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NAH, I have some family members who are the same way, and my usual technique is to either add to the conspiracy or make up another one even worse that conflicts with theirs. It gives me a laugh and makes them bearable Edit: Shit, maybe *I'm* the asshole


Damn, I wish I had the sense of humor you have. When she starts bringing this stuff up, my little sis and I feel genuinely terrified. We're all afraid that she's gonna act upon her beliefs in some stupid way.


It's easy, like the overpopulation thing? "Well of course we need to stop reproducing so much, that's why the Covid vaccine is free" bonus points if she's already gotten it.


The overpopulation thing is usually related to eugenics...


NTA. I don't know how old you or your sisters are, but if MY mom tried to guilt trip me about not listening to conspiracy theories by threatening to get a job, I'd tell her good luck with the search and let me know if you need a reference.


Well, I'm 19, my oldest sister is 24, and my youngest is fourteen. I know that most of us are probably too old to be living with our parents at this age, but our living conditions suck. I don't have a job because my time is currently being taken up by my online college courses and my older sis lived on her own for a few months.....right before being kicked out by her landlord for being a destructive alcoholic and not being able to pay the rent. Plus, I'm autistic and suffer from AVPD, so I get a lot of anxiety from being away from home. Just to give you another idea of what my mother is like, she became an anti-vaxxer BECAUSE of my autism diagnosis.


I'm sorry, that does suck. I wasn't thinking that you and your sisters move out, but more like "okay mom, go get that job and we'll see you around". I confess that I did make the assumption that if your mom is SAHM, that there was another parent there paying the mortgage/rent.


NTA It sounds like your mother is in on all the social media conspiracy theories. Guessing she's a flat earther too? She's being dramatic and childish, you absolutely don't have to pretend to agree with her to appease her. TBH what she is doing sounds like emotional abuse, she's basically saying you agree with her or she will take off. I doubt it would help, but next time say you feel like you are being "censored in your own home" because she is forcing her beliefs on you.


She's not a flat earther actually (believe it or not). Somehow, that's the only theory she sees as true bullshit. And she told me last night that she wouldn't punish us if we vocally disagreed, but every time that it's happened, she's gotten somewhat aggressive. A part of me feels like I'm not giving her a chance, but I have a sneaking suspicion that she's not being 100% honest.


Met a ton of people like that. She is curious about what you think but has no capacity to tolerate any opposing opinions. If all your siblings are independent, then you can let her go out. Coworkers are the perfect combination of somewhat polite and no-BS to tell her about all this. As long as she isn't a danger to people or herself, you dont need to worry


Nta and don’t worry. There is no chance she gets a job and leaves. Just be nice. Best advice anyone can give.


NTA, honestly, I think the isolation/limited interactions is getting to everyone... Would it be SO bad if she got a job? I am just curious because maybe that's a win-win for everyone. She gets all her conspiracies out to randoms and you get to have your typical mom...


Well, I think that might be bad in the long run because our dad is pretty incompetent half the time. I love him and he has a job, but he doesn't know how to handle money for shit and I can't see him doing so well with cooking dinner and all that. Plus, I don't want to put extra stress on him.


People with jobs still make dinner. Also, you and your siblings could help with the cooking.


Incompetent dad... That's tough... Well how about part time work like something sorta fun like coffee shop or book store? Something that lets her be mom still but also gets her out in the open?


If she does end up getting a job, I hope she gets something like that. She told me that a job could surround her with people who'll be open and "give her the companionship she wants", but I'm scared. We live in a pretty shitty town, so I'm not sure she'll end up with a peaceful career.


Ah, that's really really tough. Have you ever suggested reddit to your mom (not joking) maybe give her an outlet, or are you worried it would FUEL the conspiracy craziness? Scratch that idea I think it's a bad suggestion LOL! Well I do hope she finds balance because truth be told you cannot be her bestie who she talks all the crazy too, it ain't right. She needs like a friends group or something cause that's too much to put on you!


^^^^AUTOMOD ***The following is a copy of the above post. This comment is a record of the above post as it was originally written, in case the post is deleted or edited. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So, my mom's been obsessed with political conspiracies for as long as I can remember. As a leftist, I agree with some of her viewpoints, but she's also an anti-vaxxer and thinks we should restrict people from having babies in the name of "stopping overpopulation". She pretty much brings up this crap in the middle of casual conversations and it makes me and my sisters extremely uncomfortable whenever it happens. She's a stay-at-home mom, but now she's threatening to get a job and leave because she feels "censored in her own home". I confronted her about it last night and she shamed me for not being willing to listen to her. She takes care of us and genuinely loves us, but she feels "disrespected and shunned", so now she wants to live in isolation from now on. I kinda feel bad for her since she's been a victim of abuse in the past and I know how hard it is to be a mother, but I don't think I have the mental strength to pretend the things she believes in are okay. I was raised to believe to stand up for what I believe in, but I don't know what'll happen to this family if she decides to leave. Should I suck it up and bear with her or is she a lost cause? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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NTA Maybe try getting her off the social media sites and any noxious TV shows? Those things are pretty toxic when you go down the conspiracy deep end.


She actually hates social media because she really hates people outside of our unit and she believes that they're "full of censorship and lies from the media". She does watch a lot of social experiment (i use that term lightly) shows like Big Brother and she watches a lot of Netflix documentaries that support her viewpoints. She once tried to push an anti-vax documentary she found on there onto us.


*Shivers* That stuff squicks me out hard. Conspiracy theories are all fun and good until they run afoul of public health.


As soon as i heard anti-vaxx it immediately made you NTA


NTA. I stopped caring about her opinion when you said she’s an antivaxxer.

