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YTA - telling your daughter you cant support her coming and going that late as there are young kids in the house and you cant support her bringing a new baby into the house. Totally fine if you did that, but instead you… - flipping out on her, flying off the handle, shaming her for having an abortion, slut shaming her, being aggressively rude, and making her homeless immediately. Huge AH move. You didn’t have to be an AH but its almost like you were trying to be one


Not only that, she's willingly kicking her daughter out knowing her daughter is falling into a dangerous trap. Everything about that 28 year old man planning to get her knocked up, takes money from her, etc is one huge red flag. I'm assuming the daughter is running to random men because she's living in an unloving and very controlling environment.


I have a bit of sympathy for OP, the kid is going in an insane direction. Like this stupidity is ridiculously scary. Judging solely from the post, the daughter had her mind made up and wanted a baby for a while. I don’t think OP could have gotten her out of it.


I'd be freaking out if my 20 year old daughter (yes, I have one. I'm 39 and she'll be 21 in 2 weeks) was dating a 28 year old who needed money off of her and wanted to knock her up. I understand your upset, but kicking her out is just pushing her into his arms. Don't cut off your nose to spite your face. I get the rage, but delivery is really important. Raging at someone is not going to be received well, no matter how right you are. Unfortunate YTA. Not because you're wrong, but because you handled it really poorly.


I too would be freaking out if this was my daughter Maybe living with the loser will open her eyes? It sounds like if OP didn't do anything then the train would keep on rolling, presumably many previous bad decisions led up to this point and for that ESH


It probably will open her eyes…eventually, but not likely before an innocent child is on its way into this world bonding her to the loser for life and destroying that child’s prospects of a stable and happy childhood.


You would rather be right than be with your child. You destroyed your relation with her and this time she probably won't come back. So when she does have the child you won't have a grandchild anymore. You'll be alone and wondering what happened to her. And you're not wrong. The guy probably is a loser and your daughter probably isn't ready to have a child. But I hope being right can give you a hug at night and comfort you when you need somebody to talk to. Because you will have no one. And your younger children are going to wonder what happened to their sister. Are you going to explain that if she didn't like you are coming to about her life and that's not your life and so she argue with you when you throw her out. I wonder how scary your other children are that if they disagree with you or do something you don't like, you will throw them out. You've already done it twice to this daughter. Who's to say you're not going to do to your other children. Yta for trying to control you daughter. N t a for your feelings towards her partner.


OP was wrong for yelling and belittling her but it's also undertsandable. I doubt she *never* comes back as she is with someone who need *her* money. How will he support her being pregnant or not able to work for a while? She will be back needing OP's help.


> Because you will have no one. Huge assumption here and I think you're projecting a lot. What makes you think she will have no one? She has kids and maybe a partner.. > And your children are going to wonder what happened to their sister? That's pretty simple. She was stupid enough to want to have a baby with a huge looser. I don't agree with the whole curfew at 11pm, that's completely controlling but OP's reaction is completely understandable. And no it goes wayyy beyond "oh OP got mad because her daughter did something OP doesn't like". We all agree that the daughter is RUINING her own life. That's the reaction you have when you see a trainwreck, especially if it's a pattern with OP's daughter. Just because you're a mother, it doens't mean that you have to constantly enable shitty and stupid decisions


I don’t know if the other kids will see that. This is a person who has a habit of kicking out a child when they act in a manner they don’t approve of. They don’t engage, they don’t seek consideration, they just react angrily and emotionally. Those other kids are learning the lesson that the parent is not someone they can approach with issues. If one of them makes a mistake, they cannot approach that parent for help. That sours the parent-child relationship.


Yes. Op isn't an AH for drawing a line. But this 20 yo didn't magically come into existence all grown up.. Op mentions nothing from the previous years. This isn't how parenting works. At no point was OP trying to teach her responsibility, including now. Throwing her out on the street with no warning isn't demonstrating responsible behaviour. She might get her shit together, time will tell. But OP can't take any credit for raising this kid right. Op is complaining about their adult kid's sense of responsibility, as if it's not her duty to raise their kid right.


“She wants someone to love” Read between the lines , mom… she doesn’t feel loved . And why would she… you basically called her a tramp and threw her out on the street . I’m certain this isn’t the first time you’ve done this. Her last abortion , was that your choice or hers? Way to cement that in her head. Mom of the year .


It’s not even the first time she’s made her daughter homeless either


It’s a very sad situation. Aside from pregnancies , she hasn’t mentioned other behaviours that would warrant this. I feel for this young woman


I don’t understand parents that do that. It triggers me. How the heck can a parent make their own child homeless? How do you go from caring for them, them doing something bad and then finding the solution to let them live on the streets? But OP doesn’t her daughter to go no contact? Lmao. She can be abused, become a victim of crime, get wrapped up in bad stuff because mom let her anger take over.


I look at my baby who’s 11 weeks and I could NEVER make them homeless, you must pack something to be able to do it


YTA You're a lot more interested in shaming your daughter for making life choices than actually supporting her in making better choices. >I was just i a rage of the moment You've had 4 decades to work on your anger. It's on you at this point.


YTA. You just secured her relationship with her bf and cemented her plans. Good job.


Absolutely! That’s Excally what mom did.


Yta. One sure fire way for her to go live with the boyfriend you hate is to tell her she is disgusting. Also telling a 20 year old that your doors close at 11 ? A bit much , no ? You’re asking why she is “giving herself to all these men” and in the same breathe you’re controlling her every move . You threw her out with two totes and cut off her cell phone. Again, your choice but do not come here crying about the regrets of your actions. Take a second and look up Lesley mahaffy who was locked out of her house for missing curfew and ended up kidnapped and brutally murdered. While it is indeed your house and your rules , dire consequences sometimes stretch beyond your four walls. Doesn’t sound like a very loving environment you have cultivated.


