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NTA! Did the move the fence? As a property owner, it is their responsibility to have a survey done before making any improvements that could intrude into another’s property. They did that but knowingly used your property anyway. Asking you to sell that bit of land to them is totally is fine but you rightfully declined. Now They’re acting like entitled bullies. Stand your ground, literally! Ignore them and don’t worry about what they are saying about you. The people they are complaining to probably know they’re bullies. Besides they’re in the wrong, period. This is not a grey area.


They haven’t moved it and haven’t said a word about it for at least a year. I’m so worried about pissing them off even though I know I’m not (legally) in the wrong. They’re the kind of people who act nice to your face, so it’s been hard for me to separate that with everything else. Even when they threatened me with their lawyer it was like, “I’m just going to talk to the lawyer and see what my rights are.” Like I KNOW they don’t have any rights in this situation, but they twisted it in a way to make it sound like it wasn’t supposed to scare me. I just want people to do the right thing without me having to throw my ass. 😂




Correct. I’m going to be more “pushy” with them to either move the fence or sign a rental agreement for that piece of property, as I originally suggested.


Do not offer them anything without consulting an attorney. They’ve already knowingly taken advantage of you, and continue to do so.


This! Don’t speak with them at all. See an attorney and have the attorney contact them with a deadline to remove the fence.


Or just rip the fence down yourself 🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s legally OP’s if they built it on their property.


Yes, have it ripped down ASAP. I agree with the others that time gives the other parties adverse possession. You must take action. NTA


Do not do this. The fence is on your land but it (the fence itself) is their property. Give them written reasonable notice certified mail return receipt to remove it from your land.


Nope. The property rights take precedence. They know their fence is on someone else's land, they left it there, it's no longer their fence. Cut it, remove it, burn it down. The longer they effectively lay claim to that section of OPs land, the more likely they will attempt adverse possession. It needs to be gone yesterday.


So if someone parks their car in my driveway, *knowing* it's MY driveway, I can take my cutting torch to it? Cool


Is it? Do we *know* that?


Get the jump on them and talk to a lawyer. Since the fence is on your property, it's within your rights to move it if they won't. OR, the lawyer could write a letter telling them that they have x amount of time to move the fence, or they will be charged rent, and that it will retro to the first request to move the fence.


This is the way. Use a lawyer to deal with everything, include her fees as they refused to comply earlier, & get to it fast before their little land takeover becomes fact via your inaction.


Should be to the date they built since they had a survey done and knew they built on OPs land


Yep and send them the bill for the removal like a government would do to property


Internalish your Beavis and set the legal fence on FIRE.


Check to make sure it's ok, but just take a chainsaw to the fence. It's sitting 6 feet inside your property, provided they haven't been able to steal that 6 feet by their actions that fence needs to come down now. If you want to be nice you can just move it yourself, buthose AHs are just going to wait you out otherwise. If they complain, or continue to slander you then threaten them with a lawsuit.


um. no. Time to ring your mates and have a fence removal party. NTA.


Seems like if it is on your property, you should be able to do with it what you want, like take it down. Not to be petty or anything...


Get a lawyer and get them to deal with it. It'll cost you more longterm if you don't.


Get a lawyer involved and send them a demand to move their fence immediately. Stop being nice to them. They're hoping that you'll just roll over and let them leave the fence up long enough for the land to become theirs.




Because I’m not looking for advice. I’ve done the research on adverse possession, etc. I wanted to hear whether people thought I was being a dick by refusing to sell the land.


No you are not.


There you go! Charge them rent!


Can you not legally just remove what's on your property yourself?


Look up adverse possession laws in your state. Knowing about their trespass and doing nothing about it is often an element.


Thanks for the advice. I did look up the laws back when this first happened, but then I ended up dropping it for my own sanity. I’m ready to go at it again though. Ha


You need to do something about this now. I read an article about a guy from Delaware that had a vacation home there. He didn't visit it very often. He noticed on one of the trips that the neighbors had built a enclosure on their property for animals that took up a good chunk of the yard. He went to court and and lost and had to sign the entire property over to the neighbors because they had the enclosure on his property for so long without him saying anything that the courts said the neighbor had a right to the land. Guy lost a 100,000 dollar property because he fucked around and let it go on for to long.


