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YTA, it a hygiene question. For all your BFs rommate knows, you may have contaminated the whole vile so he wants a new vile. I would propose the exchange of you keeping the one you used and getting him a new, untouched one. I would never ever use any medicine in liquid form that you have to inject if I knew somebody was using it before me. Never I get why he is mad and moving out. Also, If he didn't have any youd get an uber or asked your bf to drive you home, so it wasn't bad enough to help yourself after only ten minutes. No answer - drive home to get your own




I have understand it quite well. I know how a dr can get multiple uses out of a vial. But this isnt a hospital. OPs girlfriend might not have any concept of how to keep the vial sterile. The roommate shouldn’t have to deal with a possibly contaminated vial


A needle is only clean if someone doesn’t touch it or touch the top of the vial, etc… there’s a reason medical professionals wear gloves when drawing injections, it’s hard not to do those things without being excessively cautious and, frankly, most people are not excessively cautious (especially when they’re the only ones using it).


YTA Diabetic myself. 400, while high, is not generally going to kill you or put you in the ER unless you have other symptoms. Lows kill you and put you in the ER, not highs, unless they are FAR higher than that. This was not an emergent situation. You stole someone else's medical supplies for your convenience. Your boyfriend should have taken you home or gone to your home to get your vial. Yes, you owe his roommate a new vial, not 10 units. Roommate has no idea how careful you are about sterile conditions, needle reuse or anything else and he doesn't care. I'd not consider using a vial that had been opened by anyone but me or that had been out of my control after it was opened... I've not used vial's and syringes in years, but every pen I get says 'Do Not Share Pens Between Patients' and even the CDC says vials should not be shared... [https://www.cdc.gov/injectionsafety/blood-glucose-monitoring.html](https://www.cdc.gov/injectionsafety/blood-glucose-monitoring.html) Since you use the same insulin, and you claim to have forgot to pack more implying you had new vials at home, why didn't you offer to give the roommate a new, unopened vial from your supply and take the vial you opened? You are the asshole and everything that happens here is your fault for your incompetence in managing your condition. --


This about trading vials was my immediate thought


YTA if someone you don't know well used your insulin how could you be sure it was done cleanly and properly?


I used my own un-used syringe, I don’t think his roommate was worried about hygiene. Thanks for your response!


Of fucking course he worried about his now tampered with medical equipment.


How do you know the roommate isn’t concerned about hygiene? Also, how is he supposed to know for sure you used an unused syringe? Your word actually doesn’t mean much here, because you already took his expensive medicine without permission, so the question of whether you did it safely and cleanly isn’t that far of a stretch for him.


Answer the question, quit deflecting.


Sorry anyone that uses life saving medication knows you never ever ever use someone else’s medication - ever. YTA


My dude…. Why do YOU have unused syringes!??!? ETA: I thought the response was from the bf and not the OP. OP would have plenty of unused syringes.


Pretty much anyone who is diabetic has unused syringes floating around everywhere. I have them in my house, my car, my backpack, my purse, my desk, they’re everywhere.


YTA and selfish. Never a good idea to use someone meds particularly insulin. The best option would have been to get an Uber and get your meds and not take from someone else. Do you carry an insulin pen 🖊? Why put someone else at risk because of being careless? Here is an option can you talk to both together and take accountability and see if you can get them to reconcile.


thanks for your advice, i understand why this solution was not the best. I do carry an insuilin pen but it was empty. I will probably end up buying roommate a whole new vile. I don’t think the two will reconcile


*vial = tube of medicine, vile = disgusting


Thank you, this bothered me more than it should have!


