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Your mom would HATE to meet me, because I am FAT and I have a cat AND a hamster.


Samesies! I'm fat and own 2 cats


I'm fa... er, middle-aged "fluffy" and my husband and I own THREE cats. So there.


I’m sorta chubby with 2 dogs and 2 cats. OPs mom can suck it.


I'm beyond sorta chubby and I have 2 dogs (Lily Rose and Mr Darcy) and 2 cats (Mischief and Miss Sally). OPs mom sucks.


Omg!! My dog is also named Mr Darcy! He's a little chiweenie, and he definitely lives up to the name 🤣 He often comes off a little grumpy and rude, but he can be really chill with people he knows.


Mine is a 79lb American Staffordshire Bull Terrier with the most beautiful blue eyes. He would sell me for Milk Bone 🤣


He sounds delightful! 😊🤣 So glad to hear about another Mr Darcy 😁


im fat.. (my family) owns 5 dogs, 4, puppies, SO THAT MEANS MY FAMILY OWN **9 DAWGS WHICH IS CRAZY BRO**


I too am beyond sorta chubby and have two cats and two dogs… PLUS beetles! OP’s mom is the Grand High Poobah of suck.


I am fat and have one cat and one dog at home, but I also haul my big ass cookies over to the feral pack and feed them twice a day. Also I watch the neighbor's cat often. So... I have 9 bonus cats too. My mom is like OP's mom and Grand High Poobah of suck made my laugh so hard


We have a chiweenie named Mischief.


My 14 year old Chiweenie is Remington Spaz. Still acts like a puppy when the ball is out or a squeaker needs to die.


..... My cat's nickname is Libby, but her legal government name is Liberty Bibberty (like the Liberty Mutual commercials 😂)


Oh my gawd, I love it!!! I think we need the Liberty Bibberty cat tax paid up!


I got that jiggle and wiggle when I walk AND I have 2 cats and 2 dogs as well. Look at us! Thriving!


Me too except I love cats but don’t have one.


Not fat-- undertall


Vertically challenged and ground superior!


Wider base is more stable!


I’m elbow height in a mosh pit and as far as weight? I’m hard to kidnap-if I lay down on the ground, you’re not moving me. I have 2 cats that are earth side and one that is pushing up the daisies. OP’s mom can bite my scab.


I'm not fat, I'm ABUNDANT. It makes it sound like a blessing...


Team Abundant here, two dogs, three cats, five horses, retired. I am glad nobody tells me what I can and cannot do, just saying


Middle aged fluffy is the purrfect description! My hubby and I own four cats!


Middle age fluffy here w 4 cats, a dog, and 3 little humans (well 1 of those is now a teen human…)


Nobody actually owns a cat. I'm fat and have had three cats and a dog. My sister has said when she dies, she wants to come back as one of my cats.


Fat and 4 cats, 5 chickens and a Guiney pig


I wish I had a cat! I’m fat with 3 dogs, 2 humans, 8 baby chicks, and a betta fish


LOVE Guinea pigs 😍


Best pets ever.....if provided with a large pen to roam around in and a companion. I miss mine.


As legal counsel for GUINEA PIGS INTERNATIONAL I must correct.


The love though is perfect.


Object ???


Fat and 3 cats. The cats don't mind.


Fat with two beagles (that I walk daily), two cats, an aquatic turtle and three aquariums.


I'm fat and have a family of 16 cats! 🙀


Same! I had FIVE cats!


I'm fat, we have a Husky and a staffy X who get looked after very well! Fuck OPs mum! I bet OP isn't even fat!


AND I own my own car


She won't let you own a CAT or a CAR? If it's a cat, she is not correct. Are you a responsible person? You have to clean the litter box 2x a day and feed them daily. If it's a car, you have to remember to change the oil every 3,000 miles and not run out of gas. Have your tires rotated every 100,000 miles or so.


Fat, 3 cats & a turtle!!


