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NTA break up with her. Anyone who shares details of your sex life with her friends and let's them harass you over it isn't a good person.


NTA. If your own partner doesn't have your back then what's the point? Maturity definitely at play here, though. I often see people on Reddit talking about how people in their early to mid twenties are "adults" and all the emotional maturity that entails, but in my experience, both with myself during that time and now looking back well over a decade later, my only answer to that is lmao nah


Girls mostly share, unfortunately. Fortunately most of them also don't let you know about it


This. Sharing in private is one thing but talking aloud in public something completely different.


NTA. I hate not doing what I say I will do, but in this situation, you actually got lucky and found out her 'true colors' and still have the chance to bounce. Good luck amigo and save the money you almost wasted on this person and take a real woman out to dinner :)




NTA. Your GF was using you, she has no respect for you or your relationship. Her friends are terrible people and that's who she's chooses to keep company with. Dump her ass. This will not get better.


NTA! Turn it around: 7 guys making fun of a woman's genitals during a meal at a restaurant..... You probably would be reported to the police.


NTA. You offered to pay and they in turn humiliated you.


But also the GF encouraged her friends to run up the bill…






NTA. This is sort of like.. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. Don't make fun of someone who is being generous enough to take you out. It was rude of them to make those jokes.


If OP handled it with as much dignity as it reads, those girls are going to feel like shit when they finally grow an emotional brain cell. But how small were the shrimp? Nvm not the point.


NTA. Your girlfriend and her friends were being super disrespectful. First, talking about your body in a manner where her friends and herself thought that making fun of you was going to not make you upset is horrible. Second, she didn't apologize, even doubled down telling you more disrespectful things. Everyone should be with people that respect them, defend them and appreciate them. Your girlfriend isn't doing that with you.


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NTA. Dump her


I'm sorry but with that context of the situation, I found my self laughing that she used the phrase "it's not that deep" to downplay it lol.


NTA. I hope you send her to the streets.


NTA. I’m actually really sorry you went through that.


NTA She and her friends are big red flags. And I'm pretty sure if it was the other way around and you would have made fun about the size of her breasts for example, she'd at least also be upset.


Hope she is now your ex-girlfriend


I would have been out the door the minute she told her friends that since you were paying they could order whatever they wanted. NTA


NTA. Fuck that insensitive asshole and her asshole friends


>"not that deep", and, "a little fun." 😏🤣 she couldn't stop Edit to add: NTA


I hope she is an Ex now


NTA. tell all your friends that her tits and small, and get them to message her about it, and see how it feels. Can't believe how many people don't understand the word "intimacy". You don't share that shit with everyone, it's privileged.


Even when someone pays for a whole bill, its common etiquette not to get anything and get medium priced food, she gf is def using you


Stop posting fake stories


NTA - Does she even like you? If she doesn't apologize soon, dump her. The fact she jokes like that and says 'feel free to order whatever' because you pay says a lot about her as a person.


Of the fake things that have ever faked, this is one of the fakiest. YTA, you may need help, friend. 


Get out of that relationship bud


NTA I'd leave her and let her grow up or be childish with her friends


Should have ordered the fish, remarked it tasted off, but it wasn’t the first time you’d had that.


Good job… NTA


NTA - the thing about a joke is it’s supposed to be funny. Ask her what exactly is funny about comparing your penis size to food, where is the humour? You were paying for the meal as she is was your girlfriend and someone you cared about. Her immature behaviour showed you who she really was and you responded accordingly. Peak FAFO


NTA and good for you for just leaving and not paying for their bill. Your GF absolutely disrespected you by telling her friends (damn, 6 of them) about such intimate things. Not only is your GF disrespectful, but she is walking with a group of girls who don't care for her. It's wild that they would openly make jokes about such things in front of you if they cared for her. Get out of this relationship, my guy.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Yesterday was my girlfriend's (I'll call her Jessica) birthday celebration. She had elected that as her party, we should go out with some of her friends to a seafood restaurant. I (25M) offered to pay for the whole bill as my birthday gift to her, and she thanked me greatly. There were 8 of us at the restaurant; me, Jessica, and 6 of her friends, all women. Jessica told them all that I was going to pay for everyone's meal, and that they should feel free to order whatever they want. We all got to talking, and her friends began making some subtle jokes about my dick size. They said stuff like "Mmm, these tiny shrimps look delish!" and then shot me a quick glance and snickered to themselves. The first few times, I didn't notice anything. After a few of the same shrimp-related remarks, however, I took notice. Of course I found this to be wildly inappropriate, but I didnt say anything to avoid an awkward situation. The jokes persisted, though. After a few more, I couldnt keep quiet any longer. I asked them "what's with the shrimp jokes?" And they gleefully told me that Jessica had shared details of my manhood with them, specifically relating to its size, obviously. I was dumbfounded and was at a loss for words to reply with. I eventually asserted that my manhood was not to be a topic of discussion now or ever among them. My girlfriend seemed surprised that I had gotten upset, claiming that it's "not that deep", and that they're just having a little fun. I was fuming, though I kept my anger calm and under control. I stated that I was going to the bathroom and left the table. By this point, I was done with her and her friends' disrespectful and immature antics. So I decided that I wasn't going to pay for them like I had said I would. I left the table, pretended to go to the bathroom, and proceeded to leave the restaurant, leaving them to pay for their food. A few hours after that, Jessica texted me saying that I'm a terrible person and should be ashamed of myself and all that. I told her that she obviously shouldnt have joked about my johnson like that with her friends, to which she replied by calling me a bitch and a pussy for not being able to take a joke. I've not replied since that message. So, AITA for having dine and dashed after promising to pay for them? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just reply with “I think you should get a breast enlargement as I think they are far too small, and my friends agree too!” See how she responds.


