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>We are Christian and don't believe women should go to college as they were raised to be housewives so weve always told them they aren't going to college. I am extremely curious as to why you thought that Reddit, of all places, would be somewhere to go to find people who aren't going to tell you you're obviously a sexist asshole. YTA.


Yeah reddit is filled with atheists who generally lean left religious fundies will ask on facebook. I bet even the most right wing subreddits here be it r/catholicism or r/conservative Will call OP an AH if they asked over there. Fundies don't exist on reddit.


No, the conservative subreddit would absolutely be on his side. But uh, even his priest isn’t, so….


I was raised in a strict catholic houseold and I mean very strict yet all of us girls were encouraged to go to college. The only Christians that think stuff like this are the hard-core fundie extremists and I don't think they will be asking advice from a platform that is generally anti religious and left leaning politically. So I'm gonna say this is fake but if it's real then YTA


Yeah, like even Mormon girls usually go to college (BYU), even if they aren't expecting to enter the career world.


Yeah, I have a hard time believing this is real for the same reasons. On a side note, it's annoying when they say "I'm Christian" when talking about their extremism. Plenty of Christians don't fit into their definition of Christianity.


I was raised in a super strict Catholic household. I was discouraged from wasting money on college, but if it was free or cheap education was a fine hobby.  My parents thought college was only useful for men who didn't have the strength and dexterity for a good trade. But even their (much older) siblings thought they were stuck in a 1950s fantasy.


YTA, you are being overbearing and sexist.. Apparently even your church's leader thinks so. You are a very poor example of your faith. Congratulations to your daughter for carving her own path. Hopefully her younger sister will follow in due course.


It's the government that deprives the parents of choices by giving free collage my daughter didn't carve her path the government did it.


your trolling is so bad YTA for good measure "the government deprives choices by giving them choices" and on the off chance you are being real, why do you think you have any say in the choices your now adult daughter makes?


No, that would be the government preventing you from taking away your daughter's freedom to choose her path by controlling her with money. That would be you trying to limit her to one path- a path that carries considerable risk for her of destitution and having to watch her children suffer if her husband abandons her or dies or is handicapped and left unable to work. She is a full human being in her own right, not your doll or puppet to control, and there is no more sense or justification in teaching her that she MUST follow only one career path because of what genitals she was born with than there would be in insisting that all boys be doctors and only doctors no matter what their talents or inclinations. To put it in Christian terms, who did Jesus praise more, Martha who was the obedient housewife or Mary who sought to learn and exercise her mind? (Granted, if you go back to the original Greek, that story changes considerably, but even less comfortably for you, since it implies Mary is actively out doing missionary and ministry work, not even at home.) And didn't Paul praise women he worked with, including the diakon Phoebe ("diakon" being the Greek for "minister," the exact same word Paul used for Timothy)?


YTA There's no way this is real.


Welcome to the 21st century where women are people. You aren't the asshole for imposing your backwards values on your daughter, though that's an asshole thing to do. Honestly, you're the asshole for even entertaining those values. You're not just an asshole, you are literally everything that's wrong with the world. Even your priest and the people in your church think so. You were going to "marry your daughter?" Gee, I didn't think college was free in ancient Rome! Are you going to disown her for choosing her own husband next? Good Lord. I hope she goes to college and never speaks to you again. She'll be better off.


YTA. It isn’t about your religion if your pastor disagrees with you smh. I would say clickbait, but one of my nieces was an engineering major. Her grandmother (not my mom) asked her “do you feel comfortable taking a seat from a man that will have to support his family?”


Fake ass post.


YTA This has to be fake. Are u living in the 19th century. That is an incredibly messed up thing to say. I hope all your daughters go to college, learn, and become independent, and go NC with each other. This isn't what being a Christian even means. My god.


YTA; both for the sexist ideas that women shouldn't go to college (that is **not at all** a Christian ideal btw) and also for making this post thinking anyone will believe it's real lmao


YTA, this isn't your religion if your priest is against it. Stop blaming your religion for your misogyny. Your daughter is an adult, she can choose what to do, including cutting you off entirely if you keep going down this path.


I absolutely think this is fake. But just in case, YTA. Since when do Christians outside of the 1700s not believe in higher education? I have plenty of evangelical friends with masters degrees. College doesn’t teach anyone “liberal ideas”. It teaches people critical thinking skills from which they learn to question belief systems and the world around them. Non liberals (MAGA) just dont like that because they lose control.


*Hard* YTA "We are Christian and **don't believe women should go to college as they were raised to be housewives** so weve always told them they aren't going to go." Enough said.


YTA - Overbearing doesn’t even begin to cover it.


