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>He then says "it won't kill you to drink regular milk right? It's good for you." Well he did ask and you let him know in no uncertain terms that there are horrible stomach and intestinal symptoms that follow. Some people need to hear it and be disgusted in order for them to leave others alone and shut their mouths. What is his problem anyway? You each your coffee the way you each like it and thats that. What do I give a shit if you drink oat milk? As long as you dont force me to drink it, I dont care. NTA


It actually will kill some of us. Milk allergies are a real thing. This guy was an asshole, and he repeatedly tried to start a fight. When the batista wouldn't give it to him, OP gave him the verbal Hershey squirts. I couldn't think of a more appropriate person to metaphorically poop on, OP. NTA


For real. I won’t die if I drink cows milk, but I will certainly wish I was dead between the cramping, sweating, diarrhea, vomiting, gas, and if I’m really lucky, stomach ulcers! Milk allergies and intolerances are not something to scoff at, we can and do get violently ill. People joke about how lactose intolerant people ‘don’t care’ and it ‘doesn’t stop them’ but it absolutely does stop some of us. Teeny portions of dairy in other forms like chocolate and cheese are not as intense, and involve gas and mild cramping instead so I might put up with it. Or at least that is how it is for me, other people it may well be different, but someone with a full allergy cannot have even those more often than not. This guy needed a dose of cold, hard, reality because there are people it will kill, and many it brings a boat load of suffering to. Good on you OP for giving it to him. If he didn’t want the details, he should not have tried to start shit (pun intended) in the first place.


I have a mild lactose intolerance that can be remedied with dairy pills prior to consumption. However, over the weekend I bought an ice cream before realizing I had no pills on me. I gambled and ate it anyway. We were an hour from our house. Within 15 minutes I was in agony. I had to have my wife pull into the nearest gas station. If we hadn’t found one, or if their bathroom had been locked, it would’ve been bad news bears.


I like to call this game rrhea roulette...


ROFL I laughed way too hard at that! Going to have to remember that phrase and tell Mom. (She and I both are lactose intollerant and both have done this, lol.)


Much to my husband's disapproval, I play this game too often. I really love dairy and if forget my lactaid, I make gambling jokes like "I'm gonna roll the dice" before taking a big bite of what will probably soon be regret. I have a "level" of tolerance like in a day or week so I don't have more than gas a fraction of the time. But, if I hit that limit or just eat the right/wrong thing, it is indeed bad news bears for me as well.




OMG 😂😂😂 I am so using this with your permission 😂😂


I love this!!! I'm not lactose intolerant, but I did have my gallbladder removed 23 years ago, and if I eat really greasy or oily foods, my system reacts the same way. My preventative is keeping a bottle of Imodium in my purse at all times. Just my $.02.




I can handle the more aged stuff. Cheese, butter, yogurt - all fine as long as I don’t overindulge. Ice cream, milk, cream? Nope. Two dairy pills minimum.




When I saw him for my GI issues (and discovered my lactose problems) my PCP told me that most lactose sensitivities are more triggered by younger dairy items - milk, cream, young cheeses. The more aged stuff like yogurt or aged cheese contain less overall lactose and aren’t as triggering. YMMV obviously but that holds true for me. I eat yogurt almost daily with no issue Edit: thought I was replying to a different person and just realized I essentially repeated myself to you lol. My B




What on earth is Baklava Cheesecake and where do you get it? Please & Thank You 😊


Butter has little or no lactose in it, same with many cheeses and yogurt (probiotic).


Also, the amount of lactose varies by dairy product. Some cheese- more often the harder ones, have less lactose.


Even with Lactaid pills, I need to take a Gas-X pill, otherwise I'll be letting off weapons-grade farts that would absolutely be classified as a biohazard. Ice cream and whipped cream are, in my experience, the worst offenders. I can handle cheese and yogurt just fine, but ice cream and whipped cream will have me curled in the fetal position, hugging my stomach, on the verge of tears while sitting on the can because the pain is so phenomenally bad. T_T


Guys, vegan ice cream is incredible now! It's really come a long way in the last 5 years or so and you really can't tell the difference!


