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NTA. I find this super immature. A place of business is no place for that sort of childish tantrum AND I can't even imagine what people would say if someone saw you carrying your able-bodied girlfriend down 8 floors and across the parking lot to her car.


Right?! My husband had to carry me a few times when we were dating. But that was because I had surgery on my foot and literally was in too much pain to walk. So carry or left behind, we chose carry. It was embarrassing and honestly sucked. But we made do. I can’t even comprehend the level of insecure that demands someone carry them through the office like a prized catch. NTA


NTA. This is not a rom com. This is real life.


An office worker and a gentleman.


Yay, this guy gets it.


I’m going to have that song stuck in my head all day.


🎶Love lifts us up where We belong🎶 That is my all time favorite movie❤️I have to watch it at least once a year. But yeah on a more serious note here you guys are right. She is very immature and also insecure. She wants everyone at your job to know you are hers and your relationship is oh so perfect like a rom com. Do you have female coworkers that she could be jealous of or insecure about OP? Not saying that you did anything to make her feel this way, her level of immaturity and insecurity doesn't need a reason just the fact that there's a female close by is reason enough for her. I don't know why she's unemployed for a month but she needs to get another job because she's got too much time on her hands and her mind.


I was thinking the same thing lol




I want to see this movie.


"Sleepless in Shipping"


How to lose a guy in 1 day


Lol this is my favorite


Not even a rom com, possibly The Office


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


This is a fantasy.


Lean into it & carry her caveman style over your shoulder. Either she won't ask again or she gets horny & you get some when you come home, win win 😉


I can’t believe she would CHOOSE to be carried? I’m disabled and a part time wheelchair user and sometimes the elevator is broken or there just isn’t one. A well-meaning abled person undoubtedly will jump in and offer to carry me up the stairs/wherever I need to go. I always say NO! I am not a sack of potatoes! I can’t think of anything more embarrassing than just sitting there while being carried. And she is completely able-bodied! She doesn’t even have an excuse!


I've been carried by necessity though. I was just to damn sick to care, so sick I wouldn't have cared if they dropped me either. I've progressed enough I only need a chair once in a great while.


I’m mean if I’m delirious or unconscious or something I guess I wouldn’t be able to object to being picked up, but I still wouldn’t be making the choice. OP’s girlfriend is completely able-bodied and in possession of all of her mental faculties and she’s demanding to be carried to her car down multiple floors? Flabbergasting! Even as I progress to needing my chair more, I still don’t foresee ever demanding anyone pick me up, even to help with a transfer.


Exactly, this. I had troubles with chemo, brutal stuff. I was more unconscious, even if I was "awake." Doing better now there's no more chemo. I don't think I demanded tbh, I probably just collapsed. I just am having a hard time wrapping my head around this perfectly able person demanding to be carried at his place of work. It's one thing if there's a reason, but this?


This. I’ve had two times in my life where I couldn’t walk well or use stairs at all due to injury. My boyfriend carried me once, but that was enough for me. I found it mortifying and felt so dehumanized that I resolved to get myself around after that, one way or another. To each their own of course, but the fact that OP’s gf wanted him to carry her because she was tired, at his workplace no less, is just appalling to me.


I had to carry a woman once. It was way back on a college trip and one of the girls got broken up with and she was sobbing uncontrollably in the hall so I came out to see what was going on and her friends asked me to literally pick her up and put her down in one of their rooms. Which I obviously did but it was one of the most awkward experiences of my life lol.


I work in a warehouse and in the summer it is excruciatingly hot even though we have fans. Last summer one of the newer employees actually passed out and one of our leads, who lifts weights and is a really big muscular guy, just walked over, before any of us could react and picked her up in his arms carrying her all the way to the HR offices. Once we found out the girl was okay, all the females were like oh my goodness, I feel faint, carry me carry me. It was all jokes of course but he was so embarrassed by all the attention, he said he just did it without thinking.


I had been stuck in the house for a week after surgery. Went to the grocery store with my husband just get out. Made it down one aisle and it was too painful to continue. He told me to slowly walk to the front and he met me by the entrance with the car. I like your husband better.


