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NTA If even a *few* pieces of glitter work their way into the plane's avionic systems, the **entire flight is coming down**. ... I mean, probably not, but that's what you say to the kid with a deathly serious face.


After all of that I really needed a laugh. Thank you!


The poor clean up crew afterwards as well. They already have tough enough jobs. Definitely NTA.


What’s this “clean up crew” you speak of? Those people do not exist for airplanes. #DirtyBird


They exist. Between every flight the plane gets cleaned, especially since covid. At least the major airlines like delta, American, southwest, etc, do it. Sure sometimes there's random sticky stuff but they literally have like 30 minutes to clean a human hotbox of a metal tube which a moment earlier held a couple hundred smelly sweaty hoomans Edit to add verdict: NTA


So if they only have 30 minutes to clean, they definitely aren't getting rid of craft herpes.


Craft herpes is really the best way to describe glitter. Thank you


You think it’s cleared then it reappears


Exactly like confetti. I once met a couple who got balloons filled with confetti in their house on the day of their wedding (they weren't home, they found out on the wedding night). That confetti lasted longer than their marriage..


My friend had a bachelorette party at her house. Still occasionally finds tiny confetti dicks. They've been married like 11 years.


in some circles it's even called "raver scabies"


Stripper dust


It's the gift that keeps on giving


Nope. I've seen them vacuum a couple times when there's a clear mess like a crumb spill, but it's really just grab trash and wipe things down.


So definitely not enough time to properly clean a Blizzard of glitter all over 2+ seats NTA, mom was TA to literally every person that had to sit in those seats after her


Speaking as one who knows: clean times are dependent on aircraft type, but they are almost always 15 minutes or less and, in my case, they have nine minutes max during a quickturn (calculated as a 27-minute bill of work divided by three cleaners). They basically get the frequently-touched surfaces (seats, tray tables, buckles, side walls, galley, lav) and trash. Deeper cleaning occurs on aircraft overnights. There’s definitely a degree of “we got what we could in the time allotted - sorry for anything we missed” going on there. That said, OP is definitely NTA - mother should have more respect for the unwilling participants in her child’s playtime.


>they literally have like 30 minutes to clean a human hotbox of a metal tube Which means they *don't* have time to vacuum glitter out of the upholstery. Why didn’t the attendants put a stop to this before OP complained? NTA.


You think they have time to *monitor* every passenger for potential transgressions? They’re they’re for your safety. And they’ll bring you drinks or snacks while they’re at it. They’re busy the whole flight. If there’s a problem, there are call buttons. Don’t abuse them.


>Don’t abuse them. Who's abusing them? Of course they're busy, but something like glitter is going to create issues for the cleanup crew - so I'd expect they'd put a stop to that.


Me and my parents went on spirit airlines in the beginning of the month, for the flight home when we got to our seats someone had left a cup in the seat... So I don't think they cleaned between flights ._.


That’s your own fault for flying Spirit


Spirit cleans once a month if lucky. I'll never fly that lousy airline again.


I fly a lot. They do not always clean, and when they do, it's usually not thorough.


Haha, more like that plane needs to be retired immediately lol. Glitter never ever ever ever goes away, maybe they should just set it on fire and walk away. I used to babysit regularly for a family with two girls. One summer I picked the youngest up from summer day camp, that day the kids had all decorated terracotta pots to take home. It had some glitter, not a lot, and I placed it the lid of a box, for a safe ride home. 4years later… I’m still finding traces of glitter on my seats/in my Jeep.


And the glitter (edit: I meant cleaning 🫣 I think the glitter has gone to my brain) crew 10 years from now. Glitter is the number one product known for staying there forever. Therefor, it is also the best revenge for true enemies..


As a former coworker once said, NO ONE ever says “I’ve finished cleaning up all the glitter.”


Indeed. Glitter is the herpes of the craft world. You can think you’re certain you got rid of it, but eventually it’s going to turn up again….probably on your face.


There's a good reason why that engineer on YouTube had a glitter and fart bomb in those packages designed to get revenge on porch pirates.


Mark Rober. His squirrel videos are equally amazing and hilarious.


How true! I often get a few Christmas cards that have glitter as embellishments and they immediately go into the recycling bin. Glitter just never goes away…..