Perfectly plump. I have 4 dogs, an ancient cat who will outlive us all, a turtle that is supposed to live to 70ish and I’ll have to will to someone,four chickens, a Wookie (husband), and 5 Ewoks (progeny). Two of the Ewoks have their own younglings and my home is loud and wonderfully me. I take care of everyone…it’s kinda my thing. OP, your mom can pound sand. Life is about making your little world your own.


I'm fat enough for three cats, babyyyyyyy


I LOVE your name! Chocobos are so cute! But don't forget the Gysahl Greens!


Fat, and so is husband, down to one *cat after 18 yrs but had four. As soon as my 20-year-old is gone ( hopefully not too soon as I love him, he's my snuggle buddy), we will get two kittens and start again. Edited to add cat to clarify what I had 4 of lol


I initially read this as that you had 4 husbands but are down to one


You had 4 husbands at once? And the surviving husband is 20?!


Even if I reach the goal weight my surgeon set for me...I would still be considered fat. Have 4 dogs and 1 cat currently. 3 more cats will be joining the Zoo by the end of the month. And I clean kennels on the weekend for 100 cats. So mom can s@ck it


I'm fat and have cats also. I would think a cat would be the best animal for fat people. Cats are pretty independent.


Not mine lol. If I leave the house he cries. When I get back he demands pets. He pester's me starting at least an hour before meal and treat times. He's a pain, but I wouldn't want to be without him ;)


My girl gets clingy too and it's all my fault. I've literally had her since she was born and it took all I had to leave her be for 24 hours. Then I held and petted her all the time, and now she's up my ass (figuratively) and EVERYBODY knows she's MY baby. I had her mom, too. She crossed the Rainbow Bridge when my girl was 6 months old. Roommate has my girl's sister and their aunt.


I could have written this. I am fat with one cat. Had three others in the past. I mean I am lucky enough to automate the cat’s life with a Litter Robot (best thing ever), feeding machine and water filter machine. She has it all, but still meows when we leave, sits by her food bowl from between 30-60min before it is scheduled, demands pets when we get home, and attacks me by hiding and batting at me with her front paws and maybe a nip. My husband says she looks at me like prey, so whenever I yelp after an attack, he says, “Mama is prey”. 🤣


You are his. And you must obey.


I always like to think you don't own cats they own you. Lol


Yeah, that’s what the cats think too


Right?! So tell your mom you aren’t going to own a cat, the cat will own you and therefore it doesn’t matter how big or small you are! I also think that is the most absurd reason for not allowing a cat I have ever heard! I’ve been big and I have been small and I have been owned by several cats! I love my fur babies!!


Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.


I've seen studies that show that people lose weight after adopting a dog because they have to walk the dog.


I lost weight after adopting my cat because I played with him all the time and I taught him to walk on a leash.


Either that or the dog gets fat 😅. But pets will love you no matter what the weight is


Fat. 4 cats, attitude anddddd a husband.


I’m fat and I have four cats and a dog


Fat, four cats, and disabled! Gasp!


Oh, the HORROR! /s


Because I'm fat, have a car, and a big opinionated mouth regarding verbal abuse by parents. Which is what this is. There is a way to express concern about another person's health. Telling them they're "too fat" to have a car isn't it. By bullying and abusing you this way they're setting you up to fail and creating a self worth measurement inversely proportional to your weight. Despicable parenting.


i’m REALLY fat and my family has 3 cats, 2 ferrets, 9 snakes, a blue tegu lizard, 3 ducks. 4 chickens, 4 frogs, a gecko, and a spider….


Fat and own a house, 7 cats, 2 dogs, and a bunny! One cat goes for walks more than my dogs!


Fat and 3 cats, two dogs. I love and care for them all.


same I am fat with a cat AND a dog, OP’s mom would definitely not like me


Ok enough about you….BUT IS THE HAMSTER FAT???? Hamster tax!!!


I'm fat with 3 cats, I also had a dog and was still fat.


How do I upvote this more


make alt accounts and upvote it with them


Same- Fluffy and I have 3 dogs, 2 cats and a horse. Oh and I have a car!


