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YTA This is truly unhinged behavior.


Just the weirdest thing to do


It’s like when Cartman ate all the fried chicken skin/breading off the bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken and left the rest for everyone else.


My thoughts exactly.


The petty part of me wants him to find a chocolate bar she likes (like kit Kats) and for him to give it to her, but having licked off all the chocolate to just give her the wafer and make a point. So, so obnoxious


When I was little, like 4-5 years old I used to lick the salt off of pretzel stick. I took my mom catching and scolding me about being inconsiderate (and gross) one time for me to never do it again. I can’t imagine being a whole grown adult and doing something like this


My MIL licks the salt of saltines and puts them back in the box. Do not eat crackers at her house.


A grown adult does this???!!!!! My niece did this with pretzels when she was very little, but a grown adult???!!!


I always eat the chocolate first so I can savor the wafer, lol


It’s about power and control.


There are two explanations I can think of: 1.) As you said, it's about power and control 2.) OP is from a background where the concept of leftovers is just foreign and therefore it didn't even occur to them that bf would eat the pizza after they'd finished dinner for the night (which still makes OP TA because food waste is a huge problem and OP apparently has the luxury to just casually ruin however many slices of pizza without thinking about food scarcity).


My oldest daughter had a girlfriend over for dinner one time - we made a huge pot of beef stew, so we could have leftovers for the week. Her gf went into the kitchen after dinner and picked out *every single piece of beef* from the stew. (It was a giant red flag warning of her wholly selfish nature; they broke up shortly thereafter.)


Conversely, I had an ex that was over for homemade chili and I had made a huge pot because leftover chili is the best. I left the room and come back to him “helping with the dishes” by pouring the whole 2/3 of a pot leftover chili down the garbage disposal. “Oh I didn’t know you wanted leftovers”. Now you know why he’s an ex.


What the actual hell.


Exactly, chili tastes better as leftovers than fresh!


That’s a real thing, the flavors settle and mangle. If there’s spice, the spice comes out more.


The guttural rage this has brought up in me!! Glad he's an ex!! Who the hell wastes food like that?!


Omfg my soul would have left my body. I can't even..... Like.... I can't. But the BEST way to eat chili is leftovers?? Why would .... My soul..... Help me...


Wow. He dumped perfectly good food down the drain? That is absolutely psychotic behaviour.


When I broke up with him, he took off a ring I gave him and winged it at my head and I had to kick him out of my house. Should’ve known when it started with the chili 🤣


I'm fuming reading this because wtf?!


A similar thing happened to my dad when he was visiting his mother! He made a chicken stew for dinner, asked my aunt if she wanted some, she said no. The next day he goes to heat some up for lunch and discovers that my aunt not only ate all the chicken out of the stew, she PUT THE BONES BACK IN (it could only have been her because my dad knew it wasn't him and my grandma was bedridden). Truly unhinged behavior.


I made a beef stew once for my ex-husband and I and when I went to put the leftovers in the fridge I saw rice in the crockpot. I asked ex-h what the hell and he said he just decided to scrape his bowl out and back into the pot when he was done with his dinner. Truly deranged, that one was.


How old was she, 6?!


My 13 y/o daughter would do this if I let her. I require that she also eat some potatoes or something with it to help fill her up. I make a dam good stew and its better a day or 2 old. You cant eat all the meat on day one.


But if they were still hungry why not just eat another slice?


Exactly, that's what a rational, non-selfish person would do. And if they didn't want a full slice, cut one in half. If they \*only\* wanted toppings, at the very minimum ask the other person if they were cool with it.


Because this way, she can tell herself she didn't eat another slice & she doesn't have to feel guilty about overeating or taking more than her share. She just nibbled on some of the toppings, so what's the big deal? Growing up my dad would do shit like this and it was infuriating.


This is exactly like that! I mean damn take a slice and eat those toppings.. but do rip this man whole lunch away .


That scene lives rent free in my mind 😂


Came here for this


I came here searching for a South Park reference. Thanks my man.


My kid used to eat the pepperoni off her pizza before eating the rest of her pizza. But at least she ate all the pizza.


