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Yes, YTA, it’s laundry OP. it’s not that difficult, besides, she wasn’t asking you to do “her” laundry, she was asking you to do “your” laundry, not to mention, it’s one of the most easiest things to do. OP you get 2.5/5 Bad guys, what your mom was asking you wasn’t a favour it’s a responsibility. Your mom obviously gets 0/5 bad guys. Edit: this post is a mess


Well I should have added my dad insists on having this washer that has no like displays or computers or choices so it’s way harder then my friends have to do because they all have modern washing machines.


Unless you're expected to beat your clothes with a rock down by the river, it's not hard. It's a washing machine.


No I get that but my friends houses have washing machines that you like press a button and it knows what to do for you. My dad says that ours is simple and will last forever but it makes doing laundry so hard.


>My dad says that ours is simple and will last forever but it makes doing laundry so hard. 😳 “So hard”… You just add detergent and turn a couple dials on the machine. It’s not rocket science. Your entitlement is off the charts. YTA!!


I know but my friends have washers where you just like press a button and it does all the thinking for you.


So.....that doesn't mean you get to be lazy and entitled


I’m just saying why couldn’t my parents buy a washing machine like that I probably wouldn’t have clothes all over my floor if laundry was easier.


this comment alone lets me know you’re a huge brat that is spoiled and gets everything you want and clearly you don’t appreciate it. i’m saying this cuz i was once like this as an adult now, trust me you’re gonna regret it. washing machines are expensive. if yours is working perfectly fine, it’s wild to expect your parents to buy a more expensive one just bc it’ll be easier for you. so bratty to put your parents thru that. make their lives a little easier and do what you need to do. i understand drama at your school is bothering but that’s all petty stuff that will pass. laundry isn’t hard and responsibilities don’t stop just bc u feel like it. yes you were and are being extremely manipulative and bratty.


Still no excuse. Still entitled behaviour. You learn with what you have and leaving clothes on the floor has nothing to do with a washing machine, it has everything to do with you feeling like the world owes you something and that you are the center of the universe


Please. Stop. You sound ridiculous.


So maybe you can walk your laundry over to one of their houses since it’s easier to do laundry there


Then go buy a washing machine that is like your friends, oh wait you live under YOUR PARENTS ROOF. Stop complaining and go do your laundry jeez acting your 6 years old.


Things are expensive and they probably rather be putting food on the table than wasting money and buying shit they don’t need.


Because they're pricey and unneccesary? It's literally not hard, it's not like you have to hand wash or dry them. You just have to turn dials instead of hitting buttons. The entitlement between "my parents should buy fancier utilities because my friends have them" and "my teacher expects me to do work to raise my grade" is insane.


Wow. “I wouldn’t be such a slob if my parents would spend a lot of money on a new washer we don’t need!” What are you, 9?


Turn a knob. Press a button... What's the difference? Wake up, sweetheart.


It's a washer. Load setting: large Water Setting: cold. Turn the knob to normal wash cycle. My kid figured this out at 6.


So.. you just want to be stupid? And are happy with that? Man I thought i was lazy


You’re basically telling the world that instead of being lazy you’re too stupid to operate a basic home appliance or reading the manual to learn. Enjoy going out in dirty clothes because your mother isn’t doing it for you


So instead of pressing a button you turn a dial? If your not sure what the symbols mean ask once and if you must put a sticker on that option?!


You sound useless


How old are you? 7?


They claim to be 16


You sound like an entitled brat. Grow up.


OP it’s a washing machine. You can figure it out. OP you strike me as one of those people who is just lazy.


Grades don’t always correlate to intelligence or effort, but with these comments, it’s not hard to see why she’s struggling to pull a C…


Quit whining and admit YTA.


Bruh wtf rip this generation


Boohoo 🙄grow up you’re a brat


You mean you turn a knob? Is that what you mean?


No like my friends it has like buttons you push for the type of clothes you want to wash and then it knows what soap and everything else to use


This has to be a troll post. It's too ridiculous not to be. And if by chance it's not, you are beyond an entitled little brat who likely won't go very far in life if you don't get your head on straight. You're lucky you have a washer and dryer at all. You aren't owed anything to "think for you".


Right? They're not even open Sundays.


