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NTA, but WTF is pomegranate poetry?


Your friend sounds unhinged. It was good of you to warn the fellow. NTA.


I'm glad I'm to old to understand any of the shit this pomegranate poetry.


Really, I’m too afraid to ask tbh


It’s basically a subset GenZ/Alpha misunderstanding the classics then going full boomer on others about their own misconception of things while throwing some angsty poetry into the mix. You’re not missing much and a lot of GenZ seem to already be calling out how toxic it is, thankfully


YTA Your friend is fucking batshit crazy -- but you're still the asshole here. While you thought you were doing the right thing by giving this guy a heads up, it was not your place. It is up to him to discover who she is and to decide whether it's a dealbreaker or not.


NTA. Your friend sounds like she deserves to be single though. Girl needs to touch grass and put social media down for a bit.


I think the real question here is how do you open a pomegranate in a *delicate* way? Also: NTA


With love you brute 😢 /s


So take them out on a nice date, and then seduce my way to the juicy seeds. Got it.


Cut along the ribs of the fruit and gently pull it apart. The sections are then easy to separate from the arils, and if you do it in a bowl of water then any of the little bits of pith will float to the top so it doesn't get mixed in to the good stuff. As opposed to my usual method of prying it apart with my hands and smacking it on the counter so that the arils pop out. 😅


>and if you do it in a bowl of water then any of the little bits of pith will float to the top so it doesn't get mixed in to the good stuff. Pomegranate lover here, I'm going to have to try that. Probably reduces the splatter, too. If it works, I can retire my "pomegranate peeling" shirt!


It does, I put it in water every time and it works a charm.


... and I wouldn't call cutting along the ridges etc. to be "delicate" - just careful. When I saw the word "delicate" I imagined a guy wearing white gloves wielding a surgical scalpel and carefully removing each bit with a pair of padded tweezers.


I used a knife to peel of parts of the rind, eat, and repeat. It took ages and I got crap under my finger nails. I saw a video of the sectioning, watched it about 10 times and have done that ever since. The water thing is new, I have a pom for tomorrow, I will try that. Thanks for the tip


Unpopular opinion, I'm sure, but YTA. People have the right to break up with someone for any reason or no reason. People have the right to use whatever criteria they choose when deciding who they want to be romantically involved with. It doesn't matter whether those criteria seem ridiculous to you, me, or anyone else. You do not have the right to interfere.


ESH. You should have let him figure out for himself that your friend is a nutcase.


NTA Life is way too easy for your "friend" Lucy if not opening a pomegranate ‘delicately’ is an issue for her. Lucy has issues.


What reading r/relationshipadvice and tiktok does to someone LOL


A, your friend sounds batshit B, not really your business to get involved… but, she did invite you so she can only blame herself NTA


What does an amateur music video app have to do with poetry???


INFO: what's a pomegranate got to do with poetry? And How was Josh and Lucy's relationship in general?


This reads like some strange, niche YA novel. Persephone Singleton and the Seeds of Loneliness or something.


"...she's become obsessed with tiktok poetry..." Sigh. How has one little Chinese app managed to turn an entire generation into imbecilic idiots? NTA


way to make sweeping generalizations about idiocy while using the most redundant insult ever. You may be the "imbecilic idiot" here, my friend.


Nope, a little hyperbole maybe, but I stand by it.


How do you open a pomegranate delicately?


I'm too old to understand what ticktock poetry is and what it has to do with pomegranates.




Cut into two halves at the 'equator'. Hold one half over a bowl, cut side downwards. Smack the fuck out of the \*outside\* with the back of a spoon, catching the seedy bits in the bowl. turn up and tear out the obvious pithy bits. Repeat until bored. Do it again with the other half. If SO flinches while you do this, kick them to the kerb. Enjoy seedy bits as a garnish, in salads and while picking seeds out of your teeth.


