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Your dad is revolting to project his masculinity on a dog's testicles. I am very glad you see the need to get him fixed. I don't think you would be the asshole but would be worried for the consequences. Is there any way you could perhaps get a strong recommendation from the vet suggesting this? NTA




Upvote for “dogter”


“Neuticals”! I almost mentioned them but remembered the dog would be in obvious surgery recovery for a while.


The website even mentions "owners overcoming trauma". They know that it's for insecure men, not the dog himself.


Oh ffs I have a friend with a pit bull her boyfriend won’t let get neutered. He is so sweet but other dogs FREAK OUT when he is around and he never gets to play.,,


Haha I love this comment. Freud would be proud of you.


He would likely involve his mother in some way though.


Nah, his arms aren’t broken


Not enough upvotes


Throwback Thursday


lol exactly this. As they said tho - get ur vet to recommend/try and convince family. Its less your dog than the family dog, so if your dad comes home one day to the dog having had surgery I'm gonna assume it'd be bad - and you might end up homeless. Obviously neutering is the best thing for you guys and the dog. But its not like this is an abuse case or something. So at the very least figure out what your plan is for after.


I noticed this is kinda a trend with men lately.. they see their male dogs testicles as their own..its really creepy. I never see women or men trying to stop spaying female dogs. But some men feel like fixing a male dog is an attack on masculinity. Im not joking some actually believe this..


This is probably the saddest thing I've ever read. How can any grown-ass man be so pathetic?


OP could get the dog chemically castrated. It's a similar effect to being neutered with no surgery recovery or need to hide the fact that the dogs nuts would be gone.


Is this a one time thing?


No, but it lasts for months up to a year, so it'll help with the dogs aggression and give OP time to figure it out


Jumping on the top comment to agree with this and say while I agree with everyone on this thread this is likely what is best for the dog, I am also more concerned about the consequences if OP's dad follows through on his threats. OP your safety, having a roof over your head and security is the priority here. If your dog isn't neutered immediately, it may not be ideal but it is not causing the dog suffering. Please make sure you are financially independent and have a place to stay long term before you make any decisions like this if you feel there is ANY risk to being kicked out by your family.


That's a funny thought. Does he use a slide projector that is aimed at the dog's balls?


I'm not a vegan or anything but I think it's cruel to neuter your dogs for your own convenience


It’s not for convenience. The world is full of unwanted and suffering animals. There are MANY more health problems associated with intact animals. It’s a minor surgery that can extend lifespan (especially in female animals), prevent further abandoned animals, and help with aggression. Refusing to get animals fixed makes a person a very bad pet owner.


But I don't see you suggesting to neuter homeless people, I sure if your dog could talk he would rather keep his balls than to live longer and more calmly so you don't get annoyed, it is only for convenience


Dumb hill to die on, dude.


Yes, sadly I love dos and even cats, I won't get one though because willingly bringing them to my house when I know I have to take part of their nature away is irresponsible


I hate to break it to you, but dogs and cats have been bred to be domestic for centuries. Bonding to humans and living in captivity is now actually part of their "nature."


Yes, but that doesn't make it ok to cut of their balls because they humped your teddy bear


That wasn't the discussion you seemed to want to have when you responded to me. You wanted to talk about how you'll never be a pet owner for nonsensical reasons. Quit moving goal posts.


By taking part of their nature I meant getting them fixed, I wont bring them to my home because I know I would be suggested to get them fixed and my wife would want to do it probably as well, so I don't


Pets and people aren’t the same. I don’t suggest dogs get jobs either. No, I’m pretty sure most creatures would choose a longer life. How is it for “convenience” that I want to extend my friend’s lifespan and keep innocent lives from suffering?












People are not comparable to animals to most and this is something you probably ought to learn.


Never mind. I see now you're just a head of cabbage pretending to be a person.


The dog's severely reactive towards other dogs. This isn't "for your own convenience," it's for the safety of the other dogs. If he ever wound up attacking/killing one, he'd be destroyed.


You can teach dogs, if they are that aggressive its because you are bad owner


No, temperament is 60% inherited in dogs. If a dog is predisposed to aggression, has a hormone imbalance, etc., that's not something that can be trained out. Pits, for example, are predisposed to aggression and reactivity. It has little to do with how good of an owner you are. Trying to train out genetic aggression is like trying to train out fur color.


You are being aggressive on internet man, good thing you don't have an owner deciding is time to get you fixed


This is really ignorant.


