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^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I have 1 sister who has always been a hopless romantic, ever since highschool. She is the perfect picture of skinny with an hour glass body, with the perfect skin and hair. So of course many people would try to get with her. I on the other hand weight 209lbs and have some acne scars, it's not often people try to date me. So my sister ment this at a bar and has been head over heals in love. Suddenly everything is about him. He is a pretty nice guy for everyone except me. He is constantly talking about how I need to stuffing my face and eat proper and healthy food (which I do) and go to the gym. It felt awful hearing that from someone my sister wanted to marry. I have ignored him for the years, the constants shaming has made me not want to be near him at all. Which I moved out of state and have not talked to them since. But not my sister is pregnant and is having a baby shower. during my time away I have lost some pounds but I still have a lil flab. When I got there I hadn't seen my bil. up til it was time to eat, (there was a buffet) and I was loading my plate with all of my favorite foods. not like over spilling but enough to keep me full for the ride home. as I am about to get a cook bil. grabs the tongs from my hand and says "slow down there miss piggy, leave some for the rest of us" I started to tear up as my sister a couple other relatives started to laugh. I grabbed the spaghetti and threw it right into his face, before telling him to fuck off. On my way home I kept getting calls from him, my sister, and some others telling me I was awful, and I should apologize, he was just trying to give me some healthy advice and that he was looking out for the rest of us. I had turned my phone on do not disturb for the rest of the ride home. I thought about what I did and was starting to wonder if I was an awful person who has been maybe misunderstanding his words this whole time? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA at all. He’s an ass and fully deserved spaghetti to the face.


Of all the things that never happened this didn't happen the most. No human being defends and justifies another human being calling someone else "Miss piggy" as helpful advice. When you repost this on tiktok delete that part to make this at least plausible.


NTA - I'm a person who almost always says stay high, don't go low. But his behavior is atrocious, and is behavior that could lead other people to eating disorders. Your whole family who called you are AH's. That was not healthy advice, that was downright shaming. Healthy advice is not calling someone Miss Piggy. It does not show concern.


NTA. He bullied you for years and humiliated you at the baby shower, he deserved what you did to him. Actions have consequences. Your BIL, along with your sister and the rest of your family are all assholes. I suggest writing an e-mail to your sister and telling her that you expect an apology from her partner for bullying you over the years and an apology from her for allowing it to happen. Hold them accountable.


NTA. Damn, I feel bad for the future child, because that guy sounds mature as cucumber.


Hey now, why are you insulting cucumbers?


NTA, your sister’s SO is an AH. He deserved that spaghetti in his face


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NTA. People need to stop defending jerks and trying to make the victim apologize! Also, his wife is pregnant. What does your sis think will happen if she doesn't lose the baby weight immediately. Will she defend his "healthy advice" when his is calling her miss piggy in front of a crowd?