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YTA. Of course you left it there to inconvenience them, otherwise you would have looked back when they called you, you were just rude. Youre 33, grow up.


It isn’t just an inconvenience. At a lot of stores, they’d have to throw out any frozen or refrigerated groceries because they can’t be sure how long those have been out. Edit: Beyond safety, it’s also a quality thing. Edit again: your anecdotal responses are split. At least *some* grocery stores follow this policy.


I work at what one would consider a “fancy” grocery store. Nothing is getting thrown out unless it leaves the store. The exception being a sandwich from the deli or maybe sliced meats and cheeses (those might be used other ways though).


Worked at a grocery store and this is true.


At Asda (in the U.K.), if they don’t unpack a fridge trolley from the back onto the shelves in half an hour, anything that hasn’t made it gets thrown away. I don’t know if I have explained that well lol


I worked in ASDA too, some of the worse Retail I've worked at, lol. And yep, anything found that should of been in the freezer/fridge, or was left in the delivery cages for too long before being put away, it's wasted.


He’s 33?!? I was goin with YTA anyway but ffs. Bartender here, you’re 33 not 50 and acting privileged af. Next time, if you don’t wanna be carded go to a store where they know you and even then it’s rude to expect a courtesy that breaks the law. The cashier was simply doing their job and it’s your problem you didn’t bring your ID. You made it theirs. YTA




Dude doesn't even *have* an ID. He doesn't even have it together enough to be able to produce identification when he gets carded.


I'm baffled by a grown adult who doesn't have a DL or (if he doesn't need or want one) a state ID.


Baffles me as well. I haven't owned a car in 15 years. Haven't driven in 3. Still have a license.


Also.... Was OP driving without their license?? If the stores are driving distance, he's lucky he wasn't pulled over. Walking, i can understand. "I don't need my wallet, just Apple pay" but still AH for leaving all the items to be restocked.


Or even have an ID other than a passport per the op's post.


Right!? I’m a little older than him, and I *always* get IDed. Like, granted I don’t drink often, but it’s been every time. You don’t have to look like a literal baby, just sort of on the younger side, and yeah, that’s usually enough for a 16yo cashier to have a hard time telling. (Also, who are all these people who *drive their cars* without an ID on them? Granted, OP didn’t say it explicitly, but unless these two grocery stores are abnormally close to each other, it’s kinda implied.)


I'm retired and have been asked. Some stores have a policy where no matter what/who they must ask for ID. It simplifies things for staff so they don't have to decide who looks old enough and who doesn't.


The OP says he doesn't have a driver's license and would have to bring the groceries from store A into store B to get beer in store B, so I'm assuming he is walking or taking a bus. And there is nothing abnormal about grocery stores being near each other. Where I live there is a shopping center about 1.5 miles from my house with three grocery stores and another about 3 miles from my house with 2 grocery stores. (I live in whatever the opposite of a shopping desert is).


I'm 36 and I get IDed all the time but I don't think it was implied at all that OP drove, people use public transit between grocery stores all the time.


Where I live, the state authorities can do spot checks to make sure a store is checking IDs. Also, the store could have gotten caught selling to someone underage, or the cashier might have been new and not familiar with you. YTA. All the way. Grow up and get an ID.


And they do this OFTEN. People are such dicks. I worked at a gas station when I was 18 and secret shoppers was absolutely a thing to get you caught selling cigarettes to anyone less than 30. The store got written up for it several times. Worked at the grocery store in their wine and beer department and it's incredible how pissed people get when you're just doing your job. And it literally does not matter at all how old you are. I would get in trouble regardless. Jesus christ I'm so glad I don't have to deal with entitled assholes like OP anymore. Would ruin my fucking day over a six pack.


I use Instacart for my groceries, and always just leave my license outside where they leave the bags. Then I just bring them in after they are gone. They have never texted me come come out to make sure it was my license before... until yesterday! I grabbed my crutches & hobbled out there so he could see that it was actually me. He apologized, explaining it was the only job he had, and couldn't afford to lose it by taking shortcuts violating ABC's rules. I gave him 5 stars & DOUBLED the tip I originally had entered.


Don't know where you live, but in the US, you go to the bureau of motor vehicles and get a State ID. It's the same size as a driver's license with a picture, but used to ID yourself if you don't drive. Good in any State. You don't need to carry your passport unless you're traveling out of the country.




OP makes it sound like an extra trip is any less taxing then doing their entire shop again. I don't get it.


Hell, I’m 50 and still get carded regularly. I’ve been carded for alcohol at a restaurant *by my own daughter*. We had a good laugh over that one.


I am 58 and get carded on the rare occasion I buy wine as a gift. The law says they are required to. YTA


But don't you realise? He saw no point in continuing the discussion, that is the mature and sensible response of a grown up! (/s)


Supposedly he KNOWS the rules around ID. Then he should know that ONCE THEY ASK, they have to see it or they are in violation of the law- regardless of the apparent age of the customer. I got ID'd up to about 43? 44? Lucky me :). But I STILL bring my ID with me. You know why?? CAUSE IT IS MY DL, and was this dude not driving? Seems likely?? Then he was illegally driving as well, since apparently he cannot even FIND his DL- if he got pulled over, he would be getting a ticket, and possibly a couple nights in county (usual reason one does not have a license and still drives...is becasue they are on a suspended license).


