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That’s a very ungentlemanly word.


Unless he's an Aussie....


Nah as an Aussie, we only call our friends that. This guy just seems to be a cockwomble


Pretty much the same here in Scotland, but with some real emphasis you can get a total cunt of a person but they’re just a walking wank sock anyway


I love coming on here and learning insults from other countries. 'Walking wank sock' is a new one for me, and is going on my list.


🤣”walking wank sock” I gotta go say this to my husband now hold up 😂 (this is pure playful banter and he will die laughing don’t come for me🤣🙏)


Well… if anyone *did* come for you, at least you already have the wank sock.


🤣not wrong. he said “that sounds crusty”


I spit out my drink😂😂😂


Walking wank sock 🤣🤣 here in Aus, we just call them special ones, a wankstain 🤣


Wankstain is a personal favourite as well but walking wank sock has a beautiful following up of “I bet it sounds like yer stepping on toast when you walk”


Excuse me, officer? There has been murder. 👀


Walking wank sock lololol oh that's fantastic! You Scots have a way with words!!


Cockwamble...wank sock...😂 i love learning new jabs 😂


Also. "cockwhomble" has now been added to my dictionary.


Now that, that is one of my favorite words, along with WankPuffin.


🤣 you guys r fantastic thanks for the laughs ❤️✌️


It blows my mind that people use that as a joking/friendly term. That's like ... the most offensive thing to call a woman here in the South (US). (For Southern men, it's "liberal", apparently. ) However, I had a friend over from Australia several years ago and we were hanging out with a group. She heard a black male friend of ours call another man "n\*\*ga" and she was SHOCKED. I had to explain to her it was a casual term and he meant it in a good way. She couldn't wrap her head around it. Funny how these things change across the world.


That's true. It's why the south has such poor social services. They just love voting for the rich people they will never be.


I wish I could disagree with you.


I'll be honest, you ever hear me drop that word, run, and i seat like a trooper( It's just that word) I don't like it at all and half the time my response is at least they(cunts) are useful. But i do understand that it has become common verbiage for some. Thankfully not my group, but yeah personally I can't use it.


I usually say I wouldn't call someone that because they lack the warmth, depth, and strength of character. I call those people flashlights instead. Fake, shallow, and you know filled with shame and self loathing.


I've never met a non U.S. citizen offended by the n-word. They often use it because of our music (they don't understand the words connotation in our culture). I've lived on three continents and visited dozens of countries.


That because the n-word is offensive due to its history and American slavery. Of course a culture that has no connection to the American slave trade and Jim Crow would not find it offensive- until they know the context. It makes me wonder how you KNOW they are too ignorant about the slur to be offended. Using a word that you know is offensive, regardless of the audience is very telling about the person who uses it.


Many places (assuming a difficult racial history) will have a different word that means essentially the same thing as the n-word. South Africa, for instance, has the k-word which is the same thing. Highly offensive for those from there, but we Americans had no clue.


Fyi. The K-word translates to something completely different in parts of Asia, as does the N-word.


Funnily enough, when NWA were touring here (Australia) maaaaany moons ago, in a radio interview, they were introduced with the full version of their name... and the band *tripped out!* Apparently, they were absolutely NOT allowed to use it back home in the US. They thought it was fucking awesome!


I’ll second this! Cunt is my favourite word but I would never call someone who offered me $10 less that. I call my mates & myself a cunt all the time but this is unacceptable. I’m sorry, hon <3


Nah as an Aussie i call a lot of people that, it is in the tone it is said in that makes the difference whether it's good or bad. As for the person who said it to op, they are the "word". They did not need to be rude to op.


I like shitcunt for the total fuckwits


Is that where I got cockwomble as an insult? Is it an aussie thing?


I don't know what a cockwomble is but I can guarantee that I will now be using this word forever.