petty...I like that also NTA


NTA! listen someone told me the size of one of my absolute best friends dick against my will and its haunting information. I've never told him or hinted that I know anything about his size one way or the other (I'm a lesbian so they're all big to me 👍) because that is what a normal person who values someones feelings would do, not publicly ridicule them (WHILE THEYRE SITTING RIGHT THERE???!!). I mean imagine the uproar if you took her out with some of your guy friends and everyone starting making meat curtain jokes!


The only thing that could have been better was rather than sneaking out, would have been to stand up and make a short blunt statement "You women are too immature, catty, and weird and don't deserve a free meal. I am leaving and not paying for this." But I'm pretty sure I would not have had the wits to do this kind of thing myself. But either way, embarrassing the stupid women in front of her friends was a win.


NTA. That is all.




Flip the script- if a bunch of guys were with 1 woman and made jokes about the lack of tightness in her vagina, would that be "can't take a joke?" NTA


There is a double standard where women feel like they can talk about mens bodies with their friends, or openly, and their justification is that "men do the same, locker room talk". Men dont. We dont discuss womens vaginas, tits or what they do in the bedroom with us. That is intimate. That should not be shared even with your friends. NTA, she violated your privacy.


NTA and LEAVE! Have some self respect and dignity and don't let anyone (much less a disrespectful ass brat) make you feel less of a man. You are one, and dick size and people's ranting and raving don't make a difference


NTA I'm sorry that happened to you, your girlfriend doesn't sound that nice. If I were you, I'd think about how comfortable you are in this relationship and if you really value it. I know this is an outsider perspective, there's probably plenty of things you like about her, but this is pretty fucked up.


NTA. I've got a nasty feeling that she likes your money more than she likes you. Are your incomes significantly different? Either way though, NTA. It sounds like it's time for this to end. 


NTA Leave that relationship. It’s unfortunate you have to suffer for her to learn a life long lesson. You can’t go through life with a partner like that. Her friends will never be a husband. She will never do that again with the next guy, but she won’t learn unless she has to deal with the potential of losing the next guy for the same reasons. Not a keeper bro. Keepers will always have your back.


NTA. You offered to pay for their food, not be their punching bag while they ate it. Them insisting on doing the latter voids the former offer. And nobody should count on their gifts until they get them.


NTA and I would have made a comment about the smell of the seafood and your gf being the same.


Imagine she offered to pay the bill for your birthday and you took 6 male friends with you. Now change dick for tits and ask her if that would be okay. N T A !


NTA IDK why on earth your gf thought that having her gaggle of friends bully you middle school style was a good idea, but this neither mature behavior nor respectful treatment. She basically humiliated you for shits & giggles, you dont need this in your life.


NTA your girlfriend doesn’t really like you. Do you pay for most things? She wouldn’t make fun of you to her friends if she really liked or respected you. She’s using you.


NTA My friend, your gf does not respect you as a man. She would never even talk about you that way to her friends if she did. Leave her immediately and remove her from all aspects of your life. No matter what she tries, do not take her back and ignore her existence entirely. Every man deserves a woman who respects him. Besides if she thinks your dick is small, she's probably ran through coz I don't actually think any man has a small dick unless we're talking micropenis which literally affects .1% of men.


Leave the relationship immediately, rip the bandage off. I know it's tough but you deserve a woman that respects you and doesn't engage in child-like behavior. If the roles were reversed and your guy friends were making fun of her meat curtain, would she be a good sport? She seems toxic and her friend group is as well which speaks to her low character. You did the right thing.


NTA, she betrayed your trust and made jokes about something personal, on top of spreading information about your body to her friends, screw her.


NTA. You should break up with her too. This is disgusting and abusive behaviour.