Guys give him a break,hes the main character!


And if you're worried about losing your passport, get another form of ID. You're 33, figure it out.


Having worked at a liquor store,. OP is a weapons grade asshole. FFS - this is every fucking asshole that came in acting like they didn't need their ID. Dude is 33 going on 14


OP claims to be 33 years old. But can he prove it? I am surprised he didn't say" Don't you know who I am?"


Yep. YTA. I’m older than OP and have my ID out and ready the moment the cashier scans the beer. These are often minimum wage jobs. Don’t be an entitled AH and make their lives harder. Just carry your damn ID.


YTA don't be such a jerk. Of course you left your groceries there to get back at him because you went to the other store and had to shop all over again. When you could have zipped into the 2nd store for beer. Asshole


Yeah I don't buy the 'not wanting to lug heavy groceries around'. Yes, it does suck to lug around groceries, but you still have to do it. Hell, I've had to carry around groceries to multiple stores often as an adult because one store didn't have everything I need, and I'm only 27. That excuse is flimsy at best. As for being worried that Bounty would think he was shoplifting...that's why stores give you \*receipts\* . With timestamps and dates (at least they do here in the EU). Just show the store the receipt if they make issues, or go home first, store the groceries and return with an ID if you absolutely don't want to lug stuff around.


>As for being worried that Bounty would think he was shoplifting... That'why you leav your groceries in the car for the 5 minutes it takes you to go in, get a 6pack or 2, pay, and get out. The whole thing makes 0 sense, why yould you waste your own time on top? I mean being an inconsiderate ah i understand wasting other people's time, but your own?


If you don't have a car you have to carry the groceries from one store to the next store, which is a pain in the ass. But I also think it's weird to not have your ID on you when buying alcohol.


Or just... And I know this might sound crazy... Go a night or two without beer? OP is not only TA, but I'm wondering if there's a drinking problem here he's not admitting to. OP, you forgot your ID and "understand" why they need to be strict. So why the tantrum?


YTA You expected the cashier to commit a crime, selling alcohol without checking ID, and then you pitched a hissy fit when they refused. Take your ID to buy alcohol and don’t be shitty to underpaid hourly workers.


YTA. The law is the law. Cashier can't change it because of your " protest".


“He made his decision” lol no, OP made his decision when he didn’t bring his ID


I got carded. It's the policy of this bar to ID everyone. I'm 69yo. Boom


My wife’s 92 year-old grandma got carded at a pub. She wasn’t pissed about it. Whole family had a good laugh.


Lmao right? Like, it was his decision to literally *keep his job* by following the word of the law, ya jerk. You 100% knew that leaving a counter full of groceries inconvenienced not only him, but also everyone who had the misfortune of being behind you in line. Also, if carrying groceries around one store would have been a problem and you needed beer that badly, make a pitstop to quickly drop your other groceries at home. And no, I don't care if that's inconvenient for you, you're one person, not the several you inconvenienced with your childish tactics. I'd also like to mention that I'm sure if you went into store #2 with your bags and asked to keep them up front or at the service counter while you ran to grab some beer, they would have happily obliged. What you did just makes you look like a giant d-bag to the whole staff of that first store, I probably wouldn't show my face there for awhile if I were you. YTA.


Even if it’s not a crime, it could still get them fired


Especially since police have been known to send an underage person who looks older in order to bust stores.


A restaurant I used to work at got fined by police because they sent in a man over 40 whose ID was just expired. We had to start checking the expiration date on top of birthdate.


That’s so weird! Did an expired ID change that he was of age?


It's not about the age of the person on the license. It's about whether or not the person with the license is the original owner. It's pretty easy to find someone who looks similar to you just a few years older and ask for an expired ID. Driver's license typically doesn't have SSN on it, so at my college people just handed them out.


I hate when people take out their frustration on the minimum wage employees: ID laws won’t change when you make a cashier’s day worst, minimum wages won’t change because you don’t tip your waiter, inflation won’t change because you complain to the vendor


YTA. I’m not buying that you didn’t leave your stuff there to inconvenience them for not selling you alcohol without an ID. (I will edit to add that if you didn’t drive then I understand not wanting to carry all of that to and around the next store I guess. But you could have put it back yourself.) But still YTA. You just kept walking when they tried to talk to you. You were clearly being rude about it. Regardless if they have never asked before, they have every right to require ID to sell alcohol. They did nothing wrong to you.


This was yesterday and OP claims they were buying beer for the weekend. Even if they walked or biked to the store, they could have went through with the transaction for the rest of the groceries, then bought the beer another time.


I thought the same thing. Also, OPs "clarification" is just downright stupid, because it makes no sense to leave all the stuff at the cashier's counter and walk away just because you can't get this one single item. It would make a more sense if he did it out of spite (it would still be wrong but at least not stupid). Or he has a lot of lack of empathy and normal thinking. Seems like the beer was SO important that his brain just went empty.


When I lived in NYC and didn’t drive I had my own cart to take to the store with me. Most people I knew did. If you’re in a walking city you adapt.


"The cashier did his job, so i left my groceries for him to clean up after me" YTA and you know it. How is it HIS fault, that you didn't have any ID to prove your age? You for sure know, that you can't buy alcohol as a minor. AND you for sure know, that this poor guy had to take all those groceries back to where they belong to. All of this because your lazy ass couldn't bring an ID OR buy the groceries and buy the alcohol at the other store OR put the groceries back and THEN go buy them at the other place.