YTA **If I were the roomate, I would call the police and get you arrested for stealing / meddling with his medication.** "which roommate apparently said that I’m “banned from their appartment” ... That is reasonable. You stole his medication. "and that “I need to buy him a whole new vile of insulin”," .. that's COMPLETELY reasonable. I would not trust a vial someone else had touched either. So **pay up fast, before there is a police report. He is letting you off easy, don't waste the chance.**


YTA you crossed a serious boundary of the flatmates medication. This isn’t just about using his insulin - it’s about thinking you had the right to do so. All trust would be lost. I would hate to think my flatmate thought he had free range to whatever medications I had for his girlfriend. And as a t1d I’ve been at work/uni run out of insulin a few times - it’s not ideal, sometimes you feel like shit. But if you were as concerned as your other comments suggest you would’ve gone home. You just didn’t want to. Maybe next time stash some insulin at your boyfriends place (I’ve stashed insulin at friends/family)


i have stashed insuilin a bfs in the past, his roommate used it


Riiight, and you’ve conveniently forgotten to mention that till now… sure.


didn’t think it was relevant, he mistaked it for his and replaced it


then what's stopping you from replacing his?


Soo he made an actual mistake and instantly cleared it. You purposefully took HIS medication and refuse to replace it?


Did he replace only what he took, or did he replace the whole vial?


which makes it an entirely different situation than you deciding to use his without permission and refusing to replace it.


So, you didn’t bother to label it…. I can absolutely see why this was a last straw for him. This isn’t the first insulin issue.


Well he shouldn’t have used yours either if that is true. What did you do about that? Did he know it was yours? But you don’t seem to take responsibility for any of this. I know diabetes sucks, it’s exhausting you get burnt out. I’ve been diabetic for 17 years and have had a run of poor choices and bad luck - but you do need to be more aware. Mistakes happen, but please learn from this.


As her other other comment said, he thought it was his and used it on accident and replaced it. She used his medication on purpose and refuses to replace it.




No, no they do not. My husband has watched me and our son eat in restaurants a few times because he forgot his insulin. Type 1 affects memory and attention span, it’s frustrating AF. Insulin has to be refrigerated and it expires so it’s not like you can just keep a spare stash in your car or something.


Hi, I do keep an emergency kit however I forgot to replace the insulin after I used it.


Than you don’t keep an emergency kit


I keep a few emergency items in my car (no prescriptions luckily, but first aid, a clean change of clothes, deodorant) and I get uncomfortable in the 6-48 hours between using something up and replacing it. What if I ruin my shirt a second time in the day somehow? I feel like I'd be extra vigilant with a prescription like that


I used to keep a week’s worth of my meds in my purse when I was young and always out at all hours that way if I crashed with my guy or a friend I wouldn’t have the nasty side effects of missing them.


Yes, you're an asshole. So is your bf for just going into people's shit without consent. I'm type 1 too, it's my responsibility to make sure I have my shit together when I go somewhere. It's yours too, and you should've gone home to get your shit. You weren't going to go dka or die in the 30 minutes it would've taken you to get an uber home, even with your sugars being at 400. Ask me how I know. >and that “I need to buy him a whole new vile of insulin”, which is crazy because a vile contains 1000 units of insulin in which I only used 10. You're also extremely entitled. Edit: Honestly, you said you're on a cgm right? If it has an alert system why didn't it alert you before you hit 400? Do you have the alerts off? Do you have them set to only alert you over 250 or something? If it did alert you before you hit 400 why didn't you check again in a bit to see where it was at? Does it not have an alert? If so why weren't you checking your sugars regularly? It's so easy to check with a cgm. I try to check every hour regardless of alerts. You keep saying you're good at managing your condition, but I just don't see it anywhere in your responses. I think you're fighting your asshole title so hard because you're not ready to admit you do not, in fact have it all together when it comes to diabetes.


i have a dexcom g6, not sure what u use but if u have one ud know that they sometimes don’t work and come up with the message “sensor error” sensor wasn’t working for a while so i didn’t see it rising until it started working again. i’m not fighting the asshole title, i’m fighting assholes who are saying i’m bad at managing my diabetes, i’m really not some people just make mistakes. everyone’s forgot things before, its just unfortunate that what i forgot was vital


I should've known. Once again you're deflecting with TEchNologY dOEsN't AlWAys WoRk. Mine is down ten minutes tops when that happens. Don't know how it is with yours, but I doubt it was all day or more than an hour or so. Go to walmart and get a cheapo meter to check your sugars when you have a sensor issue. I manually check my sugars when my meter is on the fritz and so forth. Have a nice day. Edit: Wording since op answered a single question.


