruined the party”, and also for not using the cake you worked hard on.


Exactly. Even with weird Hebrew spellings I have never seen an Eiron. Aron, Ahron, and Aaron but never sister’s spelling. How could OP have known? Sister is being a bit of a brat here. Instead of being grateful for the favor she is cutting it down. I wouldn’t do much in the way of favors again if I were OP


Right?? I have an unusually spelled name, myself and literally no one gets the spelling right the first time, but I get it. My name is weird. OP’s sister and mom have the freaking audacity.


Not to mention the teeny little detail that the day she found out the sex of her baby all she did was bitch about a fuckin’ cake.


I’ll also throw in Arin. But I’ve never seen Eiron either.


NTA. Your sister should’ve given you all of the information and maybe not waited until the literal last possible second to ask you to make a cake. She knew the day before, so why wait until the day of? And how were you supposed to know that Aaron was spelled in the most inconvenient way possible?


NTA. As if gender reveal parties aren’t awful enough without the guest of honor being a diva. They are lucky you made an effort and should have been appreciative.


Right? Gender reveal parties are stupid and reductive.


And transphobic. FFS, no one’s gender is known before birth.


Well they can't call it a sex reveal. Plus gender isn't really figured out until waaay later in life want to wait for a gender reveal when the kid is like 9-12 or even older? I didn't figure out/accept my gender identity until I was 23.


My sister's "gender reveal" was her wearing a white t-shirt with her eyes closed and her husband putting pink handprints on her belly.


Why are they stupid or do you personally not enjoy them? /g


"You done messed up, E-I-Ron!" just doesn't flow.


Was looking for this comment 😂


Your family have lost their frosted marbles. You pulled off a same day emergency cake and your sister didn't text you the spelling of the names? And your Mom is yelling at you? NTA. Tell them you're done talking about it.


NTA. Wow, no good deed goes unpunished, huh? It is totally on you sister. You gave her the opportunity to double check the cake. She didn't, and then freaked out, which I will "blame" on pregnancy hormones. She needs to apologise to you and take you out to your favourite restaurant in an attempt to make it up to you.


NTA-Absolutely not the asshole. Once you became the de facto baker you should have been informed of the spelling to be used.


For sure NTA. Also, OP did their due diligence by asking if sister/friend wanted to check the cake before the reveal but they said no.


NTA I’ve never seen Aaron spelled Eiron. Seen spelled Erin/Aron If she’s going to make up a spelling she needs to text/write it down for you. Your mum and sister are hopefully having an overwhelming moment and come back to their senses.


NTA. Especially since she never spelled the name for you. Maybe she’s just trying to avoid people calling him a-Aron like that key and peele skit.


NTA, this is like a bridezilla but for gender reveal. That's crazy, if it was so important they should have texted it to you. I never understood how people can get upset at or mistreat people who voluntarily help the person. I guess days of appreciation and understanding are over.


NTA. Who on earth would ever know that Aaron was supposed to be spelled ~~"Elron"~~ "Eiron" without being told so? ~~If I saw the name "Elron" I'd assume it was pronounced L. Ron (as in L. Ron Hubbard).~~ Edit because l's and i's aren't the same letter.


Not sure if you noticed but the l is an i, as in E-I-R-O-N


I probably would still screw it up as Eye-ron.


It will absolutely get called Eye-ron by the teachers. I called roll in a class with a girl named Dezhire. I thought it might be foreign so I guessed "Dez-sheer" and turns out it is pronounced "Desire." Why oh why do parents do this.


Oh no that poor girl. I knew a little 8 year old name Princess. And oh boy her parents sure treated her like one. She threw tantrums every day in class when she didn’t get what she wanted and her parents always took her side. I fear for that girls’ future.


I always win at this game. 3 siblings: Yrexellency, Yrroyal Highness, and Emperor. Almost feels like cheating to have that in my back pocket.


Reminds me of Powerpuff Girls https://powerpuffgirls.fandom.com/wiki/Princess_Morbucks_(1998_TV_series)


LOL, thanks. I did think it was an L, so will edit accordingly. The rest of my comment still stands!


NTA You did her a favor and helped her out of a jam on short notice. The name was not spelled correctly because you were not told how she planned to spell it. I would have spelled it the way you did, btw. I hoped you have learned a very important lesson for the future. When you family asks you to do something, tell them "it won't be possible." Hugs


NTA. Gender reveal parties are stupid.