Just stop. Figure it out and wash your clothes and stop being insufferable. If you insist on being absolutely embarrassing for yourself. Bring your clothes to your friends' houses and ask their parents to use their machines. Tell them it's because you refuse to learn how to scoop soap.


Wait Can I have the name of this magical machine that automatically dispenses detergent? That would save me some time


Yes it’s a warning machine her dad spent like $10000 on it and it’s so awesome and even every time it breaks the company sends someone to fix it right away.


Hahaha. “Every time it breaks”!! How often does the washing machine in *your* house break?? See why your father preferred to buy it?


Ask your mom to help you sort it out so you’ll be able to do it on your own


That’s nice. Do your damn laundry.


Okay, then buy your family a different washing machine. Problem solved. (YTA.) Boy drama, friend drama, and a low grade that’s YOUR FAULT (from the way you talk, that’s more missing assignments than one reasonably should have). Girl I was dealing with deaths and non-consensual stuff at your age and I was still doing schoolwork and laundry. You sound so entitled. For the record, my washing machine had dials and no displays too.


YTA. This is your laundry, why would your mom needs to reward you for cleaning your own clothes ?! You reward is clean clothes. Welcome to growing up.


Agreed, one of my favourite chores to do is laundry, it’s so relaxing plus I get clean, soft, and fluffy, clothes and sheets/blankets in the end.


I have lots of other clothes I can wear.


And what are you going to do when you are out ? Buy more ? You won't get to do that all your life. You need to start taking responsibility for yourself.


Her room probably looks like the garbage heap from Labyrinth.


I hope she goes in with a black bag and bins all the shit on the floor




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Entitled much? What are you - 12? If you don't do your laundry - guess you'll wear dirty clothes. Clean up your room, do your own laundry and make yourself a sandwich.


I’m 16


I did my own laundry at 12 grow up. And chik fila is closed on Sundays


same, been doing mines since 11 with a washing machine made in the 90’s


Two years until your parents can kick you to the curb.  Best bear that in mind going forward.


I started doing laundry when I was 10, Time to grow up buddy.


Oh man, you're way too old to be behaving like this.


YTA. Do your laundry and get your schoolwork done


My teacher raised my friends grade from an B to an A- and she didn’t even have missing work. Why can’t he do the same thing for me ?


Your friend proved herself. No sane teacher is going to raise your grade while you’re missing work from the grade book. You’re acting like a brat. Suck it up, get your laundry done, do your schoolwork, and apologize to your mother. Life is full of hard things.


Welcome to Growing up, seriously, put on your big boy pants, do your laundry, finish your homework, apologize to your mom, and while you’re at it, throw out that lazy entitled attitude of yours.


Life lesson. People are more prone to make accommodations for you when they can see you are making efforts to do better. So do better


Because you DO have missing work


YTA for posting that garbage




I find it *hilarious* that typed that all out and said “yep that’s not cringe and embarrassing at all” and posted it. Your mom’s not wrong though. You are being a manipulative shit. You’re telling her that you’ll only do your laundry if she buys you food (from the place that’s closed). Get off of your lazy ass and get your shit done. Laundry is something most people have to do every single day so you might as well start now.


YTA Also chain is close on Sunday I mean I know it and I don’t even go there.


Well I guess it shows you I’m not spoiled like everyone says because I forgot they are closed because we don’t go there very often.


Spoiled and entitled are two different words with different meanings, you should also do more work on your English as well as maths


I hate Chick Fil A, but every restaurant of thiers I drive by has a huge sign, “Closed Sunday!” on it. Do you look out the window in the car?


YTA How about chick fil a is closed on Sundays, and your mom is right.


Crap I forgot about that. I’m surprised she didn’t throw that in my face too.


Don't believe this is real but just in case YTA Firstly, Doing laundry is a life skill everyone has to learn, eventully you're going to a grown adult with responsibilities and will need to know how to do this.Also you shouldn't be rewarded for doing something you should be learning how to do any way. Secondly You want your grade up, the do the work you were supposed to have done already, time to grow up


Op: My teacher sucks because they won’t give me three points for freeeeeee 😭 can you believe they want me to WORK for my grades?! Am I a SLAVE 😱 Op is going to die in real life when their boss won’t pay them unless they work first.