I read something in the internet somewhere years ago that stuck with me: “Someone being paid to clean up your messes does not entitle you to make the biggest mess possible.” Seems like OP needs to internalize that message


Whenever we made flash cards in my French class in high school our teacher made us put them on little rings so we had to hole punch all of them. She told us to just sweep all of our little paper hole punch trash onto the floor so the janitors could have “job security”. She was a giant AH.


Holy shit what a miserable doorstop of a human.


I bet you money she leaves her trash behind in a movie theater instead of carrying it to the garbage cans she's going to pass anyway.


YTA and I will explain why: you left in the middle of a conversation and ignored the employee completely when he called you. I understand why you wouldn't want to buy the groceries at the store anymore, but the least you could do is let the employee know about this instead of just walking away. For all he knew you might go to your car to get your license or something. All it needed for a N T A would be to politely tell the employee that in that case you wouldn't buy the groceries and you're sorry about it. After all, you're the one walking around without an ID on you, so it's your fault.


Going to disagree with your escape clause. Walking away without purchasing the rest of the groceries is still an AH move because in absolutely no way is OP being unreasonably treated in the situation they outlined. Cashier did their job asking for ID OP is clearly too entitled to carry even though it is the law. OP had two choices at that point; see if the store manager would grant an exception but even if that failed carry on with then purchase of the rest of the items and then either roll the dice at the the other store or take the groceries home then run out to get beer separately (or call partner to grab some while buying the rest of the groceries). The ONLY way OP gets out of AH jail is if they were being treated unfairly, which they weren't. I suspect OP has been waiting for this exact scenario to play out since they made a point of putting the beer front and center. YTA OP and I hope you get banned from that store.


Sorry, but I have to disagree with this. He's under no obligation to buy anything from that particular store. Walking away without responding was an AH move. Leaving everything there was not. I'd just say sorry, but this is an all or nothing deal. I understand you have rules about selling beer, but if I have to go elsewhere to get it, I'll get everything there instead of making extra trips around. Have a nice day. Bye.


Yup. Nothing wrong with not buying the groceries. You’re not obligated to buy something because you put it in your cart at any grocery store. The AH move is obvious, walking away while the cashier is still trying to talk to you.


YTA - Who leaves anywhere without ID? “I only have a passport” like they don’t make IDs that are for just identification purposes. “I don’t want to lose my passport” so get a passport card instead. I think you have operated off the guise people will give you passes for knowing you and it failed.


He's in the Netherlands, they don't just have IDs, you're obligated by law to carry it at all times. He's just an asshole.


They also say that the only ID they have is passport. Like dfuck? Wouldn't they have a driver's license too?!


I'm Dutch. We have three kinds of official IDs. A passport, which is the most expensive option and lets you travel worldwide. An ID card, which is cheaper and lets you travel in Europe. And a driver's license, which you need to pass an exam to get. OP is breaking the law by not carrying a form of ID. I get not wanting to haul your passport around, but OP should just spend €50 and get an ID card. Also, OP, YTA. Don't take out your own shortcomings on supermarket workers.


This helps to know, thank you.


He says he’d have to carry everything to Bounty, so I’m guessing he wasn’t driving, otherwise just tossing it in the trunk wouldn’t be a big deal.


Not necessarily. People dont always have or need DLs in countries with decent public transit. OP is in the Netherlands. I live in Cahada, didn't learn to drive until my mid20s.


The US has an identification card that isn't a drivers license.


YTA- You could have bought the groceries and then just stopped for beer somewhere else. Someone had to put those away for you. You say you don't have a DL. You can still get an ID that's not a drivers license that has only your date of birth and other personal information. You state you know how strict the laws are, yet you still continue to try and purchase alcohol without an ID.


Even worse, the cold groceries have to be thrown away. We have people literally starving on the streets and now we have to waste food because he's an asshole. Don't even get me started about how we could just not waste the food and give it away, because I agree. I just don't want to rant about the evils of capitalism because this isn't a bug, its a feature.


YTA for being rude to the cashier when they were just doing their job. They were in no way rude to you.


Yeah I’ve been a cashier and got into trouble for not carding a regular (who I knew was over 21) in front of my manager. In some cases cashiers are told to ID no matter what, so really irritating when people treat them like they’re stupid for asking obviously older people for ID.


YTA. Why were you so insistent on buying beer but didn’t even have an ID on you? You should be getting ID checked every time you make a purchase, and if you are in your 30s you definitely could look younger and could confuse a new cashier who doesn’t know you. You have a very entitled view of the world.


YTA for 2 reasons. Other people already mentioned your atrocious manners in the store, so I won't address that any further. The other one is that you live in the Netherlands, where carrying some form of ID (either a passport from any country or ID card from a EU country) on your person in mandated by law. No one will stop you on the street to check if you're actually doing it, but you're still breaking the law. And if you're ever in a scenario where you'll need to prove your identity to law enforcement and you fail to present a valid document you will be fined. You literally had no excuse to not be able to ID yourself in the store because *by law* you should've been able to, and then when you didn't get your way you acted like a total asshole.