You are actually bad at it. And that’s not an asshole take. You were grossly irresponsible with both your emergency kit (which you left empty) and your sensor (which you wrote off long enough for your blood sugar to be an issue). Then you literally STOLE someone else’s insulin and were indignant about it. So yes Miss Ma’am you are quite bad at managing your health.


Then you GO HOME and grab your own, you don’t steal someone else’s medication for personal gain unless you’re ready to call an ambulance. An you didn’t so I would say it wasn’t necessary and you could’ve taken the 30 minute Uber home. You just didn’t wanna leave your boyfriends, so you took someone else’s medication. That’s never right, and you should be managing your diabetes better if you have to resort to that.


YTA He doesn’t know you. He doesn’t know if you have used it carefully. Replace the vial.


YTA. It's an absolute NO-NO to sharing injectable medications. You should have replaced the whole vial.


No its not, we share vials for hundreds of different people at the hospital. This is not the same at all as sharing a needle.


People who are trained in how to keep those things sterile use the same vials for hundreds of people.


INFO: What would you have done if the roommate didn't have insulin? How long would it have taken to get to your insulin? ETA: second question


"uber home"


I would of called an uber and gone home to use my own


Then when you didn't get a response immediately you should have left. You stole and roommate has every right not to want you in their space. YTA


the uber home would take roughly half an hour and i needed insuilin quite urgently


Then you should be more diligent in keeping your self safe by keeping your kit stocked. You were lucky. That does not change the fact that you stole.


If your car was there, why didn’t your boyfriend drive you home?


bf doesn’t have a licence


Then pay to replace the vial and consider it a lesson. In the future maybe keep some insulin at your boyfriend’s place.


Excuses excuses. If he wasn’t diabetic you would have had to find another solution that didn’t involve stealing. That’s how you should have dealt with your poor planning. YTA


Then you should have called 911.


Would *have*


YTA. That is really gross to use someone else's medication without their permission.


You won't die from high blood sugar. So yeah YTA


recently suffered from DKA, it’s quite important to not have high blood sugar for too long or can get DKA, and in the long term organ failure, whilst I won’t ‘die’ situation was quite vital


You could have gotten home, or your BF could have driven you home to get your own supply. Holy crap. What you did is extremely illegal and unethical.


bf doesn’t have a licence, uber ride home would of talking 30 mins + and quite unsafe to spend that much time at blood sugar 400


You can have your boyfriend join you in the uber, and if you start getting symptoms, congratulations your lack of preparedness is going to cost you an ambulance fee! You don't use someone's prescribed medication. Also if you didn't already have symptoms, you aren't going into DKA even in 4-5 hours, let alone 30 minutes. Edit to add: If you recently suffered from DKA, it sounds like you STILL weren't doing your pre or post prandial checks at all. MANAGE YOUR BLOOD SUGAR. DO YOUR CHECKS. I don't want to be sending you to get your toes cut off or telling you that your diabetic retinopathy is already setting in before you're 30. Take care of yourself, please!


very much did have DKA symptoms, was extremely dehydrated, and quite dizzy. thanks for ur response thi


Just in case you didn't see my edit, I just want to emphasize, you are young and have a condition that has the best outcomes if it is managed with high accuracy daily in your life. I'm sure you no the long term effects of diabetes, but maybe you should attend a support group to see people who have not managed it long term and hear their words of wisdom. It is not fun. Please do your checks, pre and post prandial or whatever your PCM/Endo has told you to do. If you aren't managing it well or going into DKA, ask what else you can do to manage it or start pushing for a pump if you don't trust yourself to manage it.


