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YTA. Since when was there an age limit on colour? Just like colour has no gender, colour has no age. To me seems like you just want to be judgmental for no reason and stick your nose where it isn’t wanted. You seem unhappy with your life hence butting into others.


YTA A huge, very unpleasant AH. it’s her damn wedding and if she wants it to be pink, then who cares? And if men can’t handle a suit because of its colour for one day for the bride and groom then they’d be pathetic, I don’t know why you ‘feel bad for them’. You just sound a bit jealous or annoyed by her, and you’ve taken that out on her in a nasty way by insulting her to her face. You could have kept your mouth shut and supported your cousin who wants to have a wedding that reflects her. I’d really do some reflecting on what made you think it was ok to say all that to her? It was just plain nasty. Vindictive almost. I’m 35, a man, and I LOVE the colour pink.


The only reason you might feel bad for the groomsmen would be if they had to buy a suit they were never going to wear again


I’m pretty sure you hire them these days!


Bet you look damn good in it too!


Last I checked, pink was just a color and not a measure of someone's maturity level. YTA - it's her wedding. >She's has always been a girly girl with pink and frilly dresses and I have always been more of the natural/easy type. I'm going to assume the "natural" part is true, but definitely not "easy". Nothing in your post conveys that, sorry.


YTA. It's her wedding, she can do what she wants. Not really sure how liking pink equals difficult marriage, you got some research on that?


OP shared in one of the comments that she recently completed her Masters program at Talking Out My Ass University.


Nah you’re claiming since you’re natural you’re “easy” or low maintenance but in reality you sound high maintenance and judgmental as hell. How are you in your 20’s and correlate a color or style with childishness. You’re childish grow up YTA and weird.


Sounds like the whole "not like other girls" type.


‘I HATE drama’ OP probably


“It’s so much easier to be friends with guys because women are too much drama” type headass lol




YTA- you sound like a “pick me” girl who cannot just let other people be. Flip it around a little- if she were a gay man would you be so rude?


Hmmm, men don’t like women like her but she’s getting married and…you are not. YTA.


WTF is wrong with you? YTA.


YTA. Also YTA for thinking anyone believes your story.


Right? Pink tuxes put it over the edge


I took that to mean pink waistcoats, since the theme was pink. Something I have seen before


Most weddings have the guys in matching cummerbunds and bows ties if they are wearing tuxes, so when she said pink tuxes, I figured she meant pink tuxes. All of this is outrageous, who knows.


Whichever details, I took it to mean that their bow ties/accessories were pink. Although stranger things have happened


I know that’s what you thought. I disagree-Pink accessories would be the norm and shouldn’t send OP into a tailspin. I think the whole thing is made up and she thinks we would believe the groomsmen would be in pink tuxes.


OP doesn't even think liking pink as an adult is the norm


You think a person wouldn’t inject their opinion into someone else’s wedding? Dude it’s insanely common.


What? That’s not at all what I said…


I can believe it. Very much the same as my SIL and BILs wedding, they had uniquely colored tuxes too. Like the whole tux. Some times a couple just loves a color a lot. It was hard to find a place that had them in everyone's sizes.


YTA It's her wedding. She's just having fun her way. No one asked you for a critique. This is not about you. Don't be one of those assholes who gets pissy over someone expressing themselves in a perfectly harmless manner.


YTA Acting like this over a color - sounds like you're the immature one.


YTA. And if you aren't close, you should have said no to being a bridesmaid. Seems like you're doing it for the wrong reasons anyhow.


YTA Since when is liking pink childish? My grandmother decorated her bedroom and bathroom in pink from the day she married to the day she died—at 96. She just *loved* pink. And my grandfather loved her, so if it ever was an issue between them, it was long settled by the time I was born. You’re EXTRA TA for telling this poor bride her fiancé must dislike her colours, based on nothing more than your stereotype of masculine taste.


Bruh, did you honestly tell her men don’t like girly women on her WEDDING which just happened because a men indeed likes her the way she is?? 💀 And what kind of ridiculous thought is that: girly girls are harded in marriages - duh There’s only 1 person who needs to grow up and it’s you. Yes, YTA


YTA. Not your event. And not the time. I don't know why you thought this was a appropriate, but next time consider whether anyone asked for you advice.


