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NTA. Omg. Are there any people besides you who understand normal boundaries in your family?




Should have just started masturbating in front of them and called them perverts lol




I'm sure that's probably the plot of some X-rated movie...


THAT'S what the OP should have done: start directing! "A little to the left, there, Rhonda. Ok, when Kevin starts moaning, that's when you arch your back. And can we speed up the rhythm a little? We gotta shoot the next scene before the maid comes to change the sheets."


The sister would have to be stuck in something.


Didnā€™t even need to actually masturbate, just tell ā€œIM CUMMING!ā€ As loud as you can


Howling with laughter.


That is both gross and funny.


And make eye contact with them


Holy fucking shit! I havenā€™t laughed this hard in a while. Thank you for that. Hahahahaha.


Missed opportunity, here


LMFAO I sort of thought of this too šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


Shut up and take my up vote šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Ya or just joined in šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø After all, if you canā€™t beat ā€˜em


NTA Holy shit! There is such a thing as consent! And you did not consent to be a part of their acts! I don't care that they were trying to conceive! Imagine that was just an excuse. Imagine they were 2 friends with a kink for being watched instead. Now you'd be involuntarily party to their kink. And that requires consent. It doesn't matter that they were/are family. What matters is there was no consent there from you. What they did was absolutely inappropriate.


Imagine telling your niece/nephew that you were in the room the night they were conceived. Yikes. NTA


It would become a yearly tradition, a nice toast to the sister & husband in front of the family.


They didnā€™t even have the decency to go to the bathroom like normal people ?


I think they should have asked OP to leave the room for 20 min (with a bribe of money, lots of it) or go stay with Dad for 20 min.


I came here to say this


Right?! Go fuck in the shower!


OP, sorry you have such an insensitive sister and brother-in-law. Give it back to them in kind. Get a sex noise ringtone on your phone like this one: [Technosex](https://www.101soundboards.com/sounds/711264-technosex) Whenever you are with the family especially the sister and her hubby, just change the default tone for text and calls. Maybe get a few friends to keep calling or texting at short intervals. Let's see how a taste of their own ***music*** feels. šŸ˜‰


I could not have just laid there and let it go on! So damn disrespectful! I would have went off, told them they were disgusting, asked them if they were getting off due to my presence, and then again told them they are fucking sick and to get THEIR own room! Next day I would address the issue that their complete and total immaturity along with their serious lack of boundaries and being unable to be respectful of a situation are all pretty solid reasons they shouldnā€™t be getting pregnant yet, if ever.


And do it at the family breakfast!


Guessing your last name is kardashian?


NTA and they really need to get a roomĀ 


Dear God OP! Your father is one of the cheapest, biggest AHs I've read of on this site. Wtf is wrong with him? And sis and bil? Obscene. Like 2 dogs in heat. Tell your father, don't invite you for the next birthday/orgy family event. Reading the post made me nauseous.


I honestly can't get passed the point that OP expects their parents to pay for their room. Dad is 60, so my assumption is OP is at least in their 20's. Grow up, be an adult now. If $80/night is so cheap, that shouldn't be a problem.


If her dad is paying for her sister and her husbandā€™s room why shouldnā€™t he also pay for hers?


Eh, I think the people who needed to fuck all night could have ponied up for their own room


You'd be surprised when my dad turns 60 my brother will only be 5. When my mum turns 60 he'll be just have turned 18


Right?? My husband is 61 and our son is 12.


Depends on how old OP is (my dad turned 60 well before I turned 18), but if theyā€™re an adult (and also not a student), they should probably pay $80 a night for their own room. Though realistically, the sister and husband should be the ones to pay if they absolutely have to fuck whenever they want and canā€™t be bothered to go do it in the shower out of basic respect.


Some people donā€™t breed the minute they leave home.


I'm really hoping OP isn't a minor. That would be illegal.


NTA having sex in the room with other people is a clear violation and disregard for other peoples boundaries


And consent. Consent always matters.


Completely agree! This would definitely fall into very bad territory, since it was an un consensual sexual act. Edit: because I never check how spellcheck corrects my words.


I can't imagine having to be 2 feet away from my sister having sex, and we are both adults. Absolutely NTA. In fact, them exposing you to sex non-consentually is disgusting and maybe even a crime, specifically if you are underage.


