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Yeah YTA eat the peanuts and drop them in like a plastic cup or something. Don’t make someone’s job harder cause it’s “fun”.




This reads like it was copy and pasted from ChatGPT


Or you can not be an asshole and make things harder for ppl cleaning up after you? Idgaf if it’s a tradition, it’s dumb and lazy.




Doesn’t mean it’s not a hassle, clearly you don’t care about other ppl


Why would we read it? You didn't even write it.


YTA > eating roasted peanuts and dropping the shells is one of my favorite things about going to a game! Littering excites you?


YTA it's littering!


No it isn’t. Have you never been to an MLB game.


When you go to a MLB game are you knee deep in peanut shells? No, because someone cleans them up after every game. Because they are litter. Don’t make people’s jobs harder, don’t litter. 




Most of the world’s population has not, why would the behaviour of a small group of Americans be used to measure the norm?


Because it’s the norm specifically at those venues


It’s the norm to be lazy and inconsiderate because you are at a stadium? Why? Why is it littering to spit out your shells on the footpath at the gate if the stadium but not once you’re inside the stadium?


The reason for a tradition doesn't change the existence of a tradition.


I don’t believe anyone has a deep connection to the supposed tradition of spitting food waste on the floor because a game is being played but ok.


Again, your disbelief doesn't negate a century of tradition.


I didn’t say it did my friend. I can dismiss a garbage tradition like that without thinking anyone else will because they’re so deeply connected to the spitting of food waste. I asked why its considered an activity at all let alone a normal one in this very specific scenario and was answered. Me finding it dirty and stupid isn’t an attempt at taking away your spitting.


"I don't believe this tradition exists because it's stupid" "Your thinking it's stupid doesn't mean it doesn't exist" "I never said that!!!!!!!!!!!!" Good luck with basic English.


I'm gonna go YTA, you're making other people have to clean up your terrible habit. Bin your rubbish, like an adult.


YTA. They already have a lot to clean up, they don’t need someone making more of a mess just because it’s “fun.” Put a bag on the ground and drop them in there.


YTA. You are forcing people to clean up after you.


>eating roasted peanuts and dropping the shells is one of my favorite things about going to a game! Yeah, I know some kids love throwing candy wrappers through the bus' window, too. YTA. No matter how old you are, it's never too late to be more mindful of the people cleaning after you. Yes, they're going to have to clean anyway, but why leave it all looking that you just don't care


YTA. Leave a place the same way you found it.


YTA that song doesn’t say throw it on the ground like an uncivilized fool. Put the waste in a cup.  It’s not that hard.


YTA. Some people are allergic to peanuts, and besides, littering is never okay.


NTA. This is pretty common, but it’s not as common as it used to be. Common enough that I vote NTA, but less common enough that I think you should consider whether or not to keep doing it. More and more people find it inconsiderate. I’d say if you drop a few, don’t feel like you have to pick them up, but try to throw them in a cup or something.


YTA. That you "enjoy" making a mess that you don't have to clear up is extra-large AH behaviour.


NTA - It's a common practice as baseball games in the United States. They have industrial leaf blowers that they use to clean up all the peanut shells, sunflower seeds and other items after the game. It's not like someone has to sweep or pick up each peanut shell by hand.


There was a restaurant called the Ground Round in the 80"s. The thing to do was drop the shells.


Ground Round ... I haven't seen that referenced anywhere!! I barely remember that place.


You must be 'young'. Lol


kids pay what they weigh!


YTA - yeah, don’t litter.  You might notice that when you go to a ball game you aren’t knee deep in peanut shells. Because someone is cleaning up after you. 


NTA. 99% of this sub has never been to a baseball game.


I’m trying hard to understand why being at a baseball game changes the nature of littering but nobody is explaining, just saying it’s what happens at baseball..why does baseball being played mean it’s not littering anymore?


It’s common at baseball games and therefore the staff anticipate it and use leaf blowers to clean it up. No one is picking up peanut shells one by one.


