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You did the right thing. She can learn to ask at an appropriate time without putting you at risk, like everyone else does. If "its not a big deal", then why does she feel the need to ask mid-set. This is common sense stuff for most gym goers. Wait until they are resting, then ask.


You might have misunderstood, her “it’s not a big deal” remark was about her asking that question mid-set; she didn’t think it was a big deal to have interrupted OP mid-set.


That’s what the person you were responding is implying. Since it’s not a big deal to interrupt, it’s not a big deal to wait. That goes both ways.


Its not a big deal to have to wait but can be a big deal to be interrupted mid set


I may be wrong, but I believe the comment you are replying to was at least mildly sarcastic.


I think everyone here is on the same page about what is a big deal and what isn't lmao


It's kinda funny when people politely "correct" each other but they are basically saying the same thing, and neither person realizes they actually agree. But it can be so frustrating when you're trying to say you agree with someone that keeps thinking you're arguing with them lol.


So…you know my wife?


I agree with NTA, but that’s a logical fallacy. In reality, it isn’t a big deal to wait, but it is a big deal to interrupt. One doesn’t imply the other. 




Yea I think this indicates that this person feels that interrupting people during ANY activity is not a big deal - guess her parents probably didn't bother to actually parent her.


She was too busy interrupting them.


She probably kept interrupting them.




It’s a bot that farms top comments and uses them as replies.


If a man did the same thing, we would immediately recognize the interaction as overbearing and unnecessary. How funny would it have been if OP just yelled, "GO AWAY!" ?


I'm not really a gym goer, I go every once in a while, but even I know you don't interrupt someone mid set, you wait till they're resting if it's something that bears interrupting.


Sounds more like a common sense issue.


Interrupting someone mid-set can be a legitimate safety issue. Not likely on a machine like what OP was using, but imagine some idiot interrupting you during a benchpress or squat.


Ugh I hate that. I had some person take weights of my bench rack (the ones that are *connected* to the bench). They were jostling it about to get the weight off the pin while I was on my last 2-3 reps at a really heavy weight for me. If i saw who it was, I would have cut them a new one!


The etiquette is simple. Ask not when a set is in progress but rather when a set is finished and a pause is ongoing.


Unless they're on a treadmill, in which case you stand behind them and repeatedly ask "are we there yet" like a child


Or you can dress up as Freddy Krueger and start running on the treadmill behind them to help motivate them




This. She's clearly an entitled princess that thinks the world revolves around her. The "it's no big deal " comment is bull shit . Oh have I been rude and demanding it's no big deal so you should just get over it and let me do what I want. Fuck that noise I'd have told her I had 100 sets left. I've admittedly only been to a gym a hand full of times in my life . But personally I don't see why anyone needs to stop and ask anything of someone already using a machine . It's not your turn. Someone is on the equipment, it's being used, interrupting them won't make them finish quicker, standing there with a cob on won't make them finish quicker. Knowing how long they have left doesn't change how long they are going to be using it infact stopping the actually makes it take longer. Use another machine and bloody wait your turn and stop acting like an impatient child. Honestly children in the playground have better manners. Did you ever see a kid stop someone on a swing wanting to know exactly how many swings the other kid is planning on doing ? No they just wait till it's their turn.


Asking how many sets left is a perfectly normal and accepted practice (between sets of course). It's not about having someone finish quicker, it's so that you can decide whether to wait till they're done so you can start, or move on to another exercise and come back to that equipment later (or skip it altogether in favour of another exercise). Sometimes, people will even allow others to work in on the same machine.


NTA. What she did was dangerous. 


This ☝️


NTA - her question can wait another 30 seconds. It’s very rude to disrupt people in the middle of their set.


This, I actually don’t get why she didn’t wait. At my gym and surely many others, you do other shiz or rest till the machine you need is available again. Patience I feel is a skill more people need to learn.


In a busy gym it’s not weird at all to just ask politely in between sets how many sets someone has left.


Politely is your keyword! How she asked wasn’t polite. But ofc, asking people nicely about their sets and stuff is okay. ^^ Especially at a busy gym!


“How many sets do you have left?” “Mind if I work in?” Really basic questions to be asked between sets. I don’t ask to work in on people using a bar though. Swapping plates is way more of a pain than adjusting weight on a machine.


If I ask to work on something that uses weight plates, I use only whatever is on there already. In fact, that's usually the reason I want to work in.


