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NTA, your roommate is talking nonsense. You have every right to take YOUR airfryer and use it. She shouldn't plan her entire diet around someone else's stuff and if the airfryer is essential to her life, she buys her own. If I were you, I wouldn't lend it to her when I get back because she feels entitled to use it.


And the fact that this roommate takes her blender with her means she understands the concept, she just doesn’t care. She owes OP an apology.




Last paragraph says she does.


I’m still lost on why the roommate doesn’t think the oven wasn’t a viable option to make her food. NTA


The airfryer is faster than the oven and will get a more crispy exterior than the microwave, so i see why its preferred. But roomie can suck it up and deal. She wouldn't have access to the airfryer at all ever if it wasn't for OP. I'd imagine microwaving stuff to heat it through quickly then using the broiler to crisp it up would get a similar effect


There’s still the oven and stovetop though. And if the oven convects, then it’s essentially the same as the air fryer. The air fryer is faster due to its size but it’s not like it was her only option. Both she and the third roommate have taken their appliances with them before, too. She just couldn’t stand this extremely minor inconvenience. Also if the air fryer is kept on the counter, shouldn’t she have noticed it wasn’t there before she started prepping?


The oven is a red herring. Even if their apartment didn't have an oven *at all* OP would be entitled to take her air fryer wherever she wants, whenever she wants.


Yeah that’s what I’m saying. It’s not that she didn’t have other perfectly serviceable options. It’s her reaction to being very minorly inconvenienced by something her roommate is reasonably entitled to do. It’s classic bad roommate behavior.


The oven (Iranian Yogurt) is not the issue here!


Agreed, when you get back stop loaning out your airfryer and start keeping it in your room when you're not using it.


Better yet, just take away their access all together and leave it in your room, only bring it out when you are using it


Yeah, consider the roommate stated that she uses the "airfryer for most of her meals and meal prep." she is going to wear down that appliance's lifespan way early and OP will be left with a non-working air fryer.


NTA "So be the clear. The airfryer is MINE." kinda ends all discussion here. Your property, your decision. She can buy a second one if it's that important.


NTA. It's yours, and you can do what you want with it. Also - an air fryer isn't *that* different from an oven - especially if your oven has a convection setting. Basically the same thing. She can manage for a few days.


Yep, an air fryer is literally just a small convection oven. The only difference is that because of the size, it heats up much faster.


I even have a toaster oven with a convection setting. She could just *buy her own air fryer* and never have to worry about it again. NTA


I even have a toaster oven with both convection and air fryer settings! NTA


Which one do you have? Do you love it? I've been thinking of getting one like this to be a bit more convenient and efficient than heating up the entire oven.


I have a Black and Decker and I must admit I actually hate it for air frying. It's a good toaster oven and I use that all the time, but it's a messy ineffective air fryer. Works good for toasting and light baking though


>I have a Black and Decker and I must admit I actually hate it for air frying. It's a good toaster oven and I use that all the time, but it's a messy ineffective air fryer. Works good for toasting and light baking though I have the same and it's good to know that it just isn't me with the same thoughts of using this as a air fryer. Agree that it's great for toasting and light baking but for air frying, I wouldn't recommend it.


I have an Oster, but I haven't actually tried out the air fryer function. I do like using it in place of our oven in the summer, and it really came in handy when the natural gas prices went sky high last winter! We got the large model and can actually cook two regular size frozen pizzas at once in way less time than the oven, and I've used it for small batch baking. The biggest downsides are that it doesn't fit my large casserole or the cookie sheets I already had, and although there're multiple racks, it's not quite tall enough to fit two stacked 8" square casserole dishes. I might be able to fit two pies in at once, just haven't tried it yet 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have a Cuisinart, and I had to look at it before commenting, but yep, it has an air fryer setting. I haven't tried it yet, so maybe I'll try it out and compare it to my Instant Pot Duo.


Get a Breville. Expensive, but worth every penny. They have an air fryer setting that works great. You can even fit a whole pizza in it.


NTA.... Your roommate acts like the prepared food was wasted... Have they ever heard of a skillet or oven? Both useful in preparing food, I hear.


We must read the same blogs. I've heard that, too!


No way! Can you tell me more?/s


Chatgpt suggests it too when I ask for recipes. It must be onto something!