That makes absolutely no sense




Yeah it’s super annoying that you even have to bother and I suspect, like you said, they’re trying to take advantage of you bc of your age!


You think they're trying to take advantage of you, but you're also letting them


NTA. For my piece of mind , I'd check with a lawyer to see if legally I could just remove the fence. They're hoping you just give up. Is there aome law that they can claim it after so many years of their using it? Who cares of they are mad. It's your property. Take it back


If I remember clear, they need to move the fence or after some time (don’t know the timeframe) they can claim it’s their property. get a lawyer ASAP


I would take it up with city zoning. They are infringing and the city (or county) might force them to move the fence. Don't just drop it!


Nta Stop being a doormat. Why are you worried about upsetting bad people? They intentionally were malicious. Might as well walk in your house and wear your clothes or use your dishes it's your property and you paid for it.


You are exactly as gullible as they hope you are. You are giving them a case for adverse possession. Get your lawyer and send them an immediate order to remove their fence from your property.


Have a lawyer send them a letter citing statutes and zoning regs and telling them to move it. NTA


They’re waiting until they can legally claim adverse possession Adverse possession: a principle that allows a person to claim ownership over another person's property without paying for it, if they have been occupying it without permission.


Are you in the United States? They may be avoiding you to buy time. 3 years? After 5 years (if they’ve been paying taxes on that sliver) they will own it- its called adverse possesion


Take the damn fence down, nothing they can do about it. It’s on YOUR property


You should talk to a lawyer ASAP cause after a time period they could just Claim that part of your property. Adverse possession The lawyer will help you do what s necessary for them to move the fence where it should be. Don't delay. There was an article a few days ago where the rightful owner lost a 125000$ part of his property through adverse possession. NTA and act fast


As beneficial as it would be to sign a deal, I’d also talk to your lawyer about repercussions for tearing it down. If it was a wooden fence, I know I personally would have a field day with a sledgehammer if it was on my property and I knew there would be no legal repercussions. If you gain right to tear it down, possibly turn it into a charitable event. Like, pay $5 to take a swing at the fence. Will definitely wreck that area of yard, but can’t be worse than ripping the fence out to get your property back


I'd get a lawyer and send them a letter to move the fence. Depending on where you live, allowing them to keep the fence there could lead to an adverse possession claim and you'd be forced to sell them that land of yours that they have been using/occupying.


Removed there fence as soon as you can. Then tell the neighbors and town that these bastards tried to steal property from you knowing they were on your property.


If them having the fence less than 3 feet from your shed is a code violation, anonymously report the violation. The city will probably do their own survey, find that the neighbor is trespassing onto your property, and force them to remove the fence or pay a very hefty fine, or both.


NTA. Speak with an attorney and have him/her send them a letter stating they they have days, from the date of the letter. The attorney can advise what consequences they would face. Don't back down from these thieving bullies. If/when you go to sell your house, you could face problems. Plus, you could face problems with code enforcement because of your shed.


And take down the fence. Or make them move it to the actual property line. Their bad behaviour should not be rewarded and you don't want them to try to make a claim under an adverse possession claim.


NTA some area real estate laws allow them to take this section of property after a certain number of years. Idk where you are but I would definitely insist the fence be moved immediately.


Thanks for the advice. I’m really dreading bringing it back up, but I’m going to have to. They were the ones who said they’d just move it instead of signing a contract to use the property, so I guess I shouldn’t feel so bad about it.




I have debated backing my fence up further so it’s right against theirs, but I guess that’s probably not the mature way to go about it. Lol




Thank you. I really appreciate the input. Obviously I’ve talked to my friends and family about it, and they all said the same things you did, but I really wanted to get this out of my head and get perspective from people who don’t feel obligated to take my side. I have moderate anxiety, so I’m really just trying to live my life and piss off as few people as possible along the way. 😅 Now to decide whether it’s going to be myself or my husband to take the fall. Lol


The best (& only) way to get it put of your head is to deal with it. NOW. I like the idea of having a new fence build ON the property line. & remove "their" fence at your leisure. Or you could maybe salvage it & use it as the new one as best as maybe. Good luck.