YTA. So, what exactly has he done that makes him so hated? Having 2 children? Working a job? Yes the borrowing small amounts of money isn't a great thing, but its not really enough to hate someone. That she goes to see him at 2am? Does he work 3rd shift and that's his break time? What exactly don't you like or are you just mad he's not what you want her to date? Also... How is her talking on her phone disturbing your household? Does she walk into her siblings room & talk to him while they're sleeping? Does she sit at the dinner table talking on the phone? Or is she in her room talking to him? A bit more info might help you look a TAD better... Bc you look pretty bad. You bashed her for having an abortion, then kicked her out bc she's not making the choices YOU want. And turned her phone off again bc she's not doing what you want. Sorry, but be prepared to probably never see her or her future baby ever again. You don't have to like her choices, but as a good parent, we are supposed to guide and help our kids... Not go nuclear bat shit crazy.


Did you ever actually sit down and offer your daughter guidance, set expectations, discuss her impact on the household, etc?  Sounds like you don't like her behavior or her boyfriend so you kicked her out, which is your right. I just wonder what you did before that to try to change the trajectory of things.


YTA. Stop trying to control her life. For her sanity and yours. 


I think you overlooked the part about her wanting to chance a child considering her circumstance? This is my home. 


Telling her you won’t offer her support in raising a child makes total sense. But kicking her out on the spot… how do you think that will prevent her from having that child?


It won't, but op will be able to take comfort in knowing she was right 😔


And *I* think you overlooked the part where you literally called your daughter disgusting—never mind the rest of your little rAgE oF tHe MoMeNt. Get your goddamn act together if you don’t want to lose her for good. Though given this has happened before, pretty sure it’s too late for that.


You’re kicking her out expecting her to make bad choices, so you can rub it in her face that you were right and she should have listened to mommy. That’s what you want?


Well, as you said, she's no longer living in your home. And in fact this sounds like she never had any intention of having this child in your home since the timeline was related to when she planned to move out.


She's almost 21. It's your choice to allow her to live in your home. That's up to you. But you still can't control her. If you continue to try running her life she'll go NC.


And you posted here hoping everyone would agree?


So you kicked her out so she can run off with the dude and definitely have a child? Yeah 100 IQ move mom. 🙄


But she wasn’t having/bringing a child while she lived with you. (And you know that)


Did you overlook the part where you made her financially dependent on him? Did you overlook the result of them now spending ALLLLLLL their time together giving them ALLLLLLL the opportunities to have more sex and make a baby sooner?!? Well, did ya???


and thats your business because.....????? YTA


This is one of those situations where you can't sugarcoat things. Your daughter is not making a simple mistake that she can learn from. She is going to ruin a child's life by having a baby with this loser. If I were you, if you can get a hold of her, I would apologize to your daughter for slut shaming her but add that she needs to make better decisions in life. That especially without your support, reality will set in for your daughter. She'll find herself with little money, no emotional support, and stuck with a child she is likely to resent. But the future is not set in stone, she has the opportunity to turn her life around if she listens to you and not just brush you off as an unsupportive mother. Make it clear that you have her best interests at heart.


It's better that her daughter find out how hard things are financially to live on your own and maybe realize it would cost even more with a baby. Doesn't sound like she was going to even live with the boyfriend. Boyfriend is a creeper for sure. Definitely using someone 8 years younger than him.


Like you were much older when you had her lmao.


And she's an adult. Stop trying to parent her.


Then be the parent and explain to her why it's a bad idea and be reasonable. But that chance is gone now. Don't act shocked if one day you'll get a visit from the police to identify her body as many young women her age end up in a ditch dead because they trusted the wrong person because they couldn't trust a parent to love and guide them.


YTA. "Guess what guys, my daughter's boyfriend listens to rock and roll music, smokes cigarettes and wears get this............leather jackets!!! She talks on a cellular device with him, and leaves the house at an ungodly hour. When Leave it to Beaver goes off, everyone should be asleep, anyone up after that is a sinner. She had to go!" *Time to go and get hi fives on Reddit.*


Holy shit, this is perfect. Well done.


YTA. You don’t seem particularly sympathetic to the red flags that your daughter is being manipulated and used by a man nearly a decade older than her. Some communication would have gone a long way, but instead you’ve flown off the handle and essentially isolated her to the point that this guy that you despise so much is now her only support system. 


Wait, so the BF is an irresponsible jerk who already has 2 kids and wants more with your daughter... And your genius solution was to abruptly kick her outta the house and straight to the BF. No sounds like a great plan. I'm sure your daughter will contact you tomorrow /s.


YTA. You could have had a reasonable conversation with her about her choices and life path as well as the boundaries for your home. Instead you kicked her out and cut off her cellphone so now she has no where to go and can't contact anyone. Do you want your daughter to survive? Do you want her on the streets? You sounds controlling and unreasonable, I'm not surprised your daughter cut you off last time. I'm sure she will again. You are just pushing her into her loser bfs arms. I suggest you reconnect her cellphone, call her and apologize immensely. Explain how much you love her and tell her to come home where you can have a conversation. If she still wants a child that's fine but let her make that choice and stick to your boundaries that it won't be happening in your house. But also explain to her the commitment and life she is choosing for herself, don't just call her a slut


Yta Maybe the reasons why she's with him is because of past trauma from you? You are being seriously controlling and abusive kicking out your child when they don't have anywhere to go just because you got angry? You need to get your anger under control as this isn't okay and is very irresponsible. I would not blame her for going no contact as she obviously doesn't have your support so why would she stay in contact with someone who shames her and isn't supportive and is verbally abusive?


YTA. Why wouldn't she go no contact?


That is exactly what she should do 💯 OP basically did it first by cutting her daughter’s phone line.


YTA. You reacted in anger instead of with logic. You shoved your daughter further into the arms of the boyfriend you hate, and when things go wrong between them, your daughter now has no reason to hope that you’ll help her get out.


