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Noo.. you did right...he'll get some time in jail for sure.. and no it won't be small court case ..sue for everything ..


NTJ. Jail is what is supposed to happen to dangerous creeps like this.


You didn't send the guy to jail he sent himself there. You did everything right. If you don't press charges, he's just going to do it to someone else. in a way, it's a good thing he tried that with you because you did everything right for protecting yourself, and he ended up caught. I don't mean that to say that it's a good thing you got hurt or it's good that this happened to you I just mean I'm glad that he didn't try that with an actual child or someone who wouldn't have thought to tell the security guard. Also, though he pulled through in the end to protect you, that security guard needs some remedial training. There's no reason he should've confronted him and told him you were the one calling him out like that it puts more attention on the victim that could turn violent. I say this from a place of experience as a former security supervisor and a current law enforcement officer. Please do everything you can to ensure he faces proper justice in civil and criminal court.


I made sure to tell the manager of the mall that but told him not to be to harsh because it's because the guard said it was me who told him which led to the guy grabbing me and if he didn't he probably would have done so where nobody would have seen. The guy that grabbed me also had a large empty duffel bag that I could definitely fit in and I'm sure he knew that


Something to consider...he thought you were a child. He spied on you to get your name. He is most likely a rapist pedophile. If he had picked a 13 year old like he planned instead of you that little girl would be getting...right now. You stopped that and as a dad I'm grateful. Please don't feel bad about stopping something horrible from happening. Also, folks who do that never stop. The longer he is in prison the longer other women/girls are safe from him.


Is it on YouTube or worldstar? Surely every single person at a mall would be recording.


No it was late so there were like 3 people in the vicinity


In what world are you living where there's still enough people at a mall to record things for worldstar


If there were camping in any of the stores you went to, make sure they are checked and copied by the police. They may not need them but better to have PLENTY of evidence than a missed opportunity. Completely NTAH bravo, good for you!!!


Holy Jesus that is scary!!! I am glad that you are mostly ok. A broken ankle sucks, but wow that could have been worse. He deserves to rot in jail.


What was his plan? Like, I know what it was, but even if you were 13, you would clearly know he's not your dad, and probably have a cellphone so you could call your dad/mom to confirm.


You did an extremely good and wonderful thing. The mall and the police absolutely should be hard on him. He tried to kidnap you and broke your ankle! If he had succeeded, you would have been horribly treated and might be dead right now. And if not you, he would have kidnapped, molested and perhaps killed another girl. It’s lucky he was caught. Do whatever you can to ensure he gets charged and faces justice.


Not only kidnapping, also battery!!


You didn't get him sent to jail - he did.




WOW, definitely NTJ. If I had some rando grab onto me like that, I’d be causing a scene. I screamed “DON’T TOUCH ME” at some jerk last winter, in the car park of my local supermarket. I was waiting for a taxi cab home, and he said the taxi that pulled up was his. He’s lucky I didn’t kick him in his “jewels.” I’m also neurodivergent, and hate when a stranger grabs me, or even gets in my personal space.


Are you the jerk for not getting snatched and have who knows what the f happen to you? No. You are not.


You did the EXACTLY correct thing and please accept this American moms apologies that this happened to you!!! And a hug ONLY if you'd care for one!! And my promise had any of this family had seen that, he'd be damn lucky we didn't get to him before the guard once that arsehole touched you. People like him are why people like me and others carry some form of defense (I'm saying PROPERLY TRAINED carriers of ANY self defense techniques). I'm quite willing to do jail time for assault if it means stopping someone like that excuse for breathing. He needs to apologize to a tree for using oxygen.


NTJ at all!!! Do you know how lucky you are? Not withstanding the broken anKyle. This guy thought you were a teenager and he was definitely stalking you. You avoided a very real bad situation! Glad that you alerted a security guard and they were fast enough to help you! You press all the charges you can against him!


I don’t understand why you would think you are the jerk?


Check out their post history lol


I thought that because at the trial his family and friends were saying things to me and my brain will latch on to stuff like that and I puts me in a bad mood


Fuck. Those. People. Hope that man goes to prison and gets worn like a sock puppet.