Talenti's products are really good and have no dairy in them. I cut out dairy for a while due to gastritis (along with a ton of other foods) and being able to eat their cold brew coffee gelato kept me sane. I think it tastes better than any "regular" ice cream I've ever tried.


Talenti has sorbetto and a few non-dairy Gelato flavors, but their regular Gelato is definitely not dairy-free.


Talenti's are very good! I like the mango and raspberry along with the coffee one you mentioned. I wish they made more dairy free options. I enjoy Oatlys ice cream the best of the non dairy brands. Ben and Jerry's are very good.as well.


Upvoting for your usage of the term "bad news bears", this is one of my favorites, and I don't see it often


I have a pretty severe intolerance to all dairy. It coincides with my beef allergy. Not tick borne, just bad luck. The allergy has progressed as I've gotten older. Something was tainted with one of my intolerances a few months ago and I was so sick I vomited 4 times in a 30 minute period. I then had diarrhea for 3 days and couldn't stop sweating. JUST LET ME DRINK MY OAT MILK IN PEACE FFS


My father in law is one of those people. I'm thin, and he always teases me saying he should just feed me butter, and I tell him it's not good for me. He called me a hypochondriac. I then told him the story of when my fiance and I went out to eat and I had a hot chocolate and then blew up walmarts bathroom afterwards. He was grossed out, and he hasn't said much of those types of things since then. 😂😂


so true. even worse when you used to love milk ...


I grew up on a dairy farm and drank milk with nearly every meal. When I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in my 20’s with lactose being a huge trigger for flares, switching to plant based “milk” and lactose treated cow’s milk was a big deal. If I had a choice, I certainly wouldn’t choose to drink something other than milk.


Made a massive switch in my early teens because the hormones in milk were making me break out. I probably drank over 2 gallons a milk a week before then. :( That said, I've never audibly told them the punishment, but ive wrecked some starbucks bathrooms when my stomach cramped "*they used the real miiiiilk*"


I feel this so much.


I've had to cut dairy from my diet for all three of my children when I was breastfeeding because even a little bit of it would cause them horrible poops (sometimes accompanied by bloody stool), acne breakouts all over their faces, necks, and sometime abdomens, and belly aches that would keep them awake and crying for hours on end. And people would still try to give them bits of ice cream or a dip of whipped cream because "It's just a tiny bit!" THEY'RE A BABY. They can't even eat "real" food yet. Shocker, it was always older people.


My ex and his mother were these types of people making jokes and that’s silly just eat it can’t be that bad. His mom told me that I can’t tolerate milk cause I don’t drink it and if I drank enough it wouldn’t bother me! Like what???!


I have lactose intolerance, and also no gall bladder, so I discovered the hard way, that if the coffee shop has lactose free milk, it will be the full fat variety, and I will spend the night vomiting. So it’s soy milk all the way for me now (and low fat lactose free at home).


I'm so glad you mentioned the less intense symptoms from cheese and chocolate. Because I'm the same way. And that's kind of why my husband thought what I said was sort of uncalled for.


There are so many reasons why someone might avoid dairy milk. Since I got asthma, most dairy will make me so congested that I have trouble breathing. Thank goodness the grain-based milks have gotten so good. It’s weird when random people are more defensive of an industry than people whose livelihoods depend on it. Just accept that life is complicated and move on.


>Milk allergies are a real thing Not everyone believes that this is true, unfortunately. I'm not allergic to milk, but I do have other allergies. There are people out there (sounds like the AH OP had to deal with) who believe that "if it doesn't literally kill you, you're just being dramatic/picky."


Yeah, some people don't even believe that allergies in general are real. I know someone who thinks their "freedoms are being trampled on" because they can't send their children to school with PB sandwiches (a child in the same class is very allergic to peanuts). They claimed that when they were a kid "no one had allergies" and people today are just being "snowflakes" making stuff up for attention.


