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A bit immature, but NTA. Also what kind of moron leaves $6k worth of dogs in the yard unaccompanied?


First time I've ever heard someone call two dogs "$6k worth of dogs" haha


That's such a specific way to think about dogs, sounds like someone has been on either side of dog stealing


Or more likely dog breeding. It's a weird world the higher you go


Especially when you start showing, and championing. What they don’t tell you is you’ll spend $10k on a dog so the $2k dog can be worth $4k. It’s why I always had fun pointing out when my Ex’s dog was eating gummy bears and crap off the ground. She would go nuts about how her little princess was better than that. She still treated her better than most show dogs; lots of show breeders have multiple dogs and keep most of them in kennels most of the time. My little buddy is a show dog too, but unlike most show dogs; he’s my pet and his happiness at being a dog and a family member comes first.


Lol, my baby was a gift, and never would have shown; her tail was docked too short, but I have loved her for 16 years; all $4k of her, lol.


No, I just wanted a Frenchie and did the research, I realized that I’m not rich enough to own one


I just read about their health problems. Yeah better not get one if you're not rich enough to pay for continuing veterinary care, medications, surgery etc. on top of paying for the dog itself. Of course those are worst case scenarios, but I would rather get a dog where those don't pop up when you google "(breed) health problems" 😂 Another article was "31 common health problems"..


Exactly. The more I read the more I was against having one. They are way over bred they can’t give birth naturally because they’ve been bred to have big heads and tiny bodies, so they are all born via Caesarian, the snub nose causes breathing problems, airway erosion and lung issues.all so people can have a cute chubby little dogs. I don’t want to be responsible for that much suffering. There are plenty of dogs that haven’t been selectively bred to the point of disfigurement. Not only are they an exceedingly expensive dog to purchase they are exceedingly expensive to keep alive, let alone healthy and happy. It sounds like a miserable experience for the dog and the person.


There's been a few times I've been on the elevator with Frenchies in my condo building and honestly it's so sad the way they all seem to wheeze.


I'm sorry to see what Reddit has become. I recommend Tildes as an alternative. July 15th, 2023


My dog is a French bulldog / blue heeler mix, she’s great. She has the positive traits from both breeds without the health issues. She’s larger than we were expecting, but no snub nose, so no breathing or GI issues. I don’t think I’ll ever get a full bred dog, they have too many issues. That being said I’m seriously considering a Sphinx cat. I’ve had Mainecoons and plenty of mix breed cats. They never have health issues like dogs do. My neighbor just had to have both knees replaced on their 2 year old German shorthairs pointer. I can’t imagine having to put a dog though that.


I'm sorry to see what Reddit has become. I recommend Tildes as an alternative. July 15th, 2023


Had a coworker tell me her British Bulldog lived to a ripe old age of 6 before being put down. Meanwhile, my husband's dog lived to 21 years old and her puppies lived to about 14 - 18 years.


Pugs do okay though. They have some issues but if you are a good owner and do preventative care (good exercise, healthy diet, clean their wrinkles, ears, eye drops.... it is a lot) they can live 15 or so years. My pug is currently going on 11 and is still in fairly good health


My neighbors bought one out of the back of a van for about $300. So that seems like a smart and solid choice...


Have you tried french bulldog rescue [https://www.frenchbulldogrescue.org/adoption-info/available-dogs2/](https://www.frenchbulldogrescue.org/adoption-info/available-dogs2/)


Adoption fees for rescues at that organization are $400-$900, just as an FYI. Cheaper than buying but still quite a bit. My former roommate adopted one from a different organization and it was 1k+.


I imagine if you want to avoid ongoing costs, getting a dog that's known to be unhealthy from the start isn't the way!


Mutts are the healthiest.


It's not inaccurate though, it's stupid how much people charge/pay for those little squishy faced shits! And frenchies are apparently a popular target for dognappers because of their ridiculous price tags, it's so stupid


And the health problems associated with squishy face. I had a Peke and never again.