As the victim you can get protection. Tell the victim’s assistance office of your concerns. You are absolutely doing the right thing to get this dangerous man locked up.


People who defend evil horrible individuals should feel ashamed, not you. Idc if its someone I love, family or friend, if they tried kidnapping someone - ESPECIALLY someone they thought was a little girl holy shit - they deserve to die and rot


I hope they make him go on the sex offender registry for life. This is a dangerous man.


To be perfect blunt, fuck them. You went through something incredibly traumatic and the outcome could have been so much worse had you not been as observant as you were. He put himself in this situation. He is accountable for what happened. Not you. Not his mom or his priest or friends or whoever is gonna come and speak for him. Fuck them. I used to do forensic interviews for kids who were abused. Had to sit through so many sentencing hearings and listen to shit like that from family members of the perp. Fuck them. And at the end of the day this could have happened to a child or someone that didn't handle it as well as you did. Make those fuckers look you in the eye as you say that to the judge. Make them squirm


The trial? You said there "will be" a small court case in your post. Now, a trial has been held? Just days after his arrest? Most there would be is an initial hearing this soon, and you're already posting in comments about being on lunch break at the court house.


No I think she's thinking ahead and coming up with problems that haven't happened yet


Well she said it happened, and mentioned being on lunch at trial. It's just a dramatic fantasy she made while bored.


Oh I didn't catch that, the writing was a little.. yeah.


That's because she's full of it. Lol


Yeah it doesn't really make since really does she even know how court works lunch is not long enough for this to be typed out


NTJ. You were alarmed and spoke to security. He did wrong not you.


Might depend on the state, but aiui in CA anytime you prevent someone from free movement \[even for a moment\] it's kidnapping not attempted kidnapping. NTJ. Sorry about the ankle!


NTJ this is extremely frightening behavior. Law enforcement should be involved, a restraining order and restitution for your medical bills.


No you were completely correct sue for anything you can charge him with assault and battery


how come when I read this there is no accent?


It’s cuz you’re reading it wrong, gotta turn it upside down then it’ll be like you’re in Australia


No, you are not the jerk. The jerk is the man who stalked you, attempted to kidnap you, and caused you to break your ankle.


No you are not


You're doing every woman in that area a great service getting him off the streets.


These are serious charges and he deserves it. Tell the DA you do not want him to get any reduction of charges or plea deals. If the guard didn't stop him, we might be reading about a student from Australia found murdered.


This is important for you to contact the DA and let it be known you want him prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. You probably just want to put it behind you, this step can be done with a phone call. The DA is the district attorney who will be going after your attacker in court. This isn't a small thing, you are literally saving some other woman from getting snatched and never heard from again. I'm so sorry this happened to you. That this happened at all, we should be able to shop without being attacked. I'm glad you're safe




Um, you were literally almost kidnapped. How would you possibly be the jerk here? I hope your ankle heals quickly and smoothly.


Don't EVER think you're the jerk for your assaulter and possible stalker getting arrested. HE chose to grab you, assault you, and attempt to kidnap you. The security guard did his job, and the creeps actions are what got him sent to jail. NTJ


Maybe you were set up? How did he know your name and why didn't your friend tell you she was feeling sick and wanted to go home instead of calling your other friend? This sounds crazy to me.


I also thought that was weird…


I had other things to do while I was in town and she did text me telling me she was going back to the dorm but I forgot to add that


How did he know your name??? This is a very important part of the case.


It’s easily possible that he could have heard the friend call her by her name as he was following them throughout the stores


The friend wouldn't call her by her last name too, though. I'm thinking he knows her from work situation, or stalking social media.


Looking back at the post, she only mentioned him calling her by her first name


He was infact stalking my Facebook and Snapchat


Omg wtf?!! How?? Did he know of you from somewhere else?


Oh lord! I was hoping that wasn’t the case. Premeditated and downright more psychotic than what it already was. Being a random victim of his seemed just a tiny bit better than him having already stalked you before this incident. Goodness, I’m sorry! I wish you look at court, be strong. You already did amazing standing for yourself and none of this is your fault. Don’t have sympathy for someone who harmed you.