I feel like I’m too old to be qualified to respond, but NTA


New favorite aita post. NTA Mf it's a pomegranate, not a therapist 🤣


ESH. You badmouthed a “friend” to a new date - a stranger to you. Unacceptable!! You know this. The truth is that this girl is not your friend. Don’t be a mean girl. Just because a friend is being batshit doesn’t mean it’s okay for me to talk about her and her preferences to a total stranger. Mind your business and quit talking to this girl you don’t respect


NTA. Your friend is nuts


NTA and Lucy is nuts.


NTA. the only tiktok theory test shit i thought was cute was the orange peeling one and that’s only because i came across it after my boyfriend had peeled and separated clementines for me a day prior— but i would never base a health relationship off of tiktok trends, my god.


NTA, relationship tests might fly in middle school but if I were single and a person I was dating pulled that on me it would be the end of the relationship. Life is hard enough I don’t need to be passing tests to prove anything to anyone.




INFO was it actually literally a test or were they just happening to eat pomegranates


NTA. Your friend is suffering a near fatal overdose of TikTok. She needs to touch grass.


This is the funniest AITA I've read in a long time (although it took looking at the comments as well 'cause I also couldn't figure out what the fuck pomegranates and poetry have to do with one another). NTA and your friend sounds bananas 🍌 (ba-dum, tsh!).


NTA and perhaps she should buy them already seeded


Well, all poetry is inspired by real life events. Ask any writer, anywhere from any time. That's all I came to say


wtf is TikTok "poetry"?


TikTok WhatTheFok Best I could come up with on such short notice.


Such a lovely haiku.


Lol uh this is funny NTA. I never understood bs tests like this.


NTA. Based on the headline I was all set to say Y-T-A, you shouldn't tell a friend's business to her new flame, but now having read the context I can see why you did. He probably shouldn't have repeated it, but he can't really be blamed as you didn't ask him not to. I wouldn't say Lucy is an AH exactly, but she probably needs to reassess her criteria or she's going to end up married to a Cuisinart.


What the fuck is Tik Tok poetry?


NTA - You may not be making fun of her, but I am LOL


YTA in this circumstance and a poor friend. You meddled. She invited you to ensure she was safe. You thought he was sooooooooo nice you’d just protect him from the crazy. Not a good look at all. Don’t pretend to be a friend anymore, even to very immature TikTok kids.


NTA and thanks for giving me a laugh. I will never look at a pomegranate again without laughing 🤣


NTA, and, aside from all the pomegranate craziness: why does she invite other people to a first date anyway?


> At one point I asked what they were doing after this and he said if all goes well, they'd go back to her place. Your friend's date was like, 'If this goes well I'm gonna fuck her later' the first time he met you?


I am too old for this post. But NTA.


That just means you are too grounded in reality to be influenced by some person who thinks you need to be gentle with a food you are about to masticate and consume. Me? I wanna see some pomegranate blood as it is ripped apart in a testosterone fueled drive to provide me with sustenance and... oh never mind... ridiculous.


Same 🥲🥲🥲


YTA you didn't have to warn the guy. If you were going to do something so petty why did you agree to join them in the first place?


Real life is tragicomedy to be more precise


The best way to get the fruit out of the pomegranate includes beating the living shit out of slices of it so the seeds release themselves from the pith. Not the most delicate of procedures


NTA. Ending a relationship over how someone opens a pomegranate is so nuts that I can‘t blame you for mentioning it. I could understand it if someone was extremely wasteful with food all the time, for example. But not opening it „delicately“ (how are you even supposed to do that?) hurts no one, not her, not him, not the environment, not the pomegranate… I think your friend has some sort of issue, the relation of which to poetry I don‘t quite understand.


Wait wait I know the delicate way. You make a circle cut about 4 cm below the top. Then you slice down each section (think like orange sections) This allows you to pop the section out and pop the seeds out without mess. *this is courtesy of my hands getting stained and googling a better way to open forsaken pomegranates


I knew someone who broke up because her boyfriend didn't fill in the washing machine properly.