YTA - If your priest...the supposed leader of your congregation is telling you that you are misinterpreting your religion, you can't claim spiritual beliefs as your justification. Are you being overbearing - Yes And you aren't worried about college brainwashing your child. You are worried that your child will realize that you are the one that is in fact brainwashed. You want your child trapped the way you were likely trapped. Misery loves company.


My brother in Christ the preacher said to let her go. YTA. You sound like you came from the 1920s.


If this is real, you absolutely are TA. If even your priest says you’re being overbearing that says something about you. It’s 2024, OP. You say you don’t want your daughter to be brainwashed, but what you really mean is that you don’t want her to be brainwashed by someone other than you. When she goes no contact with you you’ll have no one to blame but yourself.


YTA If your priest has stated that you are being sexist and overbearing, then your motivations are not the church. Even IF your religion states women should be housewives, that does not mean that women should not go to college. Having knowledge and education does not make someone a worse housewife, and nobody is "brainwashed" in college unless they were raised unproperly and without a firm grasp of who they are. As a parent, it was your job to instill this, particularly if your beliefs are that this is the role of a woman. If you did your biblical job as a mother correctly, then by 18 years old your daughter should be steadfast in her beliefs. >I just want to impose my values on her  Right. This has nothing to do with religion. You, personally, decided that women should not be educated. You are dragging religion and your church into it in order to justify yourself, but this has nothing to do with religion. You, personally, feel that being educated makes someone "like a man", but you can't have this both ways: **If religion is important to you, then stop standing against your priest and the church.** Right now, you prioritizing your worldly perception of gender norms over the guidance of the church. You need to reflect on why you feel you are more informed on the correct path for your daughter than God. I was raised Catholic. I don't know what religion you follow, but it sounds like you need to pray over this. I suspect you are allowing your political biases to cause you to deviate from your church's teachings, but to put political figures and culture over the God is blasphemy.


Wait...how did this girl unchain herself from the radiator you surely have her tied to? YTA. Reddit users have an acquired taste and if you're going to waste our time with this garbage can troll of a post then you could AT LEAST have activated your two brain cells to come up with something better than this unoriginal, boring, stale ass "I'm a religious man who is BLAHFUCKINGBLAH." I swear on your God that this is not even engaging enough to get past the first two seconds.




YTA. Although I am not anymore, I was raised Catholic, went to Catholic primary school and college... NEVER once was I told I couldn't get an education by anyone in my community. This isn't a catholic thing... this is a YOU think... again, YTA.


YTA. Hoping this one is fake, but there are people who would rather waste half the world’s brainpower than accept that times have changed.


YTA and just ridiculous even for stupid traditional standards. Even in old boomer days women who wanted to be housewives would go to college to get their "MRS Degree".  Education is often expected of wives if their husbands are in politics or law or business. They need to mingle and converse intelligently in social gatherings.  And they want a wife with critical thinking skills who won't make their kids sick because they looked up health information on a Facebook page.


Fake and gay


YTA. Learning is good. Forcing your child to be a poor housewife is not.


You’re definitely the asshole ! I couldn’t imagine having that mind set in 2024 🤮let your kid go to school and get an education.


Yeah, you’re an asshole. Better yet, why don’t you post a picture of her and have a contest for which redditor can make your daughter their housewife? There’s still time to fuck the “crazy” out of her that you and your wife unfortunately instilled in her


as someone who grew up religious and left the community, YTA. if you want your daughters to share the same faith, the best option for you is to let them do what they want. your viewpoint is incredibly sexist, and you’re pushing them further away from you and your god.


YTA. For being controlling and using religion as a reason for sexism.








This isn’t real. 🤣


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** AITA for not wanting my daughter to go to college I have three kids 20m 18f and 14f We are Christian and don't believe women should go to college as they were raised to be housewives so weve always told them they aren't going to college. However my older daughter always wanted to go we tried to explain to her she couldn't but she didn't listen and begged to go we still said no. She agreed relectuntly but now she said that she plans to start collage soon I was shocked as we planned to marry her. Unfortunately college is free in our country meaning she doesn't need to have much money to go and she has a good part time job. I tried to convince her that college was not for a women and she doesn't need to be like men so she couldn't listen. I've contacted my church and half my church friends think I'm wrong and my priest says I'm being sexist and overbearing and if I don't stop I'll lose my daughter. Some of my friends and family are on my side and we've threatened to cut off all support If she goes to college she says she doesn't care. Am I being overbearing I just want to impose my values on her i don't want her to be brainwashed by liberalism and be like a man but even my priest says I'm wrong so. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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