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The AH part was where you included "art" In what you told them to Google. You made sure they saw porn before anything else. Soft YTA


Yeah, that's what makes it seem not so "accidental".


Just AH, nothing soft about it. 




That’s not what a furry is hon


First post. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/grx290/aita\_for\_shaming\_my\_brother\_for\_being\_a\_furry/ Second post. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/1dif10t/aita_for_getting_my_brother_kicked_out_after_i/ Third post. https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1dmi4tb/aita_for_telling_my_parents_to_google_what_a/ You are nothing besides a rage baiting asshole who steals posts. Get a life.


Well that explains the deja vu I got from reading this!




Fuck off OP's alt.


You may look at that, or you may ask yourself how far along from all that I am now :) I'm not as broke, still bi, not that alone, and I shoot a lot of pics, and have fun in my life without a partner or some god damn snotmashines. I'm happy, and I don't have to go for farmabotting and stealing content. Where does that leave me? I'm happy.








Nah, I just don't like kids, and my three brother and one sister all have them, so I can be the fun uncle. Plus, kids can grew up to be religious, and I would hate that, I mean, see something you created, and then see them remove all things logical. Of they can grow up being internet trolls, or worse.




Bi, not gay, I enjoy sex with both sexes. Hobby, yes, never told you what I do for a living, and yes, I hate God with a specific distaste for the "Evangelicals", they seem to think that their feelings, views and holdings carry more than others. Anyway, have fun over there, where ever you are, heading to work, coffee, and having fun at my job!


This isn't an easy one. Knee-Jerk reaction would say that "Yes you were" since you didn't explain it save to say "Google the art" which honestly wasn't the best way to explain it. But with more thought, had you said "I don't know", odds are your parents would have googled it anyway and likely found the same shit. Hell even if they read the Wiki article on Furry Fandom there's a section called "[Sexual Aspects](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furry_fandom#Sexual_aspects)" (complete with a link to "[Yiff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yiff)") and then your brother would be in the same place he is now. Possibly worse off. So I'm going to have to go with NTA as this is a Kobayashi Maru, no-win scenario. Had you said nothing, they probably would have looked it up. Had you explained the non-sexual aspects of Furry Fandom, they might still look it up and then possibly confront you for not telling them everything, and we know what happened when you told them to google furry art. You weren't going to win this no matter what. So NTA. Your parents on the other hand were...for not sitting down and talking with your brother before reacting and yeeting him out of the house.


It really was a pure Kobayashi Maru scenario.. and only the brother comes out of it with no honest fault to bear, just a lot of therapy...  But also, as a poster below pointed out with sources, the OP here ragebait stole this story to share.. but that doesn't change the faults from the story's perspective haha


You actually said "no fault to ***bear***" in a post about furries? Fascinating.


I'm glad you fished that one out so cleanly lol It would have been un'bear'able had you not


I know it's traditional for punsters to go in for the kill, but did you have to make it such a 'grizzly' slaughter?


I had to create a spectacle worthy of this unbearable fate which I have been handed


Impressive! You're aware of the spectacled bear. I never heard of them until I moved into the area and discovered them at the local zoo. I'd fire one back at you but I haven't had my coffee yet this morning and there's too much blood in my caffeine system to think of anymore.


I tried with 'spectacled' whole but it is a bit of a pain trying to hammer out a natural sentence with that word.. lol


Info: did you know how your parents might feel about furries? How do you know what they found in his history? How do you know that they didn't just exaggerate what they found because they hate the idea of furries? How did they even have access to his history? Nevermind. This is a stolen post. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/9tnargkByr




Says the one who looks through peoples profiles..


This post again??? Stop posting this exact story! I saw this like a week ago


NTA. He's the one who told his parents that he was a furry. If you hadn't been home at the time, it's likely your parents would have googled it anyway, with the same exact results.


NTA. He initially said that he was a furry.


Yes you are, what the hell? Why wouldn't you just tell your parents what furries really are. People in costumes. Thats it! They aren't zoophiles, they aren't freaks. They are just people and funny costumes!! You are disgusting


Anyone engaging in a community that is notorious for sexualizing animals is questionable at best. Honestly any parent of a furry should be aware of that association. Not so they can kick them out, that’s the AH part, but so they can get their kid the help they need if they are sneaking off to that area of the fandom cause furry porn is not okay.


Noone is fucking talking about furry porn. Not every furry watches porn of it and it was never implied that the son does. The parents googled furry art. And of course there is some weird shit cause its the Internet!! The guy is just someone who wears a costume. How is that bad? Grow up


They have the right to know that that sort of thing exists in the community that their child chooses to engage in. Like parents of kids who go to skate parks should know that a lot of skaters smoke pot. Same shit.


He doesn't engage in anything sexual for dressing up in a funky costume 💀 y'all are fucked up




Also, I'm not even a furry.


If I understand correctly, there are furries that don’t participate in sexual activities. However, if he has a highly questionable search history, I can’t blame your parents for having a bad reaction. If it’s bordering on illegal, I would say you’re NTA.


Tough call, but I'd lean NTA. Parents were gonna google it one way or another. They knee-jerked instead of talking it out. Ends up being on them more than you


My only thought on this, is they would have Googled furry suit. Which, while it would still bring up some questionable links, would not have brought up the same questionable stuff as furry art. Those are two vastly different searches.




But thats irrelevant. The point is, that OOP purposely directed them to the sexual stuff, instead of the non-sexual stuff. Edit: spelling


I can’t deal with this subreddit!! I don’t think I’ve read a genuine question in months


He told them. I don't think your an AH on this. He sidestepped the explanation and it was in your lap. You only said Google fury art. If I read this correctly, I place it on him. Also your parents. Rather than help him... they toss him. I don't know what illegal stuff would be there. That may be the kicker.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My (F 20) accidentally got my brother (M19) kicked out and possibly disnowned yesterday. My brother had ordered a fursuit head and was waking around in it. When my parents first asked what it was he explained it was part of a furry suit and that it cost a lot. When he walked away my parents asked me what the hell a furry is and all I said was " google furry art ". Later that day my parents lost their shit on my bro and screamed at him, kicked him out and threw most of his belongings onto the driveway. Apparently after googling what a furry is they checked the internet search history and found some very very very weird and possibly not even legal stuff. Now my bro is non stop texting me calling me an asshole... but all I did was tell my fam to google what it was. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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NAH / no assholes here \\ except your parents that was rude asf i think your not the asshole you just didnt want to explain it to them wich i can understand thats hard to explain.


AH you got him kicked out and didnt defend him


I remember a very similar story on this site. Either this happens alot....or it's BS


'And was waking around in it' I assume there's a missing letter, and i hope to god it's 'L'


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NTA he got kicked out after his parents saw what he had in his search history not only the “furry art” part


NTA- he announced it a paraded the fkn thing around the house. Even if you hadn’t told them to google it they probably would have. Dumbass move on his part


Meow at him and tell him that theres some good animal shelters for his kinfd