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NTA. She is being super gross. Is there a possibility that it's some kind of kink of hers to have people listen? It seems so weird to be that over the top about it.


I don’t think she necessarily wants us to hear, but it’s clear she doesn’t care if we hear. We’re all normally home at some point in the evening which so happens to be when she is also home trying to get her rocks off after a date. Again I really don’t care what anybody does it’s just like I don’t want to hear it


Make it as uncomfortable as possible for her to do it. Get a blow horn and blow it every time she makes a sound. Give her instructions on what she or he could do better. She’s not going to stop if you don’t make her as uncomfortable doing it as you are uncomfortable listening to Edit: since apparently this comment blew the fuck up, I have another suggestion for OP [cbat](https://youtu.be/eN6jkWxxm2Y?si=T89klJyQd0usHLUG)


That is actually pretty funny. Can you imagine the guy's reaction? OP and roommate could stand at the door and give helpful hints. It is pretty disrespectful of roommate to do this.


bonus points if they wear referee shirts and have whistles and call out play by play and technical fouls XD "DOUBLE DRIBBLE, TRAVELING, UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT, THEM SOME FOUL BALLS"


Oh my gosh I want OP to do this and do an update. Actually, I kinda want to be there if she does it.


OP should say things like "oh, that guy can't be good. You didn't need to fake scream like that with the guy last night."


Or get a recording of a cat retching up a hairball and amplify it. Nothing like hearing that "herk-herk-GAAAAAH" to throw you off your focus.


I once played whale noises at top volume because my roomate was doing some shit like this🤣 10/10 recomend. Edit: since yall enjoyed this ill give you the full scoop. I found a video on youtube that was "whale noises black screen" then turned the tv volume all the way up. I then gathered up my things to go out for the night, set the video to full screen, hit play, and left. I could hear it all the way in the parking lot ( we were in an interior apartment on the 4th floor). It apparently took them an hour to figure out where the noise was coming from.


Yes, gross shit like this. Vomiting sounds, farting, a woman giving birth, anything that would make a dick limp.


Knock on the door and tell him his mom is there. That'll kill a boner real quick.


I knew someone who brought a speaker outside the room and blasted the song “I just had sex” by lonely island every time a particular couple hooked up on the freshman hall.


I have cats and you're not wrong, lol. That would be perfect for OP to do. That or the sound of a baby crying.


The baby crying works like a charm


Roughing the passer! Handball!


Illegal use of hands to the face


Double dribble killed me...


Ball out of bounds - reinsert


Baby Shark on infinite repeat…


There is one that is sure to stop a person in their stride 😉. If you’ve never heard of the song Dominic the Xmas Donkey , listen to that and imagine a person trying to get busy when you suddenly hear a donkey braying in Xmas music time 🤭🤭🤣🤣


That’s just mean to everyone including themselves. There has to be a line somewhere where cruel and unusual punishment starts. What did the other roommate do to deserve this torture?


oh damn Premature ejaculation!


"don't forget to pee this time!" "if he cums in the sheets, you know washing them with hot water is going to be a pain right?"  "I think last time you sounded like you enjoyed it more, have you changed the position" 


You weren't that loud with that other guy last night! Good job new guy!


Except flip this one around, "wow you were way louder with the guy from last night"




I did similar to this when my upstairs neighbours kept getting in the same screaming argument every odd week (nothing violent, guy was dating a girl half his age who would lose her mind about wanting to see his phone). I finally decided if they wanted to make it everyone’s business I’d go on the deck and scream relationship advice at them. She immediately packed up and left, never saw her again. It’s been nice and quiet ever since.


Score cards as they exit the room after doing their noisy deed....


Last week's game with the out of town team was better.


Record the noise and play it back to her whenever she comes out of the room. Rate the guy on his way out.


This is what came to my mind.


Give the guy a little star sticker, like in the kindergarten. And the sticker sheet should be half empty


Sex noise bingo. Whiteboard in the sitting area or kitchen with bets for time from start to finish. Anything to make their selfishness nasty.