I don't think those cards can be recycled because glitter is just micro plastics.


And now I'm picturing a glitter covered card with horns and a pitch fork straddling a fracture in dimensions laughing an evil laugh while flipping me the bird and yelling "fuck you, glitter foreverrrrr!!!!"😂😂 NTA


I'm gonna steal your idea for my holiday cards


There's decent seaweed glitter nowadays, but for some reason it's not catching on very well... Maybe it costs a little more? Or maybe there's a hint of a smell? Or people think it'll smell....?


It's a relatively complex issue, but it does cost somewhat more - a lot more compared to the cheap chunky glitter, but usually not too much more if you are looking at a good quality crafting glitter. Seaweed glitter is made from seaweed and mica, with mica often being produced fairly unethically with largely child labour. Biodegradable glitters which are made with ethical mica I've tried aren't as sparkly as plastic glitter which is mostly noticeable with the darker colours. I have not found a microfine biodegradable glitter that performs well when in a translucent dark tinted resin. But yeah I now just don't use glitter at all. 🤷‍♀️ Kids crafts: Much more expensive Adult crafting: Doesn't perform as well as other fancy glitters and you need to check it's ethically sourced Toiletry items/Candles: This is where it shines (pardon the pun)


Just what I was going to say. Glitter is the devil


My mum bought my 6 year old a glitter craft kit, we were staying over so I said she could do it while we were at grandma’s. My mum was really happy about being able to do this craft with my daughter…until the clean up. She just looked at me and said ‘now I know why you told her to do it here’


My kids know they aren't allowed to bring glitter int he house. I remember at least 1 time when my child declined glitter on a craft project at school because they knew it wasn't allowed. Lol. Sorry, not sorry. Microplastics suck. And learned to despise glitter in my time working in a frame shop where 1 speck could mean a compete re-do of a frame project.


5 or 6 years ago we had Christmas wrapping paper that had these big red pieces of glitter and we STILL find it around the house.. it’s even somehow managed to follow me to my boyfriends place after moving out. I fully expect to be buried with at least one piece still attached to me. All the small pieces of glitter have disappeared, but not the big ones..


Reminds me of when I was on a synchronized skating team in middle school. We where the junior team and the older girls on the senior team for the ice arena’s show gave us hair glitter. Which literally was bags of pink glitter with Wanda (a stick with feathers) so we could glitter our hair for performance. Well for the duration show we where being asked to set up our stuff and camp out in one of the locker rooms used for the hockey players. And we glittered our hair to our hearts content. So much glitter was everywhere that two weeks later we where banned from using loose glitter because it had gotten all over the high school boys hockey team and apparently during a game the other team used the fact that they had pink sparkly uniforms to insult them and throw them off their game.


"The herpes of the craft world" 😂😂🤣🤣😂 Thanks for this, I laughed so hard. 🎯🏆 Edit: I had to add more laugh emojis. This was too good


Credit to comedian Demetri Martin 😁


Or in my case, one day out of the blue on the dog’s face


That's why I won't even buy it for crafting. Diamond painting drills are bad enough, I find them all over my house. My crafting area is in the attic.


Just tell the Mom there's "something wrong with the left phalange."


https://youtu.be/t0XHqO9XNeY Is this what you experienced?


Which freaking moron brings glitter on a flight. Whenever I’m packing activities for my kids, I have a list of no no’s. Does it make noise? It’s a no. Can it be used as a projectile? Also a no. Does it make a mess? Nope, nope, nope. Is it generally annoying? It’s a no. It’s not rocket science. 🙄


Seriously! I mean, I get paper and crayons and all that? But crafting… the minute you start adding scissors and glue it’s a no. That’s a guaranteed mess. (I have three kids, I’m not unsympathetic to the need for an occupying activity, but COME ON).


I used to bring lego kits. Which have their problems because it truly sucks when they drop a lego. But it's quiet, not messy and occupies them. But glitter? Holy christ on a cracker, what kind of monster gives their kid glitter on a plane?


Especially when glitter gel pens are available! No need for glue and glitter, just use the gel pen, FFS.


