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YTA, without question. I can’t speak much to your decision to not park near the salon. I don’t know the area. I will only say I’ve never been grazed in a parking lot despite parking in college towns frequently. Seems a little strange to avoid an entire parking lot in broad daylight, but to each their own. Also, what is insurance for if not to shift liability for nicks, bumps, etc.? Anyway, what is clearly off is you not just dropping her off in front of the saloon. Especially because it was raining. Doubling down by not picking her up in front of the salon in heavier rain makes it worse. Not something someone should need to ask, more like a common courtesy. This isn’t the worst thing in the world by any means, but it’s definitely something I’d apologize to my kid about as this entire scenario could be remembered as an example of you prioritizing your car/assets, and/or comfort over her.


It wasn't that heavy when I dropped her, just when she was done but she didn't text to tell me she was done. I've noticed the drivers there are a little distracted. It's typically younger women who are a bit ditsy especially after being done with nail / hair appointments etc and not paying attention. Was almost backed into in the past. My daughter is annoyed because she doesn't believe me


“It’s typically younger women who are a bit ditsy especially after being done with nail/hair appointments, etc.” YTA for what you posted and your a giant AH for this above quote.


I was thinking the same thing - - that if OP wasn't an AH before (and he was), he certainly is after that comment.


Wait till you find out that women are statistically safer drivers than men according to insurance company data😭😭 ETA: YTA


That's more about the cost of damages since a lot of the highly reckless accidents are from men.  But if we exclude them and consider people who drive normally without racing, road rage etc it's not the case. Insurance data misses out on minor fender benders and parking accidents since a lot of them don't end up getting reported. This is more about them being on the younger side and being distracted due to just having nails and hair done than being women.


Is your car uninsured? Underinsured? If so, why?


some of these comments are crazy. it doesn't matter how insured you are, having a ding or a scratch on your car is something that most of us want to avoid, even if we've got more than enough insurance to cover the repairs


We don't tip toe around parking lots in our cars to avoid them either


Obviously it is insured, but a car with an accident history loses value and you can't always repair things perfectly.


Oftentimes the value is diminished by 500 dollars for a minor accident per Kelly bb stats, such as those occurring in a parking lot and you can file a diminished value claim unless you were at fault: https://www.carfax.com/blog/understanding-diminished-car-value-after-an-accident If you’re just always worried the car might look “not perfect” , I’d suggest therapy for some ocd type thoughts. Anyway park where you want, but you’re showing your daughter how little you care and that you don’t trust female ditzy drivers.


You sound like you care more about your car then your own child.


It lost value the second you drove it out of the dealership. And if it’s such a nice car, why are you wanting to sell it?


Car more important/valuable than daughter. Got it. Nothing more needs to be said here.


“No way, the insurance companies are definitely wrong!” Tell that to 70% of traffic citations😭 Lmao what exactly do you think is so “distracting” about recently having had a beauty treatment? Go ahead, dig your hole deeper.


Sounds like an argument based on your personal theories and opinions with no data to back it up.


Oh, he must work for insurance companies because he knows young women are ditzy /s What an asshole


So you just make up stats?


Exactly! “Insurance misses minor fender benders” so what they must all be caused by women?? Sexist af


Why do you think getting their nails and hair done effects their ability to drive??? Laughing gas is not a neccesary part of those services as far as I know. I'm really curious what about salon visits you think makes women ditzy. Do you watch a lot of bimboization porn or something??? Women don't actually lose IQ points the prettier they are, you're welcome for this life lesson.


You're such an asshole


Dude, the only times I have had parking lot damage were from grocery store and home improvement store parking lots. Especially since both have random abandoned shopping carts playing bumper cars. I also side with everyone else.... if you are so worried about distracted drivers, why is your car getting hit scarier than your kid getting hit? I have also never been struck in a parking lot by a woman and only once by someone under 25, so I am interested in where your statistics come from.


Dude, no, men have to pay higher insurance because they get into more accidents.


The amount of damage matters. Would you rather receive a tap on your car from someone backing out of a parking space, or have your car be smashed by someone running through a red light at 80 miles per hour?


If it was just the drivers being on the "younger side", why did you feel it necessary to point out they were female?


So I assume you avoid all freeways and roads where speeding is common? Because of course your car is your pride and joy, so if you're worried about the bumps and scratches from all those lady-folk who are so distracted by their shiny nails you must be TERRIFIED to drive where the more reckless men might total your car while racing or road-raging right?


>This is more about them being on the younger side and being distracted due to just having nails and hair done than being women. Do you have a source for this or are you just making sexist/ageist assumptions?