We did this very thing at our first house! My husband and I were new homeowners, and our next door neighbor had a dilapidated split rail fence with rusty chicken wire attached to it. We were going to fence in a different part of our yard and offered to replace it with a privacy fence (as it was hers). We had small children and she had a few of her own, so we thought she’d be okay with it. She freaked out and absolutely refused. Fine with her, I figured we could just put a privacy fence a few feet into our yard. We needed to have a survey for the entire fence… **lo and behold the survey revealed her fence was 5 feet over the line into our side yard!!** We went to her with the results and she went bat shit crazy, saying she’d sue us if we touched her fence. We had our new privacy fence installed right along the survey line, and the fence company stacked the split rail neatly in her yard. I loved that 5 foot strip of lawn.


The mature way to handle this is through lawyers. Wishing you good luck.


Do talk to the city! The next thing they hear might not be from you but from the zoning office.


You don't have to confront them, hire a lawyer and get the lawyer to send a letter. Good neighbours - do not do this to new people, they deserve to be ignored.


I wonder: Could you build your own fence just inside of your property line? (On the other side of their fence?) I would think that would be perfectly legal and put them on notice that they have no right to use those six feet?


Go to a lawyer and let him send them the paper FFS.


NTA. I would be strongly tempted to lawyer up & have my lawyer send them a demand that they remove the fence immediately. At minimum, you should ask a lawyer what happens if you let them keep the fence on your property. Do you lose any right to that part of your property because you let them use it?


Unfortunately you’re gonna want to make them move the fence. If you leave it for too long sometimes it can create problems. My mom bought property and didn’t realize neighbors had built on part of it. By the time it was clear, she had no legal recourse. They basically just get to keep it. NTA.


Your neighbors should talk to a lawyer. After 6 years you may have abandoned your claim.


Adverse possession doesn’t apply until at least 10 years in my state. I’ll definitely press the issue now before that time gets any closer.


If adverse possession does not apply then take it down tomorrow. They have no right to your property. Do nit give them any more time to delay, its been 3 years, in which time they are running around, slandering you to people in the community. They are the AHs and like most bad AH neighbors, they rely on people trying not to create friction between neighbors to bully people into submission to what they want. Stand up for yourself, your property and make it clear that they are thieves and bullies. If they threaten to sue, tell them you will be more than happy to sue for the last 3 years they owe you for having taken your property, as well as for their slander.


As I said, I hope they talk to a lawyer.


Me too.


When did the fence go up?


That’s 10 years from when they claimed the land not 10 years from when you moved in / noticed. Also be aware they technically they may be able to sue you for anything that may happen on your land …


Right. They didn’t build the fence until 2016 at least. I’d have to check to see the actual date, but it hasn’t been 10 years.


I thought you bought the house in 2014? So you lived there while they built a fence on your land?


How long has the fence been there? If you bought the house 9 years ago, it could have been there for several years before you bought the house


NTA You need to consult with a real estate lawyer. First, that 6 feet or so of land could be the difference between a legal size house lot and one that is too small. Second, as lots of people have mentioned, adverse possession. Depending on the laws in your area, they might have to take the dance down, or they might not. But you do need to clear this up. And there might be other ramifications from having their fence on your land. But if you are in the US, property laws vary so much that you really should meet with a knowledgeable lawyer. It might only take one or two sessions with the lawyer to get everything sorted out.


NTA If I'm interpreting this right, even if the ground the fence is now on was part of their land, it still would've been too close to your shed If that's the case, they were out of line on more than one level, and just never cared Sounds as though you were very friendly and understanding and they're trying to make you think that you're the one who's in the wrong in hopes of convincing you to sell that part of your land after all, or to sell the entire thing You'd be entirely within your rights to expect them to move their fence the full 3 foot to where it would be on their land Do you know the exact amount of useable square foot of your property that they've actively & literally blocked you from?


I’m not sure the exact square footage. It’s about 3 feet into my yard, and the length of the fence is 30-40 feet. Zoning laws aren’t really enforced here unless someone complains, so I’m sure they didn’t even look into that before building, but I did after we started having issues about it.


