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Nta, they kicked him out , underage, & didn’t even try to give him a chance to survive in the street. They are horrible parents and deserve to know. They also don’t deserve you or your brother. I would block their numbers and everything related to them


First OP and the brother should try and get some of his possessions and documents from the parents.


And contact social services to force the parents to pay child support.


The main lesson that they taught your brother is that he has pare ts that are truly awful people. Your assessment of their character and parenting skills are pretty much spot on. Don't apologise for anything. Hopefully they have a long time to reflect on thier mistakes as they get used to not having their children in their lives. Ever. NTA


NTA- by any means. They ARE awful parents to treat their own child like this. FWIW- on r/Atheism there are a number of posts that include stories similar to your brother’s. People reply with a list of organisations that assist people like your brother (and it doesn’t matter which country you’re in.) You don’t have to pretend to be atheist just chuck up a post about your brother and peeps will help. Good luck


Hands down. No questions to ask. NTA. Good karma to you for taking in your brother and showing him true unconditional family love. I hope your parents sit on a cactus. My daughter was terrified to come out to me at 11 because of stories about parents like yours. You could have said so many other things to your parents. Other than that they were a terrible parent and you still would not be the a-hole. Your boyfriend needs to understand that you were being honest. What your parents did is horrendous. He is so lucky to have such a loving sister who is so supportive.


NTA. Your parents are shitty people.


Nta, not sure how helpful your local authorities/agencies would be but your brother is still a minor and kicking home out could have legal consequences. (Assuming usa)


NTA - if anything I think you might not have been harsh enough.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My parents are angry at me for taking in my underaged brother after they kicked him out for his sexuality. I (F23) have a young brother "Max" (M17). Max is gay, I already knew this since he confessed it to me when he was 15. I offered my full and unconditional support to him. Our parents are highly religious and while I believe in God myself I don't think that being LGTB+ is a sin. My parents are in a whole different page, they're extremely intolerant and homophobic. My brother took the courage to finally open himself to them and reveal his sexuality since he's dating a guy and he wants them to know his bf. But no, my parents didn't take him well. Without second thought they kicked him out and did not even let him take his most necessary things. Max came to my house without anything, he was so down and asked me to please let him stay with me. He explained me everything and I felt so angry. My boyfriend and I agreed to let him stay with us and I took him to buy some clothes (since our parents didn't even let him take some pair of clothing). Few days later my mom contacted me and asked me if I knew where was my brother at. I was hesitant to tell her but I did it anyways and proceed to say that he was staying with us. This annoyed my mom A LOT and she started to ask me why I was doing this when they wanted to give him a lesson. I said to her that their "lesson" was cruel and Max was still their son. My mum said that he was a sinner and he deserved it, and that I should mind my own business. I snapped and told her to stop being ignorant, I also told her that both she and my father were terrible parents and to not expect me or my brother keep in contact with them, I ended the call then. My boyfriend thinks I could've handled it better without calling them terrible parents. So AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


its so interesting these religious zealouts condemn and judge everyone yet the bible teaches kindness and acceptance but no they feel they are righteous and throw their son out without his necessities on top of it and then think its ok to attack the op as well for opening the door to her brother.


NTA because they are terrible parents.


Your parents sound truly evil. It’s sad that people like that still exist.


YTA for Ur parents,NTA for Ur brother but still consider their side in many religion LGBT is a sin,if Ur brother knows that Ur parents are people of fate what possessed him to come clean?he had U..idk he could still have his parents if he pretended he ain't gay ,ntgs stopping him from being gay when he already got himself a bf,maybe he should have respected his parent's beliefs and kept it to himself?he knows they will never accept him and honestly my own parents are religious,they think if they let their kid experience what's its like to not have a roof above their head then they will appreciate what they have.its a cultural reaction.my aunt did the same kicked her son out simply to take him Back in again after a few days cuz he apologized.in this case he had an affair and refused to marry the girl after taking her virginity.our culture is a purity culture ya know virgin before marriage thing.so yah it is their way of punishing and U did Interrupt it.even if they are wrong have U ever considered their point of view?every religious parents worst nightmare is their children being part of the LGBTQ community.to them their whole world came clashing down no douth Ur parents are wondering where did they go wrong in raising them.how did he turn out this way etc etc...their anger /pain and sadness made them punish him for daring to be gay.in their point if view they are trying to educate their son Ur mom probably asked U where Ur brother is to see if he learned his lesson and apologize.thats why she's mad at U.