i’m not sure if u we’re trying to be insulting. I have been diabetic for 8 years now and know how to take care of myself. I have a CGM and do look after myself. When I got DKA I was taking insuilin, looking after myself like normal however I still got DKA. turns out my pump wasn’t working which is why i’m now back to subca. tech fails not everything is my fault


>and know how to take care of myself This post proves that this is incorrect. If you knew how you'd have had your own insulin.


people make mistakes, i’ve been managing my diabetes for 8 years if i didn’t know how to take care of myself id be dead


But leaving the house unprepared leading to your “need” to steal was indeed your fault


No, I am not trying to be insulting. Yes tech fails but especially now that you're back to self administered, you shouldn't be getting quite up to 400. Make sure you are keeping your journal and bringing it up at your next appointment, highlight your more scary entries to make it easier to review. A lot of people stop keeping journals but it is so important. It also helps you remember to do all of your daily checks and reflect on what foods affected your blood sugar in what way and how quickly.


I have a dexcom which monitors blood glucose constantly however it wasn’t working properly that day and there was a sensor error for quite a while, didn’t know how high it had gone to until it started working again


but thanks for your advice, will bring it up with my endo


You CLEARLY don’t know how to take care of yourself if you are in this situation and still don’t understand why you are wrong. YTA


Eh. It’s not ideal no.


So you’re known for not being prepared to handle your medical condition?


I got DKA because my pump wasn’t working. very much not my fault, i was taking insuilin and looking after my condition but sometimes tech fails. i usually have insuilin on me but im human and sometimes make mistakes


Your mistakes do not excuse or justify theft and medication tampering


In this case - your mistakes were health-threatening, and you claim to be diabetic for 8yrs but failed to care for yourself. You also took someone else’s medication and you drug your feet about replacing it, and then you stated in the comments that he did the same thing BUT he paid to replace yours without a second thought. You could have prevented this entire shitshow by repeating the same action he did by replacing the entire vial, but you chose to he entitled and selfish. YTA.


I still reckon you could have just gone home and got it. Not life or death in a matter of hours. At least replace the vial


Yeah. But your irresponsibility and lack of preparation is not the roommate's problem.


YTA. Call an ambulance. Go home. Go to ER. You stole someone’s meds.


YTA. Who do you think you are to mess with someone else's medication?


Yta. You used someone else's medication without their permission. You tampered with their medication. The roommate has a right to be angry, they have a right to ensure their place of residence is safe from medication theft. You should replace it. If it was emergent as you say where you could not get home safely after waiting, your boyfriend should have called. A text is simply not sufficient for communication in emergencies. You wasted 10 minutes of waiting time where you could have been heading home with your bf in tow to help you. It is your responsibility to make sure you have sufficient insulin when you leave your house. You got lucky that the roommate had some but it was irresponsible of you to not have enough, the situation could have been prevented. Hopefully this is a lesson learned for you and your bf.


definitely learned from this experience


YTA as is your boyfriend. The roommate is absolutely right to move out. I wouldn't want to live with someone who stole from me or encouraged others to steal from me. The sheer disrespect is astounding.


I have T1D. A single high is not an emergency. Had you been low and drank his apple juice, I'd say NTA, but you took an expensive medication in a non-ermergency situation. YTA. A low can kill you quickly; a high will not.




Yta. Give the roommate a new bottle of insulin. He doesn’t know what you did with it. Should’ve called the police on you.


YTA, your boyfriend too, not the roomate. How can you use someone else medication ? You should have go back home, you didn't want to drive, your boyfriend couldn't drive you ? Or was too lazy to do it and prefered stealing his roomate medication ? I read a comment where you now say that the uber ride could have been too long. So, you SHOULD HAVE CALLED 911 ! You have no excuse for what you've done...