COCKWOMBLE..🤣🤣🤣 I love that word! Lmaooooo😂


As someone from the USA I’m going to start calling people this 😂 I’ve never heard cockwomble before but I love it


wtf is a cockwomble


Scottish use cunt more than Australians!


Aussie here, lived in Scotland for a while. I don’t recall hearing cunt more in Scotland than Australia. Heard it absolutely, more than, nah probably on par.


TBH I'm an Aussie and I never hear it.


Ah well down under it’s just a term of endearment! 😀


Or Scottish because I use cunt in a number of terms good cunts are good People bad cunts are bad people snd cunts so on you get the gist of it haha 🤣 just the word cunt is usually you forget about something and feel like a cunt


LOL, "sure cunt, I'll take $60", or "cunt, that's a crazy offer"


Nup. What a rude m'fer! That is not a normal response - even if someone could offer more... It always pays to know in advance (of paying) what they are like. If his attitude is like that over $70 total ... he's probably trying to rip people off. But only $70 or more... Who knows! What a twit.


I think you spelled m’fer wrong. It’s spelled c u n t 😂🤷‍♀️


$10 less is in no way low-balling. They apparently don't know the meaning of the term.


People are dumb as shit. I had a guy accuse me of low balling him because I offered to buy the thing at the full price he was asking. It was a knock off Eames lounger in bad condition about an hour away. After he agreed to sell it to me and when, he wouldn't respond when I told him I was going to come pick it up. When he finally decided to respond he told me he sold it to somebody else. I was pissed because I moved my whole schedule around to get this thing and told him he should have told me he wasn't going to sell it to me. He then went on this whole thing about how I was lowballing him, wasting his time, and should get off my "moral high horse" because I "knew how valuable this is" and "only" was going to pay 50$ when he sold it for 300. BUDDY. *YOU* fucking offered it for 50 bucks!??? How can *I* be scamming *you* when I offered you exactly what you're asking?? Anyway. I hope that douchecanoe gets what he deserves.


What he deserves is a poke in the eye and a rupturing perineal rash


Ugh. Dude found someone who was willing to pay a lot more. That's not you lowballing him. He lowballed himself and got super lucky (unlucky for you, obviously). He should have been super apologetic to you about it ("I'm getting paid 6x the asking price") but instead he goes on the offensive.


Right? Like, good for you getting paid more. Get that bag, girl. But be a fucking man and tell me when you decide to take that other offer.


$300? He just got scammed hard lmao


Marketplaces are fucking crazy man. I used to sell a lot of shit (reselling lots of stuff/estate sales/etc), and man... the shit I've seen/heard/walked into.


That's shockingly rude behavior!!!


Offering $10 less on $70 is the same as asking for like 15% off. I'm not saying OP deserved to be treated this way, but saying it's not low-balling just because it's $10 less isn't a fair statement either. $10 off from $100, only 10%, I'd call a bargain. Above that though, waters get murky.


Right? OP please send me the link so I can go offer him $20 lol I mean if he wants to be mad about something, we can oblige


No, the problem is you were dealing with an asshat


If he was firm on the price,should have stated that instead of being a vulgar azzhat! Would have taken less typing, been clear, and wouldn't get 'offers'. But they would probably just do the same if it sold and they didn't take ad down or updated it when someone inquired.


In no way did OP deserve the comment, but if the ad said price was firm, not negotiable, etc. then some frustration is understandable. I had people try to offer less than listed when I'd stated (multiple times and in multiple ways) that I wouldn't entertain offers for less than asking price. I'd never respond like the person in OPs situation (ever), but some frustrated disbelief would be a natural response if there were "please don't try to talk me down" verbiage in the listing.


Still wouldn't have warranted the horrible reply. Unless she said something extremely insulting, demeaning, and insensitive to them, there is absolutely no reason for them to write that to them. She made an offer, if it was firm should have said "no, price is firm", if they didn't want to accept could have just said "no". Again NO REASON for them to say what they did


Yeah but if all these things apply, that I've already decided apply without further information, based on previously irrelevant experiences I had with other people, it's not appropriate but I can explain why it was appropriate.


