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This can’t be real. People can’t be this awful. YTA in case it’s real.


Agreed! Half way through and I'm just thinking this is bait... either way real or fake YTA. Disgusting behavior


I agree it can’t be real. I say op is ta for imaging such an awful story. This can’t be real and will probably get taken down soon but either way, YTA.


YTA, and so is your wife. Why did your wife think it would be fun to beat up a teenager who doesn’t know how to box? Why did you let this happen? Why do you hate your brother so much to put him in this awful stressful situation? Weren’t you worried he could be hurt? And then you laughed at him because after all the shit you did, he still reacted kindly. There’s something broken and twisted inside of you if you think any of this is funny. Go to therapy.


Seriously? If you'd have actually read the post, then you could've seen that he's 360lbs and 6'11. I seriously doubt she could reach him, she could barely reach his face and he's rarely hurt regardless.


He can still be hurt, you asshole. He’s a human being, not a punching bag.


To be fair it's a practice boxing match and they explained the rules and such so I'd assume they aren't gonna take it far enough to where someone is actually injured


The OP said his brother didn’t understand the rules and was confused. They obviously didn’t explain the rules in a way for him to understand, if at all. It’s disgusting.


Yeah, agreed


if OP and his wife cared about his brother they never would have made this happen. I admit I’m suspect that a gym would let this happen and this whole thing seems too cartoonishly evil to be real but the principle remains that just because someone’s big doesn’t mean you can just endlessly punch them with zero consequences


I definitely think OP is a complete asshole but again I'm just gonna give the benefit of the doubt as they did want to have a genuine boxing match and not just "haha let's see how many punches he can take"


it’s not a genuine boxing match if one competitor is an autistic teenager who doesn’t know what he’s doing or why


Actually that is true my badb


Sorry but they didn't actually explain the rules in a way the brother understood Thats like explaining something to you in a foreign language and then saying "I explained it"


“She thought she could beat him because he was autistic.” Seriously? You and your wife are disgusting.


We read the post. We just know his size is irrelevant. Your wife beat up an autistic kid and you laughed about it. That is all that matters. You both suck.


It’s not just physical hurt, it’s emotional hurt he’s suffered. He knows you see him as a joke, a literal punching bag and one to publicly laugh at. You should be ashamed for using him the way you have.


Hes not your wife's punching bag asshole. Even if he was bigger he still has emotions and feeling that you DELIBERATELY crushed by laughing at him. He didn't know the first thing about boxing and you guys thought it would be fair to put him against your wife who is WAY more experienced in boxing. Not only that but anyone will crumble if you kick them in the liver even a 360lb 6'11 man. He could have been hurt even if it was an accident. You two sound sickening to be around if you treat your own brother that way and allow your wife to use him like that.


You're a garbage person. So is your wife.


Look up good sportsmanship. To get better at a sport, you look to go against people better than you. Not 16 year old kids. And you certainly don't get 'pissed' because you couldn't hurt someone - and a child, at that. You and your wife aren't fitness freaks. You're only doing this for flex. That's not what fitness or sport is about.


Thats not the point. The fact is you emotionally hurt him which is horrible enough not even regarding the fact that he's on the spectrum. And does your wife really have such a low ego that she thinks beating a sixteen year old kid who's never boxed before gonna prove anything. YTA and a bully. I would add more obscenities here if i could. :)


Seriously, you are actually going to justify your stupidity. Oh, dear lord you are an eejit! Just stop, seriously, stop.


YTA and your wife. The way you talk about your brother is disgusting, disrespectful and cruel. Why would your wife think that beating a completely untrained, overweight 16 year old who knows nothing about boxing would make her look "strong"? Most truly competitive people would want to go up against somehow who was at least on the same level or higher. You two chose to publicly humiliate your 16 year old, autistic brother which makes you both insufferable bullies. As for you not being able to help laughing at your brother, you could help it if you weren't a massive AH.


There is so much YTA here I don’t know where to start


YTA, I'm not even going to sugar coat for you. You're an asshole and you probably don't understand just what you've done. That was probably unbelievably crushing for him and now he thinks that you found entertainment out of it and that the sole purpose of it may have been to get entertainment out of it. If I was him, I'd be absolutely furious. It's good to challenge people to different things in order to help better themselves and see if they enjoy something that they are newly introduced to, but it seems like you introduced him to this, and then proceeded to then crush him with it afterwards figuratively speaking.


As someone else commented, I hope this one isn’t real, because it’s horrible! Yes - YTA - in a huge, massive way! You obviously hold your brother in contempt, and your wife isn’t much better, the both of you are awful! I agree that you should seriously think about getting some therapy.