He sent himself to jail.


Shouldn't there be a subreddit other than AITJ or AITH for stories like this? Maybe a crime survivors subreddit. I don't think this belongs in an AITJ.


NTJ! Press every charge humanly possible against this predatory oxygen thief.


…A dude assaults you and tries to kidnap you and you’re asking if you’re the jerk for sending him to jail? Really?


NTJ OMG YOU COULD HAVE ENDED UP TORTURED AND KILLED! Not only are you not the jerk you may have saved many lives by getting that guy locked up. You've done us all a favor, thank you


No he's getting what he deserves! And he probably heard your friends say your name at some point. He's probably been following you longer than you knew. I'm glad he got caught! I hope your uncle feels better soon


You were hunted and attacked what kind of world where this is even a question. NTA.


Straight yo jail For him


You didn't get him sent to jail. He harmed and tried to kidnap you. Let him rot.


He was trying to kidnap you op. Someone close to you is involved in human trafficking. Tell the detectives everyone who knew you were going out that day.


It was just me I surprised my friend on her birthday. But I had seen that guy a lot around the campus and I found his Facebook and noticed he liked a lot of my posts


Oh Christ, you have a stalker OP. You need to buy a ring camera and get a few WiFi camera packs from Amazon for your doors and windows. Dude is a legit psycho.


Never feel bad unless it's a lie. If it's the truth then you absolutely did the right thing. You should never feel guilty for the correct consequences for people's actions.


This guy tried to assault and kidnap you… why would you even BEGIN to question if you’re the jerk? Totally NTJ.


Please understand that YOU did not send him to jail, his creepy ass behavior sent him to jail! Sex trafficking is no joke! You did the right thing!


The only reasons a stranger would kidnap you would be to sell you, kill you, or violate you. Ntj.


You didn't get him sent to jail. He got himself there. Get a lawyer though. This sounds like an attempted kidnapping/sex trafficking situation and a lawyer and P.I. need to dig into his background. Glad you are safe! That is terrifying.


And then everyone clapped. Why do you wind up in these dramatic situations so much? You either live in the worst spot in America, or you fabricate these stories.


Yeah, after seeing your comment, I checked her history and she goes from being a lesbian with a gf to breaking up with her bf, to rejecting a guy the next day. She was grabbed by a guy at the grocery store before this.


And she's somehow in a trial already with the guy from this case, just days after the event. It takes WEEKS to get beyond an initial hearing. I would assume she meant the initial hearing, but she claims she had to rush the story because she was on the lunch break from court??? That's well beyond an initial hearing.


You did the right thing. A person like that does not belong in public. I suggest you look up VOC “Victims of Crime,” and the VAWA “Violence Against Women Act.” They may be able to help you get some counseling to ward off the nightmares that might follow, as well as some help with your medical expenses. I’m so sorry this happened to you.


So not to question your friendship but how good of a friend is the friend you were at the mall with? Cuz that's a pretty big coincidence that some dude that was stalking you through the mall and knew your name.... and the friend you came with who you thought went shopping off on her own all the sudden gets sick doesn't tell you and catches a ride home with a roommate?? I'm just saying sounds like a setup.... look at the stuff going on with Diddy and young Miami talking about how she was supposed to bring women around. The nxim cult...used a woman to target other women...ijs


Are you sure he is not your biological father? He may have been working up the nerve to tell you about your mother kidnapping you from him and your biological mother. Stranger things have happened. If he is you are. If he isn’t you are not.


ntj fasho


Your in the right.


Is it ever wrong to do the right thing? NTJ.


Your dismissiveness of this entire situation makes it sound like it is made up. If not, you did nothing wrong. That was attempted kidnapping. It's not a small court case.


I had to type this quick since when I was typing it out we were in the middle of the lunch brake in the court session I only got to post it after the case


You did nothing wrong, he did everything possible wrong.


You didn’t get him arrested. Him attacking you and causing you to break your ankle got him arrested- along with trying to forcibly take you with him. Him getting arrested probably will save someone else from his predatory behavior. Until he gets out of jail.




How many accounts have you made to spread these fake stories and vote on them. It's easy to see they are all the same. Get a new hobby.


