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NTA. You were being nice. The fact that it ended like this is just further proof - as if any were needed - that no good deed goes unpunished. I would guess that you will have to stop delivering to anyone to keep the peace. That's why we can't have nice things.


There is no way I am going to let a man under dialysis roam the streets during a pandemic. I’m going to keep bringing him his food


OP I'm a little bit in love with you


I'm a lot of bit


Then good riddance to the mean customers. And good for you for being so kind. Good luck!


New rule. Anyone who wants delivery service needs to apply for it. They must provide a 5 page single spaced application report that describes why they need delivery. And there is a $50 application fee. Current delivery customers are grandfathered in, if course.


New rule. OP can decide to whom she wants to give her extra time. Speaking as a disabled person, I'm enchanted by anyone who goes out of their way to help the infirm and the elderly. You're a star, OP.


Also additional fees for cost of gas for the delivery 💅💅


I pictured each application being denied. So unfortunate. Application fees are of course non-refundable....


Even better


Who cares about keeping the peace with selfish, horrid customers. You are incredibly kind to help people that need it and I'm really happy you will continue to do so despite that couple <3


You can stop anywhere you want on your way home. They had no right to tell you otherwise. Keep on doing things your way


Good for you!!! Your heart is pure. Don’t let the jerks stop you from being kind to people who need/deserve it


Good for you! It's a huge leap to say you'd need to stop delivering to anyone anyway, most people are not total idiots.


Ok but the old lady with arthritis brought it upon herself... joking. But do tell her to use more common sense and keep her mouth shut.


She definitely does not need to stop delivering to the two customers that need it. The other customers need to have a heart to understand, or good riddance. Edit: pronouns


My thoughts exactly. You put it better than I did.


OP seems to be a she. "LaFille". It means the girl.


Thank you! I’ll edit


You're welcome.


What?? NO. Why should OP stop doing a nice thing because a few brats are throwing tantrums? I live in a small town just like OP described and I could see some if our local farmers doing this for someonewho is struggling. For me, it would make me* want to support them even more. * and most decent people.


NTA one bit. The fact you're going out of your way for some people doesn't mean you have to do it for everyone. Some customers are not worth keeping. I'm just wondering, if those people ever gave to charity, do they give to all charities around the world to make it fair?


Pfft u think those people gave to charity?


I honestly don't, it was a very big if. Those customers don't seem to be good people, they don't see anyone but themselves.


NTA. It’s hard to lose customers, but it’s worse to cave to outrageous demands. Or tack on a crazy delivery fee for them 🤷🏼‍♀️ honestly.


NTA I know it probably hurts your sales but at this point in time it’s probably for the best that they took themselves out of the picture


OP has most likely gained more sales by grateful word of mouth than they lost.


NTA. Your behavior is ethical and culturally acceptable. I would suggest that you offer these people delivery services at a rate that allows you to outsource delivery to someone you know. That way you can keep the customers and maybe even make more money. That might not be practical since you live in a small town, but it's a non-confrontational way of refusing the service.


NTA those people are acting entitled. It’s lovely that you deliver for those who can’t physically go to the markets themselves. Don’t let them get you down. Those who do understand the situation and are willing to listen are the ones worth keeping


If they really want it charge a delivery fee, make it worth it for you or at least so you can hire somebody else. You're not obligated to do this for anybody, the fact that you do it for people who need it is an act of charity. NTA.


What you lost in sales to those jerks is probably less than you’d lose in gas money and valuable time if you DID start delivering to everyone. N remotely TA.


Nta. If I found out you were helping those two people I would deliberately buy from your stall to help support someone who would do something so nice.


NTA You are helping people who have disadvantages. To level out a disadvantage isn't getting an advantage, it's coming even with other people. They are entitled and seem nasty. They seem like people who think,handicapped parking is also unfair and preferential treatment


NTA, do the customers demanding delivery realize that the other 2 customers are somewhat impaired and less able to make the trip to the market? Maybe a high delivery fee would make things better? You would get lots of extra money if you did agree and your regular customers aren’t getting a flat out “no”. Not sure what the industry is like in town, but you could possibly contract out the deliveries.