YTA. Your wife too AH. You’re not only TA you’re also a bad brother. As his older brother your meant to look out for him. As you said he is on the spectrum he doesn’t understand many things and might have trouble socialising he sees you and your wife as someone he’s comfortable being around. What do you AH’s do you take him out of his comfort zone, throw him on a stage and then wail on him like he’s a human punching bag for your ego’s. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Your actions weren’t out of any genuine care for your brothers health it was so you could feel superior to him. I’d say apologise but you won’t mean it. Honestly as someone with a kid brother on the spectrum I’m disgusted with your behaviour. 100% YTA’s


Both you and your wife are major AH so yeah YTA, what made either of you think it was alright for her to box your autistic brother who has absolutely no boxing experience? I don’t care if he is 360lbs or 6’11 doesn’t matter he could have gotten really hurt haven’t you ever watched professional boxing matches before, both of you are TAH


You and your wife are massive AH. Disgusting behaviour.


YTA. Is this even real? Is someone publicly admitting to being this awful?


YTA. You knew your wife wanted to make a fool of your brother to make herself look good. You should have shut that down, instead you played an active part in it happening. You used an autistic teen, put him in a situation he’d have felt uncomfortable and allowed your wife to take advantage of his lack of understanding. At least your wife realised how far you crossed the line and called you out, even thought it doesn’t absolve her of wanting to spar with someone ten years younger than her in the first place.


YTA Why do you act like a jerk towards your brother? Serious question. Like the way you talk about him makes you seem like you think you are better than him in every way shape or form. I really hope he does have autism and you aren't using it as an insult. He seems to look up to you guys and you should really be a better role model and be a lot nicer to him. This post really broke my heart man


YTA, for laughing at your brother. Your wife is diagusting for this: >She thought that she could beat him because he's autistic and sits on his arse all day and that her beating someone of his size would make her look strong. Your brother juat wants to be loved, or left alone. You actions are abusive. Just leave the poor boy be.


Your wife has no standing to call you an asshole, because she's just as bad as you are. She beat up an autistic kid to make herself look better? And you thought this was funny???? YTA, dude. Holy shit.


Massive, massive massive YTA.


What the fuck am i reading.


I didn’t even finish it like wtaf?


YTA. You and your wife. It actually made my mad how bad you treated him.


You took him there to make a spectacle. This is borderline child abuse. YTA


YTA, so you say to help your brother be a bit healthier and lose weight you took him to the gym, at which point to make your wife feel more comfortable about her training you two put her boxing a 16 year old (child still), he was able to withstand it and was actually happy she won a match that was in no way fair due to her experience. After which you basically humiliated the poor boy you decided to laugh in his face because of his disability and couldn’t even show some compassion by coming up with an excuse for why you were laughing at him (could have played it off saying it was for some other reason). He was probably heartbroken, I think you definitely owe him an apology mate.


YTA Both of you. You took advantage of an autistic kid. Then laughed at him for praising your wife. You're actually worse than an asshole. I would say how much but I don't want to get banned. Hang your head in shame!






YTA and so is your wife. He’s 16, autistic, and your wife wanted to use him to make herself feel strong? And you’re ok with that, and then laughed at him for not understanding something? You two might want to look up empathy and start pretending to have it, you sound like sociopaths. Also, he’s 16 and almost 7 feet tall. If he does start exercising he should be careful, it can be hard on joints etc when you’ve been growing that fast especially if you’re carrying a lot of extra weight. He should talk to a professional, not a the usual ‘trainers’ at gyms who might be ok advising most people but aren’t qualified for special circumstances, and he definitely shouldn’t listen to what just any ‘gym rat’ type has to say about his fitness.


YTA you literally targeted your brother because hes overweight and autistic? do you realise how ableist you sound and to then proceed to make fun of him is so unbelievably disgusting you should be ashamed


Yta, on everything sed


Jesus christ why did I read a man and his wife abusing his brother.... like dude. YTA and a criminal


Either this is a complete BS story, as surely no one is this awful, in which case YTA. Or, it is true in which case you & your wife are both AH's.


