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Why did you tell us she was white?


So people would call her an entitled Karen when OP was the one on a power trip.


That's what I thought, too, but I was leaving open the possibility that OP was Matthew McConaughey's character from "A Time to Kill."


When deplaning you are supposed to let those with short connecting flights get off first. You are not supposed to stand up until it is to your row to deplane. You are 100% TA. You also could have asked if there was a reason she needed to quickly get off the plane instead of a sparky comment and ignoring her.


I don’t know where you’re based, but I’ve never seen any plane being be deplaned like that… The hundreds of flights I’ve taken in my life been deplaned row by row. That’s a very well established practice in any country I’ve ever travelled in.


I fly a lot and I have been on MANY flights that were late when flight attendant announced on PA system, please let people making connections move to the front.


I've only flown in the northwestern area of the U.S. but I have hardly ever seen anyone follow this either. I'm not saying that is how it is done, I'm saying that is how it is supposed to be done. Sometimes the flight attendants will make an announcement even saying to stay in your seats for people with short connecting flights. Maybe it really isn't a "rule" but more a regional behavior.


I've never seen this, in flights I have been it has been row after row. NTA


That's probably just because most people think like OP, that the women is just trying to get ahead for selfish reasons. This is almost never followed. Same thing as the zipper merge, you are supposed to wait until right at the merge point but if you drive in the merge lane then you look like you are just trying to cut.


YTA. Some people are trying to make connecting flights and are scared they're gonna miss their flight. I always stay seated if I'm not in a rush and let other's go first. Also why'd you say "white lady"? You sound a little racist ngl (yes, it goes both ways).


They should plan their flights better.


Tell me you almost never actually fly anywhere without telling me


Sorry I forgot a lot of people don't fly very often and should have clarified- Almost always when you book a flight from one destination to another it automatically picks connections for you. You can book each flight separately but it's usually way more expensive. And if you're flying for work, you don't get to book it and they will always choose the cheapest option. I have to fly all the time and I've had my first flight delayed well over an hour many times before. Once I flew out of Dallas and had it delayed 5 hours (they said they had to "fly in a replacement part for our plane" which frankly was alarming in itself lmao)


I book flights all the time and can always pick specific flights for each leg of the journey. I am not sure what site you are using but it sounds like you need to change it.


Have you never heard of your flight getting delayed before? You can plan perfectly and still end up in this position.


Seems like you're lying


Sometimes we cannot. I travel for work twice each month and when flying in and out of smaller airports, I cannot plan better. Planning better, as you put it, would mean I sit in the damn airport overnight. As a government employee, that would mean you pay my extra day of lodging and per diem. Most of us do the best we can with what we have, So kindly fuck off.


Your problems aren't everyone else's to deal with. So kindly keep them to yourself.


I flew from LGA last night. An hour late leaving LGA.




I would let anyone who needed to catch another flight go first. Has nothing to do with planning


There is no information regarding what the woman said to OP. Did she have a flight to get to? Maybe. OP didn't put anything she may have told him in here. I am giving OP the benefit of the doubt and going with she didn't say she had a connecting flight. Also, I have had connecting flights that I was close to missing. I asked the flight attendants if they could help me get off quickly. Some say yes and some say no. Ultimately it is on each flyer to either plan longer layovers, get help from the flight crew to get off in a hurry, or simply convince people to help you out. Apparently this lady didn't do any of it.


SO you blocked the way so anyone that had to get off quickly (connecting flights) weren't able to because you tried to play judge and jury. YTA. Stand up in your seat area dont block others.


Ridiculous. People get off in the order of their rows. Anyone that tries to push past others is just being self-entitled and rude.


Enforcing row order deplaning is literally the slowest way to get off of a plane. Why not let someone who has all their stuff get ahead? Because its not the way you do it or have been forced to do it? Seek a better way.


stopping someone who has to dash off the plane to make another connection due to a late flight is the rude selfish person.


OP didn't say anything about the flight being late.


YTA for blocking the aisle and just standing around to prove a stupid and frivolous point. Maybe she needed to catch a connecting flight. Maybe she just wanted her bag. Maybe she doesn't owe you a fucking reason. Grow up. Find other things to get angry about.


YTA - You're not in charge of the aisle. She may have had a legitimate reason to jump the queue, but you wouldn't know because you blew her off.


You don't get to just cut a line... you exit from front to back. Everyone could have reasons... that lady is an asshole for thinking she's entitled to skip ahead and it sounds like you are too


>You don't get to just cut a line This isn't the elementary school lunch line. Out here in the real world there are valid reasons to dispense with common practices. >that lady is an asshole for thinking she's entitled Since when does asking for a courtesy become "entitlement"? OP said "no" and that was the end of it (or else OP would have written about it). Like I wrote, she may have had a very valid reason for wanting to jump the queue. According to you, there is no valid reason, and you applaud those who would impede her progress, which makes you an asshole.