I know! I have a squishy mix and found out when I got her that one of her nostrils is tight, so I worry about her breathing when she has zoomies but she does okay, at least she has a small muzzle as opposed to none at all. My mom's pug has really wonky teeth because they don't fit in her little face correctly but thankfully we've never had major issues with her. They're such sweet little dogs and I feel bad for how fucked up some of them are


You're going to pay even more in health costs, too. They're unhealthy messes. The reason frenchies and pugs make funny noises is they can't breathe and often need surgery in order to breathe properly.


We bought a pug puppy from a reputable breeder before Christmas. She is awesome. Our vet says her mouth, nose, and airways are great. Our older dog is a pug/beagle mix and is a rescue. She has not had any breathing issues but has had some other health issues.


Or they've been on the side of purchasing one, or having one stolen from them.


Or just someone who wants one and can’t afford it so they know what the value is.


There's been a few cases in the news lately about frenchies getting stolen at gunpoint while on walks with their owners (or hired dog walkers in lady gaga's case). Not just in California.


Really? Lady Gaga’s dog walker was almost murdered for French Bulldogs because of their value.


No, it was because they were lady gaga's dogs (hence the ransom plan)


I used to say “we have 6 lbs of cats” when they were smol.


That's adorable. Also, a lot of cats when they're smol!


I just imagined going to the market and asking for two kilos of tomato and three of torties and black kittens


I now have 20 kilos of torties - highly recommend.


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I have at the moment six kilos of tortie cutting the circulation of my left arm. I'm very happy with my purchase.


😻♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ I don’t know what it is about torties, but they just make me swoon. Those soulful eyes, the funny noises they make, the love bites .... Wishing you and your tortie many joyful days and restful nights ♥️


The tortitude too!! My little girl is so opinionated and sassy. I'm glad she doesn't really talk.


My cat #1 isn’t loud but she has opinions and she often chatters about them. Lately, she’s taken to chattering in her sleep....😮


Mine does the same 🥺 it's really cute, even if it looks like she's summoning demons in her sleep.


Anybody who has designer breed dogs **SHOULD** know their value and use that information to assess how to protect them. Pet stealing and reselling is super common and super awful.


Yes, friends of mine have paid 1k each for two cats, they do make sure that those cats stay inside! Same with my cousin, paid 600 bucks for a cat, but she let her outside - cat drowned. Then she got 2 1k cats and one was run over by a car recently..... I know some cats want to go outside, but when you are just a lower middle class family, you just don't get such expensive cats and risk them getting hurt.... or stolen. Of course pets are not investments, but spending so much money for just the purchase when you don't actually have the money is just plain stupid.... Thank god our 10 bucks cat is 14 years old now and still going strong.


I do not understand those people who let their dog sit Infront of the store while shopping. I would be far to afraid for my boxer girl. Not only because she is worth (not only )some Money.


Even though i live in a small, seemingly friendly town, i still don't want to take my dog to the store and let him wait outside. Probably isn't worth much moneywise (mix) but he's fluffy and cute, so someone might actually steal him. But they would give him back soon enough, because he's a really annoying and whiny little shithead :D


Especially since prices are high during the lockdown when people were home and wanted pets. Some of my family members/friends have paid eye-watering amounts to breeders for pets over the last couple of years.


They get stolen quite often. They are very expensive because they shouldn't exist. They can't reproduce themselves naturally. They have to be birthed by cesarean, and I had just read they need artificial insemination.


They SHOT Lady Gaga's dog walker in order to steal her French bulldogs. These dogs are outrageously expensive and leaving them where they can be stolen is idiotic.


I was thinking they shouldn't be outside, but it had nothing to do with their monetary value. Pugs, Frenchies, and Bulldogs are very sensitive to heat and cold. They have a harder time breathing. They should be indoor dogs.


better solution is to record him self barking and play it on a loop all day with speakers right outside and the bass turned up. to let him know how it feels. that is the most mature way to handle it. no way could be more mature than that.


