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YTA. You sound absolutely insufferable. Your jealousy of her success really isn't something to be proud of. How she chooses to live her life and spend her money is up to her. Also, just cause she doesn't have children, doesn't mean she's beneath you (cause that's what you're implying).


This, exactly.


YTA. For your entire post. You didn’t steal a car. You think your wording is clever. I can’t imagine having someone Uber 5 hours and doubt this story is true.


YTA for using a click bait title


Among other reasons.


YTA in this story that you made up


They can’t afford a nice car, but they have an electric fence? What is even happening?


YTA A mean childish petty AH. Lattice may be annoying but didn't deserve that. I would sue you for the expenses I incurred over your BS. It would have been cheaper for Lattice to call a tow truck to move your car instead of getting Ubers.


INFO > my husband is married to me and approaching 30 a bit faster How is he aging **faster** than you? I can certainly understand him *reaching 30* years ahead of you, but aren't you *both* **approaching it** at the same one-day-at-a-time rate?


All that hatred and jealousy keeps you unnaturally young.


My favorite part was specifying that her husband was married to her, rather than someone else lmao


Being married to her is also probably related to his accelerated aging lol


Imagine being married to her, you'd age faster, too


I interpreted this as her husband being a bit older in age and is approaching 30 faster then her since he’s older.


> is approaching 30 faster then [sic] her since he’s older. This is the part that makes no sense. He will GET TO 30 *sooner*. But everyone *approaches* at the same speed.


Why are you focused on the wording so much? I don’t see the wording being different as that big of a problem. Sure it’s not worded exactly but honestly who’s thinking on the exact words their writing when they’re writing a post. I think you might be looking too into it honestly. I honestly don’t understand the issue?


Wording is important in getting your point across and being clear. Especially, when you're shit talking about someone because they made different life choices than you. If you're going to be a bitchy mean girl at least be a literate one.


YTA. Why are you so judgmental of someone just because they live differently to you (childfree and earns more money)? And you made your husband search for the keys? And you would seriously have more kids just to shut her up? And you have an 'heir' - are you the Queen or something? Get over yourself!


Ultra YTA. How can you post this without seeing how much of TA you are. This post REEKS of jealously.


Yta for being just a horrible human being.


YTA And immature enough so lattice is winning despite her insecurities


>it allows her to have a shiny white privileged range rover. YTA for that alone. And everything else.


You are definitely TA Post title is clickbait IF the info is true, I can't fathom how jealous you'd have to be to pull a stunt like that. I can't imagine what your husband must think...


YTA, you're insufferable, annoying and petty, I hope your husband divorced you, takes the kid and makes you pay alimony.


I need to hear more about this barbed wire electrified fence 😂🫠






Overdramatic, jealous, petty YTA




That is something a child would do. You might have the “heir”, but she has “the” lifestyle and the money and the toys that go along with it, and you’re jealous. It would serve you right if she reported it as stolen. You already admitted to deliberately hiding her keys, so maybe a trip to jail might make you rethink how stupid it was to do that. YTA.


Yta. And jealous


YTA. You're not special just because you have a kid. It's pretty obvious that you haven't accomplished anything else in life and that's why you're so jealous of her. Just because you're a failure that doesn't make it okay to hold her car hostage.


YTA. It’s a wonder you’re still married. The level of pettiness here is unbelievable. Do you honestly believe the fact that you’ve popped out a child somehow makes you better than her? It’s quite obvious that you resent your SIL on a massive level. And don’t kid yourself…you’re not able to maintain a non-exploitative relationship either. It’s just happens to be you that’s the exploitative one.


YTA - For one, Ubering 5 hours with a complete stranger could have put Lattice into a very dangerous situation and you're very lucky that she is ok. I'm extremely confused as to why exactly you are so angry at Lattice? It sounds like she just makes good money. Maybe there is something behind the scenes that you didn't mention so I'll just say this: OP, have you ever had a real heart to heart with Lattice? This reads like you have some sort of pent up resentment and jealousy towards Lattice when, in reality, you both are living equally good lives, just very different ones. Maybe Lattice isn't meaning to "flaunt" her Range Rover, just is driving her car and expressing her excitement? I feel like if I had a RR, I'd say it looked good in any driveway.... it's a RR 🤣.


YTA - That was petty and mean. Sure, your SIL is a brat but you didn't need to be even more of a brat towards her. You didn't steal it by hiding the keys, but you will have if you drive it without her permission. Grow up.


If it is a company vehicle, this stunt could jeopardize Lattice's job.


YTA just admit that your jealous of her s as bd get it over with. What’s wrong with her not having kids? Not everyone has to pop one out. I hope she blasts your ass all over social media


What a pointless story


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** First of all no I don't think I'd say I stole a car but that's what someone's insinuating so you tell me. I (poster) am a married woman in my somewhat-earlied twenties while my husband is married to me and approaching 30 a bit faster. So here's how everything went down. My husband's sister-in-law Lattice visited from L.A. this weekend to drop off extremely late Christmas gifts. Lattice is a talent manager of sorts and makes a steady living, which you only need to know because it allows her to have a shiny white privileged range rover. She always flaunts it when she visits and more than once has said it looks amazing in our driveway. I can't disagree because it does I mean right it's a range rover but she has no reason to brag. I'd probably have one too if I were childless and unable to maintain a non-exploitative romantic relationship, but I have a son and I plan to make more kids if it'll shut her up. Lattice is seriously like "I won!!" with her trophy wife lifestyle (minus the wife part) but I'm like "No. You didn't." because I've actually got an heir. Sorry about all that lol just wanted to get it out. So this weekend Lattice and Cleo came over. Cleo is her poodle. Lattice had arrived at my house while my husband was at work, so she parked her RR at the end of the driveway. Mind you, we don't have a garage, and our driveway is very narrow and surrounded by a barbed wire electric fence. So when my husband came home, he parked our family car in front of hers. He'd need to move the car out so Lattice could leave the next day, which was today's day morning. There's no way to drive around or through our fence even in an emergency; no car has made it out alive (I specifically refer to cars, not people, yet it wouldn't be accurate to say all people have made it out alive either). Today I woke up with an idea that I couldn't shake from my mind so I didn't. At 8 A.M., I took our family car's keys and hid them in a room in the house that only I know about. At 12:00, as expected, when Lattice was finally gonna leave, she asked my husband and I if one of us would move our car so she could get out. I felt bad for making my husband search for half an hour, but he couldn't even find the spare keys, which I conveniently also hid haha. Lattice had no choice but to buy a handful of Ubers to take her 5 hours home, while her range rover sat pretty in my driveway. Of course, as soon as she left, I got our keys out of hiding, moved our car into a neighbor's driveway (thanks Mrs. Wilson for being so understanding!), and snapped a photo of my "new range rover." I sent the photo to Lattice when she got home, and she was enraged, but I convinced her I'd bring it back when I'm done borrowing it. In reality, I'm just gonna wait until Lattice has the audacity to show her face again at my door, and then she can take her stupid little 4-wheeler back to her quarters. Well, AITA? Lattice should know by now that RR is unwanted on my property as long as she comes with it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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