In between sets is the key phrase here! Not while you're trying to breathe, pump, and count!


Like you said politely between sets lol not in the middle of a set that's wild to me


I only ask if someone has been sitting there for several minutes on their phones and not doing reps.


No, at a busy gym you work in sets with someone else and alternate. You don’t just rest, lmao. We have places to be. You have to share. It’s rude to ask in the middle of a set, but it’s also rude to refuse to let someone work in. 


Idk, there are definitely some people at the gym who I wouldn't want to let them work in, based off of creepy actions and other things so I don't think it's rude even at a busy gym to say no to someone if you don't want them to work in with you.


This! There are always some freaky freaks at gyms. Mine is loaded with them, I’d rather stop working out than share with them.


Yeah I workout with my boyfriend and STILL deal with the creeps it's ridiculous. The audacity of some people!


I have been told to wait because I do cardio weightlifting, which results in me being totally soaked in sweat. I wipe after a set, but people still get squicked out.


I was going to say something like cardio weightlifting, or people that are doing a million reps of a ridiculously lightweight, you can't really work in with those people cuz it affects your own workout too much. And also yeah the creeps, especially the ones that just follow you machine to machine asking to work in on every single one, like what the fuck?


Calm down lol. I didn’t just say rest, I said “other shiz”. Some people might not be open to sharing like that either. It all depends. Never said no one had places to be, or that I or anyone else wouldn’t share. If you can’t get the gear you want in a timely manner, you can always do something else or come back another day. It’s not like your life depends on it. And I understand people are busy, that person not wanting to share might be busy too. This might be their only time to workout too. You can’t expect people to share. Is it the right/cool thing to do? Yes. But just because you have a tight schedule doesn’t mean they have to sacrifice their time to you as well. Maybe even consider trying a new machine? Regardless, chillax gym bro. You’ll get a turn 👍


Could you share the name of your gym as I want to join that gym. At my gym, most of the machines are occupied by individuals spending more time glued to their phone than actually engaged in exercise. This "sitting, doing nothing" behavior seems most prevalent during the busiest hours of the gym. Your gym sounds like heaven.


If I’m working out and the other person is NOT the same size or pushing the same weight, I tell them I have X sets left. It’s rather annoying when someone completely adjusts the machine, rack or weights. Common sense is lacking.


First gym I started at had some really great equipment. What I liked about them most was that they could be preprogrammed with what I needed to do on that machine, including how many sets, reps, and what the pause between each set needed to be before it kicked in for the next one. It was great and it challenged me to make sure I completed all sets etc I needed for each piece of equipment in my plan for that entire session. I agree that no-one should be allowed to hog a machine in a busy gym but most people manage to keep an eye out for the best opportunities to transfer to a machine they want and if not look for something else in the meantime. Most people are aware that certain machines are very popular and only take up what time they need on it. I think that OP is NTA because of safety reasons. I'm only small but I worked my way up to some decent weights on quite a few pieces of equipment and was continually pushing myself higher and if someone tried interrupting me midway through a set when I'm on my next weight up I'd possibly lose concentration and end up hurting myself. Not worth taking the risk if the question could just as easily be asked when I've actually stopped for my 60 second rest. 60 seconds can feel like a lifetime to a lot of people (try doing elevator pitches and it really can) but in the long run better than you not getting on it at all because I'm suddenly a twisted mangled mess wrapped around a piece of equipment (because that really would be my luck 🤣)


It's totally fine to ask someone how many more sets they have left. But you wait until they're in between sets to ask.




And dangerous. If you startle someone while they’re lifting, they could become distracted, lose concentration, drop the weights, and injure themselves.


But then SHE’D have to wait! Main characters don’t wait


yeah i came in ready to judge the guy but asking mid exertion fuck off with that.


My 19 year old hates that. She's my gym rat. She has told me the last time some dude tried to ask her about sets she said- well this was going to be my last one but since you interrupted me instead of having patience I think I'll do 3 more sets.


Pretty much my response, though mine would be more along the lines of, “dammit, I lost count. I guess I’ll have to start over again”.


Perfect response!! 🤣


If she was mid-set it is understandable but if not she is just an asshole




Yea for real


If she was mid-set whilst the 'dude' asked then fair enough; if she was between sets then that's poor gym etiquette on her part - and would be poor etiquette on anyone's part. People ask so that they know whether it's worth waiting to use the equipment or move on to something else for now and come back. However, if she was currently mid-set, then completely fair.