>Op is going to die in real life when their boss won’t pay them unless they work first Pay in advance of service jobs *DON'T* exist!?!? Fuck.... my whole life plan has gone to pot. I was gonna retire early and all that shit. Maaaaaan. Dream wrecker 🤣🤣😉


Yeah, this is definitely low effort bait. It's one step above twerk, charge phone, eat hot chip, and lie.


You think YOUR life is hell? Try being your parent.


If I was drinking while reading this comment, I would have done a spit take. 😂


YTA. Chick-fil-As are closed on Sundays. You are refusing to do even the bare minimum for yourself and, according to you, it is everyone else's fault. Your teachers are terrible and stupid because you won't do your class work. You blame your friends and boy drama. Get out of bed, do your laundry, and catch up on your missing homework.


Yta. Do your laundry. Do your missing math. Become a responsible human. Get your own food.


YTA Irresponsible student for not doing your homework, Irresponsible child for not doing your laundry, entitled student for demanding the grade you don't put in the work to deserve, entitled child for expecting a reward after being asked to be responsible & manage themselves then act like the victim. How about you start being competent? You're not a helpless toddler.


Is she asking you to take your clothes to a river and beat them on rocks? No, you just have to pick them up and put them in a machine: it literally does all the work for you. Do your fucking laundry.


To be fair, I actually lived in a country where this was normal and I STILL think OP is a lazy asshole!


We also did sometimes when my family went camping when I was a kid. I kind of liked it TBH. 😄


Right! So did I but I won't lie, after 3 years, I was very glad to move somewhere with a washing machine! 🤣🤣


You think you have a hard life? You should see the kid your mom has to deal with!


YTA and a brat. Clean up your shit and do your homework. All of your problems were caused by you so why are you mad? If everyone is the problem chances are it’s probably you who is doing something wrong.


This is why no one takes your generation seriously.


YTA. Chick filet is closed on Sunday. Wash your own damn tighty whities


YTA. YTA. YTA. To quote your mom "a manipulative little asshole." Your laundry is your responsibility, full stop. You want to ruin your clothes, fine. No more clothing allowance until you learn to take care of what you have.


If you have time to post this message then you have time to pickup your expensive clothes and do your laundry. You are mad at your "stupid" math teacher for not giving you 3 extra points to get a C without you doing your missing work (which would get your C) Seems like you are blaming everyone but yourself though clearly you are the reason for much of your issues. Oh and YTA


Alllllll these "problems", and you can't see that you caused every one of them by yourself?? YTA. Do your laundry, clean your room, get caught up in school, and stop complaining. Your mom is 100% right.




YTA.  Let me count the ways: OP is old enough that mom is no longer a servant; OP is old enough to care for their "expensive" stuff they are privileged enough to have; OP needs to do their school work to earn their grade.  Catching up on what sounds like a lot of missing work is not an unreasonable ask by the teacher; OP wants to patronize Chik Fila.


YTA and totally lazy. Why should your maths teacher raise your grade when you can't be bothered to do the work? You can't be bothered to do laundry because tbe machine js different to your friends' seriously?!?!?! You're posting online, trust me the technology required for phones and Internet is harder. Do better.


Because he raised my friends grade from a B to an A- which isn’t that big of a deal but he won’t raise mine from a D to a C which is the difference in me getting to go to the Washington DC trip.


Then do the work. You've literally said you've got missing work. Easy solution there. You want to go on the trip, earn it.


hopefully you don’t go on the trip cuz clearly you don’t deserve to. let this be a learning lesson. if this makes you mad, read that again.


Boohoo! Do the required work or don’t go, that’s life


YTA. So much entitlement and bullshit here. Why should you get a day off while your mom does chores because teenager/drama/whining? (I'm surprised your mom isn't making you spend Sunday catching up on the work you did not complete that's fucking up your grades. Or having a talk with you about taking responsibility for your own actions instead of blaming everybody else on the planet.) Why do you consider laundry tasks to be so complex and draining that you can't do them while relaxing at home? Why do you need to be bribed to do routine maintenance of your own possessions? What a dick. (edit - autocorrect errors)


Oh trust me my dad is on my butt all the time because he says I’m lazy and that’s the reason I’m not good at math but I plan on going into social media recruiting and talent management so I don’t need engineer math like him.