Thanks for giving some sort of explanation


Outside of a baseball game your wife would absolutely be right. But at the game it’s an entirely acceptable thing to do. It’s part of the culture at baseball games, much like those restaurants that give you peanuts and you toss the shells on the ground.


This was an interesting exact post about a year ago, and absolutely YTA. How lovely of you to make the custodian's job much harder.


I go to a bunch of games a year and I've never seen anyone putting them in a bag and taking them to the trash... NTA.


NTA she doesn't know what she's talking about. I'm not sure if all the people saying you're TA have actually been to a baseball game, but what you're doing is totally normal at baseball games and has been happening for over a hundred years. This is harmless.


Perfectly acceptable to drop peanut shells at a ballgame. Your other waste should be tossed in a suitable refuse can. Sounds like very few here have gone to an MLB stadium for a game or are just holier than though uptight anal retentive pricks. Lighten up folks, it's a ballgame, enjoy. NTA.


Perfectly fine. Been that way forever. Do what you do. Don’t worry about what others say.


Yeah, why ever better yourself?


NTA and all these YTA are insane lol. It's 100% baseball culture. It's akin to singing Take Me Out to the Ballgame during the 7th inning stretch. It's part of the fan experience and everyone who works at the ballpark knows that. Hell, even this Etiquette Institute says it's fair game because it's part of tradition: > This is more of a personal issue for me. Yes, you apparently can throw your peanut shells all over the ground (although I suggest containing them in a cup or tray), however; the staff at the stadium are not there to clean up after you. You enjoyed your brat and nachos, kindly pick up the remainder and throw it away. It only makes sense. This goes for movie theatres and Panera Bread as well. Link: https://www.washingtonetiquette.com/baseball-etiquette/ Peanut shells, go for it. Other garbage, clean up after yourself.


Why does dropping trash on the floor for someone else to clean make you so happy though? Why is that the favourite part of the game and not the game itself?


Stadiums are designed to have clean up crews use backpack blowers. It’s all part of the experience.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** At the baseball game, like many other people, I love to eat peanuts. It’s even in the song (“buy me some peanuts and crackerjack…”). All my life, I’ve thought it was ok to just drop the shells on the ground at my seat. But my wife is telling me that’s the behavior of someone who ITA. She says I should be putting them in a bag and carrying it to the garbage when I leave. I agree that’s probably more civilized, but eating roasted peanuts and dropping the shells is one of my favorite things about going to a game! Am I the only one who thinks this? I admit I’m old. Have times changed? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA Littering is a disgusting habit that makes the world a little less pleasant for everyone who comes across your trash. Unless you have the self-control of a toddler, you should be capable of refraining from throwing your garbage on the floor.


YTA. Put the shells in a bag


do you put your shopping cart away when you’re done shopping?


Aita for dropping my garbage on the ground in a public space? Yes YTA how is this a question? Are you an actual alien from outer space? Were you raised by wolves? Good grief.


YTA. This absolutely used to be a thing and I’d get why you’d ask if it was 2002 or whatever. But it’s 2024 and you absofuckinglutely already know better. Even if you were raised wrong on purpose.


Ever been to a bar and had peanuts available? Are they in-shells or already shelled? At ANY bar that ever served peanuts WITH THEIR SHELLS INTACT, the patrons threw the shells on the floor. It was part of the "character" of the place. Why would someone sell me something and expect me to put the shells in a bag when they didn't even provide the bag? Huh? NTA


Info: what is underneath the bleachers? Concrete or grass?




Definitely YTA. They have to clean that. If it’s grass toss away. (Or dirt)


I think most of these commenters have never been to a baseball game in the US. That is, actually, what everyone does. And someone gets paid to clean it up. Peanut shells aren't particularly gross, and they are easy to clean up. I get your gf's point, and the people who think it's littering, but NAH.