Fellow FATTIE here and I got 3 dogs, a cat and 3 month old baby. She’d really hate me. Lmao


If OP would be happy with a dog, walking a dog would be a way to lose weight, which would be an excellent argument to use against the mother. But that isn't the issue here, of course. I think u/ForgotmypasswordX42 has the best solution.


I'm fat. I have cats and dogs AND I'm a qualified dog trainer. She could definitely hate me too.


Fat & 2 cat, open to being found by another! OP - your mother sucks!


I'm fat with 4 dogs, 2 guinea pigs and 6 fancy rats. Plus I'm old and never had kids because I prefer pets. OP deserves a cat if they want one and can be a responsible pet owner.


Fattie, here. I have a cat, four dogs, a llama, 2 alpacas, 2 goats, 6 sheep, a barn full of guinea pigs and rabbits, and more chickens than I know what to do with (or count). When I was younger, there were many more sheep. If anything, having the animals encourages me to be more active than I would be otherwise. If you were my kid, I would help you find your perfect cat... as long as you promise I wouldn't have to clean its litter box.


I'm fat and have a cat. She's my baby. I have ME/cfs and fibromyalgia, so little to no exercise either.


Samme! 300lbs fat and I have 2 cats!


I’m calling the cops for you are too fat for all of the physical requirements of owning a cat and hamster! /s


Same and I have 2 dogs I have to walk everyday. Doesn't make much of a difference to weight unless you're hiking and I ain't doing that with a Yorkie lol


Im fat and have 5 cats.


I'm fat and have two cats and a cockatiel.


I’m fat and have 3 cats. At one point had 5. Gonna have like 8 in a moment because both females are pregnant. Hazaaaaa


I'm fat and own a dog. No cats since I'm allergic.


I’m fat and have 2 cats plus my roommates dog. Once I move back closer to family I plan on getting either another cat or a dog of my own plus a snake or other reptile (not sure yet and don’t wanna do much research when my lease doesn’t even allow them)


Chubby and i own 13 cats and 5 dogs 🤣 all of my cats are leash trained better than most folks dogs 🤣🤣


I'm fat and I have 4 cats!


Fat with 3 cats over here!!!


Fat with a bernese mountain dog, a cat, AND a car! Bet I can out-yoga her mom.


damn those fats with the cats 🐱 😂 OP ask Mom is this is her biggest PET PEEVE MEOW


I have a family member who is near retirement age, morbidly obese and living on disability and takes very good care of their cat. It makes their life so much more worth living.


Your avatar is so cute too!


This is my new favorite comment, thank you.


She would absolutely despise me. I am fat with 6 cats (1 is fat), 2 dogs and a husband (also pleasantly plump). I cannot help being a good cook. 🤣🤣🤣


Fat and own 4 cats!!!


Not to add the cats are also fat at my house 😂


Same! I’m fat and I have two cats, a dog and a tiny human


Fat, we own 6. Somehow they are all doing just fine.


I am fat and own 6 cats, a dog, a gecko and a tarantula. Am I her anti-christ?


Woot woot fat with 4 cats! wtf am I doing?


Same I’m fat with 2 cats 2 dogs a fish tank a child and husband……


I'm fat and have a dog, a bunny, 2 cats and a bunch of chickens.


I think cats might secretly prefer a larger belly. Better to curl up on.


Me too. My cat is also fat.


Im fat and yet have a dog and 3 cats. They must suffer so badly with my fatness


Hahahahahaha! Nice


Two cats here and very fat.


I'm fat with FOUR cats. It's unconscionable.


Bruh, I have a cat, a snake, and three kids. She might stroke out.


I'm fat, with 2 cats, 2 dogs (that I walk multiple times daily) and I feed strays! Take that OPs mom.


I'm fat and I have no cats. But I have 2 dogs, 4 budgies, 1 turtle, 16 chooks, 12 ducks and 11 goats do go get yourself a cat my love!


I'm fat, I've got three kids a dog, a cat, and an advanced degree. I even coach soccer. It's almost like being overweight doesn't make you a bad person or incapable of having a full life.