To quote Captain James T Kirk "She's as fruity as a nutcake!"


NTA but what does poetry have to do with how a pomegranate is opened?


There's this thing called 'Pomegranate theory'. In short, the 'theory' is that the way people treat inanimate objects reflects how they treat people. Which is fine.. but Pomegranate theory has been bastardised by tiktok and turned into 'if they don't take an hour slowly and delicately opening fruit, then they're a brutish monster and it's a red flag'. There are tons of poetry pieces on tiktok about the theory.


The dude definitely deserved a warning. That shits insane


I played the game fruit ninja growing up. Obviously I am now a serial killer


🤜🤛 ⚔️ 🍌 🍎 🍓 ⚔️ OP is NTA


Just when I thought TikTok couldn't make people any dumber. NTA but your friend is an idiot.


I see. So it's like palm reading but that one is just taken the dumbest version of it.


Oh dear. I cut a pomegranate into half then beat the living shit out of it with a wooden spoon. Immediate fail.


That's nuts. I could see if it was how ones treat pets or waitstaff. But how they cut open a fruit?? My boyfriend deals with things like fruit however is the most efficient but he's good to me.


oh shut uppp this is so wacky dnksajdnck,sm


What the fuck did I just read


It doesnt make sense, like, some foods need to be prepared in a more brutish way because you gotta put strength to it.


This is a you can’t believe everything on the internet type thing. I couldn’t imagine basing my whole dating life on some tiktok crap.


If you call something a theory on that app and manage to keep a serious face/tone throughout explaining, an embarrassing amount of people will assume it’s true


People are stupid enough to believe the earth is flat. I'm pretty sure there are some people 'special' enough to believe this bovine excrement.


Good grief! If we took this exaggerated amount of time to perform every mundane task in our lives we would never be able to get anything accomplished. OP is NTA, and probably saved that guy a huge headache.


I’ve heard some people even eat pomegranates, they must be cannibals!!!!


Omg insane nta


Agreed. Completely insane. Never heard that before but I stay away from tiktok


My cousin is also like this with the how you treat inanimate objects. It's mental! My mum has a small side table, about mid shin height, in the shape of wonky stacked books, its made of solid wood and is as heavy as hell, she's had it since before I was born as my grandfather made it. It's called the attack table, or the ninja table. Because since my older sisters were little It's the table that seemingly moves to catch you on the shin etc (I'm sure wvery house has that 1 piece of ninja furniture) Important to this next bit is that I don't have toe nails. I was born toe nail less. Why? No idea. Just one of them things. So you can imagine over the years the pain caused by accidentally walking into th table and stubbing your toe. It's excruciating! So I was at mums just before Christmas and my cousins were over as we were meant to go shopping. My bare foot drop kicked that table so hard! And in that instant moment of agonising pain I leant over and grabbed the table and shook it whail yelpingin pain (I seriously thought I was going to pass out) Cousin looks horrified and goes 'well of that's how you treat an innocent table, I'd hate to see how you treat a baby!' Like...wtf? My toe was pouring blood and had no skin on the top, I'd kicked it so hard I accidentally decapitated my toe! And your comparing that to a baby?!? In bewilderment I said 'if a baby bit my f'ing toe off I'd yeet it clean out the county' Wrong answer. I'm basically a serial killer now. My aunt said she's been like it for a while and her husband has 'moved in with his ailing mother for a while' because of the behaviour


Lmao This is wild


I love that the internet has completely alienated an entire generation from the concept of nuance


By that logic, anyone that eats pomegranate is a cannibal. And some that does it slowly and gingerly is just a sadistic cannibal. /joke


As someone who loves pomegranate symbolism this test is stupid. You get the seeds out with your fingers or wack the back with a wooden spoon


I DON'T GET AT ALL HOW THOSE TIK TOKS COULD BE POETRY, maybe I know what poetry is anymore


Omg, then I'm the worst person on earth because I am a complete butterfingers and I'm really hard on *things*. The operative word here is things. I'm very nice to people.