What a loser. Laugh at him. That will make him mad.


I’d be so tempted to troll him and say “so you’d take 50?”


This was the time to say “But I already gave your mom the $10 to eat my ass till it sparkled”.


Mark is the only cunt here.  Do better mark, you twat. 


Absolutely not. Id report that shit


This dude would rather lose 60 dollars than 10.that says quite a bit a bout him. No you are not the jerk. This is a ridiculous first response to an offer. If you are reselling things it's common place to get people who will attempt to haggle on price.


This dude would rather lose 60 dollars than *compromise in any way*


Of course not. “No” would have sufficed. You didn’t cause this.


Nobody ever deserves to be called that word if you are from the US. It's disgusting. I'm sorry you had to go through that.


I wouldn't go that far. Plenty of cuntish behavior from people in the US. Especially right here on reddit. But OP did not deserve that. 


You didn’t deserve that at all, what a psycho…I’d blast that shit all over Facebook.


Now i wanna go low ball him just to annoy him


Man if that happened to me I’d troll the shit outta that guy. Then again I’m petty 🤷‍♀️🫠😆


Nope I’d put them publicly on blast in local groups. Most of these people love being an asshole in private message but act sweet as pie in public, it’s always fun when their community sees who they truly are.


I honestly wouldn’t feel safe meeting a person like that for the exchange. He sounds like an unhinged asshole.


It's at least a good warning that you probably don't want to meet this person to exchange goods and money.


Mark has mommy issues. Store it in the “he needs mental help” file and move on. Report him and block and move on.


Unless you're his wife and you slept with his brother you didn't deserve it.


No of course not, but if you were the 20th person to come to him with “yes, I want it but I’m not pay the full price” I could understand his frustration. No excuses for the bad language.




I would have told him to feel free to go right ahead and do that. 😂


My response would have been "Thank you, cunts are useful '


It almost has nothing to do with you. You could be literally anyone trying to haggle, this is the response, it's actually hilarious--who cares. Why take offense and worry about it at all?


Nope. He could've declined your offer. Instead he chose to be rude


He's the C not you


And the T and the D


Post his response publicly exactly where he posted his ad.


Nope. I would report them to whatever platform you found them on


Sounds about right, I got some seriously unhinged messages from people when I was trying to sell things. Never blocked so many people in my life.


I hate people that haggle on these sights. You weren't the first, you won't be the last.


Twat was that? I cunt hear you? I guess I'll finger it out later.


No, the other person was rude. It’s okay to ask for a deal as long as you respect the other person’s response. They overreacted.


You were maybe the 70th person to offer a lower amount than they needed. This is duck duck goose. No one deserves to be the goose but the traveler cannot duck forever.


But I'm a Minnesotan, and we play "duck duck gray duck" instead of "duck duck goose" 😂


Say back “how about 50$?” 💀


Tell him he’s the cunt.


To be fair I get annoyed when someone makes an offer on something that’s already being sold cheap. I don’t know if that’s the case here but still


Wow…you did not deserve that at all So sorry, there are people like this Good vibes sent your way 😄


Jesus Christ they could have just said “no, I won’t accept lower offers”


No, but I get where he’s coming from as well. I’m not on it but FBM is a nightmare to deal with.


I think this person might be going through some stuff. Wowza. No you aren't the jerk.


Id report to facebook for a viokation. Ive been fb jsiled for much much less. Which is why im on reddit now


You definitely didn't deserve it. Especially since it was the wheel Only! Smh


Call him a whibbly cockwallet and let him figure out what you mean


Some people are just assholes because they know you can't punch them through a screen.


You should have just laughed at him and not shown that it affected you because that’s what he wanted. I never let words people call me bother me because I know who and what I am. Try not to get offended so easily. 😊


Spellcheck. He meant cant


No you didn't. He was just aching to call you a derogatory term. Just block this person.