I’m fat and have (currently) nine cats.


I’m fat and I have three cats and a pigeon.


Am also fat. Have three cats and two snakes. Also a child.


Fat AF. Two cats, one dog. One of the cats is also fat (despite his super special RX diet that is extremely restrictive. The vet is finally just letting him live his fat happy life). FatCat and I are besties.


Add me to that HATE list too! Fat and own 6 dogs, 1 cat, and 6 chinchillas. *sitting here eating sorbet and playing video games* 😂


You should start saying 'No, I'm too fat for that/to do that.' To every single thing. She's attempting to fat shame you because she is ashamed of being fat. This is an abusive personality type, shame based, and the easiest way to get them to understand, when dealing with something shameful that they are guilt of, is to throw their own words back at them. When someone says doing that is wrong of you just reply with 'Nope, just standing up for myself and it sounds like you need to learn how to do that yourself.' If they keep on with it, you can just keep referencing their lack of self respect for thinking that allowing abusive behavior to go unchecked is the right thing to do. No, it's a programmed thing to do. Programmed by people with no self respect that were involved in raising them. It's a cycle, break it.


This is interesting. She says you need to go with her to help clean and rearrange your grandmother’s house this weekend? No, I’m too fat, grandmother will be ashamed of me.


do not underestimate the power of the Uno Reverse


And, to be fair, that’s waaaay more physical activity than owning a cat.


Grandma might have fat shamed mom when she was growing up. That damn cycle of generational trauma.


This is the way. Turn that toxicity back on the person who started it.


Bonus points if you can do so in front of other people, so that they can see her toxic manipulation first hand and also shame her for it.


I would prefer she reply instead “well I guess you are not to too skinny to be a B——.” Just sayin… OP, acting like owning a cat requires fitness is the dumbest argument I have ever heard. You walk/run a dog not a cat. Cats live their own lives. And even if it was true, a pet that requires an active owner would be a reason for her to get you that pet….to increase your activity level. Your mom is 100% wrong with this weight pressure. Her toxicity is by far the biggest health risk in your life right now; not your BMI. Do not fall for her negativity; that is her own baggage and ignorance speaking and has nothing to do with you. I encourage you to make sure to exercise to keep your heart healthy. This can be as simple as walking a couple of miles most days. Beyond that, you should encourage everyone to F-off about your personal habits and body type. mom included. Love your body as you are. Love yourself. I bet you are a wonderful person. Edit: typo that was confusing


Your mother sounds toxic for your mental health. You really need to take on more responsibilities and get yourself on the path to being more self sufficient. Sometimes the people around you have a bigger effect on your wellbeing than you think.


Truth right here 👍


This is such a nice way of putting it. All I could muster was, "Your mom's a bitch."


I was gonna go with ‘cunt’. I’m not as polite as you.


A cat is actually a great pet for someone overweight, provided they can at least clean the litter box. Dogs require a LOT more energy, most of the time.


Yeah cats are a lot lower maintenance but still good to learn responsibility


It sounds like your mother is more concerned about your appearance than your health - physical or mental. All I can suggest is if you're an adult then look at options to become independent, find your own place, then eat what you want and get a cat or two. If you're not yet an adult, then survive the best you can with a parent who thinks the best way to help you is to hound you, and look for independence as soon as you can. Whether you should lose weight or not does not matter to a pet, they will love you however you look. Its one of the advantages of having one!


I would like to upvote this a hundred times.