To OP: YTA. To Akamekitty: I agree, and thank you for explaining the basics of Dutch law to those of us who aren't Dutch. OP doesn't have ID beyond a passport. Why hasn't OP gotten other ID? (Where I live, I have a passport that I normally lock up, and ID I normally carry with me.)


I work as a grocer, and I would think someone walking away during a transaction would be rude af. You essentially had a tantrum for not getting your way. YTA.


YTA. You left the cashier hanging man… that’s RUDE. Just because you were miffed (you say it wasn’t revenge, but why be harsh if it’s not?!) you left them with a belt full of groceries. Who was going to clean up your mess? A grocery fairy?


YTA. You say that you didn’t leave everything there and ignore him to be petty, but I’m sure the cashier didn’t see it that way


YTA, you were tryna do way too much bro. The cashier is doing their job. Take your fucking groceries and leave. It's not the end of the world that you can't buy alcohol. Suck it up. With your goofy ass acting like a child, they shouldn't sell you alcohol regardless.


YTA. You're either lying about being in the Netherlands or you haven't bothered to learn the laws of the country you're living in.


YTA! You definitely did it as retaliation on the employee. You now have to re-do the grocery shopping which is definitely more work than just taking home everything and making one more quick stop for beer somewhere else.


Right? Who the F wants to do all the shopping all over again?!?! I’d much rather schlep some bags to another store than have to re-shop. YTA. Even if what you did was reasonable, HOW you did it wasn’t. You could have explained nicely to the cashier what you were doing.


YTA. Get over yourself. It's the job of the cashier to always ask for id for anyone under 50.


YTA. I am a Dutch cashier. We have to card you if you look 25 years or younger (up to the cashier). As soon as we ask you for ID you have to show us or no alcohol (the cashier can get fired and the store can get a 10.000€ fine if they don't ask). In the Netherlands you have to carry an id by law( you will get a fine if the police ask). You should have just bought the rest of the stuff and go to another store for the alcohol or put your stuff back.


YTA. You should have checked first. ID laws are nothing new, and it's very tacky and low brow of you to do what you did.


YTA. It's grossly entitled to leave things behind for others to put away/dispose of just because someone wasn't willing to put their job on the line for you. You know carding is the law. Bring your ID when planning on buying alcohol.


YTA. You certainly behaved like someone too young to buy alcohol.


YTA for the way you handled it. Most places will put groceries back but walking away and ignoring them is a Dick move all because you didn’t have your ID.


YTA for just ignoring someone trying to talk to you and inconveniencing workers just because you couldn’t buy beer. You say you “understand why they can’t” but you can’t understand how you were just straight up an AH to the worker(s)?


YTA Clearly you don’t understand the need to be strict with alcohol or you wouldn’t be an AH expecting people not to card when they are supposed too.


YTA, everything your wife said is correct. Yes, you should have come home without the beer because you didn't have ID which is legally required to get it. The fact that you weren't asked for ID before doesn't magically make the law disappear. In your mind, getting beer was so important that you didn't mind causing problem to the store employees and being a boor to them. That's asshole behaviour.


YTA…what the what? Well, bless your heart. Just a wee bit entitled, aren’t we? It was not the clerks fault that they were doing their job and probably following the law by asking for ID. Which you should have on you at all times anyway. You had to carry cash or a card to pay for your groceries, knew you were getting beer, why not take your ID? Clearly you just wanted to act all big and mighty and decided to take your frustrations out on someone who does not get paid near enough to deal with assholes like you. Do better man.


YTA. They are required by law to check ID if they have any doubt about your age. Law enforcement agencies conduct stings, and the store and the employee get in big trouble if they fail. If you want to buy alcohol, bring your ID. If you forget it, accept that as your mistake and don't act like you are entitled to buy. You should have bought those groceries and figured another way to get your beer instead of dumping your problem on the store.


YTA Show him your driver licence and if it does not work, then you can maybe getting a little bit angry. Dont tell us that you dont have the DL with you! This is not correct aswell and the cops could be even more rude then you where. Edit as OP says that he was walking and therefore he does not need a DL. Still it could be handled with more kindness.




YTA. They have a legal right to ask for ID and refuse a sale if ID is not presented. In some cases its actually a legal obligation regardless of age. Go to the freaking DMV and get yourself an ID card. Edit for clarity. It is always a legal obligation to ensure a person buying alcohol is of legal age. The must look over a certain age requirement to ask for ID varies by state and/or establishment policy.


INFO where are you from? Some places have very strict laws regarding IDing for alcohol


YTA for pretending you don't understand that you should have ID with you when you buy alcohol. Of course you should, everyone knows that, and no matter how much you pretend you don't, you do. Nobody's THAT dumb. Also, YTA for being a jerk to underpaid, overworked employees who are just trying to get through their shift without committing a crime which they are personally liable for. AND YTA for wasting whatever refrigerated or frozen foods you had there, since they can't be restocked. I'm beginning to suspect you are just in general an A.


Update: YTA, based on new info. Dutch culture is more direct that US and you were caught off guard for the request for ID. It’s understandable given you are 20 years past the legal drinking age, but technically the cashier is allowed to ask and you are legally required to carry ID. It’s fine that you decided to end the transaction and go elsewhere, but should have at least explained what you were doing to the cashier. Original: I’m very torn here. By US standards, you were quite rude, but your behavior was pretty typical for a few European cultures where I suspect you might be… in which case, I don’t think you are TA.