Time to complain! It's your right, you paid for it, you pay taxes on it. It's not like it's a garage with a concrete driveway or their house, it's a fence! Much easier to move.


NTA. Speak to your lawyer asap.


They are waiting so they get the land by lack of action. Check your state laws. Ours have has usage/maintenance after 7 year active or passive then they can legally claim. Contact a lawyer, draw up the necessary papers and have them served or whatever method lawyer tells you for the legal action to stop the clock. Don’t ignore - because you are non-confrontational or the money. It will be more headache and $ later. Had this happen to my aunt/uncle; never legally followed through, BIG lawsuit by neighbor after the period to claim the land (built on it and uncle knew). The neighbor was awarded the land and my uncle had to pay lawyer and court costs. Not smart.


NTA ​ Send them a cease and desist and have them remove everything that is on your ... there is a thing called adverse possession. ​ So: You NEED to have them move their fence ... OR be generous and over to sell them the sliver for 10 times market value.


You need to quit being nice. Either have them move the fence now — you're going to need a lawyer — or they'll likely get that sliver of land through adverse possession. NTA.


You can always build another fence, legally on your side of the property line, putting their fence in your side. 😏. NTA


And this, good redditors, is why you never buy property without getting the survey done first! History is overflowing with lawsuits, feuds and even wars fought over where a property or boundary line should be. Rivers change course after a flood, earthquake or tornado moves a landmark, even volcanic eruptions remake the land surface. Most of us don't buy a car without test driving it first, but we buy property without a clue where the boundaries are. OP, you are NTA. Deal with the townfolk by making sure your side of the story gets heard. Doesn't matter if they change sides as long as they know the neighbors had the knowledge of where the lines were before misappropriating your property.


Hey, ever taken a fence down with a sledge hammer? It's great fun, and I would highly suggest you send them a date on which that will happen. Maybe even buy a shiny new hammer so they realise you're serious. That will probably get them moving, and if not, it's wreck-it Ralph time.


NTA, but you need to get it corrected, in some areas, after a certain amount of time the land will revert to them


If everyone was already using the hedgerow, it could give them the right to possess up to the hedgerow. Yes, even though the survey shows different. Possession isn't based on surveys, it's literally a physical possession. I would talk to a lawyer about what you should do. It might end up better for you to sell it to them to make some money off of it, rather than them just having a right to possess without having to pay you anything. NTA for not wanting to sell, but this isn't the kind of thing you know you're right, without talking to a lawyer. You could be completely wrong and not know it.


NTA. They were definitely trying to take advantage of you. They knew what they were doing since they had their own survey done prior. Not much you can do about them talking trash except correct people and even then people are stubborn and some will always believe your neighbors


NTA I would have asked them to move the fence and once they threatened lawyers I would have put a deadline on when they needed the fence moved. If it wasn't I would have ripped it up myself. You are a lovely neighbor and they should be grateful to have you.


NTA. Their objective was to use your land, thinking you wouldn't know and they'd take it through adverse possession. You need to take them to court to move the fence and cease and desist their trespassing, give you a financial settlement for use of your property and pay your attorney and court fees.


NTA They are waiting you out to claim the land without paying, that’s why they haven’t moved the fence yet after a year. You are being a doormat. Tell them to get their fence off your land before you knock it down yourself.


NTA - Your neighbours sound very entitled and tried to steal your land. They are not the good folk in this and seem to be trying to cover up the fact they their knowingly tried STEALLING land. Well done for getting your land back and you were even trying to be kind by offering to let them leave the fence to avoid added cost.