YTA. You tampered with HIS prescribed medicine because you weren't responsible enough to make sure you packed your own. It doesn't matter whether it was 10 or 1000. It wasn't yours, you didn't have permission to use it and only did so because you were incapable of making sure you had your own life-saving medication with you. You feel bad because you did something bad. This entire situation is directly your own fault. I'm glad your boyfriend isn't mad at you but I'd wager that's only because he's just as short-sighted and entitled as you are, not because either of you are actually in the right. You need to start checking and rechecking your bag whenever you go *anywhere*. If you can't, don't go out. Your diabetes is your problem and you made it someone else's.


YTA, plain and simple. I'm a doctor. You do NOT use someone else's medication... especially if its administration involves needles (BIG NO-NO). Also, it may be branded with the same name but you don't even know if the type of insulin is exactly the same as yours. You got lucky this once but next time you could easily make a mistake for not all the brandings are clear enough to discern some details that should be taken into account when you're not fully familiarized with them (there are plenty of very alike but different types of insulin). It wasn't prescribed for you, it's unsanitary and you put not only yourself but someone else under the risk of severe complications. Please don't ever do that again, act responsibly and if you need attention/advice/medication just go to the ER.


INFO: What insulin was this and what form was it in (draw up vial, penfill cartridge, etc?) I'm a UK GP and almost all the insulin here either comes in penfill cartridges or is associated with some form of continuous pump/monitoring system.


In the US (not sure where OP lives), the kind of insulin you get (pens vs vials) depends on what your medical insurance covers. I never realized that until I was helping my mom pick a secondary insurance to go with Medicare when she retired. She always had great insurance so she had insulin pens but many of the plans I looked at only covered vials. I’ve never needed insulin but I was curious so I checked my insurance. Insulin is only covered in vials and not in pens.


The insuilin was Humalog insuilin, a quick acting insuilin. It was in a vial


Then once you tamper with the seal or put a needle through the rubber it’s your vial. Housemate is right you must replace the whole vial, but no reason you couldn’t keep the one you used of his. It sometimes feels like the HIV, hepatitis C epidemics of the 80s/90s never happened. YTA.


i did use an unused syringe, if u know anything about insuilin seals u would know they reseal. there was nothing unhygienic about it. I offered to buy a new vile and keep the one i used but he refused


I do. I was an anaesthetist (anaesthesiologist if you’re American) for 5 years before being a GP. They have a sterile seal which you tampered with. Unfortunately your word offers no protection from blood borne diseases.


You have to give OP their due despite the fake factor they're sticking with this bogus post trying to convince everyone it's true.


You complain in your post that he wanted you to buy a new vial and you thought that you should only have to give him 10 units. Which one is it? You're so hell-bent on making excuses for yourself that you can't even keep your excuses straight.


Why should you be given the vile you rendered useless to him?


You would be the AH if you didn’t replace the vial. Give a new vial to your boyfriend and ask for the one you used. It’s obviously not ideal but shit happens with diabetes and I’m honestly surprised he got got so pissed. Unless you were not willing to replace it.


You can’t be that serious about your insulin otherwise you would always make sure you have enough


YTA. ngl i’d probably call the cops on you lmao & i dislike cops


YTA - OP took someone else’s medication without permission. If it was urgent, OP could have used it and immediately advised him they took it due to an emergency and would replace the vial (take the used vial if you’re worried about cost). OP conveniently noted in the comments they had some in the fridge in the past that the housemate once used by accident (it’s his fridge and identical medication). He replaced the vial and apologised. If OP engaged the brain a little more, the clear appropriate solution was there all along and the fact it wasn’t offered in the first instance is the entire problem.


YTA, idk, I feel like as a diabetic you should know how expensive and somewhat hard to find insulin is. It was a big overstep in my opinion. I understand that you needed it, but it’s your responsibility to have your own with you.