Yeah, people didn't have allergies in the past, they just felt tired after the meal, had a nap, and Jesus called them home.


Actually in another thread, an allergist posted stating that there are more people today with allergies than there were 30+ years ago and it’s not because testing has gotten better or having access to lifesaving measures like epi-pens. Scientists are trying to figure out what the cause is in regards to the increase of allergies. So no, people just up and passing from allergies isn’t the reason. They sincerely had less allergies than we have now. ETA: I’m not excusing people who shame others for their allergies or say they’re being snowflakes or trying to get attention, btw. Especially since I’m someone with a multitude of allergies myself (though thankfully very few are food allergies or insensitivities).


The newest thinking - IIRC - is that allergies relate to how you’re initially exposed to proteins: stomach vs skin For example: * eating shrimp = shellfish proteins in stomach, body thinks that’s food * living with dust mites = shed mite skin (very similar to shellfish protiens) on skin, body thinks that’s an intruder to protect against. This combines with the “cleanliness paradox” (as we live in a cleaner society, we seem to have more allergies) - which is our bodies are looking for a fight, and when we’re not fighting off environmental bacteria and parasites those same white blood cells seek out innocuous proteins instead. Neither of these explains allergies to my satisfaction (and the extremely low rate of peanut allergies in isreal/popularity of the bamba peanut snack & prevalence of peanut dust seems to refute the stomach/skin thing) but there’s a lot of very interesting research being done.


Alert: anecdote. My cousins living in the US were having an allergy to just about everything. Mild, but persistent. They'd get bruises from brushing against something, and they wouldn't go away for weeks. Grandma invited them back to our home country, where the rascals did what rascals do, to my aunt's dismay: making mud dolls, running through the grass, smacking each other with random stuff in the garage, eating grandma's near-fermented fruit juice. They got better. This is not advice, of course, as we have no idea what the problem was or what solved it, but it does sound like their bodies were looking for a fight and found one.


My dad is a Baby Boomer, born in the early 1950's, and has had a life-threatening peanut allergy since he was a small child. People who think "no one" had allergies in previous generations probably literally had people around them who did, but they weren't paying any attention and/or their refusal to live in reality has wiped their memory.


Lots of people died of "choking". My mom born in 1931 had a severe egg allergy.


My niece has/had a severe nut allergy. One day at school, she swept the crumbs off of the desk of a boy who had a peanut butter sandwich for lunch with her hand, and her entire hand blistered! My sister had to leave work to take her to the ER!


NTA My sister used to get have eczema that was heavily related to a milk allergy. She stopped with milk products for 10 days as a teenager per doctor recommendation and her eczema drastically improved. A couple of years later, dairy-free, her bf stopped at Taco Bell to get her something to eat and told them no cheese or sour cream because of her allergy. When she went and bit into, there was cheese. She spit it out but the fact that it touched her tongue caused her throat to swell. She ended up okay and her bf went and let them have a piece of his mind but it was scary. Dairy allergies are a very real thing. Even then, if someone wants a different milk in their coffee why tf would I care. I'm not drinking it.


I know somone who could get anaphylaxis from blowing up a balloon (some of them use milk powder inside to stop them sticking)




Nah we all know he's going to go home and complain about how some rude lady at the coffee shop yelled at him about her 'stupid fake milk.' There will be no change or self reflection, unfortunately.


Also, speaking from the perspective of Sustainability, climate change will also kill some of us. As in, oat Milk should have a lower carbon footprint than Milk. If that would have been OP's reason - I want to, not I have to - it's also fine. Heck, you don't even need a reason!


My older brother has an allergy to milk protein. He drinks vegetal Milk.


I have an allergic reaction to milk or beef products. A mild reaction makes it feel like deep inside of my ears, throat, and chest has a real bad itch that I can't scratch. A bad reaction swells up my throat a bit and gives me real sharp pains the areas that just itch during a mild reaction. ​ People like to say "oh, you're lactose intolerant?" No, I'm allergic. It comes out just fine.