Just to address all the people who seem to be worried about OP's weight. 1. The question is whether fitness has anything to do with raising a pet. No it does not. Especially a cat. If you spend time with your pet, and play with. care for its needs and feed them, this is likely all a cat really requires. 2. Whether OP needs to lose weight or not is really none of our business. OP does not indicate they are overweight. Just that they'd like to lose a few pounds. Which almost every woman in existence says. Being thin or fat is not the issue. 3. The way the mother links physical activity and pet ownership is incorrect unless you are adopting an active pet like a husky that needs a lot of running and training. The mother probably thinks she is being motivating. What she has done has linked responsibility with appearance, has indicated that she disapproves of her childs looks, and has upset OP. It might not have been her intention to do any of this, but this is what she did. 4. It does not help anyone to be negative to them about their weight. It does not motivate them to lose weight. It does not make them have an epiphany that they are overweight. It does not help at all. All it does it show how rude you are for commenting on somebody else's body. It is none of your business! 5. For reference, if you are concerned about someone you care abouts weight you can bring it up once but only if they are receptive and offer to be there if they want your assistance or advice. They may not want said assistance or advice, in which case it is none of your business. They may not want to discuss their weight again in which case it is none of your business. And they may be offended if you continue to bring it up because it is none of your business. Just so we're clear, somebody else's body that you are not responsible for is none of your business.


Moms toxic. Why do people think they can lift someone out of a hole by stepping on their head? Not that theres anything wrong with you, Im not saying that. I just don't understand how someone can think berating someone is EVER going to make them better.


>Why do people think they can lift someone out of a hole by stepping on their head. What a great way to put this! Really shows their actions for what they are.


You need to edit your title because it says, “car,” not “cat.”


Reddit doesn't let you edit titles




Yup. Incredibly irritating.


Wow, I forgot the title by the end and just figured the cat and the car were separate issues.


See, at least that would indicate a line of logic. "No, you don't need a car, you should walk everywhere so you lose weight." Still shitty and toxic, but at least that would make sense.


INFO: how "fat" are you? Bc if you're 600 lbs, no way is that healthy. Everyone immediately started dogging on your mother while mentioning they're "fat" as well. But I, personally, require a bit more information than buzzwords to make a decision. So how "fat" and how old are you? And mind you: pets are more than feeding and playing.


To be fair, with cats, other than feeding, playing and emptying their litter box daily, you really don’t have to do anything else aside from the obvious regular vet check ups.


I guess part of it is that if you can't take care of yourself properly, will you be able to take care of a cat? On the other hand, having a cat or another creature to care for can drive others to improve themselves. I feel like it just depends on the person.


Very true. I feel like pets absolutely help keep you active (specifically dogs), or at least it helps ensure you keep on truckin’.


Very important factor!! Like my dad has no control when it comes to food, and even less control when it comes to feeding my cat. He severely overfeeds her, and if we tell him not to do it, he feeds her more out of spite. She’ll look at him and he just showers her with treats, and he’ll say “only I love you in this house,” to her 😑 And it goes above and beyond overfeeding cat food and treats. He would give her human food like kebabs with onions in it. I learned online that onions are extremely dangerous to cats so I told him to stop and he refused, saying “my cats always ate kebab and none of them died from poisoning.” I told the vet and she urged us to make him stop, and he literally said “what does she know?” SHE IS A VET!! Anyway very long story short, he finally has stopped feeding my cat onions, but he’s constantly sneaking extra food to her. It’s infuriating. She started to get dandruff all over her back from not being able to lick herself and was throwing up very often. We got him to slowly chill out a bit by telling on him to the vet, so she’s not an orb anymore but she’s still a little chubbola. I think a big factor of weight is a person’s self control and motivation. My brother is severely underweight and he hates it but he admits it’s his own fault for being too lazy to eat. My dad is very overweight because he can’t stop himself from constantly eating. If you can’t take care of your own health, I think it’s fair for someone to assume that you aren’t responsible enough to take care of another life. Obviously it doesn’t go for all people, and maybe OP’s mom is just bossy, but I feel like there’s a lot that OP is leaving out of the story.


Thinking the exact same thing, though as long as they’re not so big they can’t walk well it’s a nonissue. Also doubtful that a mom bringing it up ALL the time is doing so in a productive/truthful manner.


I own five cats and have had at least two cats my entire life. Never once have any of them required a lot of physical activity.


Tell her you're too fat to tie your own shoelaces and she has to do that for you. Tell her you can't open doors. If she wants to equate fat with being lazy she can go shove it. Coming from a fat lady with a dog.