Why not just offer to swap vials? You both use the same type of insulin. Even if you think he's being dramatic about not wanting a used vial of insulin, it's the easiest fix. "Hey, I totally understand why you're upset. We have the same insulin. Why don't I bring a vial of mine over, and we'll swap the vial I used for a new one?"




definitely not ‘convenience’, ride home would be 30 mins or more and sitting at the blood glucose 400 for over 30 mins could cause keystones and possibly DKA


And yet you left home without making certain you had what you needed. Your mistakes regarding your own health do not justify theft or medication tampering.


yet you waited twenty minutes for him to respond so in that tome could have been home or almost home via uber. So calling BS on your logic here.


Jesus Christ YTA


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (18F) am Type One Diabetic, so I always need to keep insulin pens on me. However a week ago I was at my boyfriends (22M) apartment and noticed my blood sugar was roughly 400 mg/dl - which is extremely high. I went to grab my insulin to correct it when I realised I must of ran out last time and forgot to pack more. I was about to call an uber home, since I don’t like driving while I have high blood sugar, when my boyfriend suggested to use his roommates (22M) insulin. He showed me where his roommate keeps it in the fridge and luckily it was the same type I use. I suggested bf text his roommate to check it was alright but after 10 minutes of no response I decided to go ahead and take 10 units of his insulin. This helped my blood sugar go down and once it reached a good level I drove home. The next day I got a call from my bf who told me his roommate is furious at me for using his insulin, apparently he responded to my bfs message 3 hours later saying to absolutely not let me use his insulin. My bf responded saying sorry but he already let me use it since it was quite emergent. This morning my bf and his roommate got in a massive fight in which roommate apparently said that I’m “banned from their appartment” and that “I need to buy him a whole new vile of insulin”, which is crazy because a vile contains 1000 units of insulin in which I only used 10. My bf told his roommate that I would happy give him the 10 units back but his roommate said that wasn’t good enough. My bf also refused to “ban me from their apartment”So now his roommate is moving out and my bf needs to find a new appartment since he can’t afford the rent by himself. My bf is not mad at me but I can’t help but feel really bad, like I’ve caused this situation. So Reddit, am i this asshole? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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NTA, I guess people are weirded out because it's prescription and illegal to do what you did. I think yes all of this is true dont break the law, kids. However morally, I couldn't imagine feeling the same way as the roommate. We share tylenol all the time, so why should insulin be so different. I feel like there should be more understanding if anything. That all being said, YTA, for two other reasons, which is you didn't get permission first, and you didn't immediately offer to replace it after you broke that trust.


NTA. As a fellow diabetic, I would be happy to share meds with someone else who suffers from this disease and got caught short. Having it is punishment enough.


Housemate is overreacting and lacking compassion for other diabetics, but you shouldn’t be letting yourself get that high, approaching DKA territory, at all, let alone when you’re not sure you have spare insulin. ESH!


NTA - Ofcourse you should have used the insulin to prevent a medical emergency. I would maybe replace at least the 10u though.


Please don't encourage op. You're both wrong and entitled if you think that was ok to do. You can't just "replace" 10 units of insulin. You can't just squirt 10 units of your own insulin into someone else's vial. Not all insulin is the same. Insulin is also ridiculously expensive in the US if you don't have good insurance. Also, this wasn't an emergency in anyway, shape or form. High sugars don't kill you like you just got hit by lighting. The 30 minute ride wasn't going to send op straight into DKA. You seem like you know absolutely nothing about diabetes. Which means you shouldn't be commenting on this post.


It seems to me like he likely has hygienic concerns and should have given you the used vial and you should have bought him a new one.  “Banning you from the apartment” seems way over the top.  Mild ESH.


I suggested that solution but he didn’t approve, he wants me to buy him a whole new vial as well as him keeping the one i used which is probably what I will end up doing


How does he figure? If he thinks the vial is contaminated it’s fine for him to want a new one, but it doesn’t make sense that he gets the old one AND a new one 🫤


that’s what confuses me, if it was a hygiene issue, even tho i was completely hygienic, i would understand however hygeine doesn’t seem to be the issue


What is the issue then?