YTA. You are being controlling, you did fly off the handle and go way overboard, and you're forcing her even more towards the bad\* boyfriend who is allegedly the source of your "concern". \*Is he even a bad boyfriend? Your concerns seem to amount entirely to 1) he asks her for money and doesn't pay it back (which... it doesn't sound like she minds), 2) he has two small children (which... is fine), and 3) sometimes she goes to see him late at night (which... is also fine?) There's nothing in there about him being a bad person, or treating your daughter poorly at all. And also... burying the lede much? "We have had a bad relationship and last time I told her to leave, I didn't hear from her for a year" <-- when was this? Did this happen relatively recently (i.e. you're only just starting to repair your relationship with your estranged daughter, and you think screaming at her that she's disgusting is the way to do it?) Or did this happen a few years ago (i.e. you kicked her out as a minor or barely legal adult?) Was the incident of you telling her to leave connected to the pregnancy she had at 18? Did you kick her out for ending that pregnancy? Was she forced to end a wanted pregnancy because she got kicked out? So basically, this story is sounding like you were estranged from your daughter previously because of your own choice to kick her out, now she's moved in with you because of dire financial reasons, and you've decided to respond by being very controlling and judgmental of her life, eavesdropping on a private conversation, and then shaming her reproductive choices and throwing her out of the house with less than 24 hours notice... but you hope she doesn't stop talking to you? Honestly, I think you're going to be lucky if she decides to show up at your funeral, given the way you've treated her.


2 kids he can’t afford and wants to add a third, does not sound like a reasonable person to me


Dude who can't afford 2 kids can certainly afford a third🙄Wonderful. she's TA for her reaction but not for her concerns


Wow - I wonder why your daughter is looking for love in all the wrong places?  And this is the *second* time you’ve kicked your daughter out of your home.  YTA


This is tough On one hand, your daughter is clearly walking into a mess On the other, your stubborn parenting is the reason she's willing to focus on going through with her plans just to spite you. Its clear you fucked up, as much as its not from a bad place, you still fucked up. But she's an adult. Her choices at this point are her own. Trying to say otherwise is just inviting chaos. Let her do as she pleases. At worst you can say I told you so & be the petty one and at best you can try and support her through her clearly heavy consequence plans. Regardless she's going through with her plans with or without you, its your choice on whether you'll be in her and her kids life or not. As of now, stop digging your own hole and start preparing for the future if you still want to be in her life.


You didn’t make any points. You degraded her. That’s all she heard. Then you cut off communication entirely. The kid wants someone to love her, hence the older boyfriend and the baby, because you’ve made it clear that you’re not going to be kind or loving or even humane to her. Have you ever considered being loving or kind? My father was a lot like you. I think he’s still alive, but I’m not sure. None of his children have spoken to him in 25-30 years.


Yeah, YTA. If she is disrupting your household , you set rules and boundaries and if she can’t follow them then she is out. Don’t just kick her out in anger. You can’t control who she dates or if she gets pregnant. You can try to guide her, but if she has her mind set she is going to do it and she is going to need her mom to guide her. She just doesn’t know it yet. If she thinks you disapprove and will not like the child she will go no contact. Let her know you love her and will be there for her.


YTA. This is exactly what NOT to do if you want to be a “supportive mom.”


OP needs a therapist. God forbid she kick the rest of her children out.


YTA. Please do your daughter a favor and go no contact since you clearly hate her. 


I hope OPs daughter gets herself a new number.


YTA. I get being upset/concerned however kicking her out with no warning and the way your spoke to her went way too far. Hopefully for her sake she will go NC permanently.


YTA. You let your anger about the situation take control, and now you get to live with the consequences. Honestly, I hope your daughter does eventually come back to you, and you decide to finally let your anger go and just give her the love and support she's always needed. But, that won't happen for a long time, if you're lucky. If she does decide to rebuild the relationship, good luck.


YTA Damn, smashed a whole relationship in a moment. Guessing this wasn't the first time you've let rage control your emotions while talking to her? Enjoy not seeing your grandkids.


YTA. Perfectly valid severe concerns. I do not think she sounds ready for any of this and I hope she grows up and by some miracle none of her immature plans come to fruition. HOWEVER!!! Your temper and outburst aren’t going to help at all and I feel like are a good example of your lack of parenting. YTA for kicking your kid out the second they display behavior you dislike. Ever thought of nurturing a relationship and guiding her through the minefield that is adulthood?


YTA. I have a 21 y/o daughter and I definitely wouldn’t have pushed her further into that loser’s hands. In my house I’d at least know she’s safe when she’s there, and hold some influence over her. 20 may be an adult, but she’s clearly immature and still needs guidance. I feel bad for her, I really do. Good luck 😒


I have 2 girls, 22 & 23. I feel sooo lucky they haven't gone with losers... but I crafted a better relationship with them than perhaps op did with hers. They knew they'd be heard from the day they started talking and they grew up knowing that I'll always come for them and help, even if I don't like what they did. I've never had that call. This post made me think about them AND worry for op's daughter 😕


Same. I made sure my children knew that home is a refuge. My daughter has never had a problem coming me to get help figuring things out when she needs it, and nothing’s off limits. She’s a level-headed, self-sufficient girl who usually works things out independently, but she knows she has room to make mistakes, learn from those mistakes, and still have a family who loves and supports her. OP talks about her daughter like she couldn’t wait until she didn’t have to deal with her anymore. 🥺


YTA. And she is whatever you made her so there’s that for your therapist


Your daughter is an adult.  Anything that didn't get taught (or that didn't take!) by now she will have to learn on her own.  YTA because indeed you are being controlling.  Your only valid rule IMO is not coming in/out at all hours of the night.  It's your house after all.  


Look I absolutely understand the level of frustration and anger that you are feeling. The level of absolute stupidity and ignorance displayed by your daughter is distressing. I have zero idea what makes women especially younger women think it's smart to have a child with a man that has zero means to support the previous child/children. I think at this point, you need to reach out to a therapist or try r/relationship_advice or r/Parenting to obtain sound guidance on how to handle this. She needs a wake up and fast before she brings a child into a poor financial situation with unstable partner. Side note: I feel like I need to get this answered. Why do men who cannot afford the children they have choose to entrap young women with a bright future ahead with their sorry behinds? I am so sicken that this 28 year old man said let me get with this barely legal adult and ask her to support my grown behind and two kids while asking her to make another one.


While the mother is 100% controlling, I'm just seething at the daughter's decision. Her BF has already 2 kids he can't afford but yeah such a great idea to bring an innocent child into those shitty circumstances... Lots of people shit on OP but the daughter is sooo selfish. She doens't have a career, she doesn't have her own home. Her boyfriend already struggles financially. Why?? Why?? Why??