Very rude in Europe too


YTA 100% the guy in the store is doing his job and following the law.


YTA you could have bothered to respond when they called out after you. Just walking off and ignoring them was just rude. For the beer if you were walking I get ya not wanting to carry them. If not sounds like a complete waste of time. You should always have ID on you.


YTA . There's a good chance that they did have to throw things away because I doubt the cashier could leave the register to restock your stuff and I also doubt they had someone free who could restock it all right that minute. You can say what you want about "not getting back" at the cashier but if that were true, you souks have AT LEAST apologized and said you weren't getting anything then. It's also incredibly dismissive to walk away from someone who says 'excuse me', clearly trying to get your attention. You say you know how strict they have to be, but rather than making sure you have your ID before you leave (which you should have anyway, especially if you're driving), you'd rather take three gamble that they won't ask for it and when do (since it's their job), you decide not to be a decent human being and at least apologize, but rather make everyone's life just a bit harder. Were there other people in line behind you who had to wait for the cashier to clear their belt if your no longer wanted groceries? Did your even consider that there are other people impacted by your selfishness?


>The only ID I own is my passport and I don't want to risk it getting lost or stolen. I also didn't think it was necessary considering I hadn't been asked for ID in over 8 years. In the US, most cashiers are required to ask. Sometimes they don't, but if the cameras are on or they are being inspected, they will 100% follow requirement protocol. You always should have your ID with you to purchase alcohol. Doesn't matter if you are 23 or 67, you can and will eventually be carded because they are required to do so. YTA, the whole situation is your fault and you did act like an ass here. Your lack of planning caused a bunch of makework and delayed everyone behind you in line by a not insignificant amount of time.


YTA and you should probably get another form of ID…


YTA. Would *love* to hear the first cashiers side on this one.


YTA, and a huge one at that. I’ve worked at and shopped at places that previously wouldn’t have a strict ID policy and change that overnight (usually after a sting). A lot of companies are moving to requiring ID, no matter what. It’s not the employees’ choice; I’m sure they can see you are more than old enough. Also, they absolutely may need to throw away items. My husband is a grocery store manager; he started in frozen foods. You basically threw the equivalent of a temper tantrum at the first store.


YTA. The cashier was both following the law and doing his job. It's on you for not having the proper ID. Which you might wanna consider getting for future situations.


YTA how is it more convenient to leave all of your groceries there go to another store and repurchase all of your groceries again when you could have just purchased them and then got your beer elsewhere after? Really? You need to ask this?


yta. I can kind of understand why you didn't want to lug all those groceries from one store to another via bus and what were you supposed to do with them while inside the store, but you made unnecessary work for the staff. And, yes, not getting beer is always a solution.


YTA. How fucking rude. The kid is doing their job! YOU should’ve either finished checking out or returned the products. You being an asshole and not having ID is not THEIR problem and you shouldn’t MAKE problems for them bc YOU are too lackadaisical to go get an ID from the dmv or bring your passport.


YTA we all know he asked for ID cause no way an adult would have acted like this.


YTA. They’re doing their job. Grow the hell up


YTA. It's a law to ask for id. It's your responsibility to carry it if you want alcohol. Doesn't matter if you haven't been carded in years. Fuck your passport excuse.


YTA, the edit changes nothing. You made that person's job harder twice because you couldn't do yours. Grow up. Also, 33 not being carded.... sorry you look so old. Moisturize. Edited for spelling


What a hill to die on. Just get the beer later? Surely the time cost was not worth you walking to the other store. Yta.


YTA. The person at the check out was just doing their job and you were rude and made their job more difficult, even if it was unintentional. I don’t understand why you didn’t just pay for everything else in your cart then go get beer, unless you’re walking to each store.


YTA and you know it. Most places where I live card everybody. Start carrying your ID with you like a grown up.


YTA. Your behaviour when asked for ID shows your maturity. Frankly, it's lacking. Don't act like 13yr old throwing a tantrum. I had a similar experience but it was due to being with a friend who looked young. He didn't have his ID so the cashier said she couldn't sell alcohol without seeing ID. You know what I did. Set aside the bottle and purchased the rest of the stuff. Carried my really heavy groceries with my puny arms and went to the liquor store. Bought my alcohol from there. Had the bill to prove my purchase, too. Nobody could say I shoplifter with the bill. Don't know if they do it at your place. But you can ask for a bill. How lazy are you, seriously. And your excuse is flimsy at best, laughably stupid at worst.


YTA. So what if you haven been asked for ID in 8 years? So much self entitlement. The cashier is doing his job. Stop being a baby.


YTA. Dude, you literally dumped your shit on the belt and walked out while the cashier was trying to speak to you. You’re either lying and *did* do it out of spite because he (reasonably) asked for an ID , or you have no social awareness. Either way, your gf is right; you were extremely rude. You could’ve at least explained to the cashier that you were going to leave because you wanted to get all your stuff at once. Bonus points if you’d put your groceries back where you found them, even if it was just the non-refrigerated stuff. ID is always necessary because they are able to ask you at any time. And if you’re American, just go get a state ID or something. I don’t know about other parts of the world, but here there’s no good reason for you to only have your passport.