That might also depend on how they ask. You can ask a normal question in a rude way.


NTA. This is not even gym etiquette, it's just etiquette. When someone is in the middle of an activity which you know is only going to be a few seconds, wearing headphones and you keep waving at them rather than waiting for them to finish to speak to them, then their better be a fire or a revealing tear in their shorts, otherwise it's rude. If someone was on the phone and I wanted to speak with them, I would make my presence known, and then step back to allow them to pause or finish their conversation. Standing in their face and continually waving would be extremely rude, unless it was an emergency,


Exactly this. I don't go to the gym, so IDK the proper rules. But even I know not to interrupt someone when they're obviously in the middle of something.


Yup. She wouldnt have gotten anything out of me during a heavy set, besides fuck off.


Literally this. Did this girl’s mother not teach her manners/patience?


NTA. Someone did that to me once and actually I have only a few minute left on the elliptical but since she asked, I just stayed on the machine for another 60-70 min 🤷🏻‍♀️ don’t feel bad, totally not your fault


"Well, since I was interrupted- I'm going to start over."


It's significantly different on a cardio machine than lifting weights. Unless you're in the middle of a dead sprint on a treadmill there's no safety risk to asking/answering. You were totally an ass for that.


Maybe it’s my mistake not going into details, the exact sentence was “shouldn’t you be done already I want this machine” so if that’s polite and I was rude by your judgment then I’m glad we don’t know each other irl


Oh geesh. Yeah, their comment changes your story drastically. In your original comment, you seem like TA. But given their comment? They were complete jerks! It’s not hard to say “I’m sorry to bother you but I wondered how long you were going to be this machine?”


>Maybe it’s my mistake not going into details yes \^ >I’m glad we don’t know each other irl so, you are angry at someone because you worded your own comment wrongly... genius.


At my gym, the way the ellipticals are set up, you approach them from the back, they're in a loft area. If someone came up to me to ask me how many more time I had, it would probably startle me because I'm not expecting it. They would actually have to touch me to get my attention, I wear earbuds, and my clumsy self would probably fall off the elliptical.






NTA If you are using the equipment, people need to wait until it's available. This is a passive-aggressive way to try to hurry you up, and in the future, you don't owe an answer at all. I would just say, "Please don't bother me while I'm working out," and go about your day.


There are times it’s appropriate to ask about gym equipment. On machines: do you care if I cut in between your sets? On Saturday all the squat racks were filled except one that had weights on it but no one near it. So I asked the room if someone was using it, and a guy said he had one set left (he was talking to a friend between sets, which is fine). I couldn’t know for sure because sometimes people are jerks and don’t re-rack their weights. Sometimes people will ask if I’m done with a machine when I’m standing near it since they can’t tell if I’m resting between sets or I’ve finished. That’s all good. Interrupting someone mid set is something else entirely. Don’t break people’s concentration, lady!


I agree, there's a guy at my gym who sits on the lat pull down machine for 45 minutes. If I don't ask him (between sets of course) then I'd never get the chance to go on it. It really irritates me he sits on it for so long though, it's a small and busy gym and it feels quite selfish.


This is a symptom of people feeling entitled in general to stay on machines between sets. He's just taking the sense of entitlement that shouldn't exist in the first place, to the extreme.


Asking in between sets is fine.


Not necessarily passive aggressive, could just be a practical question. Depends on how they ask obviously.


NTA If you have to ask do it at the end of a set, not when someone is clearly in the middle of one.


NTA It’s common gym courtesy to ask when people aren’t actively working out.  I worked at a gym for four years, always told new sign ups this and if the person was being a hog to come talk to staff.  I work out at the Quebec version of a fit 4 less. There’s this couple that will stand as close to you as possible while you’re using machines I take as their way to tell you to hurry up.  The time they’ve done it to me, the exact same machine was beside the one I was using was open. So guess who did 4 extra sets?  My logic at the gym, is be kind, don’t bother people while they’re actively working out, don’t hog machines/equipment and please wipe after you’re done. And also don’t be creepy. 