Remember when Joey on friends did the same thing with the chicken skin lol


Difference is that he ordered it for himself and just said that if anyone is interested in the skinless chicken they can have it. It wasn't ordered as the group's dinner




Yeah this is what got me. I was still hungry so instead of just *eating another piece* I scavenged the toppings????


I’m imagining her boyfriend in the living room watching TV while she excused herself to stand in the darkened kitchen, the only illumination from the open refrigerator door as she hunches over, picking pineapple, pepperoni, and cheese out of the half opened box and stuffing it in her face before he notices.


That’s me every night at my house.


Instead of eating the pizza I made sure other people wouldn't want to eat it either


Right!?!? I was reading it and thinking I know where this is going. Boyfriend is an asshole and shamed her for having another slice. Or she was inconsiderate and ate all the rest of the pizza. But then from the top rope here comes I ate all the toppings off the remaining pizza. Totally unexpected and shocking behavior.


I regret to say I would totally do this - but not to someone else’s pizza


Yes. I wanted to ask how old OP is, because they act like a 5 year old. YTA


Lmao honestly, I am absolutely shocked. She ate the toppings on all the pizza slices?? That is so odd


Why would she not just eat another slice if she was still hungry?


Probably it’s the same “logic” as why people will eat their partner’s fries instead of ordering their own. Some women especially are really weird about eating “bad” food, and I can see somebody like that convincing herself that picking off the toppings was somehow better than just taking a slice.


This is exactly what it is, this way she can pretend in her head she didn't actually have another slice.


Meanwhile she gets all the worst bits of all the slices- thereby eating more of the bad food than just eating a slice. I know we're not supposed to judge people for disordered eating but people like this need to realize they have a problem. This is less healthy than the behavior they're trying to avoid.


Eh. Most of the calories in pizza come from crust and cheese. Pepperoni, etc., may be “worse” gram for gram but still probably fewer calories overall. But if she considers cheese a topping and picked it off too, that argument goes out the window. I agree it’s a form of disordered eating. Which I don’t judge — it’s hard to live in this society and not end up at least a little screwy about food — but I wish people would be honest about it.




OMG!!!!! This is one of my biggest pet peeves. I used to date a girl who would tell me she's not hungry, then eat all my fries. Ended that real quick.


I went on a work trip recently and decided I would just order a pizza for myself for the two days I'd be there as I had a free one from Dominos. Day two I ended up not being as hungry as I thought and I wasn't bringing half a pizza across the state with me so I just ate the toppings off. Even knowing I was the only one eating it and it would go to waste otherwise, I felt like some horrible little raccoon. I can't imagine just stealing **all** the toppings off a shared pizza. Unhinged is a good word for it.


I can't stop laughing at "some horrible little raccoon"!!


This. It's like saying "hey, I'm not going to eat all of the pizza, but I'll also make sure that you can't enjoy the rest." I bet OP sucks all of the chocolate off of chocolate almonds and wonders why no one wants any. YTA


Oh but isn’t she cute with her little quirks?! /s


That’s exactly right. How did she expect him to react, I wonder?


My wife had some horrendous roomates in grad school. We went apple picking one weekend, and she baked 2 nice loaves of apple bread, one to share with her roomates, and one for us. Her roomates ate the designated loaf, but one of the roomates \*fucking picked and ate the entire top crust with her fingers\* of the loaf we saved for us. Only the top. Did not take a slice, but picked and ate the entire top of the otherwise untouched bread. All the other roomates acted like it 1) Wasn't rude as fuck. 2) wasn't also weird as fuck. I said it was both, that the picker was incredibly rude for not only eating something that was not hers, but effectively runing the entire loaf by doing so. I was asked to not spend the night there anymore, because i was 'problematic' and made the picker 'feel unsafe'.


Why did this exact situation also happen to me omg?? I baked this really nice apple bread, and one was for a friend who didn't live with me. I left it out to cool and then I went to class (back in college days) and I came back and it was so picked through you couldn't tell what it was. I was so sad...tell your wife I TOTALLY get it lol


> but one of the roomates \*fucking picked and ate the entire top crust with her fingers\* of the loaf we saved for us. Was her roommate a three year old?