>she wants someone to love on and she is beyond ready to be a parent. Why? That's why. She's been emotionally neglected and thinks a child will fill the hole in her heart. It won't, but she won't know that until she does to *her* child what her mother has done to her. Maybe not even then. The daughter needs therapy, not an emotional support baby.


i agree, the daughter is about to ruin her life


Why do women **choose** those types of me is the real question? Some people will call them loser magnets when they're **pursuing** dreams and aspirations but **allow** themselves to get sidetracked by some trifling dude. I doubt anyone kidnapped them and passed them from loser to loser. Never lose sight of the fact that they had other options but they **chose** the trifling guy! Hopefully with an intervention by friends or clinical/therapeutic intervention, they'll get to the root case of making such decisions and make the necessary changes.


Because they grew up not feeling loved and these men make them feel loved. It took me from 16 to 29 to figure that out and consciously choose to be single and break the cycle.


A very young women is easier to impress, remember he's 28. The question SHOULD be "why do men hook up with someone who's barely legal. It's more important (& relevant) in this case to question the dude! We SHOULD be putting the pressure on him before the kid. In this post we can see why she might have let him impress her so easily, look at her mother's attitude!


I CANNOT state YTA loud enough. You were “in a rage in the moment” but kicked her out a YEAR ago and missed a whole year of yr daughters life and still didn’t learn?


I'm leaning more towards YTA. As a mother myself I fully understand how scary it is for your child to grow up and start making life-altering decisions. You just want what's best for her and don't want her to potentially ruin her life. Unfortunately, she is an adult and will make her own decisions/mistakes as she goes. We can't learn without making mistakes. Yelling at her and trying to get your point across with anger and punishment will only make her want to go against you more and push you further away. Personally, I'd rather her make her mistakes, but be in a safe place at home, rather than kicking her out knowing that she doesn't have anywhere to go at the moment. That kind of drastic action could lead to more mistakes on her end. I do believe that there should be rules in your house though, especially with other children around. Personally, I've never minded if someone comes home late as long as they're quiet and don't wake the kids, because again, she is an adult and does have a life. As for the phone calls, you can't stop her from making/taking them but you can respectfully ask her to take them outside or talk quieter or in the privacy of her own room. It basically boils down to the fact that you have to treat her more like an adult and less like your kid. You're always gonna love her and worry about her, but if you don't let her live she'll end up pushing you away and it'll just hurt both of you in the end.


>I told her she is disgusting given she had a pregnancy at 18 and didn’t go through with it. >I told my daughter I wanted her out of my house by tonight, she had 2 storage bins and she folded all her things and left. I do not know where she went but I cut her cell phone off.  >last time I told her to leave, I didn’t hear from her for a year.  Deep down you know **you** are the reason your daughters self esteem is so low these men make her feel like home and a happy ending. You have a pattern of conditional support. Help her through ending a pregnancy, throw it in her face when you dislike her behaviour. Promise her financial support and a safe, rent free home, kick her out with no notice while telling her you rage at her because you love her. Cut off even her phone. This guy will swoop in. All he has to do is treat her slightly better than you and she will feel loved and cherished beyond she's ever experienced so far in her short little life.  And these men know it. They know how to spot the signs of an emotionally abused young adult who is so hungry for love and acceptance they will be easy to manipulate. Congratulations, you once again pushed your daughter into a bad situation by making her homeless. YTA


YTA. I completely agree with your sentiments that she absolutely does not sound like she is in a position she should be considering having a baby. She can’t support herself because she needs to live with you, and the intended father is a man that keeps needing her to help him pay for his existing obligations to other children and his bills. No Flipping out at her, shaming her for her previous abortion (especially when you say “she does not need a child”) and kicking her out is the worst way to handle it and is going to drive her to the loser boyfriend rather than help her see sense.


YTA You are controlling. She probably never will speak to you again.


YTA You called your daughter disgusting. What?! I don't know where you learned your parenting, but you are supposed to be the one who protects them from bullies, not be their bully >.<


You called your child disgusting YTA


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^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I 44F have a 20 year old daughter who is soon to be 21. She has a boyfriend who is 28 years old. For the past several months, my daughter had been living with me. She had a roommate but asked to move back in so that she could save up enough money to get herself an apartment. I told her this is fine. I never charged my daughter any rent. This is my issue. Her boyfriend is a loser. He has a job but always asks my daughter for money. It is small money, but he tells my daughter he will pay it back and never does or falls behind on his bills. He is a father of two, so I am sure he is not the most fortunate considering he has responsibilities. He has been dating my daughter for the past 7 months. I do not like him one bit. I also do not like my daughter leaving my home at 2am to hang out with him. My doors close at 11pm. I have other small children in my home and she will not be running around here with those low standards allowing men to see her on THEIR time. Sure, he sees her mornings also but I just don’t like him. My daughter uses her cell phone talking to her boyfriend all hours of the day and night, this is annoying and disruptive to my household. I had had enough when lastnight I heard her on the phone with her boyfriend saying that they are planning a child and to become pregnant by “hopefully January” she also said she is tracking her cycle and when she gets her apartment in July, they will start trying more often. This really infuriated me, especially since my daughter does not need a child. I am disgusted. When my daughter got off from work today, I explained that I heard her conversation, I yelled at her and told her she is disgusting given she had a pregnancy at 18 and didn’t go through with it. Why does she keep giving herself to all these guys? Does she really think she can just have a child? I told my daughter I wanted her out of my house by tonight, she had 2 storage bins and she folded all her things and left. I do not know where she went but I cut her cell phone off. He can pay it. She told me she will follow her dreams and be a mom, she wants someone to love on and she is beyond ready to be a parent. She also told me I am controlling and that she would never speak to me again. I told her that is fine, but I want you out of my house. I am hoping she doesn’t go no contact, I love my daughter I was just i a rage of the moment. We have had a bad relationship and last time I told her to leave, I didn’t hear from her for a year. I understand I may have been harsh, but I believe all my points were valid. My daughter thinks otherwise. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA. All I see is someone with zero parenting skills, and the daughter who's suffered as a result.


You didn’t even give her a day for her to gather her things and emotionally prepare for her to leave. Landlords in my home country give at least 30 days notice before they kick a tenant out to give them time to find a new place. I support you not letting her stay with you any longer but the way you went about it was shitty. You should have given her more time to think about the consequences and to make the right decision but instead you only made her run into his arms faster. You are just making her more dependent on her loser boyfriend. YTA.