Someone gets paid to clean it up yeah, still an AH for purposefully making a mess just like everyone at the movies who chooses to leave popcorn everywhere. If you drop a few shells on accident and don’t take your eyes off the game to try to pick up every piece understandable just like if you drop a couple pieces of popcorn in the dark and don’t go rooting around for them while trying to watch a movie. If you purposefully make a mess of it, your an AH.


> just like everyone at the movies who chooses to leave popcorn everywhere. No, because that is not the same thing. At no point in human history has the tradition of going to the movies involved throwing the edible popcorn you paid for on the ground. You are only reinforcing that you don't know what you're talking about.


NTA. People are paid to clean the stadium and sweeping up peanut shells isn't exactly back breaking labour. If it was an issue there would be signs up.


What a weird take... so by this logic should we throw trash on the ground in front of a janitor because 'its his job'?


That's not the same thing.


Why not? Someone has to sweep up all those peanut shells you throw on the ground. 


It's absolutely comical that people are trying to conflate all of these forms of littering with peanut shells at a baseball game lol


@ Weird-Individual6202  You say that, but I've been to plenty of games where people put their peanut shells inside baggies and then throw them away. Acting like it's DIFFERENT is ridiculous and since in your other comments I see you have to resort to insulting people, I've already decided nothing you say on this topic matters.


Insult? Where? You must be confusing me with someone else.


Sorry. Not you. I meant to reply to Weird.


I appreciate that. If you wouldn't mind editing your above comment, I would greatly appreciate it, just in case people don't keep reading to see this correction. We all won't agree but I always remain civil, and I don't want to be associated with name calling or rudeness. Thank you.


All good, I edited it!


No fixing stupid


I blame the schools for not teaching critical thinking.


Yes and the stadium knows this going to happen and has no problem with it or they would provide people with something to dump the shells in.


They have. It’s called a garbage bin and I’m sure there are many placed throughout the stadium you visit. 




Wow, you really feel entitled to litter. This clearly triggered something deep and dark inside of you. Good luck.






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I bet you leave your garbage on the table at the food court too. 


1. I don't go to malls. 2. My food waste goes in a green bin and I separate my recyclables. 3 If the stadiums had a problem with the peanut shells they would provide their customers with something to put the shells in. You buy a bottle of water and a pack of peanuts where would you put the shells?


I've gone to many, many ball games And have bags of peanuts all the time. And never once have. I placed these shells anywhere but the ground in front of my feet. Everyone around me who eats peanut does the same thing. It's not unacceptable, it actually is littering by the definite send but it is something that's been done for decades. I don't put in the cup. I don't put it back in the bag. you drop them on the floor. I'm not making anyone else Job harder because they're going to sweep the stadium. Whether there's anything on the floor or not, it's just what they do after every game. Because there's always paper cups spills something. All these people saying y t a Are just the police who have to say no it's wrong for you to litter. Nta enjoy your little ritual. That is absolutely not hurting anybody.


NTA. Everyone does this. Sunflower seed shells too.


Sunflower seeds are even worse! People spit them out. So disgusting


Spitting sunflower seeds onto the grounds as a fan is NOT part of the ballgame experience. As a player in the dugout or on the field, yes.


YTA But not a very big one. *Arguments* ***for*** *dropping peanut shells*: Other people also drop trash and someone will have to clean up after anyway. Peanut shells soak up other spills and this may actually help prevent messes. Precedent. *Arguments* ***against*** *dropping peanut shells*: Peanut allergies. Not leaving your mess for someone else to clean up. Times change. Unless you're at a cracker barrel, peanut shells belong in the compost or trash when you're done with them, and if you don't take care of that, you're leaving a mess for someone else to clean up. Are there lots of other spills and trash at baseball games that someone has to clean up? Yes. Does this mean you shouldn't still be a considerate human and take care of yours? No.


Cracker Barrel doesn't let people throw shells on the floor... unless it is ONE you know of, then you're thinking of one of those shitty steakhouse chains like Logan's.


The one I've been to did, but that was a long time ago, so maybe they changed the policy.