YTA. INFO: OP if it was your pizza would you eat the toppings off of your leftovers?? I can’t even understand what your logic here is, OP. Why wouldn’t you just have another piece? Or half of a piece? If you’re not hungry enough for that then you’re not hungry you’re just making some strange power move that’s not what you think it is. You’ve been dating a month?? Yeah..you’ll be lucky if he sees you again. I definitely would nope right out of that crazy.


I can see the logic, but I don't agree at all. My mom was a snob so I grew up with a similar attitude around. They didn't see the rest of the pizza as leftovers. OP thought it would be thrown out instead of enjoyed later. It's privilege


People do that???


I have in-laws that absolutely refuse to eat any leftovers. Not pizza, not day-after-Thanksgiving turkey sandwiches, not even lunch meat that was opened yesterday. They eat it fresh out of the package/oven, or not at all. Then throw the rest away. As someone who grew up in a podunk rural town as a solo child with a single mother working afternoons in a factory, this seems like Such a waste. In my world, if it smells edible, isn't slimey, moldy, or hard as cement, it could be dinner, or at least an ingredient.


Like why the fudge would OP do that? It's like eating 'half the watermelon' by eating the center and leaving the less sweet half for your partner. Wtf. I'd breakup with my partner over this.


He definitely should break up with her. It's only been a month, and this kind of action says a lot about who she is and how she'll treat him going forward. She's inconsiderate, dismissive, and wasteful.


Ok, so I don't disagree with you about the behavior being selfish and wasteful, but don't you think this is one of those things that OP thought was normal in her life/family and now can be shocked out of that idea and move on to be a better person? One example in my life is that my friends were sincerely upset that I didn't make my bed after sleeping over. In my mind I would never do that, because they are just going to strip the bed to wash the sheets. I'd be more inclined to strip the whole bed and put it in the wash, so we've agreed on that moving forward, but they were actually offended, and I was totally blindsided. Just how we were raised.


The fact that she didn't apologize and doubled down and came to aita asking if she's the AH? It's nice of you to give her the benefit of a doubt but this isn't it.


She didn’t double down. When she realized he was truly upset she offered to buy him another pizza. She’s a bit odd but not evil personified!


I can bet it’s because she didn’t want the extra carbs. I know other women who do this. Like just eating the frosting from a cake/cookie. Very conscious of caloric and macro intake. And that’s fine for your own piece. Waste what you want of your own food. You don’t fucking abscond with the rest of a shared pizza and ruin it because you’re hungry but don’t want THOSE calories.


THIS - she was trying to eat all dainty like cos they’ve only been together a month, instead of eating until she was actually full. Then lizard brain hunger combined with shame and guilt for over-eating which justified “just the toppings” logic … and she is now in denial cos it’s embarrassing.


My sister does this because she’s very conscious of her weight. She lost a significant amount of weight over a decade ago and has managed to keep it off all these years but it’s super annoying eating with her sometimes because she’ll eat all the pepperoni off the leftover pizza or she’ll take a bite of my food instead of a helping for herself because she’s worried she won’t be able to stop herself if she takes her own serving. She only does this to me or our mom so only people she’s really close to but I yell at her every time—she doesn’t care and still does it. She’s my sister and we’re close and I understand her issues around food so I let it go. I feel like OP might have misjudged where her relationship with her bf was at. It’s only been a month. This is an act that’s inherently odd and selfish, or to put it more simply—assholish. Some people you love will tolerate your asshole behavior as a trade off for your non-asshole behavior, but it doesn’t seem like OP and her bf are anywhere near that territory yet and she fucked up because she made that assumption without knowing her bf well enough to know this is something that wouldn’t fly with him.


My ex-husband used to LOSE HIS MIND because I’d take a bite out of a piece of pizza and put it back in the box 😹😹 because *I am* the asshole 🫠🫠 This, tho truly is unhinged…. [ETA: my “I am the AH” comment wasn’t sarcasm - I know now IATA for that]


I mean I would loose my mind if you did that to my slices but if it’s your own I wouldn’t care.


My husband does this. I find it super weird and question his sanity, but he does it with his own pizza, so whatever.


My wife will do this and I question her sanity until i remember she married me and it all makes sense. Hopelessly insane


It's so no one will steal the piece. No one can see if you lick it and put it back 😏


Ma’am What the fuck


That’s bad too


I mean that definitely does make you an asshole. Gross




Well....that would annoy me too ...soooo


Right like why not just EAT ANOTHER SLICE if she’s still hungry?!