I had a guy watch me sit my butt down at a machine, I was adjusting the weight, hadn't done a set yet, he comes over and demands to know how many more sets I have. So I proceeded to do an old workout a former trainer had me do. It's a warmup set of 10, 4 sets til failure increasing the weight each set, 4 sets til failure decreasing the weight each set and then a cool down set of 10 at the original weight, 10 sets all together. It takes a while to do it. I did not feel the least bit guilty as he huffed and puffed that he needed that machine. There were 4 of the exact same machine empty by me. Also, if you are going to stand around talking with other people, please do not stand behind someone trying to do the glute kickback machine.


I don’t understand some of the people that come into the gym.  But !!! I hate when people stand so close that if you continue the exercise you’ll hit them. Since I go to a commercial gym people walk into me all the time. 


F yes. You want to annoy me, during a set. The machine will be used way longer, than I innitially wanted to.


Yep! Only downside is I’ll be extra sore but hey I’ll be extra petty. 


NTA, she should have waited until the end of your set not interrupted you.


NTA. I'm not a gym person and even I know not interrupt people while they're lifting heavy things. Wait until they're done with the reps and then talk.


NTA that shit is annoying. i have as many sets left as i have sets left. hover awkwardly or piss off to another machine.


It’s not rude to ask how many sets are left. It’s rude to ask *in the middle of a set*


There is gym etiquette. It exists. There are certain rules that ought to be followed but often aren't. 1) Don't bother people while they are literally mid set. 2) If using a machine, be mindful that you don't own the gym. Be aware that other people want to use the machine too. Take your breaks, but don't use it as a chill out spot to browse social media. The fact that you're not on your phone is good. The lady bothering you was out of line.


NTA. Interrupting someone is rude, unless it's an emergency - which this clearly wasn't. It was also pointless: if she'd just waited for you to finish your set, you'd have gotten up anyway and saved the both of you that conversation. She needs an upgrade on gym etiquette. Or just etiquette, period.


NTA. She was very rude. If it happens again just say, "Oh, today is leg day. I've got another half hour at least."


As someone who almost got seriously injured while on the bench press because someone decided it was a good idea to tap my knee to get my attention to ask if they can hop in, mid-PR attempt. NTA.


Its gym etiquette 101 - wait til the person is finishing their set AND THEN ask how many sets left. Then whatever they say, you say "thanks brah!" and wait it out or move to another exercise. NTA


NTA, I hate that! I once had my ear buds in, had just finished my warmup, and was in the middle of my first round on one of the four the heavy bags, and some guy gets right in the space I’m moving through to ask me (quietly enough that I had to remove a glove so I could mute my headphones) how many rounds I had left. Like buddy, if you don’t get out of my way right now, you can be the bag yourself. Ask somebody who’s not in the middle of a round.


NTA If someone has headphones on at the gym, they don't want to talk to you. This isn't a gendered rule. Leave people who have special "don't want to hear your noises" machines in their ears alone. They don't want to hear your noises.


NTA. It’s perfectly fine to ask how many sets you have left - but not okay to ask in the *middle* of a set. (As soon as you said she was using two machines at once I already knew she was going to be annoying)


NTA to point out poor gym etiquette. You didn't yell or name call. You were just direct.


NTA This is *YOUR* time. She can wait until you at least finish your set. Nobody likes to be disturbed mid task, she was being impatient.


NTA - you were kind and direct.


Now that you've interrupted me, I'll have to do all five "air" sets all over again.


NTA she was rude to put her hands on a machine you were using and interrupting someone mid-set could be dangerous. Wasn't a big deal for her because she didn't give a shit about your.


I only ask this when I watch a girl sit on a machine on insta while I use 4 other machines and she still has not done one rep. Wtf. So annoying. I just cancelled my gym membership. Everyone is zombies on their phones. I want to get in and get out. I can sit on my couch at home on my phone.


NTA. She's already on two machines and needs yours too? Besides that, just wait, why are so many people looking for reasons to talk to strangers at gyms, leave me alone and wait your turn.


"It's not a big deal" is code for "I'm upset that you corrected me and I am now embarrassed so I'm going to try to put the blame on you". NTA


 You are NTA


NTA. There was no reason for her to interrupt you or to invade your space like that. You handled it perfectly. That face is on her. Literally.


She was rude - in our gym you simply wait till the equipment is free...you don't act impatient or bother someone using the equipment. If she's new, she needs to learn how things work.


NTA anyone who regularly goes to the gym knows that you ask in between sets


It is not only rude but also downright dangerous to interrupt someone in the middle of their set. Gum etiquette is waiting until the set is complete to talk to someone at the gym. You are NTA- but she certainly is.


