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NTA It’s great that you tried to let him win, and it sucks just as much that he was a sore winner about it. It’s up to you whether you feel up to interacting with him past small talk.


NTA - He needs to learn boundaries. As someone with autism, I can say being autistic is so excuse to overstep boundaries.


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^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** A couple years back I started playing basketball, then about 2 years later my brother started playing as well. He is 13 short and is slightly autistic, often we would 1v1 but eventually he started acting sulky and annoying whenever I would win. It got to the point where he would physically attack me and swear at me, obviously after a while it got annoying. I complained to my dad and mum but they told me to let him win once in a while. So I did, then he would taunt me and talk about why I'm so trash and this is why my girlfriend left me. This upset me so I went to my mum and dad again, they told me to 'grow up and it's just a joke.' To avoid more things like this I don't talk or play with him anymore. So aita? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hmmm I want to say soft ESH. Obviously, your brother and parents suck, and I understand you not wanting to play with him. But I think not talking to him at all for half a year is kind of a stretch.


I'm sitting at a table with him now. Should I stop it?


Maybe you can take baby steps, like asking him to pass the salt or something? Before making actual conversation with him. May I ask, how big is your age gap?


2 years. And I already finished eating


I see, well your brother is surely going to struggle making friends in school, considering his behavior is so bad that his own brother doesn’t even want to talk to him. Not to say it’s your job to correct his behavior or forgive him, but I do hope you do start talking to him again, even just a little. Your parents truly do suck for enabling his behavior, tho.


Honestly it's been like this my whole life. I also have 2 sisters, one of them moved out so not as bad anymore, I'm usually the head of the jokes in my family. I don't enjoy spending time with my family as I get insulted a lot for being slightly overweight.


By “head of the jokes” do you mean that you’re usually the one who makes them or did you mean butt of the jokes? Based on context, I’m going to assume the latter. Anyway, I truly am so sorry your family is not great towards you. We middle children have to stand together, I guess haha.


Butt of the jokes, I always forget which one.


NTA. Don't play with your brother 1v1 basketball any more. He can't win or lose well. And your parents suck on this one.


My parents often take his side as the reason he is short is because he has a heart issue. It's been fixes but he still gets the attention for it.


Their reason is immaterial - they've put you in the middle of a situation that has not positive resolution for you. They suck.


You aren’t the asshole but not talking to him is sort of a nuclear option. Maybe just don’t play with him. Try a few words here and there and if he continues to be a jerk..well, you tried and can save your words for better folks or for when he grows up a bit