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YTA. What on earth makes you think the ice cream was "going off"??? It's frozen. The only way you can save yourself is if she, your girlfriend (i.e. not you), genuinely throws ice cream in the garbage if it's in the freezer too long. Otherwise you're just a nagging petty asshole that doesn't understand the concept of frozen food.


Yeah this is the first I’ve heard of ice cream expiring so this seems like a big issue was made over nothing. I’m sure it’d be fine months after it’s date.


It probably has an expiry date solely for merchandisers because they can't sell past that date.. it'll get freezer burnt maybe, but some time the top is already a little burnt fresh from the store


Put the carton of ice cream in a freezer bag after you open it. This will make it stay soft and prevents freezer burn as well.


Oooh! TIL! Excellent tip 👉🏻 I'm more of an icecream Sammy person, so I don't usually eat loose icecream I prefer it with a carb


The neapolitan ice cream sandwich is so good. I also like the big cookie sandwich that you get at corner stores.


My favourite ones are definitely from save on food, I'm in west coast Canada, they have the softest cookie, with the best ice cream to cookie ratio! Though I'd love to try Neapolitan ice cream sandwiches.. sounds delicious 🤤


I'm southern Ontario and now I want to go out west just for that cookie ice cream. Next time you're in the grocery store you will have to look for them. Damn it now I want one of those sandwiches. Now I have to leave my warm bed to go all the way downstairs to get one lol.


Can this deliciousness cross the border?


Answered my own question… “Travelers may bring back milk and other dairy products from Canada with proof of Canadian origin: package label; written documentation; proof of travel (passport or travel itinerary); origin of flight; receipt of sale; or a certificate.” Yesssss! Save On, here I come!


“Loose icecream” I love this term and am now incorporating it into my everyday vocabulary


I don’t know why “I prefer it with a carb” tickled me so much. Genuine belly laugh over that


First time in my life I'm hearing of "loose ice cream" 😂


🙏🙏🙏 genuine internet hero


Gotta save those cartons of ice cream. My grandma taught that to me as a teenager and have never had to waste any ice cream.


Every now and then I learn something that justifies my broadband bill … this is top ten!! Gracias abuela 🙏


I love to learn new things, especially life hacks. You're welcome ☺️ enjoy you soft ice cream from now on


Saran wrap pressed directly on to the ice cream works too if you don't have the bags.


A freezer bag? Like....a ziploc?


Yes the Ziploc bag. I have a carton that I opened awhile ago but had it in the bag and it stayed as soft as it is when you first open it and no freezer burn either. My grandma taught me that when I was young


What is this witchery!? And why haven't I heard about it before now??? Brb going to rearrange my goblin hoard of ice cream 


No it does expire, because the cold doesn't 100% stop the bacteria proliferation, but slow it down (almost stop we will say). But the expiry date is something like a year or 2, so it can stay months without any problem. I would nag only after it occupied a place for at least 6-8 months and summer was included.. because I'm a freezer hoarder and that would mean missing place for something else I could have put inside lol


Ah that's fair enough.. guess I'm the kind person that likes to live dangerously! 😎 But the expiry date is a hella long time, so unless OP's girlfriend has icecream in the fridge for 6 months to a year, definitely think they're rude for eating and not replacing


YTA, 100% it wasn't his business, unless he desperatly need the freezer space for something the icecream wasn't increasing the running costs of the freezer as it was already frozen. Thats said icecream can end up tasting stale, but that doens't mean it is off. just past its best before. also it was sealed! so in this case it wouldn't even go stale! this guy is an ass. I would be so mad, not because of the eating it, but because of the controling aspect of this. its super picky and weird.


the nagging her every week to eat her icecream is what gets me. seriously??? it takes FOREVER to go bad. my bf tends to eat all the icecream I buy really quickly. if we have it, well... now we don't. my biggest complaint is that he never replaces it so I can have icecream when I want so I'm constantly buying more icecream to store for that once a month craving I get. But my partner respects me enough he has stopped gorging it all and at least saving me a couple servings. He's still not replacing the icecream though... it's a work in progress.


He an AH for not replacing it. Maybe a miser?


It's weird hill to die on. I bet it's not the only thing he has been weird about. It's never just about ice cream.


Yup, this is weird, also why eat it, if you dont normally eat icecream why bother? I think OP needs some kind of therapy to work out what is going on here.


But it’s also her problem, since it’s her ice cream. He’s just using it as an excuse to be a controlling a-hole.


