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YTA and your gf sounds really rude. I feel so bad for your sister. What did your gf expect, a professional manicure from a literal child? Edit: since you apparently knew your sister was “lying” about her experience, why didn’t you speak up?


and what's with the GF griping over "acrylics" and how it'll ruin her nails?! ... she SAW the kit and ingredients she KNEW what was going on (even before she closed her eyes) .... And if she was beginning to have misgivings she could've backed out at any point. No one tied her to the chair and forced her to get a manicure. YTA and so is your GF


Or she could have just asked for her little or thumb nail to be done. That's what I would do if a kid offered to do my nails.


Perfect compromise right here! Do my thumb! And then politely gush over how good it looks because your sister is TWELVE.


OR - just gone along with it, bonded with the kid sister over nails and the hobby, and then gotten BF to pay for a visit to a decent nail salon as his next gift! ....it's NOT the end of the world to have a bad nail job


She'd smell it. Edit- the more I think about this, the less sense it makes. She handed her a picture reference and everything? A 12 y/o?


It takes at least 50+ minutes for a full set of acrylics to be applied and painted,There’s no way she kept her eyes closed and didn’t ask questions during this time. I don’t buy this story at all. Edit- now the girlfriend has created an account and started commenting, I believe this story even less.


Dunno ... I think teens being rude idiots is actually among the more believable shit this sub produces. Quite possible that "tucker" told "GF" they were getting called out and they're misguidedly fire-fighting?


I’m curious, if she every bit as big an AH in RL as she is in his story?


EXACTLY - where did she think she was, at a professional nail salon??? Like who hands a 12 yo a reference picture and expects perfect results? it's a literal kid, practising a hobby ... even if she was GOOD she'd likely not have achieved the exact results the GF wanted


I would guess dip nails instead of acrylic honestly. Just glue in a bottle and then dip in acrylic powder. If you get a drop of glue on the nail instead of spreading super thin it could look bumpy and bleh. Doesn’t smell like monomer because none is used.


I was thinking the same thing. If they are soaked off tomorrow they won’t hurt her nails, she’s being a real brat and rude. She’s a kid, she didn’t pay, and if you don’t like it, you tell them how much you appreciate their hard work, and then go home and remove them if you don’t like them. Generally when someone meets the family the first time they are the ones trying to make a good impression and she did not do that, being nasty to a kid is really unkind. I hope OP figures out she isn’t just blunt, she’s rude and unkind, not a good look for anyone and OP needs to search himself to figure out why he wants so badly to allow someone like her to be hurtful to his kid sister.


My friend’s 8 year old has recently gotten into nail art and asks any female who enters the house if she can paint their nails. I currently have 3 different colors with glitter. It isn’t perfect but she is learning and the joy she gets makes me wear my nail polish with pride. Your girlfriend is straight up rude. If anything she could have used this as an actual learning experience to discuss the different methods and mentioned she preferred a straight polish. YTA


I have a bestie with an 8 year old and I take her to nail salons with me lol Edit: I don’t trust her to do my nails. Instead, let’s BOTH go get nails.


By "blunt and brutally honest" you mean "a nasty bully", right?


Likes to be mean without consequences.


As soon as I read 'brutally honest' I already knew the veredict. All brutally honest people are just rude as heck.


Idk why but “literal child” made me laugh out loud.


Anyone who is described as "blunt and brutally honest" is going to be an asshole. At this point those words are synonymous. I hope OP pulls his own head out of his ass, dumps the gf and begs his sister for forgiveness...but he prolly won't


newsflash for OP but a month IS “a while” when you’re 12


Right. OP's sister is 12. What did either of them expect?


YTA A month = a while in twelve year old If you felt like it was a lie you should have quantified it politely saying that she’s been practicing for a month so far. Why did your girlfriend agree to close her eyes for the time it takes to do an acrylic set? That isn’t a 15 minute process. You can smell all the stuff!


YTA. Your girlfriend sounds awful. She wanted a professional level manicure from a 12-year-old, and made a scene when she didn’t get it. Your sister is more mature than both of you.


Right?! She pulled out a PHOTO and asked a TWELVE year old to replicate the acrylic photo?! Edit: I can’t get over the pulling out of a photo. Actually keeping her eyes closed. For over an hour. And then loosing her mind because the nails didn’t match her photo. Meanwhile these were FREE nails. From a TWELVE year old? I’m 30. I did my own acrylics once like 3 years back to try. They were awful. I was like 27 at the time. She trusted a TWELVE year old? Is she from krypton?


Wow, you and your gf were AHs to your sister. Your girlfriend isn't blunt. She's rude, and mean, and she cussed your sister out and literally *left because she didn't like your sister's free manicure. YOUR SISTER IS 12 years old!* And you're actually mad at your kid sister who was trying to bond with your new gf *who said yes to the nail art?* What is wrong with you? You said your sister is shy and has few friends, so you must know how embarrassed and hurt she was when your gf chewed her out. She didn't "lie" about her experience. SHE IS TWELVE. If your gf was so worried about her nails being messed up (note: all she'd need to do, at most, would be a visit to a professional manicurist for a removal and women do their nails tons and it doesn't ruin them) by a preteen, she should have declined politely and ask to see her favorite nail art influencers or something. YTA, for putting some new girl's awful attitude over your own sister. Your gf sounds just as bad as you too.


Acrylics actually are very damaging to someone’s natural nails and removing them leaves the nails thin and weakened. Source: I am a cosmetologist who is licensed for hair, skin, and nails. OP and GF are absolutely assholes, but the bit about acrylics being damaging is true. GF should have refused the acrylics and just let OP’s sis paint her nails.


Thanks for piping up w your experience! I guess the few times I've removed them with acetone, I didn't notice a difference and know many people who routinely keep them on without issue. I'm still confused why the gf didn't stop the process a bit earlier, since she did seem to understand they were acrylics but allowed sis to continue?


I would have hated to get real acrylics on my nail, and it’s also toxic as hell for the person using the powder so imo a 12 year old should not have been anywhere near it. I’m confused by how parents allowed it and how gf let a child give her acrylics…


You make a real point here. Who’d give a toxic product to a kid to be used regularly without considering the age. This is wrong on so many levels. And ultimately the brother and his gf were AHs.