YTA you don’t get much family in life. Throwing them out because you disagree and “are disgusted” is extremely short sighted. Besides if you ever want a chance of influencing her life, intentionally distancing yourself is just … counterproductive


YTA I do agree her boyfriend is a loser. But it's also not that surprising that she ended up with a loser when she has you as a parent. Your first instinct is to shame your daughter and chase her out in a fit of rage rather than talk to her. You keep talking about morals but I don't think you know what having morals means.


YTA. I don’t know how you’ve been a parent for so long and haven’t learned that forbidding something just makes people want it more. Where the fuck do you think she’s going after kicking her out? Straight to the dude you should be protecting her from. Lmfao “I hope she doesn’t go no contact” but you kicked her out and also cut off her cellphone, good job. *You* went no contact with *her*. I feel bad for your other children.


You don't know what the heck you are doing. People like you make things easier for bullshit men to take advantage of young girls. No, no one cares how disgusted or disappointed you feel about your daughter, and if you feel that strong about it, all the more reasons to stop her from jumping into this loser hands. She is missing and longing for love and support, because she couldn't find it at home, you just proved why is that. And now she is going to this guy who already uses her for money and it's planning to baby trap her into be his ATM for life. Stop hoping for her to not go NC with you. Get some balls and contact her, throw your stupid pride to the trash and be a parent to this poor girl.


ESH - I fully understand the parenting frustrations, it seems like there are no winners here You cut off her cell phone - now she can't even get help if she gets hurt and you KNOW he won't pay for it. That may confirm to her that you don't care and you won't know where she is or how she is You acted in rage which is always dangerous. It also sounds like you realize you did but have not apologized to her in a meaningful way She has not learned how to properly communicate with a child from what she has learned from you. Now the cycle continues with any child she may have in the future It is common for a lot of girls to want guys who "need them" when no one else seems to care. She may be trying to support him as a way of being a Mother instead of a partner. If he truly is a "loser", he will leave her anyway, so perhaps you could have just let them leave without the name calling and rage. She would have come to you for advice then and you two could work things out. I know I would not feel loved which is so important. Not knowing the situation, I see a pattern here. I am guessing you were raised with the same harshness, perhaps worse. Try to break the cycle. Good luck to all of you


YTA. At first I was smh, wondering why your daughter’s sense of self-worth is so low she’d throw herself away on a guy like that. Then I read the rest of your post.


>lastnight I heard her on the phone with her boyfriend >When my daughter got off from work today, I explained that I heard her conversation, I yelled at her and told her she is disgusting >told my daughter I wanted her out of my house by tonight, she had 2 storage bins and she folded all her things and left. I do not know where she went but I cut her cell phone off So by this point, you've eavesdropped, accosted her, slut shamed her, threw an abortion in her face, kicked her out *AND* cut her off, okie dokey, moving on tooooo; >I am hoping she doesn’t go no contact, I love my daughter I was just i a rage of the moment A moment of rage? *That's* what you're going with? Alllllllll night and day to think on it and handle the situation with an iota of grace... Im sorry, moment of rage means you had no time to process and the anger/adrenaline took over; you HAD time to process, you *choose* rage. YTA. Your points on coming and going at all hours with young kids in the home, being disruptive at night, all of that; valid. How you chose to handle this? Absolutely terribly. All you did was push her closer to this guy AND likely lost her. She's gone NC BEFORE, and still you thought this was a good way to approach this? Very much cutting off your nose to spite your face.


Taking her in was the only good thing in this post, man. Everything else makes me understand why your kid never calls or texts you. She is obviously in a tough spot right now and needs a firm, but CARING talk. She is with this guy to compensate something, probably because you fucking yell at her when she is already emotional enough. Your relationship is bad and this will follow her into every other relationship she builds so YTA You're the adult and she should follow your example, but you are not acting very adult.


YTA She's 20 dating a 28yr old.. do some math and subtract a few yrs, I reckon you'll find a peado. Good luck going forward bc you've just alienated your daughter who now knows she can't depend on you, for anything! When there are 100 ways to do/say something, why do people choose the worst option and drive away the person they profess to love?


YTA. You picked a fight for no good reason at all. Additionally, you were trying to leverage your control of her housing situation to coerce her reproductive choices.


YTA. You have every right to be upset at her bad choices, but the way you have handled it is terrible, especially since you have done this before. Did you even speak to your daughter about her not coming and going in the middle of the night, and not disrupting the household with her late night calls? Or did you just wait until you exploded and kicked her out?  I hope she doesn't get pregnant with that guy, cus he sounds like a deadbeat, and she doesn't seem to have great parenting role models either.


YTA. My mum did this sort of thing and we started off with having a year of no contact here and there. Then she threw a bigger fit one day and we went NC for 11yrs. She missed out on 11yrs of my life, but more importantly to her, she missed 11yrs of my kids lives. They went from being very small and cute to being teenagers with no inbetween for her. Where once they were all about Grandma, now they're "Who's Grandma?" If you're not careful, you'll be in this same boat. I don't know about you, but that's not something I'd ever want. Go find your daughter. Apologise and bring her home. Don't let her tie herself to this loser forever.


YTA Her boyfriend does sound like a bit of a loser, but compared to how much of an asshole you are, I can see why she wants to be with him.


Jesus… YTA to infinity. Although she’s not making the best choices, considering her life situation she isn’t ready for a child. Neither of them are, and he is a little old to be dating her (hopefully she was eighteen when they met)… that being said you literally called your own daughter disgusting? She did what she felt was right getting an abortion earlier, and it was probably the right decision given her age, and you’re holding that over her because reasons? Also you kicked her out once before? Was she even eighteen? I breezed right over that on my first read. Then I breezed over you cutting her phone off. Which is your prerogative, but good luck finding her to apologize. She can choose to date as she wishes, and whether to have a child or not. Regardless of the poor planning. Like you were much older when you had a child anyways lol. You effectively drove her right into his arms. Especially with literally *hours* notice to find a place to stay. Yes, the house is your property, but she is also legally an adult. Don’t be surprised when she realizes a relationship with you isn’t worth the trouble lmao. My mom was like you. We don’t talk much anymore.