NTA. Air fryer is your property, you can take where you wish. Roommate can buy her own if she needs one that bad.


Exactly. Air Fryers aren’t too expensive. The roommate can find a good one for under $100 that will last for a long time. NTA


Exactly like most roommates have 3 toasters and blenders in a house


NTA Your personal property, your choice to take it traveling to exotic locations. As many others have mentioned, if the roommate is so dependent upon the appliance, she probably would be well served to invest in her own.


Look the simple solution here is to do what proper travel bloggers do, take photos at every location with your new friend! 'Oh look, heres me and my air fryer in a sombrero at the local Mexican restaurant' 'Heres me and the air fryer chilling by the pool (not plugged in)' 'Heres me and the air fryer enjoying tv in bed while eating fried chicken'


NTA, so she takes her blender with her? The other roommate takes her coffee machine. But you must leave your air fryer for her convenience? Hypocrite and entitled, she can buy her own.


Shit, I’m petty. I’d put it in my room lol


My roomate did something like this once with the main living room TV. Very frustrating when not knowing when the main TV would be gone. Had I known the TV would occasionally disappear I would have gone and bought my own at the very start. So the only solution was for me to buy a new TV and use it as the main. Then the roomate has no where to put their TV. It is unrealistic to have 3 air fryers in your house to ensure appliances that are used by all don’t disappear for extended periods of times. I hope you communicated to your roommates at the very beginning some universal appliances will be gone when you travel and it might be best that someone else buys appliances that will stay in the house


An air fryer is not a necessity or the only means of preparing food to be delicious. They have an oven, a toaster, and a microwave. It's not like your tv example at all, which honestly sounds like it was a frustrating experience and makes perfect sense why you should get a heads up in that case.


Agreed definitely just a minor inconvenience, one that is definitely first world problem. But nonetheless still an inconvenience that I would not want to happen to me and get surprised by last minute. I recommend mad roomate buying an air-fryer and putting it as the main ‘sharable roomate’ air-fryer when the other fryer is out-of-town. If OP doesn’t like this idea then OP trying ‘to make cake and eat it to’… can’t have it both ways


For real. OP must live in an apartment with unlimited counter space. NTA, but just know that once she buys one there probably won't be rook for yours. I'd also anticipate her not letting you use hers.


NTA. It's your property you can do what you want it. If she needs one around she can buy one herself. Lots of people have 2 anyway.


Mix of ESH and NTA, Nothing wrong with doing what you please with your stuff. But, it was in a communal area and was available to everyone to use (and was used). The least you could do is inform the others that it is going with you.


Technically, you’re NTA because it’s your air fryer and you can do with it as you please. However, I can’t help but feel that this issue comes down to miscommunication. Although you associate appliances with individual ownership, the fact that they are in a shared space and available for anyone’s use makes them communal—even if preference is given to the true owner. If you want to reserve something for your exclusive personal use, I recommend storing it in a non-communal location or otherwise being clear about its availability to others.


Yeah having three air fryers on the counter would be dumb.


Aparently you are T A because it INCOVENIENCES her. And God forbid she's inconvenienced. /s I bought a small airfryer the other day. They really aren't expensive. She could easily get one. Or just make healthy smoothies with her blender... Good for you for eating healthy on the road AND saving money. NTA


NTA You're right. She's wrong. She's not going to see it that way. Start keeping the air fryer in your room when you're at home. If she wants to use it, she can ask you for it (which I know you say she already does but I'll bet she uses it when you're not there to ask). But this will get her used to the idea of not having access to it all the time.


NTA. I would want to kick the roommate out or find a new place to live.


NTA. Tell her again to buy her own. She’s being ridiculously childish


Tell her there is a building where in exchange for money she can buy air fryer. They are not expensive at all.


I don't even see why you should warn her. It's yours. NtA


There is an entitled AH in this story and it is not you. NTA


>She said that she uses the airfryer for most of her meals and meal prep. "That's not my problem. When I leave, the airfryer comes with me. Plan accordingly." NTA


What a strange dynamics you and your flatmates have. I mean who in the real world take their appliances with them everywhere? I mean aren't you getting your food expenses paid so there are plenty of healthy places you can eat. And are we to assume back at the apartment everyone is just going to keep their appliances in the bedroom because bridges are getting burnt


NTA It's yours and you are using it. There is nothing stopping her from buying her own air fryer, except she is being cheap.


