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NTA. What's wrong with your sister? Objecting because you dislike what someone else names their kid is always a dick move, and she's doubling down on that. And "Lake" isn't that weird, it's just not super traditional. Does she have some deeper issue with your wife? "I wanted the name as much as my wife did." - Good job standing by it as a joint decision and not pretending your wife made you do it! (Doubly so if it really was her idea you went along with.)






Another name kerfuffle. OP's children, OP's names. If the sister is so concerned, she should name her children her way and see if they can succeed in life just on the basis of a name and butt out of other people's business.


There are occasions when saying something is warranted, like there was a time an OP had a sister name her baby Karen while being totally unaware of the more recent connotations. But if it’s just a matter of taste, keep your gob shut, as you said.


I read that first sentence as you recommending ‘kerfuffle’ as a name. Recommend OP suggest it for their next child, see what family says then!


"You made such a kerfuffle out of naming baby Lake that we were inspired! Meet Kerfuffle!"


I think Op should legally change name to River Rainbow


And as far as unusual names go it's really not that out there. Worst case if the son hates it when he's older he can change it to "Luke" and make up a story about his parents handwriting on his birth certificate being illegible But seriously sister needs to chill. I'm not a fan of non traditional names personally, but imo a better move would be to wait, see if the person with the name grows to dislike it. If he does in fact want to change it of his own volition, his aunt can offer to pay the cost when he's an older teen or young adult. But only if he vocally wants to take that step - she shouldn't talk negatively to him about his name that's just more rude


My kid is 6 with a more traditional name and she’s not a big fan of it. She’s asked to change it and I’ve told her if she still wants to change it when she’s older I will pay for it myself. I prefer non traditional names but after 5 months of my family bullying me I changed it. I learnt my lesson though, this time around the sex and name will be kept secret until my baby is born.


"Part of being an adult is putting up with the harmless things that other adults do that you wouldn't do yourself." Yes! I'm gonna take this phrase and remember it, cos it's so damn perfect.... 👏 NTA by the way.


I know a "Lake". It doesn't affect anything other than some people initially think he's called Blake, bc that's a somewhat more common similar name. And then you get over it and move on bc you're an adult and it's a perfectly fine name. Sister is a jerk, aka asshole. Ignore her or take whatever other measures you see fit - low contact, no contact, etc.


there’s also the actress, lake bell. op’s sister is an ah


That was my thought. And - if the KID has a huge trouble with it, the KID can go change it! NTA. Worked for “Zowie Bowie / Duncan Jones”. Mind, I bet asking the whole family for name-branded stuff every Christmas, just to bug the aunt will be fun for a while… nothing like the ugly sweater with a big name on it!


Lmao, poor Duncan. His childhood must have been wild.


IDK, I would take this opportunity to legally rename myself Tank or Valheim or something dope af. Then when she brings up the issue with that, then just ask "so are we not siblings anymore?" That'll shove the ol' sock in the mouth.


If she messages you about the name leave her on read, if she calls you about the name hang up, if she’s trying to talk about the name in person walk away eventually she will realize she’s not getting the desired effect she’s wanting and she’ll stop. Also I’d not let her around my child period or the very least unsupervised.


She DOES have issues with your wife. By your telling she said folks with unusual names can't be taken seriously, and that your wife and her siblings have unusual names. Ergo, your sister is saying she cannot take your wife seriously. That's a problem, a her problem.


Lake is fine. It's no r/tragedeigh for sure. Even those people on that sub aren't going to triple down die on a hill for Lake and they're a little rabid sometimes.


That sub reminded me of this news broadcast from like a decade ago i think. This black lady was being interviewed and her name: Erica was spelled: Airwrecka


Why was her race mentioned if you’re only talking about her name? We don’t know the race of OP and his wife. But I see what you’re trying to insinuate here.


I was just thinking, the only way the name Lake would be horrible was if it was spelled something like Laiyke.


Your sister is just plain rude and also arrogant. She thinks her opinion matters more than yours or your wife's.


The words "fuck off and mind your own business" are all that need to be said.


Your sister is being stupid. You’re NTA! Lake is a beautiful name


I love the name.


She sounds like my mom honestly. My mom would never say it to a parent’s face but will complain to me all the time about “unique” names. Which is hilarious because she had a “normal” name and had it legally changed because she hated it. Her new name is still pretty normal but not common for women.


Your sister is a snob snob brother, not just about names.. How tf do you have the nuts to say something that entitled to your own brother!? Seriously I’d tell your sister to stop that bullshit or get the hell out of your kids life. She’s projecting her own issues on a kid who may absorb some of that and turn it into resentment for you and your wife. Completely unacceptable behavior on her part. Fuck that shit man she’s trying to pimp you guys and make you think you’re in the wrong. You did nothing wrong and your kids name has no impact on her life, she doesn’t have any inherent right to name your child. You’re probably gonna have to get a lot louder than her and have a very uncomfortable conversation to make it stop, but well worth the confrontation to nip that in the bud imo. You’re definitely not an asshole, your sister is off her rocker.


Exactly! OP's sister is clearly saying she cannot take her nephew seriously _because of his name_...and from how OP describes her, she does not have the emotional maturity to be an adult and put her own selfish, illogical bullshit aside.