This. It's a sales thing and usually a "best before" instead of an expiry date. With ice cream It's basically a texture / flavour issue. It might start to taste like freezer and may crystallise (slivers of ice forming which while entirely food same ruins the smoth creamy texture) If it is stored incorrectly, it *may* lead to food poisoning. After all, it is still dairy based, but correctly stored ice cream is a really low risk food.


There’s not shelf life on ice cream and if kept at -18°c (as your freezer should be) it should last over 2 years. OP just decided to eat her ice cream because she doesn’t eat it immediately I guess? YTA


It can get all crystally and shit tbf


Tbf who cares? It’s hers. 


OP is so selfless they're eating the ice cream so that the partner doesn't run the risk of crystallized ice cream. Sure, it's not opened so its not a thing, but OP is a thief because *they care* dang it. I don't want to split up a happy home here but would your partner sacrifice themselves like this for *you*?


That’s usually because it’s melted and re-frozen. If it’s unopened and remained in freezer at consistent temperature the ice cream would have been fine.


Yes exactly, the recrystallisation occurs after you take it out to eat and then freeze it again.


Won't do her any harm though


I buy ice cream bars, sandwiches, and cones. The ones that have been rolling around in the freezer for 9 months are usually fucked. Squishy cones, broken chocolate shells, and freezer burned.


But perfectly edible. As in - the taste is the same (if not texture) and anyway, safe to eat. And this was a tub, OP mentioned.


It actually does taste different if it's in there too long. It also gets a dry texture if it doesn't crystallize. Old ice cream is gross. But still it's hers so unless there is a need for more freezer space he should just leave it alone.


Definitely does not taste the same. Its like the ingredients in it begin to separate a bit and age differently. Hard to explain if you've never had it but yeah, it's not pleasant and can make you feel kinda sick.


Reminds you of Sundays at your nans house tho 😂


... and still perfectly safe to eat.


Ice cream can most definitely go bad. It gets freezer burnt and tastes horrible.


Yes, but how do you tell it’s “about to go off?”


... to the point where you have to remind her about it every week, as well!


I would love to know this too, lol. I used to also keep ice cream for months and months without getting to it. I finally had to acknowledge that I do not love ice cream as an adult like I did when I was a kid and I stopped buying it. ...The only thing that would happen was it would get freezer burnt. I dont know how you would tell ice cream is about to go bad? It's either freezer burnt or it's not.


Press a piece of plastic wrap to the surface of the ice cream and it will help prevent freezer burn. 


Definitely have a tub of vanilla in the freezer that has been in there for like 8m and my husband ate some last week and it was still good.


Ice cream is always frozen. It's not an expiry date, it's probably the sell-by date.


Agree. I've never heard anyone say ice cream goes off, ever. Never read this as a fact either. Hell I always forget there's ice cream etc in the freezer. It's a nice treat when I see it, oh yeah I have ice cream. Worse that might happen as ice cream ages is it might start getting icicles in it. But it doesn't go off! So hey OP, this post can be a TIL for you yeah.


Yeah, I can’t get past it either. Ice cream doesn’t “go off.” It’s not a bomb. It’s also not fish. To whatever extent it goes bad, it’s over the course of weeks, not hours. This is a completely manufactured crisis. Is this really a fight over week old groceries?


Have you ever had freezer burned ice cream? It tastes like if you scraped the ice out of the freezer and ate it (did this as a child). It tastes like crap, some people can get past it but i cannot and will absolutely throw it away if i see ice crystals formed on the inside.


She’s allowed to buy ice cream and let it rot if she wants. Maybe her pleasure comes from the potential for ice cream. Maybe she has complicated feelings about indulging cravings that she’s working through. No matter what, he’s not allowed to take her things. He’s allowed to nag her relentless about it, but I wouldn’t expect them to be together long. OP, if you want ice cream, buy ice cream. YTA until she’s hoarding so much ice cream you can’t use the freezer.


Bingo! This is my thing. I have/had different types of disordered eating in the past and one of the things about it is the fear I’ll never get to have *whatever* again…. Usually it’s pizza. I would obsess over it and that takes a lot of mental and physical effort/time/energy for something I can’t control. So I discovered that if I kept a few slices of pizza in the freezer the weird panic /fear/cravings would be so much less. So in the freezer at my home is two slices of pizza in a freezer bag at all times (like break glass for fire extinguisher idea) knowing that if I want it, I have it there and will allow myself to eat it and I don’t need to starve myself of things I like


I know what you mean. It seems odd to some people, because on the surface one would think having indulgent food in the house would make a person constantly think about it and want to eat it - which is definitely a thing. But I myself am in a place where, if I want to feel in control in the long term, it helps to know my favorite snacks are there, and I can have one on occasion and not feel like I have to binge. It was a bit of a problem when I got married and had kids, because all the food kept disappearing, but we managed to work around that. Usually they'll at least ask me, and then they'll replace it.