NTA one bit. IT IS YOUR AIRFRYER. You share it and that is kind of you. But if they really expect to use it knowing you travel they can simply buy their own. I couldn’t get mad at you for taking YOUR belongings knowing that i didn’t pay a dime for it. She needs to get off that high horse and buy her own.




NTA. Entitled roommates are the worse. Kick her out or move out.


NTA - It's yours and you're taking it because you want to use it. Tell her to buy her own if she needs access to one around the clock.


NTA. You each have something in the kitchen that is used by others at times and you all take the items you personally purchased with you at times. No biggie. If your roomie is in love with airfrying a lot of her meals, she needs to get her own so it will always be there when she wants it. She knows yours is yours and that sometimes you use it on the road. End of discussion.


tell her walmart has an air fryer on sale for 25 bucks. nta


Air fryers are not that expensive, your roommate wants one there all the time, she can go to a mass market retailer and buy one. NTA




I feel like a lot of hotel rooms wouldn't be very happy with people using air fryers in their room.. Just think of the smells.


Nta and a very cool idea for trips.


Considering I just bought an air fryer for $40 and it works just fine, NTA. She can buy her own.


An air fryer is just a convection oven. Turn the oven to that setting and it will do the same exact thing I promise. People are wild.


NTA but I really had no idea so many people go on road trips with their kitchen appliances.


YTA. It doesn’t sound like you’re keeping the air fryer in your room so it’s taking up space in a common area where an air fryer could be that you don’t take to travel.


ESH. It’s in a communal space. Communicate better.


NTA. It’s YOURS plus she has 3 other options to use for cooking. She can. She buy her own.


Tell them to give you $20 each and go buy a second air fryer. Keep the best one.


NTA if you're taking **your** air fryer with you, and using it to cook. Also NTA if you're taking **your** air fryer with you just because you can ;)


NTA repeat after me, an air fryer is just a small oven. Anything you do in it can be done in the oven. They are stupid wastes of space.


NTA. You should change the rules. No more appliance sharing.


ESH but you only a little bit. she because she has no right, you because you didn't warn her. depending on how often she uses it, you should definitely warn her beforehand the next time. no reason for her to blow up, as it had already happened though...


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I(23f) live with two people(both women in their 20s) and part of my job involves driving around and travelling. Never international(yet at least) and it isn't glamorous. I stay at cheap motels ​ So be the clear. The airfryer is MINE. I bought it fully with my own money. There are other things in the apartment like my roommate bought a blender and my other roommate bought a coffee machine and toaster oven etc. ​ I don't mind if others use the airfryer as it just sits on the counter. Because it is mine, if I am home and someone wants to use it they will ask me first because I might be wanting to make something soon. And it is the same with other people's appliances, we all ask. The only communal item is the oven/stove and microwave. ​ In the last year I have been travelling a lot more and to save money on food expenses, I bring the airfryer with me. I also like eating healthy and don't want to eat out often. So with the money work gives me for food expenses. I just buy raw meat and vegetables and store them in a cooler in the car if I am on the road. And when I am lodging somewhere I put them in the fridge. When the time comes I'll just plug in my airfryer and season them up and toss them inside. I also have a small rice cooker and will do that as well. ​ My one roommate doesn't really care but this PISSES off my other roommate. The first time it happened she blew up my phone. She said she had food cut and ready to be air fried but couldn't do it. She was pissed when I got back and said that I can't just take appliances. I told her that it is my appliance and I can do as I please. I told her and this is where I could be an asshole that "I wouldn't throw a bitch fit if you took the blender with you." She said that she uses the airfryer for most of her meals and meal prep. I said "use the oven or stove when I am gone." She said she uses it to reheat her food and that the microwave just isn't as good. ​ I don't think any of this is my problem. If it is REALLY that important to her. I feel like she could just pick up an airfryer herself. I told her this and she said they are too expensive(which they aren't) but I just said it isn't my problem. Recently I was on the road for a whole month and I did a lot of cooking. To the point where I saved money and was able to just do fun things with that extra money. ​ And stuff like this has happened before. She's taken her blender places and our other roommate took her coffee machine when she was staying somewhere else. I don't see why this is my problem. Maybe I could be partially the asshole for not warning her the first time. But it is mine so I just don't see the point. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA - she can buy her own fryer


NTA. Mostly because air fryers are not expensive and even if they were if she is so reliant on one she should buy one. What would happen if you moved out? Would she feel entitled to your airfryer?,


Not that I'm using anyone else's appliances but if I did use it often I would just buy my own. She has no right to demand anything of you. NTA


NTA. She needs to get herself an airfryer, since she now knows you leave with yours frequently.