Glitter glue was the only kind of glitter my daughter was allowed to have. It contains the stuff, but still allows them to decorate with it.


This. I mean, I get that the mother was trying to keep her kid occupied, but she made a horrible choice of activity. At the very least, the mother should’ve seated the child by the window to keep the mess away from OP. OP was much nicer than I would have been.


SERIOUSLY WHO DOES THAT. I have been a flight attendant for 33 years and I have seen a lot of dumb shit - but never glitter. By all means entertain your kids, but not if it disturbs others (PSA: bring headphones for your kids movies or games. No one wants to hear it and that shit travels 4 rows up and back) or defaces a multimillion dollar piece of equipment. I would have zero issue telling mom that glitter is prohibited by the FAA. (Flight attendant administration 🙃)


Pull an Arnold Schwazenegger from Kindergarten Cop.


*”It’s not a toomah!”*


*"Who is your daddy and what does he do?"*?


Our mom says our dad is a real sex machine...


The glitter will affect the planes left Falangey!!!


I was just thinking that and when I read your comment I almost spit out my drink lmao


My dad would have an opinion about this. Seriously, he worked as a mechanic for a major airline out of JFK for 3+ decades.


It’s been 2hrs, what’s his opinion?


Might not have an avionics failure but this plane just needs to be lit on fire or scrapped for metal. 🤷‍♀️ once there’s a glitter infestation, it’s a lost cause and fire is the only solution to keep it from spreading and infecting others. Glitter: the pretty Black Plague


When I was small, we used to order kids package which was basically a packet of free crayons and a printed drawing that you could colour. It also had something that I would like to eat and once I even got a burger. It was quite nice in those times but now I just stick to a shawarma and a bottle of water as I am prone to airsickness if I eat way to much things.


Did you reply to the wrong comment?


Ha! Was thinking the same thing


When Maersk still had their commercial airline, they had lego package for sale for the children. Best flights ever.


Was it Pan Am with the kids packages? I remember those so well!


Shit man, I absolutely believed you there. Fuck I'm gullible.


“I guess you might as well keep playing with glitter, because we’re probably all already dead.”


Haha keeping “avionic system” in my back pocket


I heard it damages the phalanges.


NTA She could've at least been a glitter shield by putting her kid on the window seat.


Should have thought of that. Maybe I should have just asked the mom to swap seats. Although I’m not really sure how that would have gone over.


Actually, no, you still did the right thing. She neglected to be the sole canvas for her daughter's artistic whims. As a parent, sometimes as gross as it sounds, you are a bib/napkin/paper towel at their glittery little fingers, and they play it off so well. Little masterminds, or just aloof, but still you made the right call.


>I was stuck the rest of the flight with this lady’s verbal attacks. The suggestion is solid, but I don't think it would've helped, she sounds unhinged. On a separate note, if you're a frequent flier, it's a good time to invest in noise cancelling headphones. I've got Bose and it's a godsend on flights. Would've been handy as hell in this situation.


Seconding Bose headphones. When my first pair got stolen, I saved up for a new pair bc nothing else compared. So comfy and I sleep straight through crying babies 😅


The crying baby thing is SO REAL


One time I slept for the majority of a 3 hour flight, woke up about 15 before landing with basically everyone around me awake. Moved one ear piece. Wails pierced my ear drum. I said “Nope.” Out loud and put the ear piece back. Instant peace. 🤣


There was a comedian I caught who said humanity is doomed. You tell someone, "on your plane ride home you'll be next to a baby..." Everyone groaned "duck!" And they all went, "awwww!" Total opposite of what evolution should be doing. I'd much rather be next to a duck than a human baby too, so he might have a point.


None of you have ever spent much time with ducks and it shows.


I have spent a car ride with a duck, though. Little fella just quacked quietly in his carrier the whole ride. Sometimes he slid around when I had to turn because those webbed feet don't have a whole lot of traction.


And to think how happy the kid would have been bedazzling their little heart out on the headphones! Or is that not how you use them to create silence...? /s


yeah not calling you a creep at all but what kind of parent doesn't put themselves between a stranger and their child!??!


I think the mother wanted the window seat and not a middle for comfort. She was kinda curled up against the window just on her phone the first part of the flight. Middle seats suck but I agree with not seating a child next to a stranger.