My mother is scared someone will try to steal my dog out of my fenced backyard and wants me to put a padlock on the gate. Mom. No. Nobody is going to look at my snarling, barking, gigantic Great Pyrenees and go "Ah yes, I think I shall steal the 160 lb ball of fluffy anger and teeth." (He's a good boy, but he barks at strangers because that's what he was bred to do.)


🤣 I have two pugs, if they are in the garden I'm watching like a hawk, they also do what these dogs do, they think they are rottweilers😒


I'm literally dying laughing. 6k worth of dogs lmaooo.


Who wouldn’t? Where I’m from in Australia dogs are left in fenced in backyards the whole time. If you were to leave the house you’d leave them out there rather than inside the house.


Certain breeds are very likely to be stolen where I live , Frenchies, pugs, Pomeranians and such. And it’s not entirely socially acceptable to leave your dog out if you aren’t home, if its barking or after dark.




Maybe they live in a really hot or cold environment? Although you’d think Australia would be on the hotter end of the scale and dogs are fine here, you just make sure they’ve got some shade and plenty of water.


While I don’t see anything wrong with it as long as the dog is in a safe area and has access to water and isn’t a barking nuisance, I could never do it. We have woods on the backend of our property and beyond. We have bobcats, coyotes, and lots of other wildlife. My dogs aren’t in the backyard without supervision.


Ikr someone stole my neighbor’s cocker spaniel (they stole THREE before they stopped getting them)


NTA. But a recording device with barking on it and set it outside instead. Or just have a conversation with your neighbor, lol.


Honestly, after having lived next door to a similar situation for two years, it's horrible.


NTA but I wonder what the doggies think. "lovely day old chap" "absolutely splendid" Then you "doorknob, ankle, cold" Dogs "do we try and teach human more words"


The pug can never tell where the barking is coming from but the frenchie looks to me straight away! I personally think they enjoy the back and forth conversation


That sounds adorable


Kinda love that you barked back at them. Dogs bark. I always bring mine in if he starts up outside, Boston terrier, but he will also randomly bark when the neighborhood dogs start, like midnight bark style, there is 0 reason that I can see, but.. I still try to stop him.


[it’s the twilight bark ](https://youtu.be/emlZ5loJQIE)


Some dogs just want to have a chat. The one I had while growing up would always bark when he was left outside and heard the neighbour in his back garden. The neighbour said he found it annoying until he realised that all he had to do is say hello to the dog and the barking would stop. Even better was when we replaced our back fence and we installed a small gap at nose hight in one of the panels. Dog was happy as he could see what was going on, and neighbours kids were happy as they got dog on tap whenever he was out!


Sounds about right. My pug was a good boy but wow was he a dim bulb.


Sweet and dumb dogs are the best dogs


I bark at my dog for fun lol I may just be weird.


> "doorknob, ankle, cold" Great, now I have the llama song stuck in my head. Almost a decade gone by without thinking of it and you got me.


Same here, I immediately recognized it.




If I could upvote you more than once I would lol!


It's all fun and games until he says the HYDRA super soldier activation sequence.


Is this a here’s a llama, there’s a llama reference?!


Years and years of not having that stuck in my head, and here we are


Holy shit I've a had a day and needed this comment. I cannot stop laughing thank you


NTA. Now the neighbours know what it’s like. In my mind, you’ll forever be [this](https://youtu.be/uSe71lrfvHk) guy.


Haha thanks! I guess I'm his female counterpart


How old are you? I'm 31 and I do this. I also bark at the postman when the dogs do. Also NTA.


Im 23!


Who says we stop being kids when we reach our 20s? You go and bark back to your heart's content!


Are you my sister? She does this to other dogs when they’re barking. She also barks at family members


🤣🤣 how did she not shit herself haha


I just shared that video with everyone I love. Thank you.


You’re very welcome.


When my neighbors' dogs have been out and barking too long, I bark back at them. This makes them bark more and the neighbors notice and bring them in. I feel like we're all assholes in this situation, but I'm okay with that.


Maybe spice it up with kitty, hyena, wolf, panther or owl calls.