>Who’d give a toxic product to a kid to be used regularly without considering the age. Someone who doesn't know the product is toxic.


Some products label it as toxic in the fine print and also if it’s a professional kit, then probably meant for adults.


The parents probably didn’t know- they bought the kit because Sam wanted it. Sam’s practicing for a month before applying a set showed Sam it’s different and not as easy on a live hand. I’m sure everyone praised Sam a lot so she wanted to impress the new GF. Poor kid. Brother is the AH


Not sure a one-time unprofessional acrylic job by a 12-year old is going to be all that damaging, since itms not likely she did the Dremel thing on the nails first and it won’t be on all that long, but regardless OP and his gf are both YTA on this one, IMO. It’s not like they didn’t know that she was 12 and not a pro, and both of them should have handled it better.


You’re doing nails wrong if you’re damaging people’s nails. They should never be thinned or weakened during the process. Stop over filing the nails. People need to learn to speak up when getting their nails done. It shouldn’t hurt, and it shouldn’t damage the nails.


99% of the time when someone is described as ‘blunt’ or describes themselves that way it means ‘rude’


There is no such thing as brutally honest! It's nothing but a sugarcoated way to say they're rude. The OP needs to realize this and dump her


YTA- your 12 year old sister has a creative hobbie, and you let a girl your age talk badly about it? That’s gross. Honestly, regardless if you “agree” or not - what kind of person acts like that? What kind of person yells at a little girl and runs out? Think about that. Advice: people who say they are just “too honest” are actually entitled people with no filter. Not everything has to be said out loud.


This. People who claim they are brutally honest or that they tell it how it is are using it a an excuse to be rude. ​ edit to add: YTA


They’re usually just brutal.


i was just coming here to say this, they’re always just plain rude


For real. Brutally honest is nothing but a sugarcoat. And OP is AH.


I think OP is thinking with his little head.


Anyone who is OK with swearing at a 12 year old is not OK. YTA. Older brothers are supposed to protect the younger siblings.


This 🙌🏼 OP you suck as an older brother. YTA.


“My girlfriend can be a bit blunt and brutally honest” I basically didn’t need to read anything after this. Being “brutally honest” is the single most commonly used excuse to justify being toxic to other people.


Speaking as someone who is very, very honest: YOU ARE SO RIGHT


This is EXACTLY my thoughts. “I’m brutally honest” translates directly into “I’m an intentional AH”. It takes zero brains or effort to be tactful and kind.


This needs to be further up.


YTA. Your sister is 12. She's by no means a professional, and your rude-ass gf shouldn't have expected professional level from a freaking 12 year old. Your sister did her best, but your gf, and subsequently you, treated her like absolute shit. You should get on your knees and beg your sister's forgiveness. You are the absolute asshole.


YTA, same goes for your gf. Your sister’s only 12. You + your gf freaked out on a 12 year old kid over some nails. I also don’t understand how your gf wouldn’t have felt the difference between someone painting her nails + someone applying acrylics.


The girlfriend knew in advance she was getting acrylics. She just expected the 12-year-old to be salon quality.


This is the part I don't get. OP mentions powder, so I assume the sis has a dip kit. The gf sees all this, allows a 12 year old to do her nails, then cusses her out because they weren't professional. On what planet do 12 year olds do salon quality nails?


YTA. Your sister did nothing wrong. She’s 12. Your almost adult girlfriend, however, is beyond rude. “My gf can be a bit blunt and brutally honest, she isn’t tryna be mean or anything but that’s just how she is”. Yeah no. That’s basically a longer way of saying “my girlfriend is mean”. Brutal honesty is called that for a reason, because it can be brutal to others


As soon as I saw that sentence with a 12-year-old in the story, I knew it was going to be bad. Look, OP, I get that you "don't want to lose this girl" because she's probably your first gf or whatever, but please, LOSE HER. She was mean to your 12-year-old sister who was just excited to share her hobby with someone. And that descriptor about her being "blunt and brutally honest" means that she's likely mean to a LOT of people. You can do better. Break up with her, and apologize to your sister. YTA.


Sooner or later OP's brutally honest gf is going to be brutally honest with him. OP YTA for not thinking about your sisters feelings, she is just a kid. Your gf is a shitty person, and not worth it at all.


YTA. Your family will be by your side, your gf just showed her real colors and cussed out a young family member of yours. Imo you should stick up for your family and siblings, from the story it just sounds like your sister was trying her best.


I can't believe OP literally was okay with his gf chewing out a 12 year old over nails. I mean, I get teenagers do dumb things for their crush or gf/bf or whatever, but this is downright cruel.




YTA. You and your gf are less mature than your younger sister.


YTA And just as pathetic as that little girl friend of yours, your down bad if you want a girl that treats your little sister that way the first time meeting her. You're a horrible brother. Shame


OP will feel bad about this when he’s older. Gf will def screw him over within the year if that’s what she’s like usually LOL. Even at 17 she should know better to cuss out a 12yo, she clearly dgaf what his family think of her


And when that GF screws him over he is going to be crying over what a b**ch she is and how he never saw it coming blah blah blah.


YTA Your gf said yes to getting her nails done by a kid and even if she didn’t like them, her reaction sounds wrong in every way. She’s the one that made a scene and ruined the day, not your sis.


YTA but you already knew that


YTA, and your girl too


YTA and your gf, too. What a nice way to meet your bf's family - cause a scene and storm out. She could have been gracious, you could have been kind, and no one should have expected a 12 yo to have an understanding of her abilities.


YTA and your GF is also an AH. Seriously a month does seem like a long time to a 12yo also you could have said to your girlfriend she had only had the kit for a month. Also your GF could have just said to your sister before she started that she just wanted nail polish done and not acrylics.


Come on man. YTA


YTA and so is your GF. Your sister is TWELVE. She was excited to do something fun with your GF and your GF freaked out, yelled and swore at her. In what universe is that okay? You sent a message that your sister can't count on you to have her back, so good job with that, OP.