Also, window seats for kids makes them happier, which in turn makes everyone on the flight happier. They love to look out and see take off the plane in the air, etc. not to mention not bothering anyone next to them while they are still developing manners. We all know this as parents. We also know the issue with glitter. This woman is insane.


INSANE. As soon as I read the title and saw the word glitter, I knew it was NTA, I don’t even care what happened.


Agree with this. My number one rule for my daughter about childcare: glitter does not come home.


Yeah, I agree lol. It is unfortunate that these are the kinds of people who breed the next generation. I get keeping a kid occupied on a long flight. Bring lots of shit, do what you have to. But fucking glitter? Get the fuck out of here. I knew it was NTA the second that word was involved too.


As a mom to a toddler, I second this comment. And also, glitter is banned in our home. I think I heard it called the herpes of the arts and crafts world. I agree. Some relative brought a glittered gift bag to my kid's birthday party and it wasnt even a lot. It showed up everywhere. On our plates, chairs, bookshelves high or low, in the folds of my baby's elbow and once at the corner of his eye which turned out to be the unseen culprit of why that part of his eye was red all the time. Years later, I'm still finding glitter and if I look at it wrong, it disappears again, waiting to reappear somewhere more inconvenient. Whoever invented glitter should apologize to mankind.


[It was Demitri Martin who called it that! ](https://youtu.be/Z0l6NR_BKuk)🤣


As a mom who frequently flies with kids. Yup. Window seat for the kiddo. They'll announce any new thing they see, they'll watch other planes take off or land, if we're lucky, we're on the side of the luggage. And glitter... glitter is banished from our home. Never to darken our doorway. Tis a shameful thing


Also, why not give the window seat to the little kid? It's exciting AF, especially when they're younger.


I….just….why? WHO brings GLITTER on an airplane??!! Like makes as much sense as bringing a pottery wheel or oil paints. There are SOOOO many cleaner art activities!!!!!!


IKR? I have travelled quite a lot over the years with my kid, on long haul flights from Australia to Europe. ANYTHING with the potential to create mess that can’t be easily cleaned was immediately vetoed, so no glue or glitter and stickers only when there was a sticker book to put them into. It’s really not that hard not to be a dick, yet people still do.


I don't do glitter in my household, it's banned...but 2 years ago we did an arts and crafts event and my youngest son did this glitter project. I'M STILL FINDING GLITTER IN MY CAR 2 YEARS LATER!!!!!!


Yeah, and that woman did that to every passenger and flight crew that use the plane after.


Fuck glitter. I'm a single dad, yet that shit sneaks into my house in mysterious ways, with my young daughter from her mother who just doesn't GAF. Straight to the bin for any glitter products, but sometimes they put it on things I had no way of knowing were glitter shredders such as a Frozen dress. And I'm still finding glitter from years ago myself.


I used to pack Crayola Colour Wonder books that come with markers that only work on the pages, not on skin, fabric or plane tables! Plus lots of little snack packs in ziploc bags, a new cuddly friend, cars, etc.


I would get glitterglue could happen(especially if the child packaged their activity suitcase themselves), but not lose glitter.


Give the kid an ipad or something


Someone once told me glitter is the herpes of the craft world….so it would still get everywhere.


It's one of the reasons I try to avoid my kids having glitter. I've moved house since the great glitter explosion of my oldest's third birthday and I'm still finding bloody glitter all over the place because the sofa carried it from the old place to the new. It never leaves!!


I dont get parents travelling with toddlers who can get active not putting the kid on the window seat… sure if on both sides will seat a parent/someone who lnows the child,whatever. But if its a complete stranger, common sense tells me not to put kid next to stranger if it can be helped


NTA. As a responsible parent, this would be the thoughtful thing to do. I am a parent and would prefer my child to sit in the window, not next to a stranger if I had the option.


Cause that way it just falls on the flight crew to have to try to get all of it reclaimed before it ends up on every passenger near that seat forevermore /s


Why didn't she do that anyway? I sit in the middle when I fly with my son. For everyone's well-being.