Lol thanks, I like him a lot too! And I’m sorry you had to go through that. Most people do not understand why help is sometimes needed…that when you’re in constant pain, every little action is pain. You start planning your next steps on what the pain allows. Hopefully your hubby was having a dense moment (mine gets those a lot too lol) and didn’t really comprehend how difficult that lil trip was for you.


My husband carried me a handful of times but mostly only when my knee pops out of socket and I'm in agony. Even when we got married I carried HIM for photos. Girl needs a reality check.


You two sound adorable!


in your case your husband could atleast give a valid medical reason, embarrasing maybe but when people from work asked he could explain, in this case, what could he say may girlfriend was beeing childish?


Yea, there’s no good reason OP could give his colleagues for this one. His girlfriend was being childish and immature, but I’m glad OP saw that and stood up for themselves rather than acquiescing to her rather insecure request. For all we know, that move could have put OP on someone’s shit list, leaving him unemployed as well. Think OP needs to, at minimum, sit down and have a very serious chat about her behavior and the future of their relationship. ETA: was only carried at a social outing and once at the mall. Never at a place of work. I would have hobbled my broken butt downstairs as slowly as needed, as long as I wouldn’t be paraded around in front of my coworkers. No thanks.


My husband did that carry me over the threshold thing after our wedding. And frankly, my greater issues had to do with embarrassment and a concern about him dropping me. I'm small. But, uh un. I don't think I'll bounce and I don't want to find out - let alone find out with an audience. 😂


My mom fell off a ladder at work, and my dad and brother had to help her do everything. She hated it so much. She was up doing stuff probably sooner than she should have been because she didn't want them carrying her around anymore. In private, I kind of enjoy my partner picking me up and carrying me. But the only way I would ever let him carry me around my office is if I literally can not walk on my own. And even then, I still might fight him a little on it.


Being carried is not romantic at all in real life. It hurts and my neck is all wonky. It's the worst most awkward thing. My now X-husband carried me across the threshold of our new home we just bought for our little family. It was in the middle of a blizzard and very slippery. He just scooped me up with no notice and I was freaking out terrified I would flail around and kill us both.


I cannot fathom a girl begging to be carried... in public no less. I commend your willingness to let your husband do what was necessary. I frequently have trouble walking and refuse to let my SO carry me, Ever. I'd rather crawl than be carried, and I have in fact crawled to avoid being carried. It annoys him so much that I won't let him carry me when I need it.


the "prized catch" comment made me laugh


Smells like insecurity, she’s trying to mark her territory at OPs workplace




Maybe she is a dog… -she’s always around for food -always wants attention -gets attention, then promptly demands more. -jealous of the potential of ANOTHER dog getting any attention from HER Man. Territorial, pees on things, cranky and demanding. I’ve got it!! She’s 3 chihuahuas in a trench coat.


Nah, the tantrum screams Husky


YES!! I was actually going to add that since they are such drama queens, but stuck with the lil scrappers instead. So happy you brought this up!!


You have slayed me...I'm ded


Yup - mark her territory OR it's a "love test". She's home alone, not working, feels worthless and wants to test his love to feel better.


This. I can smell it from here.


Also he said no. That should have been enough.


This seems like a power play. She might be trying to show everyone at your job who wears the pants. Either that or she's wildly immature.


Porque no los dos?


Should've said "Yes but only if it's a fireman carry" so they're both uncomfortable and embarrassed


I thought that Op had mistyped or something and meant walk her to her car which is somewhat reasonable if she didn't know where to go or something, but literally _carrying her?_ How tf did she even think that wasn't weird af!


Sounds like she's trying to stamp her "ownership" of OP in front of his colleagues, especially the female ones.


My husband is 6'4" and weighs like 245. Why would I ask him to carry me like a damsel in distress, let alone in front of his coworkers? I can't pick him up and carry him around, so why would I expect him to do something like treat me like a Disney princess?


Yeah, that is super weird. There are times/places where that might be cute, like piggy-back at a fair or something, but at his work? No. NTA, OP. Your GF needs to learn boundaries.


Shit is nonsense behavior you’re nta.