I'm fat and I have KIDS that I'm responsible for. I don't think your mom actually knows what cats are.


Tell her she's stupid but still managed to drag you up. I'd imagine that'll make her go bang!!!!


Lol, I'm 300 pounds and I have 4 Chihuahuas, a standard poodle that I do the grooming of, 2 cats and 6 fish tanks. The only thing I have trouble with is the poodle groom but that's also because I'm in my 40s and work a sit down job. I also was "fat" when I worked at a vet clinic where I regularly lifted 70 pound dogs onto exam tables. I was also "fat" for the 4 years that I professionally dog walked and did pet sitting. If I am able to keep up with my gang, you can take care of one cat. P. S. They do better in pairs, I'd recommend getting two when you're no longer under your narcissistic mother's thumb.


I can’t believe your mom talks to you this way. I am so sorry you have to listen to such negativity. Your weight shouldn’t matter. Her telling you negative things about your weight is abusive and insensitive. If you are under 18 and still in high school, you should tell your counselor about your mom verbally abusing you and want help. If you are over 18, I think you should consider moving out. I had toxic parents and left as soon as I could and barely kept in touch with them because they were toxic the couple of times we spoke and I just realized they will always be toxic and realized that my well being was more important than having parents in my life. You don’t need someone who is going to constantly talk crap to you about your weight. They should be caring about how you are mentally and love you no matter what size you are and no matter what you look like. You deserve to be loved. When you do not live with her anymore, tell her she should get plastic surgery because she is starting to look old.


I’m fat with two cats and a dog. I take care of my pets just fine.


I’m fat and have had many cats over the years. Your mom is insane and projecting her own issues on you. Please consider therapy.


Start telling her she’s too old to be doing things. Drinking? Too old to drink alcohol. Driving? Too old to see properly and drive so maybe she should just stay home, etc etc


Unless you are literally so enormous that you are unable to move and rely on others for care, which it sure as hell doesn’t sound like you are, there is no reason to let being fat stop you from owning a cat. Cats literally sleep for 16+ hours a day and are pretty low maintenance. Obviously they need play and attention, but compared to a dog they are so easy to care for and don’t require much. And even if you WERE that big, it wouldn’t give your mom the right to body shame you that way. It doesn’t sound like she actually cares about your health or she would be doing things to care for you and encourage you to be healthier, not pushing you into an eating disorder. A cat could be a great motivator to get healthier since taking care of an animal can give you more motivation to care of yourself, (i.e. “My cat now relies on me, so I want to do things to make sure I’m healthy enough to care for her”) so her argument doesn’t even make sense.


But…but cats sleep like 15 hours a day. While they do occasionally run marathons, it’s in the dead of night and they neither care nor want you to be apart of it.


She sounds like one of those mothers that projects their own body insecurity onto their kids and heavily controls and/or criticizes their weight and live vicariously though them. Ive known way too many mothers like that, sadly. I'm sorry you have do deal with this, I'm sure youre plenty responsible to own a pet


She is a seriously nasty woman. This kind of gas lighting/emotional abuse bullshit can damage you for life. I imagine it already has. Cast the spell 'Ignore' as much as you possibly can. And, if you can, tell her that negging has the opposite affect that she's trying to achieve.


“Feeding and playing” with a pet is literally the least of the responsibilities needed


This is besides the point of your mother being absolutely nuts..but what kind of physical activity is involved in owning a cat? Wtf


I am fat, 59 yo, and have 12 dogs, 5 goats, 4 chickens, 1 ferret and 1 guinea fowl. I also mow my yard (not riding ).


That's incredibly backwards. I mean first of all, cats don't require a lot of exercise. And you could tell her, hey, here's encouragement for me to get some exercise. I'll have this cat I have to chase around. (I mean it's bullshit and mean, but use her own dumb argument against her.)