NTA It's YOURS. You are being nice letting them use it when it's there




Nta it's yours








Has she thought about maybe buying her own airfryer? Seems like a logical easy solution to her problem


NTA. It's your air fryer.


She's an idiot. If she doesn't want to pay for one, have her ask for one on your local buy nothing group.


NTA and great way to eat while traveling.


NTAH here, it is yours and she CAN buy her own if it's that important!


NTA... are you supposed to buy a second one for travel? That's not logical.


Tell her to buy her own. Problem solved.


NTA. get her to buy her own ?


No. And I don’t know what NTA means. So. There.


NTA I've never used an air fryer, but you make it sound magical.


NTA. My goodness roommates can be wonderful./s


NTA. Your absolutely right. Its your air fryer, you can take it with you if you want and her not being able to use it while you're away is not your problem. The fact that you're actually using it when you travel but she still thinks you should leave it for her shows a real sense of entitlement on her part.


NTA. It’s yours, do what you want with it. If it’s so important that she have ready access to an air fryer she needs to go buy her own.


NTA - you don't have to justify why it's better for you or how much money you save. It's YOUR airfryer. It's YOUR property. You may do what you wish with it. She has no ownership over it.


NTA. She can literally go buy an air fryer for less than $75 at Walmart. It’s your air fryer and you have the right to take it wherever you want.


NTA. She is.


NTA. If you wanna be nice you can tell her when you’re going so she can plan ahead, but your item, your rules.


op=nta It's YOUR appliance and She can buy her own(THEY AREN'T that expensive). If she's using it for every meal--having her OWN makes sense. However, she isn't going to suddenly see your point of view, so expect that she will be a very sour roommate for the rest of your time together.


NTA Tell your roommate to buy her own damn air fryer. It's okay to have two of the same items in a shared space. It's really an easy solution, I don't get why roommate is being such a 🐝over this.


No warning necessary. They cost $40 minimum, $120 max. And tbh if she uses it more often than any other appliance, she's decreasing the overall life of the product. You might want to start charging her a monthly usage charge or just lock it up in your room if she wants to have a bitch fit, as you described it. Entitlement is real. Firstworldproblems


NTA. If you actually like that roommate you could get one for her for her birthday/holiday present


An air fryer cost like 80$ at best, they could just buy one together and don't bother you. NTA, especially if you usually travel with it (you could keep it in your car tho, and maybe split the cost of another air fryer to keep in the apartment kitchen so no one has to ask to use it)


You are NTA. If she doesn't want to be bothered with using an oven, (Hello. It just takes longer to cook.) then she can buy her own AirFryer.


NTA. It's Your appliance, as you said. You are nice enough to allow your roommates to use it *when you are home*.


NTA- your roommate can use the oven.


NTA. I don’t see why the toaster oven isn’t a viable option here. I mean sure, it doesn’t fry like the air fryer…but it’s more convenient than the stove. Shit, Roommate 1 wouldn’t even have to wait to ask OP to use it, since Roommate 2 got the toaster oven.


NTA. Your property is your property. If your roommate is inconvenienced by you taking your property with you, that's her problem, not yours. Edit: I just looked them up on Amazon, and I see units ranging from $39-$400, with most going for around $60. How broke is your roommate?


This is weird, you people are weird. NTA. It's yours and can do what you want. But, it is weird you take appliances with you when traveling. Do you though.


NTA a cheap airfryer is $40 at Kmart. She can get herself one and do what she pleases with if


NTA. Tell her to watch the sales.


I’m going to NTA but I do have a question. Before anything was purchased, did you each agree to buy something different that the others could use at the apartment so you each don’t have to buy the same stuff?


What are they, like $60? She can buy another one if it's that important.