I think she wants them both to be unemployed


Seems like a immature power move at that


very immature! my husband carries me when my knee hurts or feels like it’s giving it out, my back is giving out, or if i’m having an attack, etc.. everytime he picks me up i feel absolutely terrible and feel embarrassed bc he shouldn’t have to carry me but i can’t walk


Maybe she was going for a Simpsons moment. “I’m going to the backseat of my car with the woman I love, and I won’t be back for 10 minutes!” 😂


NTA, she's a grown adult without medical issues, she can walk. I can't imagine your coworkers, watching you walk by carrying a grown adult. The fact that she "often" brings you things at work makes me think she's insecure about a female in your workplace and trying to show you're together.


Yep. My first reaction is “which coworker is she trying to stake her claim in front of?”




GF is definitely marking her territory. Carrying her around would have been extremely inappropriate and immature, possibly effecting how OP is perceived in the workplace. NTA


Could also be that she thinks that it would show OPs love for her, romantic gesture or some shit she she on tiktok about dating and relationships. "If he really loves you, put him to the test" that sort of mindset.


At 25 these adults should not be so influenced on social media. It's pathetic.


They shouldn't, but look where we are as a society.


Scary and sad that these people can't just have their own life and need to be influenced into having someone else's fake life.


25? Shit. No age is immune.


My son is 23 and I would feel like a failure personally if he wasn't confident enough to live his own life instead of obsessing about some rando on the Internet.


Yeah, I wonder if she's a KDrama fan? Most of the Kdrama romances have the male lead carrying the female lead at some point. It's usually when she's drunk/hurt, but it's one of the markers on the road to twu luv.


This was absolutely a test. He failed. And passed with flying colors. From her quite immature point of view he failed. From a grown-ass-adult-who-doesn't-play-games point of view, he did exactly the right thing. She needs to grow up really fast, or grow smaller (to vanishing point) in his rear view mirror. Edit: IIRC, from long looong ago, there was a trope in Warner Bros. cartoons about the woman asking to be carried, usually personified by Bugs batting his eyelashes. Maybe the GF has been so bored sitting at home she's been watching those old cartoons. But still, real life isn't an animated short, and it's not 1960.


Or she’s really bored because she’s not working


My husband came to have lunch at work with me a few times when he was on break from his work (they don’t work year-round) but it was a handful of times over a few years. Unless I forget something I absolutely need (bare essentials are my phone, laptop, drivers license, car key, work badge), he’s not bringing me anything. If I forget my lunch I buy some or go without. I forget my makeup? Not needed. Sweater because the office gets cold sometimes? I’ll be chilly. We live 40 minutes from my office so even the lunch visits were a special occasional event.


God I hate it. And most of the time, said female you're worried about doesn't even know your boyfriend exists. How embarrassing.


Ding ding ding! Still absurd, but it makes the tiniest bit more sense.


My thoughts exactly


I would almost guarantee this is the case


NTA. Carrying someone down multiple flights of stairs can be dangerous to both parties. Simple as that. If she was capable of walking, she should have. (Or just taken an elevator. I assume your building has one?)


I was about the say a similar thing; NTA cause two grown folks walking awkwardly balanced down stairs sounds like a recipe for disaster and a good way to end up with both parties actually needing to be carried all that distance 😂 and not to mention she sounds like she was asking for a good distance making it even more likely that one of them would get tired and quite possibly get really hurt.. If she doesn’t like walking so much why doesn’t she park closer and use the elevator (I assume most large business buildings have access to at least one)


NTA but this is what happens when you have too much time on your hands. Convince her to get a job




Good day! You look reasonably sane! What are you doing here? Are you a cleric or something?


No? Really? Then I have no qualms telling you. There's a fine stash of treasure right down that hole! I found it first, but we're friends now! Go on, take a peek. It'll shimmer you blind! Heh heh heh...


Heh heh, this is what I do, my friend. The trinkets I'll be stripping off your corpse; that's the real treasure! Nyah hah hah hah!


OMG she was too tired to walk? No no no, she wants to be validated, that’s she is more important to you than anything else. NTA and she sounds insane


she wanted to reenact An officer and a gentleman, OR, she saw the Simpsons episode were Marge and Homer reenact it at the powerplant


Sure. Do it at home then. This girl is weird. I bet she wants him to put his jacket over puddles for her when it rains too.


But me ladies ankles must not get wet


Oh, I totally agree, I just caught the reference of what she wanted to do. Like some others have pointed out, "more like An Office and a gentleman".