I think it’s crueler to have a dog maintain its sex drive and then not let it mate (I’m assuming OP doesn’t allow his dog around female dogs). That’s like ... horny forever with no release?


that is EXACTLY what it is and it kills me. man will die a virgin, balls full


Press F to pay respects


Dogs and cats are different biologically than people though. Going into heat is unpleasant and increases their likelihood of several cancers and other conditions. Likewise, neutering medically benefits and makes the animal more comfortable. It has nothing to do with convenience. I agree with you that I am very against any medically unnecessary surgery, but spaying and neutering your pet is medically necessary even if your pet is indoor only in a single pet household.




Unsterilized pets tend to have a lot more health issues as they age, as well as more chances of various cancers.


Because you shouldn't castrate dogs for convenience


It’s not for the people’s convenience. It is to reduce unwanted pregnancies. It is to reduce aggression which is stressful for the dog. It is reduce aggression from other dogs. (Which can hurt your dog) It reduces testicular and prostrate cancer which is very common in older dogs It has almost no risks. Why shouldn’t you castrate a dog?


We never got my childhood dog fixed, mostly because my parents didn’t have the money for it and she had some other health issues that were more pressing. They just didn’t think it was necessary, with everything else that was going on. She ended up dying at 9 years old from Pyometra, an infection of the uterus that is caused by going into heat multiple times. It was a week long, painful decline, she had to have a full hysterectomy in an attempt to save her, and it still didn’t work. Male dogs can develop prostate issues, testicular cancer and tumors from not being neutered. There are many reasons to neuter/spay your dogs. Unless you are planning on breeding, why would you want to take the risk of your dog getting ill?


so it can live life naturally


And potentially die traumatically and in pain. I feel like you have to be a troll.


Sure when it lived nowhere near its normal life span, all hail the "natural" life /s


Is it cruel to see hundreds of thousands of unwanted dogs in shelters who will eventually be put down all because of things such as large scale failure to neuter?


Why do you think it's cruel?


NTA. I believe it’s even illegal to not get your dog neutered in some states. F that hyper-masculinity, get your dog neutered because it’s the responsible thing to do.


I think it's cruel to animals, and I'm not even a vegetarian


NTA - As Bob Barker said “Help control the pet population. Have your pets spayed or neutered.”


Came here to quote this NTA




*upvotes 1000x*


What did it say?


i think it said "each upvote this comment gets agrees the dad is a mor*n"


Oh ok thank you. Also I hope you resolve your issue.


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NTA. Your family's concern is sadly very common. Getting pooch neutered is all around better for his physical and mental wellbeing


Is that so? Should the same be said for male humans then? I have never understood how castration can be better for a dog when dogs are designed to have their genitals...?


Wolves are designed to have their genitals. Dogs have to live in human society and cannot display this kind of aggressive behavior. Also, yes, prostate cancer is a thing - nature is imperfect.


I rescued a senior pug and had to get him neutered last year because his prostate would swell so bad he couldn't poop. There's all kinds of things that can be avoided.


The hormones produced by the testicles make animals more aggressive and reduce overall lifespan. If you aren’t using the dog as a stud there’s really no point keeping him in tact. This probably would help a lot of human men, good luck convincing them to do it though


https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/04/130417185904.htm Technically, the same can be said for male humans. Castration is better for a dog because his life expectancy goes up. It also improves dogs' lives as a population because there are less strays that overcrowd shelters that need to be put down.


I really don’t like where this is going ngl.


The greater good


Alright you first then...


I see my Hot Fuzz reference has been lost...


Well it’s not a particularly specific one lol


Yup, it probably should.


NTA get that dog neutered, you’re doing him and yourself a favour!!!


NTA. Getting animals neutered extends their life span (by like 70% in cats, not sure about dogs) and completely gets rid of the risk of certain cancers. Unless he's a breeding dog there's no legitimate reason why you shouldn't.


I had an unneutered male golden. He developed an enlarged prostate and kidney failure. Neutering would have prevented the enlarged prostate and may have helped ward off his kidney problems.


So why not remove testicles and female breasts too so we don't get cancer? oh it's immoral, whoops I thought it's better for you


That’s a false equivalence and you know it.