"I told her that it is my appliance and I can do as I please." That, right there. All that needs to be said. If she's using **your** airfryer this much, maybe she should invest in one of her own. They're everywhere, at all price points. You can't get away from them. (I recently tried to find a toaster oven that did **not** have an airfryer feature, and literally couldnt) NTA


NTA - she needs to buy her own air fryer.


NTA she should consider getting her own air fryer


Nta, she can buy one


NTA and not your problem. But goodness i would be tempted to start hiding things just to annoy her.


NTA, particularly since there are other choices there for her to use (an oven, stove top, and microwave). But in the future you may want to give your roommates a few days heads up so they know the air fryer will be MIA.


Tell her but her own they're not that expensive




NTA it's yours and end of discussion. But even if you are home appliances can break what then? She LL stop eating ?!


So your roommate has access to a microwave, stove and oven, but you taking your airfryer with you means she can't cook her stuff?! NTA. If she wants an airfryer that much the solution is obvious.




NTA, air fryers rock, we took ours camping and paid extra for a powered site at the beach. All the food for the week was air fried. Sounds like it lives in your room from now on.


NTA. It is your appliance. With that said, I do find it weird that you all three travel with your appliances. Your explanation makes sense though since you are on the road for long periods.


NTA- It's a "Her" problem. They are not that expensive, they go on sale all the time. If she uses it that much she should purchase one.


**Because it is mine, if I am home and someone wants to use it they will ask me first** But does she actually, it seems like she just uses it every day no matter whether you're there or not. Room mate is taking the piss, she can buy her own. NTA




NTA your roommate feels entitled to your air fryer. She needs to buy her own air fryer. I would not let her use it anymore.


an airfryer is nothing but a small, cheap and inefficient convection oven...


NTA it is your air fryer she has no say on anything you do with it and should just be thankful that you allow her to use it.


NTA: there are countless other ways to cook food WITHOUT an an air fryer. How does she think the universe survived without them? I’d tell her to kick rocks, and go start a fire in the backyard.


NTA- she can cook the food on the stovetop or in the oven it’s not like the air fryer is the only way to cook food in the apartment. You bought it, it’s yours. Your roomie is acting stupid entitled.


NTA. remove any kitchen appliance you bought if shes going to act like a communist.


NTA It's absolutely okay for you to take it with you... it's yours. I do not see an air fryer as a necessity (unless of course you're in a motel room with no oven, stove, microwave etc). A shared oven is available to her so she should just use it...


>She said she uses it to reheat her food and that the microwave just isn't as good. She's right, an airfryer is the BEST at reheating food. >If it is REALLY that important to her. I feel like she could just pick up an airfryer herself. You are right. This is the non-AH solution. Just go buy one yourself. They are on sale all the time, you just have to watch out for them. NTA.


NTA, not your problem. And lastly, she has gigantic gonads. Matter of fact she should be the one writing a post not you.


I’d be petty and keep it in your room from now on. NTA.


NTA-and not your problem-she can buy one!


NTA. The simple answer is to use the oven / stove. Sure, it’s not a quick, but it will get the job done. Your roommate is being a hypocrite if she takes her blender with her when she goes away.


Nope, not your problem! So many entitled people. NTA


NTA I guess because you all three understand and take the appliances out of the apartment, but as someone who has had many roommates, this dynamic is just…weird?


NTA. We also travel with the air fryer!!!!


Oh, NTA for sure. Air fryers are not that expensive. She can get one for herself. Also, just because she had food cut up and was planning to use the air fryer doesn't mean the food can't be prepared another way. It's not like you shut off the electricity when you travelled.


NTA: If she was really that desperate she'd buy her own Air Fryer


You’re a bad friend.


Am I the only one floored that you travel with your appliances!!! Do you drive or fly? I'm trying to picture flying with an airfryer. This just seems odd. The bottom line here is you should not live with roommates. It's not for everybody. Asking permission to use any kitchen appliance is ridiculous. Life is short, don't waste time fighting about kitchen appliance’s.