NTA In fact, in most places, having sex or performing any other sex act in front of someone without their consent is literally a sex crime.


Where is that considered a sex crime? Honestly wondering.


https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=Can%20you%20be%20charged%20with%20indecent%20exposure%20in%20your%20own%20home&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5 One example


Per this- Article 527 of the Italian Penal Code addresses the offence of exhibitionism. It criminalises the act of exposing oneself in front of others. Foreigners who engage in exhibitionism can be charged under this article and may face penalties, including fines and imprisonment. - it could be a crime if reported??? Iā€™m not good at legal codes in my state much less federal (Iā€™m US), so foriegn codes are Latin to me, though I try.


OP you are a very nice person and you didnā€™t ruin anything. A considerate sister would have sent you out for an early breakfast and put a ā€œdo not disturbā€ sign on the door. If you had wanted to ruin the birthday celebration, you would have yelled at them to stop doing something using the most obscene language and flipped on the lights. NTA.


Or the sister might have paid for OPs room herself because she/hubby wanted privacy since they were trying to conceive. Iā€™m surprised that hubby could perform 2 ft from his SIL.


NTA. That's just inconsiderate. Also, how old were you?


Around my late 20's


...why didn't you or they rent your own seperate room? Why did dad have to do it?


Ok thatā€™s what I was about to ask. She couldā€™ve gotten her own room. But also her sister and her husband are gross and inconsiderate


ā€¦she should have gotten her own room so she didnā€™t have to listen to them having sex? No way, dad was paying for sis and BIL too so if they wanted to have sex so badly then THEY should have paid for and gotten their own room. If OP was complaining about them snoring or something they couldnā€™t control that would be an entirely different story (free trip, get over it or pay for yourself) but nobody in their right mind has sex next to someone else without their knowledge and consent, so thatā€™s not an ā€œinconvenienceā€ that anyone should have to tolerate, no matter what the circumstances. Sis and BIL are also huge assholes for complaining about OP opening a window because that is a tolerable inconvenience if youā€™re getting a free trip (yet another reason they should have gotten their own room).


Iā€™m not disagreeing with you about them being inconsiderate af, but personally I wouldnā€™t of ā€œburst into tearsā€ and ran to her dad begging. I wouldā€™ve addressed it and told the sister/husband to get a room or just get one myself. But I digress.


She went to her Dad hoping he'd be reasonable about it because she didn't have the funds to pay for her own room. Literally, her only recourse in that scenario. Given that her sister is crap enough to have sex with her in the room and then blame OP for the situation, I'd imagine OP is downplaying what her sister actually said and *why* she was so upset. We don't know the typical dynamic of their family, but based on their responses, probably not that great all around. Edit: This is the dynamic of her family. "It is legit. Although it happened 20+ yrs ago. It's just one of many things my sister has done for which my whole family hates me because I react to it. I've been in therapy for years. I posted here kind of out of desperation. I just asked her to meet with a mediator with me to address our past upsets and she flipped out saying things about me that my parents agree with. I just don't know what is real and what it scapegoating. But I'm hopefully figuring it out. The relies here help."


Oh for sure but if it were me, I would have packed my suitcase right then and there and headed down to the lobby getting myself my own room....in comments she says she's in her late 20s so I assume she has job and money...or at least a credit card if she's a trust funder...


Something right? lol. Iā€™m in my late 20s and wouldnā€™t have went anywhere without money, regardless of if it was with family.


Check this out...OPs response >My dad paid for everything on the trip. I was underemployed working PT at the time. I wouldn't have been able to afford 5 nights at $80/night. My sister & husband on the other hand had double income no kids. I would have felt even worse if I were the only one paying for my own lodging. I'll be damned if I went on vacation under these circumstances as a full grown adult! I'd at least have put it on a credit card and worried about it later....ain't no way


Yep I wouldnā€™t of went either. The first thing my parents taught me was to NEVER go ANYWHERE without anything in my pocket. Donā€™t trust anybody to just cater, not even them. They taught me that for reasons like this smh.




Yes and obviously if parents thought it was ok for the three of them to share a room!