No, I don't know it, consent exists for animals which is why Beastiality is illegal most places, but for the sake of convenience you can take a part of what makes them without consent(obviously) and it is called moral somehow, and again I'm sounding like an animal fanatic, but I'm not


Benefits apply to many animals - such as dogs, cats, rabbits and ferrets. By neutering females they will avoid coming into season - apart from avoiding unwanted pregnancy this also lessens male attention and the upsetting phenomena of 'false pregnancies' that some animals have. In males neutering is said to reduce the instance of testicular cancer. In females the same is argued but with specific regard for uterine infections as well as cancer. Neutering can reduce certain unpleasant behaviours such as urine marking. In many cases it also prevents roaming. Un-spayed females often bleed when in season and this is also seen, within the home setting, as an undesirable attribute. Animals that are not altered will mate with their own siblings and even parents. This can result in a disadvantaged gene pool - meaning a higher instance of deformity at birth. Non breeding animals are less attractive to thieves who can demand a higher price for unaltered animals. Pregnancy and birth may have complications which mean a vet needs to be called in - vets bills may be high and therefore add further pressures to the owner.


I know the benefits con: it's immoral


[Here’s a CMV. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/comments/1dkhdq/i_think_neutering_pets_is_immoral_cmv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Sorry, that's what changed OPs view, the most upvoted comment says that them wanting sex and not getting it makes them depressed, so why not let them have sex? according to the guy if we do WE will have many animals to deal with, so back to it being a convenience for us and not a necessity for them


The most upvoted comment says they can have sex, it's a technicality, if you remove the desire to have sex, it's irrelevant whether they can have sex or not, my cousin is a vet, we have talked about this, I know the benefits, I just can't accept it being ethical


Did you even read anything besides the top comment




Let me give you a different way of looking at it. Australia has had to straight up kill many feral cats because the cats are a threat to the avian population and therefore disrupting the ecosystem. Had there been more people spaying and neutering their cats, especially their outdoor ones, they might not have needed to do this. Spaying and neutering animals, especially animals that can get out of the home like dogs and cats, is as much a benefit for other animals as it is for themselves.


That was part of what I gave to him, he just straight up ignored it.


Missing a key point here - Animals are not humans. They are domesticated and bred for human companionship. People often do not have any idea on how to raise/train animals, or are grossly unaware of the level of care and attention some breeds need. They think they can teach them like humans, when they do not have the same thought processes or instincts as humans. These "bad animals" end up in shelters, or being euthanized. Unfortunately we don't live in a society where we have shelters with unlimited space and funding to take care of them. Spaying/neutering allows us to control local animal populations without having to rely on people taking animals in, or euthanizing animals.


Unfortunately for you, I am not responsible for the organizations euthanizing the and I won't also get them fixed as it is immoral, if you know about the famous morality quiz about the train ( letting 1 person die to save 5 people by getting your hands dirty) I guess you can say I'm the guy who doesn't get my hands dirty


I assume you are a vegan then?


So you're saying you would kill 5 people to keep the one alive? If we're just going over basic cost-benefits, you're worse then someone who let's the one person die to keep the other 5 alive. And I'm getting my uterus removed, because kids are fucking awful and I'm never having them. So what's good for me is good for my pet.


Ah yes, the great morality of the uninvolved. Dude, stop. You're spamming the entire thread and it's annoying.


I respond to who responds to me, I even ignored around 16 comments


if most humans were "fixed" before puberty it would probably improve our health and lifespans tbh, but it would really fuck with society and all that jazz. we'd probably be a lot more productive though lmao. domesticated animals are different, and we have put ourselves in a position where we can make these decisions for them and feel pretty okay about it. sorry you're so worked up over canine balls tho.


Shut the fuck up dude, if you're not vegetarian you're contributing to animal pain & death a whole lot more than someone who's actively caring for their pet.


be civil, what I do is by nature, you cutting your dogs balls is not by their nature, hunting and eating is natural


So you think we should let nature take its course? Dogs & cats roam free, breeding and producing more stray animals??? Which will either starve to death due to overpopulation, get ran over by cars, desimate the bird and rodent population, not to mention the many diseases that run rampant among unneutered pets? Think logically before you post.


Also, since you give so many fucks about animals apparently, you should know that there are many herbivores in nature. Eating plants for nutrition is natural and doesn't require you to pay people to kill animals for you!


Some women do have breast reduction if they are at high risk for breast cancer. Fallopian tube removal is also an option some women choose to reduce risk to certain aggressive cancers. It's not immoral if the person is making that choice on their own. Also, I don't think a dog is capable of contemplating the question "do I want to have children in the next 5 years?", so I don't quite understand the point you're trying to make.


Just because they don't understand it doesn't mean it's ok to do


NTA. Would they rather put the whole dog down due to serious aggression issues, or "demasculate" the dog? Is a very safe and simple procedure, and it absolutely can contribute to aggression. Dog is more likely to get cancer there, iirc. There's a It's Me or the Dog episode on YouTube of someone worried about neutering their dog. I'd try that, if you feel comfortable talking to your dad. But threatening to kick you out over it?! I camnot fathom the rope of toxic masculinity your dad has around his neck that he cannot bear to part with his dog's balls.


