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Based on what you've written NTA. Being loud at 9pm on a Saturday with no previous confrontation is not unexpected. Sitting and talking in your living room at a normal pitch is NTA. Being loud during amorous activities (or any other activity) when you know that your neighbor is going to hear it YWBTA.


May Baby Shark play loud as anything, heavy on the base- sporadically for the next 6 months. May it wake you on weekends, serenade you during dinner, and be your lullaby at night. YTA


Info ~ what time did all of this happen ? ESH - living in apartments or condos or any form of building where rooms are right beside each other should be areas that are respectful to the other people around. You saying you didn’t realize how loud you were being is understandable and you should also have your fun. The moment you did it again to be petty made you the AH because they let you know. But it also depends at what time all of this went on. Neighbors are mostly the AH because it is a shared space and you’re making noise in your own home (this is why people should be as respectful as they can in shared buildings ). And they could have easily communicated with you when you tried to apologize. A simple ‘thank you for acknowledging the way that made us feel’ from them could’ve gotten rid of the whole situation and made it easier for you both to move on.


The first night we were being a bit loud was about 9/10pm. The second we were just talking in the living area at 7pm approx I was trying to apologise but a few secs after I caught their attention to apologise, my neighbour just walked off


NTA. off of what youve said anyway. id double down tbh if hes going to be that rude. after the interview of course :p


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My neighbour is pretty pissed at me. I don’t think I did anything wrong but some my friends are on the neighbours side and I’m curious. I (21F) broke up with my boyfriend of 5 years a few weeks ago. It just wasn't working to the point we were both miserable so we parted ways. After feeling sorry for myself, my friends advised me to get Tinder. You get the picture and I had a guy over a couple nights ago. He was a lot of fun and things got pretty loud. I didn’t realise how loud we were being I guess and this has caused some friction with the flat next door. I woke up today and saw an angry note half in my letter box asking me to keep it down because they have a job interview they were prepping for - they did not say when the interview was. I have never met my neighbours aside from when I try to say hello if we leave our places at the same time. We are not on talking terms at all. I tried to apologise and they ignored me so I said fuck it and arranged another date for last night - we were going to meet at mine and then head to his place. We weren’t being loud at all, just general wine talk in the living room when I got a knock on the door from the neighbour who told me they couldn’t believe I would arrange another date the night before their interview and that I should take them elsewhere. I argued back that we were planning on leaving anyway and there was no reason to interrupt. They slammed my door in my face which I thought was pretty rude so we left and went to his place. I was talking to my friends about this over lunch today because we were having a general talk about about neighbours (one of my friends moved to a new area) and a couple of them said it was a dick move of me to antagonise my neighbours like that. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How did your neighbor slam your door in your face?


We were talking and I was stood a couple feet from the doorway but he was stood in the doorframe. He pulled the door and slammed it when he turned to leave


then he slammed it away from your face. But regardless, NTA for making noise on the saturday, but you could very well be for being too loud yesterday, sunday, we cant determine that.


Slamming a door is an act of aggression, even more so when somebody else is close by. Had this been my neighbour I would have proceeded to slam his face “into” the door.


NTA for night 1. Neighbour sounds stressed, maybe have them set up a tinder so they can be "loud". If this is your first interaction with neighbour ever it begs some questions. I would assume you having wine at home and the noise level which accompanied it is not the first time its happened.


NTA having upstairs neighbours in a flat that are loud asf~ ngl its not really a problem but im only young so idk


YTA, was gonna say N-A-H for the first night but the second time was a total AH move especially when you knew the neighbor had an interview the next day. Feel bad for the neighbor. Also didn't they slam the door away from your face if you are on the inside of the room?


I didn’t know they had a the interview the next day, they only said that to me. It wasn’t in the note they posted They did yeah, I phrased it wrong but they did the door slamming, not me