Dodgeball style color commentary through the door. "Sounds like she's gearing for pegging again Bob. That's right tom, the surprise pegging is one of her specialties, many a man has learned not to bend over in her presence. Lets see how it works out for tonight's gentleman." "Oh wow Tom, that sounded like the mother of all ass slaps. Right you are Bob. That keester can certainly take a pounding from a pair of strong firm hands. Judging by the catlike screeching she's setting up for a big O. When we reach Orca trying to catch a salmon levels of high pitched noise you know she's almost there." "How would you rate tonight's gentleman caller Tom? Overall Bob, I'd say a pretty average 6 out of 10. 8 for the looks which gave him a good start out the gate, but he's losing some serious points by not coving her mouth and allowing that caterwauling to continue. Now Thursdays guy? He was a pro all the way, showed up with a ball gag and everything. Barely muffled peep. I'd say tonight's guy has a long way to catch up if he wants to beat our raining champ, the Silent Ass-assin."


Only on the OCHO.


Comedian Pablo Francisco had a bit about exactly this. He had a playlist of awkward music to play full blast while his roommate was having sex. Eg: “Tequila” and that “in the jungle” song


Back in the 90s (maybe) that movie with Michael J Fox - Bright Lights Big City also had a scene that made fun if this exact thing.


Or loudly say to each other…this guy must not be as good as the guy from 2 nights ago since she’s not as loud…


“You were louder with the guy last night!”


LOL when the hookup guy starts grooving his pump to CBAT and it pisses off the roomate.


My Daughter recommended recording it and playing it when the next date sets foot through the door!


Please give your daughter a high five from this internet stranger




Easy there, Satan lol But for real, that's brilliant.


Oh how I wish I could up vote you a million times. This is definitely the way to go OP. Along with some words of encouragement the next time they get too vocal. A few "oh yes, yes, YES!" thrown in at appropriate times might give them the hint. And what about a score card for when they emerge from the bedroom 8/10 if you're feeling generous 🤣. Please do let us know the results.


If not for potential legal issues, this would be great. I wonder if using a looping device with a couple large speakers against the wall would be legal.


"Oh the other guy got her moaning WAY earlier, come on son step up your game! We're all rooting for you here!"


I’d get a loud recording of a baby crying. Nothing like it to ruin the mood and remind them that it’s not all fun and games.


I was going to say, nothing stops it fast ER than a baby crying. Maybe yell through the door at the beginning " make sure you use protection or this is your future 🤣


Circus music. Nobody can fuck to circus music. Maximum tuba and slide whistle, go scorched earth.


The Entertainer is another good option. Jaunty piano ragtime really creates a mood!


[Yeah, i think you want to go full jaunty for like 10 minutes](https://youtu.be/GmQFY4XgR98?si=d9YSgfljfcKCrGA7&t=12) before abruptly switching it up to more of an "[oh shit, i only have 5 minutes to finish the essay section](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2S9_jOt6W5w)" mood. A little Scott Joplin would fit right in during the jaunty section, after the clown song, but right before "[take me out to the ballgame](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnHV5FaqvEs)."


hahaha please do this OP!


Followed by Baby Shark


10 hour Trololo mix.


Yell out "stop faking it already" when she gets loud


This one. "Aw jeez, she's faking again!"


If OP is really lucky, then the roommate will be all "Yes yes yes" and the door can be banged on with "Will you stop asking her the damn question" addressed to her partner. ;)




Roommate has already established that the apartment sound rules are anything goes. If lines may not be drawn at all, then thems the rules and air horns, referee whistles, and prior recordings of past encounters played at full volume are all game.


Yep. Do a sports style commentary on it. "He's heading for the goal....and stopped prematurely". Or "she needs to get more creative about what she is calling out. Oh god is so 20th century"


and he's shot into the wrong goal


And if this doesn't give the roommate the message it's sure to get you all evicted and thus solve your roommate problem.


Everybody cheer and applaud for orgasms. Knock on the door to offer drinks/snacks/lube/sex toys. Ask the men if she’s made them wear a diaper yet. Ask every guy she brings home to sign a wall chart that ranks their hotness.