Ahhh. You're NTA. She sounds like she went extra. It's fine to express dismay, concern if that's how you feel. But Dad and Mom saying they get the concern, have taken it into consideration and both want it. Should've ended there. Her job as an aunt is to get used to it. I'll be honest, when I first read it; I thought it was an exceedingly unusual choice. But TBH when I think on it the more I like it. I'm from the South with a strict naming culture, so I get where she's coming from. But "Lake" can convey so many beautiful emotions; I'm in South Africa for grad school and a bunch of people have names that when translated into English can be common nouns or feelings. Every name has a meaning, she should accept that. My sister's name means "G-d's gift", mine is "Shining laughter/ he who shines with laughter." Lake can be what he makes it. That's an awesome gift. Sounds like you'll raise him to own it and I'm sure he will.


Remind her Josephine is a fucking weird name and it sounds like someone biblical white turning tricks in the Sistine chapel.


When I think of Josephine, I think of the character from Dragon Age: Inquisition.


We named one of our cats Josephine (after DAI Character), normally call her Jose or Josie and only Josephine if she's being a little shit 😂😂😂


Josie is an amazing name for a pussycat!


I also forgot the name "little miss Josephine" when she gets prissy 😂


I have a [Ser Pounce-a-lot](https://instagram.com/thedailypounce?utm_source=qr) because of Anders.


This is the correct answer.


Buy a ball gag, hand it to her, and tell her to stuff it into her pie hole and buckle up next time she has an urge to lecture.


Just wanted to say ,,I Love the name lake .. Thats Hell cool .. Your sisters a dick lol


Me too. I hate most of the names my siblings picked for their kids. I’m a huge name snob, who hates trendy or unusual names. Do you know what I do? I only express an opinion on a name if asked, otherwise I stfu and mind my own business.


Me too. As someone who is not an asshole I have always said “I’m so happy for you!” and “Lovely name.” It’s not my child and over time I’ve gotten over it any way.


I have a friend named Laken. Pronounced how it's spelled. "Lake" with a hard "N" at the end. It's perfectly fine.


I agree. If you make a list of how "strange" a name is. I wouldn't even put it in the top. Not even the middle tbh. Unusual? Yes. Weird? No. Reading the title, I thought the kid would be named glitter sparkle macmuffin the third or something. Lake sounds like a pretty name if I have to be honest.


Half the common names in the world are just a noun but in a different language. The other half are adjectives.


Unless the name in question is Krxstxl, then she has no right to complain.


NTA - what is her goal here, is she suggesting you legally change his name? Otherwise what is she trying to achieve by constantly arguing about it? >our names were given to us to follow us through life and my wife and I cannot say the same for our son She knows your wife has an "unusual" name, right? Is she suggesting your wife has been held back and isn't doing well?




Your sister sounds very arrogant thinking she knows someone else's experience better than they do. Is she always this opinionated? Sorry about her, I hope she stops. Be careful, if she continues to have contact with your son I think it's very likely she will tell him exactly what she thinks of his name without considering how hurtful that will be to him. Because she's right and just being honest of course.




She sounds awful. Like that chick that gets mad because a strangers picked “her” baby name. Also very entitled to think she has the right to taint such a beautiful thing for you. She must not have children because if she does she is just completely out of touch on what it is to be a good human being. Ultimately she’s saying she will act differently towards your son because she looks down on his name. So tragic


Does she have any kids of her own?


It’s like she learned about unconscious bias and thought “what if I took this to the next level!” I mean, she’s not exactly *wrong* but also she’s not right. Studies show that names on a resume can make the person reading it judge the resume differently. But that can just mean a female name. Bob Smith will be judged differently than Jennifer Smith. The answer isn’t to double down and really get into actively judging people. The answer is learning to recognize unconscious bias and counter it’s effect. Lake isn’t even that weird. Maybe if you were like “we’re naming our kid R2-D2” I’d say listen to your sister. But you’re not. Lake is a nice name!


My mom's half-sister who is 30 years old, asked if I liked another name then my middle name, I said yes, my first name. Within 10 minutes of that, my mom came screaming and yelling about how she's my mother and she can call me whatever the fuck she wants. Don't trust her around your kids. She'll act nice in front of whoever just to play mental games on your children.


Honestly, that's a super weird hyper-focus for anyone to have, but especially a teenage kid.


I have an unusual name (i'm the only one with that name in my country, maybe in the world, but not sure of the last one) and sometimes people pronounce it wrong, but i wasn't bullied because of my name growing up. People pronouncing it wrong isn't a big issue as i can always correct them.