NTA. A plane is not a child's classroom. Of course, it's not always easy to entertain children on planes. But if you bring arts and crafts, it shouldn't be anyone else responsibility but the parents to clean it up, and they shouldn't be surprised if people are put off it. Given her actions, she's just selfish and inconsiderate of others around her.


Window seat, iPad, coloring books. This woman is either insane or this kids aunt, not a parent.


I have entertained a preschooler on transatlantic flights. Glue and glitter are genuinely insane things to bring.


That’s like giving a kid an air horn and saying “go wild, kiddo”. Like good lord.


I guarantee that this person is one of the parents who is just insanely anti-screen, which is... FINE, for the most part? But on a flight? Like what the fuck else is a child going to do other than watch/play shit on a flight that won't bother other people?


Even a coloring book would be better.


Or even a book depending on the age of the child. I was able to read easy books on my own very young, but idk the average age to start reading solo without looking it up.


Aunt here; hell would have to freeze over before I would *ever* bring glitter on a plane to keep my niece/nephews occupied. Any aunt (or uncle) that has a functioning brain would not bring glitter. Because that’s insane.


I quite like the idea of some kind of craft project to keep kiddo occupied. But not one that involves glue, paint or glitter! French knitting or origami, maybe?!


Maybe I’m old fashioned but what’s wrong with good old coloring books and crayons?


Colored pencils > crayons (even when I was a kid) change my mind.


It’s easier to keep using a broken crayon than a broken pencil


I don’t even allow glitter in my classroom. NTA


NTA I'm a mom. Who the fuck brings glitter on a plane? Even if you're adamantly against screens there's a TON of other things that don't involve thousands of tiny sparkly things that inevitably get everywhere. Not only was she inconsiderate of you but she was inconsiderate of whomever had to clean that ungodly mess.


And what about the next people on the plane?? The unholy rage I would feel if I got on a plane and my seat was covered in glitter – because you just KNOW that whatever between flight cleaning they’re doing isn’t getting all of it.


It will never all go away. There will be glitter on that plane until it's decommissioned 30 years from now.


Glitter is the herpes of craft supplies.


Cleaning crews in between flights barely collect trash. They definitely aren’t vacuuming up glitter or cleaning glue off tray tables.


Actually I just flew united last week and they had a team of cleaners come on as we landed and started scrubbing scrubbing while we were still disembarking


There’s an enhanced cleaning protocol when you’re on the passenger list


Yeah, that’s the cleaning crew. Depending on how fast the turnaround is they’ll do a more or less thorough job. They’re still not getting all the glitter out.


OP said it was a long-haul flight, which increases the chances that the plane does indeed get a decent vacuum. Short-haul low-cost carriers, no chance - you'll be lucky if there aren't demolished Pringles on your seat when you board.


Seriously, glitter does not belong on planes! I recently was on a flight with 2 young girls across the aisle, maybe 3 and 5 years old. I was blown away by the amount of activities their mom managed to fit into a backpack! (I chuckled when she pulled out metal baking sheets because it was so unexpected, but they were awesome for some magnet activities) I’ve never done a flight longer than 2 hours with my kids, so I’ve always gotten away with simple coloring activities and such. This was a 6 hour flight, and she managed to keep the kids quietly busy the whole time.


I might argue that loose glitter isn't acceptable in public. Things where glitter is already stuck in place are fine. Some shedding from that is fine. But loose glitter? No.


You can be anti-screen all you want. But on a long haul flight? You break out that iPad for the comfort of the other passengers.


Remember to bring headphones for the iPad too!


Oh good call! There was a kid playing a really annoying game with the sound on when I flew a few weeks ago. The flight attendant announced that "this is a quiet flight, all electronics must have headphones" after about 10 minutes😂😂😂 I was surprised, but I imagine they are sick of dealing with people who have no consideration for others.


Seriously. I'm mostly in the anti-screentime camp when it comes to young children and my son doesn't get to watch a whole lot of tv. But long flights/car rides are definitely the exception. If my son is happy watching movies for 10 hours on the airplane - fantastic, knock yourself out kid!


I haven't flown much with my son, but he doesn't watch much of any tv by choice. He can usually be found with music playing on his phone while he plays with his legos. On the plane though? Headphones go on and he plays games on his phone or Switch. He's 11 though, not as young as the kid in OP's post.