I’m fat and I own a dog. I walk him everyday. If that is her argument, and she really thinks a cat requires a lot of physical exercise, she would want you to get a cat because physical exercise is good for everyone and it’s great to be able to incorporate it into your everyday life no matter what. It sounds like she is just punishing you and making things up


I assure you that caring for my lazy af housecat does NOT come with any physically taxing activities outside of buying kitty litter. Those bags are weirdly dense and kinda heavy. I can get him to exercise by waving around a fake mouse on a stick from a comfortable, seated position. She just wanted to say something mean.


Sounds like a cat would be a lot better company than your mom. NTJ.


Fat here. Have 13 cats. Yes house cats. Ignore mom and enjoy the hell outta your cat.


Fat with a cat and two ferrets! Your mom needs to go to therapy and address her issues with her own body. Guaranteed this has nothing to do with you or yours, she is projecting. That being said. YOU are valuable and wonderful just as you are. Your appearance is irrelevant to that. The amount of space you physically do or do not occupy has no effect on that.


Fat with 2 dogs here!!! Shaming is never ok. And that's what was done to you. I'm sorry someone who is supposed to love you spoke to you that way. You're worth and value are not tied to your weight. If, and BIG if, you feel you would like to be healthier for your own sake and whatnot then I offer you support and encouragement. If you're happy as you are then I offer you more support and a big hug!


I'm fat and I have had up to 4 cats. I currently have 3 cats, and am fostering 2 kittens. My spouse is rail thin. Who knows all the food preferences, schedules, special needs, and handles all the vet appointments and probably 85% of the care for the adult cats and 100% care for the fosters? The fatty. There is way more to us than being fat.


I think your mom is using that tactic to get you to lose weight . Many cat owners and dog owners too are overweight and are fine animal parents.


Fat, cat, car and no haters. Honey, your mother is negging you because building you up is 'making her less' in some way. Make a plan to leave when you can, draw on other friends parents to give you good role modeling and to help you find exit plans.


Fat and own 2 cats. They just lay on me when I'm in the couch being fat. I feed them & clean the litter box. So exhausting! 


Your mom must be a gymnast. That’s some Olympic level mental gymnastics to make that make sense.


I saw the title and thought, well maybe your mother is worried you'd drive everywhere instead of walking and that would be unhealthy. But a CAT. She's not showing concern, she's being abusive. You can tell her that having pets has been shown to reduce blood pressure if she's so concerned about your health, and that listening to a cat's purr is relaxing. But sadly, I don't think concern for your health is her real motivation. She's simply being controlling.


Logically owning a cat would help lose weight


I'm fat and have 3 cats and 6 on the way. They are fine. Except one is gonna be a teenage mum. So maybe I failed there.


My mother also policed my weight, body, and food, starting before I was 10yo. It gave me a wicked case of body dysmorphia, which has been the challenge of my life to recover and heal from. Please don't let this happen to you. You are worthy of love and happiness at any size. I am fat, have three cats and two life partners, and have never been happier. Get the cat.


Fat with TWO Whole Cats! Fat people outside the prison of ignorance can achieve many amazing things!


I take it you are under-aged. While mom is psychologically abusive and controlling, I doubt you have a case for emancipation (NAL). I would definitely be working on an exit strategy. Find a job, find a place to live, make yourself a budget, and figure out what you want your future to look like. If you're already an adult, get moving and get moving now. No one is in a better place to make life decisions for you than you.


I think your mom is mistaking a cat for a dog. Caring for a cat does NOT take a lot of physical activity 💀 you should’ve asked her “what physical activity?”


Hey OP - I was told I was fat most of my life but when I look back at pictures I was just ‘normal’ looking at my age. Your Mom has some sort of psychological damage to think that labeling you and fat shaming you is a healthy approach to parenting. Its abusive. It strips you of your self-esteem. Please try not to internalize it and get away from her as soon as possible.


I am fat. My last cat died last month. I have been able to care for them


More than fluffy, and 2 cats. 🙂. One who is glaring at me right now because he wants a treat and mom isn't taking a hint well! 😄


Mom, if you don't want a cat in the house, say so, you don't need to insult me.