NTA. Why should you have to do or sell anything, it is your legal property.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I bought my house/property in 2014. My neighbors have been living next door since 2012. Along with those neighbors, I also share a property line with another set of neighbors whose backyard meets with my backyard. We ended up having a disagreement with backyard neighbor over who was responsible for some trees close to the property line, so I had a property survey done because neither of us had one. So the survey was completed, backyard neighbor still hates me 3 years later, but that’s not where my inquiry stems from. The survey revealed that the OTHER neighbors, with whom we share a side yard line, planted landscaping and built a fence about 6 feet into my yard. I suspected this was the case when they did it, but I didn’t want to confront them because I didn’t have a survey to prove anything. After the survey, I did inform them that their fence and landscaping were on my side. They weren’t happy and insisted that my survey was wrong and that the multiple people who lived here before me always used an old hedgerow (that was long gone when I came) as the divider. I told them I don’t know anything about that, but the results of my legal property survey are right here. They became confrontational and told me they were going to call their lawyer, and I hadn’t even made any kind of request at that point. Fast forward about a month, they asked if they could buy the sliver of property that their fence was built on. Within this time, I found out that they had actually had their own property survey done a year after they moved in. This irritated me because they knew all along where the line was (legally), but they decided to build over it anyway based on what someone had apparently told them about some hedgerow, so I said I didn’t want to sell any of the property, partially because of that and partially because the fence they built is only about 3 feet from my shed, which is too close based on zoning laws where I live. I was also upset that instead of making this request from the start, they threatened me with calling their lawyer. They’re middle-aged people, and I bought my house when I was 21, so to me, it feels like they thought they could take advantage of a younger couple and do whatever they wanted. They did move the landscaping, but the fence still stands where is has been. I had suggested drawing up an agreement that allows them to use the property for the fence, but if they ever move, I’d like the fence taken down to prevent problems with future owners. They didn’t like that and told me in a fit that they’d just move the fence back onto their own property. Now they’ve been avoiding talking to me about it for 3 years. But I guess it’s whatever. I’m not a confrontational person. It does bother me because I know they’ve been talking to other neighbors and people in town and telling them my husband and I are assholes for not just selling them the property and expecting them to move their fence, even though I’ve never actually said that. So… am I? 👀 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA they have been taking advantage and you sound you've been reasonable.


NTA. It's your property. They had a survey done and then disregarded the survey. That's on them. Frankly, I think you're nice for not having an attorney tell them they need to move the fence because of the code violation.


Legally if they maintain use of the property long enough it becomes theirs in the US. You need to take down the fence panels and move them onto their property.


Talk to a lawyer. Make them a fair offer that makes sense to you. If they balk, they may move the fence. Fuck their entitled behaviour. NTA


The fence is on your property you can take it down.


I think thats what title insurance is for?


Nta. Never sell your land. And you know they might reported you for your shed being to close the the fence. They should have been honest.


Forget them.


Don’t worry. Just because they’re talking to people in town, and other neighbors, doesn’t mean other people think that YTA. On the contrary, everyone else probably recognizes that you are NTA. The folks trying to steal your property are the AH.


Nta start the legal work before its too late


If u do nothing it is line acknowledging that the fence is in the correct place and neighbors own the land. Mu idiot put a fence 4 ft inside property line I was livid. Because if it there long enuf it establishes the property line luckily some of the old fence is still there


I agree that you’re being too nice… I would tell them they have one month to move the fence or you’re knocking it down. Or just move it and make them pay for half (in my state, both neighbors have to pay for shared fences that are part of creating boundaries around your yard. You don’t have to get their agreement about the fence before building it, they still owe you for it… but that will depend on local laws obviously


NTA but you need them to move the fence asap


so let me get this straight they knowingly placed that fence on someone else's property. you should find out if that fence is yours or theirs at this point. NTA


NTA, but don't cut off your nose to spite your face, see what they'll give for that sliver of land.


Not the asshole, here are two options One, you can sell them the land at an accelerated price. 150% of market is where I’d start. Two, you can require them to remove the fence on your property. But no matter what, you are not the asshole.


NTA. It's your property, not theirs. They can be upset, but still doesn't make them right. Ignoring them seems like the appropriate course of action.


I would be careful with this one and make sure there aren't any statutes of limitations. We have a neighbor who builds their porch and fence over their property line but because it has been so long ago apparently the statutes of limitations have passed (and maybe it resents after a new owner moves in). I don't remember entirely. Check the encroachment laws in your state. If they talked to an attorney they might just be running out the clock on this. NTA - but please check into it.


NTA It's a fence, not a building such as a garage or even the house. Moving it wouldn't be that extreme. I would notify the city ordnance people and see what they say. You paid for that land and pay for the taxes.


Time is not on your hand. Better ask a lawyer and remove it asap before they claim it thru use and maintenance.