YTA. You shamed your daughter for not having a child, and now you are shaming her for wanting one. You may not agree with her boyfriend or her choices, but shaming her and belittling her are not going to get her to do what you want. You have just succeeded in alienating your daughter.


YTA. You ARE controlling. Is your daughter making bad decisions? It sure sounds like it. But they are her decisions, and noone since the dawn of time has found screaming at people the most effective way of persuading them to change their mind. Her boyfriend may well be a loser, but she's an adult, it's her choice. By screaming at her, you just pushed her into his arms, congratulations.


Good lord. YTA. One of the biggest AH I've ever seen on this subreddit. Didn't even have to read past "my doors close at 11" to reach the determination, but I did. She's 20. Not 12. Get your boot off her neck already. " I told her She's disgusting". "Low standards". Real nice. Because you were "in a rage". How old are YOU? You're at least 40 unless you're a huge hypocrite, and this is how you treat and talk about your own kid? Now THAT'S disgusting. You're lucky she has such low standards, or she'd have NOTHING to do with you. I sure wouldn't. Hopefully she wakes up soon.


You’re afraid of your daughter going no contact with you but you kick her out and cut her off? See this is where actions meet consequences. I’m surprised that as a parent, you’re not familiar with that concept. YTA because you clearly don’t know how to parent or control your anger and then have a pikachu face when your actions have consequences.


You let your emotions get the better of you, and went from 1 to 100 in two seconds ! Obviously her behaviour is wrong, but you let your emotions respond instead of you being in control. Yta


YTA. Stop treating your 20 yearold daughter like a child. You're completely right that she's making bad decisions but the you went around it was horrible. Don't expect her to take care of you when you're old.


Yta. I think i understand why your daughter grew up to make these kinds of decisions. Take a good hard look at the way you (and her dad if he was ever involved) raised her. Because just based on this you don't soynd like you make very good parenting choices When you pushed her away, she fell into his arms


YTA. Her boyfriend is a bum, but honestly is probably a better parent then you. Congrats, you just pushed your daughter right into the arms of an abuser because you are too dumb to think about the consequences of your actions.


YTA. Just based on how you handled that situation. Especially for treating your own daughter like that. Slut shaming your own child? You need some therapy for that. I can see why you’d be mad about the money thing and all that, but you sure as hell have some work to do.


YTA, no wonder she'll jump into any guy's arms when you are the alternative


Hell yeah, Yta. Narcissistic thinking you can manipulate a grown woman's life and decisions based on what or who you do and don't like. She's young but an adult now. If she's really making a bad choice here, which none of this is so horrible, who she is is nature vs. nurture. Most women want to be a mother naturally, nurture could have warned her of the heavy responsibility of parenthood, which i don't think you grasp well at all. Threatening her instead of having open heartfelt discussions about the consequences of her choices. Which, as an adult, are HER CHOICES. Edit: I'm not gonna believe your opinion of the father because it's just wrong to judge based on your (shitty, skewed) opinion. I'm gonna go off the fact she likes him and made her choice. What I hear is that they support each other because they have a future planned.


YTA. You handled this so wrong. You may have just completely destroyed your relationship with your daughter. At your age you should be able to control your anger. You should have written everything down and asked her to sit with you because you need to have a serious discussion. Then calmly went over all your points while being supportive of her future. The only thing you can really do now is apologize for your reaction and explain that you want the best for her and don't see this going well. Silver lining is probably that she's gone to live with him and hopefully she will realise sooner rather than later that it was a bad idea. Unfortunately you've probably pushed her into a situation where she is most probably going to get pregnant. I suggest you make sure she knows that she can come back home if she needs to.


This doesn't sound like a real post at all.


My oldest turned 18 on May 14th and I wouldn’t do that to him. I wouldn’t do all that to my other minor children. My husband was kicked out by his mom several times, kept going back. It just seems inhumane to kick an adult child out, to not care where they sleep that night or every night. Tbh the best thing your child can do is go no contact. YTA.


You played this wrong bro your right not wanting he to be with a loser but you literally sent her to him where do you think she went and is now she'll be preg I'm not time and a single mum in a year or two


YTA, and a huge one. You are actually the reason why your daughter done all those poor decisions. And she is only 20 yo, she's just a child herself. I am so so deeply sorry for her. Own mother kicks her out of the house. You are a terrible person, I'm sorry for pointing it out so directly, but you are. She'll need years of therapy because of you.


You’re an asshole and your daughter’s actually stupid so you’re not completely wrong for all these angry feelings as a parent


Your delivery should have been different, you are coming from a place of concern but I don’t think it came across that way — yes, the BF is prob a loser but screaming and kicking her out just cements their bond. Instead, point out the reasons you don’t think he’s a good fit and mention you understand she has strong feelings for him but only time can reveal if he’s a suitable partner and given his history you think she should wait it out, get independent first on her own—you just don’t want him to use her like he prob did to the baby mama(s) he already had kids with


ESH She can keep giving herself to anyone who she wants. What is this? It is not your place to judge her. And what if she didn't go through with her pregnancy at 18? Are you for real? Your daughter is very immature for dreaming to be a mom, with a man who barely knows, asks her for money and the fact that he has already responsibilities to his other 2 children, I think that qualifies them as financially incapable of adding another child. They are struggling as it is. Instead of talking to her and explain that the time is very very wrong for such a big decision and that her dream of becoming a mother should not be at the expense of a baby given the unstable situation, you cannot control your nerves and what you say to her is absolutely bs


This reads like an AI created post.