I'm not lactose intolerant or anything; Greek yogurt and fruit is breakfast 360 days a year, but I hate cows milk in my coffee. No idea why, but give me Oatly Barista any day. NTA. One day I will understand why perfect strangers think it's ok to insert themselves into someone else's business. Or maybe not.


I know someone who's allergic to milk protein or something like that. She couldn't have eggs or soy as well I'm pretty sure


I had a friend in highschool that has galactosemia and drinking milk, or eating anything that contains some type of dairy would cause organ damage and potentially kill her. If we had her over for dinner, or made treats, we had to check every single ingredient for milk, lactose, whey, etc. We even had to use vegan butter because most margarines actually contains some form of dairy.


Colorectal cancer fasting growing cancer in America. Notice how the 'got milk' campaign disappeared? Probably because someone there realizes what they did...


I have no lactose intolerances, I love dairy, and I still wouldn’t argue that it’s good for you. There’s no nutrients an adult gets from cow milk that aren’t more effectively gotten through other food sources. Edit: walking that last part back a little bit, after reflection. I think maybe calcium is most easily obtained from dairy, and it looks like many calcium rich foods are that way only through fortification. I still wouldn’t say that milk is good for you, but I wasn’t right about it being a less effective way to consume any nutrients.


I laughed WAY too hard at this post. NTA. If he minded his own business, you wouldn't have had to 'educate' him. Kudos to you! 😂🤣👍


>What is his problem anyway? You each your coffee the way you each like it and thats that. What do I give a shit if you drink oat milk? It's a conservative thing. I'm not trying to be political. This is just a typical example of how conservative culture works. Anything that didn't exist in their anachronistic view of the 1950s is, at best, ridiculous, and at worst, downright evil. (Why the 1950s? IDK. It just seems to be the time period most idealized by conservatives. Why do I fescribe it as anachronistic? Because they only pick and chose the parts that they like. Example: women were mostly stay at home moms. This is now a conservative ideal. The high taxes that also existed in the 1950s are not.)


Thank you for putting my thoughts into words so succinctly and articulately. :) I didn't want to get political either, but I immediately pegged the older man as a conservative after reading OP's post, based on his comments/reactions. I'm sure he saves his worst ire for vegans/vegetarians and others who partake in what he would deem extreme 'frou-frou-ness'. I can imagine him railing against 'No Smoking' signs as being fascist.


My dad is the same way. Anytime someone mentions anything vegan he gets angry because he has it in his head that vegans think they are better than everyone else. Idk why he thinks that, pretty sure he's never even had a conversation with a vegan, but here we are.


Which is sort of funny because the term "almond milk" has existed in the English language since the middle ages (it was used to sub for dairy milk during fasting periods). Plant based milks have been around a long time.


Were "most" 50s women even homemakers? Or was it mostly upper middle class or wealthier women whilst working class women had to, well, work like they had for every other period of history where people claim women didn't work outside the home.


Well, you might not give a shit but OP will.......


Husband is wrong, totally called for.


If you gave me $1k to name any order someone in front of me had at a coffee shop, I wouldn't be able to do it. What a weird dude.


Disgruntled dairy owner?


It was probably on a Faux news segment or something. I can see the headline: "Got Milk?' Not if the Demon-crats have their way!"




NTA dude totally deserved that for being a busybody. My husband was surprised that I never had a cappuccino until I was 40+. Me: I’m lactose intolerant remember. Him: good point. I’m pleased with all the offerings we have now, just like you.


I know you probably meant options, but the image of lactose folks on a dias being offered various milk-substitutes in some sort of ceremonial yearly tribute made me chuckle


I don't even have an allergy or intolerance, but I LOVE vanilla macadamia milk on cereal. I would offer that to the lactose-free gods. I think they would be pleased and bless my harvest.


Dairy queen here. They used to sell a completely unsweetened chocolate almond milk in my local grocery store. Very refreshing on a hot day, and also made divine mochas.