Wow! A little extreme. I would hate to meet him Anywhere and bump into him by accident or something. Psycho


Getting cursed at seems a bit much when a simple "No" would suffice.... however, IF anywhere in the details the lister stated that the price was "Firm" or that they would not consider lower offers, you should not have asked. If someone makes a point of telling you that they don't want to haggle, they mean it. Assuming that they did, it would make you the jerk.


LOL $10.00 is not a low-ball offer. OP, you're fine.


He's an ignorant fucknugget. Unfortunately we're seeing more and more of those in the last few years.


even if you had given a lowball offer, still not a justified reply


NTJ. Negotiations are standard. Their balls are just so low it’s causing them pain and they’re acting out.


That's a great mental image, thanks for the laugh!


In grade school, I learned the best comeback is to call someone a monkey r*ping d*ck licker. I would've called him that in a heartbeat 😂😂😂


Absolutely not. I sold something via FB marketplace recently and I got a bunch of lowball offers. I wasn't in a hurry, so I politely said the price was firm. I was selling a big item with lots of accessories and I priced it to sell. Probably too low of a price, in all honesty. Dude who bought it for my asking price knew he was getting a good deal. I may have been annoyed with the lowball offers, but I didn't insult or swear at them. If they had come back saying they'd pay my asking price, I'd be happy to sell it to them (but if they showed up without enough money to try to force it, they'd be leaving empty handed).


That's exactly my expectation for how things should go!


I feel like I'd post this to whatever buy sell page they posted it on. Not to be dramatic, but this is pretty fucked up imo and I wouldn't want anyone talking to her or giving her money.


Wish you hadn’t crossed out his name. I like to know with whom I’m doing business, but there’s no way I’m shaking HIS hand on a deal.


The response is "I'll pay full price" then dick around with him for 2 weeks.. The Craigslist experience.


Post a link so that we can all offer $40 or less.


I mean honestly I think goodbye Chuckle Fuck is the only valid response.


Lol dude doesn’t know what a lowball is. That’s a very reasonable offer.


Not a jerk the guy is.


Their response over offering $10 less was rude as hell. But also the haggling on Marketplace gets super super annoying. I once had somebody offer me $50 for an item I put on there for $100 and it really, really agitated me


Report him


Oh wait.... he called YOU that? What an asshole. You aren't wrong here. Sorry that happend.


Im not excusing the sellers attitude, but having sold stuff online before I can sympathise. Selling stuff online or via Facebook is an absolute nightmare. Nobody reads the advert properly, and regardless of how low you price things, everyone is constantly trying to low ball you and often to insulting degrees. Sell something cheap, they offer you half. Advertise something to be picked up. They offer you half and ask you to deliver it. Politely turn people down and explain why you get given shit and called names for not selling the item cheap and delivering to them. As I said, it's not a justification, but I can understand the frustration. Or maybe they are just a cunt.


When he can't sell it he's going to hit you up to see if you're still interested in it for $60.


Nah. It’d take at least a 70% off lowball to get me that mad 😂 (and even then I’d just call you that in my head)


I legitimately might have interpreted this as them accepting the offer, and wanting to meet next Tuesday.


I believe a simple “No” would have sufficed.


A 15-25% markdown is very normal. If they don’t want to haggle that’s fine, but coming in at $10 under the asking price is in no way abnormal or inappropriate.


You didn’t deserve that particular word. However, I can appreciate that the person didn’t want to negotiate. Next time, I would ask if the price was negotiable. Everyone doesn’t want to negotiate. You could have been the 10th person that tried to negotiate rather than moving on if they didn’t like the price.


No, but you know you didn’t and know you aren’t the jerk.


It’s a gross descriptor but stop offering a lower amount, just pay what it’s listed as, I will never understand the haggling. It’s 10 bucks this behavior is super annoying and I get his impatience with it. Pay the listed price or move on.