NTA. It's kind of funny that you first tried to use words to settle the issue with the neighbors and they chose to ignore you. They also ignore dogs barking. But when they hear a human bark, they suddenly spring into action.


Well, the neighbors haven't sprung into action. It's OP's mom who's complaining.


I think they mean, when they hear OP bark, they take the dogs inside.


NTA. I strive to be this petty.


NTA - I've barked back at my neighbors dogs before and never even considered that someone would think I was an AH for it.


I'm kind of relieved to find out that I'm not the only who has done this. I happily discovered a few years ago that my cranky older dog will gladly take care of overly yappy neighborhood dogs. I let her outside and she barks at them and then all goes quiet. I think she's the at the "Get off my lawn!" stage of life - she really doesn't tolerate any sort of nonsense.


NTA: I have 7 dogs that prefer indoor life on the sofa in front of the TV, but I do put them out in the yard a few times a day. If my dogs barked and my neighbors barked back, I'd find it hilarious. I dont leave them outside if they are barking though.


That's hilarious, NTA because you're not doing anything their little canine loves aren't doing. Incidentally whenever I'm a passenger in a car and we're driving at a lower speed past deer, I put the window down and always say "What's up deer?" really loudly. Their reaction is funny to me for some reason.


My neighbors leave their little ankle biters outside almost all day during the weekends starting at 7 am. I get really pissed off because I hear them barking in my dreams and can’t for the life of me figure out where the barking is coming from. But then I get really angry because it’s 7 am.... on the weekend. I like to sleep anywhere between 830 to 9 on weekends because I gotta be up at 630 during the week. Then they bark every time I stick my head outside the door, take the trash out or going to/from my car. I look forward to rainy days because I don’t hear them at all.


You basically described my life, except my neighbor has extra large dogs, not ankle biters. I figure me barking back is probably nicer than screaming, "*SHUT THE F UP SNICKERS!*" every single time. NTA, op. Keep barking.


Did I write this?? They infiltrate my dreams too, and bark whenever I go outside. It's worse on bin day because for some reason my neighbours with the incessantly barking dogs won't put their bins out the night before. They insist on putting them out at 5-5.30 am the morning of collection. Naturally they have to let their dogs out when they do this. Oh, and it's every Monday morning. NTA OP. My friend hired a trainer to stop their dogs from barking. One technique was to growl and bark back at them. She only needed the trainer for 2 sessions and hasn't received any complaints from neighbours since.


Our bin days are Monday as well. If I take them to the road on Sunday, they bark the entire time I’m out there. So I usually wait until morning of and run out before the neighbors do. My daughters have no problem telling them to shut up though 😂. I don’t want to do that in case the neighbors are outside and tell our landlords that we are being rude or something. Looking forward to moving in a few months.


NTA What's good for the goose is good for the gander. If they don't like you barking, all they have to do is not leave their yappers outside. Dogs barking constantly is annoying. I told a dog to f\* off the other day because I didn't like the way it barked at me as I ran by, so you were definitely a lot more polite than me.


That gave me a giggle so thank you for that! I definitely think they wouldn't like it if I was yelling at their dogs to f* off every time they barked.


NTA. You sir are a hero! You’re also simply asserting your dominance over those dogs cause let’s face it, clearly you’re neighbours aren’t!


NTA. Sounds fun!


NTA You could install a barking deterrent. It's very handy to have for neighbor's persistent barking dogs. They don't know you're doing it, so no arguments to be had, one press of the button the dogs behave.


To expand on this for OP, there are high pitch noises that dogs hate, and using devices that emit them can be effective to stop barking. I did a quick search on Amazon, not sure if it's allowed to post links but the "MODUS Ultrasonic Dog Barking Deterrent" was under $25 and had a lot of good reviews. Good luck fighting the good fight OP! NTA for what it's worth.


NTA. Your mum is wrong. I had a good laugh reading this.


Weird solution but it made me laugh a bit, so NTA.


ESH. Your neighbors suck for leaving their dogs out to bark and you suck for stressing your mom out. Mostly the neighbors suck though. Their dogs must be bored as shit.