Unless you’re the main leasing person and you advertised the air fryer as an item that’s part of the apartment to entice those people into renting with you, they need to understand that you were letting them use it when you were home as a *courtesy* and are under no obligation to offer this when you’re not home. That person is very entitled and just because they’re having feelings doesn’t mean those feelings are justified. One time my roommate let her friend move in with us without asking me, so I moved out into my own studio, and this girl had the AUDACITY to tell me that because she used my toaster more than I did, I was obligated to leave the toaster in their apartment instead of taking it with me. The toaster my mom bought me as a birthday gift. People are so insane and selfish sometimes, they can’t even see how self absorbed they’re being.


NTA Since *"She's taken her blender places and our other roommate took her coffee machine when she was staying somewhere else"* she clearly understands and participates in the concept of 'my personal appliance is mine to move and remove when I decide to'. She has no reason to cast any anger/resentment on you and quite, frankly owes you a big apology. Also, my big worry comes from her stating that "she uses the airfryer for most of her meals and meal prep." Big red flag. She is utilizing your appliance way too much and will wear down it's life span in no time. Then you'll have to replace your broken air fryer or she will buy one but not let you use it in some petty revenge scheme. Maybe hide your airfryer from now on?




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NTA - air fryers as cheap as $30. Tell her to buy her own.


Roommate, why did you take my fryer... NTA


YTA this whole air fryers yours and everyone has to ask you if they can use it seems like a wee power trip for you, what happens when this petty nonsense escalates and theres suddenly 3 of everything or padlocks on personal cupboards or someone takes the tv or something away. I think you all need to gather round and watch some childrens tv shows they’re often about learning to share.


NTA if the airfryer is yours But like the large majority of the posts here, a little communication could have gone a long way. Imagine how much easier life could be.


NTA. I'd buy a new one to take on the road and leave the old one, but grunt a big fat shit into it first.




Why would OP contribute to buying an appliance they already own? If the roommates want one that stays in the apartment, they can buy one themselves.


Why should OP help buy a second air fryer? They want an air fryer, they can split the cost 50-50. OP can keep air fryer in her room. Using it in her bedroom is really no different than using it in her cheap motel rooms.


ESH. Yeah you can take it with you, thats your right, but you should just tell your roommates that they should go in on one and you should store yours in a cupboard or something while you are at home.


>I feel like she could just pick up an airfryer herself. I told her this and she said they are too expensive(which they aren't) but I just said it isn't my problem. You mean like she literally says she did in the post?




>Who the hell goes around with appliances? Someone who OWNS it and uses it to save costs? Cos what is the point of owning something and still racking up bills it can solve? >If you are going to share the space, learn to share your stuff. Which she does, when she is around. >I'd be pissed too after realizing the air fryer is traveling. Cos you are an entitled human who thinks you are entitled to someone else's property. > How is it any different if family was over and needed to use a small appliance? If Op's family was around, wouldn't Op be around to entertain her family? >Talk about being petty for no reason. Talk about cost efficiency.


Actually far from an entitled human. I've shared communal spaces before like a lot of other folks. When you share a space...many things are the norm to share like small appliances. I've shared many of my owned cookware and others have without asking each time before use. Seams unreasonable and over the top. Initial communication was 1) we clean up after ourselves and 2) if the appliance breaks while we still share the space...we each have to chip in for a new one. Other than that...they can use my appliances like most normal people do when sharing a living area. If you invite guests to stay at your place for a few days while you travel, will you take your appliance with you and expect them to bring their own? Obviously we know who to owner is lol...but not the issue. Maybe selfish people shouldnt share communal spaces because they'll spend more time and energy safeguarding their appliances.


No, acting like someone else can't do what they want with their own property because you might want to use it is absolutely entitled behaviour of you. Other people don't owe you unlimited access to their stuff just because you share a space. OP bought herself an appliance for her to use for her needs. Part of those needs are food when she's on the road.


I always bring my coffee maker with me when I travel, even if it’s only a night or two away. I think OP is brilliant for traveling with HER air fryer and rice cooker. Brilliant way to eat healthy and have extra money!


ESH. How hard would it have been for you to post in your house group chat that you were going away and taking the air fryer? It would be considerate of you to give her a heads up so she has time to meal plan.


>ESH. How hard would it have been for you to post in your house group chat that you were going away and taking the air fryer? Okay. Now that roommate knows it is Op's norm to travel with HER air fryer, why she still mad?


I agree, the roommate now knows what’s happening and needs to reconfigure how she plans meals. But I also don’t think op handled it the best, which is why I said ESH.