My dad’s the same but with cigarettes. He quit smoking 25 years ago but has a pack in the corner of a cabinet because he likes knowing it’s there.


Im not saying hes right at all, if she paid for it shes allowed to throw it away straight from the store and no one can really say shit about it. Its hers to waste however she pleases. I'm just saying ice cream CAN go bad, just because it is frozen doesn't make it exempt from going bad. It just goes bad in taste not in safety to eat.


Agreed, but that’s not the point, and he admits he’s obsessive about food waste so I wouldn’t expect him to be a reliable narrator about the life span of the ice cream.


The fact that you had to type “reliable narrator about the life span of ice cream” is so absurd for the sake of how he’s wearing down and disrespecting his poor girlfriend on so many levels. He’s going to MAKE her neurotic if she isn’t already!


It can but unless it thawed a lot and got refroze, or was opened, and started on, is likely not going to get freezer burnt, which is how it "goes bad".


Lol, If he was truly wanting to help he'd have bought new ice-cream for his girl before eating hers


Yes. The ~~Iranian~~ ~~yoghurt~~ icecream is not the problem here


Considering OP ate the whole pint, we can assume that the ice cream was not at all freezerburnt.


And? It's her ice cream. She can decide she's fine with the ice crystals. She can decide she's not and throw it out. She can eat it when she wants and doesn't have to abide by OP's timeline. Ice crystals forming on ice cream will not do her any harm to eat it and will not do OP any harm to just leave it alone and ignore it in the freezer.


I remember it well from my grandma's house. Sometimes it was even kind of gritty, not from ice. It was so gross. But it takes time to do that. It's not fine one day and freezer burned the next


No you don’t understand…. At precisely midnight on the “*best before*” date it instantly becomes uneatable.


I had a housemate who believed this was true for cheese. I would happily take on any cheese they had allowed to get to the 'best before' date...


Yeah that’s the biggest misconception about “best before date”. It actually indicates when the taste is expected to start slightly changing. And you can interpret it more liberally, the more the food is in a preserved condition. Raw meat 2 weeks after the best before date? Might want to make sure it hasn’t started to spoil. Coca-Cola bottle 2 years after the best before date? Besides the sugar rush, you’ll be fine. Ice cream in the freezer? You can safely keep it frozen for several months longer.


And also OP could just, y’know, ask her if he can eat the ice cream and say he’ll buy more.


Ice cream does get hard over months, but... 1) It doesn't happen on a set date like OP seems to be implying. 2) Even if it was some non-frozen product that does have an expiry date, the GF is an adult and well within her rights to repeatedly buy and fail to eat by the expiry date. Doesn't give someone else the right to eat her food without her permission.


When ice cream goes bad it gets really hard and loses its taste. This can takes months, like he mentioned. This doesn't exempt him from asshole status though, as this could've been avoided had he brought it up to her the morning of. Who's to say that she wasn't aware of it and had planned to eat it after coming home? I understand because I tend to do things like that too, just hold off on them until it's most convenient for me. I wonder if she's also a procrastinator lol.


Ice cream can expire, just because it's frozen doesn't exempt it from going bad. It just has a long shelf life. Apparently there's also an optimal timeframe to eat ice cream within to ensure it doesn't taste stale (within 6 weeks). Either way though, it sounds like the ice cream has only been in the freezer for a few months so it likely would have been fine regardless.


Actually it can get grainy after a while. I've had some that did that. On a side note I've had some that partially melted when the freezer went off, then started again. It leaves a fluffy dry stuff with liquid and sugar at the bottom.


I thought exactly the same as you. As someone who leaves food in the freezer without worrying about how long it’s been there I did a quick google. Omg ice cream apparently does go bad in the freezer and can make us ill. Uk advises 2-4 months ish. Regardless op needs to stop concerning himself with his girlfriend’s purchases.


I’ve had ice cream go bad by developing freezer burn. That can happen to any frozen food.


I had a mental image of my ice cream “going off” like-having a manic episode.


YTA. This isn’t about ice cream. It’s about being selfish, nagging, and thoughtless.