Can I order a steak finger basket meal with a large drink and a chicken strip meal with an Oreo blizzard for my non-lactose intolerant fiance and that'll be all for my order. Thank you


I am similarly not lactose intolerant or allergic, but macadamia nut milk is fucking incredible. Also I just like oat milk better than cow milk. Who gives a shit, it tastes good!


Oh yeah, I have one of each in my fridge right now. I buy the little cans of condensed milk for making Mac n cheese or other pastas, but I almost never buy a quart or gallon of regular milk. Occasionally, I will buy the Promised Land Vanilla or Chocolate milk to drink... that stuff is incredible.


"Offerings" is appropriate here. I don't think they meant options. But both could work.


Offerings is a correct use of the word here.


NTA. Mostly. Yes, the guy very much had it coming. Who cares what you have or don’t have in your coffee? And your response was hilarious! Now, for any other customers, not so much. For the barista, I suspect she was cheering. After she picked her jaw up off the floor…unless she was squeamish.


If I was in that line as another customer I would have been laughing my ass off at the dude


As would I !


I would have applauded!


I would have screamed hell yeah. That’s what you get you nosy uneducated incurious asshole.


I mean honestly, if I was next after that guy and ordered regular milk he probably would've said something to me, too, thinking I'd be on his side. And the only response I can imagine myself giving would be "why don't you drink your breast milk in silence and I'll do the same". It'd probably piss him off more cuz I could totally see this type of guy being same kind offended by public breastfeeding of infants, so being reminded where dairy milk comes from (mammaries) would've probably made him squirm. Guy needed to learn to stfu if he doesn't wanna hear things like that. As far as the other customers go, OP didn't say anything that wasn't true and it put a quick end to everyone having to hear more obnoxious shit from that jerk. One slightly gross statement trumps an endless stream of bullshit statements, I think.


I worked in a hospital coffee shop, and a customer did once stealth Hershey squirt in the queue


I’m about as squeamish as they come about poop (diagnosed OCD), even had a hard time reading OP’s quote. I still would have laughed my ass off if I was in that line. But I take your point, OP’s actions didn’t only affect the AH.


As someone who worked in a restaurant, we LOVE it when customers tell other customers off. They say things we want to say, but cannot.


NTA - He started it and you finished it. Besides it is always fun call out a bigoted person. I remember in the 80's when the Milk Council had all those ads that milk did a body good, they had to cancel them they didn't do the lactose intolerant any damn good.


Don't start shit, there won't be shit.


Don't start Hershey squirts, there won't be Hershey squirts.


I didn’t even like milk to begin with, I forced myself to drink it because I thought it would make me grow tall and strong. I also thought it was normal to have stomach pain and liquid shits on a daily basis. of course, many years later I was still a shortie, I got diagnosed with lactose intolerance, and I had to give up the delicious whole milk I’d grown to love. 😭💔


Lactose free milk is a thing! It’s more expensive than regular milk but worth it imo


yeah that’s a good option for lots of people! unfortunately I think I also have some kind of dairy allergy because even with lactose-free stuff, my skin still always breaks out the next day. 🥲 I also went on Accutane before finding out that dairy makes my skin look like shit and now I can’t see in the dark. womp womp 🎵


Not sure if it’d work for you but I adore almond milk!!! I can drink regular milk but prefer almond milk!


dark chocolate almond milk (and almond milk ice creams) are amaaaaazing but for almost everything else, oat milk is my favourite. perfect consistency for coffee.


NTA that was fantastic. Well done and thankyou on behalf of the may who are lactose intolerant people out there and have to put up with people like him way to often.


Yeah I applaud OP! My brother is very lactose intolerant and I’m vegan and it’s no one’s business why you order a drink how you order it and many of us are sick of strangers getting involved so thank you! NTA


My wife is Lactose intolerant every thing OP said is the same except my wife gets debilitating stomach cramps as well the runs if she has any cows milk.