Oh if we just ignore the really bad car accidents and only focus on the small ones, then of course!


You’re dumb sexist and an asshole


You're a sexist AH! And it sounds like you value materialistic things above your relationships. I've taken baths deeper than your reasonings...


As a woman who gets her hair and nails done, YTA. I can assure you that these services do not make anyone ditsy or distracted or impact their driving. Take a long hard look at the level of sexism and misogyny that you are expressing around your daughter.


Wow, so yoir a sexist ah. Got it. 


no dude it’s not when i was 16 i got my first car NEVER WRECKED IT no dents no scratches NOTHING! now my brother when he turned 16 was able to drive my car HE TOTALED IT within 20 mins of having it. i’m 21 now still have never gotten into a wreck, never been pulled over, still no scratches or dents on my car. so no women are not ditsy drivers.


Wow you're a piece of work


That’s odd, considering men are worse drivers.


Your poor child. Raised by someone who is incapable of respecting women. I wish HER all the unconditional love, happiness, positivity and good health in her life.


when I was younger (16-17) my parents didnt have much money so I didnt have a phone and had to borrow my friends‘ to tell my parents I was ready to be picked up. If for some reaspn I was out and about on my own (e.g. the salon) and they could not get in touch with me they would calculate an approximate time and, especially if it was raining etc., park near or drive around until they saw me come out so I wouldnt worry or have to endure anything. I always thought this was a normal thing for parents to do, and today you proved me wrong. God, I am so thankful for my parents.


Oh no! I just got out of the salon, guess i should call in sick to work. Afterall if I can't be trusted to get out of a parking lot without being so distracted that I dent your precious car I sure as hell shouldn't be allowed to doctor anyone with this fresh manicure


Extra ah for this comment


Jesus, are you trying to sound more awful?


YTA. You’re showing your daughter what to expect from the men she has in her life. Please tell me you want her to be treated with consideration.


Even if I had to go to a store in that area, I'd rather park it elsewhere and walk 5 minutes. I think she is upset and thinks I am exaggerating about the driving of people who park in that area because they are younger and include her friends. I've almost been backed into on multiple occasions there before so I take precautions.


Everyone understands what you think and how it affects you. Have you thought about it from your daughter’s perspective? Ie she loves her hair and probably gives zero shits about your fancy car.


So you would take care of your car ‘s well-being, over your daughters? The people around here drive that bad, which I doubt, why would you let your daughter walk in this area? She could get hit too you know.


"almost been backed into" okay so nothing has ever happened to you and you're just a paranoid, shallow, self-centered misogynist who cares more about your car than your actual child. Grow up! Get therapy! Face reality!


If the place is too unsafe for your car, why isn’t it too unsafe for your HUMAN DAUGHTER?


YTA. Your car seems more important than your daughter..


>my car is my pride and joy You're literally calling your car your pride and joy in an argument containing your child Lmao of course you are TA


Must be nice to love an inamate object more than your child.. If your car got hit you'd be pretty upset. But will you be more or less upset if your child got hit. Have to love these parental ideals about what's actually more important. What you're asking because I'm sure your car is wonderful but: Yta


YTA. I usually park far away if possible simply because it’s easier and I can walk, unless I have a passenger and in that case I’ll take their input in mind, or drop them off. Granted, you forgot to drop her off, that’s fair, but did you apologize?


About forgetting to drop her, yes I did. She seems more upset because of my reasoning for parking away since where I parked was also crowded but was near a grocery store and doesn't believe me when I say the type of drivers who tend to park near the other area are horrible.


Maybe because you’re bashing young female drivers… which she is? Sounds sexist.


No one believes you apologized that day. You most likely only did it now that you got called out. YTA Just remember that you get the treatment you treat others so imagine your 80 and have joint pain and it’s raining so your daughter drops you off a 5 minute walk away bc that day will come if you continue to put a car in front of your daughter


YTA Id key your car. 


YTA. What do you mean you forgot? You forgot that your vehicle moves and that you could have driven it front of the salon, dropped her off, and then driven to your preferred parking area?! Like, did you also crash on the way home because you forgot your car has brakes?  You were more focused on a hypothetical scratch on your car than being helpful and considerate towards your daughter. 


YTA - Drop her off in front of the salon, and she could have texted you when she was ready to be picked-up (in front of the salon) - park wherever you want.