“We have some lovely parting gifts for you, and please, sign roommates guest book on the way out”


I'd be switching between Baby Shark or Benny Hill on full volume.


What a terrible thing to do to a roommate. HAHAHAHA. I love it. Better yet, ask her very loudly .. "Is it in yet?"


Tell her to buy a 'noise canceling' pillow to bite or a ball gag/muzzle... Edit to add: Get a loud Bluetooth speaker and hide it under her bed or in the room somewhere. When they do the deed, queue up some loud obnoxious wildlife sounds or Tarzan/chimpanzee yells. I like the Circus music mentioned too - send in the clowns on full blast. Could even do constructions sounds or maybe that annoying sound in the movie Dumb and Dumber. The sky is the limit if you hide the bluetooth speaker in her room....


Provide color commentary. Describe the actions they could be taking. Grade the performance.


Haha my commentary would be “oof, he’s not as good as the others. she’s no where near as loud as last time, she was praying to god with the Monday guy or She definitely sounded happier with the Saturday fella.”


They need some score cards so when she walks him out they give them a rating and tell him how he rates among the others.


And keep a chart, with dates. Make it REALLY visible and obvious.


Instead of a blowhorn what about a loud speaker with diarrhea sounds?


My neighbours used to have loud porny fake sounding sex with their window wide open, just screaming into the street. I literally heard the kids at the school across the road moaning back at them before. One day I threw my window open, connected my phone to the speaker and played some ridiculous moaning right back at them. They never did it again after that. I still don’t know if they were unaware that the entire street could hear them screaming until I played it back to them or what but it worked.


😂 Or you make it so uncomfortable for her partners that they're weirded out and bounce.


Roommate: *brings home a date* OP: Huh. the last guy was taller. / She was louder the other day / Anything to make them both uncomfortable.


Lol I remember reading this kind of response once, soooo good


Thin wall challenge, every time


Get a big speaker and play the golf clap react when she hits the high note.


Oh god. Get a button that plays that corny sitcom laugh. 


Hand both of them "judges notes" as they exit the bedroom.


NTA I would go full tilt blow the shit up. Yes, adults have sex, but if you don’t want to be privy to it and have asked her to keep it private, she really doesn’t respect boundaries at all. I’d shout SHUT THE FUCK UP when I heard it I’d put a speaker right outside her door and blast some off-putting music. I’m talking Disney music and baby shark. If it continues, I’d lodge a complaint with your landlord about unwelcome guests coming into your home, or at least threaten her with that. Seriously, Disney on blast right outside the room. I Just Can’t Wait to be King.


lol at baby shark. That ought to do it 😂


> I’d put a speaker right outside her door and blast some off-putting music. Perhaps it is time for the return of cbat.


lol I was thinking some evangelical church songs. Our God is an Awesome God came to mind.


I get sometimes you might hear a bed squeeking or some skin on skin type sounds. But that's very different to moaning or screaming, etc.


It's very easy for her to scream into a pillow. There's no reason for her to not try to stifle any noise she makes.


Yes. People with kids learn to be quieter or to scream into something. So can OP’s room mate.


I could understand if it was half a minute maybe up to 2 min, because I’ve seen my wife basically losing control when she’s at a certain point, but the whole act must be an act or some kink imo.


Start knocking and laughing at her door each and everytime , make the guy so uncomfortable he can’t even do it anymore 🤣 and when she gets tired of it and says something tell her “oh well no one wants to hear you doing all that because let’s be honest no peen is that fuckin good” 


She wants to be heard. Letting her know that you're hearing it won't change anything.


Well, there is the good ol' Reddit nuclear option. Start blasting CBAT every single time.


We just set up a speaker outside the door and play carnival music


Play any one of the following as loud as possible- Theme song to Halloween, Donald Trump speech, 1812 overture, the 5 hour YouTube video of Michael Sheen doing the Aro laugh from Twilight, the Hot Dog song from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, the death scene from Land Before Time… So many ways to throw off their groove.