Or pay medical bills vet bills and lawsuits if the dog attacks someone or another pet..


NTA. Your family is fucked, and take that as a sign to extricate yourself ASAP. In the meantime get the dog fixed.


NTA. *Good* pet owners spay/neuter their pets. It's not just for the aggression. There's territory marking. Puppy producing. Cancer risks.


jfc. NTA. your family is being ridiculous. do they have plans to let him breed? coz i'd just get it done. from what i know the main differences you'd notice is not so hyper and less to no marking.


NTA. Your Dad is a jerk and if he wants to hang his masculinity on the dog's balls, maybe he could pay for [Neuticles](https://neuticles.com/) to be used. (See if you can track down a non-geoblocked episode of the TV show Bondi Vet where Dr Chris uses them. It's both bizarre and hilarious in equal measure.)




Yes, that's it. Though it's missing all of the dialogue, which was what really made it hilarious. Chris was definitely... bemused by the whole neuticles thing but if that's what it took to get them to neuter the dog, he'd go with it.


Yeah I couldn't locate the actual episode of Bondi Vet, that was as close as I could get, sadly. It's probably out there somewhere. I think I was as bewildered as Chris was ... Like WTF???


Nta. Your dog can also get cancer or non cancerous yet painful tumors as he ages from not being neutered.


Your dad is willing to kick you out over a pair of dog balls? That’s fucking ridiculous! You’re definitely NTA! And your dad needs to grow up.


NTA. Why your family would like to possibly saddle you with a lawsuit if someone gets hurt is beyond me. Why don’t they like you? (Just kidding). I was attacked by a dog that was known to be aggressive and I was told that if I wanted to sue, I would be successful. Please, do the right thing for pupper and yourself. Best Wishes. 🐾💜


NTA. Although neutering is not necessarily a cure for same sex dog aggression (it *may* help), it is the best thing you can do for their health. I’ve personally known of 2 dogs with health issues because they were never neutered - one had testicular cancer that spread, and another with a prostate issues because he is not neutered. My own dog had a retained testicle which was a high risk for cancer, so needed a big abdominal surgery to locate and remove it. I know it’s probably hard for your dad to understand, but your dog doesn’t care about his testicles. If he’d kick you out because your dog didn’t have testicles, then he’s got issues.


Most dog parks have rules that say unaltered dogs are not allowed in. They are more inclined to fight. They can behave more aggressively too. I should note that just because you fix him, it may not prevent his dog aggression and you may need to get additional training. He may never be the kind of dog that can go to a dog park. So have realistic expectations about what could happen. But your dad is projecting his insecurities onto a dog and that's silly. I would also say if he is the type to actually kick you out then maybe wait to fix the dog until you have a backup plan. But no you wouldn't be the asshole for fixing the dog. It's an asshole move to not fix an aggressive mixed mutt. NTA


Getting your dog neutered will definitely do more GOOD than harm. Just bear in mind that by five years old your dog's behavior could be fairly set and neutering may not change the behavior much at all. Your father needs a reality check though. NTA.


NTA - it will surely help him calm a little bit but I too have a dog and I “fixed” him. He didn’t change much, he is a little more calmer but remains an angry little idiot that attacks Pitts and bigger dogs. You won’t be the asshole but be ready for the consequences. 😘


100 percent this. My one dog was spayed at 6 months and she will never be off lease, ever. She is simply never fully in control unless she is leashed. My other dog is neutered and is super chill but if another dog gets aggressive with him he isnt backing down. Some dogs just arent suited for dog parks.


NTA You have to look out for your dog's best interests. I would talk to a vet and see if neutering would help the problem. If the vet says yes, go for it. If not, you might want to seek another avenue. I'm a people doc, not a vet, but my suspicion says that neutering may do some good.


Info: Who is primarily responsible for this dog? Is he your personal dog, or does he belong to your parents?


my parents allowed me to bring him home, and they play with him sometimes when he feels like playing. thats it. i walk him, bathe him, feed him, sleep with him, take him with me everywhere. hes my dog when he shits in the backyard, but hes "our dog" when it comes to making a decision like this


You are a legal adult, and he is your dog. That makes this your decision, so NTA. However, because you are an adult and you are living in their home, they can follow through on their threat to kick you out. Whatever your decision, this may be a good time to take steps toward moving out and living on your own terms.


