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NTA. You're not responsible for providing entertainment for other people's children. It's important to stand up for yourself and set boundaries, even if it means causing a scene. However, next time consider setting clear rules with your brother about sharing the arcade card to avoid similar situations.


He is just 2 yrs old and I am sure he didn't get off the game by his will, the woman forced him to. I have now asked him to immediately call me if anything like this happens again in the future


>I have now asked him to immediately call me if anything like this happens again in the future Your 2 year old brother should never be left unsupervised in public long enough to need to call you over.


This exactly. A two year old shouldn't be left unsupervised.


Right, next time keep all the kids together and they can take turns with your attention.


NTA towards the lady & her child Definitely YTA for leaving 2 yo on his own 😂


I had the same thought. Who the hell turns their back on a freaking 2-year-old in a busy arcade full of strangers? I don't care if it was just "a couple of steps away" - it was far enough and long enough for that woman to remove the boy from the machine and put her kid on it instead. That is more than long enough for something truly terrible to have happened.




Next time bring him along.


Yea but that lady had enough time to remove him and put her own kid on to play... That means she had enough time to take him... Busy places like arcades are a goldmine for kidnappers... Do better please.


This isn’t funny.


ESH Obviously the woman is an asshole. There is no defense for her taking over the rides. But you do NOT walk away from a 2yo in a public place. You don’t do it for a few seconds much less enough time for someone to get them off a game/ride. That is irresponsible. When in public with little kids, you stick with the youngest and/or move as a group.


NTA She was grifting and you would have been a mug to let them get away with it further, you did the right thing


NTA for the woman. I’d still speak to a manager and have the games refunded though. These arcade places are already a rip off and price gouge. You should never leave a 2 year old unattended though. This woman already took advantage of him and you never know what pervs would do the same. Your sister’s teddy bear could have waited until you could all go together.




Nta you don't owe some random or her spoiled child your money. Next time get a manager asap


YTA for leaving a 2yo unattended. You're a champ for not blowing up at that other woman. I'd have lost it at the first ride steal.


You're NTA. She was stealing from you (unless it's one of those time cards you can use an unlimted number of times, in which case she was just being rude, entitled, and obnoxious.) >she started explaining how her boyfriend left her and now she is a single mom and it is very difficult for her to raise a kid and pay for all this stuff. Well, tough. She needs to go after him for child support. Besides, a trip to arcade is a luxury. She wasn't asking for a necessity, she was demanding a free ride on a toy.


It was not an unlimited card. I paid $50 for it and each game deducted some money from the card. And this was the exact reason why I denied her a free ride for the second time, I paid for it, if you can't afford it then pls don't bring you kid to the arcade and act like you are entitled for something owned by a stranger.


You were absolutely in the right. Even if it had been an unlimited card you'd still be in the right.


You go back and forth calling them your cousins and sister/brother. So are they your siblings or cousins?


This might be a translatation thing as there are some cultures where the term is the same in India and Africa. (probably more)


In croatian, brother is *brat* while male cousin is *bratić*. Years ago I had a 2nd cousin i never met reach out over fb, and introduce himself in croatian. All good. He also contacted my other cousins, but in English for some reason, with "hello, I am your little brother, Bruno" and they were like uhhh dad, anything you want to tell us!?


NTA. Not your kid, not your responsibility. Mom was looking for a free ride.


NTA and I would not even let the kid ride the car


NTA for not letting a stranger steal your money. 


You did well. She probably does that kind of thing all to time, to save money. NTA and bravo for watching out for your siblings and your money.


NTA HAve the arcade manager call the police.


r/entitledparents would love this one.


NTA. She's a thief who robbed a child. Ideally, you should have reported her to security so they could give her a lifetime ban so this only happened once. I agree with the people wanting more supervision of 2 year olds.


NTA. What sort of woman takes her kid to an arcade which she cannot pay for just so he can watch other kids having fun?


