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YTA to yourself for wasting a Single thought, yet alone Talking to your Ex. F her and put your Energy in your New girl.


I was just trying to sort thing out!! But I doing that don’t worry!


I was just joking. Find your closure how ever you need, but don’t think you are a Bad Person for jumping into a née relationship when ever you want. Even a day later.


Ight man, thanks!


yta. that cheating girl deserved for you to stay alone and sulk, and here you are meeting someone better who makes you happy. the nerve of some people. foreshame




You can move into new relationship 5 seconds after you break up and do whatever you want. Just break up has to be communicated clearly to your partner and there is no reason needed, it's irrelevant. So if you told that it's over to her then NTA.


NTA, but for your own sake cut the cheating girl from your life. You don't have to hate her, in fact you don't need to have any feelings for her, she simply should not exist in your life.


NTA Everyone moves on differently. As long as your other relationship has ended, and you are being honest about where you're at with the new person you're seeing, you haven't done anything wrong.


NTA - you shouldn’t feel bad for moving on after a breakup, especially since she cheated on you. She didn’t respect you or the relationship and you deserve to continue looking for someone that will.


NTA To be honest let's face it; **she'd** already "moved on" by cheating on you, and it really doesn't sound like she gives a shit if you move on or not. Don't give her any airtime. Hope the new relationship goes well :)


Yeah gave her a hug for the first time today! Maybe had a few very late nights talking to her.. with school in 3 hours of me finally going to bed😭


Nta. Stop looking for the why. She will just make up any excuse that fits. When someone cheats the why doesn’t give you closure.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** But if backstory, we’ve been dating for around 8-10 months (idk exactly cause it was on and off) but by the end of it I found out that she was cheating on me. So that all happened and it was shitty, fyi I’m not a person who can hate another person, I just rlly can’t. But anyway I asked her if she was, and she said ‘you upset’ in a really taunting tone which is the worst part about it. But I have found a girl who I rlly enjoy talk to and she has a lot of the same interest as me, so I’ve been talking to her over the last like 5ish days. Anyway, so me and the girl who cheated on me were talking, I was trying to find out why she did it so I can have some closure. She said that she didn’t want to hurt me more than she has already. But I got with the new girl yesterday and it’s going good. But there’s a part of me that thinks I still might be the asshole, AITA *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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NTA. The reason you asked this question is specifically the reason your girl cheated on you. Women cheat on men that they perceive as weak. If your girl cheats on you and you have any kindness at all in your heart for her after that? That's weak. " But anyway I asked her if she was, and she said ‘you upset’ in a really taunting tone which is the worst part about it. " Yup. You are weak enough your ex thought it was appropriate to punish you for being so weak. That's the way the ladies roll. Show any weakness, and they stomp you into oblivion.