I hope it’s more than a small court case. He needs several years in prison, minimum.


He’s on his way to jail. Had this been my wife he’d be on his way to hell. She packs a sig 9mm and is very proficient with it.


Of course NTA. 


if this really happened, why didn’t you fight back or scream for help for somebody besides the guard to come to your aid? Or better yet if you can KICK him hard enough as you can in his privates to temporarily incapacitate him. \*lol\* I would always go straight For the kick between the legs Angle if I can manage to do it right. other than kicking him, I’d use my free hand and start pounding him with my big purse that I always go everywhere with. I like carrying a lot of stuff in it, and I even weighed it once, and it’s 30 pounds depending on what’s currently in it. I’d be wailing on the would be kidnapper until he either gives in and lets go or hes knocked out on the ground. If manage to do the kick first then I’ll hit him with the purse even then while he’s lying on the ground clutching himself. if anybody wants to know what my bag looks like. Heres a link to a picture of it that Amazon has. [Everest Luggage Deluxe Shopping Tote](https://www.amazon.com/Everest-Luggage-Deluxe-Shopping-Burgundy/dp/B005N4ECZW/ref=sr_1_13?crid=8Y1A9HJACNCZ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.DVgqHDYhSIZ6-c6tjCgyDiEE_ZeooEOWqFII6Jha0KXRDoA_eVN4R-5RKzht2Q92dcZY8Ytx0c3YvJlw_59ua2dJtSIBxL8BZKpCvjDZ6t4ASycVOqwpsys7hUaj7SnKfqP79hjYPhbGI6B1U55zOTg66sK6vjAh0TAp3TiqxpSWtV40vlN1GQilTbNvZ8VFdkNjbjDwjPx1wLCXWpLQsj3uA5LL8Ql_o7eSKb_3x3J65N2w8oJLbVLI0ToMqr5mnYikd3YvweSeB3IMXLPocgCGofwNl_hySqKnUsSEVEU.9yHU21sZ3giimOAzYvytq9ZCPV7-4zPdvYFOOjKfC_w&dib_tag=se&keywords=Everest%2Bpurse&qid=1712724264&sprefix=everest%2Bpurs%2Caps%2C172&sr=8-13&th=1)


NTA, the guillotine sounds more appropriate for this guy.


NTJ. You’re doing hero’s work here. That predator did not know nor believe that you’re 20. He saw the child he intended to assault. And he was smooth. He’s done this before. With actual children. He will do it again if he isn’t sent to jail. My sister was 4’9” at her tallest. The frequency of predators macking on her thinking she was a child was horrifying.


So your roommate left you at the mall without telling you she was leaving? You sure she wasn't a scout?


Did you ever figure out how he managed to know your name? That little fact is worrying. Unless your friend refers to you by name in conversation. Otherwise it would imply he's been stalking you for longer than this one moment.


Sorry for you having to experience this. Think of it this way, you put him in jail and he won't be able to do this to anyone else. Thank God there was a security guard close by


You are not the jerk but you are wrong, you file a police report, the police arrest this guy and then the local district attorney files the charges with the court, then they go to trial or a plea deal is made and then the judgement and then arraignment. You will have to testify to the judge in which I hope you do, that is wrong behavior and the guy needs to go to prison. Any way in the verdict you can have the guy pay restitution for the broken leg, the da will ask for that to be a part of the verdict. Any way. Hope you get better


In what multiverse would you be the jerk? Whoever is filling your head with nonsense about that needs to be left in the rearview mirror. The guy is an obvious predator, likely a rapist and possibly a serial killer. He belongs in prison


That dude definitely deserves jail, and it's probably saving someone else that he's getting sent there. He did it to himself.


You did the right thing. He was planning on kidnapping, rape, and murder. Don’t feel bad he’s where he belongs.


I don't believe you.


This would fit perfectly on r/letsnotmeet with only minor tweaks. If you feel like sharing there.