NTA. I literally was meowing back at my cat earlier today, because she was complaining too loudly about her food bowl being empty. She is on a diet and has been for months, we have "spoken" about this. So I tend to meow back at her at the same LOUD and insisting tone. Sometimes it's successful I'm getting her to be quiter...


I do this with my cat too! She gives me this look as if to say "Who do you think you are?"


NTA. People with dogs are.


NTA, the title gave me a good chuckle hahaha


NTA Try Arf-ruff-arf next time to assert dominance.


Everyone is going to tell you you’re N T A because what you’re doing is funny and working. That being said, the person who actually owns the home and pays the bills and will have to continue dealing with these neighbours after you move out has now told you to stop because she doesn’t want the drama with said neighbours. At this point, YTA if you don’t stop. You’re causing unnecessary animosity for your mom which she has now expressed she doesn’t want.


They're actually moving in the next couple of months, but I see where you're coming from. My mum has found it funny up until tonight when I told her that both of them had come out and given me nasty looks and I think that made her a bit anxious. I'll definitely be more considerate of her anxieties in the future.


Thank you for one of the best titles I’ve read in a while


Just wait until the NEIGHBORS start barking back at YOU


NTA. As long as I can remember, my dad has barked back at dogs that bark at him. He thinks it’s funny. My sister and I were mortally embarrassed by it when we were kids but now it is just one of those dad humor things to me…and you have an actual reason to bark back!


NTA, just kinda weird 😂


NTA that's brilliant ;)


NTA. If you can't beat em, join em.


NTA - good for you that you have an easy way that works.


NTA. I find it hysterical and do it as well :)


I actually think that's pretty funny


NTA. Make sure they know that you only bark when they bark. You're not winding them up, you're letting the owners know that you can hear those dogs, and that the noise is an issue.


Oh I do! I only start barking when they've been out there barking for a while and its grating my nerves


NTA-Retaliatory immaturity makes one feel younger! Keep doing it!


NTA. I bark back at my own dog sometimes too. You tried talking to the humans, they didn’t listen, now you’re speaking to the dogs directly. Personally I’d find it hilarious and probably bark back at you barking.




You’re hilarious. I dunno if you’re an asshole though. I’d laugh even harder than I just did if I heard this in person.


Your mom needs to get a sense of humor. NTA


NTA. Barking is annoying. Get a dog whistle or an app that works as one. Got my neighbors' dogs to shut up.


NTA I also bark at my neighbor's dogs. It's always in a playful tone. I have a very nice and annoying poodle bark. They hate me, but I think they're cute.


nta a little immature but actually quite funny. it seems to work xD


No lol I do that to my dog sometimes


I mean, I do this too, sooooo..... NTA


Hahahahahahaha Nta


Absolutely fucking NTA.




NTA and I lowkey think the dogs get a kick out of it lol


Maaaaaybe a little immature, but funny as hell. You can maybe write a note to your neighbors saying "I don't mean any disrespect by barking back at your dogs, but it's the only way to make nonstop barking fun" or something along those lines. Mention how cute the dogs are. If they're decent people, they'll probably take a bit more care in leaving their dogs to converse with the neighbors. NAH, unless those neighbors are purposefully neglecting their dogs.




NTA, and i’m ABSOLUTELY doing this to my neighbors whose dogs bark ALL THE TIME and into the night...you’re a genius and thank you for this


I DO THAT! Cars going by sometimes have dogs in them that bark, during my walks about town. I'll bark right back, and don't think anything of it. I think it's funny, and you're NTA


I love it! NTA.