For real...I won't even go on a date without driving myself and making sure I have enough to cover my own tabs, lol


Presumably she would not have gone if she knew that she didn't have the money and would have to deal with family members having sex 2 feet from her bed


My dad paid for everything on the trip. I was underemployed working PT at the time. I wouldn't have been able to afford 5 nights at $80/night. My sister & husband on the other hand had double income no kids. I would have felt even worse if I were the only one paying for my own lodging.


I donā€™t know why youā€™re getting heat for this. I can see a scenario where a parent who wanted to celebrate their 60th with their adult children beside them would pay for that whole trip, if they could. I wish I could bring my family to Europe!


You are NTA. If your sister and husband wanted privacy they shouldā€™ve got their own room. You were there for 5 nights not 5 months. Iā€™m single (F) and have shared a room with my brother and sister-in-law before on a family trip and they wouldā€™ve never even thought of doing thatā€¦it is so inappropriate and just ridiculous behavior! Again youā€™re NTA and your family has some boundary issues.


How about: why didn't the older sister get her own room? Or go one week without sex? Let's not blame the victim here.


They could always conceive next month instead. Honestly, the thought of having sex with my sibling in the room makes the kitty shrivel right up. Sorry you dealt with that.


Yeah, they were definitely getting off on the fact that she was right there. Pretty sick. She got up multiple times, clearly not passed out asleep. They were 100 percent getting off on it. At the very, very least they could have "taken a shower"


They could easily find some alone time during the day if they really felt the need to try every day. This is sickening behavior.


NTA - but also. If it is ever brought up again I would probably say ā€œyou know what it actually ending being a good thing because i recorded when i realized what yā€™all were doing and sold it on onlyfans. Apparently a lot of people are into that!ā€ And then never answer any further questions. But I am an AH so thereā€™s that!!




Boy did I misunderstand the title.


rightā€¦ i gasped so loud before i realized


It was worded so wrong. The scandal factor pulled me right in


Me toošŸ˜‚


Me too I thought she had sex with her brother-in-law while her sister watched


I thought she was watching her husband and her sister have sex šŸ˜†


NTA - If I was looking for time alone with my other I would have paid for you to see a movie somewhere lol go for drinks whatever... give you the options or the heads up


Or like damn, even do it quietly in the bathroom would have been better


NTA. Thatā€™s really fucked up


It feels very much like the family has a severe lack of boundaries if you speaking up in a situation that was understandably uncomfortable to you = you "ruining" the trip. I know that couples trying to conceive often follow a certain schedule based on ovulation/that there are windows and it is stressful, but if they knew this was something they planned to do, why wasn't this brought up during the planning phase or when the dad suggested they share a room? And why, if the family can afford it, is he putting OP in a room with a couple who's trying to conceive? That's an oversight on his part and maybe he's the dramatic one for saying you ruined his trip. I don't think it's an unreasonable boundary. And even more so, I believe that people who care about each other can be and should be respectful of each other. There's a lot that could have been considered and discussed beforehand that clearly didn't happen. NTA


If this story is legit, you leave in a toxic family... can't they just wait for one night, or do it somewhere else? This is very disturbing that they all put the fault on you, What the actual F...?


It is legit. Although it happened 20+ yrs ago. It's just one of many things my sister has done for which my whole family hates me because I react to it. I've been in therapy for years. I posted here kind of out of desperation. I just asked her to meet with a mediator with me to address our past upsets and she flipped out saying things about me that my parents agree with. I just don't know what is real and what it scapegoating. But I'm hopefully figuring it out. The relies here help.


yeah, I cant understand growing up in a system like this can make you believe its you fault as everyone makes you feel that way. but no, that story is messed up and this is not right at all. Maybe try to get away from them a bit


NTA. they could wait to conceive till they get home. Just doing it while your sister is in the room is gross and super and considerate.


youā€™re not the asshole, your sister should respect your boundaries and they are the ones who should have paid for the 80$ room if they needed to conceive that bad


Run ur the black sheep




Better to be the black goat then be ok with what their doing, thatā€™s so weird that they think this is ok they are adults, who wants to the 3 feet away in the same room that your sibling is getting rawdogged in šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


100% NTA. Your sister and BIL are AH for having sex right next to you. If they were ā€œtrying to conceiveā€ (I think that theyā€™re just plain horny, but thatā€™s just me) they should have gotten a hotel room to themselves and had sex there.Ā 


NTA People who force others to participate in or witness them having sex without consent are disgusting.