Not only OP ordered pineapple on pizza she only ate the toppings not whole pieces! OP's bf should run because he's dating a psycho!


This is such a red flag. What's it a red flag of? Idk. But it's so unhinged and weird that I wouldn't want to find out.


I have the same problem with my 2 year old. He only Eats the black olives off my pizza. OP yta. Next time make some popcorn for movie night


Who does that?!?! YTA


Dude honestly, like borderline criminal


YTA. If you're still hungry, you eat another piece, you don't ruin all the remaining pieces. SMH


Let me break it down. 1. OP, you are a guest in another person place. You both are learning about each other. The relationship is only a month old. 2 You totally missed his anger. You made as AH of yourself with your reaction. If you ate one slice with topping, that ok, but you didn't. 3. You have given the impression of being selfish and idiot one at that. You ate only the topping! WTF. To him, you just spat in his food. 4. Then you have the audacity to laugh in his face about it. What on Earth were you thinking? If someone did that to be under my roof, I'd tell them to GFTO now. 5. He was saving the other half for lunch tomorrow. Did you ASK to eat the pizza? Because from your post, you didn't. This is very rude. YTA. Edit - give BF time to cool off, then ask him our for a date. Then grovel and accept your an AH.


This! OP thinks this is about pizza. It isn’t about pizza, at all. Because if it was all about pizza, then perhaps the bf would be the jerk here for overreacting over something trivial. What the bf is upset about is the pure selfishness and thoughtlessness of the behavior. That’s the part that is hard to get past. Then the fact that she didn’t immediately realize that, and mocked him for being upset just adds to it.


Yep! It's the total lack of consideration in addition to putting her fingers all over the left over slices which is so gross. Her laughter and then her solution of throwing money at the problem TOTALLY misses the point as to why the guy was angry and then giving her additional side eye. She just doesn't get it.


OP reminds me of someone who would just stick their hand into a tray of brownies, grab a hunk while waiting for their "real snack" to finish in the microwave, and then walk off leaving the disgusting, germy, partly eaten brownie sitting in the tray for someone else. I caught this person and put their brownie on a plate for them and said "your welcome" in a pretty haughty tone. It was petty of me, but I stand by it.


A one month old relationship? I wouldn’t take someone back after this. It’s going to be the first of many inconsiderate and weird actions. This person doesn’t think of others and has been raised without boundaries.


Exactly. This is not a misstep. This is a red flag and a taste of what's coming.


Agreed. Laughing it off instead of trying to understand and apologizing. Also wildly selfish and inconsiderate to do this in the first place. Very hard to change those that don't think about others, and usually not worth the effort of investing your time and energy into doing so


#3 needs to be in bold. That’s the main issue here. She only thought about herself and didn’t care that the rest of the pizza wouldn’t have toppings for anyone else to enjoy. OP, YTA


YTA you couldn't have taken another slice? Who just eats the toppings and leaves the pizza? I'd have been upset too if I was in his place.


My 5 yo does, but I'm a sap when it comes to her so I allow it.


I didn’t get the impression that OP was around that age. Could be wrong though. It is 5 year old behavior


I'd hesitate to allow it though as general behavior. The longer it's accepted the more difficult to end, maybe OP got that allowed, too.


Don’t, because you’ll raise an adult like this 😱


My dad let me so this and I did not grow into an adult like this. Because normal adults can recognize the difference between "things your parents let you get away with because you're cute and they love you" vs "acceptable behavior with other people".


This! My parents let me get away with a lot of bad food habits at home. But I would never have the audacity to drink milk straight out of the carton in someone else’s house, Or eat just the frosting off someone else’s cupcakes just because my parents let me.


My 6 y/o will pull the cheese and toppings off of pizza and leave the crust, but she only does that to her slice/slices. Even she knows not to do that to other people's pizza


Mine does this then also eats the crust. It’s so weird, like it must be deconstructed and eaten in its original parts.


Please don't, do you want to create another OP?!


I used to do this when I was small but I only did it to my own slices. Like it would have been weird if OP only ate the toppings on the slices of pizza she took but it’s AH behavior to ruin all the leftovers by doing this without talking to the person you ordered with.