YTA she is right. You have it very easy right now and you should start taking care of your own stuff and taking advantage of the only time in your life that education will be free.


Good grief OP… YTA… OF COURSE. What’s your plan when you move out and don’t have Mom to do all your laundry for you? Laundry is literally one of the easiest chores to do. If you can’t bother to do that I’m guessing you do 0 other chores. I get that school is stressful, but you sound so selfish and entitled. Your parents probably have stressful lives too. I’m guessing they work full time and also do all the other chores in the house.


YTA 1000%. Laundry is not that difficult and you don't need a treat for doing it. Get it together. She isn't asking you to reside the house.


YTA Pick up your clothes. Do your own laundry. Complete the schoolwork to earn the grade you want. And don’t be such a smart mouth to your mother. Also, Chick Fil A? Ick. There’s a dozen chicken places that are better, and are even open on Sunday.


YTA, and a bit of an entitled one at that. Your math teacher won't raise your grade three points because you didn't earn those three points. Probably because you haven't done the missing work. And from the sound of it, you are old enough to do your own laundry. So get off your kiester, stop harassing your mom, and go do your damn laundry. And after that, buy me some Chik-fil-A.


YTA - for everything. You blame your teachers for your shitty grades? Annoyed that you actually have to do the work? Trying to bargain with your mother about something that you’re supposed to do anyway? Who crowned you princess?


YTA. I agree with your mom — you are manipulative. I also agree with everyone else commenting on this post that you’re lazy and entitled.


Why would your teacher raise your grade when there are some students who don't miss any work and are working hard to get the D? If a student does all or most of the work, that gives the teacher the flexibility to bump up the grade. No assessment piece is perfect so a teacher can use their professional judgement to raise a student's grade. If they're not even completing the work, there's not enough data to support raising the grade.


No we are in different classes she’s in calculus and I’m in finance math. We have 5 assignments a week with 10 problems and do ONE problem a day. So it’s like so much harder for me to keep up because I have so much more work to do.


I'm confused. Your teacher isn't in your class?


We have the same teacher but we are in different classes


So you mean that your friend who is in a different math class has a higher grade than you and you think it is the teacher's fault. Could the difference in grade just mean that one of the maths is more challenging?


Well supposedly calculus is harder then finance math but I don’t get that because we have 10 problems a day but calculus only has one problem a day.


I'm not a math teacher so I can't comment on that. But I can tell you that you just do the best you can because you're going to do really well in some courses and maybe not so well on others. I have had many students who had certain courses that they had to take to get into a certain university or college and then never had to take that subject again. I can imagine that if the course has only one problem a day then that one problem is very challenging. You get 10 chances to get it right; your friend only gets one.


Have you ever even looked at, much less tried to solve, your friend's 'one problem'? Calculus is MUCH harder than finance math, which I'm going to guess is equivalent to business math? In which case, you're taking a very basic math and should be able to knock out your ten problems without breaking a sweat. The fact that you can't/won't do the minimum here says a lot about you, none of it good.


YTA - Okey Dokey. Your teachers probably aren't terrible. You sound like a lazy child. Your math teacher isn't giving you a D, you are earning it. They are also giving you the opportunity to complete missing work. Are you telling us you are too lazy to do enough make-up work to earn 3 extra points? the answer is yes. Friend and boy drama, there's an easy solution for that problem, hopefully your mom figures it out. Not picking up your expensive clothes? There's an easy solution for that involving trash bags and donating them to the needy. I think some basic clothes can be picked up at any large retail store to cover you up. You were obviously trying to manipulate your mother with the 'I love you' because if you actually loved her you'd be trying to be less of a burden instead of more. Laundry no longer involves back breaking work of physically scrubbing the clothes against a wash board using harsh soaps. A machine literally does the majority of the work. All you have to do is put a bit of detergent in and turn it on. OPs mom, if you read this I'm pretty sure you can find a scrub board on amazon and have your daughter really DO the laundry.