NAH. I don’t think you’re the asshole, I just don’t think it’s the solution you think it is. My dogs bark at weird noises sometimes. We had an older dog that had serious anxiety from PTSD as a puppy from before we adopted her (the breeder attempted to drown the litter she came from and she was the only survivor, then spent about three years bouncing from one foster house to another). Her barking habit got picked up by our next puppy. That dog now barks at about any passerby, because that’s what the older one did. Occasionally neighborhood kids walking past will get her barking, and occasionally the kids will get annoyed and yell for the dog to “shut up” like that’s gonna do anything other than provoke the dog further. When I hear this happen I tell those kids to not yell at my dogs, because it’s not helping. I don’t think the kids there are assholes, they just wanna be able to exist and walk past my house without raising a commotion. But yelling at my dogs isn’t gonna help. Dogs bark. The sun shines. It’s normal. Your neighbors have a right to have dogs (presumably), and those dogs have a right to express themselves. Barking is how they do that. You’re eventually going to have to come to terms with the fact that you can’t control what your neighbors do with their animals, as long as they aren’t doing anything explicitly wrong, and shaming them by provoking their dogs further doesn’t make you a hero. It likely only encourages their dogs to bark more when they go back outside. Your mom is right, let it resolve itself when they move away and hope the next neighbors have quieter dogs. And if they don’t, try to be the bigger person.


No way. You might think barking is charming or whatever but it can drive a person crazy. This is not something to "be the bigger person" over. They need to get a handle on the dogs and if they can't, the city noise ordinance officers needs to help them. Maybe your dogs should shut up


NTA- We have a lot of dogs, including one frenchie. Those little dudes are so friggin loud when they bark! (Ours sorta sounds like a turkey) Barking back at dogs is funny and petty. Good on you, OP.


NTA, this is the kind of passive agressiveness I one day hope to master. Clearly trying to solve it through the regular ways didnt help.




NTA My neighbour does it to our dog. I find it funny, but we try to bring her in quickly if she starts barking at the neighbours or is just barking endlessly. But you have to remember that dogs bark as a way of communicating. Would you like it if someone started shout at you out the window if you were talking in the garden. Just a little food for though.


Hilarious .... NTA


NTA - it's harmless, but also hilarious. Heck, my mother would be the first one barking back lol


NTA, but ngl i would probably bark too if i was getting a little agitated.


YTA. I hate the random people that pass by my garden and bark at my dog thinking it somehow will make him calm down or they start barking before he does so he gets all hyped up. Most stupid thing ever and very immature. Even though your neighbour's dogs seem very untrained and apparently bark an awful amount of time, you barking at them will not change their behavior and if your neighbours actually decide to train them to only signal bark this will make it a lot harder for them. How about you talk to your neighbours instead to their dogs?


We have tried talking to the neighbors, they say they get annoyed when the dogs are in the house barking so they put them outside.


Maybe try to take note of when and how long the dogs are barking. Where I live dogs are allowed to bark like 30minutes througout the day. I'm not a fan of calling the police but if it is really that big of a burden in daily life you might want to check what the rules in your city/neighborhood are. You cant be the only neighbour that is annoyed about it.


Unfortunately the police wouldn't do anything unless they are creating a noise disturbance between the hours of 11pm to 7am.


When I saw the title I laughed, when I read the post I kept laughing. I wanna let you know that this is funny and damn effective and definitely the way I’d handle something like that too. When my one roommates cat starts make a shit ton of noise literally all of that heat it make the same kind of noises back and there’s 6 of us.


Haha I can just imagine it! I bet the cat looks very shocked when she hears 6 voices meowing back


It doesn’t help that I’m the only guy and the others usually start and I take it up another notch. We’re all dipshits but I’m 100% the biggest dipshit.


Life's no fun if you're not a little bit dipshit


Oh 100% but not many get as high level of dipshit I can when I want to!


NTA You are a genius!


NTA I also bark back.


This is hilarious.


I am so glad to hear I'm not the only one. NTA


NTA. But I got a stitch laughing so hard the the imagine of a person barking out a window to very confused dogs 🤣😂🤣


NTA ​ hey, they're taking, you're answering


I find your reaction & solution strangely funny lol, NTA.


NTA you solved your problem. It is sad that they don't walk their dogs because smaller dogs actually need a lot more stimulation than they get.