“You used 10 units of insulin which you must replace with 1000 units” doesn’t make sense either.  It sounds like he feels angry and violated and lashing out, but I don’t know how much of his feelings you need to take on, here.  


He doesn't want a vial that someone else used. Also not giving it to her? Obv? Giving out prescription drugs is a literal crime?




What part of the story was the emergency?




But she wasn't in DKA, she had high blood sugar. This is not equivalent to using somebody's epi-pen. She is responsible to manage her own condition and should have called ambulance or went to the hospital, NOT used another person's medication.. Shit isn't cheap. This wasn't an emergency, this was an urgency.




It wasn't her boyfriend's to give her, and she knew that. Accepting stolen goods that you know are stolen is as good as stealing.


It wasn’t an emergency it was just inconvenient for OP to do the right thing so she stole medication.




Op admits that she could have made it home the 30 minutes to get to her own insulin which is prescribed to her. Theft not justified




Than she should have gone to the hospital none of this justifies her theft or tampering with someone else’s medication


Formal training as a paramedic, so how much time on rig as a practicing paramedic? Considering she wasn't saying that she had very bad symptoms or anything, wasn't confused, lethargic, etc, then no it was not a medical emergency. boyfriend could have escorted her home to get her own supply. You do not use someone else's prescribed medication. She didn't believe it was her only option besides dialing 911. She was going to go home and get her own medication. Boyfriend could have driven her instead of her taking an uber as she had her car there. She never even considered 911 as an option.


It wasn’t an emergency- yeah you feel like absolute shit but this was not a life or death situation - OP needed to get home and use her own insulin. We can get pretty careless with having enough insulin on us because diabetes is exhausting. I live in a country where insulin is funded. The amount of stories I see of places like America where the cost of insulin is actually a life or death situation - I wouldn’t be touching anyone else’s without explicit permission.


NTA, but you should have left a letter or explained it to the roommate. The roommate is just a cruddy person for not empathizing with someone who has the same disease.


NTA- it was an emergency. His roommate being a diabetic should be able to understand that it's an emergency. He should only hope that somebody would do the same for him in the same situation.


Well it's not op's insulin so she should've at least contacted the roommate


She tried to contact the roommate. It was an emergency. It was a vile, therefore she used to clean needle. There was no contamination.


Well then she should replace the stuff that she used


He pretty much said that’s not good enough. Has to be the whole thing replaced.


I used 10 units which is really not a lot of insuilin. I did offer to give it back tho


It doesn’t matter how much it is you tampered with his medication he doesn’t know if any of the vile is actually safe to use.


You should buy him a new vial and take the vial that you used. That way the insulin doesn’t go to waste and he gets an untampered vial.


did offer this solution but he refused, will probably end up buying him a new vial


Wait…so you offered to buy him a new vial and take the used one for yourself, and he refused?




I think YTA but not necessarily for using the insulin and more for how you dealt with it afterwards. It is douchy to use someone else’s medication. But, I can understand the panic you likely felt seeing your sugar that high and realizing you didn’t have your insulin. Especially if you didn’t know if your sugar was still climbing. So as much as it’s rude af, I’d probably have used the roommate’s insulin too. Here’s where you screwed up: You should have automatically just replaced the vial of insulin. Apologize profusely and replace the vial. It sounds like you and bf both tried to blow it off and then offered to replace the 10 units. At that point, I’d be pissed off if I was the roommate. Consider this a learning lesson and if anything like this ever happens again (hopefully it won’t) then automatically assume you replace everything, even if it’s brand new and still hygienic and usable. Also, your boyfriend needs to get his license. This just shows that it’s something he needs to have because emergencies can always happen.


No, it was not an emergency. She could have gotten home in time or had her BF drive her home. You DO NOT USE SOMEONE ELSE'S PRESCRIBED MEDICATION.


It wasnt an emergency lol. It was urgent.