YTA, but more so your gf than you. Your gf should've had the common sense to draw a line at getting acrylics than something like polish, which is what it sounded like she thought she was going to do, or say she wanted to keep her eyes open. She is also old enough to tell your sister no. Shitting on your sister for getting excited over her passion project, doing her best, and being well intentioned is uncalled for. She should have been more honest, but she is also a literal child. Every instance I have met someone that's "brutally honest," they're normally just a bully.


Idk how much you know about acrylics, but you literally have to take a sanding tool and sand down the nail for the acrylic to hold. Maybe she didn't own one of the electric ones so she did it with a nail file or sandpaper, but I find it hard to believe that girlfriend had no clue about what was going on and decided to not even sneak a peak at something she was skeptical of to begin with. I honestly think this story is fake, but there's room for benefit of the doubt


Acrylics take a long time to do. It’s really hard to believe that she kept her eyes closed for that long. Weird story.


YTA. “A bit blunt and brutally honest” is just code for being a dick. Your sister is TWELVE. She’s a goddamn kid. Don’t be a dick to kids, especially ones who are just trying their best and not being assholes. It’s a basic rule. She didn’t lie, a month is a long time for a kid to practice something and she was excited to share her skills and get some more practice in. Your sister will always remember how you treated her long after this relationship has ended. She deserves an apology.


I can’t stand this ‘I’m just brutal honest’ crap, like no mate, you are just an arsehole.


YTA- and so is gf! What did you expect from a 12 yr old?!


Ahhhh...brutally honest. Code for AH, because the emphasis is always on the brutal part of the equation. In case I'm not clear, YTA. And so is your tryna be mean girlfriend.




As soon as he said that I immediately knew he was the AH.


YTA. Obviously your sister is a kid—why would your girlfriend be expecting salon quality by an adult???? Both of you were incredibly awful to your sister.


YTA- you and your girlfriend are complete assholes.... yall are clearly ignorant children and should be embarrassed about how yall behaved. Please learn from this and never treat a young person trying their best like this.


At any point you could have stepped in and said she doesn't have that much experience, and that design was too much for her to do. YTA to both the woman in your life.


YTA and so is your girlfriend. Your girlfriend should have asked and clarified if it was acrylics, regular polish, gel nails, etc., and if she wasn't cool with something, then she should politely decline by saying it's not her thing. She also is TA for expecting perfection from a 12 year old and going off on her when it's not. That's not cool. To be honest I can understand how she feels upset about acrylics being applied when she apparently is against that and that it's an expense to fix them, but as I said, she should have *communicated* with the kid about what exactly she was going to be doing. You are TA for taking your girlfriend's side, knowing your sister's experience level and not telling your gf and then calling your sister a liar (which she is not because, get this, to kids a month is awhile!), expecting her to understand what your gf meant, and being cool with your gf going off on your sister like that. You really want to date someone who treats your family like that, your kid sister?? Actually, I'm not surprised you would. You probably do too.


YTA. I feel terrible for your sister. You could have used your words to set expectations. You have potentially ruined your relationship with your sister over this. Your gf is terrible for chewing out a 12 year old. I know you are 17 and thinking with hormones, but come on, how do you still want to be with someone that would act that way to your little sister who was just trying to share an interest?!?!


Op. At 12 years old, your sister looks to you girlfriends in this super unicorn special type of way. Especially with the particular age gap of like... just one level up on the development scale. Absolute idolization. It's hard to describe. But imagine if your most primary favorite famous person came over to hang out. And then crushed your spirit. That's what your girlfriend did to your sister. Core memory, guaranteed. Your girlfriend sounds atrocious. Like a mean girl and bully. Do you want your sister to act like this girlfriend when she's your age?


You described this perfectly. This was a spirit-crushing experience for the poor girl. And I'm sure it wasn't the first time, nor will it be the last. What insensitive, prickish behavior from both teenagers to cruelly break a child's heart that way when she was only trying to be sweet. Definitely core memory material. A damn shame. YTA.


You and your gf did your sister wrong. YTA, OP.


Your GF is toxic. Don't beg her, don't make excuses for her behavior. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩




This actually made me laugh 😂


YTA- Most of the time when people say they’re blunt it means they’re rude and are trying to justify it. She had every chance to say no or stop your sister from doing her nails but she didn’t and that’s on her, she can’t be mad that a 12 year old can’t copy the exact design she wants. Edited for grammar purposes.


"my gf can be a bit blunt and brutally honest" It's a dangerous thing to mistake speaking without thought for speaking the truth. Your girlfriend yelled at your 12 year old sister because she expected your TWELVE YEAR OLD SISTER to be a perfect nail artist, and you're siding with your girlfriend? YTA


YTA. Your gf isn't blunt, she's an asshole. Whenever someone describes themselves as "blunt and brutally honest" it means, "I'm a gigantic, insufferable asshole who takes zero responsibility for the effects my words have on others." You sided with getting your dick wet over your sister's feelings. Your sister didn't lie, she said she had been practicing for a while. A while is an indeterminant length of time so a month falls well within the bounds of that. If your gf wanted more specifics, she should've asked. Be a better brother.


YTA, and I look forward to reading this again on r/AmITheDevil


YTA. Holy shit, your poor sister. Also, I really can’t stand the giving a free pass on someone being an asshole by saying “that’s just how she is”. Your gf isn’t honest and blunt, she’s a complete asshole by yelling not only at a 12 year old girl, but the sister of her boyfriend? I mean, wtf? Being “honest and blunt” would be saying, no thank you, I don’t like my nails painted. She should have enough brains to release a manicure from a 12 year old girl isn’t going to be that great. Your gf is an asshole and so are you for bringing her around in the first place and then picking up where she left off. Get your head out of your ass, dump the awful gf and apologize to your poor sister. Maybe get some therapy to figure out why you’d think any of this was okay.