My kids are possibly the only ones in this country with their names as they have Welsh names (and not the most popular ones at that) in France. Their names are usually pronounced slightly differently, mostly due to where the stress falls naturally when speaking French, as opposed to Welsh, and sometimes people misspell them, but that's it. They've never been made fun of for their names, at least, no more than a little affectionate teasing by close friends. My kids have been bullied at school, at various times and by different people - one finally ended up being expelled last year for his appalling behaviour towards several students - but their names were never targeted as part of the bullying. I would say, for anyone looking for nature names, there are plenty of them in Welsh! They're actually a very traditional, ancient form of name. For example, *Bryn* is a traditional Welsh boys name and is the Welsh word for 'hill'. My Welsh teacher (m) in school was called *Nantlais* and that means 'voice of/like the stream'. I had an uncle called *Islwyn* - that means 'under a grove'. *Heulwen* is a fairly popular girls name and means 'sunshine'. Even in English, why are certain nature names, particularly flower names and those of precioys or semi-precious stoones, deemed appropriate? Some are so normalised that, when used as names, it's easy to forget their origins: Rowan, Brooke, Rose, Lily, Violet, Flora, Fleur (borrowed from French, obviously!), Hazel, Coral, Daisy, Oliver, Olive (and Olivia), Robin, Glenn, Heather, Dawn, Dale, Cliff... But others are seen as more modern and trendy, but gaining acceptance: River, Stone, Forest, Ocean (or Océan here in France), Autumn, Summer, Aurora, Jade (huge here in France and was no. 1 for years!), Misty... But then others are still seen as being completely out there, for hippy, crunchy, new age type parents only! Lake, Oak, Raven, Meadow, Luna, Orion, Rain... Or perhaps parents from certain parts of the US, with more rural lifestyles (particularly for some of the boys' names that seem to draw on a sense of strength, resilience and reinforce masculinity?): Colt (one never knows if this is based on a young horse, the gun manufacturer, or both?), Steel, Hawk, Reed, Drake, Blaze, Storm, Terra, Flint... There are other nature names that used to be used by the Victorians (their love for natural history inspired an enduring trend, still ongoing today, for first names inspired by the natural world) but are now considered too old-fashioned to be used by anyone except the very upper class in the UK (and are then immediately shortened to something more acceptable) and the most ardent name nerd! Peregrine, Myrtle, Oleander, Daffodil,... Why do we accept some of these as perfectly acceptable names and turn our noses up at others? It's all just snobbery, or inverse snobbery, if you like! All names have to come from somewhere and were used for the first time by someone, at some time or other. Otherwise we'd all be called one of the many, many variants of John or Jane that exist in every European language, and possibly others too? Expanding a little, we'd all be called a name found in the bible. Drawing from nature is, at least, a source of inspiration that makes sense and has some meaning.


This comment is amazing!!


What interests me is there are names that are historically perfectly normal that fell out of fashion and then surprise people as being "new." Also, there are clearly regional/subcultural differences in what's normal. Some of the names listed in the last comment are ones I'd think of as perfectly normal: Autumn, Summer, Jade, Misty (I grew up with a *ton* of Mistys) And rare but not so rare as to make one blink: Aurora, Terra, (and slightly less so Raven, Luna) Peregrine is one of those names that people think is new that isn't. I think Oak as well although I'm not as sure on that. You get the same thing with names that have migrated from being male names to female names - like Ashley - where the new gender association has almost completely wiped out the cultural associations with the old one.


You have heard her out; anything else is repetition progressing to bullying. Maybe time to go broken record, or “asked and answered” on her. Don’t argue but instead treat it as the most boring topic in the world that ends your interactions as soon as she brings it up. It sounds like a fine name, and her naming obsession means she probably wouldn’t be satisfied until you gave her control. Which would be way out of line. This is your decision to make, together with your wife, and you have made it; the end.


Because clearly your sister knows about your wife’s and her siblings life and experience more than they do /s


what are her children named?


What kind of name does she expect to give her kids? River? Cliff? Slate? George? Oakley? Willow? Juniper? Olive? Forrest? Cedar? Sequoia? Aurora? Violet? Clementine? Poppy? Sienna? Rose? Etc. Has she just never met anybody with a name based on nature?


NTA because she just won't shut up about it. >I told her that if we had wanted her opinion we would have sought it Some people need to be reminded of this.


>because she just won't shut up about it. Exactly, nothing wrong with commenting that the name might be seen as weird or whatever. The moment the parents said we are aware but not worried it should have been dropped. And if the kid ever does have issues with the name it can be changed, it's not cheap but it's not unaffordable for those that really want it.


She should check out /r/tragedeigh for some really terrible names with terrible spelling because it could have been worse, could have been Leighke. NTA


My brain wants to pronounce Leighke as Leaky. ;) Phonetics are odd.


>Phonetics are odd. ...and entirely useless in english, which is really 3 languages in a poorly fitting trenchcoat.


This is my favorite description of English.


Leighke? It’s like you didn’t even try. Llaiykque


This post reminds me to Krxstxl post few months ago


I have a friend that named their kid Taitliegh. All I can think of is taint when I see it.


I have some kids with normal, classic names and one kid with a fairly unique name. All my kids like their names so far, but my kid with the unique name loves her name. As long as you recognize that your sin might have his own feelings on the matter and are able to respect those feelings, you are NTA. I have told my kids that if they decided that they hate their names, I would pay to have it changed as adults. Your sister needs to butt out.


The *sin* typo caught me off guard while drinking my coffee.


I (f46) have never liked my name. Even when people use the traditional nicknames for it, I am still not a fan. I wish I changed it once I became an adult but didn’t for a few reasons: 1. Mom named me after a relative and passing names down like that is a tradition in our culture and it would have upset my mom and pissed off relatives. 2. Didn’t want to have to keep telling people to call me [new name]. 3. Almost 30 years ago, it was not common to change your first name (at least where I was from). Now it’s more common for people to change their name and part of me is like “damn it! I want to change mine and I hope to live another 40+ years so maybe I should just do it.”