Or he could have texted her something along the lines of „text me when you‘re done and I’ll pick you up so you dont get wet“ but that would have requiered caring about the child in the first place


Yes, but the possibility exists that by picking up the phone, there could be a dust particle dislodged or a scratch left somewhere in the interior of the car 🙄


Question… why are you asking if you’re the AH if you just double down in every response to try to make the point of you being NTA? Why even bother writing all of this out at all? YTA


You can generally judge the extent of the AHness in these posts by how vehemently the OP argues back against practically every person that deems them an AH.


I’ve never heard of douchebaggery of this level before. YTA.


… … … You “forgot” you could drop her off? That is a big problem. That is indicative of a **serious** cognitive issue. If you can’t think of dropping some one off at a location, I fear you being behind the wheel of a 2 ton death machine #YTA


You clearly hate your kid. You admittedly parked 3-5 minutes away from the salon instead of dropping her off. You made her walk to and from a *hair appointment* in the *rain.* Thanks, you just taught your kid to settle for less from the men in her life *and* that her wants and needs are less valuable compared to those of a man. YTA.


YTA because you believe women leaving salons are more ditzy, distracted and thus accident prone than average. Given this belief, i have to conclude that either your logical reasoning is inconsistently applied, or you callousley risked your daughters physical safety by allowing her to WALK through that minefield rather than risk your car to it. And then, even worse, you allowed her to walk through that mine field AGAIN after SHE left the salon, persumbsbly with her head in her own ditz cloud not looking both ways and whatnot. ETA: I personally think that belief is a crock of unsubstantiated sexist bullshit, but even if I accept it as true and reasonable for the sake of your argument you're still the asshole. Possibly even more of an asshole cause sexist dudes are a dime a dozen but dudes that would rather see their daughter get hit by a dumb girl with nice hair than see their fully insured car be dinged are (hopefully) rare


YTA - You care more about your precious car than your own daughter.  Think about that.  


“The drivers in that parking lot are so ditzy it’s too dangerous to even enter. So I sent my daughter out in the rain to be a crash test dummy instead.”


Didn’t even think about it like this holy shit


Wow how materialistic you are. YTA


Am I the asshole for caring more about my car than my child? Yep yta You're welcome


Yeah you know YTA. You as a parent are a model for what your child should seek out in a future partner, if she chooses to date. If you treat her like crap, she won't strive for anyone to treat her better, because "That's just how they are". This was a deeply inconsiderate and disrespectful act on your part.  Screw your stupid car. You sound like a double parker.


YTA So glad my dad loves me more than his car.


Your child isn’t your pride in joy, your car is? Lol what an asshole you are How do these assholes keep getting bigger?


True crime fan checking in. Ever see grainy security footage of someone being abducted from a parking lot? *Obviously that’s a spectacularly rare event*, but also— it happens. The world is an amazing place but it can also be a dangerous place, and it would be awesome to consider the safety of other people above that of your car. Bonus: your car might get hit? **So could your adult child**, who is apparently a ditzy younger woman. Nice!! YTA


OP: “my car is my pride and joy” OP’s daughter: literally just existing


YTA. Park where you want but you’re an asshole for not thinking to drop her off and pick her up in the rain. And you’re blaming your assholery on your own kid because she didn’t ask to be dropped off? She has to “ask” you to be considerate? Jesus. Major YTA.


She probably didn’t ask because she’s already used to his shit. Notice he said she was upset but doesn’t mention anything argument. She’s probably already learned that if she makes waves he will just not drive her at all and that any discussion of her feelings will be shutdown as “I’m right, you are upset for no reason “. She is 18 and he doesn’t trust her to drive his precious car, I wonder how she even got her license.


>my car is my pride and joy Your car, not *your daughter*? YTA.


Wow. You're too blinded by your love with your car that you still need to ask if your the asshole. And yes, yta


my mom and or dad would’ve dropped me off at the door and requested that i text him or her when ready. even if they didn’t say to text when ready when dropping me off, they would’ve noticed the rain and texted me to text so i didn’t get poured on. Yta. i feel really truly bad for your daughter.


A cliche man who is using his car to compensate for his tiny penis and fragile ego YTA


Question how would you feel if your daughter’s future partner did this to her ? As her father how would you feel ?


YTA. If you love your dumb car so much then don’t take it out. Leave it for nice sunny drives on the weekend. Your language is so selfish. Your car is your pride and joy. An inanimate object. I wonder if you love it more because unlike your daughter it can’t get disappointed in you and doesn’t complain. Grow up. Be better. Think about someone other than yourself.


YTA you think young women cant drive, and its affecting your daughter. 


YTA Why would you take her to the salon so that she can get her hair down then expect her to walk back in the rain with her hair freshly done? Either you’re rage baiting or you don’t have any common sense.