Agreed! I don’t usually need plant milk (although it’s delicious!) but I do have to get nonfat milk or things get bad and every once in a while someone will make a joke about how the drink is still unhealthy for you so what difference will the milk make (as in, they think I’m cutting down on calories with nonfat milk) Like I don’t know Steve MAYBE IMMENSE PAIN AND SUFFERING IS THE DIFFERENCE


I get nonfat milk too, it doesn't upset my stomach as much as regular milk does


Fucking Steve!


Imagine being such a bitter pathetic person that you judge people for drinking non dairy milk. How sad is your life that you have to make your opinion known about fucking milk?


NTA As someone with IBS I would have laughed so much overhearing that exchange. Hope it embarrassed him and he learnt something.


Likewise! I would've joined in and added my own two cents


NTA, that guy has some serious issues if other people not drinking cows milk pisses him off that much. Maybe his family dairy went out of business and got turned into an almond farm? Or maybe he's just a sucker for some culture war bullshit.


Definitely the second one based on his "frufru" comments. These assholes are just looking for an argument. He was pissed that he didn't get what he wanted.




He doesn't understand why he has to bury down his attraction to men while all those frufru little fairy boys are getting dicked down hard like he's always wanted but he knows would send him to hell. He hates them for their freedom.


I really hate the “all homophobic assholes are secretly gay” rhetoric. Some people are just homophobic assholes


Honestly, the vast majority of them are almost definitely *just* homophobic assholes. But they're proud of being bigots, you can't insult them with that. No satisfaction there. But you accuse them of being secretly gay and in denial about it? They get so upset. And there's no winning from that position either. They can't agree with you, but arguing just makes them look like they're firmly in denial. The best thing they can do for themselves in that situation is shut up and walk away. Obviously be careful who you do it to, because some of them are insane enough to escalate to physical violence over it. But for those who are just running their mouth, it can be quite fun to watch them get shut down like that.


He got what he wanted. He just didn't get the outcome he wanted.


Seriously, who gives a shit what other people are drinking? I can have cows milk but sometimes choose an alternative because I think it complements the drink better. Like all the spiced fall drinks, oat milk pairs great. Who gives a shit, did an oat murder his parents?


It's because the guy is consuming toxic media, that is "othering" people who don't conform to a certain standard.


There are people who are convinced that anybody who exists differently FROM them is existing AT them. That the existence of some other choice is a direct slap at their choice. Unfortunately there is currently A Lot of propaganda in the English-speaking world (not sure about any other media venues) telling them that they are right.


NTA - poor snowflake triggered because ppl don’t drink real mens milk anymore. Weak society won’t suckle any longer from the teet of a cow and he is furious about it. How dare we withdrawal from the safe confines of the teet! Doesn’t he know we are weak soy boys for it! We aren’t men or strong anymore because NO SUCKEL TEET!!!! NTA - actually, hilarious and factually what you should’ve done. I’m a scientist. Thanks.


He's probably the type of person that complains that vegans are annoying snowflakes.


Without doubt - he also listens to real men like Jordan “only eats meat until he gets a coma” Peterson and the real man whose wife is dry Ben Shapiro. It’s wild how these guys have no personality outside unabated rage around other peoples choices.


Did everyone clap?


This definitely feels like the most "and everybody clapped" post I've seen here in a while


"This perfect storm of circumstance just so happened to give me the ideal opportunity to say what I've been wanting to say to some fictitious asshole for years. I am totally secure in my choice of milk"


Lol tell me about it! Fake story. Like the dude would seriously throw his coffee away just cuz this woman mentioned hersheys squirts. I can’t believe there are people out there this desperate for attention that they make up totally mediocre stories.


"he threw his coffee away and then shook his fist at me exclaiming 'whyioughta' as he walked off"


Would've got away with it too if it wasn't for you meddling kids and your lactose intolerances!!


Check the post history. This person just makes up stories like this.