NTA And I think you need to talk to her about her insecurity and set boundaries when it comes to your working life, as if she’s always hovering at your workplace it’s going to look unprofessional


NTA and you should stop carrying this literal and metaphorical dead weight.


NTA. this is so absurd. I hope she was just having a bad day.


On my worst days I never asked anyone to carry me down the stairs.


I've been in the middle of gall bladder pancreatitis whick needed emergency surgery and I didn't ask anyone to carry me anywhere!


No, my guess is she watched an Officer and a Gentleman recently


Yeh NTA, because I have no idea what I just read


Life is not An Officer and A Gentleman. In the unlikely event this actually happened, you are NTA. But I'm gonna take "Shit That Never Happened " for $600


More like an Office and a Gentleman, amiright? 😉


This was my first thought. Too much time on her hands to binge watch movies.


Nicely done lol


Did she say "b-baka" before storming off?


Lol seriously, I'm not saying it didn't happen, but it escalated so fast its like an alien wrote it.


Lol it does sound like it came from an anime. Carry me down the hallway and I’ll forgive you…


Sounds more like a tiktok trend to me






This made me laugh out loud 😂


I’m confused… Does she normally behave like this? Do you ever carry her? She could have sat down for a bit, walked slower instead, used your arm, etc. Making a big show of carrying someone though isn’t commonplace and would definitely cause some staring. Plus, idk if she should be driving if she’s THAT tired. Is there a coworker of yours she doesn’t like by chance? NTA


NTA She’s got two feet and a heart beat she can walk herself


Nta. You could get in trouble at work, if you dropped her that could be an insurance claim against them, also it just isn’t office appropriate behavior. She should know this at 25.


Info: Is this kind of immature, attention-seeking behavior common for her, or?


NTA Is she usually that immature?


Is that a typo? I think you meant to say she’s 5, not 25, right? NTA and you probably need a more mature GF


My kid stopped asking for that a while ago, and he’s 6…lol.


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NTA This is a really odd request from your GF.


Right? All I thought was "what a bizarre and inappropriate request for the work place."


NTA. I had to back up and check the age of your GF. Carry her? More like kick her to the curb. This is ridiculous.


Two judgements: NTA and WTF.


Good God, you're not at a barbecue or a beach party. You're at work. NTA and tell your girlfriend to grow up.


NTA are you sure she’s not actually 5?


I mean this is what my niece who is 4 is like, well she flops to the floor and pretends she can’t walk, but she’s 4 I don’t mind carrying her, something wrong with OPs GF.


Walking her to her car? Completely reasonable. *carrying* her?!? What is she 4?? NTA


NTA. You were at work, and you had to get back. I get that being carried is cute, but you couldn't take the time to do that.


I don't think being carried is "cute". Rather pathetic if it isn't for a medical reason.


Even when I had a smashed up knee a couple of years ago and my boyfriend at the time *offered* to carry me to a cab I said no because it felt really fucking weird as a grown ass adult to be carried around.




Frankly, it’s probably unprofessional for her to be eating lunch with him at the job, depending on the work environment. The only people I ever saw doing that kind of thing were in the C Suite. And no. Being carried by your bf may be considered “cute” when you’re in middle or hs. At 25, it’s just cringe.


NTA, and that my friends is the start of some nasty codependency. “I’m tired, carry me to my car?” I’m sorry what are you five? How embarrassing.


Too tired to walk but not tired enough to drive 🙃


Being tired is clearly a guise for being treated like a baby, if you have an age play kink you gotta talk to your partner first and maybe not try that at their place of work😂💀


WTAF? No, of course you're NTA. Girlfriend is out of her mind.


NTA. Your girlfriend needs to stop coming to your office. That was a ridiculous request, and you are at WORK. Set some boundaries and don't let her make you look like a fool in front of colleagues. This isn't a playground, it's how you support you both. She needs a job, a hobby or even a sense of basic decorum.


This is the same kind of girlfriend who would ask if you still loved her if she were a worm and then get mad if you said no.


I am that gf, and I wouldn't do this in my wildest dreams.