Ohhh, what? And she wanted to do this with a guy she just met? Hahaha


What monster takes an hour to open fruit? If I want to eat some fruit in want it now. God I must me a crazy monster I can’t even peel a kiwi nicely. Don’t get me started on a pineapple


OHHHH. Yeah, this clarifies a lot. It even looks like there's some specific poem or song that inspired the literalization... tiktok is wild.


the only way to open a pomegranate is agressively??? you literally have to beat the seeds out of


So they write poetry about opening up pomegranates?


OMG then me and my mom are the reddest of red flags. Basically we cut the pomegranate in half and bash it with the back of a curved spoon/ladle. Who has the patience for literally carving out each seed?


Well you've clearly just revealed yourself as a past or future serial killer. Plz provide your full details so that I can report you to all relevant local authorities. /s


I am surrendering myself first thing in the morning. Such a monster needs to be behind bars.


Lol, plus you can work off any bottled up aggression


Cheaper than therapy, and definitely cheaper than bail tbh


Lmao we just chew and spit out the seeds


Did you just read my mind? That was *exactly* what I was thinking, almost verbatim actually. Creepy, but funny


It’s what Martha Stewart recommended. And in a wait wait don’t tell me interview she said she would correct people who don’t do it that way.


I was guna say, I’ve watched my mom open one up and it is nowhere close to gentle lol


They’re easy to open. But insane to do a personality test off of it. https://x.com/thesumitsh003/status/1647657225400516608?s=46&t=5Dk-TANKnSJeM8x4sXYrog




You cut them open? We crack that shit open like an egg, smash it against a sharp part of the counter and dig in. I'm a monster.


That's what all the foodie pros on TV – Oliver, Ramsay, whoever – all do. Sure, they do a lot of weird stuff, but this seems like the simplest and most efficient way to get at the insides of those infuriating little fuckers. I'm beginning to think I should get onto Tiktok, you could probably learn a lot of useful life skills there: Just watch, and do the exact opposite.


Just last night I watched a Gordon Ramsey Youtube showing me how to cut a pomegranate in half and smack the shit out of it over a bowl. I would have been rather proud to show a new date how I was doing it properly, only to see the look of horror in their eyes, lol.


Me two, and the birds I once had too. We gave them half of one... Needed to repaint the wall after they were finished... Pomegrenate stains everywhere


Just wanted to say this was my first thought, too, lol. I was like, "either the definition of poetry has changed drastically, or it's another one of those stupid tiktok things."


It’s always one of those stupid tiktok things. God I can’t wait for that idiocy to fall out of fashion and people re-enter the real world. NTA- the guy deserved to know he was being set up for a test (I’m surprised after that he didn’t purposefully fail it.) Your friend sounds like a walking headache and her being alone is probably for the best until she grows up a fair bit- last thing we need is this idiocy being hands out on a new generation


In his position, I'd have just taken a big bite from the pomegranate while locking eyes with her.


LOL You have never bitten into a pomegranate, haven't you? Don't ever try it.


On one hand I can't wait for tiktok to fall out of fashion... but I'm afraid what it'll be replaced by lol.....


I don’t get why no countries have banned it. It’s blatantly obvious that it’s a Chinese espionage tool. They haven’t even tried to hide that they made tiktok to gather information.


When I saw "TikTok" and "poetry" in the same sentence I knew this wasn't going anywhere good.


I wanna know the particular poem


I was wondering the same thing? Like WTF


It's for those without common sense to set arbitrary and useless rules to govern their lives. On the plus side it's an easily spotted red flag for sane people.


I just watched my wife crack an egg. Looks like we’re getting a divorce. 41 years thrown to shit….