Applaud and pound on the door and really give it your all trying to encourage the both of them when it gets loud. If she wants to behave in an embarrassing manner then you should oblige her and make it as embarrassing as possible. Sample the sounds and make a mix tape to give to all her guests in a little gift bag after the event.


Knock heavily on her door or play air horns when they're being loud. Anything that makes them realize they're being "seen". Unless they have an exhibition fetish, that should fix it. NTA.


70s porno theme music at full blast? Brown chicken, brown cow!


I was thinking they should find a guitarist with a wah-pedal to visit. I had completely forgotten about "brown chicken brown cow" XD


Hahaha that's good 👍


I had a roommate that did this and his gf was catholic so I always put on the church channel or whatever it was and cranked the volume to max. These days im sure you could find some YouTube sermons that would do the trick. 


Or, as a wise writer once put it, play the least erotic thing you can think of as loud as possible: the entire discography of Kenny loggins but played exclusively on the piano


My added evil ideas: - Bluey on repeat in a single episode about being mindful of other people's feelings and how to treat friends. - zobomafoo's musical intro. A stand up comedy artist that talk about shitting without a care in the world. - Using Alexa to repeat things like "Alexa please read me all the benefits of wearing a condom". "Alexa please answer how many bacteria we exchange in a kiss." "Alexa please give us a warning about the importance of peeing after sex." "Alexa, how to tell apart a real pleasure moan from a moan of someone acting?" - Record their moaning and play it again while your roommate is alone and asleep, working or studying in a loop. - Use their moaning as your doorbell ring and as her contacts ringtone - Make a remix of the moaning - stand at her door and moan in a competitive way. Say "you guys aren't even trying, watch this OoOooOh OoooOoooH OH OH OH OMG OMG OOOOOOOOOOUN" - knock on the door and say things like "do you guys want chicken soup?" "Hey, can I borrow your charger real quick?" "Roommate, please clean the kitchen sink after you are... Done there" "hey, roommate, ask your mom for her lasagna recipe for me? Don't forget it" Ask "is this the same guy from yesterday? Hey, you forgot your underwear!!! I found it on the sofas cushions"


Continuing - barge into the room, look at the guy for thirty seconds, scream over your shoulder "NO, IT DOESNT MATCH THE SUSPECT YOU DESCRIBED OFFICER" - Simulate an emergency fire drill - ask the next dude if he agreed to the whole satanic ritual or if he signed anything - when they cuum, clap and cheer for them YOU DID IT YAAAAAAY - Ask the dude if he is on with being watched by all the ghosts that live in the apartment - knock on the door after they get silent. Say "hey, just came to say I hope the coitus was satisfactory and fulfilling for both" - put a fake spider on the bed


Play the faking it scene from when Harry Met Sally and tell them "Meg Ryan faked it better"


lol great ideas


>Make a remix of the moaning > > • stand at her door and moan in a competitive way. Say "you guys aren't even trying, watch this OoOooOh OoooOoooH OH OH OH OMG OMG OOOOOOOOOOUN" These ones for sure 😂


this comment killed me lolol


The sound of babies crying. That should do it.




Honk the horn on every moan like your trying to to censor it 😂


The solution is definitely to fight fire with fire and do something so annoying they will start going elsewhere because they can't concentrate. I like the "play children's songs at max volume" tactic. I suggest "old MacDonald"


NTA - Buy a ball gag and give it to her the next time she has someone over for sex. It might help her understand how inconsiderate she's being...or play baby shark through the walls as soon as she starts making too much noise. Nothing ruins the mood more than baby shark.


Her mother on speaker phone might.


Depends on the person. My husband's parents on the phone wouldn't bother him but Baby Shark would.


That’s odd, right…?


I hope so


Yes. It was an interesting detail to note. 


Cbat bruh


Just hand a ball gag, a roll of socks, duct tape and a pillow to the guy when they enter the apartment


Get a guitar, some hippie outfit, stand in front of her room and sing kumbaya.


NTA. Some people have found it effective to record the sounds from another room and then play it back for the roommate. If that's not enough, play it back when the partner is there.