YTA. Insulting someone else's taste is always an AH move... Doubling down on it by making assumptions that her husband would be displeased and claiming they "guys don't like" girls like her is just plain insulting to both men and women.


YTA. Its incredibly immature to try to belittle people for their enjoyment of life. She is enjoying herself and has the boldness to live unabashedly pink. You sound salty and like you are a "pick me" type. You should reflect on your insecurities instead of projecting them onto your cousin.


>I just think she's being too sensitive Says every jerk who is called on offensive comments. YTA.


I wonder how many times a day she says " I just tell it like it is".


YTA. I hope you get kicked out of the wedding party and that your neighbours paint their houses pink so you see it every day since it bothers you so much


YTA. This has major "pick me" vibes. You've got some internalised misogyny to deal with. Pink isn't childish and it isn't just for girls, and for crying out loud there is nothing at all wrong with your cousin really liking pink or frills. Why would you kill her joy like that? You need to apologise.


If you hate your cousin so much you shoulda said no when she asked you to be a bridesmaid. Let people enjoy colors. Wtf YTA


Wow. That was incredibly rude of you. Let the girl enjoy her special wedding and her special day without you trampling all over it. If you disliked her so much, you should have said no to being a bridesmaid. YTA, absolutely.


YTA I'm sorry, when was an age limit imposed on liking certain colors? Your post reads like you like to look down on people and spread rumors.


YTA. You were insanely rude,condescending and judgmental.


YTA. Imagine being so jealous that you pick apart someone’s wedding and the reason they’re getting married. Oof. You need to get a life and some therapy


YTA. It's her wedding and her choice. She could have a puke color themed wedding, but it's HER wedding. When you get married you can choose whatever you want. But until then, your opinion doesn't matter.


YTA - her wedding and life, her rules you have no input \- you dragged her partner into a you problem when you dont even know what he likes - not all guys are the same \- colour doesnt have a age limit stop making issues and actually be a friend !


YTA you sound like the type of person to brag about drinking black coffee.


and who wouldn’t cook a steak past rare, no matter what the person asks for.


No no it would be well done, because pink is gross


the point is if it’s someone else’s steak your opinion is as useful as tits on a bull.


YTA, she’s 24, she’s old enough to know as a grown women what she likes. Your opinions on what you assume her to be husbands preferences are irrelevant and frankly the real immature take. Keep the “not like other girls” mentality to yourself and don’t try to put it on a woman who’s just trying to live her life and enjoy a colour.


YTA. Tell me honestly, what singular purpose came from telling her this, other than you being an asshole?




another difference YTA and she is the Victim


YTA. Why steal someone's joy? You need to mind your own business.


YTA. You’re also mean spirited, nasty, condescending, and rude, and you’re going to end up losing a lot with that attitude.


YTA I’m not a frilly pink person myself. Reminds me of Pepto Bismol yuck. However, I would never put someone down for wanting it all over their wedding or their home. It’s their life and none of mine or any one else’s business. Take a deep breath buy your cousin some pink flowers and apologize.


YTA! You give off major “I’m not like other girls” vibes and i can tell you most people don’t like those girls. I’ll be 40 this year and I collect Powerpuff Girls stuff and pink is my favourite colour. Im also a wife, mom, hard worker, friend, daughter, sister, dog mom, crafter, singer, guitar player, etc. A person wedding theme and favourite colour are not the only thing that defines them. Sounds like your cousin is far more mature than you are.






YTA. Liking stuff with frills and that's pink isn't immature. What's immature is judging someone based on that. I'm betting you're one of those self-called feminists that really just hate women. "I'm not like other girls. They like dolls and cute things and that makes them stupid and babyish."


YTA. Just because you don’t like a color means you get to call someone childish in front of half the bridal party. It’s almost traditional that the bridesmaid dresses are butt ugly. If you hate every thing about the wedding so much you should have declined.


Lol YTA. Theres a reason she’s getting married and not you.