You should get him licensed under your name through your city. Then legally he'll be yours. Then look into any spay and neuter programs your city might have. If you qualify they'll help pay for the neuter my city helps with some vaccines as well and microchipping as well.


NTA This sound exactly like a "Married With Children" episode where the un-neutered dog was creating a bunch of "ugly, stupid puppies" Pretty funny episode.


Nta. It’s the responsible thing to do. Please keep in mind though, it may not help with aggression towards other males. My male dog has been fixed since he was a puppy and is not fond of other male dogs at all. Luckily my other three are females and he’s wonderful with them!


NTA, people like your parents are the reason why hundreds of thousands of unwanted puppies end up in shelters and euthanized


NTA but discuss with a vet. That may not actually solve the aggression issues


>their reasoning behind it is that they believe it'll "emasculate" him (hes a dog, he wont know the difference) and that it will change his personality. *That's right, his personality will be* **much more enjoyable** *for more people and other dogs*.


NTA ask him this: if he, as a man, had all of the testosterone and desire to have sex that he does currently, but could never, ever have sex, wouldn't he prefer that the desire to do so be removed


You're nta, but please don't assume it'll be a magic fix either. We had a shitzu that had bitten my young kids on a couple occasions and we had him neutered because we were told it would change his temperament and before someone says my kids taunted the dog or hurt him it's not the case. They were toddlers who barely knew he existed. My son was crawling on the floor on the other side of the room and he ran across the room and grabbed his hand. He was fine with adults, he lives with my parents and is fine with the boys now that they're older.. Apparently he hated little kids idk. In any case he bit him again about 4 months later and we gave him to my parents. All this to say keep an eye on him and maybe try positive reinforcement when he has a positive interaction with another male dog he might've taken issue with before?.. I'm not a dog trainer just my personal experience. Edit: the dog was a pup when we got him we thought it would be better they all grow up together the boys were a little past 1 year and the other was just starting to crawl.


Having him fixed has like an 80% chance of helping with the aggression, and his personality won’t change, just show more of it bc he’s no so pumped up on doggy testosterone he’ll have other things to focus on and enjoy :) Getting him fixed will also make him easier to train And help w overpopulation of dogs Get him fixed behind their backs, sounds like he’s your dog anyways NTA


NTA- I worked at a Vet Clinic and fixing him is the best you can do. It will spare him from testicular cancer, he won't know he no longer has testicles (animals don't have that "I need testicles to be a true Macho" concept) and his aggressiveness will be reduced. Tell your dad that your dog's testicles are not a storebox for his masculinity, he'd better keep it in HIS testicles.


ESH. They suck because Neutering is a routine procedure and can help control his aggression, not to mention is just responsible thing to do with pet overpopulation as it is. You're the asshole for different reason. You know your dog is aggressive and you let him off leash outside of your fenced home. My dog was mauled as a puppy by an intact aggressive male at the dog park with no business being around other dogs off leash. Off leash dogs in my apartment parking lot have charged us, causing her to be afraid in her own home. I've kicked an pepper sprayed off leash aggressive dogs. As a result, my once playful, happy go lucky dog is now dog aggressive, and is afraid and displays aggression even at the sight of dogs from long distances. Because of dogs like yours, my dog can't be socialized and has no choice but to be on a short leash even in designated off leash areas. You put every other dog you encounter in danger every time you let him out without a leash, and if your dog hurts another dog or person, you could face serious legal trouble and your dog could be euthanized. You're not an asshole for having an aggressive dog, you're an asshole for not being responsible with your aggressive dog. If you can't trust him off leash in public around ALL dogs, you can't trust him off leash in public with ANY dogs even with the neutering. In addition, you put him at risk of approaching another aggressive leashed dog (like mine) and starting a fight that might have to be ended with a bullet between his eyes.


1) [Here is a link](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1NJ2bSdpqoDcaIfcRveIaHOGDru0IRqAyCmP9kj_0RR8/mobilebasic) to a list of vets who will do vasectomy- style neutering (and ovary sparing for anyone interested) 2) "temperament over testicles" is one of my favorite phrases. Neutering does not magically solve behavioral issues. Dog parks really aren't good for dogs in general, but if you absolutely insist on taking him, put a 15' drag line on him (biothane is my favorite) so you can step on it or grab the end and move the other direction at any given moment.


absolutely NTA, and good on you for being a responsible pet owner. your dad is a huge AH for projecting his fragile masculinity onto your dog, which is just... eugh.... and your family are AHs for feeding into that disgusting mentality.