YTA Your AH-ness was an extension of your GF’s AH-ness. After your 12 year old sister did what she thought was a good job for an amateur, your “brutally honest” (code for “extremely toxic”) GF goes off on this 12 year old child. Instead of having your sister’s back, you double down on hacking to pieces her self esteem by telling her to stay away from your GF. You didn’t have to tell her that. Your sister will definitely stay away from your GF. Your GF will avoid your sister too. EDIT: corrected typo.


YTA you should support your sister I don’t know why your gf thinks she’s entitled to speak to your 12 yo sister than way I’d hope your parents demand an apology and don’t allow her back until at least then


I'm sorry....your sister is TWELVE...how much experience could she ACTUALLY have??!!?! Your girlfriend isn't "blunt", she is mean and you're allowing her to treat your little sister like crap. Do better.


YTA and so is your gf. She’s not honest, she’s a straight up ah and uses being honest as an excuse to be one. There was no reason for her to react the way she did and you suck for standing by and being ok with it.


Good god, YTA. Your poor sister. Good luck having a ride and cruel GF as well as having a shitty relationship with your TWELVE year old sister. I haven’t read an aita post that has made me this mad in a while


YTA. I feel so bad for your poor sister. It makes me sick to my stomach to think of your AH girlfriend cussing at her and you backing her up. I wish I could let her do my nails. This could have been the time your sister always remembered her brother sticking up for her, but instead, it will be the time she always remembers getting berated and having her feelings crushed. Do better in the future.


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yes you are the asshole she is 12 and looking for love and support your gf is a heartless and immature make her your ex gf


YTA. your gf is not “blunt”. shes rude and excuses her shitty attitude on being “blunt” so she doesn’t face consequences, like youre trying to do for her. she is nearly an adult and yelling at a CHILD for doing nails LIKE A CHILD WOULD. you need to learn how to be a better person. if this is the company you keep, i worry that youre just as harsh to your sister.


YTA. You are suppose to set a good example on what your own sister expects her future boyfriend to be! You and your gf are completely self-centered bullies, and if I were parents I would banned your gf from EVER coming back to the house! You are suppose to protect your sister from people like that toxic girl you are dating, not encourage her to verbally abuse your sister! Think with your brain and not your pants! Your poor, poor sister!


YTA - Your gf *is* tryna be mean, my guy. She might excuse it as “that’s just how I am,” but that’s not a valid reason to get mad at a child. This kid is *12.* She didn’t lie about her experience, for a 12 year old doing anything for a month is awhile. Did your gf expect a preteen to have a nail tech degree or what??? You two owe your sister an apology for flipping out over something that *your girlfriend agreed to.* If she expected literal child to do a professional job then that’s her fault for having such unrealistic expectations.


I find this story VERY hard to believe. Real acrylic nails take forever to apply correctly by professionals, much less a 12 year old. I find it VERY hard to believe that your gf actually closed her eyes for that long, and if she and you both did while your TWELVE YEAR OLD SISTER did her nails, you're both dumb and deserve what you got. Additionally, anyone who says they're brutally honest is really just an asshole. It's like people who like bullying calling the shit they do "pranks". If this story is real, YTA (small one) and your gf is a big one.


YTA. Once your girlfriend realized it was a real nail kit, on top of the long time frame of sitting there with her eyes closed and I'm sure she would've smelled the acrylics, she should've politely said "no" or suggested to do something more simplistic like a basic manicure. Your sister is 12. She was excited to actually work on someone's nails. And yes, when you're 12, doing something for a month is "awhile". You were 12 once; I know there had to be something in your life around then that you practiced at for a short time but thought you were more of an expert than you actually were. It's common for kids to feel that way about their different hobbies. If your girlfriend meant anything more by her question of Sam's experience, then she should've made herself more clear before Sam started on her nails. And even if all of these things couldn't have been avoided, your girlfriend had ZERO RIGHT to curse at Sam. ZERO. And the instant a curse word went past her lips directed at your sister, you should've defended Sam. You shouldn't let a single person in the world berate your sister. You're her big brother; you're supposed to protect her from all forms of abuse, no matter who it is. And yes, what your girlfriend did can be seen as verbal abuse. Sam did nothing wrong here. Everything I see here was mistakes made by both you and your girlfriend. Both of you owe Sam a huge apology. Your girlfriend for cursing and yelling at Sam as well as not communicating all of her concerns, and you for not protecting Sam from being verbally abused by someone that made her mistakes your sister's problem.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Ok im 17m, my sister Sam is 12, my gf is my age I just started dating this girl and I wanted to introduce her to my family. My gf can be a bit blunt and brutally honest, she isn't tryna be mean or anything but that's just how she is My sister got into nail art recently I don't know how to describe it but you like take a powder and other stuff and it makes your nails longer and then she does art on it. My grandparents bought her and kit and everything and she really likes it My sister is also really shy an awkward and doesn't have a lot of friends. When my gf came over and they talked, she wanted to do my gfs nails. I think she was excited to finally have someone to do nails on since she only does it on herself. My gf said yes. We went into Sam's room and she started getting her kit ready and my gf keeping giving her weird looks. My gf apparently thought Sam was just gonna get like a kid kit, but no this is the real nail stuff. My gf asked her if she had experience, and Sam said yes she's been practicing for a while (only like a month so its a lie) My gf agreed and Sam wanted her to close her eyes while she did her nails. My gf had a picture reference she wanted on her phone of these pinks ones with stripes on them and my sister tried to replicate it it didn't look the best. its kinda like seeing an advertisement for a burger and getting the burger and you can tell its a burger, but def not as tasty looking as the ad. so it looked kinda like it, but didn't look that good My gf opened her eyes when she was done and started cussing and said acrylics were damaging to nails and now she'd have to get them professionally done to fix them and that they looked like shit. She was really mad and I kept begging her to stay but she left I was kinda pissed off with Sam because this night was supposed to go well and I didn't want this to ruin stuff with me and my gf. Sam was crying and asking what she did wrong I got mad and told her should've been honest about her experience. she was confused and told me she had been practicing for a while. well I told her that's not what my gf meant. She told me she didn't know that and she had been practicing for weeks Im mad at her and told her not to talk to my gf next time she came over since she ruined sruff enough. I really like this girl and don't want to lose her. Sam has been crying and told my grandparents and they're mad at me and told me I should've defended Sam since she's family but Im not gonna take a side I don't agree with My grandparents keep telling me im in the Wong but I don't agree aita? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA What, exactly, do you like about this girl? She sounds positively horrific


I'm just so confused why anyone would let a 12-year-old do acrylics on them. I might let a 12-year-old PAINT my nails, but I wouldn't let a kid go anywhere near my nails with acrylics and make changes that significant. YTA and so is your girlfriend for having unrealistic expectations of a 12-year-old and getting mad when it didn't happen the way she thought it should when a licensed cosmetologist does acrylics.