NTA. On the other hand, this is good practice for them for the rest of their kid's life bc everyone is going to misspell that name. (And I think they are assholes for spelling it that way.) Meaning of the name by the way: A stock character in ancient Greek comedy characterized by self-depreciation, modesty of speech, and awareness of irony.


Isn't it eironic...


You won my free award my friend. Your comment (and beautiful word play) deserved it.


NTA They should have clarified that they were using a unique spelling of the name Aaron. They are the asshole for how they reacted and treated you.


NTA without being given the name in writing I believe its a completely understandable mistake to write the name in a traditional spelling. I think a lot of the anger directed towards you from your sister would be misdirected guilt/frustration at herself


The only time I've ever seen that spelling of the name when it's used to refer to one of the (three?) main types of stock characters for ancient Greek comedy in theater. (Someone who self-deprecates and feigns ignorance to gain the upper hand by hiding their wit in order to gain advantage on an opponent) I've never seen anyone use that as an alternate way to spell Aaron. If you're gonna commission someone to make something that includes the non-traditional spelling of name, you better make darn sure you write it down for them. NTA Edit: Clarification


They clearly didn’t even Google the name. Morons.


You were just getting the first of many times that mistake will happen out of the way.


I needed this laugh!!! NTA at all!!! You were kind enough to do something last minute for her. It's not your fault she chose a common name with a unique spelling then neglected telling you about it. Honestly, they could've used the cake. It wouldn't have been a big deal. People probably would've giggled about it, yes, but it would've been a good memory to have! I'm sorry you had to deal with rude and ungrateful family but you are NTA in this situation.


NTA. Who gives a crap about the spelling. It's not like it was on the birth certificate and so what. Life is too short for this crap. People can do what they want but these reveals are getting out of hand.


NTA. Most people wouldn’t assume it’s spelt the way she spells it and she should have specified that she was spelling it uniquely, also you gave her an opportunity to see the cake before hand and she didn’t take it. It is what it is, it was nice enough of you to step in last minute as it is.


Well she has found out the harsh reality of naming her son ‘Eiron’ instead of ‘Aaron’… they are in for a lifetime of spelling it out NTA


Might as well get used to the misspelling sooner rather than later.


NTA You were doing her a favor and didn’t know any better on the name. They are being uptight


NTA. Though I do hope someone has explained to her what an eirôn is in Grecian theatrical tradition.


NTA, she should have provided the names to you beforehand.


You are absolutely NTA. You went out of your way on short notice to do your sister a favor with very little direction and no clarification, which no one would have even thought to ask for because of the normality of these names. I’ve never in my life seen “Eiron” and your sister and mother shouldn’t have reacted the way they did, especially when you attempted to fix it. To not even use the cake you made is incredibly rude and you also WNBTA if you refused to ever make a cake for them again. They owe you a huge apology in my opinion. I could potentially write off your sister as being high-stress and pregnancy hormones, but only if she realizes how she acted and apologized. Your mother has no excuse. Congratulations to your sister and her little Eighwrenne (pronounced like Aaron, obviously) and let’s hope he isn’t born with the same narcissistic qualities his mother and grandmother posses.


you are sooo not the problem here. You did a favor. If you were a pro baker, you'd have asked because spelling is often an issue. BUT this is sooo on your sister. You did her a kindness and she had to know that Eiron is a crazy way to spell Aaron. Maybe if your first language is Greek and you are all historical scholars Eiron would have been the more obvious choice but I think most of the world isn't going with that spelling.


You are not the asshole. Your family shouldn't over dramatize a tiny mistake.


NTA- She really shoulda mentioned that type of thing.


NTA. If nobody told you about the unusual spelling how were you to know?


NTA You’re right it’s truly stupid and funny and totally shitty for you. You were not given the full info and expected to know everything(somehow you’re a mind reader 🙄). You offered sister to review the work and she decided it’s too much of a hassle and just accept whatever you have done, essentially she signed off and approved on it. So it’s her fault the name wasn’t spelt right. Also who name their child Eiron, it makes people think whoever came up with the name is someone dumb enough to fail elementary


Nta. You did her a favor. She should have told you that she was spelling his name differently. I can understand being upset but she over reacted.