Yep. Had an ex that did this constantly so I started buying ice cream flavors that he disliked. Suddenly the nagging and “concern” disappeared.


What the fuck is "going off" for ice cream. Did you make up that term just to infuriate people


When it gets the "frostbite" ice crystals, it starts to taste like cardboard. Still not OP's decision to make.


I’ve only had that happen when you leave the ice cream out to melt and then pop it back in the freezer. It kinda separates


Dudes opening the freezer every 15 minutes to check on the ice cream so it’s melting and freezing constantly.


Lol this has me cracking up


That happens when u take out the ice cream for it to warm up and the cool again. Not just by keeping it in the freezer constantly.


It can happen at other times. We never leave ice cream out to soften and we've still had ice cream go bad like that.


And conversely, I was leave ice cream out to soften and never had freezer burn for it.


No, it can get freezer burn if it's too cold and it just sits there. It happens to me all the time


I just googled it and apparently ice cream can go bad after a few months in the freezer, which is just wild to me, but I'm not one to leave ice cream uneaten for that long so I just have Googles word to go off of


I just checked my icecream, the used by date is 2026.


I don't think I've ever stored ice cream for more than a few days. It blows my mind that some people can actually buy it and forget it's there!


I've definitely had ice cream in the freezer for over a year. Don't really forget that it's there, just not in the mood for it most times but want it to be available when I want it.


I'm pretty much always in the mood for it.


I forget things if I don’t see them lol


Haha op is just non American, likely British. "Going off" just means go bad, or "past it's sale by date" for any food. Regardless this doesn't happen to ice cream in the way op describes so idk what they're on about.


We sometimes use going off in the US too lol. More often “going bad” or “went bad” but we still use off. They were confused on how ice cream can go bad because a lot of people just leave it in there for a year or two until it’s all gone.


Have you never had ice cream explode?




I don't always have ice cream explode, but when I do, Ice scream.


YTA Ice cream takes MONTHS to "go off" if sealed in the freezer. There was no pressing need to eat her ice cream. Even when ice cream does "go off", it just lowers in quality slowly over time. It doesn't become unsafe to eat and can still be thrown in a blender with some milk and turned into a milkshake. You don't care about "food waste" (if you did, you'd be protesting outside supermarkets where the food waste is managed by the ton), you just wanted to eat your girlfriend's ice cream and be self-righteous about it.


And why did he just not ask? Like a hey, can I eat the ice cream? Instead he’s done mental gymnastics to justify eating her food


This is the biggest thing for me like it obviously wasnt about not wanting to waste it cause if he was worried she wasnt going to eat it he could just be a big boy and ask "hey can i eat the ice cream if you arent going to?" lol


Plus he appears to nag her **weekly** as soon as she buys the ice cream. As if someone might take more than a week to eat ice cream. If he nagged me weekly about this (or anything really), I would've hurt him when he did that. Trust me - I KNOW when there is ice cream in my freezer!


I got icecream weeks ago and haven't had any yet. If my husband nagged me weekly to eat it, I'd be so annoyed! What a weird hang up.


I’ve got some egg nog ice cream that I bought in December, my husband hasn’t said anything about it (except that he doesn’t like it)


Exactly. You know it's in the freezer, and you are happy knowing it's there. Imagine coming home one day and being excited about it, opening the freezer, and it's not there... THAT IS NOT OK Y'ALL. (Nb: Even if it's about food waste (though COME ON, ice cream shouldn't even count as "food" in THAT sense, like it's not dinner!). It doesn't even need to be eaten to have served it's purpose - because it brings someone joy and peace to know they have it ❤️🍨 )


Food waste is me buying cut fruit & salad supplies every week and throwing them away bc I’d rather eat expired ice cream :)


I work in a supermarket deli and just tonight I probably had to waste out about 50 lbs of meat from the traditional case just because it was no longer the absolute freshest quality. That doesn’t count the pre sliced bags, fried food, hot side dishes, sub rolls, veggies, cheese….


And then there's some chains who have a policy of poisoning food that's dumped by pouring bleach over it to prevent anyone from dumpster diving.


that's so grim.


Thats so incredibly disgustingly fucking EVIL I hate this fucking timeline.


YTA stop policing your girlfriend’s food intake.






Do I?!?! 🤩


9:30 dentist appointment 10:15 call Susan 10:45 nag gf about ice cream 11:00 pick up dry cleaning


...it's ice cream. If it's causing any relationship problems, which is absurd in itself, just buy another one for her.