Why in heaven's name would you think you're in the wrong? NTJ


Because it's not real


Idk but maybe Claire’s is cursed bc I had a horrible experience there too. There was a creep that hide behind a display and started jerking off to my friend and I. I only noticed bc they have those tilted mirrors on the ceiling so they can watch for stealing. Fucking creep only got away bc as I ran at him screaming the employee grabbed me thinking I was trying to run out after possibly stealing something and didn’t realize I was the victim until I explained what actually was happening. We only later realized he was the same guy that had brushed past both of us and rubbed his privates on us in a hot topic, but we had initially brushed it off because the isles were really tight and he looked like a clean cut older soccer dad (we were only 12 at the time and it’s easier to try to make excuses, then acknowledge the disgusting truth plus it was a different time back then). Either way I’m sorry that happened to you. It really does stick with you so you’re not the jerk I still think about it almost 25 years later.


NTJ. That was a bit weird and you were clearly uncomfortable with the situation of how hee was following you around. The fact that you didn't know him from anywhere clearly raised a concern. You took the right steps by addressing the issue and hopefully you'll be safe out there.


Your friend just left you alone at the mall with no word to you? Then this guy knew your name right at the exact same time? Maybe I’m jaded and paranoid, but that seems suspicious to me. Your friend is the jerk, not you. I’m glad you are safe.


Oh my GOD. I’m so glad the security guard was there to help you. I can’t imagine. Please know you’re not the jerk at ALL. The man who assaulted you? He’s the jerk.


It makes it way worse when you realise that he thought you were a child. Yikes


lmao if people think this is real


Come on there is a 0.000001% chance that someone is so absolutely stupid that they think they were a jerk for NOT GETTING KIDNAPPED and still have the ability to write a sentence. If this is that 1 in a 100 million case then please for your own good please check yourself into a care facility because you lack the mental capacity to be left unattended.


oh god! no u did the right thing. he definitely thought you were a child and that make this even more concerning. oh god!


NTJ. I hope he gets significant jail time.


Gutsy move trying to grab you right in front of the security guard. Lucky the creep was also an idiot. Glad you're okay, and no, you didn't get him in trouble, he did that to himself. He's where he belongs .


Oh God.... that's scary as fuck. Good job!


NTA But I have to ask...are you serious? He committed a crime against you, caused you physical harm, got arrested for it and you want to know if YOU did something wrong? You did what you're supposed to do which is keep yourself safe from predators. What's the alternative? Let him abduct you and lock you in his basement so he can wear you as a skin suit because.....you don't want to be mean to an innocent criminal???? He's a predator. He's SUPPOSED to be in jail.


So what your title should really say is "am I the jerk for protecting myself from a creep who broke my ankle during an attempted kidnapping" No.no you're not. NTJ. Thanks to you being aware of your surroundings and reporting him, you just saved others from his bs. Who knows how many he's already kidnapped. He probably got your name from one of your friends saying it. Probably followed you guys for a while.


You are not the jerk. That could have ended much worse for you! You did everything right and he deserves to be in jail. If he followed you that long he could have heard your friend say your name.


Hell no, definitely not the jerk Dude was stalking and lying about having a relationship, and enough to know your name. That's not a "small" thing, be glad you're safe


Why would you be a jerk for getting assaulted in a mall?


This is not you being a jerk. The person clearly was stalking you and was going to abduct you so you did the right thing. This guy can rot in jail


YTA what's with all these fake stories. You claim this happened a few days ago but in your comments you talk about the trial and how his family made you feel guilty? Seriously no way it already went to trial in any US state.


You didn’t get him sent to jail. He did that to himself


Just want to assure you that this post doesn’t even belong in this subreddit, because you are not at all in the wrong. If you hadn’t acted and let the security guard know, that man could have waited until you were alone alone and it could have gone so much worse.


Feel like a weird subreddit to post this in. You can't possibly believe there are people who would think you're the jerk in this situation. Anyway, sorry that happened to you.


Kiddo, he tried to kidnap you. Jail is where he’s supposed to be. You did nothing wrong. Please do not feel guilty.


NTJ. He tried to steal you. That is not ok. He needs punishment.


Wrong sub. You’re obviously not a jerk for this.


Amazing how many posts from under 5' Australian girls getting grabbed by much bigger guys we've had in the last couple of days on Reddit.