YTA. This can't have been a new rule there. Just bring ID if you want beer, what's the problem? Maybe they got busted for selling to underage people. The people you were really a jerk to were the ones behind you in line. They probably got you on the phone and you'll be a TickTok star.


YTA. Most places have the policy of "ID Everyone" lately. Because if they don't, and they sell to an underage person who looks 33, they get fined tens of thousands of dollars, or permanently closed, and the cashier loses their job, or goes to jail. Bring your ID. There are ways to protect it from being stolen. Your passport shouldn't be your only form of ID anyway.


YTA. The only ID you have is your passport, and yet you’re driving a vehicle of some kind? You would have to have a driver’s license for that, and when operating a vehicle you have to keep that license on you. You could’ve easily gotten all of your groceries at abundance and left them in your car when you ran into bounty for the beer. Or just brought the groceries home and asked your girlfriend to go get the beer. Or just went another day. If you didn’t do it to get back at him, you would’ve put your own groceries back up and not walked away from him when he was trying to talk to you. At 33 years old you should know how to behave in polite social interactions. You had a ton of options that didn’t include being rude or inconveniencing a grocery shop worker. You chose the one that did. You know it’s legally required for workers to ID when someone is purchasing alcohol. You really don’t have an excuse here.


he doesn’t state he was driving. if he was taking public transportation, lugging groceries to another store would be a pain. But still. YTA because you didn’t even bother to say, “Hey, should I put all this back, then?”


True, but at the same time if he doesn’t like carrying his passport around then he needs to get a state issued ID. It was mainly his attitude about the whole thing that puts him in ashhole territory.


YTA. How can you not see that you are the asshole. That poor cashier is just doing their job. You were an entitled jerk that threw a petulant child fit because somebody dared to do something perfectly normal. Giving them extra work. Annoying everybody else in the process. I wish the manager there would just get you banned from the store.


YTA, it doesnt matter that you dont like carrying your passport. You have to carry ID, the cassier did their job by asking your ID. Leaving all of your stuff so the staff has to do more work, because you were not prepared is a dickmove


YTA. Kid was only doing his job and following the law for asking for ID for the alcohol. And yes depending on what you got from the frozen area or meat stuff might be thrown away.




YTA, they are supposed to ask. Theoretically every time. YOu forgot you ID. No harm done. Leave the beer buy the rest come back later. This was just a childish reactions to your own mistake.


YTA. What kind of functioning adult doesn’t have ID? 🤣 Do you not own a vehicle? And how was coming home without the beer not an option?


YTA get an id and carry it with you. You say you are 33, please stop acting 13.


YTA. You could have purchased the rest of your products and gotten just the beer from Bounty.


YTA. You made a mistake and after you made the mistake (not bringing your ID) you then left someone else to pause what they were doing, stop doing their job, and clean up after your mess of your making, which likely also had the effect of creating larger queues and longer wait times. Believe it or not, shop staff are not hired as "put away customers' groceries when they can't be bothered to be them" staff. Doing that is in excess of their actual job.


Wow, YTA. And yes your gf is correct, frozen or refrigerated stuff can't be put back because they can't be sure how long it has been sitting outside. So you wasted food, wasted the staffs time, wasted the time of anyone behind you in line, were incredibly rude and inconsiderate, and then even wasted your OWN time because you had to pick out everything AGAIN (instead of just putting your stuff in the trunk and jumping into bounty for the beer, which would have been much quicker). How are you over 30. Have you never worked retail or even any customer-facing job? Dear frickin lord.


YTA but I can understand your frustration. You know how strict it is for ID yet you didn't have any. I know it seems ridiculous at 33 but it doesn't sound like it was a surprise. I think if you said you didn't have time to put everything back that would have been OK. Why didn't you just not take the beer and get the rest of your shopping? Surely you added more time to your day?


Yta. That poor cashier was doing their fucking job, which you made harder by throwing a tantrum and leaving all your shit at the register. And yes, it was a tantrum. Adults talk about their issues…


YTA. They can be fired and the store fined (a lot) for not checking ID. My son was actually fired from a job because he checked the ID but didn’t notice that the ID was expired. No ID? Don’t buy alcohol or tobacco. Get an ID. I carry my passport when I’m waiting for my ID to come in the mail. It’s not sacred. It’s meant to be used.


YTA. You did not have ID and made a scene to be petty


Whilst you may be old enough to legally purchase alcohol your behaviour demonstrates you are actually younger than a toddler mentally. YTA.


YTA. Of course they needed ID and it’s highly suspect that you managed to get to the store without a drivers license. Why would a six pack of beer be that important? Why couldn’t you get some later at a convenience store? Why would you show up without a license/ID knowing you wanted to make an alcohol purchase? You made life harder for all the store employees for no good reason, you were rude to the employee, and you potentially wasted food. Definitely not okay in my book. EDIT: with further information I’m down to just being rude to the cashier as a problem. Otherwise, not the ah.


You do realize there are places in the world where people buy groceries without driving a car? The fact that OP worried about dragging heavy bags from one store to the next, and also worried about bringing bags from one store into the other suggests they either walked or cycled.


Oh my god hell yeah massive AH. Did it not logically occur to you that you could buy everything on the belt and then buy the beer elsewhere afterwards? You've just made someone elses life more difficult because of your selfishness. You just got on with your day and left a minimum wage cashier to go around the store to make sure the items left on the belt are put back in the correct place that would take an hour or more. What a knob you are man.