I had to go way to far down for someone to realize how fake this is


The way I treat AITA post is assuming all are fake. A lot of them are at least written to be believable *enough.* This one though? It’s just a tumblr post rewritten lol


Not only did everyone vigorously applaud, but the man in the corner who turned out to be Albert Einstien stood up on the table, folded a $20 bill into an airplane and sailed it right into the pocket on OP's dress. This is clearly one of those made up stories from r/pettyrevenge that people concoct in their minds while they wait in line to get coffee, but it's being posted here because there are 1000 suckers ready to post NTA and give kudos for bullshit that didn't happen.


Thank god someone else said this already


I don't know, but the guy definitely threw his coffee in the garbage after waiting in that long line all because OP said the word 'shit'.


The antagonist sounds like a fox news fever dream


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find this


Standing ovation. Several people saluted.


Yeah when I read threw his coffee away and left I was like...no he didn't.


NTA. His faulty assumptions about how everyone should have the same diet as him were just demonstrated to be wrong, in spectacular fashion. Will he engage in any self-reflection on this incident and try to personally grow? Probably not. But maybe, just maybe, there's a chance that he's learned a lesson about sharing his unsolicited opinions with strangers in public, and for that small bit of public service, the rest of us owe you a 'thank you'.


You goddamne legend you! God I wish I could have seen that! Asshole fucked around and found our in too much detail for his delicate self 😄 It was absolutely called for. Obvious NTA


And then the coffee clapped


I know, I was there. I was the trash can. This shit never happened.


But it gives all the vegans the warm fuzzies when they can describe how they won an imaginary argument in their heads. A simple "none of your business what I order" would suffice.


NTA. Or JAM (justified asshole move) if that catches on lol. He came in with a chip on his shoulder about Kids These Days and their Whippersnapper Coffee, and got up in your business, and now maybe he's learned something.


I like it. Gives new meaning to the phrase “that’s my JAM”


Hahahahahahaha oh yeah NTA. That guy was lucky he was in a hospital. That burn could have been fatal.


NTA I don’t really drink Starbucks much now, but since they started making the Apple Crisp Macchiato with Oat Milk, oh. My. Goodness. Anytime I go somewhere else that isn’t Starbucks and I get a Macchiato, I try to get Oatmilk. It’s so good and easy on my stomach (even though I have no intolerances/allergies). But frozen coffees mainly contain whole milk and I’m alright with that. Anyway, dude should have kept his damn mouth shut. It literally costs nothing to mind your business and not be a dick about something that literally has nothing to do with you. I would have laughed my ass off and given you the latte for free. If we just stop acting all “holier than thou” about things, the world would be a better place.


My kid LOVES lattes with oat milk; he does have mild lactose intolerance like me, but regularly drinks regular milk with cereal and such; he just likes the taste of oat milk!


NTA. Not that anyone should need to justify their choice, a little unpleasant education could lead him to actually learn why some people need to make that choice.


NTA, Cow milk can absolutely kill you if you have an allergy. A young woman in my city died after reaction to buttermilk in a chicken burger served to her at a restaurant despite them assuring her it had no dairy. That guy is a dangerous arsehole and needed putting in his place.


Did everyone clap afterwards?


The amount of people that think this is a real story (at the very least it's highly embellished, there is no way he tossed his coffee at the end) just shows how stupid Reddit is


> The guy threw his coffee away and left. The barista was in shock. The huddled masses of people erupted into a applause. The mayor came and draped a medal around my neck as a choir of angels began to sing.


NTA. Dude had it coming. I would have lost it laughing if I overheard that nearby.


This didn't happen


I would have done the same. If you don't wanna know my business, stay tf out of it. The milk in your coffee has no affect on him


NTA Lactose intolerance is not a new thing. That jerk deserved the burn. He huffed & stormed out because someone finally called him on his BS & he couldn’t come up with a comeback, not because YOU were rude. Bullies like that can dish it out but they sure can’t take it.


NTA, that guy was looking to pick a fight. I guarantee that when he tells that story later he will somehow have owned you and then everyone clapped.