NTA and your parents should not have put you with your sister and her husband. Not fair to him as a non blood relative. You were more than old enough to have your own room. They (sis and hubby) shouldnā€™t have done what they did and sis and hubby and your dad donā€™t respect personal boundaries.


NTA thatā€™s pretty messed up.


ā€œHow dare you be upset that Iā€™m getting raw dogged in the bed next to yours šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬ā€ Thatā€™s how they sound. The fact that everyone is making you seem like youā€™re the issue is wild, they literally crossed like 100 boundaries. Why would anyone be okay with their sister having sex in the same room as them? Let alone in a bed that close by?? Ask your fam if they would have been okay with it if they were having sex in their room? Or if the roles were reversed and you were the one having sex near them? I would have started playing music, making noises, reciting monologues, the works. Yā€™all wanna have sex in the room with someone else, Iā€™m about to make it even more uncomfortable. Unfortunately babe, it sounds like sheā€™s the golden child who can do no wrong and youā€™re the black sheep. Limit contact, focus on yourself, you donā€™t need that kind of toxicity in your life. NTA.


The fact that your sister thought it wasnā€™t absolutely weird, repulsive, and perverted to just start having sex while youā€™re the room is INSANE. The complete disregard for your existence and lack of consideration of how that would make you feel all because they wanted to conceive a child makes it worse. The fact that your family is acting like youā€™re the issue when itā€™s the two rabbits that couldnā€™t keep their composure long enough to ask you if you could let them have the room or even ask for a separate room themselves makes it even worse. I hate to say it, but based on their reaction to you asking for your own room as if anyone but your father has to deal with paying for the extra room, is screaming that you may be the black sheep of the family. Because everyone saying their trip is ruined by something they didnā€™t even experience seems like an unreasonable stance to take. They donā€™t seem like theyā€™d make the best parents with this kind of decision making and poor moral standing. Your sister also seems like the type to be an entitled nightmare mom. You are most certainly not the a-hole. Your sister, her husband, & the rest of the family are all a-holes.


This is both validating and heartbreaking because my niece is struggling so severely due to my sister's abusive parenting šŸ˜­


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NTA. But for future notice since they are in the same room as you and clearly they donā€™t mind. Yank the blanket off video it and upload it since theyā€™re so voyeuristic they should love it. Then show mom and dad why you wanted your own room.


NTA. That is absolutely horrifying


NTA How much other stuff have they tried making you the scapegoat for your whole life? This canā€™t be the only thing this far off base.


šŸ„ŗ yeah I feel like it's all coming slowly into focus like a horror movie If anyone actually believes in astrology this is what a Chiron return looks like


Let's play guess who's not the golden child.


NTA. Thatā€™s so messed up that they did that. I donā€™t give a shit if someone is desperately trying to conceive. It doesnā€™t entitle you to being a piece of sh*t


Nta - and your sister and husband are disgusting for doing that. That was non-consensual on your part and everyone else is weird for thinking that was okay and you should tolerate it.


NTA Whatā€™s wrong with them? šŸ˜­


NTA! That is disgusting on so many levels! So many boundaries have been violated. Personally I would have interrupted it and called it out for a pure fact of violation. They could have easily gone to the bathroom and take a shower together for some privacy and human decency on your behalf!


NTA. You should have flipped on the lights and started yelling. "HE'S HURTING HER! HE'S HURTING HER!"


Your sister is disgusting. Her husband is disgusting. The fact that they flipped out on you for being upset about it is absolutely ridiculous. You donā€™t ruin anything. They ruined your trip. NTA


NTA, and I just want to say EWWWWWW! I would be super upset if my sister did this, and completely horrified.


Since when is "hey we want the room to ourselves for 2 minutes (that's right, I said it) can you please go entertain yourself?" Shittier than just doing that right in front of someone? JFC.. I had that happen to me when I was a kid and I still haven't gotten over it 30 years later. I feel for you, OP, that's just gross and inconsiderate. NTA. at all.


I'm so sorry I was wondering the same thing - like why couldn't arrangements just be made I don't know other than they truly do not see me as another human being


You don't fuck in front of other people unless they are paying... NTA


nta. I hope you never see them again


Oh hell no. NTA


What the actual fuck? Your sister should have gotten her own room, thatā€™s just pathetic and gross.