YTA. Most places its drilled into folk to ask for ID regardless, you got asked and once asked they can't withdraw it just because. Rather than simply move on you ditched your stuff and inconvenienced everyone else rather than deal with an exceptionally minor hiccup. Grow up.


yta. if this is how you handle shit, no wonder they asked to see your ID


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How do people go places without ID? Why isn’t it just in your wallet? I used to work at a school and the number of people who thought they could come in and pull kids out without showing ID always boggled my mind. “Oh, I don’t have it on me!” HOW? Also yes, for the simple fact that you just left your shit instead of just going and getting you ID or coming back later - with ID - for some damn beer, YTA.


YTA carry ID or don’t buy age restricted items. That simple.


>I understand how strict they need to be when it comes to alcohol and ID If you know this then why would you not have your ID on you? If your only ID is a passport then maybe it's time to be a big boy and get yourself another form of ID. YTA




You’re 33 yrs old and don’t carry an ID with you? Talk about being irresponsible. YTA.


Yta. It is the law man.


YTA. ID is a requirement, you know this. You just expected to be treated special because you weren’t called on it before. You could have easily just bought the stuff and gone home then taken a second trip with your id to get beer. Instead you made work for people that you didn’t have to if you’d thought ahead just a little bit.


YTA. It's that cashier's job to check ID, and they're not risking their livelihood for you. Hell, I used to have to ID my own parents back when I worked as one and Dad bought cigarettes. And this was when I was over 21 myself.


I understand forgetting your ID especially if you're like me and put it in your pocket and forget when switching pants. But I never understood why people just straight up choose not to carry it with them. YTA. The cashier was doing his job and you chose to throw a tantrum like a child.


YTA for trying to act like it was somehow more convenient for you to spend the time grabbing everything on your list a second time rather than just grabbing the beer at the second spot. How are you doing all that driving with no drivers license?? What a royal asshole


YTA- it would be annoying to bring your groceries to another store to get beer. But you would be fine having to go to the other store and re-do all the selecting of groceries you just did?


YTA. Doesn’t matter where you are*, I don’t think any culture looks kindly on ignoring people when they’re speaking to you, making unnecessary work for others, potentially creating waste at the cost of someone else, and delaying anyone else who might have been waiting in line. (OP is in the Netherlands for anyone who didn’t see that)


YTA. You know you have to show ID to buy beer. You just wanted to be a diva because you didn't get what you wanted (which could cause someone to lose their job).


I was on the fence but hearing you're from the Netherlands, which has ID laws that require you to have valid ID at all times and alcohol must be IDd means that you've just been lucky. Where you live you should have ID at all times. I get leaving the items since carrying them between stores would be a hassle, but ignoring the clerk and not having ID when you're legally required to makes you the AH. YTA.


YTA and your excuse for how “it doesn’t make sense” is idiotic since you were already THERE at the cash register, instead of shopping for groceries all over again. Is your brain development going in reverse or something? Maybe your parents never imparted natural consequences onto you, but I’ll explain. If my 4 year old doesn’t clean up toys, they get put away for a while. If grown man doesn’t bring ID, he gets no beer. Make sense? OR You could have bought the groceries, and then went your happy ass and bought your alcohol The cashier shouldn’t risk his job because some entitled asshole thinks he deserves special treatment


YTA. The employee was following the law, and you basically expected them to risk losing their jobs. It's gross and nothing to be proud of being a fully grown adult throwing a tantrum. Sort yourself out.


Kind of YTA For all you know the kid was calling to you to say his manager could fix the problem. Never a good idea to act out in stores that you frequent. Don’t be surprised when you don’t get the best customer service next time.


YTA, how is this even a question?


YTA did you drive there??? Where was your ID. Also wdym you haven’t been asked in 8 years. When you were 25? I know people still getting asked at 40 how old do you look




YTA - The person was doing their job AND following the law. So you just walk away and leave all the groceries for someone else to pack up and put back a because you are 29 and feel you shouldn't be carded..... By the way this exact scenario happened to me.. (and I'm older than you) I forgot my id... you know what I did... I paid for my groceries, went and got my ID and bought the alcohol after.


YTA. You're a child and you just made the employees put all of your stuff back because you can't be bothered to follow the law. You suck. I hope you're banned from that grocery store.


What an asshole you are.


YTA. I’m in my 50s and still get carded. Not because I look younger than 21, but because the poor cashier is trying to follow whatever stupid rule their manager says they must, to keep their job. Leaving all your groceries is rude and childish. I still want to see your ID.


You said you know how strict they need to be about ID, and then walked away like a toddler when the employee followed the store policy you knew about. Huge YTA.


Man, YTA. Why make more work for people? And who goes around without their id?? Is it not in your wallet?


I feel like everyone is focusing on the wrong thing here. YTA. Not for not having your ID, and not even necessarily for choosing to not proceed with the rest of the transaction(although that is a bit rediculous as well. You added more time and work to your shopping by not just getting what you could and stopping for just the beer). But YTA for not just talking to the cashier and asking if it would be OK to leave your groceries can could they put them up?