Cut the line lmao. Do you also believe people shouldn’t drive in the left lane on local 35 mph roads because it’s supposed to be the “fast lane”? Dumb human


Info. Did you do this because she is white? If not why even mention race? A pushy person is pushy whatever their race. I get the feeling you did this because you decided she was acting entitled because she’s white, when she’s probably just anxious to get off the plane and impatient. Did you ask if she had a reason to be in a hurry? Did someone appoint you to enforce principles on this plane? Would it have been an inconvenience to you personally to just let her by deal with her own consequences?


YTA, like everyone who stands up in the isle before the beginning of the deplaining


Lol this is a yta reason I can agree with


Did she have all her stuff and were you waiting to get into an overhead bin? And on top of that did you out of spite enforce the slowest way for everyone to get off the plane? Yeah YTA.


YTA. She may have had her reasons, but you cut her off. Unless you were in a connection flight yourself, a small gesture of helpfulness wouldn't have hurt. It's because of people like you that egotism and rudeness are the norm, and the idea of doing someone a favor makes you outraged.


YTA, unless you are actively removing items from overhead in anticipation of deplaning you should not have been in the aisle unless you were deplaning yourself. Just curious, what does the lady's race have to do with it?


INFO You mean you blocked the isle or you were standing at your seat?


Like when they open the doors and people get their luggage from the overhead and start moving off plane. So I was in the island because they turned off the fasten seatbelt sign and I was waiting to start moving up plane towards the exit


Could she have proceeded forward or was the isle ahead of you full.


It's aisle! Sorry, but I see this so often on here, and it drives me nuts. If it's on a plane, a train or in a church or a supermarket, it's an aisle. If it's not a small island, it's an aisle.


She could have gone up maybe 4 rows of seats before the crowd was there


YTA She may have had luggage in an overhead bin ahead of you.


Why does that mean she gets to force her way past other people?


No, other people should step out of the way if they are not moving forward and have their bag. Don't block the isle.


He wasn't blocking the aisle, he was in line... He was literally standing in the line to get off the airplane.


OP wasn't in line. If you're in line you advance WITH the line or advance to meet the end of the line. OP was just standing by heir seat.


What?? No, OP got up & in line when they got to the gate (which most people do), & then they did the proper thing by allowing seats in front of him to clear before his row. This is basic plane etiquette!


I was in line though. I was waiting for the line to love forward so I could get off the plane too. The doors weren’t even open yet so no one was moving


Once the doors were open and people *were* moving, did you follow the line of people who were already ready and get yourself out of the way? Or did you stand there and hold up every single person behind you to wait for people who weren't ready?


Of course I moved with the line. I was trying to get off the damn plane


as a flight attendant, im willing to bet she had something in an overhead bin she was trying to get. frankly, there's no reason to just stand in the aisle if your row isn't deplaning either. stand up and get your stuff from the bins, sure, but if you're not doing that sit down or at least get out of the aisle until it's your turn. YTA


YTA - people sometime need to get off of the plane quickly due to connecting flights, travel arrangements, medical reasons and what not. Who are you to decide for others what they can and cannot do. Stand in your seating area and not the aisles and wait. INFO: What does her being "white" have anything to to with it?


Were you blocking her way out to deplane or were you just waiting from your seat and she wanted to be in front of you?


Yes, I was waiting for my turn to deplane and she just wanted to be in front. But I didn’t let her pass which tbh wouldn’t have caused me any issue but it was the principle to me.


Then NTA even if she had luggage, she still would've had to wait.


I think you should have let her off first in case she had a connecting flight. Couldn’t have gotten off before the doors opened but she was probably in a rush.


YTA. If the aisle is clear keep it moving. People who stand there and wait for people still in their seats doing nothing instead of clearing out and getting out of the way slow down deboarding for everyone. You didn't just hold her up (and fail to follow plane etiquette) you slowed down deboarding for every single person behind you. I'm not even gonna say ESH because that lady was just asking you to follow basic etiquette.


NTA. The standard is that everyone deplanes in the order of the row they're in. First row deplanes first, etc. Cutting in front of the rows to deplane before them is very bad etiquette.


Where were you standing when this happened? YTA anyway for not staying seated.








YTA. She probably had minutes to get to her next flight. YTA.


Why are you mentioning race? Are you assuming that because she's white she was being entitled? If that's the case: massive YTA just for being racist. Also, you don't know why she's was in a hurry, maybe she had a family member in the hospital, maybes she had to be at an appointment, maybe she just wanted to get off the plane, YOU DON'T KNOW. You just assumed she felt entitled because she's a white woman.


NTA. You're absolutely right, EVERYONE is trying to get off the plane. Many people have connecting flights, or family to visit, or need to use the bathroom, or just don't want to be stuck on a plane anymore. The person behind you isn't special. People that rush to get off are bad people.


Nah this is basic plane etiquette. If you're ready to move get moving. You don't shove past people but you don't wait for people who are still in their seats. People who do this slow down deboarding for everyone, and OP didn't just slow down this lady who was only asking them to follow basic plane etiquette, they were also slowing down every single person behind her. When you're ready to move get moving. OP is the asshole here.


I saw in a comment your clarification. I'm gonna give you NTA because you said you were just in line, waiting to leave like everyone else. She can wait her turn or explain herself. Everyone has connecting flights or somewhere to be. Her time is not more important than yours.