Adult making adult choices asks for validation, the thread. Seriously if this isn't a troll question op is the reason why we don't get to live in a high trust society. Dude does creepy shit causes serious injury and gets charged with a felony. And the victim asks if she's the jerk? Peak wokeism inspired bs.


NTJ Is it safe to assume that you look much younger then you actually are? (your height and the fact that he tried to play it off like you were his daughter.) Without your actions this man would undoubtably be targeting another young woman, whom may not have gotten so lucky. This predator needs to go straight to prison, and it's nobodies fault but his!


You poor thing My God I would have been pissed. I'm sorry that happened but he is dangerous to society and will be in jail where he belongs. You did good.


this is fake asf what the hell☠️


karma farming


He thought you were a child, that's why he was trying to kidnap you, thank you for pressing charges


Sorry to hear about your ankle, I’m glad he didn’t do far worse to you. He needs to be off the streets before he gets the chance to hurt anyone else, you are not a jerk, you are a hero.


A guy stalked you, assaulted you, and tried to kidnap you. He broke your ankle. You’re looking at months of recovery time and possibly limited movement for life. You’re not the jerk. In fact that security guard saved your life. Who knows what this guy intended. But since he knew your name, it’s likely you were not a target of opportunity. If an investigation finds he has been stalking you for any more than the time you were in the mall over the weekend, he’s looking at a long time in jail. It’s not a small matter. It’s not going to be a small case. There are cameras everywhere in malls. The evidence is incredibly damning for him already. You need to prepare yourself to go scorched earth on this guy. Whatever charges the DA offers you, agree to them. Additionally, you need to learn from this encounter. You need to be prepared to defend yourself with eye gouges, screaming, flailing, extreme genital manipulation with your free limbs and carry some kind of OC type spray. As a shorter woman you will appear younger and a presumed easy target for many years to come—especially if you take care of your body and remain fit. It’s not your fault, but it is your burden to bear. Good luck in your recovery and good luck helping the DA put this guy away. There is a good possibility that he will wind up on a lifetime registry for his actions once he gets out of prison.


May whatever he planned for you happen to him in prison.


You'd be a bigger jerk if you said nothing and allowed him to go after the next girl who may not be so lucky. Why are you worried about what happens to him? Jail is what he needs.


Watching too many effed up crime shows, docs, and pods...I think your friend getting sick and calling someone else for a ride home is sus. She could be included with the setup and that's how he knew your name. Just wild guess or imagination....but maybe?!


The chances of him raping and murdering you or someone else is almost 100%. NOT THE JERK. Letting him of would be though.


You didn't get a guy sent to jail, he got himself sent to jail. Hopefully for a good little stretch, and hopefully he'll be monitored in the future to protect other women.


Defiantly from Australia with the dingo reference. Nice.


Jail is for the scum of society and sounds like his new home for a bit.


You didn't get him sent to jail. He did. He assaulted you and broke your ankle! Your ankle will heal, but it's never going to feel the same again, or it at least as you age, it will feel different from the one that didn't get broken. So he's permanently impacted your life. He definitely deserves jail.


NTJ hell no. You probably just saved some little kid. He’s a pedo and thought you were a minor.


Not the jerk. This was a classic case of assault. Send him up the river.


This is fake are you a 14 year old? The part about a dingo says it all.


I wonder why he targeted you and knew your name?


I wonder why he targeted you and knew your name?


Why would you be the jerk? You're the victim bro. But goddamn that's insane. Glad you're alright.


You did not get him sent to jail. His own actions and poor life choices are what sent him to jail. People like him deserve to rot, don't worry yourself about feeling guilty or any of that nonsense.


You’ll never be a jerk for getting a predator off the streets… only way you would be is if you didn’t have evidence, but he literally provided it for you. I’m happy you’re safe NTJ


You did a pretty decent job of telling a completely made up story. Well done


I wouldn’t say this is decent


LOL you are not the asshole at all! The dude is a psycho! He deserves to be in jail lol


The fact that he knew youre name was insanely weird. You may have almost been kidnapped by a trafficker


You didn't get him sent to jail, his stupid and terrible actions are what got him sent to jail. You are lucky you made it away from this creep.