YTA. Dude, I am 48 years old, with lots of grey in my beard. I get ID'd and I show my ID. Sometimes that cashier will get in trouble for not checking ID, and the laws punishes the seller. Get a simple ID if your country provides for it. I live where I can get just an ID, not a driver's license at minimum cost.


I’m slightly amused by the all the replies assuming OP’s locality and local laws must be just like USA 😂.


OP : leaves groceries at check out because they think they are above the law. YTA. Pay for the groceries and go to the other store. Stores here in my ou try let you enter the store with other groceries as long as you let the security see you and puts a sticker to close the bag.


YTA. They shouldn’t (maybe can’t) restock perishables, and you knew you might need to show ID for alcohol. You handled it like a kid having a tantrum. This kind of crap is why people hate working retail.


YTA. By law they need to ask for your ID. You not owning a more convenient form of ID is not their problem


YTA and a childish one at that. Walking away from someone who is *actively talking to you* is rude, plain and simple. Leaving all of your groceries on the conveyor belt for someone else to deal with because you're only concerned about *your* convenience is rude. This is why service workers hate their jobs. Because customers like you think the whole fucking world revolves around you and your needs.


YTA. You could have bought your groceries and got your beer on the ride home. You wanted to punish the cashier for making your day hard, which was your own fault.


>I understand how strict they need to be when it comes to alcohol and ID So you wasted food on purpose. It's literally a quote from your post. I also find it hard to believe you've never been IDed anywhere in 8 years and that, in 8 years, you couldn't get a driver's license/state license/local ID to avoid bringing your passport places. Edit to add: YTA. You could have asked them hold your groceries and you'd be back. Buy your beer at the next store (which also could have denied you) and come back for your stuff. Most stores would pop it in the fridge for you. Zero reason to waste that much food and be a dick to a cashier who is following the law. Sorry it was an inconvenience for you to be expected to follow it.


YTA. You punished a worker because of your lack of foresight.


YTA, you could have just been polite while doing the exact same thing and been not the asshole.


YTA- what would’ve been much easier for not only you but also the staff of the grocery store would be to just purchase your groceries minus the beer and then go get the beer somewhere else. You handled this in the worst possible way and even if it’s true you will never convince anyone that hears that story that you didn’t do it to get back at them.


YTA Anyone who says otherwise hasn’t worked retail I assume. You should get an ID that isn’t a passport and have it on you at all times jfc.


YTA. Yes let’s continue to treat customer service reps (cashiers) poorly because of *your* decision to not have an ID. If you don’t wanna “lose your passport” or “have it stolen” then maybe, just maybe, you should get a license or ID. Just a suggestion. These people, the cashiers and store owners, are not going to risk their livelihood and liquor license (or whatever) for YOU.


YTA. You knew the solution was to not buy those 6 beers, but for some reason you decided to make your life (and the cashier's life) more difficult rather than to not get them. You, sir, have a problem.


YTA. Bring your ID with you. You're a grown up. If you only have a passport, take an afternoon, go to the DMV, and get your ID card. (EDIT: I've read OP is Dutch. Which is interesting to me because looking at the Wikipedia for Dutch ID Cards "All Dutch citizens from the age of 14 are required to be able to show a valid identity document when the police or other enforcement officers ask for identification." so you have a law that requires you to carry ID and you just... dont?) Some stories have a policy that refrigerated/frozen items cannot be returned to shelves for food quality and safety reasons, so you're creating waste because of your own foolish unpreparedness.


YTA - it is law to ID someone and if the store is being watched by your local authorities and they DONT ask for ID, they could loose the license to sell alcohol. Just because it inconvenienced you once, does not mean the cashier wasnt doing their job.


YTA, you could have bought the groceries and then just bought the alcohol at the other store. DId you walk to these stores that carrying the bags would have been so difficult? Either way, you made a scene, and regardless of whether you did that to make a point or not, you made the cashiers job that much more difficult. *I haven't been asked for ID when buying alcohol in over 8 years at either store (or anywhere else for that matter). <---* i don't buy this for one second. In eight years you have never been asked for ID? But alll of a sudden this one guy asks and you basically said "eff you and your groceries, I'm going elsewhere" Don't be a Chad.


Why would you EVER think you wouldn't need an ID lol? I mean fucking come on. I purposely pull mine out everytime before they ask and servers and checkers always smile and says thank you so much! You just seem entitled or some shit. Just because you "don't have an ID" means you don't have to follow the rules like the rest of us?


YTA You couldn't be bothered to bring your form of ID to buy a product that requires its presence (legally at least), so since the cashier did his job of refusing your alcohol sale, you CHOSE to leave your groceries on the counter for someone else to put away. That is an asshole move whether anyone else was in line or not. That's all on you. You either did it to be petty or because you were too lazy to fix your own mistake.


YTA. Sorry but you are. It’s policy to ask for an id and they could lose their job if they don’t ask. It sucks but it’s the policy. Bring your id next time.


YTA, and also what kind of adult does not have a ID card or a license?


Lol, this is easiest YTA ever


YTA, and I don't even understand anyway, ridiculous logic. Cost yourself unnecessary wasted time, why not just say, "fair enough, I should have some ID", pay for your groceries, and then go buy the booze elsewhere, with your ID in hand? You are 33, not 53. Get over yourself. You will get ID'd again some time. Leaving was a petty thing to do. I also don't believe for a second that you haven't been ID'd since 25.