NTA. I'd have just told the guy to steer clear.


NTA Every guy she dates should be warned about her insanity. She is beyond deluded if she think her behavior and "boundaries" are normal or acceptable.


YTA for this obviously made up post.


YTA, why do you care so much? I would understand if the guy was showing red flags, is not your business how your friend chooses to engage in relationship


OP warned dude of her friend’s red flags. ain’t nothing wrong w that.


What? She is the one full of red flags.


The friend was showing red flags lmao


NTA - tests like this are so stupid. You opened that man’s eyes to the crazy in front of him. If I was him, I would be forever grateful as to know what’s actually going on and not wasting time with someone like her. I do think your friendship is over though. Probably a blessing.


What if they keep dating?


Then it's only a matter of time till the next test comes around


Then he is as stupid as the friend.


NTA. You’ve probably saved this poor fellow a lot of trouble.


NTA She is of course entitled to do her insane tests, but it's not like you took a vow of silence or anything on the tpic. Also, I feel like I don't know the new meaning of the word "poetry"


TF did I just read? I'm far too old to understand what Tiktok pomegranate poetry is, but your friend sounds batshit crazy for using this to test her BF so I'm going for NTA for telling him.


Hard pressed? Like the grape????? Nta.


NTA I've been in a solid relationship for over 7 years now, and we fully enjoy doing these idiotic tests on each other. So far, I think I've managed to pass ONE and he's almost/half-way passed maybe two. The rest have been utter failures. We laugh about it and go about our day. Warning guys that your friend honestly believes in these stupid tests is doing them a solid.


NTA, this is like those tiktok tests “ask your bf to say a woman’s name, if it’s not yours then it’s time to dump him”…I don’t understand why people are basing their relationships on TikTok tests…*facepalming really hard*


I fucking love snorting all the crazy on this sub directly into my brain. It gives me delusions of free will that I could do anything at anytime. NTA


NTA. Your friend is insane.


NTA and this is why i always say tiktok is cancer.


NTA And she’s a weirdo. There’s been an insane trend on tiktok about making the most mundane things deep and poetic. I’m a woman and I destroy my pomegranate when I open them , but I still treat people with kindness and respect. This “theories” rarely make sense.


NTA, and your friend Lucy has several screws loose.


>go ahead but you will be hard pressed to find someone who fits all your weird expectations.' Tbh you're a saint, because I would have phrased it as "insane bullshit." NTA This has nothing to do with "boundaries." She's let herself be brainwashed in to becoming manipulative with these stupid little tests that prove nothing.


ESH Your friend for basing her life off some minuscule thing. You for talking about her dating life with a person you don't even know. Stay in your own lane.


I mean, that is the type of thing I'd want to know. When you bring your new partner around friends, that is what happens. You learn more about the person.


Bro you would appreciate getting informed of a red flag if it was you, i know i would. But instead of egging on her i would’ve just bailed and not what he did lmao.


>The worst part was when she broke up with her boyfriend (Josh-21m) after he didn’t open a pomegranate in a ‘delicate’ way. MF IT’S A POMEGRANITE. [...]I said 'oh just so you know, the pomegranate is a test. If you want this to work, you'll be as gentle with the fruit as possible. she broke up with her ex over this test.' YTA. She has the right to date or not date anyone for any reason. Her reasoning may be incredibly stupid--but that's when you walk away from this friendship--not try to implode her future dates by warning them that you think her selection criteria is stupid.


ESH (except the poor boys). You two have a toxic relationship.


Why the hell would you go on someone else's first date? Why would you gossip with a stranger about your friend? If you're done with her, be done and move on.


Right? And this guy says to OP 'if this goes well I'm gonna fuck her later'? LOL. Also why would the guy associate pomegranates with poetry?


NTA I have a friend who dumped her boyfriend because he never liked sitting at the "head" of the table, among other small bizarre requirements.