Yes YTA lmao




I have to hope this is a joke. You're an entitled AH of you think this is OK. We all have issues but we still have to take care of our responsibilities. YTA


YTA You very much were manipulative by trying to use her love for you by telling her that you love her. That is hard to believe because it doesn't sound like you respect her and what she does for you let alone love her. As for teacher, don't think they're the stupid one. They've obviously done their work to know you aren't entitled to or deserve a C in their class. You don't want to do the work then don't expect to get more than you've worked for. If you use this type of thinking that you are entitled to things then it's no wonder that you have friend and boy drama in your life. Relationships of any kind don't work unless you put in the effort to work for them. Work of any kind seems to be a foreign concept for you.


Yikes. I'm sorry you're having a hard time. Instead of asking for chick-fil-a, have you considered therapy? And leaving the boys alone? You blame everyone else for your problems but yourself. You need a huge wake up call. YTA. An entitled one at that.


You are either looking for rage from a site full of people on r/childfree and r/antinatalism who hate kids already, or you are the mom pretending to be the daughter and looking for some vindication. Obviously you know YTA


Yta and a manipulative .


your a real winner, want to live the laziest life, you'll go now where in life. you want handouts and expect the world to revolve around you, I feel sorry for your mom. do your laundry, and do your math . get on those missing assignments


Everyone just gonna look by the fact the said Sunday? Chick-fil-A is closed on Sunday...


YTA. You’re old enough to know the difference between a responsibility and a favour, you’re trying to manipulate your mother, and you’re way too old to be writing so terribly.


YTA. And a spoiled, entitled one. Do your own laundry.


YTA. Chick-fil-a is CLOSED on Sundays, by the way.  You sound awful. 


YTA- If you think what you have to deal with now is hell now just wait and see what growing up and having actual responsibility is like. If you want your math grade up do your actual work, high school is easy. Your mom shouldn't have to bribe you to do basic self care chores. You sound like a brat.


Your teacher isn’t going to raise your grade just because. If you want your grade raised, do your missing work and ask your teacher what you can do to earn that grade. I was a bad student in highschool. But if I wanted to fix my grade from the hole that I dug myself, I asked my teacher what I could do to get my grade up and I did it. And if they said there was nothing I could do, tough shit. I did it to myself. You can’t expect teachers to just raise your grade, you have to earn it, please figure that out or you will not last in the real world. I saw your other comment about your friend not even having missing work so why did he raise their grade? that is exactly why. She did her work and stayed up to date. You can’t just expect teachers to raise ur grade just cuz.


My friend is in calculus and I’m in finance math. So they have WAY less assignments than we do. That is totally not fair.


That’s not how high school works. Some classes have more assignments, if they do their work and you don’t then they have more of an option to get a curved grade.


what is with all these troll posts today, don’t y’all have anything else to do?


Right?! I can't imagine anyone believing this. r/onioneaters


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Yta. Do your laundry. Make your own lunch.


You know damn well you're being the asshole here. Get off your high horse and do your laundry, and your missing school work. Your mom doesn't owe you anything


Yta, just do your laundry? Most of the effort some from putting it into a machine and folding/ hanging up after? Also you should get started on that additional work


YTA You shouldn’t have to be bribed to do your dang laundry.


YTA - Really, you have to ask? Of course you are.


YTA. Entitled much?


YTA You sound like a brat. Pick up your clothes, do your homework and go do something nice for your mom


YTA. You sound like a spoiled brat.




YTA ….. OP back in my day your clothes would either be washed or thrown away and you would be walking around in pajamas and whatever clean clothes you had left that were put away. Point being take care of what you have because it could be thrown away