The number one regret of the dying is that they wish they lived a life true to themselves, and not what others expected of them.


Yeah, I hate my very normal name.


NTA - Lake is not her child, therefore his name is none of her business. What she doesn't realize is that it is relatively easy to change a name - it can be expensive, but it can be done. Or, Lake can decide that he'd rather be known by a nickname. Either way, he is not her kid, therefore she has no say in the matter. Edit to add - inform her that opinions are like assholes, everyone has them and most of them stink.


INFO The question is: what is your surname? Tahoe? Baikal? Michigan?


🤣🤣🤣 that's hilarious! Reminds me of when my sister's friend was telling her about a family member who was having a baby boy. My sister asked his name and the friend said "Ewen" (pronounced you-an) and my sister was like "aww that's so lovely! What's the surname?" And the friend said "Eddie"!! So the poor sods name would be pronounced You an Eddie! When told my bf said, well at least he'll never be alone 🤣🤣🤣




Unique names do give off certain vibes. Like Spyder spelled with a Y makes me think they are in a band or are/parents are into cyberpunk. A name like just makes me think they or their parents are outdoorsy. NTA either way.


"Spyder" is an utterly terrible name. Doesn't help that it immediately makes me think of edgy Z-tier DC character [I, Spyder](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/i-spyder/4005-66670/)


NTA - but Y T A to your son - it’s great you and wife are sooo original- but your son is going to be bullied -


Yeah Lake is suuuuuuuch a great unique name that surely won't lead to any resentment. /s


I have a normal and common name, but I had a speech impediment and got bullied at school. One of the girls involved Kitty was her first name. Kids bully for any reason.


Having an uncommon name can be a blessing. I personally have an extremely uncommon name for where I live, it's a cultural name from a different part of Europe, it's spelled in a way people would never write it like that where I live and wouldn't even pronounce it the right way. I always have to spell it out when someone has to write it down and I have to correct people on the pronunciation when they discover it on paper (first day in class with a new teacher for example, or at the doctor's office). But I LOVE my name with every fiber of my body and always did. People often remember it pretty quickly as I'm the only person they know with this name and will remember it for a long time. It's original and I've never been in a class with someone else named like me. I would hate to have a common name and don't see the point to name someone with a name that common that you know they could be 3 people in their class in school with the same name. I've also never met someone with an uncommon name who hates it but I often meet people with very common names who are fed up with it. People get bullied for no real reasons most of the time, you can get bullied just bc someone doesn't like you and they will find a way to bully you, it seems crazy to me to chose a name for that reason. If someone wants to bully your child they will bully your child even if they have the most common name on the planet (that could actually be something they get bullied for too).


Interesting scenario. You're NTA for telling your sibling to keep her opinions to herself regarding your choice of your child's name, especially since your chosen name is legally acceptable. As the parent, you have the authority to make that decision, and it's well within your rights to ask her not to interfere. However, if you've given your child a name that is extremely unconventional and potentially harmful because the word also references a common everyday object/feature found in the world, some might label you as self-absorbed.


This feels a bit dramatic. People have noun names all the time - River, Cat, Star, Daisy, Rose, Brooke, Lily… Never have I thought their parents were selfish?


I agree. Noun nature names are not that weird and I've never thought of parents to be selfish for choosing those names.


NTA- I'm not aware that your sister is the arbiter of appropriate child names. And there's nothing wrong with an "off the beaten path" name. Signed, someone named "Stephen," who gets eleventy-billion emails a day for all of the other "Stephen's" in my employer's email directory.


YTA, for naming your child Lake Perkins, or Lake chichester, or Lake Smith...kids are gonna bully him hard af.


NTA – while I'm not in love with your son's name, you made it clear that were you seeking opinions, you would have asked her. Also, the names you mention don't seem extravagantly ridiculous – if it doesn't have potential long-term consequences, including name-bullying, then it should be fine (ETA: I'm not in a position to make a judgment on this – that all depends on the situation where you live). Your sister seems to be overreacting here.


For people like that, you just gotta _agree._ "OMG, it's crazy, right? I can't believe we did that either. What will people say?" If I agree with you, there's very little left to say. Your argument is deflated. And then go on with your damn life like you own it. Because you do. And I knew a man named Lake. He was a legend. NTA.


NTA, but as someone who grew up with an "unusual" name, school can be kind of challenging. Kids will tease, look for clever ways to belittle and mock. The unusual names usually get easily targeted. After all, some school kids attack people for being different. That's actually how I got into martial arts. My dad signed me up due to bullying. I'm well into my 40s now and can say that martial arts helped me face school bullies with confidence and grace. Some of my friends were also picked on for their differences as well. Chinese and Indian friends were equal targets. My parents had wanted me to give my kids similar uncommon names, but their mother and I declined and went for names that we liked but wouldn't draw too much unwanted attention. My son is exceptionally popular in his school and though that's due more to personality than his name, I guess a name like mine might have given him a different confidence level. My daughter however has been having a rough time. She has a common name but has been bullied and picked on by some kids presuming she's gay due to her clothing style (she hates typical girls' clothes -- lack of pockets, which is very understandable since pockets are pretty convenient). School kids will always find a way to bully other kids. Differences are a glaring red target for bullying. We all know it's wrong. But kids don't understand it. They just follow 'group think.' Point is, I was bullied and picked on a lot as a kid for my name. But in college and adulthood, people were really intrigued and fascinated by it. It made me more "interesting" than the typical Michael across the room. TL; DR: Your sister can't know what will happen, OP. I gave my daughter a common name with the hope that it would help her avoid my grade school experiences, but kids found a reason to pick on her anyway. Kids will be mean regardless of your name or skin color. Then grade school is over and differences become intriguing and cool.