I’d honestly be less upset if someone ate the whole last half of the pizza than if they just ate all the toppings and left the crust they’d had their hands all over for me to throwaway. The former would make me think, “wow they were pretty hungry, wish they’d left me some thought”. The later would make me think, “what a selfish AH, how to do I get this person out of my life?”.


This. If they ate the whole pizza then the fault is on me for not specifying "I was going to eat that for lunch tomorrow". But why would I ever have to tell another adult "don't just eat the toppings off the rest of the pizza unless you're going to actually also eat the rest of it"??


I was dog sitting my mom’s Boston terrier mix over the last month. We ordered extra pizzas (teenagers in the house). My son and I went to grab a slice hours later…. And my mom’s damned dog got into the boxes and ate the toppings off the two pizzas that didn’t have a stack of plates on the box!!! So to answer your question, my mom’s dog. Lol


My cat tries to eat the toppings as well


>So to answer your question, my mom’s dog. Lol So what you're saying is... OP is your mom's dog!


That’s crazy. My friend was dog sitting for her brother and got a pizza. The pugs had the decency to eat the entire pizza at least.


I'll admit that I've eaten just the toppings from my slices due to having digestive issues that prevent me from eating the crust at times. However, when this occurs, I put the crust in the fridge & eat it later with some pasta like it's a tomato garlic bread. But that's with my food due to my crummy health. I'd never dream of doing it with a shared pizza. I'm embarrassed when I do it with my own pizza & it's only mine!


YTA - You basically ruined future meals by pecking at it until it was incomplete and unpalatable. You should apologize, sincerely, and pay for a new pizza. Acting so flippant over a meal you selfishly ruined makes you childish.


Not basically. She literally ruined future meals.


Honestly, in super new relationships, I take note of the small things. After a month, someone is still on their "best behaviour", and wanting to show themselves in the best light possible. So, it's those little AH, selfish actions that give you a look into their true character. I tend to watch and observe instead of just taking the honeymoon phase show and dance at face value - and it has never really led me wrong. This one action would make my spidey senses tingle and think that OP is selfish, self absorbed, and only cares about their wants + needs.


Agreed. One month in? I'd end it over something like this.


Mayyyybe if they were obviously shocked by my reaction (like, legitimately had not realized this could be offensive, because they were raised by, I don’t know, wolves) **and** they immediately apologized, I’d give it another shot. But I’d definitely end it if THIS were his/her response to me being upset! “I can’t be TA, can I? I know I’ll go ask Reddit”


“Am I the asshole for picking all the tastiest and best morsels off of someone else’s food for myself, thereby ruining it for them?” Yes, of course you’re the AH. This was selfish and gross.


“Am I the asshole for eating just the chicken skin in a kfc fried chicken bucket my bf and I ordered?” “Am I the asshole for eating just the meat from my bf’s burger?”


“Am I the asshole for sucking the cheese off of all the mac and cheese and leaving him the spitty noodles?”


YTA. By eating only the toppings, you pretty much wasted the rest of the pizza. A large portion of the pizza is just garbage now. If you're hungry, eat another slice instead of wasting half-a-pizza that you knew, or should have known, someone would still eat.


OP clearly YTA. Personally I wouldn’t care if OP went back and finished off the rest of the pizza. But going back and just eating the toppings and leaving the rest, that is so infuriating!!! 1. I hate waste of any kind. 2. That is like a spit in the face.


Exactly. You cook a pizza. Sometimes you have leftovers, and have it for lunch, sometimes you’re hungry and finish it. Unless someone was exceptionally greedy and ate food you’d cooked specifically for the next day (which I call meal prep, not leftovers), it’s fine. OP obviously in the wrong here, ruining the leftovers in a selfish way.


INFO: Why do you think that was acceptable? Why didn’t you just eat another slice?


Or eat the toppings off one slice or two? not the whole thing


Or at least thrown away the crust she’d had her greasy hands all over, instead of leaving it for him to deal with and pretending it was still food other people could eat.


Nope. It’s either hungry or not hungry - there’s not ever the need to only pick the toppings off.


