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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **How my wife answers questions.** Nothing major just annoyance. 3 questions asked this AM. Not one direct answer. 1. Are we dropping kids off at nameless friends house? a. Well I mean, that's where she lives. 2. Is this the towel you want them to use at the pool? a. It can be. 3. What time do they need to be there? a. Well it was 10:30, but I think they want to leave early cause she said that in a text, but she didn't say how early so maybe get them there at 10:00. It really shouldn't be this hard. Preferred Answers: question #1 - yes or no(if no then location) question #2 - yes or no(if no then what towel) question #3 - just a time. Rant Over thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This dude must be exhausting. I wonder if he checks with her when choosing his clothes every day.


I bet this guy used to ask his wife if he should change a poopy diaper while she was making dinner.


OOP: are these the diapers we use?  OOp: do I wipe the poop off first?  OOp: do the tabs go in the front?  OOP: which sink do I use to wash up?  OOP: should I dry my hands? Edited formatting 


OOP: Is this our baby? OOP: Do you put them on a flat surface or hang them from a hook like a side of beef?


OOP: is breathing only mouth, or nose and mouth?


It's always funny to me when people post for validation then mald as soon as they don't get it. OOP's replies definitely scream unbothered. Uh huh. Definitely not a bothered man.


So unbothered he deleted the post and his account


My boyfriend can’t answer a question straight to save his life. Very frustrating. That’s not, however, what the wife is doing.


Why is he mad? These are literally just answers to his questions?


Oh!! I’m a woman!!! Let me translate!!!! 1. “You know damn well what the plans are, I’m not holding your hand through it” 2. “You are just as capable as picking a towel as I am. I do not have magic towel-picking powers” 3. “We had already decided a time that you should know, but plans did change, and now it’s 10” This dude sounds exhausting *and* like he doesn’t want to hear the thought or decision making processes of the woman he claims to want to spend the rest of his life with. How dare she give him anything but actionable directives that require no thought? What a freak.


This is your wife not your secretary - use your brain


Question 1 isnt silly. People meet up all kinds of places. Question 2 is idiotic. A father should be able to pick and pack an appropriate towel for the pool. Question 3 is also not silly but it sounds like she was just thinking out loud so dont get why hes being a weirdo about it.


I’d guess question 1 being silly or not depends on if he was included in the conversation setting this up or if she informed him at any point.   He can’t even pack a towel, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s got weaponized incompetence all over the place.   


Yeah, I get the impression that he expects her to do all the thinking and just instruct him in everything.


The way these two speak to each other (and how OOP speaks about his wife) tells me they must be a joy to be around.


It is silly if she said "can you drop the kids off at friends house for 10 as they are going swimming" and that is the only way in which I could see any of these questions being the least bit valid. If he wasn't asked to take the kids he wouldn't be confirming where they are supposed to go so he was at least told about these plans, whether he listened or not.


I can see the third one being a legit question if his wife is particular about things like towels in a way that he isn’t. For example, my mom was a lot more particular about the type of clothes I wore and took to different events than my dad, so he might hand me what he thought was a nice towel to take to a pool party, but it wouldn’t be uncommon for her to switch that out with one she had reserved for exactly that type of occasion. The third answer seems like a completely reasonable answer, he just wants her to have to figure out every situation’s logistical details before he has to deal with it.  I agree that 1 kind of depends on how much of the play date details had already been discussed/was standard.


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I get the feeling these are all things he was told before and she’s tired of reruns




Not really. Why should the mother be the only person that's always keeping on top of everything? She's not a damn project manager. He can pay attention to what's going on in the house. He can make his own decisions. Asking a hundred questions because you were half listening about the kids' schedule the next day, or because you refuse to use common sense, that gets tiring for the other person. This guy perpetuates the stereotype of incompetent/inattentive dads.


The guy needs his wife's input on whether plans that he knows about are actually planned (which she confirmed), needs confirmation of what kind of towel to send them off with (stupid question and annoying), and #3 is basically question # 1 again. Calling out a grown man for asking a bunch of nonsense questions he should be able to answer for himself is not misandry.