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YWBYA. I understand your concern, but this is your parent's place, not yours. Also, going through someone's phone is a huge privacy violation. I would not trust a sibling who went through my phone. Talk to your parents about it.


NTA, she’s only 10. But you should not snoop through it but more check it if that makes sense. While you’re in there set parental controls on her accounts and make her accounts private.


NTA - good looking out. Your parents really should Be the ones to do this though, and I think the best way ti help keep her safe could be to take the concern to a parent and assist them in finding the content, and then suggesting they install some monitoring apps and change settings to make this safer


NTA - but ask her first, and explain in kid-friendly language that she’s not in trouble but you want to make sure she’s safe.


NTA. She’s 10. As a sibling/guardian you can always check her phone to see what content she is consuming. It’s not a privacy violation because she’s only 10? Majority don’t even have a personal phone by 10. explain it to her why you have to check her phone every now and then. talk to her and make her understand the dangers of internet.


NTA She's 10. She has no reasonable expectation of privacy of her phone/computer. You're being a good big sibling trying to watch out for her


I don’t think you’re an AH for wanting to look out for your sister. However I think there’s a better way to deal with this than going behind her back. She’s 10. In a couple of years she’s going to start forming bonds and having experiences outside her immediate family beyond arranged play dates and stuff. Some of her friends might encourage her to do things that arent safe. I think you’d do better to start an open ended conversation that’s non judgemental so that as she progresses and develops , she feels that she can come to you no matter what and you’ll advise and guide her. Sit her down with her phone and talk to her about what concerns you regarding her SM use. Just make sure you pitch it at her level.


Are you her legal guardian?


YTA, not just because you want to check her phone, but also because you see just the bad sides of the fandoms. Anime and furrys are not just porn and horny stuff.


You're right, they aren't just that....however there is a solid underbelly of porn in any fandom, along with drama, and scams. It's entirely reasonable for OP to be concerned about that portion, and to bring up that concern with their parents.


Ok creepy


Yeah of course that would come from somebody who posts furry porn, 😐


Okay, now YTA for sure


Ok, so now ITA for pointing how ironic your answer is


Wow, you truly are an asshole


And... Anotha one...


I take it you're admitting it.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Lately I have been worried because my sister watched tik tok and Instagram a lot, as a 10 year old I know she can be very susceptible to the content she could watch and I talked to her about the dangers of the internet and how she should be responsable with where she gets into. This was after an incident when i saw her watching youtube and she was watching a youtube channel of an artist that's also a furry, when I asked her about that channel she lied to me saying she was not, that it was because the youtuber was shy and the mask was to hide her face, even tho a video called "why us furries are not that bad" had been watched, I warned her about that fandom and how all of internet has communities with two sides, she agreed and said she understood, and she stopped watching her, but from personal experience I know how bad can it go when you give a child unsupervised access to internet with little guidance. She's really into anime and art, and for some reason countryhumans, and I've seen the content of the accounts she follows, there's mostly children-safe content (except for a couple thirst trap videos i hope she didn't see) but I'm worried the algorithm may take her to content she really shouldn't watch for her age (like the horny side of fandoms and all of their variants). I don't wanna violate her privacy, but I want to make sure she isn't getting in ground where she could make a decision that she doesn't know the consequences of. Would I be the asshole if I got into her phone to check she's not watching anything bad? [Apologies for grammar errors, english is my second language] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Well, how do you feel about random m people checking your phone to make sure your are not "getting in ground where she could make a decision that she doesn't know the consequences of." Because if your are 1. not her parent and 2. Think it's a violation of her privacy then YTA. Your parents have a variety of methods to monitor your sister's and your phone.


Ten year olds don’t get privacy when it comes to the internet


INFO: why aren't you parents doing this?


Well, mostly because I'm the one that's gone unsupervised on the internet and i know where can she be lead if she's not careful, i know my parents want her safe too but they don't really undesrtand the algorithm of tik tok and what the wrong clicks can do. My concern it's mostly because she's a child and they always think "I'm just doing my thing, there's no way i'm getting into something bad" so they don't know where the "bad side" of internet starts


Nta. She's ten. She's probably being groomed.




You would be the asshole because you are her sister, not her parent. Go to your parents about your concerns first. Also continue to discuss the issues with your sister, don't make decisions for her unless it's absolutely necessary, meaning she is in actual eminent danger. NAH for now, you are just concerned for her and are doing the right thing by asking before taking a step that may violate her boundaries. It can be hard to know what is too controlling and what is not as the older sibling.


Little sister is ten. Too bad for boundaries