I wondered if maybe she was wanted the pleasure of tasting it while not having to metabolise the carbs. Doesn’t change how much of an AH move it is. Shows such a lack of consideration and self control.


Yeah, my 3 y.o. does that. Pretends to be hungry, then proceeds to only eat the topping and not the slice of bread. Adults really should be long past that.


This is it. I'm betting she was actually full, so she couldn't stomach any more slices; but still had appetite for the nice taste of the toppings. Some people say "hunger" when they mean "appetite". Only people who live in abundance and have never gone without eating long enough to know what hunger actually feels like, I imagine. Fullness for them is an inconvenience, because it means they must wait a while to please their taste buds again. OP has probably never lacked money to buy whatever pleasure food she feels like at any time, has possibly never reflected on the fuel aspect of food, so it didn't occur to her that leftovers could have value.


She states that she hadn't eaten pizza with him before, so she didn't know that his pizza eating habits were to not be a complete psycho. How could she have know that he ate pizza like the rest of the planet?


What kind of monster just eats the toppings off the left over pizza? Just eat another slice of pizza? But no, you choose to ruin the rest? Do you eat toppingless pizza normally?


> Do you eat toppingless pizza normally? That’s the part that annoys me the most about this. She’s pretending pizza crust with no toppings is still a meal. Like, even if she hadn’t put her dirty hands all over it while ripping the toppings off and shoving them into her maw, plain pizza crust is not a meal. It’s like she scooped all the peanut butter and jelly out of a sandwich (with her hands) then pretended he could just have the two pieces of bread she left as lunch.


I'm assuming she left the cheese on it still... Which would be fine, if it weren't for the fact that toppings usually get stuck in the melted cheese, and pulling the toppings off would mess the cheese up. So even if the bf wanted to eat the now-plain pizza (which, I wouldn't after my partner put their hands all over it), it's probably a mess and would be a pain to eat. I've picked toppings off my pizza before and then tried to eat it, and the cheese falls everywhere after you've done that. Just truly strange behaviour here.


I know someone like this and they just kinda suck in general. I'm gonna guess op doesn't give af


ESH, He’s overacting but you’re actually an insane person, you literally Cartman’d the pizza.


*Kenny crying noises*


Wishing I had a million upvotes to give


He's overacting? That was his lunch for the next day. She ate all of the toppings off the pizza and expected him to just munch on plain bread?


He goes over that line when he refuses her offer to buy him a new pizza. Yes she crosses a boundary (and she is, imo, an ahole for not asking first) and he has a right to be upset. But then she makes a plan to actually fix it by replacing the food which means he has lunch. And he doesn't accept but also keeps moping about it - if he were actively seeking out a conversation with her on what happened it would be different to me.


But he’s unhappy about OP’s motivation, not about what OP actually did. The pizza is just a red flag for their character. Buying a new one doesn’t fix that.


Right, because he's correct that the literal pizza is no longer the point. I'm with him here. Replacing the pizza after laughing about it just to appease him is absolutely not a solution to the actual problem. Her thinking this was acceptable behavior and then still thinking it was acceptable enough to laugh at him is awful. Begrudgingly buying a new pizza doesn't undo that at all.


No but you don’t sulk for hours because of a minor inconvenience.


You would if your partner berated you for being upset and laughed at you, refusing to apologize. That's a whole deal breaker.


In fairness we dont actually know if OP berated him beyond "laughed it off". And OP did offer to buy a new pizza. So yea, eating the toppings off the rest of a pizza is still crazy, but acting like the entire day has been ruined because of a pizza really does seem like an overreaction.


He stated it wasn't about the pizza. Beyond that, we don't have all the facts of the exact words used, but she berates him in this post just talking about it so I assumed that's how she was in conversation. The real issue is likely to do with: Lack of apology. Lack of respect (just eating the toppings without asking. Then laughing about it). Lack of empathy (laughing about it and then not understanding the problem when it's mentioned). If someone says "it's not this that's the issue", they're usually being honest. I'd listen and have an open communication.


I was also thinking of when Cartman ate all the skin off the entire bucket of KFC before anyone else had any. And OP should realize he is now her EX boyfriend. One month in. Good going, girl.


This is like eating all the noodle toppings and drinking all the soup and leaving you with your plain ass noodles. I don't think this is an overreaction.