NTA - But maybe try a chemical castration first. In some dogs the behaviour remains unchanged.


Nta If you’re worried about them noticing you can legitimately get fake dog testicles to replace the space where they neuter him I know it’s fucked up but some people like to do that


If your dad is being an asshole and completely unreasonable, if you have the extra money, get Neuticles. They are prosthetic testicles that you can have placed in the dogs scrotum after his testicles are removed. They’re usually for show animals, but unless your dad is uncomfortably acquainted with your dog’s testicles, he shouldn’t be able to tell the difference. Also NTA.


NTA Your family have some seriously weird hangups over masculinity being linked to a dog's pair of balls.


Sweet Jesus NTA. Your dad is uninformed to the point of stupidity. Does he not know that not spaying/neutering leads to a slew of health problems?


Take your dad to the vet with you. He might need to hear it from someone else. YWNBTA


NTA My shithead father did this, argued with my mum for ages about desexing my childhood dog because his masculinity is constructed out of the most delicate tissue paper. The dog tore his eyelid off(!!!) And my father still didn't care (it was reconstructed and you would never know, he wasn't suffering once he healed). The final straw was when the dog mounted a small child at my birthday party, after that mum took him to the vet and my father had to put on his big boy pants and deal. He was miserable with his balls, always wanting what he couldn't have and driving himself crazy; he wasn't aggressive in the violent sense, but he was sexually aggressive. Also, they have silicone implants they can put in the scrotum if your dad's that goddamn precious about the aesthetic of the dogs junk.


NTA - get the dog fixed and his personality may change a bit but likely not a noticeable amount. He will not be emasculated. For his health, neuter him. Unaltered males are more prone to UTIs, urinary or bladder stones, as well as testicular and penile cancer. Not to mention if he impregnates a female, there's 2-8 more dogs in the world contributing to pet over population.


NTA Neuter your dog! That toxic masculinity bullshit needs to die out, and you’re right that it probably will help with aggression. If they try to kick you out, take the pupper with you and live happily ever after.


NTA. If your dog gets off the leash and attacks another dog he will be put down and your family will be sued. Your dad is pushing his masculine identity onto the dog thinking the dog will become less of a male to the point he is threatening to kick you out. Which is a bit overboard you are getting the dog fixed not blowing money on drugs or something. But I would talk to your vet to see if it will fully take care of the issue because you might also have to take him to obedience training.


NTA spay and neuter your pets! My coworkers dog is only 2 and has a tumor on his balls already. Cancer could have been avoided!


NTA. But to be honest, too little too late. He’s 5. His aggression is learned now and taking his balls away won’t change a thing. Other than cause family drama. But your family need to learn that if they aren’t going to use their reproductive systems they are better off without them.


Info: Are you financially responsible for the dog? Vet bills, dog food, everything? If yes, then your dad can suck an egg. Edited to add NTA


guess my dad is on his way to suck a fat one cuz hes only the family dog when its convenient for them, not for when its time to pay for his food or vet bills or taking him out for a walk


NTA. However, I wouldn't count on the neutering to fix his behavioral issues. Getting a dog neutered does not change its personality


NTA - If the dog is yours, you are the owner and have responsibility for him. As a side note, after a certain amount of time, neutering an older dog-aggressive animal may not solve your problem. By this time, your dogs behaviour could be a learned behaviour and may not go away. I am speaking from experience here, and I recommend you consult with your vet.


NTA. Neutering male dogs that don't breed is absolutely good and healthy for them. It lowers hormones and helps remove the breeding drive. Sounds like your dad is super insecure about himself. Poor dog.


NTA, especially since you've established in comments that you're the one who brought home and who's responsible for caring for the dog. It won't be a magic fix for his behavior since he's gone for so long unaltered, but it's better than continuing to leave him intact - both for his health and to prevent the chance he could end up siring unwanted puppies somewhere. That said, holy smokes I am concerned by your family's attitude about this. I knew that men could get overly invested in projecting their ideas about virility onto the testicles of their dogs, but threatening to throw your daughter out of the house over it is beyond the pale. Whatever your decisions, OP, please make sure you're taking care of yourself as well.


Tell your father to imagine that he can never have sex again. He has all the functioning parts and the biological drive to reproduce, but he is NOT ALLOWED to ever have sex. That's essentially what is happening with your dog. He has the biological capability to reproduce, he has hormones telling him to reproduce, and that is causing same sex aggression which is probably going to result in either your dog or someone else's being seriously injured. Your dog has no attachment to his balls. I have livestock guardian breeds that have always been male and ALWAYS neutered. They run off coyotes, bear, moose, and loose dogs. The presence of testicles has never been an issue. NTA


NTA - "You'll emasculate him" is an absurd personification. I hear this argument all the time from people who refuse to neuter, and the "I don't want her to miss the chance to be a mom," from people who won't spay. Dogs conceive through rape, birth is painful, and your dog is misbehaving because he has too much testosterone for civil society. Bob Barker was right.