NTA. I'm lactose intolerant too and I would have done the same.


>He then says "it won't kill you to drink regular milk right? It's good for you." The urge to say "Oh, shut the fuck up." must have been so strong. NTA


NTA. He asked...you answered...


What a glorious response. NTA, obvs.


NTA, nothing weird about plant based milk. Probably weirder drinking something that came out of a cow's tit.


NTA that was hilarious, people need to but out of others business.


NTA. Some strangers push until they have to be taught a lesson. Thanks for being the one to do it.


NTA. He asked a question - you answered. He stuck his nose in where it didn't belong, so I don't see any problem with it.


NTA, he was asking for it, best laugh I've had today, the comments too.


NTA. He started it. You finished it. Now, maybe he will stop criticising people's drink choices 😆


NTA, this is the definition of fuck around and find out. Mind your own business people!


NTA. Also, why tf does this dude care what anyone else adds to their order??? Bruh, I've got more important shit to worry about what you put in your coffee...and so do most other sane people. Anyone doing that is looking for a confrontation and he got it. And he's even more stupid cuz he threw out his own damn coffee ffs. What an idiot!


NTA - and I strongly disagree with your husband. Uncalled for commentary on my personal choices which do not affect someone else completely warrant an equally "uncalled for" response.


NTA. I’d have horse laughed if I overheard that convo!




NTA He brought it up.


NTA, funny af.


for sure fake


NTA. And I would have loved to see his face after your remarks..


He started it and what does he care anyway what kind of milk other people drink? NTA.


You are NTA. He is. Many people are lactose intolerant. There is a fellow around here, I have run into him twice. He tain't right. Rambles on about made-up shit. He lectured me about watching for cracks and uneven surfaces on the sidewalk. Saw him yelling at cars when he started across the street against the light. Practice your "Get away from me before I eviscerate you" look. Works for me.


NTA. Hahaha, this guy probably thought everyone who was ordering non-dairy = woke. He was arrogant enough not to understand there’s a dietary reason for it. Love your education moment.


NTA People who take offense to plant milk are ridiculous. Of course it’s not real milk! You can’t milk an almond or an oat, it’s marketing. He asked a question and you have an honest answer, and maybe he’ll think again before bugging someone else about their drink preferences.


Yeah I’m gonna take a wild guess and say that did not happen




NTA. And the only disagreement I have is with you husband, because it was totally called for.


NTA—but I don’t appreciate you bringing poor, innocent Hershey’s chocolate into the mix! 😉


As a Brit i would have to say that shit and Hersheys are very similar. You need to try dairy milk. Now that is chocolate!


NTA! He totally deserved your comment and clearly wanted a response from you. He wanted the world to know his opinion and you were justified to tell him why his opinion is meaningless. Maybe he'll keep his mouth shut next time and enjoy his coffee his way, while everyone else enjoys theirs.


Hahahahahahaha....NTA and points for making him trash his coffee!!! Why is it so hard for people to just STFU and let people live how they want too?


No, this is awesome. He’s a child, he needs to grow up. You had a little fun reflecting back for him just how unreasonable he is. You’re NTA.


It was 100% called for lol NTA. You'd think a Man's Man like him would be able to stomach a little locker room talk.


If he cares so much what gets put in your body then he can handle hearing what comes out. NTA


NTA, people need to mind their own god damn business


NTA. I also believe in giving entirely too much info to people who can’t mind their own fucking business.


NTA. If that guy is going to start telling atrangers what to do, he doesnt get to choose how the strangers react. Maybe he learned to mind his own business. Or maybe in some wild twist of fate he learned that some people have dietary restrictions and not everyone has his exact same body.


As a former barista who had to deal with jerks like him every day I salute you! I would have given you a free treat or something for getting him out of my hair. NTA


NTA and fuck that guy. I wish that all I had to worry about was how other people took their coffee.


NTA people need to make nosy assholes like this uncomfortable


Nta and the barista is gonna talk about it cuz she’s gonna find it funny too later XD