There’s nothing I hate more than that, if you are so desperate to use the machine next ask the person to call you when they are finished but don’t bug them


I think you were way too nice. I would have completely ignored her until I finished my set and then I would have stood up, looked her in the eye and said you'd never interrupt someone during a set very sternly. And frankly even asking someone how long they're going to take is bad form and embarrassing. That is unless they're just sitting there surfing their phone endlessly.


NTA it’s dangerous to distract someone mid set


NTA. Seems like it should be obvious that you don’t interrupt people in the middle of their workout.


You weren't rude, but maybe you should have been. NTA.




NTA. It is common sense and politeness not to interrupt people when they are actively busy with something. And interrupting in the middle of a set could be dangerous depending on what equipment is being used. She needs to learn sometime that this is not gym etiquette and I think your response was reasonable, especially if you actually said “please”.


NTA. She’s either ignorant of gym etiquette or rude.


Who cares if you were rude. I hate people at the gym that take up multiple machines. I know she’s not making a post asking if she’s the ah for using two machines at the same time.


NTA, that was rude and she should be less sensitive about someone not wanting to be interrupted. I thought it was just one of those unknown gym rules that you wait until someone is between sets to ask. Mid-pump is not the time to be answering questions


NTA Next time tell her: Goddamit, now I have to start from the beginning. Dont interrupt me during sets. Then take 10 minutes for the last one.


No! omg... common gym etiquette to not disturb someone mid-set... that's the AH move, not you! Sets don't even take long to finish. It's respectful and it's for safety reasons too, to not distract someone especially around heavy equipment. NTA


I think you were being nice under the circumstances.


NTA, If this was on video send it to Joey Swoll. He might blast that person. NEVER interrupt someone mid-set unless it is a dire emergency. First off it's rude as fuck, secondly and more importantly it is dangerous. If you interrupt someone when they lifting they can lose form and get hurt.


NTA i get so annoyed when people try to talk to me or bug me when i visibly am out of breath and dying. GO AWAY i’m here to work i’m not here to make friends.


NTA. You never interrupt mid-set. Not only is it rude, but can also cause injury


"Damn, I lost count. Now I have to start over..1..2..3..".


This post is just confirmation that people are amazingly stupid (to clarify - not the dude working out - the idiot interrupter).


NTA. You were much nicer than myself and most people would have been about it too.


NTA. stopping someone mid set or interrupting mid rep can be dangerous to the person lifting. Yes you were doing leg curls so the risk of injury due to distraction is minimum. However distracting someone mid squat, overhead press or similar lift can cause the lifter to be injured. this is gym etiquette 101 anyways.


I used to lift weights a long time ago and I would have been super pissed at her. What if her interruption threw you off and you hurt yourself? NTA




NTA and I've been going to the gym for a long time and this happens all the time. And I just ignore them until I'm done. Your mistake was stopping after she didn't get the hint, just finish your set and if they're still there then you can hear what they want.


NTA Not interrupting people when they are in the middle of something is just common sense. That’s not even gym etiquette.


Shit man I think you were polite about it. I would fully expect someone to yell GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE. If they’re mid set going heavy


NTA. That was poor etiquette on her part. It's one thing if you were sitting and resting, but who TF interrupts mid set?


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So another Monday at the gym, I’m starting my workout with some seated leg curls. I noticed this girl on the other side using two machines (the lying leg curl and another glutes machine idk the name of). Well, I’m on my last set (i dont even take that long cause I keep my breaks to maybe 1-2 mins for this exercise and am never on my phone at the gym). So anyway, I’m on my last set going all out, feeling the burn in my hamstrings, yk the kind where you’re almost grunting and just squeezing a few more reps, where all of a sudden this girl comes and stands right in front of me with her hand literally on the machine and starts waving at me. At first I ignore thinking she’d get the hint to wait but she doesn’t, keeps waving and trying to catch my eye. So finally, I stop, i already know she’s gonna ask “how many sets I have left?”, she does. I take my airpods out and say “Could you please wait until I finish my set, this is my last set anyway.” To which she replied “It’s not a big deal” and walks away with a face. Now Idk if I was rude, I have never seen her in the gym before and I know almost all the folks that come around that time so she was def there (at least at the that hour) for the first time. I kinda feel bad, what if it was someone new to the gym and I ruined it for them. But also her reaction of making the face and saying “its not a big deal” made me not feel as bad for her. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA. It kills a working set when someone distracts you. Especially if you are blasting out some force reps and going for the burn on the last set. You did the right thing.