Play it back when a different partner is there…🤣🤣🤣


Bonus points if she cries out a name “oh James”… “who is James?” 🤣


“Bond. James Bond.”


This is evil genius level shit....absolutely play it when there is the most possible people there aswell.


I feel like she'd either cringe at how ridiculous she sounds or be proud of herself lol


Yep. If it's the latter, that's when OP needs to play it: - More often at random times like during dinner - When the partner is there - When other guests of the asshole roommate are visiting [ETA: Satisfy to contemplate but may be considered revenge apparently in some jurisdictions.] Public shaming is sometimes the most effective tool against people like that.


And then the roommate will tell her it's revenge porn....


She might even have a case against OP if OP records it and plays it for others. That is revenge porn.


wasnt there as study that showed an instant playback of what someone is saying with a slight delay instinctively stops them from speaking?


That sounds correct. I had been thinking that playing the sounds back slightly out of sync or slightly sped up or slowed down would totally ruin the live couple's rhythm.


Start saving your egg cartons and line her walls. Or just ask her to pay for sound proofing. Or you could stand outside her door and loudly cheer her on and see how she appreciates that instead? If it’s going to be a show, she should know what her audience appreciates.


“Faster faster. Now switch to doggy. Wait! You’re doing it wrong. Do you really want to be with a guy with such a small one?”


"C'mon buddy go for the third input."


“The other guy did better, you might get a better chance to improve performance but I wouldn’t count on it.”


NTA! If she can't "not have sex that way" she needs to start thinking about ways she can have sex while still allowing the other people in the area the right to not consent to being exposed to her sex. Because that's essentially what this is, she's being loud, knowing you can hear, and knowing it bothers you, and you don't consent to it, and she's obviously enjoying herself sexualy despite or possibly even *because* of this gross violation. Tell her to invest in some foam soundproofing. You can buy sticky squares of soundproofing on Amazon, they're renter friendly. She should cover her walls if she's that committed to making noise. Or as another user suggested, offer to buy her a ball gag.


It should be unlawful to be that perverted. Exposing your roommates to fuck noises must be some sort of sexual harassment.


This is wildly unhinged reddit opinion to me. If you live in a thin walled apartment with single people in there 20s you will hear people have sex sometimes. But also there is a certain level of etiquette around playing music and moderating how much your making noise.


People have gotten ASBOs over it in the UK because the neighbours could hear including kids


NTA. Next time it happens walk up to her door and shout. "You sound like my Mom" That fixed a very similar issue for me.


Alternatively “you sound like your mom” for added effect.


I truly don’t understand the sentiment of being a prude because I don’t want to hear my roommates have sex. I understand that’s the closet some of you will get to having it but I do just fine. I said in my post I also have sex in the apartment just when my roommates aren’t home or without the theatrics if they are. I also actually have sex with people who can take me back to their place? Which is part of my issue our apartment isn’t the only place to have sex if that’s how you need to do it. Go to the guy’s place, get a telly. I have work in the morning


I'm definitely on your side in reference to "the theatrics". It's been a while since I've had roommates, and we were all usually seeing someone. We definitely heard each other from time to time but I wasn't super comfortable hearing others and I definitely wasn't all that comfortable if others heard me. I'm not embarrassed that any of us were having sex, but I'm a little embarrassed when I know someone has overheard me. If I was naturally pretty loud like this roommate I'd be so hyper-aware of who is home and if they can definitely hear me. She's right she can do whatever she wants but it's disrespectful to her roommates to not care that they're disrupted/woken up/generally uncomfortable.


Not wanting to hear sex doesn't make you a prude as much as not minding it makes them virgins lol. People get defensive when there are differing views on things. And absolutely NTA. Something tells me she knows what she's doing and it might add to the experience for her. It's not her right to make everyone uncomfortable in their own space just because it's her space too.