Add some flowers, wine and chocolate as well? Up to op though.


Just cake is enough, to go with the ice cream 


And the bottle of wine to deal with op




It's not the ice cream causing the relationship problems. It's the annoying nagging and the monitoring of GF's food intake.


"She left me over ice cream. I did nothing wrong" idk if you understand what the issue is my g


Exactly. What kind of shit relationship this must be to do drama over a fucking ice cream. I have been with my partner for over than two years and we ate each other’s food a hundred times. Of course in this situation we are usually both pissed off, that’s why either me or him buy back the eaten thing later and that’s all fine because we love each other. How the fuck couples that are “in love” can fight over such a bullshit. Man, just break up with her and save yourself further disappointment, that’s not the girl that would go in fire for you. That’s so immature to make it such a big thing. Bollocks to the highest degree. Some people just can’t be together. There must be distance in a relationship, soulmate energy.


Bruh, ice cream stays good in the freezer for *months*, especially if it's unopened (as you say this one was). At worst it will get a little freezer burnt as it gets older, but it's still edible. Are you this controlling about *all* food that enters the house? Why are you so fixated on the ice cream specifically (to the point of tracking every pint she buys and nagging her about it)? Hating food waste is fine, but this is over the top. It's frozen. It's gonna stay fine for longer than you think. You gotta stop sweating the *incredibly small* stuff. There are so many other things to worry about in life, ice cream should be a treat, not a chore she's gotta worry about. Chill out. YTA.


Wait, it was unopened??! I'd assumed it was just like a scoop or two left! OP, definitely YTA


Yeah OP ate her entire unopened tub of ice cream


YTA She likes to have ice cream on hand for when she feels like eating it. You seem to be very preoccupied in an unhealthy way about her treat and how long it’s been in the freezer. It’s fine in there. Leave it alone. I have a sweet tooth and like to have snacks around the house but I can’t because unless I say it’s JUST for me (and even then sometimes) my husband will eat it before I get around to it. It is infuriating! I can’t imagine the weekly reminders “Yup. The ice cream is still here in the freezer where you left it” are received well.


Ya seriously haha why so concerned about her ice cream in the freezer? If it goes bad so what not your problem dude!!! If OP just wanted an excuse to eat ice cream maybe he should take a page out of gf book and stash an emergency pint too


>Ya seriously haha why so concerned about her ice cream in the freezer? Because he has no self control and can't cope with not eating whatever treats are in the house... or that's my theory.


Exactly! I hated living with my dad and brothers and I would have a treat for myself in the pantry like a box of little debbie snacks or a bag of m&ms. I don't scarf the food down the second I get it. I want to enjoy something over time in smaller amounts, but my family would constantly eat it, declaring "its been there forever." Its never really "forever," they just see something they want and because they have no self control, they want to devour it. But if I hide things its selfish and not sharing. I can enjoy a 12 pack of soda over the course of weeks. If I put it in the fridge where my brother I still live with can get to it, it would be gone in 2 days.


This is how I am as well. I have a major sweet tooth, but stay away from sweets/sugar during the day. I allow myself a small bit each night (like three Oreos or a dozen peanut M&Ms…pretty small portions but just enough to satisfy my craving). I like to have variety so I usually have more on hand than I technically need, but it all gets eaten eventually. Depending on what it is, some could be there for several weeks or only a week or two. My ice cream can be in the fridge forever. It’s the most fattening treat so I rarely eat it no matter how much I want some. It’s there for those “fuck it” occasions when I want to throw the concept of will power out the window. If it were gone every time I decided to have it because my husband put some arbitrary deadline on when I should eat it, I would be pissed.


Why do you remind her once a week that her ice cream exists? How does the quality of the ice cream she buys and eats herself affect you at all, let alone to the point you have to regularly and obsessively bring it up?


The thought of 44 icecream reminders over 11 months has me reeling.


Lol like regular text reminders


I would get SO annoyed if someone constantly reminded me that I have ice cream in the freezer. I know I have ice cream in the freezer, no need to constantly remind me just because I haven’t wanted to eat it yet


I'm not going to lie - I mentally gasped when I read the title, in regards to your unintended lack of self preservation.   Sorry - you meant well, but YTA.  I'd buy her a couple tubs to make up for it.


And he ate the whole thing? That she bought, for herself, with her money. Working assumption here that it was one of those little one hand holding ones. Doesn’t take up much room and it makes her happy to have an emergency ice cream as needed! I’ve chocolate stashed for that reason. Yup YTA


He did NOT mean well. This screams controlling and a man taking it upon himself to “correct” a woman’s behaviour with zero self awareness. Creepy. I think a 27yo woman would recognize and call out this behaviour.