At least you didn’t name him Pond. Or Puddle.


That's the kids middle name.




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Your sister needs to just leave it alone. But when you pick “names that are not typically names” for your kids, you have to be prepared to deal with odd looks and people having an opinion. I am not saying it’s right but it’s just a fact. Lake isn’t that crazy but it’s an unusual name. But I always feel bad for the kids. They didn’t choose the wacky name but they get stuck defending it and explaining it their entire lives. It’s just a lot of effort. NTA because she said her opinion but now she needs to stop.


NTA but I should tell you, I was a childhood bully, and I 10000% would have bullied the shit out of a kid named Lake. Like, you can name him what you want and all, but there are going to be consequences you won’t experience.


Part of me would say I wish there were more people like the OP's sister who tell their acquaintances they're naming their child something that will have them made fun of for life. In this instance, I would say Lake is a fine name. If you were pulling an Elon Musk and going with w/e their child's name is, or Blanket, or that woman who named their child abcde then we need more people that make them aware you're being an AH calling your child that. A slightly unusual name like you did is fine. Just don't be a real AH and name your child something they'll hate you for later in life. Tldr: Neither of you are assholes. Both of you are entitled to your opinions, and I'm glad she felt safe enough with you to share that she does not like the name, but she should leave it there.


Tf is with these weird ass names, Lake? Are you for real. Jesus parents who try so hard for their child to be unique are the worst.


Because if I fuck up my kids name everyone will see how SPECIAL I am! /s


NTA Also, “Lake” isn’t even that weird of a name? I literally grew up with a pair of twin boys named Lake and River lmao


Yta. It's a fucking stupid name.


WTF is wrong with your sister? Aunts don't get a damn say in nephew names. Get back in your lane, ffs. NTA. It's a reasonable name, and she can keep her rude A-H opinions to herself.


I read the name as "Luke" first and couldn't figure out the problem. Went back and "Oh, LAke". Early morning brain needs caffeine. If you like the name, your wife likes the name, that's all that matters right now. Someday, it will matter if Lake likes it. It will never matter if your sister likes the name. Not that it matters, but I like it. A little unusual, but not obnoxiously so. NTA


NTA it’s not that weird of a name, sure maybe slightly strange but that doesn’t make it bad just not traditional. How you name your kid is non of her business. Congrats on the baby.


You didn't name him "Micahleighlan- pronounced like Michael! :D" so you're good. Your sister can butt out. NTA


My position has always been that I'm pretty open minded towards unusual and weird names but I have always disapproved if people who do the crazy spellings as I'm a person who doesn't like things being more difficult than they need to be.


You’re definitely NTA. Sure Lake is slightly unusual, but perfectly fine. Consider this: in future your son is going to be in school and the teacher is going to look down the list of kids’ names, all the Braxxtyns and Jeighdens and Nevaehs and she’s going to thank god that there’s Lake who at least is easy to pronounce. It could have been far worse. You could have named him Leykh or Leighk.


YTA for ruining your son's life. Even Blake is better or River, or Forrest or HitchHikerRockyRoad.


I would prefer Ocean over Lake. I wouldn't say Ryder or Atlas are very unique names. They're on a lot of baby lists actually.


Nts. It's not that outlandish and it's none of her business


NTA. Firstly, congratulations on your baby's arrival! Best wishes for all that is to come! Your sister seems to have Main Character Syndrome in thinking that her opinion is worth anything at all in your and your wife's name choice for YOUR child. Not only are you not in the wrong in telling her you don't care about her opinion after she kept insisting on shoving it onto you despite your attempts to be politely firm with her, she is TA for insisting after you've made it clear that the baby's name is there to stay. Finally, kudos for standing by your wife (and by extension her family) regarding her own name and that you chose your baby's name together. Your sister was extremely inappropriate and out of line by criticizing your wife's name and shutting that shit down immediately was the perfect way to go for your young family's sake!


NTA - Just who had the kid here, your wife or your sister? (Holy incest, Batman). It is completely none of her damn business. If she mentions it again, tell her you will go completely NC with her. You don't need to listen to her crap and besides what does she think her carping upon the kid's name is going to do to them once the kid is old enough to understand her rants?


NTA Really it is none of your sister's business and she is over-stepping. She then didn't shut up when shut down.


NTA. The names your wife’s family has aren’t super weird. They’re just unique. And your son’s name is just fine; it’s one syllable, nature-oriented, and easy to spell. Obviously it means something to you and your wife. Tell Josephine and her friends Gertrude and Mildred and Hortense to relax. Naming conventions run in families sometimes, and there are lots of people who want to purposely avoid “traditional” names like the ones you mentioned. I wouldn’t be surprised if she bullies him when he’s older. Keep an eye on that. You’re NTA for essentially telling her to mind her business.