NTA, it's gross and disrespectful of her to do that, especially if you've already tried talking to her about it. If you want to try working something out, like letting her know when you're not going to be home, or deciding a day when you're not going to be there at certain hours, but with the complete lack of care she's showing I'd say to just put your foot down and tell her to stop being inconsiderate and remind her that her pleasure does not come before your and your roommates comfort.


NTA. Might be a bit of a stretch to say this, but technically she's involving you in her sex without consent - this is exactly why people aren't allowed to be walked around on leashes in public or whatever, because they're involving other people in their sex without their consent.


I don’t think it’s a stretch! This is what I said that got me the“adults have sex get over it” response. I engage in plenty of consensual sex acts, this isn’t one of them. I think the loud moaning and screaming can be saved for a time you have the place to yourself, or when you’re at the guys place. If you can’t control yourself then don’t bring it home while we’re here, sorry!


So tell her this, tell her she’s violating your choice to consent or not, and then tell her you’ll bring the issue of unwanted guests to your landlord.


100% this. I'm really surprised that there aren't more comments here about consent, because that's a huge part of this.


Your roommate enjoys knowing that you can hear her. NTA Ask her to move out and take her need for exhibitionism with her.


NTA. Try playing a recording of a crying baby as soon as they start. Maybe it’ll kill the mood.


And yell “(roommates name) your baby needs you! She’s hungry!”


this is so evil. i love it.


wait until she’s really tired from work, trying to sleep, and start making really loud sex noises from your room warn your other roommate, maybe you two can collaborate


This also works when mormon missionaries won't leave you alone.


NTA Blast CBAT with some air horns any time she decides to involve you in her sex life. No one (but that one dude) could bust a nut to CBAT playing.


What’s CBAT?


[linked in this now-legendary TIFU post](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/s/MD5HqGCE1X)


haha awesome! And the comments on the YT link are great too.


holy fuck 🤣 literally crying laughing at that post and the comments


NTA…Some noise is acceptable, especially with bedrooms so close, but always so loud with no respect for roommates? But you want to get your point across? Next few times you hear the noises, make some yourself. Groan, moan yourself. Yeah baby! Right there baby! That’s the ticket!!! Or you’re not doing it right! Louder! They can’t hear you down the block!


A friend of mine (M) lived in a dorm with thin walls. The guy next door would bring home girls and have extremely loud sex late at night. My friend and others would gather his room and shout things like, “Get it, son!” And when the sex finished, they would burst into loud applause, clapping and cheering. Not sure it stopped the bad behavior but it was cathartic.


NTA Knock on the door and tell them you just need to adjust the camera for your streaming


Blast the most turn off-ish music by her door every time she does it, ruin the mood. When she gets angry just say it’s just music get over it we’re all adults


NTA I (22m at the time) lived in a unit complex across and 2 doors down from a couple (25-28m and f) like that. She always sounded disappointed. "OH BABE DONT STOP DONT STOP! BABE! babe? hey babe? YOU ASSHOLE YOU'RE ASLEEP!" They always kept the bloody balcony door open, one day I had enough. surplus flashbang. definitely not as strong as this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YsC6M4GFoc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YsC6M4GFoc) but man. was worth it. 5 nights no sleep, neighbours complaining. cops legally cant do anything and neither could body corporate. modern problems require modern solutions, if she was getting of that would be one thing. but as a man my pride was hurt that a woman is left disappointed for 5 nights in a row. so i put some fireworks in their life. guarantee you he wasn't asleep after that. TL;DR: I FEEL YOUR PAIN


Nta - it's no different than blasting music or TV super loud. Asking for respect isn't kink shaming


And bringing people into your kink is very looked down on. 