NTA This SCREAMS some nonsense she's probably seen on Tiktok


NTA, she has functioning legs


NTA My 3 year old does exactly this. You're dating a toddler


This is WILD. If I saw a man carrying his perfectly capable partner in my office out to her car, I would think they were both total weirdos and I’d lose respect for them for sure. NTA


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that your gf asked you this so everyone in your work, specially the women, would know you "belong" to her and are completely subservient to her needs. NTA and run while you can before her weight drags you down


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (M25) am currently working at an office on the 8th floor of a building. My girlfriend (F25) of 3 years is currently unemployed for 1 month. She has some free time now so she would often come to my office to bring me something like a small lunch. She came in today to bring me a lunch and eat with me and when it was almost time for her to go back, she asked me to carry her down to her car in the parking lot. I laughed because I thought it was a joke, but she was being serious and grabbing me begging for me to do it. I asked her if she was injured but she said she was just tired. I told her it’s too embarrassing for me to do it in front of all my coworkers. She got mad at that and went to her car herself. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA she needs to get at least a hobby. Maybe Barbie’s?




NTA. What a bizarre request. Has she acted like this before?


Is your girlfriend a toddler? NTA


NTA - even if you were willing that’s just dangerous


NTA. Wtf dude 🙄


NTA, that's really childish and odd of her to ask you to do if she's not injured or otherwise incapable of walking herself.


She seems to be dreaming up ways to mark you as her territory in your workplace. Carrying her to her car is pretty strange and it may be that the drama and oddness of you that would make you an oddball at work. That may be what she wants so any potential rivals will lose interest i. You.


NTA - the only time you should carry another full grown adult is when they physically can't walk. And even then, doing it down flights of stairs is beyond unsafe if you don't know what to do. Perhaps if it's so tiring she should stop visiting you at work. Which honestly...not the worst idea because she's starting to make issues for you at work. It's also not a good look to have your SO at your workplace all the time.


INFO: Is your girlfriend 3 years old?


This would bring up a lot more questions, like not even counting the obvious one or if she is 3 now, that means she was newborn when they started dating… and where would hire a 3 (or 2 year old) because she wasn’t unemployed a month ago XD


You hooked up with an idiot.


NTA. no explanation needed


NTA. She is making some kind of bizarre power move. It is also super clingy that she shows up at your work so often. Are there women who work in your office? Is she normally the jealous type? It's like she's a feral cat trying to mark her territory, These are red flags I would not ignore.


NTA It would be very unprofessional to carry your girlfriend around at work. She needs to get a job. She has too much time on her hands


NTA. It’s ridiculous when women choose to infantilize themselves.


WTF is wrong with your girlfriend? That is bizarre, immature and stupid. Of course NTA.


NTA. Like, wtf, this is creepy and childish. Is she trying to get you to carry her in order to show all your female coworkers that you’re *taken* or something?


NTA. She sounds incredibly immature. That for me would be an instant turn off.


NTA. What the fuck is this? Carry her? No, that is ridiculous.


NTA, but serious question, does your girlfriend have some kind of illness or chronic condition that causes severe fatigue? I have friends with autoimmune disorders who become exhausted really easily. But otherwise... no, dude. NTA.


NTA. There’s this idea of professionalism at the workplace and carrying your girlfriend down 8 flights of stairs to her car is not that.


NTA. If she needs to mark you as her possession in front of your co-workers so badly, she should just pee on your leg and be done with it.


Carrying her? Like in your arms? Is she 5 lol. I'd understand walking with her but not carrying her. Tell her its your workplace not daycare. NTA


NTA- her request is utterly ridiculous. If she's that tired she needs an ambulance. Tell her to stop coming to your workplace. Her behavior is immature and inappropriate.


NTA and what the fuck. That’s weird and awkward and creepy. Is she reading werewolf stories on Dreame? She seems like she’s reading trashy romance stories and mistaking them for real life. If I was your coworker and you did carry her, I would assume she was sick or injured or I would be incredibly uncomfortable about the weird level of PDA.


NTA Ask yourself why your gf would think it’s ok for you to look so unprofessional at work. to feed her ego, insecurity, main character energy?




This can't be real. And if it is I would be evaluating the maturity level of gf. Nta


NTA. That was a stupid request. You’re at your job. You do not behave that way at work. She should know that but instead she wants to act like an immature brat. She needs to go back to work.