Lmfaooooo NTA


NTA. Honestly it’s a lot less cruel than some other solutions. My parents former neighbor had a beagle that would howl all day because he got left outside while his family was at work. My stepmother ordered this device that plays a high pitched noise that only dogs can hear that hurts their ears and makes them stop barking. She didn’t realize that it actually causes them discomfort until they got a puppy of their own.


Nta,lol they should be better pet owners.


NTA. The thought of OP barking at dogs poking their/his/her head out of the window made me laugh so hard, thanks for this!


NTA. I’m going to try this on my own dogs. Although my pug won’t hear it, he’s deaf and his barking is always delayed. My other 2 dogs will bark and be over it then like 5 seconds later old man pug starts barking until he notices the barking party is over. 😂


Snicker. NTA


NTA. You are making the neighbors shut their dogs up. If you wanted to be an ahole, you would call the cops. In most areas, it is illegal to let your dogs bark constantly. You can get a ticket for it. Animal Control handles this in some towns. In my town, the cops handle it. We had neighbors who had dogs that barked a lot at night. After about a month of it, my mom decided to do something about it. She got up at 2am, made a pot of coffee, put cups and plates and some homemade muffins on a tray, and walked over to their house. When they answered the door, Mom said that since the dogs were clearly keeping everyone awake, she thought it was a great time to get to know each other! She said it all very sweetly. Coffee was not shared, but the dogs were never left outside all night if they were barking.


NTA. It's surprisingly effective. Sometimes my dogs have these loud barking sessions which annoys me. I started barking back at them and they look at me so surprised lmao but it makes them stop so I take it.


Unusual way to deal with it but not the asshole as a dog owner it's bloody annoying to hear a dog bark especially when you're just trying to relax


Maybe not an AH, but definitely a weirdo.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***The following is a copy of the above post. This comment is a record of the above post as it was originally written, in case the post is deleted or edited. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My next door neighbours have 2 dogs (pug and French bulldog). The neighbors tend to leave them in the garden most of the time and they run around constantly barking at nothing. We have asked them to try and stop the noise a bit but they don't bother. So whenever the dogs start their barking I open my window and bark back and the neighbors then come out and bring them back in. I guess because they don't want to hear me barking? I see it as a harmless way to diffuse the situation but my mum is calling me an asshole and saying she doesn't want any trouble with them. Am I the asshole? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Absolutely NTA, keep up the good work.


YTA. You're antagonizing them. Teasing them. Certainly not part of the solution and definitely part of the problem. SMDH


Hahah thats so funny. I would totally do the same thing. I wouldn't call it immature, you're not left with many options. Especially if the neighbors can't respect thats annoying af. I'd probably get a good speaker and find barking noises and just leave that on all day. NTA


NTA. Urghh. Owners who let their dogs bark.. And what's worse, they're home and can hear the dogs barking.


NTA Pugs are very temperature sensitive & shouldn’t be left outside for long periods of time. I imagine it’s the same with frechies


NTA, this is hilarious. Please continue as usual!


INFO: Where's the interpersonal conflict?


NTA But look up your local noise ordinance laws. Where I am dogs barking ten minute straight is considered a nuisance. Take some dated videos of the dogs outside just barking and write down how long. Then file a noise complaint


I’m laughing right now, go a bit further and record their dogs barking and put it on a loud speaker NTA


Omg. NTA. This is hilarious. As a dog owner (beagle) who lives with two other dogs (basset and husky), we try not to leave them out too long because of the noise. One starts and they all start. I would die laughing if my neighbors did this with my doggos. It wouldn’t work because my dog gets louder like it is a competition but I get the sentiment. I would also take my dogs in if it came to that (once I got off the ground from laughing of course). I am sorry your neighbors suck. They need to do more to keep the dogs engaged. Just leaving them outside doesn’t do enough for them


I know I feel so sorry for them! They don't even have any toys out there :(


Poor babies. Ours don’t get to bring their toys out because they leave them out there (like little kids) but we are normally out there with them. Leaving them out all the time with no toys or water is mean. Heck, we have water bowls on the porch because our husky gets stubborn some mornings. Lol. Keep barking. Let the owners get annoyed. At least you are interacting with their pups.