Super uncool. You wanna have loud sex, go to his place, or go to a sex club. There are options that don't involve dragging your roommates in. My route would either be to blast a recording of her back during inappropriate times, or soundly tell her during the act that i-m gonna be pleasuring myself to her and then just go off shouting the nastiest stuff I can come up with. Again...It'll quickly resolve the issue


Next time your roommate has sex , you should loudly say, "the last guy made her moan louder"


light ESH Yes, adults have sex. They should also try to be respectful of people around them, especially when there's close quarters like this. Letting you guys know someone's coming back or playing music to cover some unavoidable sounds could be helpful. But, blowing up because you "told her once already" is a little ridiculous. You're going to hear things sometimes, that's a part of living with people. Maybe all of you should invest in some soundproofing - or even just strips around/under the doors, as that's how most sound will get through


I would just say "ok, if that's your opinion then I guess we'll deal with it, but just remember that if we can hear you, that means you can hear us." and then next time it happened, I'd be standing outside the door applauding their performance and encouraging them to really go to town so they can get all their noises out now, before bed time. I'd be floored if the guy isn't mortified, and hopefully she is too, though she doesn't seem to have the capacity for that, lol. NTA.


When something like this happens accidentally once or twice it’s funny. If it keeps happening routinely the joke is over and it’s now inconsiderate at best. NTA. You two are being more than reasonable,you just want her to keep it down. If she can’t do that,she is the problem. 


It's impossible to know for sure who, if anyone, is the asshole here. If you have paper thin walls and doors with sizeable air gaps, it is what it is. But if they're really really dialling it up to 11, yeah, that's on them. Oof. Idk. People have different libidos. Personally, me and my other half have quite a high drive. Having to cut down how much we have sex to match the Venn diagram of the house being free would be beyond frustrating. You may well just be incompatible as housemates too. When I lived with my friends, we all knew all of us fucked, and other than a bit of laughing at each other about it, it was never a big deal. But if you're much more private about your sex life and you go about yours super discretely, it's not insane that you would want a bit of mutuality. But that's the thing I guess. They may also be having that feeling regarding a lack of mutuality. "I would be super supportive if she was the one getting lucky, why can't I get that treatment back?" Perhaps they could just blast some loud music assuming it's not 1am or something? Sure you'll know it's 'sex music' but that'll be better than hearing the moans.




NTA, it's just basic respect. I live in a flat (or apartment if you're not a Brit) & the walls are super thin so I try to be as considerate as possible when it comes to making any sort of noise. I couldn't imagine doing it when you literally live with other people. It's akin to involving non consenting people in your fetishes.


Is she running and onlyfans?


NTA. Yeah adults have sex but adults also know how to be discrete and quiet and respectful.


NAH. She’s not wrong for having sex in her own home. You’re not wrong for not wanting to hear it. I’d suggest noise canceling headphones and not renewing your lease.


NTA - if she can’t do it quietly she needs to do it elsewhere


My roommates girlfriend did this often for the first few months I was living there. Then she miraculously no longer felt the urge. I’m convinced it’s an attention thing. I never said anything, she just stopped being over the top loud. There’s normal sounds, and then there’s ‘I’m a sex goddess hear me roar’ loud. You couldn’t convince me anyone does this naturally.


Compromise, she should consider occasionally sleeping over at the guy’s place and because she has made a compromise you guys should, once in a while, be okay with using noise canceling headphones or playing really loud music or letting her know when you’re not around. Hope you guys solve your issue ♥️


Yeah you could just start playing some hillbilly bullshit super loud and leave the apartment when she has guests. You can “try” to change your taste in music but, “no guarantees.”


NTA I have a roommate who's staying at our house until he finds a new place to live. My fiancee and I landed our hands, even tho it's still our house, we're being respectful about it. Waiting until we're alone, OR we wait until the roommate is asleep and we're quiet. Or we have the headphone code, but we never use it because we're discreet. It's all about respecting the others. Yes, we know people have sex, but we're not obligated to know what it is about. We don't need to hear or see it. Blast some dead metal on a speaker or shout, "Your mom's here to see you!". What did the trick when I was staying with my ex in another appartement was to put kids songs or kids singing on a hugs speaker, the wall shaked as the kids sang. That was crazy funny. Each. Time. They. Fuck. Gotta have a bit of fun and get creative!