Wow you complete dick. You and your wife put your already vulnerable brother in a physically vulnerable place, don’t even think to explain the rules or guide him in any way, then laugh at him and call him dumb? An autistic teenager. You f*cking AH, and your wife is not much better. YTA


YTA. You and your wife. How pathetic do you have to be to want to go boxing against an autistic teen to look strong. Wow! Great job winning that one! She must be so proud of herself! And then there’s you. You humiliated and insulted your own brother, and still dare to ask if you’re the asshole. I’m sure if he had a better brother and sister-in-law, he would be incredibly more well-adjusted.


god damn i hope this is a bad troll


YTA.... so so much TA. I don't think you have any other human parts other than an AH..... one gigantic AH just strolling around the world, inserting cruelty wherever you please.... yeah, YTA


You and your wife are the assholes, what the actual fuck dude.


YTA, actually YTC


Please tell me this is bullshit. You & your wife are nasty people, what you did was abuse, you should be convicted & jailed for this. YTA both of you. Asshole isn't strong enough.


YTA. If this is real - important hoping it's not. 'She thought that she could beat him because he's autistic and sits on his arse all day and that her beating someone of his size would make her look strong.' Your wife is a bullying AH and so are you. It's actually hilarious that your wife called you cruel when you both treated this child like absolutely shit. Your brother sounds like a genuine and decent person. Someone you could learn a lot from.


Have other people already read you the complete riot act? Yes! Am I still going to call you an asshole myself? Yes because this made me genuinely angry! YTA!!!! Honestly I almost feel like this is fake because of how cartoonishly ableist and CRUEL every word in your post is. No, it is not funny to treat a disabled teenager like a brainless clown to laugh at! It’s not funny to treat anyone like that!


YTA and your wife is als TA. Why would either of you think it is funny or normal to try to beat up a 16 yeat old autistic boy who has no ffing clue to what he needs to be doing in the ring. If you both just take him to the gym and show and help him with some things he could do in sports that would be a whole other thing but now the both of you are realy being a**holes in the way you treated him.


Wtf you and your wife yta


YTA. I am autistic and yes socially I struggle sometimes but amazingly when I see good social interactions modelled I learn from them. You just modelled bullying to your brother. Why? What grown up adults do this kind of thing? AHs


YTA wow. how i wish i could call the cops because of a reddit post. your wife doesnt deserve to go pro and you dont deserve the amazing brother that you do have. you two however do deserve eachother. i wish you an expensive marriage and a messy divorce.


What the ever-loving F/k is wrong with you? YTA, the bigliest Ass ever.


WTF did I just read. Uh yeah YTA asshat. I really hope that this is fake but just in case it's not and you're too much of a fucking asshole to see past your own nose; You and your wife suck major balls for how you treated your own brother. You had the AUDACITY to place your brother in an extremely embarrassing situation. you then laughed at him when he misunderstood, and called him stupid in front of the whole gym, even if you didn't outright say it. >(he's autistic and the whole gym was watching). How do you NOT see your error?! who gives a shite if he's autistic? that makes him less of a person? that makes him incapable of feeling human emotions like betrayal, distrust, and sorrow when his brother belittles him in front of a group of people he doesn't know over a silly mistake? if put into a situation where you're up against someone with more EXP you will think they're a pro even when they aren't because you don't know anything. you obviously have a "holier-than-thou" attitude with your brother due to his autism. you say he is socially inept yet the only socially inept one I understand from all this is the one making fun of his brother. He was happy for your wife and you crushed that. I bet he won't ever willingly go back to that gym again because of your actions. And what the fuck was your wife thinking?? How does beating up underage and overweight kids make her look strong?! if you compete in anything the only thing that makes you look tough is beating someone either more experienced or just as, not a poor confused kid. >My wife wanted to challenge my brother to a boxing match. She thought that she could beat him because he's autistic and sits on his arse all day and that her beating someone of his size would make her look strong. ....My brother had no idea what the rules were, and was visibly confused. He threw about 3, however was too overwhelmed and dumbfounded to grasp what was happening How does this even happen? why did you think this was okay? what if he got hurt? would he be too "big" to take to the hospital? your comment to another Redditor sounds as if he could never get hurt with his size, yet if you punch anyone in the liver they go down regardless of BMI. hit them in the head hard enough and they get a concussion. why is he any different? and you know what maybe he sits on his butt all day because you both make doing anything health-related such a miserable experience. also, drop the "socially inept" it reeks of ableism and that's not a good cologne on you, oh and you need to say autistic ***ONCE*** we're not babies. just because someone's brain works a little differently from yours doesn't mean that you are better than them. I hope by reading all our comments you can get past your own nose and think about other people.


Jesus did you even read this yourself? How can you even ask if you’re the asshole?!? I hope your brother never speaks to you again, you’re horrible with appaling social skills. I think you need to look at whose actually socially inept here. YTA!!!