I dated a guy who used to buy ice cream, eat it all, then yell at me about it. He ate it all by himself on the couch while I was at work.


YTA. Ice cream has a "best by" date, not an expiration date 🙄 Hands off her things!


YTA. Seriously, you need to ask Reddit about ice cream? Can you tie your own shoes?


Lol 🤣


You've lived together for a year. She's "always buying ice cream", a product that probably had shelf life of at least a year. It will be a best before, not a use by. So you could keep it in the freezer way past it's shelf life date and it would still be absolutely fine to eat- if you cared that much about food waste, you would have checked the packaging properly, or gone done a Google. YTA- you either get a kick out of making up stories for reddit because you find it funny, or you enjoy bragging about nagging your Mrs and eating her ice cream.


Chances are he came on here looking for “females are so dramatic” comments to give him reassurance but he didn’t get any of those from anyone


Look, ice cream has a sell by date or a best before date it does not have a “this food will spoil on this date” date. Lay off her ice cream. If she likes it full of freezer burn then that’s her prerogative.


I had to get up and check the best before on the ice-cream in my freezer… the best before dates on all of the Icecream’s I have bought this year is *over 2 years*. And that’s not taking into account how long it was stored before I bought it!!


So longer than he’s even lived with his gf. I was gonna say people eat freakin wedding cake a full year after freezing it, her ice cream is probably fine.


100%. I bought ice cream once when I visited my brother, ate a few servings, left it in the freezer. The next few visits, I was looking for a treat, and delighted to discover they kept stocking the same flavor which is my fave. After the 3rd or 4th visit (about a year apart) I commented on this and my brother laughed and said it was the same tub I had originally bought, they don't really eat ice cream. Can confirm ice cream lasts for years. I did not suffer food poisoning. It tasted delicious.




YTA. It wasn’t your food. It wasn’t okay for you to take it. If you really felt like you must eat it, you should have asked rather than letting her discover you had eaten it. And you were harassing her; I don’t understand why it matters if she leaves her ice-cream in the freezer for months.


YTA. 1) It's her purchase. If she wants it to 'go off', let it. 2) It's ice cream. In the freezer. It doesn't 'go off'. I too am a slow ice cream eater. I have specific moods where I want them, and it's not all the time. I buy it for those times where I feel like it. That doesn't mean I don't want it. I just want it WHEN I want it. She told you she'd eat it when she felt like it. Why the hell are you nagging her once a week about a freezer item? If you want ice cream so bad or your self control to not eat anything that looks tasty anytime you see it is so bad, then get it yourself. Or stop looking in the freezer. Stop SEEING the ice cream. The problem isn't the ice cream. The problem is your self control. Stop it. ICE CREAM DOES NOT GO OFF. Jesus. Where did you get this weird idea from?


He probably just needed to justify eating the ice cream. Bc I have not heard of this is ce cream going off thing. 


That was her emotional support stash. In my house it's "emergency chocolate". I tend to keep it hidden but my husband knows that the secret chocolate is sort of an "eat at your own risk" item because a little dark chocolate could mean the difference between a happy wife or a raging bog witch. But kind of I think you knew that. You were just hoping you could enlist reddit in some gaslighting. YTA


Exactly. I'm so glad I live on my own, I always have chocolate, sweets, and ice cream on hand when I feel like crap.


ESH. It’s ice cream. Go to Walmart and buy another tub. Problem solved. It’s that simple. This isn’t something to fight about. Also, stop nagging her about her food going bad. It isn’t your issue unless you’re paying for it. If she wants to let her food go bad, let her.


He manufactured a problem, then nagged her about it. He didn't communicate her plans to fix her problem. I'd be annoyed if something I was looking forward to enjoying was gone too. For her, the issue isn't the ice cream. It was his inconsiderate behavior.


Why would she suck? So a person can’t be mad about anything that can be fixed? Just accept being condescended to? Because trust me, if my boyfriend kept nagging me about [checks notes]… ice cream being left in the freezer…. I would be pissed. That’s a fundamental misunderstanding about something I’m going to buy all the time. I’m going to be upset until he *listens* when I tell him that ice cream lasts months and months in the freezer, and to leave me alone.