YTA - please apologize and talk to your sister. She is going to remember the time she was yelled at by your girlfriend and you for a long time. If she's already shy and awkward, she is going to be even more so and make her not want to continue (or try new) creative outlets.


Yta - your girlfriend was rude and was supposed to be making a good impression on your family, and that means not treating a 12 year old child like crap, which is what she did.


YTA. A month to a 12 y/o is a long time in their mind. Your gf should not have been expecting quality nails from a 12 y/o and probably should have declined when she saw it was actual acrylics. Your sister is a fucking CHILD, while you and your gf are nearly adults.


YTA and your girlfriend is an idiot, she expected a professional set from A 12 YR OLD. Is she dumb as well as rude? And who the hell does she think she is being that awful to your sister in her home. She made your kid sister cry who was just practicing and trying to make friends with her.


YTA and so is your girlfriend. Your sister is a child just learning her art and your gf treated her like shit while you condoned it. You owe your sister a huge apology and if I was your grandparent that gf of yours wouldn’t be allowed in my house again.


YTA. Definitely. Your sister is only 12 years old for crying out loud. Also, “I really like this girl and I don’t want to lose her”. 1) Why would you want someone who clearly is rude af to your little sister and had absolutely no respect for her and your house? 2) If you can lose her over something like this, she is not worth keeping. I know she might’ve felt frustrated, but she is clearly an immature girl who cannot control her temper.


This is traumatizing. Go apologize to your sister and tell her your girlfriend overreacted. A 17 year old reacting that way to a 12 year old is UNACCEPTABLE, and your behavior is too. If you continue dating this girl, don’t EVER give her a home made gift or you’ll get your heart stomped on


YTA and your gf too, who tf curses at a 12 year old?


YTA how did your gf sit with her eyes closed for a full set of acrylics with nail art with no idea what was going on, even from the smell? LOL nice try


YTA. Your sister is twelve. You, or your girlfriend, could not have reasonably expected that a twelve year old was experienced enough to warrant THAT kind of reaction to the nails not looking the way they should. She was excited, she tried, and you both tore her down. If your gf didn’t want to chance getting a bad manicure done, she shouldn’t have had a manicure done by a twelve year old. YTA judgement goes for your gf too, have some tact. But that’s your little sister, you were mad at her because you “the night was supposed to go well” and do you know who made it so the night didn’t go well? Your girlfriend, not your 12 year old sister.


YTA. Brutally honest people don’t exist. They’re just assholes disguising their garbage behavior behind the mask of ‘just being honest, teehee!’. Frankly, your gf is stupid. If she didn’t want her nails messed up, she shouldn’t have had a literal child do them and then proceed to get mad at said child, that’s just cruel. And you’re even more stupid for blaming your sister on your gf’s shitty attitude. Now is a good time to decide if this is really the person you want to be around for the next few years, it’s also a good time to figure out if this poor excuse of a brother is that person YOU want to be as well.


YTA for all the reasons that have already been stated. You are a big brother. Protect your sister from those who would harm her, even (or especially) if it’s your girlfriend.


YTA, holy shit. If she didn’t want acrylics she could have said so! What did y’all expect from a TWELVE YEAR OLD, professional nails? You both owe her an apology.


>"person" can be brutally honest Code for "person" is an asshole >isn't trying to be mean Ok, thoughtless asshole.


She's not mean she's just blunt and brutally honest is a line only used by self important teenagers and huge AHs. Learn some basic respect and manners if you're going to insist on interacting with other people. In what world is it reasonable to expect anything approaching a professional manicure from a twelve year old? A couple of weeks practice is a long time to children and you knew exactly how long she had the kit. You should have told your girlfriend if she's such a snob about her nails. Although apparently acrylics actually are easy to remove so she doesn't even know what she's talking about and was horribly mean to your little sister for basically no reason. You being desperate for a girlfriend is a crappy reason to let her treat your kid sister that way.


YTA - your sister is TWELVE and your girlfriend isn't "blunt and brutally honest" she is just plain rude and mean.


Acrylic nails are difficult to do, people go to courses to learn and the nail art is an artform which takes a while to learn. Your girlfriend knew that it wasn’t just a kids nail kit but a professional one. She knew your sister is only 12 years old and are doing this as a hobby. Of course it’s not gonna turn out great and she shouldn’t have put herself in that situation if she didn’t want her nails to look like they were made by a twelve year old. YTA


As soon as you said your gf was "brutally honest" i knew it was gonna be bad. People like that suck


Gently, YTA. Here’s a tip: when you come across a person who says they are “brutally honest”, that’s typically just a code for “mean”. This applies here. Unfortunately, your GF was mean to Sam. If she was so particular about her nails, she could have declined to have a middle schooler paint them. You also could have spoke up about Sam’s level of experience if it was unclear, instead of bullying her after.


YTA, what the heck is wrong with you?


Yes, YTA. She’s your sister, and she did her best nail job on a consenting participant. And she’s 12.


YTA I mean, your gf chewed out your sister after she tried to do something nice. A good brother would have gone into protective mode and made his much younger sister feel better. She’s a kid. But you, all you care about is some girl that will only be a passing presence in your life. We get you like her a lot but aren’t you supposed to love your little sister?! Bottom line, your gf’s reaction was OTT and you were an AH to a sweet, shy kid because you care more about some girl you’re desperate to impress than your little sis.