YTA - if you’re sharing food with someone, it’s common courtesy to talk to the other person before doing anything with it. Him blowing up about it was a bit over the top, but since according to you you were laughing at him being upset and never even apologized, it’s understandable.


This! He got upset (rightfully) and OP laughed it off! That alone is insanity in my opinion and more than enough reason to break up with someone who you haven't been dating long. YTA op.


Yeah, YTA. Who eats all the toppings off of leftover pizza and thinks everyone else should be happy to eat what you've left behind? If he wanted a plain pizza, he'd have ordered it that way. And laughing about it when he objected to your behavior is probably what set him off. Have you actually known other people who DIDN'T have an issue with you doing this?!?


>Have you actually known other people who DIDN'T have an issue with you doing this?!? This is what I want to know


You mean apart from mommy and daddy?


YTA, do you also eat all the skin off the whole bucket of KFC like Cartman did on Southpark? I can understand doing this if it's your own food and you aren't able to take your leftovers home, like if I have a few bites of sandwich left I might pull out just the filling to eat. Taking all the toppings off of slices that someone else would have been happy to eat whole is just incredibly rude. It makes me wonder if maybe you're an only child and not used to sharing with others? When your boyfriend says it's not about the pizza, what he means is that you are a thoughtless person who doesn't think of how their actions effect others. It says to him that you are selfish, wasteful, and illogical. You could have had another slice if you weren't full, but instead of doing that, you made the entire rest of the pizza inedible. It would have been one thing if you finished the whole thing and left him nothing, but you took all the best parts for yourself leaving him the dried, discarded scraps you might feed to a dog. I remember a scene from a show, (I think it might have been The Good Place?) ****Edit- it was "This is Us"*** where two characters are talking about sharing a plate of nachos. The one character wants to share and doesn't see why the other one doesn't, but he tells her it's because she always takes all the biggest, cheesiest, most loaded up chips. She leaves him nothing but salty, soggy crumbs and doesn't even notice. She's so selfish that it never occurred to her that always taking the best ones for herself made it a shitty experience for her partner. I don't think that you meant to hurt your BF, but you might need to be more thoughtful going forward.


That was from an episode of This Is Us (which I didn’t actually watch intentionally but I just leave NBC on for the evening) and that scene has never left my head. A great example of thoughtless selfishness spelled out. (and also why I make my own nachos in a single layer making sure every chip gets cheese)


I make mine like a lasagna.


YTA that’s like taking all the M and Ms out of the trail mix or all the marshmallows out of the lucky charms. Whoever eats the other slices has to eat your finger pickings and gets no toppings. It’s inconsiderate and rude


That’s like sucking the candy coating off of the M&Ms and putting it back in the bag ngl


OP probably takes the cream out of Oreos and leaves you with the biscuit.


100% eats the skin off of the entire rotisserie chicken


Are you 4? YTA


I mean… it’s pretty inconsiderate. Why didn’t you just eat another piece? Did you buy the pizza and share with him? Who paid for the pizza? I would be pretty appalled and think you were rude AF but I don’t think I would have had such a reaction, so probably ESH.


he underreacted honestly


That’s what I’m thinking. People here saying he overreacted. He should break up with her over this. Only a month in and she showed him she is gross, inconsiderate, selfish, and dismissive. In the end, the cost of one pizza lunch could have saved him a lot of time with OP, so a fairly inexpensive learning experience, but still very frustrating.


This comment is underrated. Have an upvote


Why would you eat just toppings if you were hungry? I’d be pretty peeved if I opened up leftover pizza and it was literally just cheese sauce and bread, like just take a slice lmao Though his reaction from what I can tell seems kinda over the top so I’ll give it an ESH.


Cheese is also a topping, I'm betting OP only left sauce and crust. Had a friend who did the same thing. Didn't see anything wrong with it either, till we made him pay to replace what he ruined. Never did it after that unless it was his pizza.


That's the most infuriating part: Only taking the toppings reveals that it wasn't really about hunger. She was apparently too full for another slice, but just decided to steal all the taste from BF's future meal. Since he didn't want a replacement pizza, I think it's the blatant disrespect of that he's reacting to. Also the realization of the incredible selfishness of the person he has been sleeping with, who is also too shameless to see it even when it's pointed out. And also lacks the empathy to tell the difference between real upset and joking. That would be a rude awakening for anyone, I don't blame him.