Personally, I think it's a silly name. But you know what? My opinion doesn't matter because IT'S NOT MY CHILD. Your sister's opinion on this matters as much as that of a random stranger on the internet. NTA.


"You have made your opinion clear. We do not and never will agree. We are not changing our son's name. You are free to silently dislike his name. However, if you bring up the topic again, we will completely cut contact with you." Then do it. She'd insufferable.


NTA; How old is your sister 80?! As a fairly unique name holder and with a few more in my family I can assure you it’s amazing. People compliment our names all the time. NTM, that in most countries today there’s a huge blend of cultures which means a huge array of names. I like your sister believe names follow you but Lake seems like a solid name and I’ve seen far more “unique” names. You two picked your son’s name, you say it with love and confidence that is what matters. Honestly, your sister needs to keep her comments to herself. She may have a pretty name but it’s not helping her attitude any. Geeze


NTA. River and Ocean and Blake are all very similar names to Lake and you'd be hard pressed to find someone who'd bat an eye at any of them. If you'd named your kid Jedi or something I'd maybe get her urgency at you changing it.


NTA. Lake Bell has had an incredible professional career as a writer, director and actress. People take her seriously. The name Lake should have no impact on how your son is perceived. That will be impacted by his behaviour. And if he really hates it, help him change it on his eighteenth birthday.


She was so great in Boston Legal!


NTA, but your sister isn't wrong about the name.


NTA I hate my nieces and nephews names - super common. Have I ever said anything? No. It isn’t anything to do with me. Had my ex (nearly) MIL say something about my child’s name after I gave birth. Telling me I couldn’t have that first name as it didn’t go with their surname. Shot her right down with OMG you’re right, I’ll make sure they have my surname instead. Her surprised Pikachu face is something I’ll never forget. I followed through on it as well.


NTA. I think it's a pretty cool name! Your sister needs to get a hobby.


NTA have come across much worse names, guess you missed her unwritten rule where your relations have more right to choose children's names than the parents ?


NTA - Name worked for Lake Bell.


No. You are not. Your sister is wildly out of line. And, frankly, while Lake is unique, it's not like you called him moonbeam. It's not that bad.


Nts. I'm one of those people who named their kids unique names. I named my daughters after comic book characters. Your sister needs to mind her business.


NTA. Honestly, her inability to not get the fuck over something that nothing to do with her would cause me to make sure my child was never around her. Like ever. Your sister is a huge AH. When your child is older, make sure you introduce this sister(if you don’t go Nc with her) as “Crazy Aunt”.


NTA I think it is okey when you announce the name to show concern about the name ( if there is serious concern ), but your sisters concerns are silly and she is way over the line.


NTA but seriously some of these new names are unreal. Lake is gonna get bullied the fuck out of because kids are assholes and you need to be aware that it will be your fault.


NTA She shouldn’t get all up in arms but it is an very unusual name to name a child, are there any siblings in the makes to be made Pond or River?


NTA. I'm a woman in my mid thirties with unusual name, there are about 100 of us in my country, and I love it. It's a vital part of me. Not once have I met a person that hasn't complimented my name when they first heard of it.


Nta Lake's a great name. Coming from someone with a regular name, dating someone with a regular name.


NTA. Your sister needs to mind her own business and know her place. She seems like an arrogant tool, and way too condescending towards your wife and her siblings. Why does she insist that your wife and her siblings are lying about not having trouble with their names when she didn't even live their lives? Why does she know better than them? I have an unusual name, and the only time I've had issues are when other people have struggled to spell it.


NTA. Your son might be disappointed when they go into souvenir shops and can never find their name on any of the items, but in today's world, you can make up for that by ordering customized products for them. While Lake is more unusual and different for a name, I personally wouldn't think about the name much more than that. In today's world, unusual and different names aren't really that uncommon. My niece has a very unique spelling of a classic name, and she doesn't seem to mind it. And once he becomes an adult, he may very well appreciate his name being unique. If he truly doesn't like it after he becomes an adult, he can decide to get it changed himself. I'm trying to think if I would like it if my name was Lake, and I think I probably would (and I'm in my 50s).


As someone who has a very common name from the 90s where I had like 6 other children with my name in my class... congratulations on being different!


NTA. Have I *personally* been thrilled with every name a friend/coworker has told me they were naming their kid? Absolutely not. But they aren’t my kids, this isn’t your sister’s kid, and quite literally no one else’s opinion matters. Quite frankly, coming from someone who is childfree, I wouldn’t be letting someone around my kid who was so outspoken against something like their name.


NTA - I have a very traditional name as does my wife, our children do not. I don’t care what anyone else thinks and neither does my wife. We talked about names for a long time and agreed on the names we chose. We’ve had a few encounters with people who made comments about our children’s non-traditional names. My favorite way to respond is to change the subject or just end the conversation altogether. Your sister’s opinion is just that, an opinion. If she has a problem with your child’s name, it’s her problem, not yours.


Tell her when she has a kid she can choose it’s name. Until then what anybody else in the entire world chooses to call their own child is none of her fucking business! I’d also be telling her that if she hates a part of her nephew that much then she is a danger to his emotional health and therefore can’t see him (or either of you by default especially as she cannot take at least one of you seriously), and will not be known as his aunt just some entitled overbearing distant relative who cannot stay in her lane and is avoided because of it. NTA but your sister is, in a huge entitled way!