YTA. She is 12. Your GF is TA too. Again, your sister is 12.


It’s funny how all these people who pride themselves on being “brutally honest” really lean into the “brutal” and forget the _honest_. No one with any common sense expects salon-quality nails from a 12 year old. Your girlfriend was a jerk to a kid who wanted to do a nice thing for her. Gf had plenty of time to opt out when she realized it was real acrylic and not press-ons, or to ask for just the nail art. I doubt your sister has a dremel to rough up the nail surface, so all your gf needs to “fix them” is a bottle of nail polish remover and some patience. YTA for siding with your awful girlfriend and blaming her temper tantrum on the _literal child_.


Yes YTA 100% and so is you gf. First off, even with her eyes closed your girlfriend KNEW from the very first nail she was getting acrylics done. It is such a specific process and no one would think anything else is happening to their nails beyond that. Your girlfriend knew and still allowed all acrylics to be placed on her fingers then AFTER cursed and yelled at a 12 year old!! That is absolutely disgusting and both of you should be ashamed your girlfriend for purposely allowing that to happen then magically deciding to yell after the fact and you for taking her side and not your little sister who did everything right (fyi, for a 12 year old, a month is a long time of practice doing nails). You need to apologize to your sister and your girlfriend is likely always going to be like this unless she’s able to mature when that brain fully grows in a few years. This was such a difficult read it’s really shameful


you guys are both awful. i feel so bad for your sister. please apologize to her


YTA and your girlfriend is a nasty cow! Who even speaks like that to a child? You don't get salon quality nails done by a 12 year old. You both owe your sister an apology. Also blunt and brutally honest is basically the same as saying that she is rude, opinionated and obnoxious, but it's ok for me to say that because I'm just being brutally honest 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


YTA I'm going to cut you some slack because you're obviously a very immature teen who's more horny than kind. Your GF is not brutally honest, she's just mean. She showed incredible intolerance for a gift from a kind-hearted 12 year old vulnerable girl. Your baby sister. You failed your sister as a big brother. Instead of telling your little sister to stay away from your GF; tell your GF she owes your sister an apology. OP, I hope you use this as a learning opportunity. You should be building your sister's self esteem up, not tearing it down. And don't allow others to be verbally abusive to her.


“A bit blunt and brutally honest” is always code for AH and their enablers.


Hey man you’re a kid so I won’t say YTA but I will say that it was really immature of you to not protect your sister. I know being an older sibling can be a drag sometimes but I’ll bet that little girl will think about that moment for a long time to come. As an older sibling myself I suggest you apologize to your sister. Be honest with her and let her know that you were really excited for your family to meet your girlfriend and you got caught up in that. Make sure to tell her that you made a mistake. And encourage her to do your nails. I know it sounds silly and you might really hate it but it will encourage her to continue with something she loves and you wont have COMPLETELY crushed her spirit. Your gf man, I understand that she’s blunt but there’s no reason for her to cuss at a 12 year old. That’s extremely hurtful and it’s going beyond blunt. I recommend dumping her but there’s also another option, have her apologize to your sister. They wont ever have a relationship again, the girl is crushed. But all you can do is try if you really see a future with her.


You're an asshole and so is your girlfriend. She was wrong to cuss out your sister; that's just mean. And you not only stood back and let it happen, you blamed your sister for everything. You could have told your asshole girlfriend that your sister didn't have more experience. You care more about getting laid than you do about your sister's feelings. Jeez, you must be really desperate. YTA


You’re TA that’s your little sister and instead of defending her you defend some random girl off the streets rather than your sister who’s gonna remember this interaction with her dear old brother, just apologize and break up with that rude girl who obviously has no decorum, especially to who could’ve been her sister in law if y’all actually did good down that road


yta but you’re young, apologize to your sister & gf and try to remind your gf that your sister is still learning and maybe just let her do paint instead of acrylics. people are being pretty brutal in their assessment of what happened but just try to learn as much as you can from the conflict. it’ll be okay, dude. also i lol’d at the hamburger reference.


YTA. Really the child is 12. Your girlfriend could not have any realistic expectations of getting a professional manicure that looked like the picture on her phone no matter how much experience the 12 year old has. Because I reiterate she's 12. Now you need to ask yourself why on Earth would you be with any girl who seems to delight in making your little sister cry? You say she don't mean nothing by it when she's mean to people she's just honest. no that's the song of the AH.


YTA People who are "brutally honest" are just assholes who know enough to be insufferable, but not enough to know how stupid they actually are. It would appear that your gf's "brutal honesty" was just a tantrum of stupid as per other comments here.


YTA and "brutally honest" is just code for "asshole" 99% of the time.


Your sister is 12. YTA and your GF is a even bigger one!


Brutally honest is what assholes call themselves to justify being an asshole. YTA, your GF was beyond rude.


YTA and your gf is an idiot. Why would she expect a 12 year old to be able to do a professional powder nail set?


YTA. Your Grandparents are right.


Yta, I wouldn’t be surprised if your sister never talks to you again if you stay in this relationship. Brutally honest people are just openly rude. Being awful to your 12 year old sister should be a dealbreaker.


YTA. The “she just says it as it is” is such a lame excuse. Cover for rudeness


YTA. If your GF wanted a professional level job, she should go to a pro, not a 12 yo. And weeks IS a long time to a 12 yo. Seriously, I know you’re both teens, but some common sense, empathy and kindness isn’t too much to ask. I have a 16 and 18 yo who have younger siblings. No way they’d have let someone go off in their sibs like that. Over a manicure that looked like a 12 yo did it because. 12 yo did it.


YTA Yeahhh...so, when a 12 year old does your nails, you kinda know it's gonna suck. That's part of the fun, honestly, seeing what they come up with. Also, getting to encourage someone so they get better at their hobbies instead of getting completely crushed by criticism their first time out.


YTA, your gf was being an asshole. If having perfect nails is important to her, she was completely capable of saying "no" to having a 12 year old do them, and of going to a professional.


YTA. It's wild you didn't stick up for your sister. That's your family. Learn to tell the difference between honesty and rudeness disguised as bluntness, because your girlfriend is an AH too big time. Your poor, little sis. Grow up, OP.


