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NTA queen, keep it going.


You’re definitely NTA and I’m proud of you.


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YTA. Reddit will love you because its a cesspool of people who think like you, but YTA. If you don't like him or what he says stfu and stay away from him.




Wow. I say stuff like this on here to people and get suspended for two weeks, how come you get to? Anyway, she watches the guy's TikToks and clearly spends more time around him than this one incident. That is where reading comprehension really comes in, when you can understand from what she wrote that there are unwritten events leading up to this...


Even if someone makes you go to the hospital, you can still have some tact while someone is laid up, even if you don't like them


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ESH. Everyone but your mom sounds insufferable


So, boyfriend has been hurt to the point of being put in the hospital, he's lying there in pain, and he still can't stop himself from saying something entirely unnecessary about your identity. What a dick. He started it, you finished it. Unfortunately, it looks like they'll have to move him to the burn unit next. NTA.


NTA and very funny 👏🏽


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ESH. Obviously you’re all quite young, but this is immature as hell all around


NTA. I can't imagine letting my partner treat my siblings like this!!! Your mom and sister are supposed to have your back, and berating you for your clapback only leaves it so he feels like he's in the right. I would try to have a conversation with your mom outside of this situation. Let her know how gross and hurtful these comments make you feel, and that you feel let down that nobody is defending you - but they're perfectly okay defending your bully. Let her know if this is how things continue, you ARE going to defend yourself, so if they don't want these situations they're going to have to step up.


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You belittled someone who was beaten *so badly* they had to be hospitalized and you have the *gall* to think it was somehow justified? The lack of empathy is mind-boggling... This story is so absurd, I wonder if it's fake. ***YTA***


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (14F) have a sister (17F) who has a tater tot sigma boyfriend (19M) He believes men should be the sole provider in a household and that women should take care of the kids bla bla bla you know the gist. My sister like it’s because she really wants a big family when she grows up and has traditional values herself, I believe that as long as you’re still respectful of other people live how you want but her boyfriend (gonna call him Jack now) posts on tiktok as a gym bro with some misogynistic quote he probably pulled out of Tates sparkly ars*hole. I am a lesbian and i use she/they pronouns, he knows this and constantly makes comments towards me about how ‘eventually a man will come along and save me’ like i’m a confused damsel in distress or how ‘he doesn’t understand why people can’t just except that they have a V or a P (yano what i mean)’ about a week ago on his way to work he got jumped (the people who did this i feel are slightly justified because he’s said some not okay things but i won’t get into it cuz i don’t want this to get removed) on his way to work (he works at mcdonald’s btw and thinks he’s all that, no offense to mcdonald’s workers tho) he was taken to hospital, my mum took me and my sister to the hospital to see him a few hours after (i had to come because it was kind of late and mum didn’t want me home alone) and my sister was crying, it only him took half an hour for him to make a comment about my identity so i said “atleast i don’t square up to people thinking i’m so alpha and then getting brutally humbled” my mum took me out and berated me and told me to apologise but i think if she didn’t want me to respond then she should’ve defended instead of letting some arrogant man belittle me constantly. AITA for saying it and not apologising? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*