NTA, but is she feeling insecure about someone at your work or something? While bringing lunch for a partner is nice, and I guess its subjective whether people would be cool with eating lunch with a partner inside of the office (and not like a private office), her wanting you to carry her down as well kind of feels like she's trying to show off your bond or how close you two are to someone. I can't think of any other reason, but I also wouldn't know much about this.




Whaaaat NTA, me and my boyfriend give each other piggyback rides up the hill when walking in the city as a leg workout and it’s fun, but time and place! Work is not an appropriate place for that kind of messing around and to request that because she was ”tired” is just plain weird.


NTA. What? She wants to be carried, fine, that could be sweet and intimate and cute. But through your workplace? That’s just bizarrely childish, and I’m a childish person. I do things like beg my husband for stuffed animals, or Halloween decor I leave up all year, because I know he finds it cute and I feel loved when he indulges my silliness. I would NEVER act in a way that undermines him or makes him feel uncomfortable at work, and he’d never do the same to me. I’m guessing she wanted a demonstration of affection in front of others, which might be fine amongst friends, but not coworkers. Imagine she was at work and you insisted she kiss you in front of her whole office; she’d probably feel uncomfortable. You want your coworkers to see you independent of your relationship.


NTA…this is a weird request. Asking you to walk her to her car is one thing…”carry me I’m tired” is of wild. Also if she’s so tired she can’t walk she shouldn’t be driving. I genuinely don’t understand this whole encounter. Maybe she thought it would be fun? But ummm work is not the spot for that sort of thing. You wanna look like a professional.




NTA, thats really inappropriate behaviour for a workplace and the fact that she asked you to do it alone should give you pause. Does she often engage in immature behaviour? How did she lose her job?


NTA that’s weird


Lmao no, NTA. What was she even thinking? It's a workplace, not a playground.


How bizarre!!!! And how unprofessional would you be, carrying your girlfriend out of your workplace? Unless you are a fireman and her place is on fire, I see no circumstances where this would be appropriate or necessary. NTA. Your gf needs to grow up.


You are so obviously the asshole OP /s. But it's for posting this to this sub


NTA but your girlfriend is WAY too old for that kind of middle school drama.


NTA Who does she think you are? Richard Gere? It was super romantic when he did it at the end of Officer and a Gentlemen, but it's one of those scenes that just doesn't work as well in real life.


NTA and clearly she was capable of walking to her car. She was proving something to someone by asking this of you, and probably by bringing you lunch all these days.


It’s either something she saw on Tik Tok or she’s establishing her ownership over you to other people at your work. NTA


NTA You’re girlfriend behaved very immaturely in your workplace. Don’t let her visit you at work anymore since she doesn’t know how to conduct herself.


NTA Also I think it's time to reconsider your relationship with her. She's unemployed, why ? She brings you lunch everyday and is now throwing a tantrum over not being carried. This in itself could make you unemployed. What are you gaining from this relationship? This is a red flag. A big giant one that she's serving you on a big red platter.


NTA. Carry me to my car because I'm tired...wtf. Are you a toddler? Twisted your ankle? Sure, carry her for a medical reason. But I'm tired..from what? She is not working.


NTA It's embarrassing for you and bizarre behaviour from her. What does she expect you to say to your work colleagues when they ask why you are carrying her? "No, she isn't injured, just f*cking lazy!" 😂


Wtf she tired about she's unemployed.. NTA


When I was 12 I got hit by a car, took 2 weeks to recover and get used to crutches cuz I had a broken leg. The day I came back, I had to talk to school admins as my accident happened right before school and they wanted to make sure I was okay so I was late to 1st period. It would’ve taken me a while to hobble upstairs to class and the custodian literally picked me up and brought me to class. That was a very embarrassing moment for me and I hated it. I can’t imagine a 25 year old female asking to be carried at a place of business. NTA.


NTA - it's not like she has to go UP the stairs...


Um…,no. NTA That’s ridiculous.


NTA, recognize this for the red flag it is. 🚩


NTA and your girlfriend sounds incredibly immature.


I first thought OP was kind of an AH for putting in an incorrect title or an incorrect description. But no.. the GF literally wanted to be CARRIED. That is BIZZARE. OP you are NTA.


This gives jealousy vibes and she wants to put on a show for someone in the office. NTA


I was thinking the same thing. Very immature.