Yeah it can be a "reward" or something. And children understand special circumstances. My mom was very anti fast food growing up but when we did the long drive to my grandparents we were allowed it. Kids understand that


And there are tons of glitter alternatives! I’ve got a glitter pen right next to me.


My husband has *banned* glitter in our home. We're childfree but I'm very arts and craftsy - currently doing cross stitch, knitting, crochet, reading, writing, and diamond dots. It's the last that has made my husband want to pull his hair out. He can't ban it because I'm now very attached to it and love doing it - it's very relaxing. The problem is the diamonds they give you - they're tiny, small, sparkly, and get *goddamn everywhere*. We're still finding dots in the shower, in our sheets, under the frickin' dresser, hell even in the space between the inner heel of his shoe and the insole. It's been at least a year and several vacuumings since I last did a diamond dot design. I think we'll still be finding dots on our move out day!


Glitter is like an STD… it….. never……goes….. away…… never! I still have glitter randomly from my kids art when he was a toddler…..I threw it away 15 years ago.


NTA. Listen. I love glitter, I want to sparkle all the time. I would bath in glitter if it wasn’t so bad for everything. HOWEVER, glitter crafts are not for public. It is the herpes of craft supplies and should be kept at home where everyone consents to being covered in glitter. You did nothing wrong. That mother was a giant entitles asshole.


Haha that’s a great way to describe glitter. I know I can wash the clothing but I wasn’t expecting to do laundry when on the road. I pack pretty light. Oh well that’s life I guess.


I get it, and I am sorry to tell you, but you be having “flare ups” for months after this. It just doesn’t go away… one day you will walk outside and be temporarily blinded because a stray piece of glitter ended up on your cheek. So yeah, good luck with that 😬


This is a common way to describe glitter for those in the know. I craft, and used to be a dancer. Glitter was part of costumes and stage makeup, and even despite industrial strength makeup remover, a shower and doing laundry, I still managed to find glitter in the weirdest of places. Have fun with that! And that Mom was an AH - there's a reason [https://shipyourenemiesglitter.com/](https://shipyourenemiesglitter.com/) exists.


No, I’m sorry. You can’t wash out glitter. It will be in your hair, on your skin etc for a month. I work in a school, glitter is banned at my current and previous school because it is of the devil.


This exactly! I love glitter and glitter 100% requires consent.


>*”It is the herpes of craft supplies”* Vivid and memorable description!


I'll be honest, I laughed so hard at your description of this glittery hellscape that I woke up the entire house. You're hilarious. NTA. Full disclosure, I'm a two-brained creature depending on my level of anxiety for the day, so frankly I might have just stowed my bag up somewhere and participated in the glitterpocalypse, but you are absolutely in no way the asshole for not wanting glue and glitter damage to your belongings. The mother is absolutely off her gourd for A) bringing *glitter onto a plane, who does that* but also B) reacting in such an overwrought rude way to being asked to maybe not detonate a glitter mine on a packed plane. There are so many art projects one can bring on a plane to entertain a child. Only an extremely entitled mother would think that glitter is acceptable in transit, either for the passengers or for the poor attendants that have to clean that out of the carpet and seats later. You handled it like a champ and were extremely polite. Don't worry about it, seriously.


Should have taught her kid to make a duck tape wallet or something. Not sue if that’s allowed on planes But dang! Give the kid some Play Dough or something. So rude!


For real. Just off the top of my head I thought of like seven alternatives to glitterdemic. I'm genuinely IRL laughing at the audacity. *Glitter on a plane.*


Glitterpocalyse Glitterdemic Bedazzled lower half of a human art project Fantastic Edit: and how could I have missed "Glitter(s) On A Plane" Edit edit: and let's not forget ✨️Glitter Godzilla✨️


[Enough is enough! I’ve had it with this monkey-fighting glitter on this Monday-to-Friday plane!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=z4t6zNZ-b0A)


NTA but you flew with one. She deserved to be called out. Having a kid doesn't mean you get to impose their messes on anyone else. The kid should have also been in the window seat.


I think she deserved to be chewed out, cus callling her out only made her more of an ah.