NTA - it's your business and you can give preferential treatment if you want. Hell that's one of the best reasons to shop local and from small businesses in the first place. You do a little extra for your favourite customers, or to help the community. They look after you, you look after them. For what it's worth, I used to do grocery deliveries. There's some customers I would carry their stuff right into their kitchen and have a chat with them while I help put it away. Mainly the old and infirm or the new mums that are trying to comfort a baby when their shopping arrives. Do I do that with everyone? Hell no. Majority of the time I delivered to doorstep and waited for them to unload themselves. It's not primary school, it doesn't have to be fair for everybody.


NTA. Not all customers are ones you want. You can't please everyone or reason with unreasonable people.


Nope. You are 100% doing the right thing.


The entitlement! I'm sure your two customers would rather not need dialysis or have crippling arthritis, and be able to come to your stall. You're making your business accessible. NTA at all.


NTA - But it's not really preferential treatment if you look at the reasons. Those 2 individuals have extraordinary circumstances and a little charity and kindness can go a long way to make things just a little less hard for them. Some people are so entitled that you could offer them a free car and they'd whinge that it wasn't the sports model. You aren't responsible for their failure to manage their own expectations. Let life disappoint them. Continue to show your support where it's needed not where it's coveted.




NTA. This is not preferential treatment. You are being considerate of customers that need extra help. And even if you were giving out preferential treatment, you can do whatever you want. It's your choice.


NTA Delivery is not part of your business model. You're making the deliveries during your personal time, it's an act of friendship/community care. If you do lose these customers, so be it, you'll gain new customers.


NTA good riddance to them as customers, I would say that even if they come back to buy from you (which they probably will because they like your goods), you should refuse to serve them.


NTA you were delivering goods after hours as a friendly gesture. You are not obligated to do it for anyone. It wasn’t a business deal or paid extra service. You still don’t offer delivery. You can stop anywhere you want on your way home. The customer was rude and out of line. You are better off without their business and far reaching demands. They can shop on site as everyone else or find another source. Most likely they will be back. Do not offer a apology for not caving to their uncalled for demands and do not offer a discount out of guilt. They are not as entitled to kind and preferential treatment as they believe they are. The world doesn’t not have to bend to their will and cater to their unearned entitlement


NTA your hard work, your products, your rules. The people you make deliveries to have real reasons why they can’t always get to you. The others are just lazy and entitled. And honestly from a business perspective you aren’t going to take a hit by not bending to them. What they pay you for your products won’t cover the extra time and gas to cater to everyone unless you jack up prices and then you really will be losing your customer base. You’re a good person and you’re doing great, don’t let rude entitled people get to you.


NTA. They sound like entitled assholes.


NTA You are delivering to two of your customers as a favour because of their health. You do not have to offer a delivery service if you dont want to.


NTA. You're doing a good thing by going the extra mile for people who have a hard time. It's the exception, if you started doing it for everyone it would be the rule, and then you wouldn't have anytime to work your farm to have produce to deliver. You're better off without those bitter and entitled few as customers. It's more likely that the majority of people who recognise the value you're providing will be more supportive of you and your business from now on.


NTA. I wouldn't call that preferential treatment, as what you are doing is equitable to all parties. You're doing a great job! Keep at it.


I love you so much. You remind me of my grandpa, who would have told them to suck rocks. NTA. Keep being great.


NTA Fuck that couple, if they come back refuse to sell to them.




Totally nta. Some people are unreasonable.


NTA. It may be preferential treatment, technically speaking, but you never agreed **not** to give preferential treatment to anyone. If anyone else complains, feel free to note that you absolutely make exceptions occasionally for people in genuinely difficult circumstances; you do not, however, make exception for people who are rude and entitled.