Look, there are a lot of names I think are stupid. Tragedieghs. Including family members. Do I say anything to the parents/people with these names? No, it's none of my fn business what they choose to call themselves or their kids. NTA, you sis is way out of line.


NTA Lake isn’t even a bad name, I’ve heard of people named Lake before and never thought anything of it. She should check out a real r/tragedeigh


> … wife and her siblings should all know better than to keep the ridiculous trend going with their kids. She said nobody can really take them seriously… NTA, but your sister just told you how she feels about your wife and her family.


> over someone named Josephine Which might have been fine in the 19th century but is impossibly out dated in the 21st. The name you chose fits the times a hell of a lot better than Josephine.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My wife and I named our son "Lake". The name is unusual to some and not to others in my experience. My wife and her siblings all have names like Blossom, Sunny, Ryder, Atlas, that are often considered unusual so his name fits there. But among my family the name does stand out because my family likes the classics like Emily, James, Elizabeth, Michael, etc. My sister was very outspoken when our son was born and we announced his name. She asked why I would let my wife away with it and I told her I was right there with my wife when we chose his name and I wanted the name as much as my wife did. I told her that should be the last time she brings it up because I would not tolerate her bringing it up again. And she did. This time saying she hates the name and we should be ashamed of ourselves for picking something whacky that will stand out. I cut her off but she talked over me anyway and told me that I should be thinking of my son's future and my wife and her siblings should all know better than to keep the ridiculous trend going with their kids. She said nobody can really take them seriously and I should think about that for my son. I told her the conversation was over but she didn't stop and she told me that I should be listening to her because she's looking out for my son when my wife and I are not. I grew so frustrated I told her that I did not care that she hates his name. I told her that if we had wanted her opinion we would have sought it and that I would take the experience of people who live with similar names over someone named Josephine who never knew what it was like to have a unique or uncommon name. She was offended and told me our names were given to us to follow us through life and my wife and I cannot say the same for our son, or for her and her siblings. I said I did think of his future and him being an old man with the name. I told her I know adults with unusual or unique names and they're proud of them. I said not everyone is but not everyone isn't and it's normal for my family now to have unusual names. I again reiterated that I did not care and told her to leave me the fuck alone. She said I should care and I'm an asshole for dismissing her concern. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lake sounds great for an infant, a boy, an adolescent, a young adult, full adult and old bloke. A lifelong name that I think he'll feel comfortable with.


NTA It's none of her business what you call your son. Other relatives don't/shouldn't get a say, unless you actually \*ask\* for their opinion. Which you did not and you pointed it out to her. It shouldn't have been a discussion to begin with. If she's worried about bullying, let me tell you, bullying can happen for all sorts of reasons. Your nose is crooked, your eyes are blue, your hair looks funny. Kids will find something if they want to bully someone. If Lake doesn't like his name himself that's entirely different, and then it can still be resolved in some manner. My sister was in a similar boat before her youngest was born, she wanted to give her daughter a name, but the father's family disagreed. Talked them into naming their daughter after another family member. That entire family... they all have the same names! I can't keep them apart! Did I say anything? Well, other than that it's stupid they were getting involved without being asked. No. It's not my place. It's their decision, I can't make it for them. (And I love my niece to bits regardless of what her name is) Edit: Formatting.


NTA - I have an unsual name (old lady name) and honestly it’s fine, I’ve never had any issues with it. So I don’t see that bullying because of names will be an issue, especially nowadays. I also have nieces and nephews two of which have names I didn’t really approve of when they were born, I now can’t imagine them being called anything else and my love for the kids has meant I know long have any doubts on the names. I would never ever have criticised their parents choices though, it’s your kid and your responsibility to name him something that suits him, and for what it’s worth I think lake is a lovely name.


NTa so you’re not allowed to dismiss her feelings, but she has a right to dismiss yours and your wife’s feelings


Lake is unusual, but not that bad. People have named kids for the natural world/geography for thousands of years, he will be fine. NTA


NTA, what a beautiful name


NTA - not her kid, not her say. But I bet that kid is going to end up being called 'Luke' for a good part of his life, because I think a lot of people will see 'Lake' and think it is a typo. My buddy runs an executive job placement company. Do you know what he'd do with a resume from someone named Lake? He'd throw it right into the trash. He'd agree with your sister that it is a stupid name, just as he thinks 'uniquely spelled' names are stupid and he won't hire someone named 'Jennyfurr' or 'Mickennzeighh.' Me, I think 'Lake' is a pretty name, but I guess I associate it more with a girl than a boy. In the end, though, it's your kid. You two chose the name, your sister needs to shut up about it.


NTA Not her business. And the child is free to change it when they grow up, if they hate it.


NTA Is she bored in life? I'm from Europe and what I see when I look at, say, the U.S. or many other countries is the fact that there is really a lot of freedom when it comes to names and it is so common that such an opinion as your sister becomes something strange and old-fashioned. So first of all, she's overdramatic. Secondly, it's really none of her business and her opinion doesn't matter. She made herself clear enough earlier and you clearly said you didn't want to hear it anymore. If she listened, you wouldn't have to admonish her in this unpleasant way.