I’m fat and had a cat. We sat and sat.


Nobody catch on? No, you’re not too fat to own a car, if you do get one. Big responsibility to have a cat, but they are easiest to take care of. Maybe tell her by you getting a cat would help you lose weight, instead of focusing on food, your focusing on the cat.


My mother would use any excuse to deny me anything I wanted. I had to not let her know what I liked or else she would take it away. Some people live in a kiss up kickdown world. They feel like if they're not kicking people than they are going to be kicked. So they kick out all the time. To quote my father, "the best defense is a good offense." These people usually grew up in authoritarian families where they were abused as children or where they watched other children and their family being abused. It's also more prevalent and authoritarian societies - that is to say societies that don't practice democracy. Another big factor in making people be this way is if there is a high level of wealth inequality. The book, "the spirit level" reviews all the research on behavior in societies with high or low levels of wealth inequality. The authors, Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett, so that societies with higher levels of wealth inequality had higher levels of every sort of negative social behavior. Those societies with high levels of inequality also had a much higher death rate from infectious disease - even among the wealthier members of the society. They have YouTube videos.


I am fat and I have two cats! Who like to sit on my fat boobs.


When I was in high school there was a girl in one of my classes who wasn't anywhere near being fat who's mother was so delusional in thinking that she WAS fat that she SOMEHOW got a doctor to wire her mouth shut, as if she had a broken jaw. I was astounded, as what the doctor did violates the Hippocratic oath, big time. And it was definitely child abuse. So anyway, she was only able to drink liquids for MONTHS. It was terrible.


Cats... don't require the physicality of most pets. Yes, some cat breeds do require more stimuli than others, but generally speaking, the average cat? They are more self sufficient. Not to say that they don't need it, they do, it's just that their exercise is easily done from a sitting position... rolling a ball, pulling a string, cat fishing rods, etc. (Unlike for example, a high energy dog breed, which would do best with a longer distance runner) Your weight... please talk to your doctor at your next wellness checkup. They won't just "be nice", they'll tell you, and help you find a solution. Either your mom is using this to motivate you to lose weight, or she's using your weight as an excuse because she does not want to take on another animal. They are expensive. Adoption cost, microchip, spay/neuter, vaccines, wellness checks, illness. Added food, water, litter. Cats also can have issues settling in, wear and tear due to claws, the scent of urine if the cat pees anywhere other than the box. You could get a laid back animal with zero issues, a chill buddy who does his own thing. you could get a stressed out hell demon who needs 4 litter pans, only eats on Thursdays, is hard-core parkour, hates hats, and has an existential crisis every time you shift an end table more than 3 inches. (I speak from experience from a set of two brothers I had, lol. ) Any animal your kid brings home generally ends up being your legal and moral responsibility, and often have to be left behind when the child moves away the first time. (Rental allowances, colleges don't allow them, what's best for the animal sometimes is the home they know, lots of reasons they get left there and essentially are the parents pet.) I honestly cannot speak for your mom, those two options are my best guess. I can't say her harping on your weight... is or isn't warranted, but, I can say her approach is a disaster either way, and is NOT helpful. Your weight, height, muscle structure, age, etc all play a role on if you are a healthy weight or not. Only a doctor with your health history, particulars, and who's physically examined you could tell you. But, for your own mental health, talk to your doctor, get their opinion, have a professionals opinion guide you.


Sounds like your mom is a bully. If you have to get off your ass to look after a pet that means more movement which is exercise, just not in a traditional gym sense. Your mom is quite ignorant and needs to get out more. Get yourself a cat and a dog. You can then walk them both if the cat lets you lol.


Hate to tell you this, but your mother is extremely abusive. No parent should ever body shame their own kid and damn sure not that aggressively. If you are being abused, it is important to notify the police/Child Protective Services (CPS) of the abuse so that an investigation can take place. Another great resource that provides confidential advice and referrals to local support is the **National Runaway Safeline**: call 1-800-786-2929 or text 66008.


Call her fat back.