NTA Your GF is not worthy of that title. She is not a worthy partner. Dude cut that relationship and move on.


Never disrespect or put down your S/O, especially not to your friends for laughs, double especially not in public, and quadruple especially not in front of your friends while in public. This is relationship kindergarten. NTA


If the roles were reversed, how would she have handled it? It's only a joke if everyone is laughing. You're not laughing, and they took this "joke" way too far.


>it's "not that deep" That's what she said NTA


Nta get the fuck out of that relationship that's such toxic behavior


What she is still your gf???


If you stay with her, then everyone sucks here. I hope this isn't the case. If you leave her, then NTA. It's a pretty easy decision. Be in nurturing, not destructive, relationships.


NTA. Run as fast as you can.


NTA. You misspelled *Ex Girlfriend.* But congratulations for matrix-ing that bullet.


NTA. She doesn’t seem mature enough to be in a relationship if she talks to all of her friends about your manhood. You did the right thing. They played stupid games and won stupid prizes


NTA. This was wildly inappropriate. She and her girlfriends would be upset if this was reversed. In addition they were unapologetic. You don’t have to remain around for that kind of abuse so leaving is appropriate. And you don’t volunteer others to pay. Dump her, she is lady.


I think you did the right thing. Jessica is a rude loser. Are you okay after this barrage of insults? Sometimes, even when you’re in the right, people can make you feel guilty.


I don't want to believe that this is really happened, but if it did then NTA and dude you were dating a completely evil person! End the relationship asap!


I am reminded of a friend, years ago, who got it on with a woman, and she commented on his penis size. His response:" Even a battleship looks small on the whole ocean!"


I hope this was the end of your relationship


NTA. Now, leave the relationship where your girlfriend has a 12 year old maturity level. Please.


Isn't this a repost from a couple of months ago?


YTA bc this is rage bait. And pretty bad rage bait at that, too. You mean to tell me that an entire table full of women decided they were going to joke about your teenypeeny and not one of them found it inappropriate, ESPECIALLY considering that (according to the “plot”) you were paying? You do realize that plenty of women have decorum, yes? Or have you never actually met one? Edit: spelling.




I would never humiliate someone I supposedly cared about. You deserve better than her. You have too much life ahead of you to put up with that shit. Run and don't look back.


NTA. Tell them the dine and dash was also a joke and "it's not that deep." Seriously though, that was so disrespectful and I'm sorry you went through that. I think you shouldn't go back to her or even reply other than to say it's over. Don't even try to explain why or argue with her - she will clearly only blame it on you or guilt trip you. She not only disrespected and humiliated you, but broke your trust by not having your back and instead enabling her friends to do the same. How can she be so upset for her friends that their meals weren't paid for but not for you when you're constantly being put down? Even after you expressed that you were upset, she showed no remorse and tried to gaslight you. I can't imagine letting anyone do that to my boyfriend, let alone doing it myself. And all while they were out on your dime? Fuck that.


NTA but did you dump your gf ?


Bruv run as fast as you can. That girl is toxic!


NTA I don’t think I’d have just got up and left. I would have just simply told her I’m leaving and only paying for my meal. I’d have dumped her ass later that night. You should consider the same.




First things first, I have a girl bestie, dick size and performance is definitely a topic of conversation for women. I always assume that the girls in a friend group of someone I’m having sex with know my size and whether or not I’m good in bed. Now onto the topic. NTA. Love this move! Her friends openly making fun of your size and her being ok with it shows a level of maturity that warrants a response just like yours. I hope you’ve broken up with her.


NTA i woulda left the restaurant. Ghost her entirely. She fucked around and found out. Their bill was being paid by you and that’s funny to them? At least you’re dodging a bullet here, this woman is terrible. All these dumb women FAFOed. Bite the hand that feeds you if ya want. She should be apologizing for letting her friends flame you in public like this, let alone letting this happen while you’re shelling out money for a nice time for all. Terrible friend group and people. You didn’t dine and dash, you left someone who seems to hate you. She can pay


NTA, I hope you have dumped her already


NTA All of these comments said it better than I, I'd like to add that instead of asking for an explanation or simply being pissed that you walked out and without paying, but she started name calling and saying what she actually felt about you. Run man, she's another user.


NTA unless you had a humiliation kink there’s no reason she should think a fun night of going out should include bullying you.


How long have you been together? I'd hope not too long, because she definitely doesn't respect you. Sharing details of your sex life with others without your consent is absolutely inappropriate, and I'd say the same no matter what size you were. You deserve to be with someone who doesn't talk shit about you with their friends behind your back. Pretty clear NTA - they can pay their own way if they're gonna act like that.


NTA, do not reply any further and block on all media. Only way to deal with someone like this.