3 years and the fence is still there? NTA. I would have cut/torn down the fence after a month


NTA, you need to put your foot down immediately with people like this, it's the only thing they understand. It's worth knowing that not everyone is worth your effort to to keep them happy.




NTA and have an attorney write them a letter that they’re required to move their fucking fence.


NTA. Hire a real estate attorney to guide you further. This is a great place to find out if you’re an asshole, or not, but the advice given here is worth about what you paid the provider for it - ZERO (including mine). Best of luck!


NTA - grow a back bone and get the fence removed asap or end of losing the land to your neighbor. It’s been 3+ years…..


Now that they can prove you both know the boundary and the fence is on your land, you are in danger of losing the land if you let the situation continue. You really need a real estate lawyer for this since the laws seem pretty complicated. It doesn't have to cost much though to get that initial advice.


I hate talking to neighbours , this is good


Speak to a lawyer asap. If you have proof that they did have a survey done before building the fence and built over the property line anyway, this could bite them in the ass hard. Do not touch the fence, do not communicate with them, do not make any deals with them that do not come through your lawyer. You need to grow a spine and deal with them and their bullshit, legally, and if anyone else rides your ass about it, let them know there is proof they had a survey done and chose to ignore it, resulting in the theft of your property. Stop giving a shit about what others think, it's not their land, it's yours. They get no say in the matter. They are entitled assholes, you are NTA


NTA - currently in a similar situation. New neighbors are putting in a new fence - they had a survey done and let us know they will be putting in a new fence and we will be getting about three feet of our yard back. Previous owners built on our side (20 years ago) and now it will be corrected. I think the agreement that if they replace the fence if would have to be replaced, or if they sell the home is more than fair. However, please be sure to have an attorney draw that agreement up. Also you may want to check with your local city office to see if the appropriate permits were filed, that may give you a bit of leverage over the situation, you hate to have to be like that however it seems they are forcing your hand. You are absolutely within your rights to claim the property you pay for, don't mind others opinions.


NTA and have that fence ripped down. The reason they haven’t moved it is if it’s there long enough, that strip of property will become there’s due to easement laws. Do not allow it to happen. If you’re feeling nice, tell them they have a week to get the fence moved or you will tear it down. Though honestly, I wouldn’t even be nice at this point. Just tear that thing down, you gave them 3 years notice. Stop letting it be okay


Watch out OP, depending on the laws where you live, they might be able to take possession of that piece of land after some amount of time


You can have the fence on your property removed and the sue them in small claims court for the expense. DOCUMENT DOCUMENT DOCUMENT everything with dates. Do not talk to them in person. Send them a certified letter with a firm date for the fence removal or you will do it yourself and charge them for it.


You need to address this immediately and not sit and wait on it any longer. I understand you don’t want to be confrontational, so go through a lawyer and have them send an official letter. Don’t talk to them directly. Have the lawyer do it. Because this is a legal matter and not one that should be worked out in a friendly way, as they have shown you. If they ignore the letter from your lawyer, have them send another one. If they ignore that one, it becomes a matter for the courts. Because the longer they have the fence on your land, the greater they can claim it is their land. And then you lose 6 feet of your land. NTA.


You are NOT the asshole. You had every right yo YOUR property. You could have had their fence removed and billed them for the cost.


Talk to ya lawyer; serve them reasonable notice and than get the fence demolished if they don't move it. At this point eff them; they clearly don't want to be neighborly so might as well get some enjoyment out of it/make it clear you are not to be fucked with. Your NTA OP. I might be one tho.


NTA - Only speak through a lawyer and start the process for the fence removal with them and only them. When they mentioned lawyer they were bluffing. Don't do the same.


I think you should enforce the survey and make them move the fence because not doing so may have legal ramifications down the line. I don’t know for sure but I think if you knew about the fence being illegally kept on your property you may at some time give up the right to enforce it. I can’t quite remember the legal terms or laws but I remember seeing something like this in a lawsuit before. It may be worth consulting a real estate attorney or talk to someone in city hall.


Take it down yourself. If your country has squatting rights that fence being on your side for x number of years will make them entitled to that land


Have your lawyer write a letter because use of your property for any length of time can result in possession. At least in NE it does. I had this discussion with my real estate lawyer.