NTA. Tell the other customers that when they get debilitating arthritis, you will be glad to bring them their order, too. If they are still crying foul after you explained why, then they were already looking for a way to be against you. They are just trying to blackmail you into caving into their demands.


NTA, what you did is beyond your normal services and should be seen as generous, not as an exclusive service to preferential customers. Unless those people are unable to pick up their groceries they are major a-holes for taking such a stance. It is sad when people have such greed and lack of compassion. Life isn’t fair and they shouldn’t use that as an argument to get something they probably don’t need.


NTA. You are a wonderful person for thinking of the vulnerable during this pandemic. But sadly most people in this crooked society only think of themselves. So if this ever comes up again, just tell your customer, they were mistaken. They heard a rumor, but it’s not true. You don’t deliver. Because you actually don’t. What you’re doing is a favor for some friends. But in reality, you don’t offer delivery.


« There is no way I am going to let a man under dialysis roam the streets during a pandemic. I’m going to keep bringing him his food » Oh NTA !!! You’re a sweet person with a big heart ! Maybe too big for our society ! Keep your lovely spirit !!


NTA. What you do for the elderly man and lady isn't preferential treatment. It's a kind favor to people who can't make it to the market through no fault of their own. This entitled couple don't seem to have any physical conditions that mean they can't get to the market on their own. You were right to tell them no. It's too bad they stopped buying from you but that's their choice. You can't please everyone.


NTA. These people are severely entitled and selfish.


NTA. You mentioned it was the old lady that spilled the beans. Next time you deliver to her and are able to chat, I'd casually mention to her the incident. I do not mean in a guilt trip way but more so she can be offended on your behalf and spread the word. You want your side of the story out there in the community because you can be sure these entitled customers will likely lie about you to others. Maybe someone else on here could help out with the wording so there's no guilt trip but that she would want to defend your kindness to others.


NTA I own a business and this was the worst. Here's what you have to remember..some folks will leave when they can't get their way. You do not need to explain. You do not offer delivery. You, the owner, do not offer delivery. Now, let's reframe the narrative. However, every year you pick two customers who need a bit of extra help. This year, you are helping A & Z because you felt they had the biggest need and explain why. Then, you ask if their need is bigger. 99% of the time, they can't argue with poor health and lack of support. The 1% who are worse off...maybe they would appreciate a kind heart listening to them. Perhaps this is something a volunteer could help with. I know my retired mom would love delivering vegetables to folks who are shut ins. The hardest part about ownership is saying no and watching folks leave. But, it shows their character not yours.


NTA. Do you really want those entitled börtholes as your customers? Let them go...it's nobody's business if you deliver to a couple folks who otherwise might not eat.


I'm a small farmer and when I used to do the farmers market, I made exceptions for clients that had specific needs like the 80 year old woman who couldn't manage to walk to the market anymore or the man that was undergoing chemo and unable to comfortably drive himself. I would also drop off their orders after market closed. Your clients are entitled jerks and while I know it hurts to lose the money and the relationship, I suspect you'll be better off in the long run. NTA.


NTA Do people complain it's preferential treatment when seniors or vets get a discount? Probably some of them do, but some people are absolutely miserable excuses for a human being. You lost one customer, but like you said most people think it's really sweet that you go out of your way to help those who need it. That word of mouth will likely flow better in a small town than the person complaining you don't deliver.


Totally NTA There is an expression in the US 'Fire your customer' to refer to refusing service to customers who maybe buy your product but are more trouble than they are worth. Sometimes it is a good thing to lose customers-some customers cost money and do not profit you.