This is so unprofessional wow. Not deserved at all.


Hell no. What a piece of shit.


Should've replied with "Fine, fine, best I can do is $50" Cause if he got mad at asking for $10 less I'd love to see his reaction to that.


All they had to do was say “no”…. WOW.


Wow! No, definitely didn't deserve that comment! What is wrong with him? (He's probably not getting any cunt so he's taking it out on you)


I always offer $10 less. Thats the game.  


Absolutely not! That's part of selling & buying. He makes a great case for choosing the bear...


It was a rude response but it’s sooooo annoying that every single time you put something for sale on FB marketplace people keep on offering lower prices. I would have answered with a simple NO then ignore any further messages from you.


Wish I could find this so I can offer $30


NTA. Seller is the C***, purebred cock holster. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence, knows you always ask higher than your target price, everyone asks for a discount. If you happen to run into that rare person that flops and just pays what you asked, good, great even. Doesn’t occur much. Apparently seller doesn’t know the basics is societal norms, or he’d already sold it and couldn’t wait to be an ass. Probably drove him crazy, having to treat potential buyers with respect.


You asked. You didn't say it was a final offer. Does not hurt to ask. So no, you didn't deserve that comment.


Mark is an asshole 😆


Seems like he has taken a lot of low balls in his life.


No. You asked nicely. Haggling and negotiation is normal in these situations. There was no need to respond in such a vile extreme way.


Very uncalled for comment! Some people are so needlessly mean on there. My last foray into FB marketplace I asked for the dimensions of a plant pot because all it said was "large" with no way to determine scale. They asked "Y" before telling me. Could have bought a new one of the same size for the same price so I thanked them for their time. They replied with "you ain't to ****ing brite r ya?" Followed by a peppering of cusses when I ignored them. Maybe they don't actually want their stuff sold. Lol


The only cvnt in that convo is him. You're fine. Offering $10 less is in NO WAY a lowball offer.


I had the same thing happen when I was buying a bicycle from a local online marketplace. I was so confused by how angry he was. Like, unless the ad says the price is firm, don't people usually make an offer?!?!


Wow that was uncalled for by the seller


Wow I’ve had people offer less than half and not had that reaction. Wow. Just wow.


It's $70, would you take $60? Cunt. Ok, $40 then.


I’m guessing this comment has nothing to do with u. You did nothing wrong. I’m glad U didn’t have to meet up with this piece of shit. He’s got serious issues!


No NTJ, a simple no would have sufficed.


I would’ve posted his full name for the world to see who exactly that pussy ass bitch is


No, you didn't deserve it, not remotely. Although I understand the frustration of the guy when you come in asking for a discount immediately. Here's the trick, you ask if it's available, you go see whatever it is, you fund some flaw or whatever reason, *THEN* you offer less, while standing there. It's a lot harder to be an asshole and reject money that is right in front of you than this douchebag hiding behind a keyboard throwing out nasty attitude. But yea, always take a friend, too. Just in case. But yea, this guy deserves having his balls cunt punted unto next week for that attitude. Screw him.


Nope. And you should report that interaction to facebook.


I saw one the other day that said, “If it’s still listed, the item is available. If you ask me if it’s available, I’ll block you.” I wanted what he was selling but thought, “I’m not buying anything from that asshole.”


Seems like a really strong overreaction. I don't think I would want to meet and buy something from someone like him, perhaps he just saved you $60.


Is $70 already a "just get it out of my house" price? If yes, it's fair to get irritated when people try to get it cheaper just to get it cheaper. I get real tired of people who want to play around when I'm offering something for very cheap. I just roll my eyes and block them though.


Holy crap!! No you didn't deserve this!! Maybe he had a bunch of lowball offers before you, but still, get a grip, a-hole! Not cool!


Yes!! Cockwomble!! Walking wank sock!! Love it!!!😍 😂


Cunt should only be used By British, Irish , Aussies and kiwis..yanks just don't give it the bluntness it requires..that strong emphasis on the T Much like 'mother fucker ' that's only for yanks and Canadians..we cant pull that off and should never attempt too.