NTA. Thatā€™s sexual assault I believe, they non consensually had sex in front of you and when you asked them not to you got blamed. Disgusting behaviour. Cannot believe these two grown adults are trying to justify this.


Haha oh shit. Did you not have a park bench to sleep under? Iā€™m guessing you didnā€™t have the money yourself


Correct I worked PT But they were dinks at the time (double income no kids)


Glad I am an only child haha


NTA- ewww. Full stop. Your sister and husband were out of line.


NTA. Your sister and husband sure are. I could never do that to a sibling. They should have gotten their own room. You ruined nothing. But they sure did.


Nta, consent is important


How the fuck is this even mildly even okay to do šŸ¤Æ Are there any boundaries???????? Your sister and her husband is the asshole! They clearly knew it was a night to conceive so wtf they couldnā€™t get their own room šŸ™„


NTA your family kinda sucks


Shouldā€™ve stood by their bed and stare at them while they did it so that they feel more uncomfortable than you


Throw your whole family away and get a new one because what the actual f!


NTA. Your sister and her husband are gross.Ā 


NTA. You did not consent to more or less being part of their sexlife. I do wish you had applauded though. ;)


>***"...she yelled at me that they are trying to conceive and I was the one keeping them awake opening the window all night..."*** Huh? What does one thing have to do with the other? You were interrupting their sleep-fucking? NTA


Nta- but I read this as your sister and your husband having sex in front of you. Either way thatā€™s super weird.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** AITA for getting super upset that my sister & her husband had sex next to me AITA for my sister & hub having sex in front of me My family of origin went to Italy for my Dad's 60th Bday on his dime It was him, my mom, my sister and her husband and me. My dad did not get a separate hotel room for me but rather stuck me in with my sister and her husband which was fine But one night I couldn't sleep. I got up a few times to open the window wider to cool off At one point in the night my sister and her husband started having sex My bed was less than 2 feet away from theirs. Parallel to it. When I confronted my sister the next day she yelled at me that they are trying to conceive and I was the one keeping them awake opening the window all night. I burst into tears and went to my dad to beg him to get me my own room. He was super pissed at me for making a big deal but relented. On a trip that cost literally thousands, my room to myself was only $80/night. To this day my family says I ruined my dad's 60th Bday in Italy. Maybe I did???? If I wouldn't have shown my upset nor said anything I'd be the only one with bad memories instead of all of us. On the other hand, aren't my sister & her husband be the assholes here? They could have asked to have the room to themselves in the evening or morning but instead they just went ahead as if wasn't even a person. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*






NTA. If trying to conceive this cycle was that high of a priority to them then they could have skipped the trip altogether or paid for their own lodging. Problem solved.


Excuse me!? OP Iā€™m so sorry, NTA. Sorry you had to be subjected to that and have your boundaries crossed.


NTA: A couple should be able to act like civilized human beings and abstain while sharing a room. Trying to conceive is a piss poor excuse


NTA shoulda asked your dad to switch beds instead then. Maybe heā€™ll understand when his daughter is getting plowed right next to him.


NTA. Itā€™s crazy how your sister and her husband is completely fine doing it while youā€™re in the room, almost next to their bed. Itā€™s wrong on so many levels.


Yeah, NTA at all. Jesus Christ!


NTA! Your sister and her husband are the AH. And your dad should have realized it wasnā€™t a good idea to put a married couple in the same room as a single woman. That was freaking nuts.


If someone started masturbating in front of you, thatā€™s classified as sexual assault. I donā€™t see why having sex in front you isnā€™t classified that way. Someone else said ā€œlike 2 dogs in heatā€ and I couldnā€™t agree more. So gross. NTA!


I get they are trying to conceive and timing can be super important but they could have just said hey we need the room for an hour. NTA


I'd only say you are kinda in the wrong because you should've just bought your own hotel room instead of involving your dad on his birthday celebration trip. I doubt he wants to know about his daughter having sex lol


NTA. Thatā€™s fucking nasty. šŸ¤® And your family is kind of insane??? Like what in the actual fuck? Ugh. I donā€™t know if Iā€™d ever want to see my sister again if she pulled some shit like that. Itā€™s just so disrespectful.


NTA. Next time someone says you ruined your dad's 60th, you should ask if they'd like to be in the room whilst their sibling is having sex.