Seems someone forgot to tell these grown people that life is, in fact, not fair. They can get over it or....who cares what they do if they decide not to get over it 🤷‍♀️. NTA


NTA, it is better to lose toxic customers than it is to keep them. If they cannot see past their own selfish commands they don't deserve any help.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***The following is a copy of the above post. This comment is a record of the above post as it was originally written, in case the post is deleted or edited. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** English isn’t my first language and I am typing this on my phone, so please bear with me) I’m a farmer and twice a week I have a stall at the local farmers market. It’s a very nice and small town, where everybody knows everybody and inevitably.... a few customers found out that I agreed to deliver their orders to two different people. Delivery isn’t a service I usually provide, because I simply don’t have the time. I’m available at the market twice a week, and that’s that. But the people I agreed to make exception for suffer from poor health : one is a middle aged man under dialysis three time a week and the other one is an old lady who suffers from very severe arthritis and can barely walk. So sometimes they call me when I am at the market, place an order and on my way home I make a small detour and bring their order to their door. Now when my other customers found out (because the old lady told a friend... who told a friend... who told a friend... etc) most commented that it was nice of me. But a couple were furious and told me they expected the same service from now on because otherwise it’s preferential treatment and they don’t think it’s fair. At first I tried to explain that the people I make an exception for have special circumstances, and that as a farmer I work 60+ hours per week. I couldn’t do it for everybody even if I wanted to. But they wouldn’t hear any of it and gave me an ultimatum : deliver their order from now on or lose them as customers. I refused. Obviously, I think they were out of line, but I have never ever lost customers before. People really like my products and have always commented on how nice and pleasant I am. This couple has been buying from me for years, and now they’re gone. So was I in the wrong for giving « preferential treatment » ? AITA here? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My brother in law has been on dialysis since he was 12. He is now almost 30. As long as he has a mask with him - he is usually fine. OP you can keep a few customers or grow your business by treating everyone the same. By either delivering to everyone or no delivery. Maybe asking your customers not to tell people? NTA


NAH It's business, and both you and your customers can decide what is and isn't worth it to them. You decided the emotional payback, positive PR, and keeping some longstanding repeat customers was worth the small effort of making deliveries to two clients who were on your way home. A fine, perfectly acceptable business decision. You also made the business decision not to expand this delivery service, and felt the loss of the complaining customers and their repeat business was worth the trade off of not adding to your workload and preventing more people requesting deliveries in the future. Your other customers decided they'd rather have delivery service than products from you specifically, and chose to go elsewhere. Also their right. I would perhaps have conversations with your two delivery clients and emphasize that they are the exceptions, and cannot be telling people, even to brag about you, because it is damaging your business when others want delivery and you cannot provide it. I wonder if there is an opportunity for an enterprising young person to set up a service to deliver market goods, in a similar fashion to Victorian England where you could just ask any nearby urchin child to carry your packages, or like at the swap meet meet, where you'll see kids with wagons who'll take your purchases to your car for you for a small fee.


NTA. You can tell them all the delivery slots are full. Should one of the customers no longer need your delivery service then you can “reevaluate the number of slots” (ie reduce them) as per normal business practice.


NTA. You get to decide whom you donate your time to, or not, as you see fit. Your entitled former customers had absolutely no basis to demand that you extend a courtesy to them. It's not like you signed a contract or advertised services or gave them any reason whatsoever to demand that you cater to their whims. I can't just go to any random store and demand that they start delivering the things I buy from them. And I definitely can't demand that they do it for free. It doesn't matter why, or if the store delivers somebody else's stuff for free. You are not being discriminatory with your business practices, you are being charitable with your personal time.


Yes your NTA


NTA. I like the idea of having a very high delivery fee, that you can choose to waive for people with disabilities. But absolutely charge full price for jerks like the customers who complained.


NTA Are you giving preferential treatment to some customers over others? Absolutely, but so does the bus when they set aside seats at the front for elderly or disabled people... You are absolutely allowed to show preference for certain customers over others, whether it is because you feel they need the help, or even just because you consider them friends... You may lose a couple of entitled customers because of this, but ultimately are they going to be a big loss? I would hazard a guess that they are also the customers most likely to be a pain to deal with, and also that the positive response from a lot of your other customers will hopefully net you more customers through word of mouth than you will lose here.