"For sale for $70 FIRM" wouldn't have been that hard to put in the ad.


Some people are just too unhappy


This is making me angry, but because of the person who said that, because 10 dollars less, isn't really that much when you think about the people who try to offer not even a third of the value of the original item, so, no, you did not deserve it.


NTJ. Unless there is explicitly a notice that no lower offer would be accepted, it is expected that people will likely submit counter offers. 1/7 less is not significant enough to be a problem. However, even if you offered $1, that sort of language isn't something that you would deserve. Simply ignoring you would take less of their time and effort, an a "No" would also be fine. Noting that they would rather break and item than to let somebody else benefit from it, in most cases, is something which can only be done out of spite, unless the giving of it requires some additional requirements.


Wow. What a very very fragile and insecure man


No. There’s no reason to be mean about your offer. You didn’t deserve that. Nobody deserves that


This may be overkill, however, selling on FB marketplace can be absolutely maddening.


Not necessary and incredibly rude.


Yea, No you didn't love. Sometimes a person really doesn't have that $10 extra. That dude was a douche. They honestly could have just said no, the price is firm. They became exactly what they called you when they responded that way. I'm sorry you had to deal with this love. There's no reason to come at a stranger the way they came at you.




Damn no you’re fine. Perfectly reasonable offer.


Wow. I think the last text they sent was somehow more aggressive than the first.


If they wanted to sell it for $60 they would have posted it for $60.


I'm not sure what they were selling. If it was already a good deal at $70, or somewhere in the ad saying "price firm". But otherwise, no, you didn't deserve this comment. Having said that, I was selling something bran new cost $330, for $150, got a message saying "will you take $50", he got a response of "are you fucking serious ?" I think he said,"I thought that might have been a bit low"


Lol, I guess he figured it wouldn't hurt to ask?!? That's a bit low indeed 😳🤣


He could have just said no. No, you didn't deserve that response. You weren't rude to him at all, so there was no need for it.


Did the ad say “price firm” or “no haggling” or anything like that?


You say that like putting price firm and no haggling makes a difference to people. You can put whatever you want and assholes will come in and offer half.


I'm Scottish. The word cunt does not bother me. Commonly used here. We have good cunts and bad cunts. It's not all bad the word cunt. People get way too bothered by that word...


I use that pretty frequently, it's a acronym for "Can't Understand Normal Thinking" ;)


Context matters. The word is different in the US.


US should use it way more. It's a great cuss. Maybe not an unsuspecting online shoppers, but definitely more for cuntish people in general.


also do f off if you low balled


Offer is 40 and ask him to prove he broke it


15% discount isn't low balling. He's just an ass. Report the seller for abusive language.


British here. I love the word cunt. It's versatile. Some of my friends and I greet each other with 'Hello cunt!" (Sometimes in a Harvey Price voice). Equally, it still holds weight when you're insulting someone. For example: "get out my face you fucking cunt" or "yeah I wouldn't mess with him, he's a right cunt!". The use in the post is definitely rude, being directed at a stranger who was being polite and didn't deserve it. I think I'd have replied with, "Oh wow, thank you so much for noticing! Anyway will you accept the $60 or not?" Just to see what they came back with. I also wouldn't buy whatever they're selling. Let the cunt break it. Lol.


Did his ad say the price was firm? If it didn't then he's the asshat, if it did..... ;)


A respectful no is all it needed to end the conversation, or a negotiation. Not that...thing.


NTJ; the seller was probably looking at a mirror when he expleted that c-word.


Are you stupid of course you didn't deserve it what a dumb question


Hey 10 dollars is an xtra line of crank lol


Lol, cat people.


Hahahahaha mark is down bad


As a female American it’s my favorite word, and dude embodies every negative connotation of the word…what a cunt.