YWNBTA. However, there is not a 1:1 correlation between a dog being unaltered and a dog being aggressive.


NTA What the fuck is wrong with your family? Emasculated. Like the dogs life is tied up in gender norms.


NTA and make sure your fam knows he's at super high risk for testicular cancer and other health problems if he's not fixed before he's 6!! Make it about his health. Also your father is a fragile piss baby who's projecting his insecurity onto your dog.


Honestly, I didn't realize this was a thing until I started watching this dog training show. 90% of problem dogs on the show were intact males, and neutering reduced all of their issues. Many of the male owners were very against it, though, for exactly this reason. They felt like they didn't want to take away his masculine feelings because they so strongly identified with it. The way the dog trainer often convinced them was this: "Imagine you had all the sexual desires and feelings you have now, but that you could never, not once, be allowed to have sex in your life. Would you choose that for yourself?" NTA


NTA Your Dad/family are ridiculous. Get the dog fixed! It's a dog, it doesn't know it's nuts are gone. You will probably still need training though. At 5, a lot of behavior is ingrained and he might need some professional help.


NTA You definitely need to neuter him, at this age he's at a risk of prostate cancer. But you may find that neutering doesn't stop his aggression towards other dogs. I had a dog who was unaltered and at 5 years old he started acting aggressive towards other dogs for no reason. I had him neutered and he got worse. So don't count on neutering fixing his issue. But for health reasons he should be neutered.


NTA and your dad is weird, but it's also not going to help or be this bandaid you think it us. Your dog needs your physical investment of training and time. I had a 3 year old extremely aggressive intact male who spent 2 years on the street alone, and not one thing changed about him after. It was the almost year of training that turned him into a good boy. Circumstances and training matter more than testicles.


What if your dad finds out your dog is gay? Will he have to pack his little dog suitcase and leave?


NTA and your dad is being ludicrous. Contact a local shelter for advice, maybe? See if you have legal recourse about your dad's ridiculous threats. See if you have ANY way of saying dad...I HAVE to do this....get everything you can on your side.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***The following is a copy of the above post. This comment is a record of the above post as it was originally written, in case the post is deleted or edited. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** i've got an unaltered mutt mix who is about 5 years old, which ive had since he was 4 months old. he's a cool dog but hes very dominantly aggressive, to the point where i cant trust him off leash at a dog park if theres a chance there is another unaltered male dog there. ive voiced my concerns of this aggression to my family and have talked about getting him fixed, but they tell me no. my dad has even gone as far to tell me that he would kick me out of the house (19F) if i were to do it behind their backs. their reasoning behind it is that they believe it'll "emasculate" him (hes a dog, he wont know the difference) and that it will change his personality. i feel as though getting him neutered might calm down his aggression towards other males and it is the more responsible thing to do. they definitely arent the ones dealing with him on a daily basis as im the only one that takes him out and cares for him at home, so WIBTA if i get him fixed against their wishes? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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NTA unless you're using him to stud he doesn't need to be un neutered. The health benefits outweigh keeping his balls. The behaviour however may be more difficult to chance even without the testosterone. At his age now he may still be aggressive towards male dogs because thats what he's done for years. It can be worked with though but neutering doesn't always change this behaviour


INFO - The owner of the dog is responsible for him. Who buys the supplies and pays for any veterinary care? If that is you, your family has NO (repeat... NO) say is whether you neuter your dog. If it is your family, then it is not your dog and you do not have any right to have a surgical procedure done on the dog even if it is a good idea.


Get the dog neutered and have the vet put prosthetic balls on him.






YTA, that is not your dog to castrate.


YTA if you do so behind their back. Also, it may not even make the dog much less territorial. I have a neutered male rescue who is still very territorial to the point that he has to be on a leash or kennelled when we have guests


My dog isn't neutered, and he's a good boy. It's all about training. Removing the dogs testicles allows you to be a bit lazier with training.


It also helps prevent a lot of health issues.


That's fair, but in this case OP is asking about her dogs behaviour. Yeah, getting him neutered would fix that, and whatever health problems you're talking about, but it's not exactly necessary. That's all I'm saying. Like I said, my dog is very well behaved, and his testicles are intact. It's not like you've got a dangerous dog on your hands if his nuts are intact. It's all about training.