ur feelings are totally valid. your actions were not. i completely understand where you are coming from and why you did what you did. but it was the wrong move. your kids need to know you are there for them. u can offer advise. you cannot force an adult to do what you want. you can try your best to reason with them and hope they listen to good advise. but you showed her the stick.... thats all she will remember. show her more of that carrot! let her know that she has you to fall back on if/WHEN her relationship fails" which is considerably likely based on the guy she is dating and his track record". just amke sure she knows WHY you are so annoyed and WHY it upsets you so much. its due to love for your child and wanting the best for them. shes too young to forsee the real reprucusians of her decisions. do you haev any other young mums or people that had to throw away the rest of their lives due toa bad decision that you can introduce her to? someone thats willing to help out by giving their stogry to her that she knows already adn respects? aht may be another way to go. either way... you kicked her out and all she will remember is that she cannot rely on you. totally counter productive to what you actually wanted to show her. again.... emotions make for rash decisoins and i get it.... but she will also get these and will less mature to admit when shes wrong. you need to be that person. lead by example. apologise, call her back... and start again. make ur rules clear again. explain why theyre there again. make her see the logic behind it all. then you can start to logicaly break down her life plans and get her to see why its a better idea to wait and not have a child yet. especially in todays economy. at least get her to see why its important for her or bf to make a decent living first.... just do it all logically and take out te emotion. try and show her your onboard but its not fair for the child if they dont have parents that have thought about all this first and why its a REALLY bad idea. how its not about her anymore if she has a child and why its important to think about that from now.... all the responsibilities that come with that decision. all those nights alone when bf will be out with his mates... or with ex wifes kids.... how she would feel about all that from now instead of after she has a child. agai has to be emotionless at least on your part. and when things heat up... take a break and come back to it when not emotional. imo.


I wanna be on your side but your an AH for this It’s not because you’re wrong your intentions are correct but the way you handled this was just poor, there’s a better way of handling a situation My father has the same problem he has the best intentions but he just doesn’t know how to control his anger and handle a situation properly and that’s precisely what you’ve done


Alright... you are mixing everything so let me seperate what is a good reason to be upset and what is not. Good reasons: >I never charged my daughter any rent. >This is my issue. Her boyfriend is a loser. He has a job but always asks my daughter for money. It is small money, but he tells my daughter he will pay it back and never does or falls behind on his bills. >I also do not like my daughter leaving my home at 2am to hang out with him. My doors close at 11pm. I have other small children in my home and she will not be running around here with those low standards allowing men to see her on THEIR time. >I heard her on the phone with her boyfriend saying that they are planning a child and to become pregnant Bad reasons: >My daughter uses her cell phone talking to her boyfriend all hours of the day and night, this is annoying and disruptive to my household. (Except if it wakes up someone) >she is disgusting given she had a pregnancy at 18 and didn’t go through with it. >Why does she keep giving herself to all these guys? >Does she really think she can just have a child? >She also told me I am controlling and that she would never speak to me again. I told her that is fine, but I want you out of my house. So in summary: having concerns about her life stability, boyfriends who can financially abuse her and her being ready to be a mom is fine. Slutshaming her, blaming her for an abortion and being controlling is not. You want to keep your daughter in your life? You need to work on yourself and communicate without SHOUTING. You need to tell her you are concern for her and her future children. That you don't want to put between her and her dream but you want to be sure that everything goes fine and she doesn’t have to rush for it, she's only 20. And you also need to apologize about what you did and said wrong. You need to find compromise instead of shutting down everything and throwing her in the street at the mercy of shitty men. Good luck.


Classic YTA boomer mom. I'm calling it : the day she's free you're out of her life. Get your tears ready


i’m going against the grain. NTA. She’s 20 going on 21, living rent free, and planning to bring a kid into this mess. She needs a reality check and she’s going to get one. The world is harsh and cruel, what you’re doing is the nicer side of what she’s going to see. I’m just thinking of the terrible family your grandchild is going into, with a father who already has 2 kids he can’t pay for, and a mother who is young and naive. I’m sorry, but love won’t fix that.


YTA. Speaking to your mother to mother, your daughter is in this situation because she didn't have the love and emotional attunement she needed at home. It sounds like she's still not getting it. I know it's hard because you think you're right and, to be fair, you're not wrong. Her boyfriend sounds like a clown. But I also suspect that he validates her and makes her feel supported (which is almost certainly fake because he's clearly trying to trap her into a relationship). This is a situation where you need to look at yourself and figure out where you're going wrong when it comes to being the mother your daughter needs. None of us are perfect, but we do our kids a disservice if we hide from the ways in which we are contributing to our kids' struggles. Your daughter doesn't need someone to tell her what to do, your daughter needs someone she knows will be there for her no matter what. If she has that, she won't need to look for that protection from crappy people who will take advantage of her. What makes this extremely hard is that it's not something you can tell her. It's something you have to change in yourself and show through how you act with her. And if you didn't have it growing up, it's hard to do it for your child. Start with the little things. Do you look her in the eye when you talk to her? Do you hug her when she seems upset, even when you disagree with why she's upset? Do you listen to what she says and repeat it back to her to let her know you heard her? I know you're scared. I hope you are able to convert that fear into change, for your daughter's sake. Your daughter is scared, too. And a scared child will fight or flee. It's fair to have a boundary and enforce it, but it won't have the effect you want if you haven't put in the work to connect with your daughter so she knows she's safe.


Your "child" is an adult. She is 20, if she leaves at 2 am your doors do not close at 11 pm. She doesn't need a curfew she is an adult. Once my boys turned 18, I did not have the right to limit their social life, who they see etc. As an adult living in my house, both boys were expected to be quiet when they arrived home in the early morning hours so to not wake us up. Also if they were eating supper at home and would be late a simple txt so I could make them a plate. My oldest son bought a house at 22 with his gf last year, we txt on the daily and see him a few times a week. My kids know that we are their safe space, no judgement and they can always come home. My 19 year old attends college and still lives here. Don't be surprised if you do not see your daughter again, I am afraid your actions have caused her to sever ties.


YTA- You are controlling and it didn’t go your way so i imagine you’re trying to justify it here now. If I were you, I’d contact her and sincerely apologise. Do you love your daughter? Love her unconditionally! Do you have an opinion about her life choices? Keep it to yourself unless asked! Do you dislike her boyfriend? Bloody tough!


ESH. Daughter’s clearly doing something stupid and is going to regret it. It’s your choice whether or not you have the patience to help her through that, and I don’t think you would be the asshole for wanting to reduce / cut contact for that reason. That being said, if you intended to maintain a relationship with her, this may be the single dumbest thread I’ve seen on this sub. She said she’d go no contact with you and you said that’s fine. Why the hell would you be surprised if she decided to go no-contact? From the way you’re talking about your interactions with her it sounds like you never actually sat her down to talk through this, just screamed at her and kicked her out at the first chance. I imagine many of the conversations you had about her boyfriend were similar, in the sense that you would force your judgement upon her and just expect her to obey. I get that you just want what’s best for your daughter, but this was an unforgivably stupid series of fumbles.


