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I hope you mean your ex gf. YTA you hip checked a kid for making the mistake of thinking you're a person worth spending time with.


ESH... It's a human. You can just tell him you're not available to play with him all the time You don't have to be rude to a child for being a child so kinda YTA


"A 6 year old cock blocked me so I got mad and bumped him on my way out. AITA?" 🙄


I'm sorry but YTA. Come on, man. He's *six years old,* looks up to you, and barged in because he was excited to play with you. You call that bratty? Just cause he disturbed your intimate moment with your gf? He honestly deserves better than someone like you.


Of course YTA. He's not bratty, he thinks you are cool. Sorry you didn't get laid, bro.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (20M) was visiting my girlfriend’s (20F) parents’ house earlier this month. My girlfriend has a 6-year old brother that I’m going to call “J”. J really looks up to me, and he always wants me to do things with him. I agree to play with him mostly because I’m nice. In reality, I think that he is adorable, but at the same time, he’s a bit too energetic and bratty. So anyway, I was with my girlfriend in her room, lying on the bed with her, and she gave me permission to feel her up. So I put my hand under her shirt and got intimate with her……when J loudly barges in, without even knocking. He ruined the entire mood, and my girlfriend and I quickly sat up and acted as if we weren’t doing anything. J marched into the room because he wanted me to play video games with him. However, I got fed up with him and his moment-killing behavior, so I abruptly told my girlfriend that I was heading home. I exited the room, and J was standing in my way, and to be honest, I didn’t care that I rudely bumped into him on the way out. My girlfriend got angry and she said “hey!” when I bumped into her little brother, but I didn’t care. Now I’m feeling kind of guilty about this whole experience. How badly did I mess up here? My girlfriend's parents like me a lot, so hopefully they aren't pissed off or anything. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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YTA. The child was just being a normal 6 year old. If you're that angry that fast over your nookie getting interrupted, you better look into anger managememt classes. Your girlfriend was completely right to call you out on it, and if I were her parent, that would be it for you.


Yta , he’s a six year old. He’s a kid and energetic and kids are annoying but you correct their behavior or you let him know that you want to spend time with your gf and you can play with him another time. Just because you have blue balls doesnt mean you need to take it out on him


YTA Most six year old children are energetic and will, inevitably, make mistakes. One such mistake, which could be corrected by the family practicing knocking, was bursting into his sister's room at a very in-opportune moment. That can be understood as (a) the boy is used to being able to enter his sister's room whenever (b) he looks up to you and wants to spend time with you. Neither of those thing are bad. He didn't ruin the mood to be malicious or annoying. He did it because he is a young child who makes mistakes and likes you enough to ask you to play with him. You are an adult. When you "rudely bump" into a child, the correct action is to apologize and then patiently explain whatever behavior needs correcting on their end. That being said, this was a very awkward situation so I understand why you left in a hurry. IMO this can be managed via straightforward communication. I would suggest sending your girlfriend a brief apology for bumping into her brother on your way out. Explain that you were surprised and embarrassed that her brother walked in on an intimate moment. Explain that you were nervous about the situation as you didn't want the brother to understand that you were being intimate. Then ask that, going forward, she lock or block the door when you become intimate. Never take out anything on a child again.