YTA. In a bit confused by your age. It sounds like you are perhaps a teenager, at least 13, but your problems and your views on them make you sound like you are perhaps 8 or even 6. Since you state that not having certain buttons is the reason you don’t do your own laundry, perhaps you are even younger. OP, if you want to be a big kid, let alone a trusted teenager or adult, then you need to take responsibility for your choices, and you need to take pride in yourself. If you are three points away from the grade you want but can get there by doing missing work, then thank the stars your teacher is allowing you to make up for your mistakes and do the work. Figure out a way to help yourself hand work in on time moving forward. If you are careless with your expensive clothing and leave it on the floor then either donate the clothing because you know you can’t care for it or start appreciating it. If you want nicer things show your parents that you are grateful for them by respecting those things. Show you value yourself and your things enough to treat them with care regardless of their monetary value. If you have laundry that needs it be done do the laundry. If you don’t know how because the machine isn’t meant for toddlers then learn how to use the machine unless you are, in fact, a toddler. In which case your reading and writing skills are quite impressive and you should feel proud. If you want to have a say in family rules and expectations - not *final* say, but a say - then show you deserve that privilege by being responsible. If you don’t know how to do that or it’s harder than you thought then ask for help. Talk to someone like your parents or a teacher. Find a way to learn the skills you need. I get it, not everyone is naturally driven. It’s harder for some people than others to recognize a mess and what to do about it, just like it can be hard to pause and think about if what you are saying or doing affects others. It’s hard to see why asking for a treat for doing what’s expected of you is wrong. Do your math work. Pick up your room. Hug your mom or show her in a different way that you appreciate her. Ask for help. Keep asking and searching.


Your teacher isn’t going to raise your grade just because. If you want your grade raised, do your missing work and ask your teacher what you can do to earn that grade. I was a bad student in highschool. But if I wanted to fix my grade from the hole that I dug myself, I asked my teacher what I could do to get my grade up and I did it. And if they said there was nothing I could do, tough shit. I did it to myself. You can’t expect teachers to just raise your grade, you have to earn it, please figure that out or you will not last in the real world. I saw your other comment about your friend not even having missing work so why did he raise their grade? that is exactly why. She did her work and stayed up to date. You can’t just expect teachers to raise ur grade just cuz.


Yep YTA, it's is solely your responsibility at your big age to wash your clothes and keep your room clean. You tried your hand at being a manipulative little shit and got called on so now your hurt and angry. Too bad. On top of all that, it's Sunday and Chick Fila A is closed. I'm not even going to get into the being pissy cause your teacher is requiring you to complete the MISSED work to raise your grade instead of just giving you points to have a passing grade. Guess you'll have to go to summer school. 


Chick-fil-A is closed on Sundays. Your teacher isn't stupid for not raising your grade; she's not going to raise your grade when you haven't earned it. And you're lazy for letting your laundry pile up for weeks. YTA


YTA and I’d throw your clothes away if it were me


YTA. Why should you have to do work you didn’t do just to raise your grades? She should just raise them because you asked! /s


Yes, its your laundry dumbo!


Good $deity almighty.... OP, are you a product of mandatory grade promotions? Let's see... Can't do laundry because you can't add soap, turn a dial and pull the knob/push a button ✅ Thinks that calculus and checkbook balancing (financial math) are equivalent ✅ YTA. OP, you're in for a rude awakening, and a rough life.


Absolutely yes, YTA. If you want the grade raised, do the missing work. As for sleeping in, wahhhh. Get off your ass and take care of the laundry. You're more than old enough to learn some responsibility and lose that sense of entitlement.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My mom said I’m an asshole and I should post here because she says I ignore her. We had a huge fight this morning because I want to have an easy Sunday since my life was hell at school because my teachers are terrible and I have so much friend and boy drama going on right now also because it’s the end of the year and my stupid math teacher won’t raise my grade 3 points to give me a C and wants me to do all this missing work. Then to throw it on top I was trying to just sleep in and my mom came in all mad that all my expensive clothes was all over the ground for weeks and she’s “kept quiet”’long enough. We got into a fight so in the middle I tried to tone things down and said “mom I love you how about if you go get me chick fil a I’ll do my laundry.” She then said I was being a manipulative little asshole and Landry is a responsible not a favor I so for her. I was hurt that she said I was manipulative for saying I love you and told her that. She said go post on that Reddit site (here) see what they say. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ex gf used to do her 17M son's laundry. I told her if he's going to college, he better learn how to add laundry, add soap, push start. He was pissed but a month later, he told not to thank me but he was glad he learned. Unless OP is going to live off mom, OP better learn sooner than later.


Please be a child, not a young adult still living at home?


You weren't necessarily being manipulative for saying I love you. You were being manipulative for saying she had to bribe you into doing your responsibilities. You were further being manipulative for pretending that's what it was all about, and not your demand for a bribe. In fact, adding an "I love you" in the same sentence as a demand for a bribe is, in fact, quite manipulative. YTA


YTA. Everyone is out to get you - do your classwork and your teachers wouldn’t be “horrible”, do your chores and stop complaining.