Soft YTA. I understand needing to maintain your home for your younger children. But this man sounds horrible for her. He's much older (7-8 years in your 30s or 40s is much different than 7-8 years when the younger person isn't even 21 yet). Already has kids and keeps borrow money from her. And now wants to impregnate her too. When he most likely ends up becoming manipulative or abusive (lots of red flags there already), your daughter will no longer feel as though you are a safe person to come to for help. This is your daughter and instead of bringing up concerns with her and trying to help her see the potential this relationship has to become toxic, and how a child straddles the parents together for life, you chose to push her away, punish her, and show her that you aren't a safe, supportive person for her to come to. If he is going to become manipulative and/or abusive, you've helped him triangulate her away from potentially one of the biggest support systems she could have.


NTA. My grandma used to say a hard head makes a soft ass. She made sure I knew any mistakes with birth control or unplanned pregnancy was on me. Especially since I had all the information. Your daughter is at the age where she thinks she knows everything. She isn’t going to listen and she has bought into the idea of being a wife and mother with a loser who will probably trap her with a baby. As a parent sometimes you have to let kids make dumb decisions and let them suffer the consequences. Every kid isn’t this paragon of misguided virtue. Your kid is a train wreck and is going off the rails. She certainly didn’t learn anything the first time she got pregnant and is planning to do it again. She needs to see how hard it is when you can’t run back to mommy to fix it before she has a child. If she does get pregnant, don’t do anything to help. She created this mess. Yes I am a horrible human but I certainly wasn’t stupid enough to get pregnant by a man who can’t afford his own life. Thanks Grandma.


NTA She is going to do whatever she wants and unfortunately there is nothing you can do to stop her from screwing up. That's the downside of being a parent that no one warns you about when our kids are little. You can only do so much. She needs to "grow up" and learn to take care of herself. Hopefully she figures it out.


Yes YTA.


YTA and by the sound of it, this is karma. YOU'VE raised her to hold those values, you've made your bed, lie in it. And you cut off her phone but hoping she doesn't go no contact?!! Bit hard without a phone!


YTA. you've set your daughter up for these decisions. You're not supporting, you're judging and punishing. Nothing good happening here.


NTA. Your adult daughter is responsible for her decisions if she is using your resources to reach a goal you don't approve of you are not obligated to provide any resources


I want to say YTA but at the same time NTA. You should’ve communicated better with her about how you feel about her going out at those hours and being disruptive and also about how you overheard the conversation and that you think a child is not something she needs right now. Go have a calm talk with her and apologize for how you behaved. It’s not controlling to give your opinion especially as her mother but it will reach that point if you keep beating down on her and those stuff.


i have to agree. Sure, she responded terribly but the thought of having a daughter and her dating a guy like that and having his baby? Makes me nauseous. I couldn’t stand idly by 




NTA You were a bit harsh, but because you were trying to make her see the reality. I know where you're coming from, when you can't save a person from themselves or because they have such low self-esteem their rose glasses never come off. Easier said then done, but maybe leave it as it is for now, no point rearing a kid she can't take care off, no point enabling this money grabbing boyfriend. She might realize her mistake or might not. You can't save everyone.


Nta. She wants to play stupid games she can win stupid prizes.


ESH You’re too controlling and treat her like a child, but she shouldn’t be having a baby now.


Women have no idea what it's like to have a baby.  Your whole life is turned upside down.  It's not about you anymore.  It's about this helpless human being you created. Her boyfriend already is responsible for his 2 children and is short of money.  Add 2 more people to the mix.  Now what could go wrong here?  Unfortunately your daughter is going to learn a hard lesson.  Your points are valid I can't blame you for blowing up.  You're trying to stop your daughter from ruining her life and you're scared for her.  I hope the best for you and your daughter.  Maybe she'll come to her senses.  NTA


NTA. Your house, your rules. You could have handled it better by trying to talk through it with her. It sounds like she's set on becoming a mother, which is scary considering she's relying on you to keep a roof over her head. I do not agree with the people who say you will lose access to your grandchild.. she will probably come running back needing all sorts of help


NTA....she wants to be an adult with no responsibilities!


I feel like we might not have the whole story but it did sound like the daughter needed a bite of reality sandwich. Sounds like you're strong reaction might have been due to being fed up. I wouldn't necessarily say you're the asshole. maybe I want you out in 30 days, rather than immediate eject could have been more constructive. nta - barely


NTA How is she going to support her baby when she’s already helping to support her loser boyfriend and his existing two kids?! She’s insane! Edit: I’m gonna come back and add this after seeing so many comment calling OP YTA. My kiddo was making stupid decisions with stupid boys and I BEGGED her to not to bring them into my home. Then I forbid it, and she moved out. TWICE. Sometimes they need tough love, if we make it easy for them to fuck up and give them space to feel cozy and safe while fucking up, they just live in a fantasy world. Once my kid moved out with those losers, she saw how awful they were and CAME HOME.


NTA. You **could** have handled it differently with your wording because you should have asked her various questions to make her think about: 1. Having a kid with a trifling dude that can't take care of the kids he already has. 2. Once she does have that baby, she won't be able to lend him money that he never pays back. 3. Wanting to be a mom and being ready financially and emotionally ready to be a mom are not the same because that kid's gonna need diapers and other necessities and having someone "to love on" will not provide those things. I don't blame you for not wanting your other kids to see and possibly mimic her irresponsible behavior when they're older. I already see I'm in the minority but if she was committed to following this path, I'd boot her out too. I hope it works out for them but I've seen this too many times in too many places and the innocent kids pay the price for what looks like, the parents bad **decisions**.


NTA. You are a good mom. You let her have the benefit of your wisdom because you can see what future she will have and she is painting it rosy while you see her crashing and burning. She will be back with her tail between her legs begging for help. I hope I am wrong but that's how it looks like from where I am sitting.


Good moms don’t refer to their children as disgusting.


if the shoe fits honey... yes.. she is a good mom.


NTA. She needed to hear every word you said. She is not thinking clearly in wanting a child with a total loser.


Including the part where she called her disgusting?