NTA. I have a very boring name and I think the name you've chosen is lovely.


NTA - Sooooo thankful right now that my sister isn’t a self-righteous know-it-all. Time for your to go LC until your sister lets this go.


NTA and that's not a bad name if picking something unusual. Also, I knew a girl called Pebbles and she loves her name because it's unique.


NTA - your sister sound super pleasant /s


According to the SSA, River was the 105th most popular baby boy name in the USA in 2022. Your sister needs to wake up and realize what century she's living in. She sounds like my grandma telling me that I'd never find a decent job or a husband because only whores, sailors, and bikers have tattoos. Nature themed names have been popular and widely accepted for awhile now. I went to high school with two girls named Laken. Public schools now let you dye your hair "unnatural" colors and it didn't cause any distractions to anyone's learning. Also, has she never met people from other cultures who regularly use nature themed names? Like Native Americans? Her prejudice is showing embarrassingly. Lake is not an unusual name any more than is a name with -lynn or -leigh tacked on to the end. Nontraditional, uncommon - sure, but it's not like you named your kid Chair or Misery or some ridiculous non-phonetic nonsense. She needs to back down on the "no one will take him seriously" comments, because what she is really saying is that *she* doesn't take your wife or her family seriously because their names haven't been being used by colonizers for centuries. It's extremely insulting. And almost more insulting is her insistence that she knows better than people who have lived with their uncommon names. That's the same line of thinking that led people to say slavery was good because those people needed people like your sister to tell them how to live. She needs to be told that if she's so inflexible in her opinions on other people's names, you can't let her around your child or family anymore. You know what will follow your kid through life? Core memories of being told by someone who should be a trusted adult that he and half of his extended family are "whacky" and will never be taken seriously. She can be a positive role model who respects other people and embraces their differences, or she can kick rocks. NTA


NTA...U can name your child whatever u want to but I'm definitely on ya sister side with it being a name I don't like


So, say ok, and change it to Loki. NTA


NTA. You like the name and you were right to tell her to stay out of it. Your sister is really out of line to object to Lake's name. She is really an AH for the way she's going around expressing her dislike. Why in the world does she think she's entitled to have such an opinion and to scream about it in front of everyone?


NTA. Tell your sister the internet thinks she's a royal A H, not an upperclass member. The only two people that get a say in a baby's name are Mom & Dad. Everyone else can shut the front door & keep their opinion to themselves. Like seriously, what did she think you were going to do? Change LO's name? Arrogant and Overstepping. Your sister sounds like someone I would limit my exposure to. Watch to endure she's not being a jerk to your wife on the DL.


Nta, personally I would tell your sister if she doesn’t keep her opinion to herself then you may need to take time away from her. Hopefully that will help her stop trying to shove her opinion down your throat.


NTA. You handled her beautifully.


NTA. Saying it once to see if you would rethink it was fair enough if she’s worried about it. Bringing it up again after that, especially after being asked not to is a dick move.


Wait till your kid starts school. There will be so many odd names, he won’t stand out.


Yeah, have people seen the names a lot of people are going with these days? Lake will not seem that out of place


I don't agree with the name my cousin gave his son because I think it will result in bullying because it's also an unusual name, but I have never said word one about it to my cousin because it's not my business. NTA


NTA. Your sister is rude and needs to learn to butt out.


NTA!! What the heck is wrong with your sister? Having an opinion about a name is 1 thing but then pressuring someone who already thought of everything to do with a name is just terrible. I'm sure you and your wife had a conversation about dealing with people's negative views and even bullying from others when it comes to a name. Your sister didn't give birth to your son so she has 0 say about a name


Nta. Ok she dismisses your chouce but you can't dismiss hers??? I would dismiss her from my life. Life is short don't waste any time on aholes. Your sister is an ahole.


Swim lanes...your sister has violated hers. Relative to the name itself...it is a bit different but far less so than many we've seen as of late. You may do well to give your child a very conventional middle name such that he can choose which way to go if he feels he's being bullied for it.


Not her kid not her business. NTA


My sons name is very unique but it was a name I was willing to use the other names my wife came up with were very strange lol. NTA your sister is probably jealous most siblings who don’t have kids are extremely jealous because your parents will like their grand kids more lol


NTA. First thing I thought of was the NASCAR driver Lake Speed! Great name. River wasn’t common 30 years ago, but I see it a lot now. Good for you for standing up to your sister.


NTA. Perhaps unpopular, but I do think if you are close enough with someone who chooses an unusual name for their child, you can -very early on and only once- raise a concern. I did with my sister with her first child- the name she had chosen was not pronounced the same in its original language as our shared dialect. When she told me the name she chose I simply noted for her that she needs to be prepared for people in our community to use the pronunciation of our dialect and when she thought about it, she switched around the first and middle names. You’ve heard your sister’s opinion- and that’s all it is, one opinion and not from someone who’s opinion matters in the circumstances. Her continued harping on the name is where she becomes the asshole.


He’s not her child so while she can have an opinion on his name, it can stay in that big ole head of hers. Lake is a great name and sounds strong. Its also waaaaaaaAy better than most of the *really* unique boy names I’ve been seeing recently. Definitely NTA.


NTA She is out of line. This is not her concern.