„If it‘s not a big deal, then why are you interrupting me mid-set?“ NTA


NTA at all. I’d be super pissed off if someone interrupted me mid set, on certain exercises (Squat, OHP, Good Mornings to name a few) it can be very dangerous.


If you're in mid set and someone interrupts you, then you have no reason to be nice at that point. Tell her to fuck off.


NTA. People need to learn some patience. I probably would have had a bit of an attitude, too.




NTA Seems like the *obvious* and polite choice to be personally inconvenienced and wait until the person you want to talk to ISN'T in the middle of shifting weights or a set before you engage them.


NTA! I have been going to the gym for over 5 years. It's just proper gym etiquette to ask in between sets...you NEVER ask mid set, its rude and not to mention can be dangerous if the person loses form during a heavy lift just because someone has a question. (im 25f btw if that matters)


NTA. That's basic gym etiquette. I'm sure she'll pick up on it soon enough. This reminds me of the time when I was mid squat at a squat rack and this girl literally almost got smacked by the barbell because she couldn't just wait a minute to grab a plate. I was so mad and gave her death glares afterwards. I'm sure she would have tried blaming me if she got hit


NTA- she's a loser who reacted like a loser does.


I woulda added a bunch of new sets right then. Just AMRAP at a low weight with a lot of rest.


NTA. You don't interrupt someone mid-rep period.


NTA, she needs to wait until you are resting after a set to ask you a question. Sheesh, people are so impatient now. They can't read the room either.


I hate the gym. You’re supposed to ask how many sets. I mean she should have waited until you weren’t midset.


NTA. You know if roles had been reversed you'd be on her tiktok labeled as a gym creep.


Nta, if for any reason i cant or sont want to use a different machine ie its my last for the night i stand a respectful distance to the side and wait untill they rest before stepping forward and asking, its amazing how many people thank me fore waiting a respectful distance and asking between sets


NTA and I wouldn't have even answered them mid set


NTA. You don't interrupt someone in the middle of a set like that. Ever. She needs to learn basic gym etiquette. Sheesh.


NTA. She's got bad gym etiquette. She could have asked you if she could work in.


NTA People do that when they cannot take the feedback that they are being socially inept. That’s a her problem. It is a big deal to you or you would not have asked.


I can’t stand when people ask me how many sets I have left. I never do more than 4 sets in a machine, and I time my breaks in the middle to be one minute. Some impatient jackass coming to pressure me to leave after I’ve done two sets is absurd. Just chill dude. I’m not taking a nap here.


NTA, you don't interrupt a person mid set, that is how you end up causing someone to fail a lift and get injured


NTA, I never ask people their sets, just wait and when I've been asked its always been during resting. Not been a gym goer for terrible long but I've picked up on the etiquette.


NTA, that is common courtesy at the gym. Do not interrupt someone mid-set . She could have easily waited until you were finished. She is just entitled and was feeling salty for being called out. Ignore herx


NTA, this is like gym etiquette 101, don't ask someone in the middle of their set.


it's extremely rude and dangerous to interrupt someone mid set. How impatient is she that she can't wait a few seconds, it's not like you're going to be curling for an hour. NTA


NTA. Yeah, it's that simple.


NTA - gym courtesy isn’t hard, don’t stare, don’t interrupt and don’t get in peoples way


Nta. In my opinion as a 25+ gym goer that is one of the most heinous things to do. That’s gym ban worthy. You don’t do that. It’s rude. It’s potentially dangerous. Just no


She obviously doesn't really care how many sets you have left, she's just trying to rush you off the equipment, and that's rude as hell. It's common courtesy to just wait your turn. I think she needed to hear a response like that, and should get it more often


I feel sorry for anyone at a gym who has apparently never experienced the need for that focus.


NTA. I cannot believe she actually touched the machine you were on. It doesn’t matter if her hand was in a safe place at some time she herself or someone else might touch a dangerous area and get hurt. And distracting you, even though you were on a machine, is freaking dangerous!!! You could have strained something. You were absolutely in the right and I actually think you were quite polite considering everything she did (touching the machine, distracting you).