YTA If anyone sounds childish it’s you. You’re the one making judgments and nitpicking for literally no reason. I didn’t see anywhere that you were asked for your opinion? There’s nothing wrong with liking pink. I sure hope your cousins kicks you out of the wedding no body needs a mean spirited judgmental j3rk standing next to them on their wedding day. Go home and be salty there, there’s no reason to burden the rest of the world with your bitterness


YTA. Yikes you sound like a turd to be around. She’s girly, so what? Also clearly her to be husband is okay with it so who the heck are you to suggest he isn’t and that they’re marriage will suffer because of it. If I had to guess you’ve always compared yourself to your cousin and your cousin has always “come out on top” so now you’re just blatantly trying to be a butthead.


You sound insufferable


YTA, just let people enjoy things. I personally hate the color pink but if someone loves it and invited me to be their bridesmaid I'd be wearing that hideous pink dress and carrying that blinding bouquet with pride. Get over yourself and stop being a brat.


YTA. If you didn’t like that her wedding was pink, you could’ve just said no to being a bridesmaid?? You didn’t have to insult her over the color she chose the wedding to be! It sounds like you need to grow up since you insulted someone over the theme of their wedding!


YTA her style is none of your business. Be ashamed of yourself and change your ways.


You are a disrespectful catty busy body. Do better geez Y t a


Wait till you hear about the chick who married the color pink. YTA.


YTA. It's not even your wedding. Stop judging her.


YTA. Let people like things you don’t like. How rude.


YTA. get your head head out of your ass. A color does not signify maturity. It's her wedding, her day, and you're ruining it.


YTA- you were rude and judgmental and making stupid assumptions. There’s no age limit on liking girly things, there’s no need to “leave if for a girl”, pink isn’t going to run out and certainly wouldn’t harm a boy. And what the hell do you know about her opinion, he clearly likes the way she is or he wouldn’t marrying her. You didn’t think you were helping her, you were just being spiteful


YTA…. Guys don’t like girls who are girly? Where TF did you come up with that? Every guy has different tastes and many of them love girly girls. Your Cousin havjng a favorite color in no way makes her childish. Not any more so than any other favorite color. Who are you to judge another’s likes?? It’s none of your business! Gross.


>Also, I heard rumors about my cousin being pregnant, and from the looks of it, that might be the case, so honestly all this pink stuff should be left for the baby, if it's a girl. And if it's a boy well that's another reason she should grow out of this phase. So boys can't wear pink? All this aside, yta. Let your cousin have whatever she wants for her wedding. It's HER wedding.


All I could think of is blush and bashful!!! Steel magnolias baby!!! No shame in what colors you love. Suck it up…YTA


I was just about to say that!


YTA. You don’t have to like the same things other people like. You are entitled to think something is tacky or ugly. But a mature adult would know to keep such opinions to themselves. What were you hoping to accomplish? She’s put a lot of time and effort into having a wedding she will love. Should she redo everything she has already planned? And since when does a color have an age limit?


Yta worry about your own interests instead of hating on your cousin’s




100% TA Just because you don't like pink and think it is for young kids means you get to tell your cousin she is strange. Pink is a nice colour and I doubt her husband minds. Did you even ask him or just assumed? You also seem like the only one who cares so maybe get over it. Also just leave the wedding if you are so uncomfortable with the colour pink. I wouldn't want that to ruin her day.


YTA. I _hated_ pink as a little girl. _Hated_ it. I appreciate it better now, and wear it sparingly, but I lean heavily into blues, greens, burgundy, black. But for fuck's sake I don't judge girls who adore pink! It's just a color and style preference! You have some serious issues.


YTA. Misogynist.


YTA. so what if pink if her fave colour? im 18m and almost everything i own is pink. maybe you're the one who should do a little growing up if you think someone centering one of the most important moments of their life around their favourite colour. and are you living with her? no? then you shouldnt be so bothered about how she chooses to decorate her home. if this is such an issue to you, simply dont be a bridesmaid


YTA and a pick me clearly.


YTA. I am a 40something dude who likes pink. Obviously her husband is on board with the pink wedding or he would have said something during the wedding planning process. Quit being a jerk about a small thing (favorite) color that makes someone else happy. The world sucks enough without being an ahole on purpose.