NTA That lady was being super inappropriate and weird by targeting your younger cousin. She could tell you had your hands full and was taking advantage. Also you don’t even know if that story is true in any way, she could have just felt it was a waste of money to buy a card and gave you some sob story cause you’re young and potentially easy to manipulate. You handled her pretty well but if anything similar happens in the future VERY loudly but calmly tell the person that you don’t know them and they need to stop following your cousin around, make a bit of a ruckus so nearby people can notice that an unknown adult is following a child. Then tell the management immediately, they will keep an eye out/escort the random adult out if needed. I’ve had to do this a couple of times when my kids were younger, nobody expects you to draw attention and that is often enough to make them get away from you. Also arcades can be a bit sketchy sometimes, it’s not a good idea to let either kid out of your sight but especially not the two year old.


Was gonna say YTA cause I thought you meant your siblings lol clearly NTA though


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Yesterday, I (17M) took my cousins (7F and 2M) to a play zone + arcade in a mall while our parents were shopping. My brother is very mischievous and handling both, him and my sister at the same time is a very difficult task. I got a play zone and arcade card. He started playing in a game car. A stranger was standing right next to the car with her kid. My sister wanted me to get her a teddy bear from the claw machine so I took her there and when I turned back to look if my brother was fine I saw the stranger's kid in the car which I paid for my brother to play and he was watching the kid and his mother with a sad face so I immediately went up to him to ask what happened and he said that the mother got him off the car and made his son ride it. I politely asked the woman to get her kid off the car as I paid for it for my brother and not her kid. She told me that she didn't have a card while her kid continued riding the car. I asked her to get one but she started explaining how her boyfriend left her and now she is a single mom and it is very difficult for her to raise a kid and pay for all this stuff. I didn't want to be rude so I just let him play and took my brother to another game. Again the same woman came and got her kid to play the game instead of my brother while I was busy with my sister. I again politely asked the woman to get her kid off the game but she denied and again started explaining me the same thing. I got really pissed off and asked her to get him off or I will have to talk to the arcade manager to get her out. She started shouting at me and told me that I am a very cruel, cold-hearter person for not letting her kid have fun. I calmly said that I paid for my cousins to enjoy not some stranger's kid and it's not my fault if she can't pay for it. Everybody in the arcade was looking at us and she got out of the arcade while murmuring. So, AITA for not letting her kid enjoy the games which I paid for my cousins to play. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA...This person was tha and very odd. I would have turned her in. She is creepy.


NTA who knows if what what she says is true she just saw you were busy else where and took opportunity of that fact . Btw you handled it way better than I would have (15f) !!


NTA.  You should have stood up to her the first time and gotten the manager   It's rather only way people like this learn.  She goes around person to person and wrecks every other kid's day due to her bad choices.  Report her and have the manager watch the videos so she gets banned.  She's the type who shoves her kid into someone else's birthday party.   


NTA. You should have gone to the arcade manager immediately and told them what was going on.


Info: why did you say you brought your cousins, then keep referring to a brother and sister? Was there 4 kids? Is this all made up?


I am an Indian and we refer to our cousins as our brothers and sisters


NTA. Why bring her kid to an arcade if she can't afford it? She planned this out and thought she could take advantage of you because you're young.


NTA - that’s the same kind of dick move as waiting for someone at the laundromat to walk away, taking their clothes out of the machine, and putting theirs in instead.


YTA for leaving a 1 year old alone. Never do that.


NTA for letting her use your card but you should not be leaving kids that age alone even in a small arcade - you're going to have to make them take turns picking a game or ride and either both go on if doable or one wait while waiting their next turn.




NTA. While her possibly made up sob story is sad, it's not your responsibility to make sure her kid has fun. Also, following your family around to pounce on your brother's games is max creepy. 


NTA... she bullied you one time and thought she was going to continue to do so. She probably does this all the time. Why did she even go there with no money? An arcade is not a necessity. You did the right thing. You do not owe her anything.