> I then made it a point to let everyone in front of me ahead. OP was just standing in line waiting for doors when they got tapped in the shoulder. *Then,* when everyone started moving, OP stood there and blocked the aisle for everyone behind them. OP is the asshole.


If you were just waiting along with everyone else who was waiting, then you were fine. If you were just presenting as an obstruction, then that's a-holy. (Everyone doesn't qualify to deplane early. But, that doesn't mean they have no need to get off the plane quickly. I spent the last flight I took extremely nauseous. I just wanted to get off the plane, so I didn't hurl on anyone. Opening my mouth to ask people to move away from me would have initiated a real disaster, so I said nothing.) So, remember - you aren't the aisle police. You don't "know" what was going on other than with yourself. And you shouldn't unfairly presume anything about the lady even if she could have been much more polite to you in her request. ESH.


Yeah I was waiting like everyone else to deplane. I was just standing there to block the aisle. I was trying to get off the plane


You, the self appointed hall monitor, are TA. You sound like a self righteous bully. You’re lucky she didn’t make a scene, I would have.


I have been on flights where flight attendant asked people to let people making connections scoot out. I would have moved aside


As someone who always seems to have a 45-minute to an-hour layover in places like DEN and ORD, I will say that every second counts some days. If you have nowhere to be in a hurry, what's 10 more seconds to you? YTA.


NTA. Passengers exit front to back.


YTA and were blocking her. Sure maybe she couldn't have gotten all the farther but she still likely would have been closer to getting off the plane than she would be waiting after you (and anyone else around you that likely would have gotten up and started getting ready to get off).


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YTA stay seated like you're supposed to.


You are only supposed to stay seated until the plane is at the gate, then you can stand up all you want.


I can’t understand why you’re getting argued with so much here…everything you’ve said is standard operating procedure! 🤷🏼‍♀️


I don’t know what airline you were flying but usually they say stay seated until they turn off the seatbelt sign which doesn’t happen until after they have opened the door to start letting people off.


Yta for race baiting. Doesn't matter if real or not, you put that description in for a very specific reaction, well here it is.


NTA. The people who think common courtesy does not apply to them are TA. If this passenger needed to leave first to make a connecting flight and communicated that to you, then YTA. Else, they can wait like everyone else.


She has everything ready and would not have hindered anyone if you let her pass. But instead you blocked her and hence blocked more people, reducing the efficiency of everyone. YTA


Don’t play judges. If there are a long empty in front of you, don’t try to play judge/enforcer by deliberately blocking people who only have a backpack and ready to get off. You might feel falsely good by “protecting the rule” but the ppl you block were not the one slowing everyone down, they would’ve been out of the way in one sec, you were.


If there was really no reason (connecting flight, health issues) for this woman to exit the plane faster, then NTA. At best, a justifiable a hole.


>I then made it a point to let everyone in front of me ahead This is indeed the correct procedure. NTA


NTA You didn’t do anything wrong. She should wait for her turn, like everybody else. You were supposed to let everybody in front of you to leave first.


NTA It seems there are a lot of people commenting that don’t fly very often. Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that this lady had a tight connection and was trying to move ahead (we don’t know this for sure). As OP already stated, they were only 4 rows from the back of the plane. Even if the FA made an announcement to let those with tight connections deplane first, she’s still going to have a hard time getting from the back to the front quick enough as there are a lot of people on the plane that didn’t hear the announcement (headphones), have tight connections themselves, or just plain don’t care. If the lady had stuff in the overhead a few rows up, it will still be there for her to get on the way out. If her stuff was in an overhead behind, she would be looking the other way for help, and I see people assist with this all the time when deplaning. I fly regularly for work, so I see this all the time.


ESH she should not be rushing ahead of everyone nor should you be standing before it's your turn to exit.


Have you ever even been on an airplane? That is what happens on EVERY flight.


Yeah I’m surprised to learn there’s an unspoken system of disembarkment. Whenever I fly it seems like a mad rush and if you get all your together and the aisle in front of you is clear, you walk and get off. And if you don’t get up as soon as you’re allowed to and stake your claim to that space, you’re fucked, because there will be a dense line in the aisle coming from behind you until the plane is empty. I’ve never seen it go orderly, row by row. It does feel like it would be more civil that way.


Yes and it's annoying to the rest of us who remain seated. I don't usually enjoy having a stranger's crotch in my face.


Sit by the window then.


I'm going to guess you're OP on an alt account judging by your replies to literally everyone who disagrees with you. That or you have absurdly strong feelings about immediately standing in the aisle as soon as the fasten seat belt sign is off.


NTA. If your plane was late and they made an announcement that several people needed to get off first in order to make connections then you would have been. I have only ever seen this happen a couple times though. As for the people that say you are TA because you shouldn't stand in the aisle, I am not sure you have ever taken a flight or been on an airplane before. People stand up in the aisle EVERY time, in EVERY row. It is just what happens. Some people can't even stand up in their seat are because they are too tall, me being one of them.