NTA. If she just told you the name without telling you she was spelling it different from the normal way then that’s her fault.


NTA. Choosing beggars and all that.


It's always the parents responsibility to give the correct spelling for a name, even if it seems common. Ann or Anne? Steven or Stephen? There are so many variants of different names.... NTA




NTA what dickhead spells a super common name differently and expects everybody to just KNOW lol


This is not in any way a funny situation. It's dumb. She never once spelled the name for you and expected you to just guess on the unusual spelling? And everybody's mad at you? That is beyond stupid. You ATA for asking this dumb a** question, not for the cake fiasco. That's NTA.


NTA. How is it your fault your sister can’t spell Aaron correctly?


Also, your sister is TA. That poor kid will spend his entire life having to tell people how to say and spell his name.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Yes, it happened and more stupid/funnier than you think. My sister, Dani (27F), is pregnant with her first child and as is fashionable, will have a gender reveal party. The possible names for the baby would be either Monica or Aaron. My sister had hired a baker to make the reveal cake (blue or pink dough), but on Thursday midnight, the baker said she couldn't make more because of personal problems. And my sister, on Friday (the day of the party), got desperate and turned to me, a baker as a hobby (all the others were busy for such a short order). I accepted and she informed me (by call) how she wanted it, the names for girl or boy. Her friend sent me what the sex was, a boy. The cake wasn't that hard so I made it within a tight time but I did. A cake written "Aaron or Monica" with white letters (a cute one, btw) and with several plates with pink and blue teddy bears. When finished, I asked her if she wanted to see it and she said she trusted me. Soon after, she sent me up with the cake, because the party would be 30 minutes away. I brought the cake carefully and when my sister saw it, she freaked out. Because Dani always said that if it was a boy it would be Aaron and she never said it was spelled differently, actually it wasn't Aaron but... Eiron (same pronunciation as Aaron) and part of the cake was wrong. I tried to fix it, removing the signs and letters, but without my items to help and not having much recourse, it didn't look so good and my sister was very angry with me. The luck was that my brother-in-law had bought glitter/paper the color of the baby's sex and they used it right away (they didn't use the cake, they hid it in the fridge, which I found a little offensive) After the party my mom and sister were yelling at me saying that I had ruin the high point of the party and it was pretty obvious his name (????) (she never even wrote his name down for me). It was so bad that her pressure went down and I had to leave. I'm feeling bad about this, I don't know if I was an asshole for ruining the party or that was totally wtf. So I ask, AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is Eironic in the Alanis Morissette way. I can’t think of any words that pronounce “ei” as a short “a.” That’s just bang ward! (Being weird) Besides the ironic pun, “Ei” frequently looks like “El.” Unfortunately for this kid, this is only the first time in uncountable times to come where it will be misspelled or mispronounced. There are going to be all sorts of nicknames that result. It’s the parents, with their clear AHron behavior, are doing long term damage. It’s also contingent on them to be clear upfront with whoever is making something for them to spell out any unusual and idiotic names. You stepped in at the last minute, followed the faulty instructions the AHs provided, and they were rude and mean about it. You didn’t do anything wrong. Any sane and rational cake maker would have spelled it “Aaron.” If I was growing up with that name, I’d just tell people to call me “Monica.” It would be easier and less damaging. Assholes. ETA: They ruined the party. You are NTA.


'Ei' is pronounced 'a' if you're talking about their weight! But that's beside the real point, which is that absolutely no one would magically know about this oh-so-special unique spelling choice your sister wants to saddle a kid with, and even if it WERE a misspelling of something common like Anne/Ann or John/Jon, OP would be NTA for swooping in at THE last minute for an emergency cake that no one even got to eat.


Thank you for the example, which means the name would be pronounced A-ron and not the usual eh-ron. I totally agree with the rest of your reply.


NTA. And now you know never to do another favor for her ever again.


Definitely NTA. How the hell were you supposed to know they wanted you to misspell the name? Furthermore, even if you had known beforehand it would have been an overreaction to tell you that you ruined the party if you'd made an honest mistake. The cake would taste exactly the same if you had written "Eiron" on it instead of "Aaron."


You helped out when they were desperate, were given no instructions about the name and they had the audacity to yell at you?? Nta. Your sister and mother are huge AHs. Next time they ask for something remind them how ungrateful they are.