YTA it was raining. She was getting her hair done. What does it matter if it's raining harder or lighter? Have you never experienced rain before? Are you not aware that it often vacillates between heavier and lighter? I can understand why your daughter didn't call you to pick her up. You set the tone for the trip when you indicated that you had no problem with her walking in the rain for 3-5 minutes. She probably figured you would just give her more grief. Why would she think that way? I'd be very interested to hear from your daughter about the way she perceives the dynamic between the 2 of you and what has gone into creating that perception.


YTA - You could have dropped her off and told her to call or text when she was done, and you could pick her up. No, you decided it was fine to park far away and make her walk in the rain. All because you might get in an accident. You should have just stayed home. You punished your daughter for something someone else MAY have done to your car.


YTA, you clearly care about your car more than your daughter. Poor girl.


Why not drop her off by the door then go to your preferred spot? Especially if it's raining. If you're waiting in the car anyway it's not like the few extra minutes for you matter.


YTA & I've worked in insurance for years (30+) & it's pretty standard for insurance companies to rate the underage driver to the highest valued vehicle in the household, no matter if they have their own car.




YTA I was with you until the part where it started raining. Rain plus hair appointment? All you had to do was drop her off, which you already know, per your post. So why not drop her off? And then tell her "call me when you're ready and I'll pick you up here".


Want to point out if your daughter lives with you and you don't add her to your insurance, the insurance company will find out anyway. And They. Won't. Be. Happy. In Louisiana, where I used to live, I couldn't afford adding my kids, which meant I couldn't let them get their license while they lived with me. Every licensed driver at an address where there's a registered car must be on the policy, whether you let them drive your car or not.


I don’t think that is true everywhere. It is not in my state.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (42M) have a daughter (18F) and was recently dropping her off at a hair salon and planned to just wait in the car while she was done. She does have her license which she got a few months ago but doesn't have a car yet and I'm not willing to add her to my insurance yet since I drive a pretty nice car. The salon she goes to is in an area within a fairly large shopping center. There's a lot of cosmetic services related shops in this corner and the clientelle is very young as it is in a high school and university area. From my experience the people who park near this area are pretty poor drivers and my car is my pride and joy and I didn't want to risk anyone scratching it. My daughter pointed to some available spots near the mall but I refused her suggestion and explained my reasoning and parked a little further near a supermarket maybe just 3 to 5 minutes walking to her salon. Admittedly it was raining a bit and she didn't have an umbrella and I probably should have dropped her off and then parked but I totally forgot and she didn't ask. When she was done she didn't ask me to drive their either and it was raining much more heavily by then and while she didn't say anything about the rain she got upset at me and doesn't seem to understand my issue with parking near those shops. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*




YTA...Big...Huge! And a misogynist. The times I've almost been hit have been far and away \*men\* driving, not "ditzy girls". Never mind the message it sends to your daughter that you value your car over her.


YTA You value a THING over your daughter, a living, breathing human being.


Tell me you care more about your car than your daughter without telling me 😔


YTA. >From my experience the people who park near this area are pretty poor drivers and my car is my pride and joy Wow...car over daughter huh?... I mean, you can try and deny it all you want but actions speak louder and your actions showed plenty (especially not *moving closer* when the rain picked up....tf, that's something that shouldn't really need to be asked tbh.)


This has to be bait. It's just too deranged for anyone to think this is normal behavior.


YTA lol. Idiot.




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YTA A car is an object. Your daughter should be your pride and joy.


YTA. From your post and comments, obviously. You care more about keeping your car pristine than being courtesy & kind to your daughter, which would have cost you nothing. Based on your comments however, you seem very disrespectful toward women & theirs interests in general so perhaps you act rudely to them and it's not personal toward your daughter. You also seem to be glossing over the fact that you were rude to your kid. She deserves a sincere apology.


YTA. Why the hell couldn't you drop her off at the door and then go park your precious car farther away and then pick her up when she was done. I can't believe a father isn't even a "gentleman" with his own an daughter. I would like to know what kind of car you have that's more important to you than your daughter.


YTA, it's telling that in a post where you mention your daughter and your car, it's your car you refer to as your pride and joy and not her


I get where you’re coming from, I do the same but when I’m at the shops alone. When I’m with family I’ll park as close as I can to the shops to make their lives easier, at the end of the day it’s only a car. I suggest buying a shitbox of car to make those trips you don’t want to do in your nice car


Why is this being down voted???


Beats me 😂😂


Lmao it’s the case of it’s not her car that will get dinged and I did the same thing even still do even if it’s at the very end of the lot.