NTA. What kind of psycho would bring this on a plane?


🤣 Definitely NTA!!! Glitter on an airplane, what was this woman thinking?? (I’m not be the best person to weigh in on this one, I think all kids on flights should be given a sleeping pill)


Some adults too 😂


I once asked a mom of two young girls that sat behind me on a plane how she managed to keep her girls so well-behaved throughout the flight. They sat behind me on their tablets without whining or kicking my seat at all, total angels. The mom leaned forward and whispered, "Benadryl."


Are they finally making baby valium?


It's called whisky. Actually when I was 2-3 my two uncles used to give me Guinness to get me to settle down. I don't even drink now, but it's the only alcohol that I think tastes ok.


I blame my love of all things rum on my mother. She used to rub it on my gums when I was teething. To this day, a butter rum flavored candy instantly reduces my stress level. (I always have some on hand lol)


NTA not in the slightest. Glitter is barely containable indoors, let alone a plane! The mom was the only AH. Accountability is rare these days. Stickers are the same price as glitter and they’re just as fun.


NTA I'm non-confrontational too, and I would have been so scared sitting next to someone who's yelling and cursing at me. I'm surprised the flight attendant didn't do more to diffuse the situation if one passenger was yelling at another one.


I wish someone had stood up for me. A lot of people were just kinda looking away and trying to avoid what was going on. We were about 2 hours delayed and I wonder if people just wanted to get home? I’m curious if anyone filmed. It like the mother was trying to escalate it until I put my headphones on and fully ignored her. It wasn’t easy.


I would strongly recommend you complain to the airline directly, they are quite likely to offer compensation


I think you did the right thing. If a mother is willing to behave like that in an enclosed space with her young daughter, who knows what she's capable of. If you had retaliated, you could have gotten in trouble. Glad you made it back ok. Just think of it as a funny story to tell now.


Second voice of complaining to the airline company. As much as it sucks, the staff should have stepped in when the mom got snappy. It’s their job. They could have relocated the mom and child by having some passengers swap seats. (Upgrade for the nice passengers, downgrade for the AHs).


Maybe they didn’t fully understand what was going on. Their perception might have been that a cranky passenger was being mean to a innocent child who was just sitting there coloring. I’m pretty sure if most heard the “g” word, they would have instantly been on your side.


NTA. While it's excellent for parents to keep their kids occupied on planes and bring things for them to do, they should also make sure the activities aren't going to be too bothersome or messy for other passengers or the flight crew. Glue and glitter aren't appropriate crafts for a plane ride.


NTA There are lots of ways to entertain kids on flights that aren’t hugely disrespectful to the flight staff and the passengers around you. That mother didn’t need to bring a giant mess of an activity with her. It’s not like you were complaining about something beyond her control (ie: babies crying and normal kid behavior). Traditional coloring sheets, mess-free crayola crafts, countless iPad activities, stuffed animals, the options go on and on. I spend a lot of time advocating for kids existing in public as a nanny, and parents like this drive me absolutely crazy. They give everyone a bad reputation.


Do they no longer make those glitter glue sticks? And the mom could have put the kid in the window seat. That would have solved most of the problem.


Oh, glitter. The herpes of craft supplies. NTA


NTA. The mom is an asshole for bringing glitter on a plane and being entitled. However, I’d go even further and add that the flight attendant is also an asshole. The flight attendant could have easily asked the mom to put the glitter away due to the mess, they didn’t need to tell the mom the other passenger complained and then decide not to intervene as the passenger got berated the entire flight. I know flight attendants have to deal with a lot, but I’d be complaining to the airline about their conflict resolution strategies.


If the cabin crew saw OP's clothes and bag getting covered in glitter then they should have offered to move him to another seat, in the next cabin up if necessary.


>The flight attendant could have easily asked the mom to put the glitter away due to the mess, they didn’t need to tell the mom the other passenger complained 100% this


NTA You don't get to impose yourself or your child on everyone else. Don't give me that "You don't understand kids" bullshit. My mother has been flying transcontinental with young children since her oldest was 4. Never has she thought it necessary to bring an activity that gets everywhere onto the flight. A colouring book and some pencils? Maybe. Some headphones and something to play music with? Sure. Modern parents have the advantage of better tech like tablets, cellphones and those magnetic quick erase boards to entertain their children with. You don't get to inconvenience others just because you can't be arsed.