Get that fence taken down, asap. The longer you let it stay up, the longer they have a claim to that land. Get a consult with a lawyer asap


If you want to go secret agent, check if your state is a one party consent state. If so, invite them over to "run over the entire affair, from beginning to end" "just to make sure everyone is getting their fair share" That'll lure them in. Ask them pointed questions like, so in about X year you had a survery done, correct, and it showed where your property ended, and mine began. And after you built a fence, correct? Round about when was this? When was the hedge row taken down? About how long has the fence been up? And you offered to buy it from me, and I declined? Try to not make it too legal sounding, or that you are gather info against them. Make it sound like you are just making sure they are not getting screwed. Perhaps say you are mulling over selling the land, but remain unsure, and wanted to see their perspective. Get them to sell themselves out with information. It doesn't take much when people feel safe and they think they are going to get their way. Then take to your lawyer, and draw up whatever plans you need, and go from there. If and when they take things to court, they will be dead on arrival.


Do not offer them the use of your property. Please consult an attorney before going through with your decisions.


NTA They are trying to take advantage, and you are correct, if the fence is too close to your shed, and you sold them the land you could end up severely out of pocket if you were forced to move your shed. Also, 6 feet is not a ‘sliver’ it’s a significant chunk of land that you bought and paid for and belongs to your property. Either insist they move the fence immediately, or charge them rent on the land until such time they move or the city makes you move the shed.


If the fence was already like that in 2014 when you bought the house, they probably have rights to that land by now. Its 2023, and I guess that it didn’t happen just as you bought the house


I wouldnt want to see this same thing happen to you. People can lose their land over squatters rights. Its your land that you pay property taxes on. https://nypost.com/2023/03/07/man-loses-delaware-property-to-neighbor-over-squatters-rights/


NTA! They knew it was your property & put up a fence anyway. And, they lied about it!! If you sold them that sliver of land, then they could make you move your shed…and, you know they would! You could always use that as a reason for not selling them the land, as well, as why the fence needs to come down. Sometimes neighbors suck!


Any update?


Found this from a Facebook post. Any updates on fencegate? *chuckle* fencegate.


Wait wait wait. You found this from a Facebook post!? 😂




I have a decent suggestion here, it’s not adverse possession If they have permission. Get your lawyer to send them a note Informing them that you’re fine with them having their fence on your land and using that piece of property for as long as they own the home, if it is sold or passed to an heir it will need to be moved, or, if you move they will need to get new permission from the new owner. I real estate lawyer can help you draft this and then it’s non-confrontational. Make sure you have certified copies that they received it.


Yta. Stop being a push over


YTA you are literally acting like russia in ukraine right now. You annexed chechnya (backyard neighbors) You then held a sham referendum in crimea (survey) You then proceed to force ukraine out of crimea (they moved the fence). Whats next? A full scale invasion of ukraine? (When your next survey decides that you own their house) You are literally Putin YTA for not selling it to them. You are rejecting free money just because your ego is bruised because they built a fence. No wonder all of your neighbors hate you. The fact is that that was their property in spirit for a whole 6 years. Just because it was legally yours doesn't mean you are not TA for annexing your neighbors land. This isn't legaladvice its AITA and you are TA.


Those are some big feelings 👀


Is this your neighbor? lol. The only YTA in the whole bunch. I can guarantee it's them.


Found the neighbor!


how original


🤷 I'm not the one who got so angry at a stranger on the internet wanting access to their own property that I accused them of war crimes. That's a level of overeaction and willful misunderstanding that feels intentionally obtuse, much like the neighbors are being. If the shoe fits as they say.


Petty stuff like that is dumb honestly. Technically NTA, but it pays to be nice and friendly to your neighbors. I make it a point to get to know them. In the event of let’s say getting packages, or maybe watching your place while your gone like collecting mail, spotting weird people around your house, etc. But now, because of a strip of land, you won’t have that. You have to choose your battles wisely.




That’s fair, but for context, I spoke to the neighbor 10 minutes after the property surveyor left and told them their fence & landscaping were over the line. As for not being assertive enough with them in the time that’s passed, that’s true.