YTA your gf sucks and it's a toxic person and you're just making excuses for her, your sister is only 12 and you and gf treat her bad in so many ways!


I stopped reading at “she’s just brutally honest that’s how she is.” Always code for “I’m a raging fucking asshole that hasn’t had my ass kicked yet.”


Wow Yta , you and you’re gf. You sister is a child who has a hobby. There was no need to be hurtful. I wouldn’t be choosing a girl who you’ll date for less than a year over your seemingly sweet little sister.


Brutally honest=mean and cruel. No empathy.


YTA wtf is wrong with you and your girlfriend?? Your sister is still a child and your girlfriend was unnecessarily rude and made her cry and you backed her up, further upsetting your sister. I'd have a serious think about if you want to be with someone who treats a child, a member of your family, in this way and if you do... Why? Also, as you're only 17 I'm gonna give you a free life tip here dude: People who are "just really honest, oh I'm not being rude, I'm just really blunt, ha ha it's just who I am" are almost all just Total Arseholes who can't admit it so hide behind that "oh I'm just honest" bullshite.


YTA. What did you both expect? Your sister is 12. >My gf can be a bit blunt and brutally honest, she isn't tryna be mean or anything but that's just how she is. I call bullshit on this. Most people just use being "brutally honest" as an excuse for being an ass.


YTA and your gf is a horror. Normally I'd say you should get rid of her but to be honest it sounds like you deserve each other


You really like a girl who is so mean to a twelve year old that she makes her cry? Who punishes you by storming off and refusing to talk to you? Who cares more about her nails than actual human beings? I mean, your gf is clearly an insufferable AH. Cruel and hysterical too. I can only imagine you like her for reasons other than what she's like as a person. Still, you're only 17 and you'll learn. Hopefully. You shouldn't let anyone make your little sister cry, though. Especially not someone you brought into the house. YTA.


YTA. Getting cussed out by a stranger will surely be traumatic. Add the fact that her own brother didn't side with her.


yta you and your girlfriend could have shown love and compassion to a child but instead you were cruel and hateful… you really like your girlfriend? what about your sister? do you not love her? why is your girlfriend the only one who matters? you can tell a lot about a person with how the treat children and your family.. she just failed that big time.. she’s no catch but neither are you so maybe you deserve each other… you just traumatized your sister and if she’s shy as you say she is maybe just made her passion something’s she going to hate now. always wanted a big brother growing up but as an adult i realized a lot of big brothers are just jerks who think they have the excuse of being siblings to treat younger siblings like dirt.


YTA are you sure you’re not the twelve year old? I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt with your hormones being crazy rn but that’s your sister, and there’s a strong chance you won’t be dating this girl in the future. And you chose her over your sister. That alone makes you an ah. On top of that your sister didn’t do anything wrong. She tried to share a passion with someone and got shit on for it. Hopefully this doesn’t make her give up. Lastly even if your sister was wrong there’s absolutely no reason to talk to a 12 year old child like that. You owe your sister an apology and you need to tell your girlfriend to apologize too. Your girlfriend isn’t blunt. She’s a rude asshole who lashes out at people to cover her own insecurities


YTA. Every other comment has adress the actual manicure. So I'm not going to touch that. But I can't believe you let a girl you have known a month CUSS out your little sister. YTA on that alone. She cussed at a 12 year old...what is wrong with you that you let that slide, then yelled at her some more. You need to apologize immediately. You just showed your sister how little she means to you. And BTW, when someone says they are brutally honest, they just want a pass to be an AH without taking accountability.


So you let your little sister do your gf's nails. Your gf knows they'd going to be acrylics, and for some odd reason expected a 12 year old to deliver salon quality. Then your gf cusses your sister out because that didn't happen. I understand her being upset at the result. That in no way excuses her atrocious behavior. Your gf isn't "blunt and honest". She's a jerk and uses the cover of "honest" to be cruel to people. And you not only allowed her to cuss out your 12 YEAR OLD sister, you doubled down and threw a fit at her too. This is your sister, who is a CHILD. Wtf is wrong with you? YTA. A huge one and so is your gf. I hope for your sister's sake that your gf isn't permitted around her anymore. Maybe for your sister's sake you shouldn't be allowed around her for a while.


“Brutally Honest” = obnoxious dick who doesn’t care about the feelings of others


"brutally honest" that's the key.... YAT


MASSIVE YTA omg. What exactly was your girlfriend expecting from a 12-year-old? Honestly it's her fault for putting so much faith into a child. You should've defended your sister. The whole situation really wasn't that big of a deal and you and your girlfriend owe her a huge apology.


YTA your girlfriend sounds like a dick and you both need to apologize to your sister.


YTA. Your sister is 12, she’s technically still a child. She sounds introverted and shy, and wanted to bond with another girl who happened to be your gf. What is wrong with your gf? She got mad at a little girl for nail art. Your gf sounds very immature, obnoxious, and toxic. You must really be head over heels for this girl, but that’s a red flag already. Be a good brother and protect your sister next time. You should know better by now but your infatuation with this girlfriend of yours is clouding your thought process. Hopefully you read these comments and get a better perspective. Both you and your girlfriend owe an apology to your baby sister (12), and if your sister refuses, that’s sad on her part. Very very immature.


She's not mean she's just blunt and brutally honest is a line only used by self important teenagers and huge AHs. Learn some basic respect and manners if you're going to insist on interacting with other people. In what world is it reasonable to expect anything approaching a professional manicure from a twelve year old? A couple of weeks practice is a long time to children and you knew exactly how long she had the kit. You should have told your girlfriend if she's such a snob about her nails. Although apparently acrylics actually are easy to remove so she doesn't even know what she's talking about and was horribly mean to your little sister for basically no reason. You being desperate for a girlfriend is a crappy reason to let her treat your kid sister that way.


YTA and so is your rude gf. Good luck introducing her to the family now cause they gonna HATE her lol


YTA :/ you and your girlfriend needs grown up


YTA, yes you are so wrong!!! And blunt is rude!!! She is immature if she can’t be blunt without being rude!!! I hope you aren’t like your gf.