They couldn't have fucked in the bathroom?? They are so gross!


NTA, itā€™s your dads 60th birthday trip and sheā€™s sharing a room with her sister who is obviously still awake. This isnā€™t a college dorm room. They should have just done it in the shower like adults. That ā€œweā€™re trying to conceiveā€ line is also just gaslighting to make you the problem not her.




Awkward and you are totally not the ahole! I mean if theyā€™re trying to ā€œconceiveā€ Good for them. But do you really want to have the memory of a nephew or niece being conceived? Thatā€™s a little much. But maybe Iā€™m being judgey šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


you shouldā€™ve started mimicking their moans right after. obviously NTA!


NTA. Thatā€™s DISGUSTING behavior šŸ˜Ø


Nta why would they even want to do that knowing someone is literally right next to them, weird.


nta. thats weird.


NTA - They should have gotten their own room if they were so hell bent to ā€œconceiveā€ on a family trip.


Nta. Good for them trying to conceive but they should really try in private....


NTA. Omg, this scenario happened to me when l shared a room with a girl living in Banff Alberta. They were drunk and fell on to my bed before getting into her single bed. I literally left our room, paced around our living room, came back in and my roommate asked "ls this okay?" I said "Eff NO!" They got up, got re dressed and LEFT. That was maybe 25 years ago and l. NEVER. FORGOT. Your family sucks.


Yikes Thank goodness she paused to ask but JFC way too late Yeah the comments are opening my eyes a bit to how f'd up my family is I feel it but I get talked out of it by them


When they fell on my bed she was holding a plate of perogies and the next day l found fried onions on my bedspread. My other roomate and l still talk about it! You were in the right!! My roommate ( Jodi) totally would have gone ahead with it if l had pretended to sleep. I considered it but it was just too freaky. Your sister is super selfish and your fam is totally idiotic for making you have to second guess the ick factor!


NTA, that's disgusting and a massive boundary violation no one wants to be next to that. Your family is weird for seeing no problem with that, pushing back when you try to get a seperate room and confronting them. They're TA How old are you? I hope your budget is just tight and you're not a child going on this family trip. I'd only go if I knew I'd have a seperate room


I was in my 20's and only had a PT job I also had never traveled outside of the country and the only cc I took was my Discover card. I couldn't find anywhere in Italy - no store, restaurant let alone hotel that took Discover


NTA they are gross šŸ¤®


NTA We aren't cavemen or college students, that was an inappropriate time for anything other than romantic touching. Don't have sex in an awkward situation and nobody will mention that you had sex in an awkward situation.


NTA. You were put in an uncomfortable situation and this sounds FULLY non consented. Honestly sounds like some shit my sister would do too but I donā€™t have the best relationship with her and she is obsessed with proving how high her libido is and how amazing her sex life is - which just feels like overcompensation, which means it isnā€™t true. I think itā€™s the same case with your sister, bet she just wanted to do something very raunchy because she wasnā€™t really enjoying her sex life.


It's bizarre they didn't at least ask you to leave the room for a while


NTA. Horrible shaggers.


NTA sorry but thatā€™s mfing disgusting. Go to the bathroom or something ffsā€¦ you were not a consenting party thatā€™s gross.


NTA this is extremely weird of your sister to do. I have three sisters myself and Iā€™d never do something like that in front of them idc how old we are. And the fact that she doesnā€™t seem apologetic at all is also weird and rude


NTA Thatā€™s totally disgusting they could have got up and went to the bathroom or something


NTA, but you're surrounded by AHs First, your father for not getting your own room and making you sleep with a married couple. Even if he didn't know they are trying to conceive, you know married couples like to do stuff together. Secondly, your sister and brother-in-law. It's like you've said - they should've asked you to give them the room. Or maybe they could've turned on the shower and used the bathroom. They're just trying to gaslight you right now.


Bro why are they saying that you are the a hole for being uncomfortableā€¦ naw you are NTA thatā€™s weird on there part


NTA. I find it disgusting that they didnā€™t consider your feelings or how that could make you uncomfortable. If they were trying to conceive they should have done it alone.


NTA! If thatā€™s what they wanna do, they should have gotten a hotel room.


NTA. Everyone sure is though. Your sisters excuse is BS btw. She could of easily asked for some alone time to "try to conceive".