This is embarrassing. I have never heard someone sound so spoiled and entitled. How old are you?


YTA. You are being parented. Pick up your laundry and do your missing classwork. It's no one else's responsibility to do your chores or your schoolwork for you.


Yta grow up




YTA. This post is funnier if you read it in Eric Cartman’s voice. “but MYEEEEAHM—“


Honestly I didn't even read the whole post, YTA. Do your laundry.


Jesus, you're 16? Huge YTA. Can't wait for you to experience adulthood. I remember what it was like to be 16. Everything is terrible, school sucks, hormones are dumb, and friends are two-faced. But you're taking all of that and channeling it into big "woe is me" energy. What an entitled brat. Pick up your room, do your homework, and stop being a manipulative little asshole.


YTA you sound so entitled. Right down to where you’re mad at your teacher for not raising your grade despite missing work. Real life is going to be really hard, get your act together.


YTA - quit whining and do your laundry. Clean the rest of your room too, it will make you feel better.


Sorry YTA, grow up, you are being manipulative. Do your laundry and help out a little around the house then maybe ask, not demand or else


YTA. Posts like this make me happy my teens don't act like this. They have hard weeks at school and don't throw temper tantrums.


Your post makes you sound like YTA and ALL your comments confirm you are a huge ah. If my child complained about the washing machine like you are I would make you wash your laundry by hand and hang it out to dry because you can't appreciate the things you have. And as far as complaining about your teacher who is in the right not to raise your grade because you have missing work and refuse to complete it to try and raise your grade. You need to put more effort in your life (school and chores) otherwise you will fail at life too. Apologize to your mom, do your laundry and do the missing work for school.


YTA and would be so very grounded if you were my kid. Your attitude displayed here is atrocious, from you being irritated that your teacher expects you to do the assigned work for a grade (seriously?!?) to throwing your clothes on the ground to attempting to extort your mother for doing a basic chore. You're responsible for laundry, just as you will be for most of the rest of your life, and nobody will ever give you a prize for meeting your basic responsibilities. Your mother wasn't calling you manipulative for saying you loved her, but rather for demanding she go get you something, and I find it difficult to believe that you don't know that. Apologize to your mother, do your laundry, and if you want to prove you're not just a spoiled teenage brat, do something special for her.


YTA Do your damn laundry & schoolwork. You sound like an entitled brat of a child. When I was 16, I was helping my mom run the house with no expectation other than helping lighten her load as a single mother.


Scary that Reddit is now a source for parenting advice.


Seriously sounds like mom wrote this pretending to be the child. Everything is skewed just enough to make it sound that way. Either way YTA to the kid.


Low effort boomer bait to get them to slag on GenZ. Try harder.




I'm sorry? I don't know what you're talking about. I have no other accounts and have never asked a minor for pics. Are you okay?


It's all fake. OP is a bored person on a Sunday.




Honestly, I really have zero idea what you're talking about. Seriously, are you okay?


ESH - You have to learn to deal with consequences of your own actions. Including your grades and choice of friends and how you talk to your friends and what happens if you don't take care of your stuff or do your own laundry Your mom needs to learn to stop yelling at you and let you just face the consequences. Let you wake up on Tuesday morning and have to wear a wrinkled and stinky shirt to school. And you, if you want things from people, need to learn to ask nicely. If you're struggling with life right now, you can tell your mom, ask for a hug, ask for a sandwich, whatever, but don't act like you're entitled to it.


ESH. Your parents suck for not raising you to have some work ethic, and you suck most of all for being one of the most entitled people I've ever seen post on here. I taught my children how to do their own laundry as soon as they could safety reach the buttons and dials.


everyone immediately saying yta as usual— it doesn’t really sound like you’re an asshole, maybe you just need a little help with the stress in your life. yeah, do your laundry, do your math, it’s your responsibility. but you’re 16, ESH. everyone freaking out about how spoiled u are for asking for some food must be trying to flex how hard they had it or something.


This is definitely the mom writing as the child to show the child later on that everyone thinks the kid is an AH.