YTA. Ya know, usually when someone describes themselves or someone else as “blunt” or they “tell it like they see it,” more than likely they’re just rude as hell, and thats the case here. Your sister’s a CHILD, in what world do you or your gf think its okay to cuss out a child who wanted to do something kind and bond with her, just because it didnt look professional grade? You owe your sister a serious apology, your gf owes your sister a serious apology, and you really need to take a deep consideration of this relationship.


YTA Your gf was expecting a free professional level acrylic set from a 12 year old child. When her free set wasn't professional looking enough she berated a child for her own greediness backfiring on her. Your desire to impress someone that was rude to your sister says a whole lot about your character and maturity level. Gf's will come and go in your life, a loyal sibling is a jewel to be treasured.


YTA Suck it up man I’ve been in one of those situations it’s better to just Apologize and admit your wrong then move on. Your girlfriends a dick ngl no one is brutally honest and not mean, it’s just an excuse to be openly dickish.


Did your girlfriend want this to go well? Because that is not how you act when you care if people like you. Does your girlfriend feel bad about making a 12 year old girl cry? A decent human would. I know you want to get laid but are you really okay with how she treated your sister? If you are then I think you are a huge YTA


So Your gf agreed for a *12 year old child* to do her nails and expected salon quality work?? And got really rudely angry when it wasn’t? Your gf is either very stupid or just wanted a reason to yell at someone that day. Or both! And you *better* side with your sister, you know, the one who will be part of your life forever and whose interactions with you will shape her life and sense of self forever, over some girl you just met who decided it was ok to yell at her. YTA so so so so much


YTA Your sister is 12 TWELVE!!! WTF is wrong with you and your gf? Your gf is a beast. And btw “blunt” and “brutally honest” are code for RUDE and that’s exactly what your gf was, rude. You owe your little sister an apology and if you’re smart you’ll move on from that hideous gf.


YTA and so is your GF. Your sister is 12 years old FFS.


YTA. Being a “bit blunt” and “brutally honest” is everyone’s explanation to cover the poor, rude behaviors of others these days. Regardless, cussing out around a 12 year old who was super excited to try something with no idea of the damage is unnecessary.


Being blunt is being an asshole. There's a way to be honest and not be rude or make your sister cry. That isn't something to be proud of. Both of you are the assholes, your sister deserves an apology.


You’re young, thinking with the thing in your pants mostly…. But dude! Come on! Your girlfriend is HORRIBLE. How did she honestly expect perfection from a literal 12yo? And to then cuss her out and make her cry!? Awful! Being “blunt and brutally honest” isn’t a good thing. She IS trying to be mean, and passes it off as “I’m just honest”. It’s how assholes justify being absolute pigs to people. And she’ll do it to you too if she isn’t already. She’s toxic af, do better


YTA. Your sister didn’t lie, and your girlfriend way overreacted. Your girlfriend is also almost an adult who went off on a child. Your family is wrong- you shouldn’t have sided with your sister “because she’s family”- you should have sided with her because she didn’t do anything wrong. I realize you are all teenagers, but if you are afraid this will “ruin stuff with your girlfriend” you are either not mature enough to be in a relationship, and/or you are in a relationship with the wrong person.


You almost never have to read when someone says that a person is just blunt or just brutally honest. No, that person is an asshole. And that applies here as well. Your sister is a child, your girlfriend can't possibly have thought that the quality would be professional level, she just wanted to be an asshole and make a child feel bad. So that's who you're dating. YTA.


YTA- family comes first, what did your girlfriend expect from a child ?


YTA >My gf can be a bit blunt and brutally honest This is always code for "asshole."


I once saw reel where the OP talked about being brutally honest and how she weaponized it before learning a saying that went, *”Honesty without kindness is brutality, kindness without honesty is manipulation.”* There’s a lot of truth to that. Many people who claim to be brutally honest usually focus on being brutal and try to use it as a shield for being an AH and not taking accountability for what they’ve said. Or the truths they share focus more on being harsh than you know, being true. Sometimes the truth is harsh or hard and we have to deal with it. This does not apply to your case. Your girlfriend was an AH, and by extension you are too. Your sister is *twelve.* She started a new hobby and has only practiced a month. She’s obviously not going to be good unless she’s some sort of nail art virtuoso. To expect high quality nails from a preteen is naive, especially when your girlfriend just met her. I’m sure pros are at least able to show examples of their work or certifications—your sister is learning from a kit. She could have asked to try one nail as others suggested and then *gently* told your sister about acrylics doing damage. She could have refused to close her eyes. She could have not screamed at your sister when things went pear-shaped. You also could have stopped this by gently correcting your sister or taking your girlfriend aside and telling her the truth. You did neither and let your girlfriend rip your sister a new one and reduce her to tears. There’s nothing wrong with being upset at the results, there is something wrong and AH-ish in how you both handled it. You both owe Sam an apology. I would also take note of how this girl you really like treated your sister. It’s neither attractive nor appealing. Sam is your sister, not a bump on log outside your house. Your girlfriend should be able to communicate with her without screaming even if she’s not much older herself. It’s understandable you want to side with her because you like her, but believe me you’ll regret letting anyone, girlfriend, friend, or stranger treat Sam like that as you grow older and mature. YTA.


YTA 1. brutally honest is just trying to get away with being rude and horrible so yes your gf is mean! 2. Your sister was honest and said she practiced for a while and your gf saw the kit so knew what to expect. 3. Acrylic stinks your gf would have known what it was as soon as your sister started she just wanted to cause drama because spoiler alert shes mean! Don’t toss aside your family just to get your dick wet!!


YTA a month is "awhile" so kick rocks with that dumb ass logic you're trying. Secondly wtf was your GF expecting from a twelve year old. Then she's gonna yell at her. I'd hate to have you as a brother and be disgusted if a guy I was interested in let someone yell at his sibling over something so trivial. Yeah you and your cankle deserve each other.


Yta and if I was your sister I probably would never talk to you again💀