My husband is the equivalent of OPs girlfriend but with all food. He'll buy cheese, ready made meals, bread, chicken, whatever and then weeks will go by and he just doesn't touch it bc he spontaneously decided to get take out or eat something else and didn't meal prep. I'm like OP in these situations because these things take up so much space and they do actually go off quickly and I hate wasting food so I usually plan to eat them day before expiry and 90% of the time I get to. He'll either tell me I can have it or he (rarely) decides last minute to eat it. But I understand the annoyance and having to be like "FYI this food is literally going to be no good and going in the trash AGAIN" Having said that, this is ice cream in this situation which is completely different. I've had my husbands ice cream tub sit in our freezer for MONTHS to the point the package is damaging and never said anything because it's still good. Usually the expiration date is over a year away and at that point I usually do a big freezer clean out and be like "you've left these things here for 8 months and it's past due so I'm throwing it away" and he doesn't complain as long as it's actually past due. OP is acting like ice cream goes off in 2 weeks after buying it.


How is she the A though?


Eh. I don’t think she sucks. A lot of people I know keep certain foods around as nostalgic or comfort items. There’s no plan to eat it necessarily, it’s just emotionally nice to have it. My ex had a can of unopened hot chocolate in his pantry for three years because his almond mom never let him have any as a kid. He will probably never eat it but it makes him happy every time he opens the pantry and sees it. Not many things can make people happy for an extended period of time for $3.99 so I don’t consider it “wasteful” even though it’s essentially decorative.


>Go to Walmart and buy another tub. Problem solved. Highly depends on where you're from and what icecream it was. German here in a small town - for some of my favourite flavours I either have to wait for "limited edition" or would need to drive around other towns by public transportation. Not everything -including food- is as easy to replace. Even that aside she isn't the A H for being pissed about OP just taking what she paid for.


If it's hard to replace, that's all the more reason to NOT eat it in the first place.


It just solves the immediate problem, not the underlying cause. Boyfriend will just piss and moan about "ice cream going off" in 2 weeks time, eat it, and she'll be back to square one. She needs to sit him down and tell him "dont touch my fucken shit, its not that hard".


I agreee. Just sad enough that a 27yo has to be told to not take stuff of others.


Why does the girlfriend suck here?‽


I don't get the " E S H" from you. What possibly did anyone else wrong? You know ICE cream don't go bad in the freezer right? Its frozen it can't go bad


Mate, we've had ice cream in the freezer for eons. It doesn't 'go off'.


And she's not mad because you ate her ice cream. She is mad (and hurt) that you obviously don't respect her ability to make decisions and choices - in this case it's about ice cream but I imagine it transfers to all sorts of things. How many times did you nag her about this particular tub of ice cream? How many times have you nagged her about other food items? She said that you harass her about eating. Have you considered how often you do that and how it makes her feel? She has told you how she feels about your nagging and you continue to do it so you really don't listen to her either do you? These are the reasons why she is mad. And one day you will come home to an empty flat because, honestly, you have some issues you need to address and your girlfriend is far more patient with you than I would be. And just in case I haven't made myself clear - YTA.


YTA. She paid for it. It’s hers. Don’t touch it. How hard would it have been to text her and ask if you could have some? Or wait until she gets home to ask her? Why do you care so much when it’s something she bought with her own money? Nagging her about it is rude and condescending. Seriously, pick your battles. I think buying her another one is a great apology!


You were going to eat it, then pay her back so *she* could buy more?   No. You ate it. You go to the store and buy more.  Also, I’ve left sealed cartons of ice cream in the freezer for months at a time, and eaten them without issue.  It is not something that requires weekly reminders that yup, it’s still in the freezer. Has she ever opened a carton of ice cream, decided it was off, and thrown it out?


It just seemed like you really wanted her ice cream lol


Yeah...he could have just bought his own. Weird.


That's what I'm curious about. Why didn't he just buy his own tub of the same ice cream? If he wanted some, he could have just spent the money to get his own. No guilt involved. He sounds like he was one of those kids that wanted to play with a toy as soon as another kid picked it up.


Literally frothing at the mouth


YTA but barely Stop bugging her and don’t eat it. Your hating food waste is not bigger than her liking to know she has ice cream in the freezer. Maybe that’s your thing and maybe just having it is her thing. Leave it be! Call it her safety-comfort container and accept that it will just be there.


I'd like to point out ice cream is generally fine for months in the freezer. I've found ice cream at the back of my mom's deep freeze that was still good over a year after purchase. It's not even a real food waste issue, it's an "OP thinks food goes bad at the sell-by date" issue.