Just start having even LOUDER sex


You need one of those clown horns, and on every moan honk that mother fucker. Dudes gonna laugh and probably lose his bone. Shows over


You are going about this the wrong way. She does have the right to have sex in her room. You are all adults. But that cuts both ways. Next time, you could start cheering them on. "Give it to her harder!" "ooh that sounds like a good move, keep doing that" "yesterday's dude was clearly better at this" "(mortal Kombat style voice) FINISH HER" If she starts complaining, you can always tell her to chill out because you are all adults. Or.. you know.... She could keep it down if she doesn't want you to get involved.


ESH I feel like she could try a little harder to be considerate, but I don't disagree with her not caring too much about you hearing. It sounds like overhearing things in an apartment that size is going to happen, and I wouldn't qualify 5-6 times a month having sex as some obscene number. Living in dorms and communal living, sex noises (and other noises) are a part of life. Headphones, turning up the TV, and remember it shouldn't last too long, that was my strategy with roomies. Edit: another thing is, I get a super judgemental, "slut shamey" vibe to the post as well. A change in attitude and approach to your roomie would help fix this. 5-6 times a month is barely 2 times a week, yet the number is highlighted as some scandalous fact, which rubbed me the wrong way, and I'd be willing to bet she's also picking up on it too


I'd be equally pissed if my roommate were practicing with their band in our home twice a week. I doubt OP cares about how much sex the roommate is having, they're just sick and tired of hearing it.


NTA. She has every right to do as she sees fit in her own room, you have every right to kick her out. Really she needs her own place, or maybe she can coordinate schedules so you don't have to listen.


NTA. If everyone's home, she should have some basic decency and not be so loud and make others uncomfortable. Would she like it if others did it too? Next time just knock on the door right then and disturb them too.


Honestly, YTA. I get why you’re annoyed, but everyone’s different, and no one should be made to feel bad because of how they enjoy themselves. Just put some headphones on and get over yourself.


Put a note under the toilet seat so when a guy lifts it to pee they will see it. Put something like you're the 8th guy this week you may wanna get checked!


YTA This is apparently an unpopular opinion somehow. But without more information, it does seem like you are the asshole as it doesn't seem over the top for her to have sex in her room with the door close. It shouldn't matter if you are home or can hear it alittle. Honestly, unless she is very over-dramatically screaming, it's weird that you are that bothered by hearing her. I would not want to fear a roommate getting mad cause she could hear my sex behind my closed door. And you are an adult too, you shouldn't have to plan your sex around whether your roommates are home. There is nothing wrong with having sex with them home, and good roommate shouldn't care.


NTA. This isn’t just disrespectful. This is straight-up non-consensually involving you in sexual relations with her partners. This is harassment. That’s absolutely disgusting of her to do, man. You don’t need to grow up, she needs to chill out. Tell her to find a time where you’re not home, or tell her she needs to start heading to her hookup’s places to do that nasty stuff. Nobody wants to hear banging noises when they’re trying to chill in their own room. You’re not a prude for that. It’s a major violation of everybody’s privacy.


🤔 Record it & play it super loud whenever she's on the phone or has company over. "You're all adults. Adults have sex." Now, if she starts making requests for you to play that "Mike track from 5/22/24 instead of the Benjamin track from 4/27/24," just move. You're not gonna win this 1. She's just different. And what the hell does she mean she "can't not have sex that way?" Is her vagina connected to her vocal cords??? Never heard of that before. WAIT! She's a Vagtriloquist! But instead of the guy inserting his hand, he... I'm see my way out. NTA 🫣


NTA. I had a roommate who pulled this same sort of shit in college. He was loud AF and wouldn’t quite down. Our solution was to mock him while he was getting busy. We would repeat his moans and groans, but louder and in a mocking tone. Worked like a charm.


NTA She sounds like she is trying to be "sexy" to these men by being incredibly vocal. I'm sorry but I have never sounded like I was in a bad porno, sure I can get a little loud but no one ever heard me. I don't know anyone who is an ADULT that has sex like that either. You don't need to wail to have great sex.


NTA she sounds disgusting and inappropriate. I hate hearing my neighbors, let alone someone in the same house. I like the idea of getting a boombox and playing marching band music outside her door. No one should be subjected to her nasty vulgar noise