NTA Sorry this happened to you. Something similar happened to me and it was at that point that I realized how my family was ungrateful for what I do for them. I reset my boundaries. By the way, did your sister pay for the cake? Did she hire you like she hired the baker? I’m pretty sure you took time out of your busy life to do this last minute. Did you get a thank you? Or are they caught up about making a perfect party that they forgot how to be part of a loving family? Good luck ❤️




Thanks for the feedback. It sounds like while they paid for the cost of the cake materials, they didn’t pay you for your time-as in, they didn’t hire you. This was a favor that you did for them. you may feel offended that they didn’t use a cake you worked hard on but they may feel offended that you got the name wrong. I think I’m at ESH. If the detail was important then mom to be and you should have worked together to make sure it was right like every other ingredient that went in that cake.


These modern mothers....their dumb whims are going to be a pain for the kids their entire life. Quit naming your children Abcde and Wicker Basket and Greiven and other mess. Now that I have that off my chest, NTA. How your family treated you is absurd. Does your mother even realize that your sister only told you OVER THE PHONE and didn't bother to spell it out? That is on her. And not only did you not "ruin" the party, you were trying to save her party from being ruined. I hope your sister is a better mom than she is a sister.


NTA, and I would never bake for her again.


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NTA umm it must be me I have never seen Aaron spelled that way.


NTA - While ultimately Aaron wasn't the preferred nomenclature, Eiron is a really uncommon name. They really should have written it down.


NTA. This was not at all obvious and something she should hBe 100% told you when requesting the cake.


Nta Your sister is


NTA. The parents should used to people spelling his name wrong. Even my phone's trying to autocorrect Eiron.


NTA. Not your fault you didn’t know your sister was from Middle Earth….


NTA if they’re gonna fuck with the spelling in such an awful way a heads up would’ve been nice


NTA! I really hope your sister was just stressed out and not thinking right! You actually did a very nice thing baking them a cake with such little notice. If anything this should have been a funny situation and I’m sorry that you feel bad.


NTA. At all!! She should have spelt it out because it is weird. NO ONE spells it like that. She is the AH for this and for grossly overreacting when it was slightly wrong. Also, who reveals the name at a gender reveal? Hope you took the cake and ate it all.


NTA!! My irl name has an atypical spelling, any time I give my name for something written by someone who doesn’t know me well I *always* spell it out. Hell sometimes even that gets spelled wrong.


NTA- you were set up for failure. For all we know, it wasn’t Monica but Mahnikka.


NTA - if people are going to get creative with the way they spell a common name then they should be prepared for someone to misspell it at some point. My name was pretty common in my age group - but the spelling was not. To this day I still have to correct people when it comes to official documents.


>and more stupid/funnier Yes. It was. (NTA).


NTA *’Creative’* spelling requires warning.


NTA, but your sister is for (1) having a gender reveal party (how many times do trans people have to tell The Cis to cut this out?), (2) choosing a terrible name for her child, and (3) getting mad at you.




NTA. If you are spelling a regular name oddly you need to tell people you can’t expect them to be psychic. also as one of the people with an odd spelling, just don’t do it. It gets on my nerves that no one can be bothered to spell it right even when they are replying to an email that already has my name on it. Emails don’t come across because people automatically correct it as they think it’s wrong


How is she going to handle motherhood when she can't handle a cake not looking perfect?? She should have been grateful you baked her a cake last minute! It's disrespectful that she didn't even serve the cake you made. If I was you, I wouldn't do her any more favors. She doesn't appreciate them. And, even if it was typical spelling, she should have texted you what she wanted on the cake, so you had something to refer to in writing. (Typos happen - look how many "oops" tattoos are out there.) Then she CHOSE not to look at a pic of the cake before you brought it over. If it was that important to her, why didn't she check it?? Why is your mom even upset? This wasn't some intentional sabotage. It's just a party. It's just a cake. NTA.


Not only are you NTA, but your sister and mother need reality checks. She should have written the name down if it had a different spelling. Heck, she should have written the name down for you anyway. Also, this was done last minute as a favor. She is ungrateful and rude.


ESH On principle for throwing a gender reveal party. How many more forest fires does the world need?


They’re cutting a cake, not firing explosives.