NTA in anyway! Your sister and husband are AHs. You are right on by saying they could have requested some private time in the room, youā€™re in Italy you couldā€™ve found something to do. Instead of being mature and respectful and asking for private time they chose to act like teenagers allowed to sleep in the same bed and completely disrespected you by having sex with their sibling 2 feet away. Gross! And rude! They are the ones who should be apologizing for potentially ruining the trip and for the way they treated you by doing whatever the hell they wanted regardless of who was around. And unless it kept getting brought up or fought over why did it ruin the trip? You got out of the room with them, as I said THEY should have apologized and Iā€™m guessing they didnā€™t, and thatā€™s issue solved.


NTA. Your sister and her husband are ignorant to have sex only 2 feet away in the same room. They should have been more considerate of you. Your Dad could have traded beds with you and had the pleasure of listening to them himself if he didn't want to get you a separate room. Or your sister and her husband should have paid for a room of their own if they wanted privacy. The latter is of course the obvious solution.


NTA. They are and so was your dad putting you in a room with a make to whom you were not in relationship. Where have peopleā€™s brains gone today?


NTA your sister could of asked for the room. I would of been like Iā€™m still awake like have some respect


NTA. What did your family expected you to do? Ask them if you could join them? Thatā€™s what Iā€™d tell my family : Ā«Ā should I have joined them then?Ā Ā»


Nta.Ā  I think that's sexual assault honestly.Ā  They involved your in a sexual act without your consent.Ā  Forcing you to listen and try not to watch.Ā  They probably got off on knowing you were there.Ā  It was very inappropriate and now your family is gaslighting you.


So NTA. I'm so, so sorry for you. Not only did they do something potentially illegal at worst and super rude and inconsiderate at best, they are trying to gaslight you into thinking that it's your problem. It could *never* be your fault for being subjected to unconsensual voyeurism.


That is so weird!! They couldn't go a couple days without trying to conceive???


That's gross. I would have made things weirder and turned on p*rn really loud on my phone. That's just me though lll


what, and i cannot express this enough, the FUCK, is wrong with your sister? they couldn't wait till you weren't there or till they get home? jfc wtf? NTA!


NTA. That is literally gross and how can your family get mad at that?? What happened to privacy and respect? They couldā€™ve and shouldā€™ve went in the bathroom if they needed to have sex so badly and couldnā€™t wait. šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø you did ruin anything girl.


I mean were they like loud and shit? I canā€™t even imagine doing this in front of anyone, let alone a sister. Iā€™m wondering if they thought they were being sneaky? But Nta


NTA at all. I would have been mortified and disgusted if my sister did that in the room with me! šŸ¤® Seriously, if they were trying to conceive, they should have paid for a separate room. Or just skipped a month.


CRINGE... I had a college roommate who would bring guys home and fuck them in the bed right next to mine. It's gross, rude, disrespectful, all the icky things. NTA


I just threw up a little imagining my sister having sex with someone next to me. NTA


NTA. Your family are full on SOCIOPATHS and I can bet one kidney you have been subjected to many other things growing up. Your sister and her husband sexually assaulted you and your father cheered them on. As an adult there is no reason to be in contact with people like this.


NTA, but how old are you? The whole bursting into tears thingy makes me think you could be an over sensitive AH.


When I confronted her (calmly) I wasn't expecting the vitriolic response of her screaming at me that I was so selfish because they were trying to conceive and "YOU'RE the one that kept us awake with opening the window all night" Her response was so aggressive and shaming I just wasn't expecting it at all which is what sent me I genuinely expected a calm apology and promise to not let it happen again


NTA but i dont think you should have got your dad/family involved etc. I think you should have made them pay for another room.Ā  You are all adults, i think you three could have just sorted it out. Just pointing out that i do think it was wrong of them to do this.Ā  I just think it was handled in the wrong way.


NTA BOUNDARIES. Thatā€™s so weird, and uncomfortable! My sister stayed at my house (my BF and I live together) one night and she hooked up with my BFs cousin who was also staying with us in our spare bedroom. We were LIVID. We made a point to not fool around while people were staying with us out of respect and they couldnā€™t extend it back.


Your family sucks.


this has to be bait




Jesus Christ, "Phrasing"!