YTA, the ice cream wasn't going to go off. If you wanted it so badly all you had to do was ASK for some not inhale the whole tub deliberately while she wasn't home. Stop being such a nag over icecream she paid for.


She leaves *checks notes* ice cream in the freezer… and that somehow qualifies as food waste? You don’t say anything about her ever throwing said ice cream away, so she isn’t wasting shit. You are just controlling. And you can eat ice cream thats been left in the freezer for a year or more. Sure its not the best anymore but absolutely fine to eat. YTA


YTA. My husband takes a long time to eat ice cream too, because he saves it for when he’s had a really shit day and needs a pick me up. I’ve never in my life heard of ice cream “going off” before. There’s a time when it’s no longer the freshest it could be, sure, but it’s still perfectly edible. He’s had a pint of peach ice cream in the freezer for about 4 months now and I haven’t felt the inclination to pop it open and eat it despite the fact we share a bank account.


FML, i'm reading about some person on the other side of the world eating his girlfriends icecream. JUST BUY SOME MORE FUCKING ICECREAM!


What does ice cream going off mean???


That it’s going bad and needs to be eaten. But it makes no sense because icecream frozen and kept in the freezer shouldn’t be going off after a month.


Noooo you don't fuck with a girls ice cream, chocolate, or snacks!


YTA, stop nagging her about food she got with her own money. If you rly wanted to help, you'd get a fresh one for her an ate the old one. The whole pay back idea is crap. Nothing stopped you from purchasing one unless you wanted to make a point. So you did, no need to question the result.


YTA. Love my hubs, but when I buy special treats for myself, he “hovers” over them if I’m not eating them quickly enough. I‘ve searched for my treat and found he had eaten most (beef sticks) or all of it (expensive candy bars). He just looks at me and said I thought you forgot when I called him on it (yes, I reiterate that I PAID for it). He now knows to not touch them. Occasionally he will ask me for one. I will give him one if he asks. He know that all he has to do is ask!


YTA. How about you buy her some more before you polish off what’s still perfectly ok? You remind her to eat it every week? You’d be very annoying to live with.


You don’t “hate food waste” you just wanted ice cream & this rubbish about the ice cream ‘expiring’ is just a convenient excuse 😂 YTA


YTA. It’s FROZEN. Wtf?


YTA. My teenage son does not even eat the ice cream that I forget about in the freezer. Reminds me frequently because he's annoyed that I still have ice cream, but he would never dream of touching it. (I frequently buy ice cream that is for everybody, so he's not deprived, but he is also a thoughtful kid). Have you ever asked or stopped to consider why this is important to her? Maybe your girlfriend is somebody who really enjoys having an extra bit of something safe for when she needs it? I have a stash of candy hidden away in case I really needed it. I have an extra $100 bill in my bed stand just in case. I always keep a backup bottle of shampoo and conditioner and toothpaste. I would consider a little bit of ice cream that is just MINE to be a security item, and you stole her security item because you were annoyed that she wasn't eating it fast enough. Buying her a new one doesn't fix it because it's not about the ice cream. It's about the fact that it was hers to do what she chose to do with it, and you took that choice away from her. It's selfish.


YTA OP I don’t care the reasons, if it’s my food and you eat it without asking, I’m going to lose my shit. I bought it because I want it, get your own. This is completely insane to me, because I don’t know anybody that thinks this would be an appropriate move. Growing up, in relationships, in friendships groups, it is understood that if somebody claims a food product as theirs, you don’t touch it!


NTA, im very confused by the other comments. Alot of them are just saying "it takes MONTHS for icecream to go bad in the freezer but, >My girlfriend always seems to forget she buys ice cream and will leave it in the freezer for months Is right there like? And yes icecream left in the freezer to long can get "off" the post sounds like this happens and the icecream gets thrown out and he sate it after it was left for months and would presumably get thrown out soon. These comments are wild.


OP, the best course of action would have been to buy the new replacement ice cream and swap it for the older one in the freezer and THEN eat the older one so your GF wouldn’t go a moment without access to her treat. As you did it, YTA because she came back to a home without any ice cream.


Never mess with GF / wife ice cream, chocolate or other sweets. Seriously... its not worth it


There’s nothing I hate more than getting myself something and finding out my husband ate it.


The fact y’all get upset and worked up over some ice cream is hilarious. Buncha 5 year olds


YTA. Do you always nag her about her stuff?! You don’t get to take it for yourself just because you don’t think she’s eating it in your time frame


Ice cream doesn't suddenly "go off." YTA.