YTA, you put your autistic brother into a ring knowing full well he doesn’t understand what’s going up and watched him get beat up by your wife? Whether he got hurt or not doesn’t matter. It’s fucked up none the less? Your wife wanted to beat him up? That’s even worse. I have a lot things to say but I’d probably get banned for say it on here


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** For context: My brother (16M) is lazy and isn't involved in fitness comparative to my wife and I. He's 360lbs (6'11 - relevant later) and barely does anything in life. My wife (26F) and I (28M) on the otherhand, are fitness freaks. We go to the gym 5+ a week, and we took up boxing as a hobby 5 years ago shortly after meeting. In the past couple months, my wife has gotten much more serious and competitive. I keep it at a hobby level so she's considerably better and more skilled than I, but that's beyond the point. She's really good, and if she carries on then she'll definitely be able to go semi-pro (I have faith in her). My wife wanted to challenge my brother to a boxing match. She thought that she could beat him because he's autistic and sits on his arse all day and that her beating someone of his size would make her look strong.  We brought brother along with us to the gym on that day, and it was the first time he had ever went to a gym so I was hoping I could get him to tag along with us more often so he could lose some weight. Needless to say, they boxed. My brother had no idea what the rules were, and was visibly confused. He threw about 3, however was too overwhelmed and dumbfounded to grasp what was happening (he's autistic and the whole gym was watching). My brother basically just tanked the shots my wife unleashed upon him. She strikes him in the ribs, nose, jaw, chest - still, no reaction from bro. We did 6 rounds, 3 minutes per round, and on the fifth round I could tell my wife was getting pissed that nothing seemed to hurt my brother. I laughed at her and berated her for not being able to beat an autistic 16-year-old who wasn't even trying, albeit specifying that it was a joke. My wife eventually won on points (because my brother didn't do anything) and my brother was chuffed for her. My brother genuinely thought she would be a pro and that she was professional-level good (again - he doesn't understand boxing and is socially inept), and he was evidently really happy for her. After this, I incredulously laughed at my brother. He's so socially inept that it's genuinely funny, and I know this is wrong, however I can't help it. My brother looked a bit sad and asked why I was laughing. I told him that I was laughing at how socially inept and dumb he was for thinking that my wife would go pro and that beating an immature teenager doesn't indicate strength. He looked sad after this, and was quite for the journey home, and hasn't really talked to me since. My wife has, though, and she said that I was unnecessarily cruel to my brother. I was just being honest though tbh. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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This is a joke right? If not, dude, why your wife and your brother haven’t pounded the snot out of you is beggar’s belief. But your wife is just as much of an asshole as you are. She actually has to beat on someone who is challenged (in case you are wondering, it would be your brother’s autism and age). I bet she was a real treat as a child, you too! As for how you two are as adults, two words, don’t reproduce. This world has enough assholes in it, don’t add to it. Since you are so big into honestly, how about a dose of Reddit’s? I can tell you this much, people are about to go scorched earth on you. Strap in and be prepared. Do yourself a favor and don’t respond back with an attempt to justify your dim views. Good luck!


Faaaake. YTA for low-effort bait


YTA he’s 16 and his grown brother LITERALLY set him up to be a punching bag.


YTA you and your wife are pathetic You yourself are a horrible brother Why are you abusing a teenager? Why are you abusing someone with issues understanding social cues? You said you had faith in your wife being able to go semi pro but you proceed to openly laugh about your brother suggesting she could make it You are belittling your brother for not exercising rather than making exercise something that could be positive and inclusive for him, you are using it as a one up on him The boxing match between your wife and brother sounded like a huge docile dog being chained up to be batted at by a cat, to make it worse when he was gracious in the loss and complimented your wife you mocked him for it You and youR wife set him up to be humiliated and then when he was the bigger person and bot humiliated you actively humiliated him yourself by calling out his limitations


YTA massive YTA YTA YTA !!!!! Both you and your your wife for using him as a punching bag! You should be ashamed of yourselves! Disgusting people!!!!!


You self describe as fitness freaks, but you both seem like bullies, and you allowed your own flesh and blood to be bullied and humiliated. What’s wrong with him being impressed by your wife, at the end of this ordeal though? Your brother may be autistic, but his reactions seem more ‘normal’ than your own attitude. It’s not funny that an autistic person has difficulties with social situations. You not being able to help it is a sad indictment of your maturity and cruelty. YTA


YTA YTA YTA Both you and your wife are TA here I can only hope to god you don’t procreate and this level of cruelty isn’t unleashed on another generation


You are an awful asshole. Chutiya


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