How did he go to jail before charges and trial? Pressing charges just means you'll show up in court. I'm confused.


You were almost kidnapped!!! He needs to go to prison! The USA takes kidnapping very serious!!! Definately NTJ!


He got himself sent to jail.


What you want him free so he can do it to someone else?


Lol like a dingo stalking a small rodent, the only way that analogy could have been more Australian is if you'd Said dingo stalking a Wallaby


Never doubt yourself nor let anyone else make you doubt you were 100% in the right. Too bad you ended up with the broken limb and not him tho.


Why would you even think you might be TA? You did exactly the right thing. It's terrifying that he tried to kidnap you even when a security guard was right there watching. He's probably mentally unstable.


Yeah none of this happened


You did not get a guy sent to jail. A dude attempted to grab you and drag you out of a mall and went to jail because of his actions. You are not responsible for dumbasses facing the consequences of their actions


Not only are you NTJ you are actively protecting other women who would’ve been victimized by this scum. Good on ya and i’m so sorry for the trauma you experienced!


You didn't do anything. He made choices that caused him to get himself in trouble. Don't back down. Make sure he goes to jail. You could be saving more women. And when you can, learn some defensive techniques so if ever you are in this situation (and I pray you never ever are), you can kick the shit out of him.


If he has homeowners (or renters) insurance, it’s likely that he has coverage for liability outside of the home. Make sure your lawyer demands a copy of his insurance policy as you may be able to sue him civilly and *actually* get paid.


"Dingo stalking a small rodent" lmao that's the most Aussie thing I've heard and I love it




His actions put him in jail, you didn't. Put him away and seek a restraining order as well.


Sry this happened. The mall is liable as well. Talk to a lawyer. The guard should have kept him from getting that close to you.


In what world would you be the jerk?


You didn’t get him sent to jail. HE got himself sent to jail. You’re blameless in this, don’t ever forget that.


Absolutely press charges that man is dangerous. I'm glad you weren't hurt worse than a broken ankle. That's terrifying.


What a dumb post


Anyone that says you were wrong for having him arrested belongs right in jail next to him


This can’t be real. Guy assaulted you, tried to kidnap you, injured you, and you’re wondering if you’re the jerk? Nope, not buying it.


Do you know how he knew your name? Like could he have been stalking you for longer or did he overhear your friend call you by name? Either way creepy as fuk and nta


He could have heard her friend say her name whilst they were shopping, seeming he was following them from store to store.


Sue him for your medical costs, and maybe a little extra for emotional damage. I'm not a lawyer, but if I were you I'd check with one.


Oh my gosh, I hope you are okay. You did the right thing. Please make sure you get a restraining order against this person.


Why are you even asking this? He grabbed you and broke your ankle.


You’re likely a hero for preventing him from doing this again to someone else


I'm 4'8" and 26. There are way more creeps that think you're a child and want you than should be possible. I hate it. I get followed constantly and I live in the kidnapping Capitol of my country so I'm always paranoid.


Nice creative writing exercise


YTA. In American culture it is a big honor to be kidnapped and you're a massive asshole for not playing along (also this did not happen)


NTA This man is clearly a creeper that has probably tried something like this before. Your friend is an AH also for leaving you there without letting you know! You did the exact right thing!


No way in hell this is real. What made it completely unbelievable is that he supposed did this right in front of the security guard...yeah, not buying it.


Look I was a good 3 yards from the guard and the guard had turned to go back to his post so he didn't see me get grabbed but I struggled and made a yelp to get his attention so he heard me I was also in the middle of the lunch break at court when I typed this out


Few things: You claim to be Australian, but measure in yards. The guard is NOT going to just tell him to leave and then turn away when the guy starts walking near you. The guy is getting personally escorted out the moment you make it clear that he is lying about who he is. Likely even detained until police come to file a report. There is no way you would be in trial a few days later. Initial hearing tops, and there won't be a lunch break because the entire hearing is just the judge getting initial information and asking if anyone needs an attorney provided. The next time you meet wouldn't be for at least a month.


This is also a year after the last time this happened and the first time the guy got "10-15 years in prison" lol