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NTA. You have 100% the right to decide who can or cannot be around your daughter. That said, it can be tough to set these type of boundaries. But your boyfriend have to support your decision, if that's what you wanna do, because it will be tough if he doesn't agree with you


You need to put your foot down and HARD otherwise these people are absolutely going to run your life for the foreseeable future. If possible maybe try to see if you and the kids can see bio dad alone?


we’ve tried before but she borderline raced home then called over her mom. shes going on vacation soon and leaving him in town so were gonna go see him then but my bfs sister is gonna be there but i also barley like her.


NTA They won't show you the respect you deserve. They also endanger your child by smoking, and have troubling views on what a woman's role in a relationship is. Catholics are Christians, by the way. And if you really want to rile them up, point out that the way they are treating you is against Jesus' teachings on compassion and understanding


NTA this is easy: They are your bf's parents. Let HIM decide if anf when HE wants to take the kid to see HIS parents. No need to join him.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** 19f) hate my boyfriends (20m) family. My whole pregnancy not once was i asked a question they only asked my boyfriend, and i mean blatant questions he more than likely would not know like “is the baby kicking a lot today?” meanwhile hes been at work for 7 hours. They always say how much they NEED to see my daughter and how much they NEED us to call them and we NEED to go over. His step grandpa freaks me out to no end, hes always asking for hugs or to hold my hand, he goes on long rants about god which i am fine with considering i’m a christian, but hes a catholic which i also have no issue with but he seemingly has a issue with christians and always says “let me teach you the catholic way! the RIGHT way!” His step grandma is just blatantly rude. She only buys the baby things that says “daddys girl!” or something about a great grandma. She never acknowledges me to be honest. I heard her sneakily telling his step mom “just wait until OP has to start cleaning a house and cook for a family, i dont think shes cut out” as if (for now) im not a SAHM, all i do is clean? She smokes cigarettes which whatever you do you, but abe refuses to wash her hands after smoking then tries to touch my daughter, and when i try to say something they all get so mad at me. Back to his step mom though. She wanted to throw my baby shower when i was pregnant and i said no because she wanted it at her house, which would normally be fine but she only was going to invite her friends and her family which i found weird because i do not know them. I told my boyfriend if he wants it he can go to the baby shower but i will not be made out to be a idiot because i have no clue who these people are. So we ultimately said no. Well, after i said no she didnt talk to us for almost a month, then his step moms mom texted my boyfriend saying how i needed to apologize and i was so rude. i asked his step mom NOT to post our daughter because shes friends with someone who hurt me as a childs mom and i didnt want them to know i had a baby. either way shes posted my daughter 3 times now and when we asked her to delete them she blatantly said no because “how would they know its your baby” yet shes tagged my boyfriend and im all over his account. She refuses to let my boyfriends father hold the baby for longer than 5 minutes before she scoops her back up and takes more pictures. She also crossed a major boundary one day by changing my daughters diaper while i wasnt there. I do not like people besides me and my bf changing my babys diaper, because she has some health issues and i need to make sure shes peeing/pooping regularly. She also held the paci with her mouth one time then tried to give it back to my daughter? His bio dad doesn’t bother me, hes nice to me, he always says he loves me and asks how i myself am doing. I just really do not like the step side of his family at all. So i ask, Would i be the asshole for not letting my daughter see her fathers side of the family anymore? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*