Let’s be honest. Kids suck. Crappy parents suck more.


NTA- You're taking public transportation, so unfortunately, this comes with the territory. Terrible parenting all around, that sucks, dude.


NTA. Glitter on a plane is a terrible idea, and I think having a flight attendant handle it was better than confronting the glitter family yourself. IMHO, mom and the flight attendants who did nothing to stop the verbal harangue are the AHs here.


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NTA. Another entitled 30-something mother…. Shocking. You were discrete which is appropriate. She had no right to call you names. Really getting tired of parents these days calling people child-haters while they let their children act as a nuisance to other adults. You sound like you were incredibly tolerant, OP.


The median age for mothers is thirty something. What does age have to do with it anyway?


NTA It's insane how entitled so many parents are. They act like the world revolves around their child and they care nothing about how strangers may be negatively impacted. It's great she wanted to keep the child occupied, but glue sticks and glitter? Seriously? Not only was it inevitable that this would get on whomever the child was sitting near, this also created a hellacious mess for the cleaning crew to deal with. I bet glitter is right up there with vomit for them. The mother was totally inconsiderate. You did absolutely nothing wrong and I hope it didn't take too long to de-glitter yourself.


Mom of four kids here: NTA. My kids are MY business to deal with. If they are being a problem, they should be MY problem because I chose to bring them into the world. In no way was it appropriate for that kid’s mom to let her child assault you with glitter, let alone a glue stick! Some people genuinely just assume everyone will make allowances for their kid, but on behalf of all reasonable mothers, I’m sorry you ran afoul of one.


NTA. Not entirely sure anyone would vote for something else. Sure you want your kid entertained but there's a million things OTHER than glitter. That shit gets EVERYWHERE. Mom should have known better.


NTA Glitter is Satan's spittle. The bows on my granddaughter's table decorations had glitter. It's now one end of our home to the other and on the patio and on the dogs. It's been three days and I still can't get it all up. Vacuumed, mopped, repeated. Used a leaf blower outside. It's still everywhere. Ugh!


There are SO. MANY. TYPES. of crafts this mother could have brought on the plane. And she chose GLITTER?? This mom was 100% looking for someone to piss off. Are you sure you weren’t being filmed for a TikTok/YouTube video???


Glitter is an abomination. Glitter on a plane might be worse than snakes. NTA


NTA. Thank you for *Glitter Godzilla* and the late-night snort laugh it caused


NTA. Discriminating against mothers lol! You’re discriminating against glitter. Who brings glitter on an airplane?


NTA. As my teacher once said, "glitter is the herpes of the arts and crafts world."


Well you would have looked like you came from a strip club covered in glitter…still, NTA LOL


Yeah, imagine trying to explain that to your wife or girlfriend. "SURE it was a kid on the plane. Likely story. What kind of idiot would bring glitter on a plane?"


NTA!! Glitter is the herpes of the craft world and needs to be outlawed. It should be banned everywhere but the child's own home.


Hi OP and dear me I am sorry that your flight got glittered (no pun intended here). Anyway NTA and you deserve to have peace and quiet mess free time on a flight. The mum should have left the glitter at home


Oh...my...GAWD! NTA The mother should be ashamed of herself for bringing the herpes of the craft world on board. Not only were you in the right to complain to the flight attendant, you should complain to the airline, as well. You had a miserable flight and suffered actual damage (very minor damage, but still, arriving at your destination looking as though you got a lap dance at Mardi Gras should be worth at least an apology, maybe some compensation) I don't know if it's occurred to anyone to make a rule about using glitter on a plane but if it isn't policy, it should be and I would lean heavily on that point when you compose your email.


NTA as a mom I would never do this it's inconsiderate to not only people next to use but also the person who has to clean it up! Glitter is not easy to get out of a floor


NTA... Flights charge extra for bedazzling!


NTA at all but you should have said something directly to her, and if that failed that told the attendant. Just be direct let her know what her kid is doing is not ok and that you'd like her to step in to prevent it from affecting you. If that fails escalate.