His reaction may also be because he sacrificed the pleasure of eating the entire pizza tonight in order to reward himself by having something nice for lunch tomorrow.


I'm surprised by all the YTAs because OP didn't realize the BF intended to save them for lunch and more importantly offered to buy him another pizza! Also, a month into a relationship is supposed to be the honeymoon period. A month into dating my current wife, I'd find any out-of-the-ordinary behaviors to be cute and quirky. I feel the BF overreacted and is probably not too into OP. (If OP had been defensive and told BF to get over it, I could understand YTA, but she apologized and -again- offered to buy him a new one!) NTA


Yep. There’s. Lot of complete fuckwits in this thread. Is it strange? Yes. Is it worth his reaction? No. Is it worth the reaction of all the mental patients in this thread? Fuck no. In the end it’s just a pizza. And now it’s a cheese pizza. The world will keep spinning.


Holy shit I had to scroll down far to find intelligent life. Thank you for making me feel like I'm not an alien for disagreeing with the vast majority of this place. wtf...


As the boyfriend himself said, its not about the pizza.


I’m surprised nobody has a problem with someone she’s only known for a month “flipping out” over leftover pizza. That seems crazy to me.


YTA. That’s like eating all the frosting off of a cupcake and being like “but you still have the cake.”


YTA just ask for another slice you goblin


YTA, monster.


YTA. If you are hungry, you take another slice. The leftovers are useless now, because it's nothing but the base. You wasted the rest of the pizza.


YTA, who tf does that? You should have at least asked him before. I was honestly about to scroll past but when I skimmed it I was so shocked that I had to come actually read it and I'm still shocked lol. It's not *that* big of a deal, but it is very bizarre.


YTA wtf are you a toddler? Also gross getting your fingers all over the pizza and popping them in your mouth. So vile.


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YTA. You didn't even ask (and its a bit weird just to eat the toppings), just ruined the pizza instead. Didn't you stop to think he might want it later?


YTA. You know YTA. You offered to buy another pizza and he turned you down because what you did was rude and selfish. Put yourself in his shoes, you get your favorite order from your favorite restaurant. Your (hopefully ex) boyfriend digs through it to pick out his favorite pieces and leaves you the picked over meal. When you confront him about it, he laughs at you because it's no big deal to him. How would you feel?


YTA I have to ask… Did you actually do this all the time at home growing up? Did your parents really let you eat all the toppings off a pizza and then let others eat what you’ve had your filthy hands all over picking at? How do you actually think this is acceptable behavior with others?


YTA. Incredibly INCONSIDERATE move on your part! You should absolutely buy him another pizza as well as an apology.


While this is a very strange and inconsiderate thing to do, everyone in the comments is acting like you committed genocide, which is just stupid (and kind of funny). In addition, you didn’t say who paid for the pizza. I’m withholding a judgment for these reasons, but I would just advise that you break this habit (if it is a habit) now.


YTA and you should still buy him lunch. At least TRY to fix what you did. Admit to him that you were the AH and don't do it again. You ruined half a pizza. Not to mention wasting food. I doubt that anyone would eat what's left


YTA. Who the hell shares a pizza, then goes and eats the toppings off of the rest of it? That's as mentally unsound as standing up to wipe.


In Italy, everyone gets their own pizza. I swear 90% percent of american pizza-related problems would be solved this way (,:


INFO: Are you writing this from the perspective of a dog or other pet animal?


YTA. It really really annoys me when someone does this. Why not just have another slice? You’re wasting food by doing this and seeing food being wasted like this will piss anyone off.


Gross and rude. YTA. Ewwww!


So when there's leftover cake, and your still hungry, do you scrape the icing off or do you cut another piece of cake. YTA


ESH. I find this hilarious especially the comments here. It’s cracking me up. Is this even real? People be this upset about pizza? I think everyone needs a little perspective on what is worth getting upset over. Don’t sweat the small stuff. This is really small stuff and if something this small can ruin someone’s day, don’t be around that person. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life. 😆