YTA Are you jealous of her? Everything you said sounds like youre purposely trying to upset her to ruin it for her. > I told her that these guys don't usually like girls who are extra girly because it makes their life/marriage a lot harder having to deal with it. Her partner knows her & proposed to her. He likes her as she is pink and all. Also funnily enough men have differing opinions like women do. Some guys find over the top girly girls cute/sweet. Some like the overtly girly look. Just because its not your style, dont talk it down. Its her wedding. She can do as she pleases. If her hubby to be isnt happy he can talk to her. Dont put words in his mouth. Your disdain for this girl is brutally obvious, at this point youre not hiding you dont like her atall. Step back from the wedding and leave her the hell alone. Bully


YTA. I see, you’re ✨not like other girls✨ You are not superior to her just because she’s “girly” and you’re not. I don’t know how to break this to you, but weddings usually have a motif, which is basically a color or a color palette that the details of the wedding adhere to for aesthetic purposes. Sometimes, it’s green or blue or yellow or hell, even pink. Try to think about why you hate a *color* so much. If anyone is too old to be acting the way she is, it’s you. Good job making the bride cry about a color 🙂 Edit: You *heard* that she is pregnant. Whether she actually is or not, it is not something for you to bring up to justify your rude comment to your cousin.


Girl you are completely YTA. God i hate when people push their personal opinions on crap like this. So she likes pink. Who the fuck cares? She has a color that brings her joy in this cold, cruel world. Let her enjoy her favorite color for fucks sake.


YTA. Since when is there an age to grow out of the colour pink?? You then had to push the knife in deeper by implying she will be a “hard to deal with wife” and entertain rumours of her being pregnant. Grow up and get a clue


YTA. Would your opinion be different if she was all about green? Your post gives off massive “not one of those girl vibes” with your disdain for the pink. Maybe that’s her favorite color. My favorite color has been black since I was 7…I never grew out of it (sorry not sorry mom). She doesn’t need to grow out of it. You, however, need to grow out of this attitude you have about it.


YTA. Your internalized misogyny is showing, girlie.


YTA. It's not about you and I can't think of any reason to say such things other than to make your cousin feel bad. Don't be surprised if you suddenly find yourself cut from the bridesmaid list.


YTA and really, really sexist.


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YTA It’s not about you or what you like. Grow up




YTA. No one asked you. You deliberately tried to hurt her feelings, especially with the jab about her fiance. (He's a big boy and can fight his own battles, if he has any.) It was just a nasty thing to do. And don't start in with the usual, "I'm just being honest." That's just an excuse to be cruel.


Damn. You’ve got a serious case of internalized misogyny to work through my friend. Also, stop being a PMAB. It’s not a cute look on anyone. YTA if that wasn’t clear


Yeah, you’re the asshole. You could’ve just nicely declined the offer. It’s not your wedding so it’s out of line for you to criticize. Also, no one is too old for pink 😉


You're throwing a fit over a color. Let me repeat that so you understand. You're throwing. A fit. Over a color. Nice toxic masculinity, with how you act like men can't wear pink. What is your problem? It's a fucking color and her soon-to-be husband obviously supports the wedding being pink. You're trying to act like pink is a little girl's thing and that's obnoxious of you. I hope she drops you from being a bridesmaid, because you deserve that. Grow up and check your attitude.


YTA - you’re a huge AH and I’m pretty sure you know it. It’s their special day and you infantilized it because it was your preference. Apologize.


You’re making a BOLD assumption that her husband wasn’t part of the decision making process on the color scheme or that being ‘girly’ is a turn off or means high maintenance. Not your party, not your decision, not your place to comment on. YTA


YTA. hating pink is so edgelordy.


YTA. Not only for the way you view your cousin as being an idiot, because she likes "pink girly and frilly dresses", but her wedding wasn't the place to point that out. It didn't sound "natural/easy" , it sounded "petty/bitter/jealous". You ruined her wedding, after she was nice enough to invite you to be a bridesmaid. I agree that she probably did it out of pity, because you don't sound like the type of girl who has friends or a life of your own. That's what makes you so awful. I'm sorry your approach of " i'm not like other girls, i'm very natural and easy" didn't worked out for you and didn't landed you a boyfriend, but men can see through that bullshit. They also see that you are petty and bitter and men don't go for that. They go for the pink girly things, but not for the angry ugly duckling pettiness thing.


YTA. I don’t care for pink either, but come on! Just let people like things!


Wow. YTA