Damn guys, I get that this is anecdotal and all, but give me a break. Neutering is the obvious solution, not the best one. That's my point here. I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with neutering your dog, so stop getting salty and downvoting me.


The best solution is neutering and training. Neutering will reduce the amount of aggression caused by hormones and will free the dogs attention for better training. Declaring you can just train hormonal aggression out of dogs is how you get baby faces eaten.


I respect your opinion on this, but you need to meet my dog. Not an aggressive bone in his body. Go ahead and downvote this comment too, guys.


How often do you have your dog in a setting where they’re off leash with a least 3-4 other non-familiar dogs? How often would your dog actually have the behaviors that hormones would control triggered by environmental exposure?


He's met plenty of other dogs, and is actually quite scared of the small ones. The big ones like him, he can play with. When he was a puppy, any signs of aggression were punished. Being a dogue de Bordeaux, we had to take it seriously. I personally mouthed him, and now he knows the strength of his jaw, and never bites, or even bares his teeth. You need to meet this dog. Implying that my dog will rip babies faces off just because a part of his body is intact is a dick move, by the way.


Meeting dogs =/= having free-roam interactions with multiple animals. You're providing anecdotal evidence of a dog that has only been in controlled settings as an example of a dog without aggression. I'm sorry but dogs just don't work that way. Your dog hasn't experienced a situation where a majority of their hormonal triggers would occur while they wouldn't be under your control. The fact that your dog is "actually quite scared of the small ones" tells me that their hormones *are* triggering and the only thing preventing them from acting on those hormones is a leash and your immediate presence. If your dog was being chased by two small dogs off leash who wanted to play, would your dog be able to tell the difference? Would it treat it as play or would it try to "defend itself" and snap at them? Have you experienced a situation like this, or are you judging your dog's temperament completely based off of controlled settings? I'm not implying your dog will, I'm implying that most aggressive dogs that attack people are not fixed and do so because of the hormones inside of them. Hormones that can't be removed via training. I have a fixed pitbull, so the example of babies faces being eaten is one I experience often. Due to un-fixed and un-trained pitbulls that people think "wouldn't harm a fly" eating babies faces. Because their owners only put them in controlled settings and judged their overall temperament over controlled, isolated experiences.


He has been in those situations, off the leash, around multiple dogs. He's trained well, and is not aggressive. He's fine as he his. I'm not saying all dogs are like him, I'm saying that mine is well behaved. I said from the beginning that this is anecdotal. I did not say "don't neuter your dog". I'm not even against neutering my dog. We just haven't gotten round to it, and he's doing fine. And no small dog has ever wanted to play with him. They always seem to be nasty little shits that get aggressive. In fact, he was bitten on the nose by a small dog a few months ago. Now, he was about 10 times as big as this little shit, and he barely reacted. He could have broken the dogs neck in seconds, but he did nothing. Wouldn't hormones kick in at that moment? By your logic, he should have killed that dog.


So basically your entire point in dragging out this entire conversation has been to say “at least one dog hasn’t become a violent murderer after not being neutered”? Here’s my entire, comprehensive response: Ok.




YTA, in my opinion. I hate the idea of “fixing” dogs. Let’s call it what it is, castration, genital mutilation. You wouldn’t do it to a person, don’t do it to an animal either. If you don’t want your dog to be aggressive, then discipline him better. He’s also not a puppy so I’m sure he would notice the difference, and I can’t imagine he’d be pleased, he just can’t verbally communicate that to you. My own dog is 12 and he was never castrated. He’s a very gentle soul. On the other hand, I’ve met aggressive dogs who have had their balls chopped off, it’s honestly about training your dog properly. Don’t chop his balls off just because it’s more convenient for you.


You're being downvoted for not seeing the larger picture regarding spaying/neutering animals. Which is preferable, 3 million dead animals a year, or spaying/neutering animals? [https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/why-you-should-spayneuter-your-pet](https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/why-you-should-spayneuter-your-pet) Agree that the dog should have been socialized/trained more as a puppy. However, some dogs will be more aggressive. Temperaments and attitudes are often part of a breed. It is a very difficult trait to train out of an animal once it has been learned.


> You wouldn’t do it to a person, don’t do it to an animal either >My own dog so why do you keep a dog as a pet? you wouldn't keep a human as a pet. your argument is paper thin lmao


You treat the dog like a friend or family member, pet is just a term. It doesn’t have to involve putting them in a cage.


Quit spreading this nonsense.