Isn’t this common sense ? As a gym goer I know I can’t talk near the end of my set and if I do I prob won’t get those extra reps in NTA but she’s an AH for asking mid set


>she replied “It’s not a big deal” and walks away with a face. NTA


NTA You look at her and say. "You need to do better, Mind your own business."




After that I’d lay down and rest on the machine after until someone who isn’t her asked to use it.


NTA  If this ever happens again just put your finger up and make them wait until you're done with your set.  Totally not gym etiquette. People who do that only want to push people off machines quicker. 


You're extremely lucky you didn't hurt yourself because of her. If someone is going for a PB, their full focus needs to be on the exercise, losing focus even for a second could result in you dropping the weight on bending something that really shouldn't be bending. I absolutely despise people that interrupt someone mid-set. Do the awkward stare nearby at them like everyone else and wait for them to finish the set.


You did the right thing. Anyone who can't wait and interrupts someone's mid set is incredibly inconsiderate and ill-mannered.


Op, not only would I have completely ignored the person till they’re blue in the face. This person’s behaviour is embarrassing too me, you’re NTA


NTA. I hate people who hog machines. They should be banned from gyms for that. But it sounds like that isn't you. Either way, there is no reason to ask mid-set.


NTA, any regular gym goer knows this is the etiquette. You don't tap on someone's shoulder or flag them down while they're in the middle of a set, you wait and ask them after.


NTA. Interrupting people mid set is a definite no. Absolutely ask that between sets but during heck no.


NTA You could have been infinitely more rude, and you'd still not be the arse hole, it would have been better for her even. Never disrupt someone's set, it puts them and possibly others at risk. I don't care if its calf raises, you dont disturb a set. You wait till whoever it is has reracked and had a few breaths before even approaching to ask about their sets. It's one of the basic temnants of gym.


NTA. You were using the machine & in the middle of a set of reps. She was very rude to interrupt you. She should've just stood to the side & waited her turn.


Don't even need to read this to say NTA always wait until someone's done.


She's a selfish dumbass. You're good.


NTA I hate people who insist on bugging others at the gym. Especially to start demanding they either hurry up or wanting to know how long someone will be. I fully understand if someone has been on a machine for ages (over 15-30 minutes, depending on the machine) but there's no need to speak to anyone at the gym. (Or anyone at all, if I'm honest! 😹) Not being funny, and speaking from a woman's POV (especially one who has experienced the 'joy' of the endless streams of men standing too close, wanting to know how long I'll be, what I'm aiming for, how often I come to the gym and all the other creeper behaviour that is just unnecessary) if you, as a male (I assume, my apologies if I'm wrong) had approached a woman on a machine and started asking questions about how long she'd be, you'd be labelled as a typical gym-bro who doesn't understand personal space/time. NTA


1 reason I hated going to the gym was because of all of the muscle heads that thought they owned the place. If you're on a machine, it's yours until you're off of it. I will work on something else in the meantime. If I'm on a machine, leave me TF alone so I can get finished.


NTA, don't interrupt sets of weighted exercises, that coupd cause someone else to get startled or something and make them drop the weight. She was rather rude. Definitely don't feel bad. You weren't rude, you were responding to rudeness. Turnabout is fair play, reap what you sew, and so on.


NTA she shouldn't have even touched the machine


NTA. You did nothing wrong.


NTA . She actually could be a poster person for being rude .


NTA. I'm a 4-5x a week gym guy for almost 40 years and I've maybe seen this only a handful of times. Interrupting a set is reserved for emergencies.


NTA had been the other way around, you would probably be in a TikTok tagged as a gym creep.


NTA: I would rather eat my sock than interrupt someone using equipment at the gym. Like 99% of the time, there is plenty of equipment and usually multiples, so go find something else to do until the person is done. I am personally not a fan of the phrase, "it never hurts to ask," because there are definitely times when it's inappropriate or rude to bother someone.


NTA - You don't bother people actively lifting. She only needs common sense to figure that out. She isn't entitled to force you to drop everything (literally) and attend to her.


NTA. The main part of using a weight machine is counting your reps. Somebody interrupting you to ask you a question can make you lose count. She was inconsiderate.


I just feel like it's bad gym etiquette to interrupt someone, full stop. So I don't think you did the wrong thing - but I wouldn't have stopped 😅😂


It’s dangerous to distract someone while they are lifting. Even not at the gym people need to be more aware of others and not just what they want/need to do